04x12 - He's a Couple of Ticks Away from Having a Heart Attack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x12 - He's a Couple of Ticks Away from Having a Heart Attack

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on The Amazing Race--

teams set out from this palace in Seoul, Korea,

and flew nearly , miles to Brisbane, Australia.

Circus clowns Jon and Al fell behind

after missing a crucial connection.

I'm about to explode.

I feel the blood going right through my head.

Phil: Engaged couple Kelly and Jon

tried taunting Chip and Reichen

to throw them off their game.

You're letting that gay guy beat you!

Jon, you're an ass...

Phil: But it was Kelly who gave into the pressures

of a fearsome face-first repel.

Best friends David and Jeff

floundered at the fast forward,

but after finally completing the task,

they arrived at the pit stop in first place.

Good work, man.

Phil: Reichen risked life and limb

to take a swim with the sharks.

Reichen, watch out!

Phil: And when he and Chip failed to follow the instructions--

Chip and Reichen, they didn't walk.

Phil: The married couple received a mandatory time penalty.

Your penalty is minutes.

But it wasn't enough to keep

the last-place circus clowns in the race,

and in the end Jon and Al were eliminated.

Aw, man!

Phil: Now, teams remain.

The second to last leg is all about positioning

to gain the best advantage to win.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: This is Australia's Sunshine Coast,

a -mile stretch of seaside playground

for people from across the globe.

And just away from the ocean,

the Mooloolaba Yacht Club.

This was the th pit stop

in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

Will best friends David and Jeff

ride the momentum of their strong first-place finish?

Will engaged couple Kelly and Jon

be able to work together well enough

to compete with the remaining all-male teams?

And can married couple Reichen and Chip

recover from the time penalty

that has dropped them into last place?

David and Jeff, who arrived first at : A.M.,

will depart at : P.M.

Route info--

"Drive yourselves to the Australian woolshed in Ferney Hills."

Phil: Teams must now drive themselves more than miles

to the town of Ferny Hills,

find this woolshed, and search through

one of these giant piles of wool for their next clue.

You have a buck.


For this leg of the race.

All right.

I'm ready. Let's do it.

Our strategy and our plan

was to use the fast forward in leg ,

go into leg with the lead,

and then our goal for leg is to increase that lead.

God knows what's going to happen

over the next legs of the race.

We're going to have to find something to find Ferny Hills

because I don't have that in any of my maps.

David: I think Jon and Kelly

and Chip and Reichen

might be more prone to the emotional attachment

to decisions that are made,

where David and I's are purely analytical.

It's not affecting us emotionally.

That's just the nature of the beast,

to get through this race and win it.


You got it.

Cheers, man, thanks so much.

Let's go.

Oh, yeah, babe, come on.

We have a dollar.

Hold on, let me count it.

Yeah, Jon and I fight, but we made it to the top ,

so what happens on the race stays on the race,

and so far it has only made us stronger.

We're trying to go to Ferny Hills.

Jon: I'm not surprised we made it this far.

With Kelly being the only girl left in the race,

David and Jeff and Chip and Reichen,

they'll be so worried about each other

that they won't see us slip by and go into the lead.

Kelly: So we're going to Ferny Hills.

And it just so happens,

the Australian woolshed is in here.

It gives me the address.

We have been saving our money like crazy.

Hopefully that will come in handy.

We have $. for this leg of the race.


That's it. One buck. There it is.

Reichen: We have a penalty coming into this round,

but we're so glad to still be in the race.

We need to stay intense

but make a conscious effort to be relaxed.

We'll do fine in third place

and we're going to catch back up. Watch out.

So we're gonna have to get a different map.

I think the one major thing I've learned about Reichen,

and with myself at the same time

is we both wanted to be completely in control.

Man: It will be on Sanford Road.

Can we write down directions to get to Sanford Road?

How long would it take to get there, you think?


We both want to prove to our partner

that we know what's going on, that I got us there,

and I think that type of intensity

can hurt us.

Brisbane straight ahead.

See if you can use the trip mileage setting.

That won't get us lost.

Go that way?

Follow it all the way.

My little navigator.

Kelly: Well, what?

We're going the fricking wrong way.

I said turn around if you're going--

Oh, God. You told me to get off--

on . I said to take .

Reichen: Yeah, this is definitely right.

Perfect directions.

Navigational abilities are awesome.

Australian woolshed entrance.

It says go left on the arrow.

Wow, I can't see anything.

There it is. Is there a box with the number?

We're making quick decisions. We're moving quickly.

When we get our momentum, it's tough to stop us.

All right.

Hours of operation-- : A.M.

We're coming off a pretty good high

on the last leg coming in first,

so I want to use that

to our advantage to push us ahead.

Kelly: Is that the guys over there?

There's the goats.

Looks like we're sleeping in the Mercedes.

Kelly: The woolshed didn't open until : A.M.,

so we had hours to k*ll.

It says "entrance" over here.

Reichen: And here's everybody.

hours and minutes to just hang out.

Good morning, Chipper. Are we feeling chipper?

Chip's like, "Well, you know, back in Connecticut,

"we used to own a farm,

and I was in charge of shearing all the sheep."

It's just fun between Chip and Reichen and us.

It's fun to push their buttons and get them riled up

because they take it seriously.

[Imitating Chip] And I own a lot of wool sweaters,

so I'm quite familiar with wool.

I think Jon's strategy is to constantly

just nudge us, nudge us, nudge us,

to try to distract us.

When we're on the race and we're running,

we do like to be serious and stay focused.

As soon as that race starts

you can't even get a friendly wave. Nothing.

We get nothing from them.

Jeff: Oh, this is disgusting!

Jon, where's the gloves?

We don't need gloves.

Jon, I want gloves.

Just start digging.

Jon, be careful.

Man, oh, man!

Kelly: This is a lot of wool.

It's warm and sticky, and it smells like--


Jeff: We thought we would find the clue easily,

but it wasn't that easy. It wasn't.


Here it is, here it is.

Hurry, hurry.

Come on, Jon.

"Fly to Cairns. When you land,

choose the marked cars outside the airport terminal."

Phil: Teams must now drive themselves to Brisbane Airport

and fly more than , miles to the city of Cairns.

When they land, they will choose one of these cars

and drive to Wild World Tropical Zoo,

where they will find their next route marker.

Uh-oh, watch out.



There is not a better feeling

than just having that clue and running away

from the boy teams.

We have to beat them.

I want this clue first.

David: We went through the wool one time

and then realized we had probably overlooked it,

so we had to start back kind of from the edges,

work our way towards the middle

just pulling apart wool a little more meticulously.

I got it, I got it, I got it.

Ok, let's go.

I'll start the car, you read it in the car.

They got theirs.

"Fly to Cairns.

"When you land, choose a marked car

outside of the airport terminal."

Get back on the way we came.

Can you do that?


Jeez Louise.

Jeff: We probably just grabbed too much stuff

at once at the beginning

and threw it out of the way instead of finding it.

Bear, man.

Keep looking.

Eyes wide open, dude.

Keep looking.

Is it a normal-sized envelope?

It may be rolled up a little bit.

Keep that in mind.

Ok, I got it.

You do?

Yeah, I do. Holy crap.

"Fly to Cairns.

"When you land, choose a marked car

"outside the airport terminal,

"drive yourselves to Wild World,

and look for the route marker at the marked entrance."

Let's go.

Chip and Reichen just pulled out before us,

so we're right behind them.

So stay on this till route ?

You're going to take a left on route .

There's an airport.

East-West Road, you're right.

Just get there, babe,

so we can get our flight, OK?

Domestic terminal.

There it is, straight ahead.

Park right here. Come on, babe.

Let's move our little butts.

All right.

If we can get on a flight in minutes,

that would be perfect.


Kelly, come on!

I'm going to Cairns.

Are you the first flight that goes there

of the whole airport this morning?

Is there any other airline

that goes there quicker than you guys?

It's very, very important.

Domestic terminal, straight.

Slow down. Is this it? Slow down.

Straight ahead, straight ahead.

Wow, there's cars here.

All right. Out.

So we're on the : flight to Cairns

and we're pretty sure we're on the first flight.

Check in. Buy tickets.


Ticketing. Straight there. Ticketing.

Thank you very much.

You're a splendid guy.

Have a good trip.

OK, thanks a lot, I appreciate it.

There they are, right there. Hurry. Let's leave.


Why the sad faces, boys?

Reichen: Hi, how are you doing?

Can we just do what they did?

We need tickets to Cairns on the very next flight that's possible.


Cairns, Cairns, right here.

What time?

Gate ,:,

What airline?


Hey, bro. Down here.

Get the passports out.

Hi. We need tickets to Cairns on the : flight.

Jon: We got to the airport first,

got our tickets first,

but there is this thing called the airport equalizer,

and obviously they all caught up.

We're all on the same flight.

Come on. Right here.



Oh, there they are, David!

We're first out of the car!

Let's go, David.

First out, first in the car,

first to leave the airport.

Go, David. Go, buddy!

We just landed in Cairns, and we're headed to Wild World.

We are literally feet behind David and Jeff,

who are feet behind Kelly and Jon.

Kelly: Those guys are seriously determined.

That makes me nervous, I'm sorry.

We have been beating them consistently,

so why would you even say that?

You're not the only girl.

You don't have to feel the way I feel.

They scare me. They really, truly scare me.

Around the turn. Go straight. Keep going straight.

Kelly: Aah!

Jon's keeping them blocked in.

Put your brights to this guy.

Take the lead, my man.

David: I think as far as our approach,

we're very competitive.

If it means we've got to be a little more aggressive,

we're gonna do that.

We need to do that in order to survive.

If we don't, one of the other teams will.

Oh, yeah.

We are just having a little game of cat and mouse.

I have this young lady who's kind of helping me,

just giving them like the full block

so they really can't go anywhere.

It's actually driving them crazy.

Oh, don't do it. They're not going to let you--

I'm boxed in.

Damn it!

When Chip is in a car and he's in traffic,

he's got smoke coming out of his ears,

his blood pressure is going through the roof.

He's a few ticks away from having a heart attack.

Let's go, let's go.


Chip: This is relentless.

Everybody is out to knock each other off.

It's about how do we get ahead of the other teams?

We're going to do that any way we can.

I think there is going to be some bumping and grinding

and there is going to be some bitterness.

Ok, pull in here, and it's all the way to the end.

I just saw the flags.

Jeff: Wild World. I see it.

You've got to turn in. Turn left.

Where is it? Oh, right there.

Ok, good.

It's all the way at the end, I saw the flags.

See them? So park, park right there.

Come on, come on.

Come on, bro.

Grab one, grab one.


Hurry, hurry.

"Choose a Kodak Easy Share digital camera

and follow the path to the croc pen."

Phil: Teams must now follow the marked path to the crocodile pen.

One team member will choose a feeding stick

and feed a fish to the -foot crocodile named Sultan,

while the other teammate takes a picture

with a Kodak Easy Share digital camera.

Only one team may perform this task at a time.

Once Sultan has been fed

and the picture has been taken,

teams must find the souvenir shop,

where they will develop their picture

at a Kodak printer dock and receive their next clue.

Number one, right here.

Let me read it, Chuck.

Welcome to Wild World.

Thank you.

It's nice to be here.

Jon, you feed, I'll take the picture.

Here. Do you want to take the picture?


Jon and Kelly have to go to the back of the line.

They didn't follow the directions.

Oh, holy cow!

Look at the size of him!

How you doing? What's going on?

OK, you already know your task, right?


Who is going to do that task?

I will do it.

You are? Let's step in the enclosure.

Where's the camera?

Jon, Jon. Don't have the camera.

Jon. I don't have the camera.

I have to go back and get the camera.


Let's ask that guy. We're ready.

Damn it.

It's our fault for getting too excited like we always do.

You grabbed the clue out of my hand, Kell.

Are you blaming me?

How am I supposed to know we have to grab a camera

if I don't have the clue?

You read the whole clue.

No, I didn't.

Why are you blaming me?

I'm not blaming anybody. I'm just...pissed.

Be pissed, then. I'm pissed, too, but don't blame me.

We're ready.OK?

Which one of you is actually going to perform it?

You are going to perform it?

You are going to take the photo.

If we see other teams make mistakes, we're going to capitalize.

Jon and Kelly had to go all the way back to the front

to pick up the camera, and we got to go first.

Things have a way of working out.

So he has to eat the fish and then I can leave?

Yes. OK, you ready?


Here we go.

Ok. Present it right up in front of his eyes.

Up and up.

This crocodile could eat you in bites.

It was kinda scary.

That's good. And there you go.

Are we finished?Yeah.

Let's go.

Do you know where the souvenir shop is?

Right through there.

Thank you.

Chip, be careful.

Are we ready?


There you go. Beautiful.

I got the picture. Where is the souvenir shop?

It's this way?

Souvenir shop.

Where's the docking station?

Push the button and print when it stops flashing.

That's fine, that's fine, let it go.

Don't touch it again, it says.

Kelly, put your camera--got it.

Be careful, Jon.

Here we go.

I got it.


Come on, babe.

We have to go for a souvenir. We got to move.

Here we go, got it, got it.

Go slow, Reichen.


Right here. Souvenirs, Kell.

Here, Jon.

Press the button to print.


Come on, clue!

Jon: Chip and Reichen couldn't figure it out.

Sometimes they don't really know what they're doing.

It wasn't really that hard.

All right, David, there we go.

Let's go.

Phil: Teams must now drive themselves miles

to secluded Wangetti Beach,

where they will find their next route marker.

Let's go.

Which way to Wangetti Beach?


North? OK, thank you. North. Let's go.

Kelly: Hurry up. I think it's on the back of it.

Let's go, let's go.

Excuse me.

All right, this is easy.

I want to punch them both right now.

They just get so fricking lucky.

Another picture for the fridge.

Wangetti Beach.

We've got to find this thing before we leave.

Wangetti Beach?

Because I screwed up,

Jon and Kelly got a head start and we lost our lead.

We're in third again.

"Make your way to Wangetti Beach."

Do you want to ask this taxi driver

where Wangetti Beach is?

Thank you very much.

Did he just tell you?Yeah.

Can you tell me where Wangetti Beach is?

North, kilometers?

I saw you flinch when you came out of the water.

That thing was large.

So we kept our heads and we ended up number one.

We're not being arrogant or cocky.

We do want to win this race,

and we feel confident we can.

We just didn't do this race to finish second or third.

We did it to win.

Sorry, babe, about the camera.

It's all right.

I love Jon. There is no change in that.

We're gonna fight once a day

and we'll get over it,

and we will be together forever.

Wangetti. Do you see that anywhere?

I'm looking!

Kelly's mouth is definitely the biggest

of all the crocodile mouths in Australia.

Make a right, I would say.

There it is. The box is straight ahead.

On the beach.

Got it. Thanks.

Jon: Here we are, Wangetti.

Oh, perfect timing, hon.

What the hell are we supposed to look for?

Signs, markers, route markers.

Flags. Any flags? Any flags?

Let's go, David.


Saddle or paddle?

Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose between saddle and paddle.

In saddle, teams must explore this / mile

stretch of beach on horseback

and find one of race flags.

They will then search within a -yard radius

for a cluster of clue envelopes.

However, only one of the clusters contains the actual clue.

The other instruct teams to try again.

The task won't be physically demanding,

but searching the beach for the right cluster

could take a long time.

In paddle, teams have to inflate their own kayak

and then paddle to this orange buoy to get their next clue.

The task requires a good deal of energy

but the clue will be easy to find.

Let's get on the horses.

They're right there.Where?

Right there. OK. Let's do it.

Jon, I think that might have been it.

We're not going to second-guess ourselves, all right?

I'm not second guessing--

my first guess was that was it.

Jon's driving, I'm navigating,

but he really does not listen to me.

I say, "Make a right,"

and he says "Nope."

This is Wangetti Beach.

So go right?

Yeah. Wangetti Beach.

There is a clue.

Where's the clue box?

I see it right there in front of us.

Ok, go.

"Detour, saddle or paddle."

Do you want to do horses?

I love horses.

Let's ride horses.

David and Jeff arrived first at the detour route marker,

we assumed that Jon and Kelly would be there.

They weren't.

Come on, Tyson.

Wanna go left, Reichen?

Just 'cause they're going right. OK.

It's obvious that we're archrivals of David and Jeff

and we're definitely racing against each other tooth and nail.

Jon: Oh, please let me be going in the right direction.

Ask him if we've passed Wangetti Beach.

Excuse me, have we passed Wangetti Beach?

We passed it?

Turn around, Jon.

We're backtracking or minutes.

Jon, I told you that.

All right, Kell. That was my mistake.

I take full responsibility for it.

Hopefully the other teams made mistakes,

but I don't think so.

We haven't done one thing right.

I'm pretty good at these directions,

but Jon was being a jerk.

He really does not listen to me.

You get to a point, when you're that stupid,

that's when you need to be eliminated.

Search the beach for your next clue.

There are four clusters of clue envelopes,

but only one cluster will actually contain clues.

Chip: David and Jeff went right,

and Reichen and I, we turned left on the beach.

The clue envelope clusters are at least

yards at the race flag.

Here's one. Let's do this one right here.

So you wanna look?

I'll dismount.

I see the route marker,

but I don't see a cluster.

I got it!You got it?

Yeah. It's right here.

"Sorry. Try again."

That might be the wrong cluster.

Damn it. We knew that.

I was extremely bummed out,

but we had to keep looking

for clusters of clues.

We're looking for the next flag?


I think I see a flag at the end.

Oh, yeah, go for it.

I got it.

I got it!


Try again?

Those clusters on the left were actually really tough to find.

Let's go.

We were just kicking ourselves.

David: Chip and Reichen chose to go to the left,

which was shorter.

We took the longer route.

I see a red and yellow flag.

Look for the set of clues.

Do you see it?

Oh, right there.

Come on, they're in the tree.

Good work.

"Drive yourself to the town of Julatten

and keep your eyes open for the Off Road Rush."

Phil: Teams must now drive themselves miles

to the town of Julatten

and look for "Off Road Rush,"

an adventure sports company,

where they will find their next route marker.

Town of Julatten. All right, we've got it.

Oh, oh, look at this! Everybody's here.

Jon, let's just get it done.

There's the clue.

Let's ride the horses.


There are only two ways you could go.

We picked the wrong one.

It's a little frustrating,

but it's part of the race.

You make decisions and you live with them.

Kelly: Ooh, the Chippendales are here.

They didn't get it?

They're going back.

They went all the way down there and--

and they didn't get anything,

so we've got to go to the right.

Let's follow them.

Reichen: Jon and Kelly followed us like flies on cow manure.

Jeff, hurry up. They're coming down the beach.

[Horse neighs]

Hey, guys. What's up?

We looked over at David and Jeff riding the horses,

and David looked like he was just

getting his bones jostled.

Jeff looked like a frozen rabbit

and didn't seem very comfortable with the animal.

There's the flag.

There they are, right there.

"Sorry. Try again." Wrong cluster.

Get on the horse.

I'm just tired of this.

Come on, Jon.

Kelly: It's the California guys!

Hey, dudes.

Jeff: We were actually the first ones out of the detour.

We got an advantage over Chip and Reichen and Jon and Kelly.

Let's hit it.

We may need to ask someone directions.

There's people right here.

Looking for a town called Julatten.

Man: Keep following this road until it says "Julatten."

Thank you very much.

This must be it.

You've gotta be kidding me.

"Drive yourselves to the town of Julatten."

Yeah, let's go. Whoo!

Kelly: Wow! Hi, guys.

Ha ha! What's up, dog?

Reichen: We passed Jon and Kelly,

so they got the distinct advantage to go the right way.

Here, Jonny. This way.

Ah, thank you so much.

Do you wanna repack the back while we're doing this?

Do what? Chip!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

You ran over my foot.

Chip tried to start the car

without putting in the clutch,

and the tire ran over my foot.

Did I really run over your foot?

Yes! Be careful.

I did not mean to do it, Reichen.

God, will you calm down?

I meant to run your foot over?

I'm the [beep]?

I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry.

I did not mean to do that.

They went all the way down this way.

It has to be right here, Jon.

There's the flag over there, Jon.

So, it's got to be yards from here. Cluster, right?

So where the hell is it?

Jon, you freak! God!

"Drive yourself to the town of Julatten

and keep your eyes open for an Off Road Rush."

So, do we know where we're going?

No, we don't know where Julatten is.

OK, want to drive and I'll navigate?

No. Let's ask somebody.

Do you want to get out or do you want me to get out?

You get out.

I'm sorry. Where is the town of Julatten? Which way?


"Drive yourself to the town of Julatten.

Off Road Rush."

I don't see it anywhere.

Let me see the map.

Here you go.

Let me see it.

Can you help me out? I'm looking for the town of Julatten.

Did you find it?


Julatten, Off Road Rush.

Take a right, David.

[In Australian accent] This must be the outback!

Bitchin'. How cool is that?

Ok, keep going.

They're up there.

All the way up there is the marker.

Let's do it.

"Road block."

A road block is a task

that only one person may perform.

In this road block,

that person has to choose one of these race buggies

and, along with a racing instructor,

drive as fast as they can along a muddy and bumpy seven-mile course.

As soon as they make it back to their partner

they will be given their next clue.

Who's up for a wild ride?

You wanna do it?

Tell me. I'm up for it.

I'll do it.OK.

Get psyched, dude.

Think about what you are doing.

Don't roll it, make the course.

Let's go, bro.

Stay on that course. Be tight.


Jeff: From the start, I gunned it to see how fast it was.

It had tons of power.

A couple of times I would punch it

and it just took off, and I know we were airborne.

It was bad-ass.

Can you help me?

I'm looking for this town, Julatten.

OK. Thank you very much. Appreciate it.

Good job, babe.

"Off Road Rush."

OK, there it is. I see it.

Ok. Thank God.

Careful, careful.

How do you want me to drive?

However you want, Chip.

I don't know. Just be safe.

Get down. Slow down.

Don't blow the engine.

There's a team coming up.

And there's Chip and Reichen.

We're here.

Oh, they're driving some kind of like

dune buggy or something.

This is all you.

Here you go, Reichen, get the box. Come on.

Road block. Who is up for a wild ride? Me?


Whoo! Come on.

Here's your next clue, mate.

Let's go, money. Good job.

Chip and Reichen just showed up.

Did they?Yeah.

Route info--

"Drive yourself to the next pit stop. Ellis Beach."

Phil: Teams must now drive miles to Ellis Beach.

This picturesque beach at the edge of the Coral Sea

is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

Let's go. Take the thing off.

Good job, bro.Thanks, dude.

If you don't believe you're winning,

that you're going to step on the mat first, you won't.

You have to have the attitude

that no team is going to beat you to that.

Let's hit it.

Keep that driving, bro.

All right, you know how to go.

Go back the same way. Be careful going out of here.

Yeah, I know, now I'm used to it.


We have three teams here hungry to win.

Chip and I both need to be extremely vigilant about details.

We can't afford to make any mistakes.

Damn it!

This is like the worst leg.

Everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong.

Ran the corner a little too fast,

hit the side of a little stump,

bent the front of the car,

so it won't actually turn anymore.

We're through, dude.

We're probably at least minutes ahead of Reichen and Chip.

At least.

I think we see ourselves finishing this leg as strong as we can,

hopefully giving us enough time

to get out of the gate on the final leg

and not feel rushed.

If you're in second or third and there is a gap

between each of the teams,

some people may not stay cool about that.

The car Chip chose is broken,

so they're sending him a new car.

Let's do it again.

"Drive yourselves to the next pit stop. Ellis Beach."

How was it? Horrible?

I cracked the first car up.

I'm really sorry about that.

Ok, I won't run over your foot. I'm so sorry.

We're just going back the way we came.

Oh, dude, this is the best! There they are right there.

That's Jon and Kelly coming right at us.

Who was that, Jon?

Chip and Reichen.

It was?Yeah.

Kelly: Oh, no, it's dune buggies.


Do you want to do it

or do you want me to do it?

What do you think, Kell?


It's a road block.

"Who's up for a wild ride?"

It's my turn, though.

Fine. You can do it.

Once I saw the little sparkle in his eye,

I knew there was absolutely no way

I could take this special moment away from him

so he was like a little kid in a candy store.

Boys will be boys.

Let's get it. This way.

Getting excited, Jon?

Good luck.

Are you sure you don't want to do it?

Good-bye, Mario Andretti.

Be careful, Jon.

Go, Jon, go.

Come on, this is embarrassing!


That's just downright embarrassing right there.

Oh, my gosh! Jon!

He's driving like a maniac.


Go, babe!

Kelly: Aah! Aah!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!



Kelly: Aah! Aah!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!


The thing just flips over,

and I was absolutely flipping out.

I thought he was dead, that was it,

I wasn't going to get to have my fancy-shmancy wedding,

I wasn't going to get to win the million dollars,

it was all over.

You OK?

Oh, my God.



Kelly: You OK?

[Indistinct chatter]

Jon! Why did you do that?

What's wrong with you?

Please be careful!

I need you to win the million bucks.

I see Ellis Beach on here,

so we're just going to have to pay attention.

OK. Our goal for this leg

was to increase our lead a little bit.


There is momentum for our confidence going into the final leg.

Because there is no second place.

This looks like Ellis Beach.

Here it is. Left. Straight ahead.

Let's do it.

Let's go, let's go.

G'day. Welcome to Cairns, Australia.

David and Jeff...

you're team number one...

and I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this th leg of the race,

you have won a vacation to Europe,

compliments of American Airlines' website.

No way!

Oh, that's swell!

Is there any anxiety that is getting to you guys now?

Now that you are this close?

The pressure is constantly on.

We've got to get to the finish line first in the last leg.

We've come into the home stretch.

We're confident that we think we're going to win the race.

We just don't think we're going

to make the mistakes that other teams may,

and that's going to keep us ahead of them.

Slow down.

Slow down, slow down, slow down. Slow down.

Slow down!


Are you crazy?

Oh, my God.

Are you OK?


"Drive yourselves to the next pit stop. Ellis Beach."

Come on, babe, hurry, hurry.

We're going to Ellis Beach, the next pit stop.

I think this has helped Jon grow up.

I know you can't tell, and at times I can't.

You are so stupid.

These are the things that he really

and truly wanted to do before he got married,

so all this race did was help me out.

Oh, God!

That was awesome.

That was awesome.

Am I really that bad of a driver?

I'm not answering that.

David and Jeff have minutes over us at least.

The faster we get back to Ellis Beach,

the more we can gain on them.

There is only one more leg of the race left,

and it's the one for a million dollars.

Ellis Beach.

There is the route marker.

I see the route marker right there.

OK, good.

I see Phil.

There is Phil.

There he is. Come on.


Reichen and Chip...

you're team number two.

We lost-- lost a little bit of time.

What's it feel like to be here with Reichen?

That's got to mean something really special, right?

The main thing I've seen in Reichen that I haven't seen before

is his incredible patience with me and my blunders.

It is special.

I'm really lucky to have him as a partner.

I think there are a few critics out there

who didn't think we would do so well,

and I'm pretty proud to have made it through and to be here.

Kelly: Ellis Beach, babe.

Hi, Phil.


Kelly and Jon, you're the last team to arrive.

However, the good news is this is not

an elimination leg, and you're still in The Amazing Race.

All right.

Thank God.

We came to one very sad conclusion today...

that we cannot have children

because we do not want them to inherit our stupidity.


At every point you could possibly make mistakes,

even the points where you couldn't make a mistake,

we managed to make a mistake.

I'm glad we got it out of our system today

than on the th leg, when it really is for all the marbles.

I'm hoping we can just regroup today and come out and win--

come in first when it really counts.

Kelly can do anything she puts her mind to.

She has that will to win at any cost.

I love that about her, and I like our chances.

Phil: Can David and Jeff maintain their first-place standing

all the way to the finish line?

Or will their archrivals Reichen and Chip

pull together and take the lead?

Or can the underdogs, Kelly and Jon,

the only co-ed team left in the race,

be able to win it all?

Stay tuned for scenes from the season finale of "The Amazing Race."

Phil: Next week on the season finale of The Amazing Race--

three teams are neck and neck, and anything goes.

It's about time he showed his ass.

Every decision...

Turn around! Taxi!

every mistake...

We just missed our connection.

could be their last.


Be there at the finish line

to see who wins The Amazing Race.
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