06x08 - One of You, I'm Gonna Break in Half

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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06x08 - One of You, I'm Gonna Break in Half

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL: Previously on "The Amazing Race,"

teams set out from Berlin, Germany,

and raced to Budapest, Hungary.

Gus and Hera got the last tickets on the early flight.

JONATHAN: I can't believe Gus and Hera got onto the flight.

If we don't get on the plane, we lose.

PHIL: Knocking Jonathan and Victoria to a later departure.

You made us lose the race. Thank you.

PHIL: Jonathan was infuriated.

I want to know how you got that flight.

That was my flight.

PHIL: For the rest of the leg.

How the...did you get on the plane this morning?

He's starting to become a pain in the ass.

PHIL: The women owned the Road Block at the Olympic Stadium.

Girl power!

PHIL: Launching on the hot rocket bungee.

That was awesome!

PHIL: Once in Hungary, teams had trouble

with their temperamental cars.

Good lord.

I don't know how to drive it.

Don't freak out, honey.

PHIL: When Adam couldn't get it into gear...

REBECCA: This is going to blow up.

PHIL: Rebecca took control to put them back on track.

But Lori and Bolo's car got the best of them.

It ain't doing nothing! It's gone.

PHIL: Stranding them by the side of the road.

This motor's done.

PHIL: And into last place.

We are in last place.

We're gonna be done with this one.

PHIL: While of the teams--

hours of operation, : P.M.

PHIL: Made it early to the Internet cafe.

Lori and Bolo are not going to get here.

PHIL: Delays continued for the pro wrestlers.

Is there a train this evening to Budapest?

Oh, my God. This can't be happening.

PHIL: teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

It's open.

The doors to the Internet cafe opened.

teams were allowed in at one time.

Look what we have here.

Oh, look.

You've located your next route marker.

To get your next clue,

open your e-mail in your AOL Inbox.

PHIL: Teams must now log on to America Online

by using a wireless Intel Centrino laptop.

You've got mail.

"To access your e-mail, click on You've Got Mail mailbox."

Clicking into AOL is like communicating with my best friend.

Can you help me do this?

You've got mail.

Here we go. "Travel by taxi--

to Hungary's Heritage Rail Museum."

PHIL: Teams must now travel by taxi approximately miles

to Hungary's Heritage Rail Museum.

When they arrive, teams will have to ride this drazie,

a small motorized railcar, down the tracks

at speeds up to miles per hour

to get their next clue.

"The hours of operation at the Rail Museum--"

: in the morning.

Aaron, come on.

Hey, Phil.

Open your e-mail in your AOL Inbox.

Thanks, Phil.

BOLO: Is there a train this evening to Budapest?

: to Budapest.

Thank you so much.

The lady, she gave us the wrong information.

Damn it. That's our luck.

We are going to try our best and do what we can do.

See you.

Come on. Let's get a taxi.

COMPUTER: Welcome.

That's sweet.

I miss AOL.

Click on the AOL icon.

There goes a taxi!

All right. Let's go.

Come on, baby.

Damn it!

What part of hold the cab don't you understand?

This is part of the game.

Oh, shut up.

Shut up.

Let's go fast.

Taxi, taxi, taxi!

Come on, Daddy.

GUS: It's a new ballgame. We start tomorrow.

I am looking forward to getting some sleep.

"You've got mail."

Click on the--

-Honey, I know.-OK.

Babe, why are you Ret*rded right now?

OK, we read it, let's go.

"Travel by taxi to Hungary's Heritage Rail Museum."

All right. Let's do it.

Come on, Adam.

Ride the marked drazie to retrieve your next clue.

COMPUTER: Goodbye.

I stink. I'm dirty.

Come on, let's go.

Great, what a train.

If we aren't last, God is with us completely.

If this train don't make it, we're screwed.

Is that pizza right there?

-Let's go. Let's eat.-I agree. Let's eat.

Come on, Rebecca. Follow me.

Rebecca, why are you going that way?

Hurry up, Adam.

You guys, this is insane.

Look at that building.

So cool.

It looks like Disneyland but real.

It's the whole gothic architecture thing

that kind of gives it this...feeling,

like you can feel it.

I want a camera.

This is so cool.

So where is our hotel, kids?

It's just right there.


Let's go be romantic by ourselves.

I'm so over being romantic with you.

Like, I don't want to be romantic with you.

You're like my brother. I like being with them.

I like them, too.

They don't want to be with us because we're fighting.

I am not fighting.

The sucky part about it is I am a cool chick.

I am fun to hang out with.

Adam is awesome and I love him.

I do enjoy being with him, but I look at Aaron and Hayden.

I look at Kris and Jon.

It seems so much healthier than what I have.

I just want you to remember every time you say something

about being romantic or anything, I offered.

I said, "Let's go by ourselves--"

Whatever, Adam. I am so over you.

Go away. I would rather be

by myself than be with you.

Rebecca and I have a lot of problems and issues,

But I do have a lot of love for her,

and that's never gone away.


Adam, I don't care.

He knows where it is. Let's go.

Come on, Victoria.

You know what, Victoria?

Here we are.

You think we'll get our own room?

You never know.

It's our second time on a boat. This will be fun.

Hotel Fortuna.

I am tired.


Let's see if there's a cab.

We've got to find the Internet cafe.

There is a cab out here.


Bolo, this ain't New York.

Can you take us to the Klub Internet cafe?

Let's go.

We got to go online and get our next clue,

if they're open, which most likely they're not.

I don't see how we are going to catch up.

Nothing is going our way period.

See what he's gonna do now.

Klub Net, right there.

Thank you. Let's go up here.

It's open.

Can you frickin' believe this?

"Travel by taxi to Hungary's Heritage Rail Museum.

The hours of operation are : A.M."

Cool, they haven't even frickin' opened up yet.

-Let's go.-We need a cab.

Can you pick us up?

We need to go to--

Heritage Rail Museum?

We will see what happens when we get there.

Is this the Heritage Rail?

Come on. Let's go.

This is when we run over everybody.

They're off.

Here, let's go.


Rebecca, over there, across the street.

Heritage Rail Museum.

Thank you very much.


Can you go to the railway?

OK, let's do it.

We are headed to the Historical Railway Museum.

Do you speak English?

A little, yeah.

Oh, very good.

We are all in a race.

And you are part of that race.

OK. Railroad Museum.


OK, we are going here.

Yeah, the Rail Museum.

-Good, good.-Thank you.

It's Adam and Rebecca.

Hi, guys.


This is the line.

Is there anybody else here?

Did you go to the Internet place?

Thank you.

Here you go.

Lori and Bolo are here.

Come on, Daddy.

Let's go.

Let's just go.

Good morning.

Everyone is here. Look at this, Jon.

Here we are.

Get ready to run.



Are you all right, baby?

HERA: People are psycho.

Honey, are you OK? Are you bleeding?

Come on, baby.

Let's go. Over here.

Jon, come on!


Are you coming back here?

Bolo, let's go!

Come on!

ADAM: Rebecca!

HAYDEN: Aaron!

Go, go.

Hey, get it!

BOLO: One, right here.

LORI: Bolo got the one.

[All talking at once]

Where's the numbers?

BOLO: The numbers went flying everywhere.

FREDDY: Who pulled the gate down?


No, the gate. Who pulled it down?


Who pulled the gate down?

We couldn't because we were gone.

[All talking at once]

We didn't.

Freddy got hit in the face.

Who pulled the gate down? I want to know it now!

Do you think if I did it I would tell you?

No, I want to know! Was it you?

Calm down, buddy.

We couldn't have. We were too far ahead.

We were gone.

When I find out who pulled the gate down,

it's somebody's ass.

LORI: Why do you think it's us?

We were too far ahead.

You're OK. You're OK.

Come on. Walk it off. Seriously.

Are you all right?

No, it hurts.

Did it just come back down?

It came back down really hard.

It was like--

One of you I am going to break in half.

My God.

I am telling you now.

One of you will pay for that.

Right here.

Hera got hit, too.

I got hit in the head. I got it right here.

He was definitely looking at us.


Oh, yeah, baby.

We are out first.

It feels like getting hit with a bat

right across the face.

It looks like it.

Let's go.

Got it. Let's go.

Fast Forward.

PHIL: This is the first of only Fast Forwards

hidden on the entire race.

The first team that finds it can skip all tasks

and go directly to the Pit Stop.

Teams can the Fast Forward only once during the race,

so they need to decide

when it's most advantageous to go for it.

In this Fast Forward, teams make their way into this cavernous labyrinth

and engage in a ritual from Hungarian folklore.

Since Transylvania used to be part of Hungary,

teams will have to take part in the Legend of the Vampire

and drink a goblet of pig's blood

to win this Fast Forward.

Let's go to Fast Forward.

We have been through hell and back.

We might as well try to Fast Forward.

Let's go.

Let's rock 'n' roll. Let's go.

Straight back through, baby.

We are getting the Fast Forward.

Is there a taxi?

Let's go see if we can get one.

-Is there a taxi up ahead? -No.

That's our luck.

Come on.

"Now it's time to get to Hungary's

most famous river, the Danube."

PHIL: Teams must make their way approximately miles

to Margaret Island on the Danube River.

The next clue is waiting outside the main entrance.

Of the Hajos Alfréd Nemzeti Sportuszoda.

Come on.

Taxi right here. Yeah!

Fast, fast.

Please. Run, run.

I don't know why Freddy was looking at us,

'cause we were long gone.

[Imitating Freddy] You messed my face up.

You messed my face up. Wah!

Ain't going to take no pictures with that face.

♪ Supermodel

All right, we've got to find a cab.

"Hajos Alfréd Nemzeti Sportuszoda."

-All right, let's go-Cool.

There is a taxi. Where is he going, honey?

He's got somebody in his car.

Well, come on.

We've got to get out of here, Aaron.

I want to go again.


It's fun.

Where is the frickin' taxi?

Taxi? Taxi? Taxi! No!

Taxi. Sweet.

Hajos Alfréd Nemzeti Sportuszoda. Very fast.

There's Aaron and Hayden.

There's a taxi.

How did that happen?

He dropped someone off and picked them up.

Well, come on, baby.

We passed Harron and Ayden there.

They're on the side of the road walking.

Aaron and Hayden.

Did I say it wrong?

-Harron and Ayden.-I always say that!

We could be walking around forever.


Of course, Kris and Jon go whizzing right by us.

OK, so what?

Nothing we can do about it.

I know there's nothing we can do about it, Aaron.

Fast Forward.

My whole face hurts, honey.

Choo-choo! That was fun.

We need a taxi.

Taxi, taxi, please. Let's go.

There goes one.


-This? -Yeah.

We need to go there.

Thank you.

Fast Forward. I bet somebody else has already taken it.

Here we go.

Feel better.

Where is the taxi?


"Nemzeti Sportuszoda."

We're back in the groove. See you later.

Go, Daddy.


Let's go.

-Whoo!-Let's go.

We're in a race.

"Nemzeti Sportuszoda."

We've got to find a cab, Daddy.

I know, honey.

I don't see a taxi stand.

Come on, baby.


Do you speak English?

We need to get to the Danube.

Driver: OK.

I have been a clown today.

I've just been hit in the nose.

I lost total control.

It was like somebody taking the lid off a pressure cooker.

It feels good coming from dead last

to completely first place again.

And hopefully with this Fast Forward,

if we complete it, we will go right to the Pit Stop

and not have to worry.


Detour, swim or paddle.

A Detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams have to choose

between Hungarian water activities.

Swim or Paddle.

In Swim, teams make their way

to this Olympic-sized swimming pool

and participate in a water polo exercise.

Working together, teams will have to score a goal

against a top Hungarian water polo player.

This task could be exhausting,

but teams with quick hands could finish fast.

In Paddle, teams must find this beach.

When they arrive, they'll have to use a hand pump

to inflate a raft and then paddle that raft

across the Danube to this flag.

There is no skill to master in this task,

but inflating the raft

and navigating the strong Danube current

could take a long time.

"First come, first serve." who's swimming?

That's gonna be cold.

It says you must put on

the water polo gear provided for you.

-OK.-A Speedo.

Stuck in a traffic jam.

There is no other way around?

Don't worry about it.

We're back in it.

Quit saying we're back in it.

We ain't back in it until--

What the hell do you call first place, Lori?

It ain't first place until we step on the Pit Stop.

You are the biggest optimist I have ever seen in my life.

I'm sorry, but that's the way I was raised.

You're not there until you're there.

Let's go, baby.

Nice work.

[Whistle blows]

"Travel by taxi to Gundel Restaurant.

"You will find your next clue

near the exterior door to the wine cellar."

PHIL: Teams must now make their way approximately miles

to this -year-old restaurant in Budapest known as Gundel.

It is here that teams will get their next clue.

This is like a perfect day.

We need to get a taxi.

REBECCA: Run out and get the clue

and come back in the car.

You just played water polo in Hungary.

There is our taxi right there.

Get him, get him, get him, baby.

We're gonna stay-- we're gonna hold our cab, though.

DRIVER: All right.

Can you call a taxi?

It's a Detour. Swim is what we are going to do.

We got to hurry up, Adam.

Oh, jeez, I have to wear a Speedo?


We're going to, uh, Gundel Restaurant.

OK. Who is not that good?


Rebecca, he's going to try to block the shot.

It's OK.

Throw it to me.

Throw it back to me. Not hard.

You got it.



Yes! Good work!

"Travel by taxi to the restaurant.

"You'll find your next clue

next to the exterior door to the wine cellar."

Do you know this?

Let's go.

Look at this. Oh, boy.

Will you wait for us?

Race, race, race!

Not that way. Straight and to the left.

Going to run you down like a dog, Jonathan.

We have to find the swimming pool.

I see the flag.

Right here, right here. Hayden, Hayden.

Let's go swimming.


Paddle or Swim?

I say we swim.

Let's do the swim. I just--

What do you want, Victoria?

Let's swim, I said.

I don't want to paddle something!

I'm gonna take off my underwear and jump in.

Nice job, Hayden.

Nice work, Hayden.

Right here, Hayden, Hayden!

Come on, baby.

You got it.

Whoo! All right!

"Travel by taxi to Gundel Restaurant."

I totally burned that goalkeeper.

He had no chance.

I have a cannon for an arm.

I am the Michael Jordan of water polo.

Aaron, come on. Gundel Restaurant.

Let's pick up the pace here.

You got to go fast, fast, fast.

Go, go, go, go.

Fast, fast, fast, fast.

"Gundel Restaurant." OK, let's go.

GUS: There's the clue box.


I can paddle real fast.

OK, let's paddle. Come on, Daddy.

Here we go.


Come on, Daddy. Let's go fast.

I am going as fast as blank speed.

Do all of them need to be closed

in order for them to work?

No, it should have a one-way valve.

Come on.

You're almost there.

Come on.

I see the flag.

Detour. Swim or Paddle?

Water polo. It's going to take

a lot longer to paddle across the Danube than it is

to get in the pool and throw a ball.

We have to go around that side.

Go ahead.

We have to upstream a little bit.

We got it made, we're gonna go for it.

We will start turning around in a second or two.

Let's go around that boat.

Honey, I need you to row harder than that.

It's hard, Daddy.

Oh, my God.

This guy better know where he's going.

We've had the worst luck with cabs.

Is this it?

We just went down this road.

This guy is lost.

Oh, God, I give up.

What the hell is this?

This doesn't look right.

Come on, man.

This guy better not be lost.

Pull as hard as you can, honey.

We need to be there.

I'm pullin'.

You just keep pulling.

Usually on a raft like this,

quicker, shorter strokes are better.

We are doing good.

-Pull.-I am pulling.

We're getting out of the back now.

-Pull.-There it is.

Stop. Stop.

Hold on to the boat.

Come on, Daddy.

"Travel by taxi to Gundel Restaurant.

You will find your next clue."

Now we find a taxi.


Are you OK?

Yeah, I am OK.

You go down, I will swim. OK?


Good job, honey.

"Travel by taxi to Gundel Restaurant."

Let's go, babe.

We could get out and run and find it.

This is it right here. This is it.


Park, park.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Someone is already here.

How do you know?

I hear the music playing.

Arrows. Straight.

Right here, right here.


BOLO: Blood!

LORI: That's nasty.

We drink?




"Fast Forward. Congratulations.

"You won the Fast Forward.

"Make your way to the next Pit Stop,


PHIL: Teams must now travel to an area called Point Zero.

Once there, they must travel by foot

on a funicular, a motorized trolley,

to Halaszbastya,

also known as the Fisherman's Bastion.

This monument built to honor the fishermen

who fought the Turks in the Middle Ages

is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here may be eliminated.

Let's go.

Now. Let's run.

We have to figure out how to get out of here.

Find out where we're going.

Get our stuff.

Let's go.


Ask that lady. She probably knows.

Right there?

Let's go. I see it.

Thank you.

Get up there on the bridge.

I see the stairway.

I am ready for some sleep.

Didn't taste like blood.

That was nasty.

Welcome to Budapest, Hungary.

We are hungry. Thank you.

Lori and Bolo,

you are team number one.

Whoo! Yeah!

Hell, yeah!

All right.

Guess that blood got to you, huh?


I have some good news for you guys.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

you have won a vacation to romantic Europe--

LORI: Yay!

Compliments of American Airlines website, aa.com,

and you can enjoy that after the race.


Thank you.

This just goes to show you

that never give up on this race

no matter how long it takes

because we were in dead last place.

Now we are in first.

All right.

Let's go. Oh, my gosh.

Road Block.

"Who is ready to spice up their life?"

a Road Block is a task that only one person may perform,

and no one can do more than on the entire race.

In this Road Block, one team member has to eat

a -ounce bowl of soup made with

traditional Hungarian spices.

While this might seem like an easy task,

the soup is extraordinarily spicy.

Once they're finished eating,

they'll receive their next clue.

Can you do it? Are you hungry?

You need to do more Road Blocks.

But I can totally do it.

-If you can't do it--You do it.

The end one, baby.

Which one? No, I don't want to sit there.

I will take this one.

It's going to be hot, baby.

Bon appetit.

Oh, yeah.

It's hot.

Adam is the new king of water polo.

I am the king of water polo.

There is a lot of traffic in this city.

Thank you. Thank you.

Wait here. We might come back.

Here's the clue box.

Take this. Take this.

"Eat a -ounce bowl of Hungarian spicy."

Oh, yeah.

Aaron is eating some Hungarian spicy.


Did you make this?

It's a little spicy.

You may want to tone it down a little bit.

Just tone it down a crack next time.

Oh, give me this.

"You have to eat the soup with a spoon."

Stop, stop, stop. Stop. Stop.

Stop, stop, stop!

Road Block.

"Who is ready to spice up their life?"




It's so spicy.


Be quiet.

That music is like screeching violins.

It was like getting my stomach all "Ahh!"

I will make a cheer for you.

You start doing that, I will stop eating.

Look how big the spoon is.

JONATHAN: He obviously loves it.

I am going to stop until you shut up.

Jon is the man.

You got it, baby, you got it.

Tabasco sauce, john.

I don't care what it is, this is a race.

You got it, girl. You got it.

Why don't you do it, Jonathan?

Because I do all the hard stuff.

She wanted to do it.

We just laugh because it seems like Victoria

does more difficult tasks than Jonathan.

Watch out, baby.

You are going to have the runs for a few days after this.

Oh, yeah, baby!

Thank you. Thank you.

Let's go, baby.

That was great.

Let's go.

"Make your way to the Pit Stop," babe.


Bring it back in. Bring it back in.

"Go in side the restaurant and eat a -ounce bowl of Hungarian spicy soup."

Get one of these taxis, baby.

Oh, my God. Taxi!

Is it hard, y'all?


I'm so sorry.

We need to go to Point Zero.

A reservation?

Do you have a reservation?

Both taxis are reserved.

I need something to throw up in.

I need something to throw up in.

Throw up in this if you want.

[Vomits]Oh, God.

-Is it bad?-Yes.

I can't put all this in my stomach. It will k*ll me.


I said that in the beginning, too.


There is a hair in my soup.

Let's go!

Good work. Rebecca, you are amazing!

Look at her eat it over there, Victoria.

Look at her eat it!

At one million miles an hour.

How does that little thing put all that in her body?

I can't believe how fast she's eating it.



Honey, Rebecca's going to beat you.


She's--I'm just--

You are the biggest pain in my ass.

Let's go, Victoria.

You can't do this. They're coming up on you.

[Musicians stop playing]

ADAM: I think we need more music.

AARON: Yeah.

Jesus. You're a machine.

Eat as fast as you can and throw up if you have to,

barf if you have to.

I'm finished!

This sucks.

Thank you.

I got it. I got it.

They ate the whole thing?

-I told you!-How did she do it?

Because she scooped it like I told you!

Gundel Restaurant. We've got to go fast.

I'm going.


Gundel Restaurant?

He knows. He knows where it is.

OK, perfect.

We need Point Zero.

You know Halaszbastya?

Yeah, he knows that.


Between the bowl of Tabasco sauce

and the screeching violins,

it was like a torturous project.

[Vomiting]It's OK.

I am going to get back together with Rebecca

because I love her and adore her.

You are--I mean, a machine.

They don't even understand.

OK. I think I am OK.

"Make your way to the next Pit Stop.


I am OK.

-Are you going to throw up on me in the cab?-Maybe.

Come on, Aaron.

Just throw up when you're done.

I'm trying.

-Let's go.-I'm trying!

Please go away, Jon.

Please go away, you are making it worse.

I don't know what else to say to you.

[Singing in Hungarian]

Good job, sweetie.

Be quiet.

Be quiet.

You are almost done.

You can do it, sweetie. Eat fast.

"Who's ready to spice up their life?"

I am a bear, honey.

I can do spicy food in about seconds.

Yeah, you can.

Look at you. You are a bear.

Oh, my God.

Honey, you are a freaking champ.

HAYDEN: It could be the Pit Stop next, honey.


Good girl. Good girl. Good girl.

All right, all right.

Thank you. Thank you.

Come on. "Make your way to the next Pit Stop.


I don't know what that is.

I am so sorry I made you do that. I'm so sorry.

I should have done it.

In my brain I knew you could do a better job

because you like food so much.

I should have done it!

If you would just shut up, it would really help.

"Make your way to the next Pit Stop,


We got to go to Point Zero.

Hurry, hurry. Muy rapido.

That's Spanish.

I don't care if it's Spanish.

You want me to sit beside you?

Oh, my God. You should see

the underneath of everybody else's table, honey.

You are a champ.


You have like / of what you started with.

Great job.

I put like ounces back in it.

Back in it?

I vomited in it.

No, you didn't.


I can't watch you do that.

I am sorry you have to do this, baby.

Gundel restaurant? You know?

Hopefully we made it up on somebody.

Yeah, I hope so.

All right. That might be the funicular.

The train thing?

Should we take this?

-Yes, yes, yes.-Thank you.

I don't think I ever want to eat again.

I am so sorry. I am sorry.

You should be sorry for being a jerk.

I am not a jerk.

I am trying to get you to motivate.

This is it, we've got on!

I need tickets to the funicular.

Did you buy my ticket?

How good was that soup?

Rebecca, I have never seen a monster like her.

I wish I would have done it

you couldn't have done it.

Because I can pour Tabasco sauce on everything.

I love spicy food. I love--

DRIVER: Paprika.

Yeah, I love paprika. I love Tabasco.

All right, let's go.

Go in the middle one before it leaves!

OK, let's go.

Fast, fast, fast. We are in a race.

It opens on this side.

No, no, we don't want to run her over.

I think we can outrun them.

KRIS: It's so beautiful.


Ma'am? Ma'am?

We have to get in front of you.

We are in a race. Race, race, race.

Here we go again.

Come on, Jon!

Don't go into the Pit Stop crying again.


I see it.

Come on.

It's this way.


We're going to lose.

Shut up.

Welcome to Budapest, Hungary.

Thank you.

PHIL: Kris and Jon,

you're team number .



Jonathan and Victoria,

you're team number .


It's always good to see you, Phil.

Do you know what a funicular is?

OK, minutes?

How many minutes?

minutes? , OK.

It's so little, it seems like so far away.

No, it's not. You're right there, baby.

You are right there.

It's bites.



Good job, honey.


Awesome, baby.

"Make your way to the next Pit Stop."

You were such a champion in there, honey.

Let's go.

Come on, Daddy.

"Who is ready to spice up their life?"

You, OK, Daddy. You're on.

I see it. It's up the stairs.

I'll run up the stairs, I don't care.

I want to take that neat train thing.

All right, we'll take it.

If it's leaving in a minute, we got it.

We'll take it.

We can walk?

Where is it?

Up, OK.

We are going to go this way.

I don't know, baby. I don't know.

You're freaking out, Hayden, you're freaking out.

Wow, this is so neat.

Come on, Daddy.

"Make your way to the next Pit Stop,



ADAM: Funicular.

This is dope.

That's why we didn't run up the stairs. I saw this thing.

Wow! This is so neat. Funicular!

Are you sure it's this way, Aaron?

This is right.

We are looking for the flag.

Cool, look.

Come on, Aaron.

It's beautiful out here.

Beautiful city.

So alive and beautiful.

Is that them?

Hurry! Let's go!

Where, Aaron?

Welcome to Budapest,


-Thank you very much.-Thank you!

Hayden and Aaron,

you're team number .


Damn it!

Come on, come on. Come on.

Right here.

Adam and Rebecca,

you're team number .

We can't get out of , can we?

Good work.

Good work.

Almost to the Pit Stop, sweetie.

OK, stop, stop.

Halaszbastya? Where?

Up the stairs?


Let's go.

It's up the stairs, honey.

-Are you sure?-Yeah.

I wanted to make sure.

Come on.

Oh, man, what a day.

This way?

Yeah, let's go.

It's quicker this way?

HERA: There it is, right there, see?

-Up the stairs?-Yeah.

Freddy and Kendra...

you're team number .


FREDDY: Had a bad day.

I got punched in the nose.

I just felt so bad.

Vomited and ate my own puke.


We're not eliminated. All right.

Gus and Hera...

you're the last team to arrive.


I am sorry to tell you, you have both been eliminated from the race.

We had a really rough day.

What happened?

It was just one thing after another.

When you're coming from behind,

we just couldn't catch up.

Hera and I have become a lot closer,

and that bond is forged in steel.

I don't think it will ever be broken.

I love my dad and I will always love him.

Coming on this race with my father,

I did hope to have a stronger relationship

and that I have achieved.

The race has definitely brought us closer.

My daughter will always be my daughter,

but now my daughter is my friend.

PHIL: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

PHIL: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race,"

Hayden and Aaron's relationship takes a turn for the worst.

Aaron, you need to do something.

I am going to hyperventilate.

You are such a--

No, I am not a bitch!

Tell my mom I love her.

PHIL: And a deep sea challenge sinks Adam.

Ow! Stop, stop, stop!

Adam, just get down there and do it.

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