04x05 - You Are Just Deliberately Trying to Make Us Lose!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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04x05 - You Are Just Deliberately Trying to Make Us Lose!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: previously on the amazing race...

Teams set off from this castle in austria

And traveled to the famed le mans racetrack in france.

Come on, chuck!

While teams felt the need for speed...

Go, go, go!

Millie and chuck stalled

When chuck was struck with claustrophobia.

It was hot and tight. Not good timing, I know.

Angry teams confronted tian and jaree and reichen and chip,

Believing they were about to cut in line.

Check your tires when you pull out

Because you never know what'll happen.

You guys think you're privileged.

Don't question my integrity.

Jeff, that's bull...

Tian and jaree solved a puzzling fast forward.

While the other teams faced a steep challenge.

Go on out! Your weight'll pull you down!

Shut up!

Steve and dave struggled with injury.

My knee's right back to where it was a week ago.

But narrowly avoided elimination.

Steve and josh were eliminated, the fourth team to go.

My dad is still entirely my hero.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

Phil: this is marseilles, france.

Founded by the greeks more than , years ago,

It's now one of the busiest port cities in all of europe.

And on the outskirts of town, the chateau des alpilles.

This -year-old mansion was the fourth pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg for a mandatory rest period

That allows them to eat, sleep, and mingle with the other teams.

Will the fighting between tian and jaree continue to escalate?

And will air traffic controllers steve and dave

Be able to navigate themselves out of last place once again?

Tian and jaree, who were the first to arrive at : p.m...

Oh, my god!

Will depart at : a.m.


Drive yourselves to marseilles airport and fly to amsterdam.

Phil: teams must now travel more than , miles to amsterdam, holland,

And find the magere brug,

Amsterdam's famous skinny white bridge on the amstel river,

Where they will find the next route marker.

You have $ for this leg of the race.

So we're going to marseilles.

Now we gotta figure out where the frigging airport is there.

Go left. No, right.

Do you have any idea where you are?

I'm not really that good at reading maps. She's good at that.

Tell me how to go the right direction, I'll go.

But she treats me like a little baby.


Come on, baby. Go.

Drive yourselves to marseilles airport...

And fly to amsterdam.

All right. Let's go to amsterdam.

Keep the clue, millie.

I feel like chuck doesn't even know me in some ways

Because I've done a lot of things, I've traveled before,

And I feel like either he doesn't want to respect that

Or he doesn't really believe it.

Oh, my gosh. Amsterdam.

It's going to be colder than it is here.

Let's go slow. Ok.

One thing we try to do is concentrate on just us,

Put blinders on, don't worry about this team or that team.

Keep pushing like we have teams ahead of us.

Push, push, push, push.

Let's roll.

Sheree and I are still getting along great.

We're on our way to the airport.

We're going to make a mad dash to the counter.

We never yell at each other or try to demean the other one.

Like tian and jaree.

We would never wish anything bad on anyone,

But if tian wasn't around we'd be very happy with that.

Hall ?

Amsterdam. For air france.

What time does this one open?

Around :.


Drive yourselves to marseilles airport and fly to amsterdam.

Let's go.

Ok. Beautiful town, isn't it?

Ok. Just don't be distracted.

When we get distracted and start, like, sightseeing,

We have a tendency to drive by stuff and make really bad mistakes,

And we can't do that.

Fly to amsterdam. Let's go.

Drive yourself to the marseilles airport.

No, no, no, dude. You went the wrong way. Back up.

I don't want to feel like I'm bossy, but these are critical things we need to do.

He may take that as me telling him to do something,

But we're running a hard race and I'm determined to win it.

Let's do it.

I am the worst map reader in the world.

I don't know what the hell I'm looking at.

You got practice how to read these damn things, kel.

You're not always gonna be able to drive.

We just got engaged, so it's very new for us.

And we're learning as we go. And I kind of want to know,

Is this how he's going to treat me in the marriage?

Marseilles. Airport. Ok, good.

Airport, righthere.

Come on, chuck. We got to hurry.

Amsterdam. Let's roll.

We're the tortoise versus the hare

And we're just going to continue on what we've been doing,

Knowing that sometimes if you run you to make a mistake.

Wake up.

Yeah, please do.


Chip: there's a lot of teams.

We have to figure out a smart way to get on that first flight,

But it's going to be weird.

Have to respect the lines again, I think.

Reichen: we waited for the ticket counters to open.

Tian and jaree got to the ticket counter before we did

And I sat in the back of the line of teams

And I said, "you watch, we're going to get screwed.

There are only going to be enough seats for the first two teams."

Sure. I'll talk to jaree.

Are you kidding?

Millie: tian and jaree were at air france,

They had the first flight out

And we thought they were going to buy up tickets for chip and reichen.

Jon and al and chuck and i, we went to british airways counter.

We probably get first spot at the desk right now.

I need tickets to amsterdam.

No cutting. I'll punch your eye out.

Reichen: so we decided to honor the line this morning

Because we said, "you know what?

We can just use our physical abilities

To get in front of them later."

This is the : flight that goes into london.

It's actually going to be for .

We fly into orly or charles de gaulle?

We're on the flight now

Along with chuck and millie, jon and al.

Chip and reichen are probably going to be on this flight, also.

Is air france here?

Departures would be up.

There are no more seats?

It's sold out.

So in order for us to get to charles de gaulle we have to fly into orly?

We're flying to orly on air france

And we have to taxi from orly to charles de gaulle.

We have to make the connection from orly to charles de gaulle.

So we have an hour between our flights. So we're pushing it.

Thank you so much. Thank you very much.

Au revoir.

Going to hop on a cab and hope to make the connection.

It's really going to be tight.

My god. Can we make it there by :?


If not, we'll miss the flight.

We got to get that.

Charles de gaulle airport?

As swiftly as possible, please.

So we're sitting in traffic.

There's an accident between orly and charles de gaulle.

It's going to be really, really questionable.

We no sooner left the grounds of that airport

Than we stopped dead in traffic.

So we're going one mile an hour.

In amsterdam.

Don't really know where the other teams are,

But I feel pretty good about our position.

Someone told us just to take a taxi from here.

There's a train right there on the left.

Straight up. To the right.

This way, jon.

Straight up. To the right.

Come on, jonny. They're going to a taxi.

I think the other people are going for the train.

The guy said that the taxi was much better.

Is it easier to take a taxi or a train into the city?

So a train.

We gotta go to platform .

Get there before it goes!

Oh, yeah, it's cool.

Tian: so where are we?

Fine.we'll pay that.

Millie and chuck, they all ran out to take a taxi.

Millie: there goes the train.

That guy said the train went north of the bridge

And they would have to backtrack.

He said a white bridge.

There it is, there it is.

Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

Thank you very much.

Go, chuck. Go, chucky.

Choose one of the metal boats

And drive yourselves to the scheepvaart museum.

Phil: teams must now choose a boat

And drive themselves to this place, the scheepvaart museum.

This -year-old warehouse,

Now a museum dedicated to the nautical history of holland,

Is where teams will find their next clue.

Ok. Down. We go down.

We're here. Come on.

Can we-- no, no. We drive ourselves.

We have to read our clue?

We have to drive ourselves, millie.

I have no clue which way we're facing.

Just start driving.

Chuck: right off the bat, we're frantic.

We don't know if we should go quick or stop and read the map.

Look at me, not them.

I know where we're going. You showed it to me.

Please go, chuck.

Choose one of the metal boats

And drive yourself to the blah, blah, blah museum.

Come on, chuck.

The whole time I'm going we got go, we got go,

And I can't concentrate on the map.

The map and operating instructions are on board.

All right. Let's go.

Open the gate.

Excuse me. How do we get up there?

Thank you.damn!

Make sure we're going the right way or this is useless.

Please go, chuck.

Traffic just opened up ever so slightly.

We've only got five minutes until this flight leaves.

See you in there.

You got it. Haul butt. Ok.

It's gone. Yeah.

We're left. Everything's gone.

We ended up missing the air france connection.

We'll transfer our flight over to klm

And we'll leave here at :.

We're booking tickets through klm.

We got to hustle up today. Gain some ground.

The scheepvaart museum.

We're here.

So the werewolf and molly mole are ahead of us.

We're trying to catch up.

Jon thought of millie mole,

'Cause every time he sees her he goes, "moley, moley, moley."

Chuck, he's got these funky muscles right here.

And when you talk to him, he's like... [Snarls]

He's very handsome but he does look like second-stage of werewolf.

What's it called?

Scheepvaart museum.

Is that the right way?i don't know.

I've been following the teams that went this way.

Ok. Good.

There was a map in there

And you had to navigate yourself through these waterways.

There's just a lot of canals.

I believe we're right here.

I got it.

Go straight up that way.

How the hell we supposed to know how to do this stuff?

I've never driven a boat.

Got to get in the boat, go to our next destination.

Jaree: find the-- this is just too much.

Here, let me drive and you look for it.

I got it.

Yeah, but you're better at looking--

Just look at-- it's right...

I wish tian would listen more and not just always do what she wants to do.

We're going right here.

No, no, no, no, no. Don't make a move

Until we know we're going the right way.

How many--when are we gonna learn our lesson?

Millie, I'm going.

Oh, you're gonna make--we're gonna lose the pack--

Instead of doing that, put your effort into reading the signs.

Chuck, we agreed we're not going to lose the pack--

Look, look. Don't spend your energy doin' that.

Well, you should do what we agreed on, please.

You didn't tell me to go right.

I told you to follow them.

They're idiots. They don't know

Where they're going. I'm telling you.

They're coming this way now.

Reichen: they just took a right.

Into that little canal.

Are they right though?

No, chip. We got to turn around.

We would have been there by now, actually,

For as far as we've gone.

Al: jon, it's definitely a red and yellow flag.

Jon: let's go!

It's a detour.

Kilograms or feet.

Phil: a detour is a choice between two tasks,

Each with its own pros and cons.

This time their choice is kilograms or feet.

In kilograms, teams drive about miles to this outdoor market,

Don traditional wooden clogs,

And use a wooden stretcher to carry cheese from the stockpile to these scales.

Once they've weighed in with exactly kilograms of cheese,

No more, no less, they get their next clue.

It's a bit of a drive and the task could be physically demanding,

But teams are likely to stay clean.

In feet, teams drive about miles to this ranch

Where cow manure is processed into fertilizer for local farms.

They must search bare-handed for clues hidden in a -foot pile of manure.

It's a shorter drive and shouldn't be physically demanding at all,

But teams are sure to end up filthy and smelling pretty bad.

Let's do that. Cow manure?

Cow manure. Cow manure! Yeah!

Try the last one. Go to the last one.

Chuck, I begged you back there not to turn.

I said please.

And then you don't even acknowledge I have an opinion.

It's just like this in life. This is what we do.

Only it's just magnified now.

I think we're going the wrong way.

I told you we're going the wrong way.

They're idiots.

I told you not to follow these guys.

Turning around.

They're turning around.i see that.

Keep going that way.

She's like "I don't believe them."

"I don't like those people."

We just decided to turn around and regroup

And start the other way.

This the way to the scheepvaart museum?

Thank you.

I know more than you know about where we are.

Back off. Back off?

Don't talk to me like that.

Nobody's talking to you mean.

Just relax. Because you don't want to be wrong,

All I'm saying is let's go back this way.

I have no idea where we are. I never said I did.

Exactly, but you're making it seem like I don't, and yes, I do.

I know more than you know.

Obviously. Anyway, we're going this way,

And I think we should make a right and go towards the center.

Wow. She's so amazing.

You told me you can't read a map and all of a sudden you can?

I can read it.

After you make me sit in the back of a car--

No, I couldn't see the map the other night.

I can see this beautiful.

Where are we exactly, then? Point to me--

Let me take it. You're such a dumb ass.

At least we know we're in the right direction.

Man, you can smell it, man. This stinks.

Oh, yes.

One's miles, one's miles.

Feet tall. That's a lot of cow manure.

I'm and...

Oh, let's go do the other one. All right.

I think we should read the fast forward.

Phil: there's only one fast forward on each leg of the race.

The first team that finds it can skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

However, once a team uses the fast forward,

That team can never use another one for the rest of the race,

So teams need to decide when it's most advantageous to go for it.

To claim this fast forward,

Teams need to make their way to north amsterdam

And find this windmill.

Then, each team member will be strapped to one of the sails

And the windmill will be set in motion.

Once they've completed revolutions,

The miller will give them their clue.

Let's go for the fast forward.

All right. We got to move now.

Central station?

That side.this here?

That's our flag.

Whoo! I smell something good.

Where's the pile, man? Don't tell me that's the pile.

Oh, this is disgusting. Oh, boy.

Look at you. You look ridiculous, man.

Oh, man! Yo, yo, that's not cool.

I'll go around.

Oh, my god!

Kelly: there's the flag.

Let's do poo? Poo?

Yeah. Miles. Compared to miles.


It's not your fault. You know, it takes two.

It's not your fault.

I don't see how either one of us can not be realizing

Some of the huge compatibility issues that have been going on.

Oh, my goodness.

It's going to be cool.

Ok. Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my god!

Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh. The whole thing's shaking!


How do you like it, chuck?

Chuck: yeah!

This is awesome.

Chuck: we're frantic, but to be alone on the top of a windmill

Is some needed peace during that exact time.

This is for you. Thank you.

And I have car keys for you. Thank you so much.

You've won the fast forward.

Take the marked car and drive yourself to the next pit stop,

Kasteel muiderslot in the town of muiden.

Phil: having won the fast forward,

Millie and chuck can now skip all tasks and go directly to the pit stop,

The kasteel muiderslot, an ancient castle in the nearby town of muiden.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

Warning--the last team to check in will be eliminated.


Ok. Going to go search for clues in a -foot pile of cow manure.

Start digging. Don't be a weenie, man!

Oh, disgusting!

Don't do that, man.

I got the clue, man. I got it.

Get off!

I'm standing with one leg in the air going, where's the clue?

He says it's disgusting, but who's the one throwing it around

And having the time of his life?

Drive yourselves to the village of monnickendam

And find the route marker at the statue called the smoker.

Phil: teams must now drive to the fishing village of monnickendam

And search this dock for a statue called the smoker,

Where they will find their next route marker.


There's a flag hanging from the bridge.

If you'll just take us right to that.

Jaree, we haven't even crossed the bridge yet. Right there.

That's where we started.

Just now came out at that locks.

Ok, we're looking for amstel street in here.

There's no amstel street. We're on the amstel river.

We just got lost over and over and over and got frustrated.

So you get more lost...

I guess we're just right back where we started from.

Which way you want to go?

You want to go that way and around or that way and around?

I think we should go up a little bit more.

We know where we are now.

We lost an hour and a half because of our stupid bickering back and forth.

So drive yourselves to the scheepvaart museum.

Okay. We're going to go under the bridge.

It's a beautiful day, huh?



Amsterdam sucks.

I like amsterdam.

There's no more clues.

Right. We're the last.

Are you sure? Yeah.

Flags, flags, flags.

I'll be glad when we get off this boat.

I don't really want to do a cow manure thing.

Right now I don't give a...

My hands are completely frozen. Maybe it will warm them up.

Pooville, here we come.

That's the clowns. They played in the poo.

Jon: did you play with poo? Was it fun?

Kelly: the clowns are awfully funny. We like the clowns.

Hey, baby, I'm dead sexy.

Get to work. Let's go!


Oh, my god.

So we're walking. I stepped in a nice juicy, juicy hole.

That's poo quicksand!

I say the higher we go, the more poo.

Go on the other side.

Oh, no, I got pooped!

Got it.

Reichen: carry cheese across the square and onto the scales.

Oh, wow.

Once you have weighed with exactly kilograms,

You will receive your next clue.

So how much does each one weigh, I wonder?

I don't know.

Do you think that's too much?

No. Put more on.

Let's do that. Ready?

Got it?

Ok. Hold on.

I'm just following you.

You go. You lead it.

Chip, you're pushing me.

I'm not doing anything. I'm just following you.

Just let me lead.i'm not doing a thing.

More cheese. More?

More cheese.

I found it! I found it!

All right!

I was like holy poo, you got the clue.

High poo five.

Let me use this poo hand.

Ew. Ew.

Ok, chip. Don't push me.

We have to level the scales. That's not level?

That's very important, eh?

More or less?

More. Much more.

We'll bring three this time and forget the little ones, ok?

This is so cool.this is way cool.

I think david gets a little more aggressive

As he kind of feels the chips were down.

He's willing to pick up the oar and he just kept driving and driving.

And that moved us forward.

Cow manure? Let's go here.

Oh, jeez, are you ok?

Come on, the old slow guys are catching you?

Steve: we saw jeff and dave, which we consider one of the most fit teams

And here comes steve and dave, the tortoise, just plodding along.

We're going cheese.

That was real hard.

I was feeling, hey, this is beautiful.

We zip up, do the cheese.

We said surely no one would go put their arms in cow crap.

Monica: aah!

My shoe is stuck!

Found it. Let's get the hell out of here.

I'll never complain about changing my son's diaper ever again.


Watch the needle.

Reichen: what?

Chip: it's over. It's over.

Take one off.

Wait, let it balance, chip.

Watch the needle.

I think it's...



Let's go.

No. Let's read it. Right here.

Drive yourself to the village of monnickendam

And find the route marker at the statue called the smoker.

Al: we finally found monnickendam.

I'm looking for a statue--

Oh, john. I see it.


A roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this roadblock, that person has to immerse themselves

In the world of a traditional dutch fisherman.

Here, where eel is common food,

The chosen team members have to get on one of these marked boats

And using only their hands, catch live eels

And put them into the marked container.

Only then will the fisherman give them their next clue.

Which one has a firm grip and likes seafood?

What do you wanna do? You wanna do it?

Firm grip and likes seafood.

You like seafood?yeah, I like seafood.

Ok, you have a firm grip?

Yeah. I'll do it.

Step aboard a marked boat and, using only your hands,

Catch live eels.

Oh, I don't want to do this.

Go for it, al! Come on, let's go!

Using only your hands, catch live eels

And place them in the marked container.

There's the marked container to your right.

Go, pick 'em up, go.

Pick it up, put it in there.

One, go, go, go. Come on, al.

Go, go. Aah!

Come on, al.

Millie: muiderslot, straight on.

Chuck: there it is, to the right.

Ok. Look for the flags.

Yeah, it's down here.ok.

Welcome to amsterdam.

Thank you.

Millie and chuck, you are team number one.

Oh, thank you, god.

I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this fifth leg of the race,

You've won a -night cruise vacation to mexico's rivera

On royal caribbean's vision of the seas,

Which you can enjoy after the race.

How is it going between the two of you?

It's been hard. It's hard for us to work together. He doesn't trust me.

To millie, I think to trust is to always do exactly what she says,

And I don't think that's necessarily trust.

Go. Al, pick it up. Go. Grab it tight!

Come on, al!

Come on, we're losing time. Go. Come on!

Forget about it! !

Pick them up.

, .


Get the clue, get over here.

Thank you very much.

Drive yourself to the next pit stop. Pit stop!

Let's go, baby! Yeah!

We're having a little problem getting the car in reverse,

So right now we're just trying to find a place where we can do a full turn.

I don't want to get stuck in water.

Oh, no.just great.

It's digging harder.

We're just spinning?

Why is this car not moving?

No way.

We're not getting out of here.

We're stuck.


I can't even describe how I feel.

I couldn't believe that we just did the cow manure,

Went through all that, only to get stuck

Feet from where we had just pulled off from.

I will do the roadblock.

Catch live eels and put them in the marked container.

You must work bare-handed.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god!

Hold on. Here comes a truck.

I'm going to stop this truck.

Can you help us, please?

I just want to get the hell out of here.

Thank you so, so much. Thank you.

All right.

Eight. .

What do they feel like?

They feel like a slippery penis.

I want to touch one. Faster.

. Yeah!

Drive yourself to the next pit stop, kasteel muiderslot in the town of muiden.

Ok. Let's go.

Looks clean. Looks clean.

Jon and al, you're team number two.


All right! All right.

I'm sick of you.

You are just deliberately trying to make us lose.

I told you I would drive.

Shut up. Because you're going to get your face punched, believe me.

What are we searching for?

I'm sure everybody else found it with ease

Because they have partners that helps them.

Ah. Steve and dave.


Hey, you got regular shoes on.

Look pretty stupid, those wooden shoes rolling that cheese around.

Had we known, we might have gone ass elbows in crap.

Oh, hey.

Steve, do not push. Keep it still.

Steve: we got to even it out, too?

Oh, man, we're in trouble.

Wait for me, babe.

Kelly and jon, you're team number three.


This is the smoker?

Yeah. Look at him smoking.

You want to do it?i'll do it.

It was funny 'cause we kept seeing chip and reichen

And they were seeing us

And we couldn't get rid of each other.

Which one of you has a firm grip and likes seafood?

That's you, thank god.


Okay, sheree. You can do it.

Okay, are you ready?

Come on, baby, you can do it.

Oh, do they get pissed when you touch them?

You can do it, sheree.

Chip: perfect.

Good job.


Good job. Excellent. That's excellent.

He's going to give you your clue.

Thank you so much.

. .


Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

The last team there will be eliminated.

Reichen, can we follow you?

Reichen: yeah, yeah, yeah.

Right now the team that I trust

Are the supremes, and that's it.

I'd like for you to read that map.

If you could show me where it is, then you can just drive there.

No, I can't. I can't look and drive.

I'll miss the turns. That's what I've been doing.

We're teammates and we're supposed to do it together,

And she can read the map, and I'm better at driving.

She's trying to just sabotage the whole thing on purpose.

I don't get it.

You're just so uncooperative,

And I don't understand why.

You're the evil one right now.

I could rip your head off right now.

Look how evil your are.

You are so evil.

I've never wanted to hurt you.

I do. I want to hurt you right now.

Got one.

You got one?yeah, let's get out of here.

We passed it?

Just go straight.

Find the route marker at the statue called the smoker.

Hey, here comes a car with a thing.

Did you dig your hands in [bleep]?

We did. How about you?

Not yet.

It's bigger than feet.

Oh, great.

Can we throw it at our teammate?

I'm sure she wants to throw it at me.

Steve: hold on.

Perfect. Ok. Yay!

Gentlemen, thank you.

Hey, you want some shoes?


Oh! That's not good.

Just think of it be as picking up your dog's poo.

My dog never pooed like that.

Here we go. I got it.

Oh, my god, I got one. Let's go.

You didn't even get your hands dirty.

Yes, I did.

Reichen and chip, you are team number four.


Monica and sheree, you are team number five.

Whoo! Yeah.

Jeff: there's the route marker.

What do you want to do?

I'll do it.all right.


Good job. Come on.

All right. Where do we go?

How are we doing?

Going to be close.

What do you want to do?

Jaree hasn't done a roadblock yet,

And I feel like I'm doing all the work.

Fine, I'll do it.

Jaree: I could have done that.

. .

. .

Warning, the last team to be checked in will be eliminated.

Oh, yeah, it has something to do with fish.

Using only your hands, catch live eels

And place them in the marked container.

Thank you, sir. Thank you. Very nice.

David and jeff, you're team number six.

How do you get out of here? This is not right.

I didn't want to be eliminated

But, you know, a small part of me was just like screw it.

Like I say, it should be no more than or kilometers, steve,

And we will be there.

I guess it's going to be dark by the time we get there.

I don't know this time.

Especially after the last two legs, you never quit.

I came here to win. I came here to play.

Tian and jaree, you're team number seven.



Oh, we thought we were eliminated.

Hoping, more like it.

She was hoping. I wasn't.

You just have to keep going.

You either do that or you start crying or screaming.

I don't know. I don't know where this is going to go.

I ran. I ran for the first time.

Steve and dave, you're the last team to arrive.

Sorry to tell you, you've both been eliminated from the race.

Ok.hey, I'm keeping the cheese, mister.

One thing I'm taking out of the amazing race

Is just how much I love my wife.

Guess you just don't realize how good you got it

Until you don't have it for a while.

We did all right for a couple of old farts.

We're still going to be friends, best of friends.

The amazing racewas the chance of a lifetime.

Phil: stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: on the next episode of the amazing race...

Pressures heightened as teams race through india.

I could have never been prepared for what I'm looking at right now.

A frustrating roadblock causes tensions to rise,

And a harrowing train ride pushes some teams over the edge.

Don't grab my boob. I'll throw you off the train.
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