04x11 - Such a Nice Pheromone Smell to You; Just Makes Me Want to Stay Close to You

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x11 - Such a Nice Pheromone Smell to You; Just Makes Me Want to Stay Close to You

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL: Previously, on "The Amazing Race"...

teams set out from the island of Borneo in Malaysia

and traveled , miles to Seoul, South Korea.

Some teams got lost at the North Korean border.

Turn around. This can't be right!

The roadblock proved to be a chilling challenge.

Yeah, baby! Whoo!

Reichen and Chip stopped for a lively meal.

Just want them to die, but they stay alive.

Are we allowed to vomit?

PHIL: Kelly mustered her innermost strength.

Jon: You get pissed off, just hit my face.


Kelly: Did it hurt as bad as mine?

PHIL: In the end, it was a race between two teams

and David and Jeff were the last to arrive.

I'm happy to tell you, however,

this is the second of predetermined non-elimination legs.

And you're both still in the race.

Now four teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

PHIL: This is the city of Seoul,

the capital and economic center of South Korea,

and in the heart of the city Kyongbok Palace.

This was the th pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg.

I'm feeling really confident.

Whatever it takes, we will do it.

What would you do for $ million?

PHIL: This is a crucial leg of the race.

Kelly: We have a in chance of winning $ million.

PHIL: One of these teams will be eliminated in this round,

thereby determining which will go on to compete in the final .

I didn't break my hand for nothing!

PHIL: Will Kelly's hand injury, sustained in the last leg,

prompt Jon and her to go for the last fast forward?

And will David and Jeff rise

from last place and avoid elimination?

Kelly and Jon, who were the first to arrive at : P.M.,

will depart at : A.M.

All right. "Make your way to Hangang People's Park."

PHIL: Teams must now make their way across Seoul

to Hangang Park on Yeouido Island,

where locals go to fly traditional Korean kites.

Once there, they must pull on the string that's attached to these marked pedestals.

This will release the clue that's attached to the kites flying overhead.

Let's go.

Here's a cab right here.

Jon: You speak English?

Do you speak any English?


We need a taxi guy that speaks English.

Kelly, I got another one.

He doesn't speak any English, though.

Listen, Reichen and Chip are coming right out. We need to go.

"Make your way to the Hangang People's Park."

Let's go.

Where do you think Yeouido Island is?

I have no clue.

Chip: This is the time we perform to get in the top , which is our goal.


Yeouido Island?


Do you know how to get there?

Ask him to take us to our hotel.

That's the only option we have. Let's go.

Kelly: I'm really starting to feel the pressure of being the only girl.

The last couple of tasks that we had to perform were difficult for me.

I hurt myself.

But I'm doing the best that I can.

Reichen: Yeah, it doesn't get better than that.

Did they know where it was,

you think, Chip and Reichen?

No, and that guy doesn't speak a lick of English.

Reichen: Yeouido?

Chip: You know.

He doesn't understand anything we are saying.

Reichen: Chip is more intense on this race than he usually is at home.

When we're really, really intense

and we forget to have fun at all,

it is a little bit crippling to our team.

Go, baby!

Yoda island. Yoda island.

"Between Maypole Bridge and Wahtio Bridge."

All right. Let's go. Come on, man.

Where is the hell is Yoda Island?

[Whistling] Taxi!

We have to go to the Hangang People's Park.

You know? OK.

Al: He spoke perfect English, this guy.

He said, "Yes."

"Make your way to the Hangang..."

Al: We want to be laughing and having a good time

throughout the entire race.

It's definitely do-or-die time.

You have to be on your toes. Every minute counts.

We got a taxi pretty quick.

This gentleman knows where we're going,

so we feel like we're in good shape.

Fast. Fast.

Can you put faster?


[Speaking Korean]

What does that mean?

This means please.

We go to hotel.

Jon: We were speaking in English instead of Korean.

So, that kind of confuses him a little bit.

Kelly: We had him take us to a hotel and ask for directions.

We need information or help from you, boys.


Can you tell where we are going exactly?

The taxi?

Stay away from these guys. They are all drunk.

I am! Where do you want me to go?

They are about to push you off the damn curb.

Well, I'll jump off the curb.


Thank you very much.

Stop to the left over there.

See the kites up there? Right here.

Chip: Are those the kites?

Reichen: Yes, I believe so. Hangang Park, right here?

Hangang Park. Hangang Park. Right there.

Left. Left. Left.

Go, go. Quick. Turn!



I'm not paying you.


Al: Jon.

Thank you. Come on.

Oh, come on. Come on.

The flag.


Just let me out.

This is awful.

You speak no English. I shouldn't give you any money.

Speak English.

Oh, my God! "Make your way to Brisbane, Australia."

Whoo! Whoo!

PHIL: Teams must now travel nearly , miles to Brisbane, Australia.

When they land, they'll have to make their way to this hotel,

check in with the concierge,

and be escorted to this penthouse.

Man, we're going to freakin' Australia!

All right, now pull this string.


There it is. Grab it, Reichen.

The clue? Yeah.

Jon: That's it. Those are the kites right there, Kel.

"Make your way to Brisbane, Australia."

Let's go to the airport.

Inchon? Let's just go to the airport.

Here we go, Al. Here we go.

Airport. OK?

Thank you.

Go. Go. Go. Go.


Quick. Quick. Quick. Quick. Quick.

Come on! Let's go!

Thank you very much.

Come on, Jon, pull it.

Kelly: We were trying to pull down the entire set of kites to get to the clue.

You need some help?

Kelly: He's pulling the main kite string down

and all you hear is all the Korean people going, "Uh-uh."

They're, like, "No, no, no, no, no!"

Pull very...


Uhh...that sucks.


Let's go.

We're in a race today. We're in a big hurry.

We're just lucky to be here.

And we're happy to be here.

Jeff: We were last place in the last leg.

We thought we were out of the race.

You know People's Park?


Jeff: Dave and I said, "Listen, it's a new day.

Let's start out right and not make any mistakes."

How are we supposed to get it now? All right. Look.

What the hell?

Jon: I was actually pulling on the wrong string and then the line broke.

You did it wrong. Ha ha!

I saw another string with a flag on it.

I yanked on that and the clue came down.

Holy, cow. "Make your way to Brisbane, Australia."

Oh, my gosh.

Let's go.

We go to Inchon Airport?

Let's ask these ladies.

Is it open now?

:? Ohh.

Next clue's over here.

Keep going.

It's a long way down.


Fast forward.

OK, it says Brisbane.

We gotta go to Australia.

Let's go. Let's go.

Kelly: This is spooky.

It looks like we're on a plane and we just flew into a cloud.

It was like Zeus came out of the clouds

with a lightning bolt and the cloud just came in.

Kelly: Never seen anything like it.

We are going to try to make a phone call

to a -hour travel network.

The flight we have right now is Korean Air going to Singapore

and then Singapore to Brisbane.

You're absolutely positive that's our only option?

All right, Chris. Thank you very, very much.

OK. Bye.

I want to get online and pay for these tickets.

Right here at Korean Airlines.

These our boarding passes?

OK. Thank you.

Reichen: Are we at the airport already?

We gotta connect.

Through Singapore.

Reichen: We determined there were flights we could take

getting into Brisbane.

Korean Air and Singapore Air.

OK. This is OK.

Yes, thank you.Thank you.

When's the earliest flight leaving?

I need to buy a ticket from here to Singapore

and then Singapore to Brisbane.

Jon: The Korean Airlines ticket counter

handles all flights on Korean Air and Singapore Air.

So we decided to book the flight

which was on Singapore Airlines

'cause they left earlier.

Can I have exactly what they have?

I want their ticket. What they got.

Such a nice pheromone smell to you, it just makes me want to stay close to you.

Reichen: Jon tries to make us as stereotypically gay as he wants us to be,

but it bothers him that we're more masculine and more manly than he is.

Jon: Where the clowns? The clowns aren't here yet?

Al: We're the only ones here at this terminal right now,

so, of course, you start to think and go, where is everybody?

Did they find something better?

David: Arriving at what time in the morning?


Jeff: We're going to fly an earlier flight,

which is through Singapore on Singapore Air

into Brisbane tomorrow at :.

Thank you very much.

How much delay is there?

Kelly: The whole point was just to try to get to Singapore earlier

and try to find a faster connection.

But because of the fog, it just didn't end up being that way.

The flight's delayed at least minutes because of this fog.

Jeff: The fog in Inchon definitely made people anxious and tense

because they didn't know when their plane was going to take off.

There's some serious fog outside.

If we don't get that connection, then we're kind of screwed.

Everyone else is gonna be on the same flight

with Reichen and Chip and Kelly and Jon.

We don't know where the clowns are.

Al: There's a heavy fog.

If it's delayed here, we wouldn't get the connection.

Is there any chance whatsoever this plane's gonna be delayed?

Jon: He assured me.

He said we're going to start loading any time.

Any--a couple of minutes.

Just go over to the gate.

We're going to start loading.

This is boarding.

Voice, P.A. System: Flight to Singapore now boarding.

David: The fog is lifting.

Oh, no, Al. Al, come here.

I see a plane waiting in line.

All the Korean Air flights are backed up.

That other flight out there, I believe, could be ours.

Al: So our flight is going to get pushed to the back.

What are we going to do?

I don't know. We have a little under two hours

to connect for another flight to get to Australia.

Can I ask you a question? This flight is delayed?


It's delayed?

Yes. Two hours.

Two hours?

That's a problem.

Oh, God.

Jon: We talked to a pilot who's actually going

to be on that flight. He said it's going be

a minimum of a two-hour delay.

Maybe there's another flight.

Come on. We got to run, man.

I'm good.



I think that's the only freakin'...

Gate . Let's just go there.

Gate is, like, freakin' end of the world.

We're trying to get on this Singapore Airlines' flight.

They are loading. They're leaving at :.

We're in trouble.

Come on, baby.

Jon: All of a sudden it dawned on me, uh-oh, these teams are on this flight.

We need to get on this flight.



All right. Let's go.

Is there anyone we can buy tickets from?

Yes, sir. We have to get on that flight.

Please. It's an emergency.

What'd he say?

They're leaving at :.

Cutting it close, boy. If this works, it will be a miracle.

Hold on. Dear, God, please.

Jon: Is the flight sold out?

There's nothing we can do, please?

Oh, please. There's nothing?

It's done. We closed the gate, the plane was pulling away.

And that's when we just took a deep breath and it was just like, it's done.

You very rarely see the clowns stressed out.

We're stressed, man, big time.

I'm about to explode, man. I feel the blood going right to my head.

In morning, the airport got backed up because of fog delays,

but there was a Singapore flight

but couldn't get on that plane.

So, now we're still stuck in Seoul, Korea.

Al: From Seoul to Brisbane. Wow, that's a direct one.

Oh, good! It's good.

So, we can get on that direct one.

Yes! Thank you.Thank you.

You think this will be the fastest one?

We got this direct flight to Brisbane.

Keep our fingers crossed and hope there was some kind of delay

in other flights with the other team.

Let me see your glasses.

I hope you don't--Don't worry.

Jon: All of a sudden, boom! We're clowning around

trying to loosen the tension up.

You like that?

New York.New York.

New York!

Hey, Al, why did the chicken cross the road?

Why did the-- I don't know.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get on Korean Airlines.

Jon: They say laughter is the best medicine.

At least for us, it truly is.

That was a good one.

We don't know where the clowns are.

We cannot figure out what they've done.

Maybe they came up with something we didn't see.

Very tense leg.

This will determine

the last teams to go into the last round.

Keep your eyes open.

Let's go.

Jon's still on the plane.


Can you drive fast?

We are in a very important race, sir.

This is the last available fast forward.

And that's why we're going for it.

PHIL: There is only one fast forward on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

While a fast forward can give a team an advantage, it does not guarantee victory.

In this fast forward, teams must drive an hour away

to this beach and pass a local lifeguard test.

After paddling surfboards through the heavy surf,

they must pull a swimmer out of the water

and return her safely to the beach before they can claim the fast forward award.

We've gotta haul ass.

David: The fast forward had to do with swimming and surfing.

Jeff is a surfer.

Jeff: I live in a beach community.

I'm in the water a couple times a week.


We are going to the city transit center.

Come on, babe.

Is it quicker to take a cab?

It's quicker to get a train.

Thanks. Perfect time.

We're choosing the fast forward and we're not turning back.

We can't take the fast forward.

We took the fast forward already.

So we are going to do the route.

That's where we're going. Roma Street.

There's a hotel in the transit center.

"The hotel on Roma Street at the transit center."

We just gotta get top and then we'll be fine with that.

Make the top . That was our goal.

Please let us make top .

This is it. This is D-day.

Doesn't that go any faster?

Look at all the traffic they are in right now.

Oh, my gosh. They are in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Whoo hoo!

♪ Chip and Reichen

That's what we like to see.

There's downtown right there.

Left. Left. Left.

All right. Come on. We got to move.

Chip: Is that the transit station there?

It's so nice to have an English-speaking cab driver.

Excuse me. Where is the hotel? Thanks.

You're awesome. Thanks.


All these little precious seconds.

This way?

I think it's that way.


Thank you. OK.

Where are we going?To the penthouse floor.

Do you need to go to the penthouse suite? David will take you up.


Have any other teams been here?

Yes. One so far.


Woman: th floor.


"Face first or foot first."

PHIL: A detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams have to choose between face first and foot first.

In face first, teams put on safety gear,

step out onto the ledge of the building

and do an Australian,

or face first rappel, right off the ledge of this building,

feet down, one team member at a time.

It's a terrifying task, but if they muster the guts, they can finish it fast.

In foot first, teams must spot this building with the race flag on top.

Then they must travel on foot down the stairs, walk all the way to the building,

and climb up stories to the roof where the route marker is waiting.

There's nothing scary about the task,

but traveling all the way on foot could tire them out

and take a really long time.

Let's do face first rappelling.

Come on. Let's go.Let's do it.

Face first? Wow.

Face first.

Face first. We're doing it.

Get your harnesses. Your harnesses.

Pull them up.

Ohh, my hand.

Babe, you'll be fine.

I can't grab, though.

Kelly: Last leg, doing the detour, I broke my hand trying to break some boards.

We're gonna rappel down the side of this building.

I'm a little worried about my hand

because I still can't make a fist,

but you got to do what you got to do.

Come on, babe.

Nice! This is gonna be fun.

Jon: Kelly proved to these guys

that she can do whatever the hell they do

as good or better than them.

One rope per team?

She can't get on at the same time?

All right. It's all about minutes now.

Baggage claim. Transit passengers.

Fast forward at this point is do or die.

If we get all the way out here

an hour outside of the city and don't complete it,

we have to get back to the city

and begin the actual route,

we could be in serious trouble.

We're going face first.

Kelly: Come on, babe.

Oh. Oh, my God.

I'm a little scared.


Kelly: Easy, babe. Pull the rope to your right.


Kelly: Go, baby. Whoo!

Whoa! Whoo!


Spider-man, here we are!

Just like crawling down the side of a wall.

Chip: He was watching the gay man

and he learned from the gay man.

It really bothers Jon the fact that a gay man

can rappel down the side of a building quicker than he can.

I'm a little nervous.

Do you see the flagged marker?

It's right there. All right.

Awesome, bro.

Man: A victim out there waiting to be rescued.

You need to pick her up and put her on the board,

and bring her back to the beach.

Ready? Yes.



It's up this way. Come on.

Jeff: The waves were breaking.

Some were or feet.

Maneuvering those threw out feet beyond that

to get to the drowning victim was difficult.

David: I got out there, jumped off the board,

put my arm around her chest and was like, "All right, now what?

I tried to tread water and press her on the board.

Well, that wasn't working.


Jeff: Hold on, David!

Don't let go.

David: One of the challenges was, though, is now I'm saving her,

but we were also running against time.

So, I think that made us a little more impatient

because we were, like, "OK, we have to get her up here quickly,"

instead of balancing the board,

using the technique to pull her up,

we were trying to muscle it to make it move a little faster.

Breathe in, breathe out. It's OK.

Come on, Kelly.

Welcome to Australia.Thanks.

Kelly: He just shook my broken hand.

Are you?

Oh, my God.

Come on, Kelly.

Jon: Kelly's hand was still swollen

from the previous detour in South Korea, breaking the wood.

She really couldn't make a fist.

, , . Go.

Looking good. Beautiful.

Jon: Kelly quickly learned to use that swollen hand again

and just grabbed that rope for her life.

Chip: There you go, Reichen! That-a way!




Oh, my God. I don't think I weigh enough for this.

Come on, Kelly! You're letting that gay guy beat you.

Jon, you're an ass.

You are such a [bleep].

Chip: Dude, perfect. Perfect!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I can't go! I'm stuck!

Ah! Ah!


Jon: You're all right. You're all right.

I hate this! I hate this!


Jon: You're all right.

Step out from the wall.

Step out. Push out.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

I'm stuck.

Let the rope go.

Stretch out even more and run.


Oh, my God.

Chip: Let's go.

Reichen: Let's go.

Good day, mate.

Jon: Step on the wall.

This was the first time I saw Kelly literally shaken up.

You could see a little bit of fear on her face.

I hate this. I hate this!

Kelly: I was frantic. I was scared to death.

I was so petrified my hands were squeezed tight on the rope.

I was just floating around, closing my eyes, hoping to get to the bottom.

I was really scared.

Jon: Kelly, let the rope go. Let the rope out.

Perfect. Perfect.

Kel, I got you. I got you.

Jon: Kelly will do whatever it takes.

She has that fire, that will to win at any cost.

Oh. I didn't like that.

"Choose a marked car near the driveway of the hotel

and drive yourselves to the Underwater World in the town of Mooloolaba."

PHIL: Teams must now choose one of these cars,

drive themselves miles to the town of Mooloolaba

and find this place, Underwater World.

Once they arrive, they'll follow the marked path to their next route marker.

Are these the cars?

"Drive yourselves to Underwater World in the town of Mooloolaba."

Do you have the book?

It's in here.

Do we know where we are going?


Underwater World in the town of Mooloolaba.

Jon, where is the map?

Underwater World. There it is right there.

I don't see a Mooloolaba.

David: We had to do an Australian lifeguard rescue.

Just get up there.

It was embarrassing, frankly.

We couldn't get her on the board.

She was facing the wrong direction,

then we had to flip her over.

So, we had to start all over, and the waves came in.

I'm going to get my rescue board.

It was bad.

She was a solid girl, you know what I mean.

She was not fat, but, man, it was hard getting her on that thing.

You got her?I got it.

Let's go, bro.

It's up this way. Come on.

Jeff: The surfboard was a little bit different than what I was used to.

The water temperature was .

I'm used to surfing in -, -degree weather.

We didn't perform too well at this. No, we didn't.

Well done.

You've successfully completed your mission.

Here is your next clue.

"You've won the fast forward.

Drive yourselves to the town of Mooloolaba."

PHIL: Having won the fast forward,

David and Jeff can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop,

the Mooloolaba Yacht Club,

a legendary haven for Australia's famed yachtsmen.

Thank you so much. See you later.

You're a good victim.

Detour. Detour.

Face first is rappelling down.

Foot first is running over to there.

Face first.


Got to save time, baby. Got to save time.

Come on, Al, you can do it.

What were we thinking not getting a map?

Do you know how to get to Route ?

Just drive that way.

Just keep going?

Kelly: Underwater World, this exit.

We've already screwed up so we can't afford to, like, waste time.

Come on, Al!

Oh, God.

Al: I was like, oh, dear, God, I can't believe this.

You are looking straight down feet.

, , . Off you go.

Whoo! Yeah!

That's all I'm doing is going down a hill.

That's all I'm doing.


Let it go. Just run with it, man.

Feed it, feed it, feed it, feed it.

Feed it out, big time!All right, all right.

Take the ride, Al.


Yeah! Yeah! Whoo!

I can't believe I did it.

I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.

I was so nervous.

"Drive yourselves to the Underwater World

in the town of Mooloolaba."

Let's go, we're driving, baby.

See the sign, Jon?

They are right in front of us.

Careful. I see them.

I got this one.

That was good.

All right, come on. Run, run, run!

It's like we do everything faster than Jon and Kelly,

but they always go by us at the event.

Kelly: Ow! Quit pushing me. Jon, quit pushing me! Idiot.


"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water."

I'll do it, I'll do it.

I think I should do it.

PHIL: A road block is a task that only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to put on scuba gear,

walk across this t*nk, and grab a clue from this treasure chest.

While this task might seem easy,

consider this: the t*nk is home

to a rogue's gallery of sea creatures,

including sharks.

I'll do it.

We got to beat these guys.

Where is the scuba gear?

I asked if the sharks bite,

and he said, "Let's just go."

Is that Reichen?

Kelly: That is Jon. That is Jon.

Hi, babe. Can you see me?

Ooh. Look at the stingray.

It is going right over his head.

Oh, my gosh. His head's touching the stingray!

Oh, my gosh!

I was, like, holy cow, Jon, look up.

He was so focused on the treasure chest,

that he didn't even notice it.


Reichen: When you're trying to walk in the t*nk

and there are boulders and fish on the floor

and you're trying not to step on anything,

it's really hard to keep your balance

when you have your hands clasped together.

So I just went really slowly.

Look at the shark.

It's right in front of Jon.

He had to stop for it.

Jon: I got the clue. On my way back, I see Reichen.

His eyes were like the cat on the ceiling,

his claws stuck in it.

So I kind of laughed at him and walked by.

He's scared.

Look. He's scared of the shark.

Reichen would see a shark and he'd let the shark pass.

He was definitely a lot more nervous than Jon was.

Reichen: I was absolutely petrified.

I was having a really rough time down there.

I was just really, really scared.

Reichen, put your hands together, bud.

Chip: Reichen, watch out!

Kelly: Oh, my gosh.

Chip: Reichen! Watch out!

Kelly: Oh, Lord.

He's holding his hands because the sharks might grab them.

Reichen: There is definitely a fear when you've got these humongous sharks

with mouths bigger than of my heads coming at you.

Come on. You're doing awesome.

They definitely wanted to show me this was their territory.

So I wanted to respect that,

and I walked through as slowly as I could.

Good job, babe.

Bye, guys.

That was awesome. Some big sharks in there.

Awesome. Well done.

It's a little soggy. That's OK.

"Make your way on foot to the next pit stop. The Mooloolaba Yacht Club."

PHIL: Teams must race on foot to this nearby marina

and find this place-- the Mooloolaba Yacht Club.

This is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

"Make your way on foot." on foot, babe.

Come on. We have to go.

Hi. Can you tell me where the Mooloolaba Yacht Club is?

OK. Thanks.

There's a flag to the right. See it?

Yeah. The entryway.

Let's go.

Welcome to Mooloolaba, Australia.

Thank you.

Kevin and Jeff, you're team number one.


Good work, man!

PHIL: That means you guys are in the final three teams

racing to the finish line for the $ million prize.

That sounds great.

I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this th leg of the race,

you've won a vacation to exotic Mexico

compliments of American Airlines' website,

which you can enjoy after the race.

No way! Awesome, dude.

"Make your way on foot to the next pit stop.

The Mooloolaba Yacht Club." Let's go! Last team eliminated.

This way. This way.

Hurry! They're gonna come out and see us!

Excuse me. Do you know where the Mooloolaba Yacht Club is?

Man: Mooloolaba Yacht Club?

Yeah. It is just down over there.

Straight? Yeah.

We're running. Why don't we drive?

We are going to run real quick.

Where is it?

It's a kilometer down the road.

Kelly: Hurry. They're right behind us.

They're right there. They're running past us.

You want to run?

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.

I'm coming as fast as I can.

Does it say any additional info?

We have to go on foot.

They're right there. Should I drive?

I think we should drive.

We gotta get in, we gotta get out. Come on, let's go.

You want to do it?

Let's go. We made a decision.

Let's go.

Jon, you have to walk.

We might pass them on foot, you know.

Underwater World right there.

"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water."

Who does it?


Never give up. Keep moving.

He's flipping out. Duck. Go under him.

What are you, are you nervous?

Duck under. Duck under.

Come on!

What do you mean, no?

I see the pit stop.

Look for a route marker.

I'm looking, I'm looking.

Kelly, it is right up there. Let's go.

They're right there. Running?

Chip and Reichen, they didn't walk.

It said go by foot.

Jon, they got here before us. They didn't walk.

Is this it? Is this the Yacht Club?

It's right there.

There it is.I'm getting out.

OK, go.Right down the path.

OK, let's go. Let's go, let's go!

Come on! Get out!

Come on! Come on!

PHIL: Reichen and Chip, you're the second team to arrive.


However, you chose to drive to the pit stop

and the clue clearly states that you need to walk.

So you've been assessed a penalty of minutes for the time

you gained in driving this short distance

and an additional penalty of minutes for the mistake.

Your penalty is minutes.

You'll have to wait and see if the remaining teams

can arrive here within minutes.

If they do, you will be eliminated.


That's all right. That's all right.



Kelly and Jon, you're the third team to arrive.

However, due to a penalty given to Reichen and Chip,

you are team number two.

Good job, babe. Good job.

Don't worry about the sharks, man. You just keep digging.

Good job, Al. Good job, baby.Excellent.

We don't know what's happening with Jon and Al.

We hope that we're in the final, but we'll see,

have to wait and see.

"Make your way to the Mooloolaba Yacht Club."

All right. Let's go.

We're going!

Chip: Nothing against Jon and Al.

We really like Jon and Al,

but our work has gotta pay off sometime.

I just hope that today it brings us down to the top three.

Whoo! Come on.

All the way through, baby.

All the way.


Jon and Al...

you're the last team to arrive.

You do need to know one of the other teams

made a mistake and received a penalty.


the penalty was not enough to put them behind.

So I'm sorry to tell you

you've both been eliminated from the race.

It's OK. It's all right, man.

You've got to be proud of your partner here, Al.

Jon is a fantastic person.

He's a motivator, great family man.

He is definitely a role model

and someone I look up to,

and he's taught me everything I know about clowning, too.

We just went in with a positive attitude.

You can only do so much.

If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

At least you know you gave it %, man, right?

%. It was awesome.

I think our family and friends will be proud

of what we accomplished.

I hope I set a very good example for my kids

to never give up on your dream,

to push % and believe in yourself

and you can achieve anything in life.

All the teams here, they deserved it, they pushed hard.

They were awesome. It was great.

It's just a phenomenal experience.

The competition from here on out is going to be severe.

There's only a winner and nothing else.

We're definitely keeping tabs on Chip and Reichen.

Especially Chip.

He would do something down and dirty just to get ahead.

We're racing to the end.

If there is some pushing and shoving along the way...

we are going to be clawing and ripping at each other to the top.

It's going to be crazy.

You haven't seen anything yet.

PHIL: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

PHIL: On the next episode of "The Amazing Race"...

it's down to the final three teams.

As they race towards home...

We have to beat them.

things get heated down under.

I want to punch them both.

As teams jockey for position,

any step...

He ran over my foot.

any turn...

I said turn around.

could lead to disaster.
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