04x09 - We're Not at Charm School Learning How to Be a Gentleman, We're Racing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x09 - We're Not at Charm School Learning How to Be a Gentleman, We're Racing

Post by bunniefuu »

PHIL: Previously on "The Amazing Race--

Let's go.

teams set out from India

and traveled over , miles to Malaysian Borneo.

Some teams tried to push their way to the front of the pack.

PHIL: And the intensity of the race took its toll on Millie and Chuck.

What? Why do you do that? I hate it when you do that.

I hope marriage is not like this.

I want him to be happy, and if it's not me...

PHIL: Chip and Reichen, who celebrated their one year anniversary,

were headed towards first place...

Let's go, come on!

PHIL: but a last-minute mistake--

Says you and your partner may check in at the pit stop.

PHIL: Enabled circus clowns Jon and Al

to beat them to the end by seconds.

Jon and Al, Reichen and Chip,

you're teams number and , respectively.

Whoo! Whoo!

PHIL: Kelly and Jon had trouble pulling it together at the detour.

Come on, grab it!I can't.

PHIL: They arrived last at the pit stop,

but were saved by the first of non-elimination legs.

Yeah, baby!

All teams are still in the race.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is Manukan Island,

just off the coast of Malaysian Borneo,

the eighth pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period that allows them

to eat, sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

The teams waiting here have no idea what is in store for them.

They have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the yellow and red route marker

by solving clues they'll find in sealed envelopes.

Will Millie and Chuck's personal differences

get in the way of their performance?

Or will their drive still take them to the top?

And can Kelly and Jon recover from their last place finish?

Jon and Al and Reichen and Chip,

who were the first teams to arrive at : P.M.,

will depart at : A.M.

Take one of the marked boats to the Kota Kinabalu boat jetty,

then take a taxi to Poring Hot Springs.

Hot springs!

Once there, follow the flags on foot to the next route marker.

PHIL: Teams must now travel miles

to this place, Poring Hot Springs.

When they arrive,

they will have to walk a series of rope bridges

over feet off the ground

to get their next route marker.

Let's go.

Let's go.


This way.

A lot of teams say, you guys always seem to be laughing,

always seem to be having a good time.

We are always thinking positive.

Maybe psychologically,

that does give an edge up on the other teams.

Careful, Al.

OK, let's do it.

OK, let's go.

CHIP: Reichen and I, we're just clicking without even asking,

which is a really nice thing.

So we have to get a taxi from the next place.

We do things for each other

and don't step on each other's toes

and realize that it's all for the same goal.

Wait, first ask them if they know where it is.

Poring Hot Springs.

Poring Hot Springs.

Once there, follow the flags on foot to the next route marker.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

MILLIE: The race has been really hard.

We do everything the completely opposite way.

I irritate Chuck with my aggressive nature.

Phone? Do you have a phone?

We haven't been getting a lot of sleep at all since the race has started.

Hey, there's a taxi.

We are talking, and we're planning. We're strategizing.

It's tiring. It's intense.

You have $ for this leg.

. Let's do it. Let's hit it.

One of our biggest issues as a team

between Jeff and I, is the fact we are sort of impulsive.

That's been one of our biggest problems,

and one of the things we need to work on the most.

Is there only one way to get to the springs?

The race is definitely down to every man for himself.

So just going to try as hard as we can.

You'll have to go very fast for us, please.

We have to get there a lot faster.

JON: It is a very windy road

and it was dark when we took off.

And as we would wind around corners

there would be just cows just laying in the road,

blocking the road.

They'd be walking across the road.

Watch out for the cows

sleeping in the middle of the road.

Once there, follow the flags on foot to the next route marker.

KELLY: We've learned a lot about each other

as far as we've learned how to negotiate, compromise.

We have learned the most important things

in a relationship on this race.

, Malaysian?Malaysian.

Jon, we gotta go, so, yeah. ?

Everybody's ahead of us.

CHIP: OK, good, thank you.

Is this Poring Hot Springs?

:, he said?

We talked to the guy behind the gate

and he told us that the gate wouldn't open until : A.M.

REICHEN: Everyone is very standoffish.

Doing their own thing, realizing that

it really is all about each other's team and that's it.


[Rooster crows]

Everyone's pretty much here, except for Jon and Kelly.

Almost here.

Watch your shins, big guys. We're coming.

Might be a little foot race to the next marker or path.

We feel pretty good about that.

Here you go. Right here.

Oh, yeah. Go! Go! Go! Let's go.

CHUCK: Eventually we end up going across kind of a swinging bridge.

If you fell over, it was a long way down.

REICHEN: I was afraid I didn't have my footing

because the people behind us were kind of shaking the bridge

and it was making it really difficult to run in a straight line.

Come on, Chuck. You can do it. Go, go, go, baby! Come on.

Oh, we're here. Thank you, Lord.

PHIL: Teams must now drive themselves miles

to the Trushidup Palm Oil Plantation,

where they will find their next route marker.


There's only one way to go

so everyone was kinda bunching up together.

Trushidup Palm Oil Plantation.

JON: Yeah, this is it, right here.

I gotta go to the bathroom right here.

KELLY: Are you kidding me?

Hurry up, Jon. I don't care.

Come on! Seriously, Jon, please, come on.

I shouldn't have drank those cups of coffee.

Do you see the flag?

JEFF: David and I just barreled down the hill.

On the way up we passed Millie and Chuck.

People are coming down, Kel.

Obviously, it is the other direction.

I heard people to the right.

Do you see any flags, Kel?

No. I don't see any flags anywhere.

I knew we were behind. We could hear them.

We just couldn't find it.

Jon, there should be a route marker.

We might as well walk...

and not k*ll ourselves.

It has to be here.

CHUCK: Come on, Millie.

Suck it up, let's go.God help me.

Let's go.

Which way out of here? Tell me that.

Where's the map, man?It's in there.

Where are we going?

Trushidup Palm Oil Plantation.

Get in, get in, get in.

OK. Let's go.

Make sure we know how to get there.

Go on this road.


Stay on A-.

We gotta make tracks where you can see.

Do you have the defrost on?

Because we had just run up and downhill,

we were extremely hot,

and given the outside temperature,

the windows quickly fogged up.

Roll your window down, that's what you need to do.

I can see where [bleep] I'm going if I get a [bleep] rag.

Well, why don't you stop and--

Let me see your shirt again.

Stop. Stop.

Oh, their windshields are fogged up.

Turn on your defroster?

I did it at the parking lot.

Next thing you know,

we're passing up the other teams

who had pulled over on the side of the road.

I looked in the rear-view mirror

and I notice that Jon and Al, the clowns, followed us.

KELLY: There's no flags,

and we're gonna climb this hill.

The flag was over there.

Maybe we're just now seeing it.

Kelly--It says go to the flag.

We would have seen people coming down, correct?

Let's walk up a little bit and see if we see a flag.

This way.

I won't lose him. From New York.

Famous last words. Now I'm going to lose them. Ha ha!

I can't see nothing.

We fell behind a little bit

and then we were on our own.


Dude, you got speed limit's at , you're going .

Dude, [bleep] off.

DAVID: Once in a while when the tensions get high,

and you're worried about your place

and you don't know what's going on,

and you want to kinda lash out at someone--

It's that time of the day you should be doing your job of navigating.

Then, the bad may come out.

Dude, you gotta just lose the attitude.

I think you need to [bleep] off, then,

'cause I can't go any faster than the car is going to go,

and I'm doing it in fifth gear right now.

CHUCK: I was extremely tired while I was driving.

We both were. We've been tired for or days.

MILLIE: I just didn't sleep well last night,

and the night before

we had been calling about airlines.

So we hadn't slept a lot in a couple of days.

Jon, are you sure you looked at the top of that mountain

when we got up there?

JON: Yes.

We got a little confused, so we made a few wrong turns.

And so we got in a nice StairMaster workout.

Let's go. Down, kell.

Obviously, it is the other direction.


You idiot!

We were so dumb.

We were dead last and realized, "We're lost."

JON: See?

Let's go, Kelly, this is it. I see it.

KELLY: Shut up!I see it.

You do not.

Kelly, move your ass--now.

The last one.


It took us a while to find it

but we finally got it.

Just open the fast forward.

Don't even bother to open the other thing.

Fast forward--

drive yourself to...

Spe-spelovic Orang--



There is only one fast forward,

on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it

can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

However, once the team uses the fast forward,

that team can never use another one

for the rest of the race.

So teams need to decide when it's most advantageous to go for it.

In this fast forward,

teams have to drive over miles

to the town of Sepilok and find the world famous Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary,

home to the last wild orangutans in Northern Borneo.

Then, they'll have to hike deep into the forest

to this feeding station,

and feed fruit to the wild orangutans.

Once they've hand-fed pieces of fruit,

they can claim the fast forward award.

Go, go.

JON: All right, the idiots are back.

If somebody else claims this, we're screwed.

KELLY: We realized everybody was gone.

This is it. It is do-or-die now.

Do you know where we are going now?

Just stay on this.

We realized that we might have been on the wrong road.

Holy crap.

From this map,

we're going in the direction

of the fast forward.I can turn around.

No, no, no, no. You can't.

We realized that we were on our way

to the fast forward, not by our own choice.

We decided we're going to take the fast forward,

go play with the orangutans,

um, and just pray that nobody else

is gonna do it.

So this is right, right?

At least--yeah.

Just do it. We're doing the fast forward.

This could be it. This is going to make or break us.

Arrows to the right.Arrows to the right.

It's a detour. Detour.

Come on, we gotta do it.

Detour--chop or haul.

PHIL: A detour is a choice between tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between chop and haul.

In chop, teams use local tools

to chop down palm nut bunches

with clue envelopes attached.

However, for every one envelope with a clue,

there are that are empty.

In haul, teams use a wheelbarrow

to haul -pound nut bunches

to one of these corresponding trucks.

The nut bunches are sharp and cumbersome.

So getting it done could take some time.

When their truck is fully loaded,

it will drive away, revealing their clue.

Let's do that.

The wheelbarrows?

Yeah. All right. Let's go.

What number is this? ?

, it's number . Let's go.

Can you get that?Yeah, I got this.

Just got it. Number .

Not even, baby.

They make you bleed like crazy.


Those things were heavy.

They had stickers on them that stuck into our hands

and they also had all this juice

and everything that got all over us.


We are driving around trying to find

this Palm Oil Plantation,

which is not easy,

because there are a million palm trees

and a million plantations here.

Sign's coming up, Mill, which way?

I don't know.

You're going to have to help me.I can't do that.

Well, you're gonna have to stop and help me.

You want to talk or you want me to talk?

Yeah. I'll talk.


Trushidup Palm Oil Plantation.


[Woman, speaking foreign language]

Sun.Yes. Yes.

Did you find something?

Why don't you stop and ask?

Go. Go. Go, fast. Please.

Chuck, I have to figure out what I got here, OK?

Good grief, Chuck!

Hi. Does anybody speak English?

Please, please, please hurry.

OK, sir, which way is this road?

Is it that way or is it that way?

This way.

You tell me. I feel like we should go back.

To the main road.

I don't know.

DAVID: We drive in and we come upon Jon and Al.

Turn around, I didn't see a box back there.

Dude, there's no arrows, there's no markers.

This is not right.

We didn't see a flag or the box.

Do you see anything?

No. Keep going, I think.

If not, we gotta turn around up here.

Hey, dudes, where's the clue?

Huh?Where's the clue?

Right up there.

Oh, to the right.

You guys, man, don't know

what the hell you're doing.

Al? Where?


AL: On the wheelbarrow!JON: The wheelbarrow!

The first wheelbarrow?

They asked us where the clue was.

We couldn't believe it.

I think sometimes David and Jeff

travel so fast they miss what is right in front of them.

Oh, this wheelbarrow. Ha ha!

Jon and Al were really helpful, which was really cool.

You want to do the haul? Yeah.

These things are heavy as hell.

Can you put one more in the pile?

How many did you do?


Got to get them over these.

Set down.

Oh, jeez.


Using a map, drive yourself to Gomantong Caves.

PHIL: Teams must now drive themselves miles

to this place, the Gomantong Caves,

where they'll find their next route marker.

Hours of operation : to :, let's go.

No, it's just us.


Get underneath, like this on a stem.

DAVID: I'm actually pretty proud of us,

because normally we do something like

get them all in the wheelbarrow,

wheel 'em all up to one of the trucks,

and like throw all in the wrong numbered truck.

But that was--that was actually pretty good that we didn't do that.

That was good execution on that detour.

So that was good.

JEFF: Hey!

Drive yourselves to the Gomantong Caves.

: A.M. To P.M. Let's do it.

It makes sense for us to use the fast forward.

You know, obviously we are in last place right now.

If we get to the orangutan sanctuary,

and the fast forward is gone,

we will have to go back and start at the Palm Oil place,

so there would be no way to catch up, for sure.

It does not make any sense

for any of the teams that are ahead of us

to take the fast forward.

REICHEN: Fast forward--

go to the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary

once there, hike approximately minutes

into the jungle.

Each of you feed pieces of fruit to the orangutans.

This is it.


We grabbed our baskets of fruit

and went running into the jungle.

Careful of these vines that are across the way.

I got it.

Wow, look at these trees.

It is really beautiful.It's so gorgeous.

Boy Scout skills.

Did you find something? OK.

Up here on the right, Millie, look at this.

Right here, is this the clue?

Chop or haul.

Maybe we should do the-- Wow, palm nut--

There's only one wheelbarrow that you can use.

I know, but I can hold it on top while we run together.

We can run fast. Come on, let's do that.

Just move it. Just move it.

of those in there.

No. No. No. Don't do that.

We can change our minds, Chuck.

Come on, it's going to be easier.

We can run faster. Drop, go.

OK, this is going to be like--

I didn't think I'd be able to help him

cut down the palm nuts from the tree at all,

but I knew I could maybe help him with the wheelbarrow.

I would have chopped.

Millie? No. I don't think so.

Are we chopping now?

We started with the wheelbarrows.

I was, like, I think it will be quicker

just to cut down the palm branches

and try to get the clue from the tree.

OK. If you want to do it--

Yeah. Let's chop.

No, you can't do that.

It says cut down the bunches.

Can I take it down?

I make him feel anxious and worried and frustrated.

In that case, I agree with the wheelbarrow.

Back to the wheelbarrow.

I did one of those, then it was obvious to me,

we needed to go with the wheelbarrow.

Whoo. Whoo.

Where are they?

Right up to the right. See? Yeah.

It said pieces each? Yeah.

We arrived to mother and her young orangutan.

Very interested in these white guys

walking up to their territory.

Take this. Take it.

The first orangutans were very shy to us,

but then one really bold one came over

and started taking the fruit from us,

so the other figured, OK, these guys must be safe,

and they started to take the fruit from us, too.

Look at his hands!

His hands feel like my hands.

I felt like I was touching the hands

or shaking the hands of another human being,

and that was probably the most memorable part of that whole experience.

Look at his hands.

Is that good? Thank you.


"You've won the fast forward.

"Drive yourselves directly to the next pit stop.

The Sepilok Nature Resort."

PHIL: Having won the fast forward,

Reichen and Chip can now skip all tasks

and go directly to the pit stop,

the Sepilok Nature Resort.

Let's go. OK.

That was a really incredible experience,

and I wish we weren't racing.

Because I would stay there and play with them for a week.

No, it's gotta go.

Just drop that one, quick, please.

Chuck, go, come on.

You're gonna have to take it off.

You are so stubborn. You know you can do that.

You go, you go.

I'm going to toss them to you, go.


No. Uh-uh. Don't toss them, they've got thorns in 'em.

Millie, do not toss those.

CHUCK: The butting heads, that concerns me

in regards to our relationship...

because we do have a lot of differences.


You got it?

No. It's OK. I'll get them.

You just go take the first one.

Hold on, Millie. Millie, just wait one second, please.

I'm fine. I just thought you were ready for it.

I'm not ready till it stays up.

He gets very resentful of any kind of order or instruction,

and I drive him nuts doing that.

And I've driven him nuts doing that for years.

Watch out! Watch out!

Drive yourselves to the Gomantong Caves.

Gotta use the map.

Yeah. We are close. Go.

We are?Yes.

Just go back out to the main road.

Out of the plantation?



Let's just stick to the game plan.

Take the fast forward.

This is it. Orangutan. Sepilok. Yeah.

meters. It's orang-utan.


This might be it right here.



Guess what, babe?

Somebody took the fast forward.

Are you serious?Yep.

Oh, mother trucker.

So that's it babe. We're out.

You're always right. I'm always wrong.

We're done. [Sighs]

Kelly, go [bleep] yourself.

What did you just say to me?

What did you just say to me?

I'll tell you what, Jon, you are walking a thin line.

This was a chance we decided to take,

but you will not talk to me like that.

I could not believe the fast forward was gone.

I could not believe it. We were so stressed out.

We definitely said some hateful things.

I'm willing to bet anything the clowns took the fast forward.

And then they probably went,

"Please, guys, Jon and Kelly are gonna take

"the fast forward tomorrow so you have to get it

so we won't be eliminated!"

Jon, listen.

Would you please, please, please,

quit being a big jerk?

OK? You are being a jerk to me.

You are being a jerk to everybody else.

Just get over it.

JON: I would love to be the perfect gentleman,

but we're not at charm school

trying to learn how to be a gentleman.

We're racing.

Let's just go finish the race

and go out like normal people

instead of being bitter. We had fun.

Now it's not fun.

If we don't get lost, we are not far from the caves.

We didn't sleep one bit last night,

and that didn't help, and it's not easy, anyway.

What are they called? The White Caves? Gomantong?


Keep your eyes peeled on this.

All right. Let's go.

Lots of leaves out here.

Keep pushing, man, keep pushing.

Every minute counts.

Yeah, look at this.

Whoo! Whoo!


It's time for the ladder part of the race.

PHIL: A roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock,

that person has to climb one of these

traditional rattan ladders

to a point where they'll be dangling

feet over the stone floor of the cave.

Locals do this to collect birds nests

to make bird's nest soup.

The teams will be doing it

to get this basket and retrieve a clue from inside.

Ladders, man, that's you.

Right when they said ladder, I said Jon will do it,

because in the circus, Jon balances ladders.

He balances whatever.

Wow! Spectacular.

Oh, man, that is wild. Oh, you got it, man.

You are going to do great.

Think of it as a trapeze, baby.

So you climb up, climb up to that top ladder

and then lay on your belly and just go out.

OK, -----, let's go.

Let's go, left-hand ladder.

One step at a time.

The steps are pretty far apart for my legs.

Take your time, though. Don't worry.

I would not want to do this.

There are so many birds in this cave,

that there is so much poo.

So you put your hand on one rung of the ladder,

and it's poops.

So then you put your foot up

and your foot's in poop,

and you try not to slip off.

You're doing great, man.


You're more than halfway there.

kilometers. There is no box there or anything, is there?

Nice and easy. You got it.

Awesome. You are doing great.

Awesome, man.

The hard part is over.

Yee-haw! Yeah!

Come on, pit stop.

Drive yourself to the next pit stop,

the Sepilok Nature Resort.

PHIL: Teams must now drive themselves

to the town of Sepilok,

and find this place,

the Sepilok Nature Resort.

Nestled within the lush forest of Northern Borneo,

this rustic lodge is the pit stop for this leg of the race.

We got to find out where that is, man. Let's go.

When we were leaving there,

who shows up but the goats, Dave and Jeff again.

Right on our tail. We can never get rid of them.

Are you exhausted?

[All talking at once]

All right, we'll see you there.

Right there. There it is.

I see him out on the edge of the river. There it is.

Let's make every second count.

Welcome to Sandakan.

Thank you.

Reichen and Chip,

you are team number one.


Now I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this ninth leg of the race,

you have won a vacation to festive Latin America,

courtesy of American Airline's website,

which you can enjoy after the race.


Nice. There you go.

Roadblock--it's time for the ladder part of the race.

All right. I got it.

Do it, man!

Holy crap. This is awesome.

The clue was actually really high up.


Take your time. Don't fall, bud.

The ladder wasn't terribly secure.

It was a little bit shaky.

It was, you know, not like climbing up

a standard -foot painting ladder.

How the hell do you get to the clue?

You gotta climb out, bro.

Oh, over there.

Yeah. The basket. It is in the basket.

Does it show water? We are about to go across water.

A bridge like this over this water, I would think, would be on that map.

We need to stop on the other side of this track.

OK, is this this road right here?

Look, right there.

I see a wheelbarrow with the things on it.


Choose a pile of palm nut branches--

I can cut down quick.

Come on. Let's just do this, Jon.

Choose a pile of palm nut branches.

Dude, this is going to take forever.

Really? Do you think?

There is the truck right there.

You gotta bring it up there--

Come on!

Feel how heavy those things are.

We chose the palm nuts in the wheelbarrow

because I thought that would be easier.

Well, get cracking.

Slowly, though. I got it.

Be careful.

Take your time, bro.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Let's go.

To the corresponding truck.

So how do I know which is the corresponding truck?

Is it at the bottom?

It says on it.

"C." I mean, this truck says "C" On it.

Well, the wheelbarrow said .

We gotta make sure that we're throwing it in the right truck.

JON: We got confused, 'cause it had to go

on a specific dump truck.

I'm sure it was very clearly written,

but at that time we didn't see the number at all.


There's a truck down here.

You want to see?

We're looking for the corresponding truck

to our wheelbarrow. Is that it?

It's not a truck.

Jon, how are we so stupid?

KELLY: Our problem is that we get so excited

and so stressed out, that we don't really think.

We don't even-- like, we have to read our clue times

before it actually sinks in. It is ridiculous.

Where are the trees?

So we decided to go over

and cut the palm nuts out of the tree.

That was way too hard.

OK, how do I do it?

I got one, Kel. Kel, I got one.

Well, read it and see if it's it.

Try again. Dang it.

We are hopelessly lost.

Gomantong. Gomantong.

This is just so frustrating.

On the right. OK.

Come on, baby, pull it!

Yeah. I know.

Oh. Use your map. Drive yourselves to the Gomantong Caves.

Should be soon.

Should be real soon.

Is this right where we came out?

It is in the same freaking place.

So it is not out of here.

Oh, man.

Yeah. I know. Bad. This is stupid of me.

MILLIE: I am not good at reading maps.

It has been a bad day.

We suck.

CHUCK: We ended up going an hour the opposite way.

I'm sorry I took us the wrong way.

MILLIE: I'm sorry.

No. No. No. Come on. You did good.

We both done good. We done bad. It's fine.

We got lost. It was my mistake,

and I really cost us a lot of time.

We knew we were in the back of the pack.

Here it is right there. Gomantong Caves.

KELLY: Go to the right. Go to the right.

JON: This is it.

MILLIE: We are so messed up today.

Hey, somebody is behind us. Chuck, Chuck!

You can catch up, it's Millie and Chuck!

Come on.

Who is that? It's Jon and Kelly.

Come on.

We gotta go.

JON: That's why the adrenaline meter

went from like, a negative

to like, a plus . The race was on then.

Run, Jon, run!

Come on, Millie.



It's the time for the ladder part of the race.

I'm going to do it.You want to do it or me? You.

Enter the cave, follow the walkway--

Come on, run with me!

Go, Chuck.Millie, come on!

KELLY: Go, Jon!

KELLY: Come on, Jonny!

Come on.

Climb on the marked ladder, retrieve your clue

from inside a basket hanging feet off the ground.

OK, Chuck. Go fast, Chuck!

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!

Go! Go! Go!

MILLIE: You are good at this, Chuck.

This is all your time to shine.

Be aggressive, Chuck. Be aggressive!

Jon, go!

Yeah, babe, go.

You are right there with him.

No, he's not, Chuck. No, he's not.

Go, Jon. Go! Go! Go!


Jon and Al,

you are team number .

Yeah, baby!


Lay down, Jon. Stretch it out.

Go, Chuck. Go, Chuck. You're doing it right. Go.

Go, go, Chuck. Come on!

Come on, Chuck!

You got him, babe. You got him!


Come on, Chuck.

Hurry, hurry.

Here, here.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop,

the Sepilok Nature Resort.

Come on. I hear them.

This is our chance.

Go. Go, babe. You can beat them.

We can beat them.

KELLY: I can't believe it!

You were awesome, you did so good.

I can't believe it.

Babe, I'm not even exaggerating.

You were like a chimpanzee

climbing that ladder.

He went went at least seconds in front of you,

and you beat him down.

We are redeemed!


Millie, where are we going?

There is nothing. Look at this map.

You're better at reading maps than I am.

I can't look right now, baby.

On the maps that I have,

it does not say the resort.

They're gonna follow us.

Because we were there for the fast forward.

We know exactly where it is.

I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm doing!

Please look at the map, Chuck! I can't read them.

I'm just staying on his tail. I'm just doing what he does.

We can stay with him so we have a chance

to, uh, sprint it out at the end,

team versus team.

David and Jeff,

you are team number .

Good job.

Oh, boy. Here we go.

They are right on our asses.

They're about to try to pass.

I cannot find the freaking gear.

[Gears grind]

I can't shift.

CHUCK: Oh, I cannot find it.


Watch them, Millie, watch them.

Keep your eyes open, Millie.

See if they do something tricky.

I could totally see them doing something tricky.

Keep going. Keep going.

Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

We're getting close, babe.

Keep your eyes peeled.

This is it, yeah, yeah, yeah! Focus and look for flags.

Sepilok Nature Resort.

Remember, it's the resort.

This way. meters.

CHUCK: There it is.

Sepilok, right there.

KELLY: This might be it.

Welcome to-- Stop. Stop. Stop.

I hope that wasn't it.

It is a dead sprint to that mat.

I'm just freakin', man. I'm panicked.

If we screwed up here, it's over.

Is this it?

Pump yourself up and get ready to sprint.

Just think about one sprint, no matter what, we gotta fly.

Just beat her. Don't worry about him.

Just smash her.

If we don't see the flags,

they can beat us. It's a foot race, Jon.

Leave everything in the car, even the pouch.

We're just going to sprint.OK.

They're fast, so if it's a foot race...

They're not that fast, Kel. We can beat them.

You're faster than Chuck,

but Millie is a little jack rabbit.

I got these long, dangly legs.

They don't move like her short stubs.

This is going to be a sprint.

I hope it's a sprint.

Oh, please, Lord, let me run.

KELLY: Nature Resort! Back up. Hurry, hurry.

You were right! Hurry, hurry!

Right there.

Hurry. Hurry. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Kelly and Jon...

you're team number .

I can't believe it. Ohh...

PHIL: Millie and Chuck...

you're the last team to arrive.

Sorry to tell you, you have both

been eliminated from the race.

It's OK.

You wanted this really bad, didn't you, Millie?


We were talking about, you know, where the relationship was going.

Any conclusions now?

I feel like we learned a lot about ourselves

as far as our relationship.

I feel like we were there for each other

and, you know, in a lot of ways we weren't,

you know. So it is a two-way street.

We really are doubting that we are the ones

to make each other happy.

CHUCK: We are both very stubborn and strong headed.

It is hard to keep peace in the relationship.

If that is the case, then I want us to go our separate ways.

Because I really want him to just be happy.

I'm still not certain about the future for Millie and myself.

But no matter what happens,

she is going to have a place in my heart

that no one else, you know, will ever have.

PHIL: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

PHIL: On the next episode of The Amazing Race--

teams head for Korea and take the ultimate plunge.

Some get a taste for the country.

CHIP: Dude, they stay alive.

REICHEN: Are we allowed to vomit?

PHIL: And others get lost at the North Korean border.

Turn around.

This can't be right!
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