03x10 - Don't Try to Play the Moralist Now!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x10 - Don't Try to Play the Moralist Now!

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: Previously on "The Amazing Race"...

teams set off from high in the Swiss Alps

and journeyed over , miles to east Asia.

John Vito and Jill ate their way to the fast forward...

Look how thick this cheese is.

Can we not think about it and just do it, please?

Phil: And took the early lead.

It was an uphill battle for Teri and Ian and Flo and Zach.

Go on! Go get the boat.

Ian: Come on, girl.

We have to race.

Phil: An uneasy partnership between

Ken and Gerard and Flo and Zach...

I promise we're not going to try to lose you.

Zach: What if we get separated?

We're not getting separated.

And we don't know where we're going!

I want to work with you.

Phil: Caused conflict...

What's wrong with you?

Phil: Within those teams.

Gerard: I wouldn't mind it if we lost them.

I'm not trying to lose them, Gerard.

I am not playing dirty.

Gerard: They have done nothing for us.

Phil: Meanwhile romance continued to blossom between Flo and Drew.

It is a tough game.

I want you to be challenged.

Phil: Derek and Drew arrived first at the pit stop,

and after falling from first place to last...

Oh, no. The other way.

Phil: John Vito and Jill were eliminated.

Now, teams remain.

Who will be eliminated tonight?

Phil: This is Singapore, the largest port city in Southeast Asia,

and towering above the city--Mount Faber.

This was the th pit stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period.

The teams waiting here have no idea what's in store for them.

They have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the next route marker

by solving clues they will find in sealed envelopes.

Will the tension between Flo and Zach bring about their downfall,

and will Teri and Ian,

the oldest couple to come this far in the race,

rise from last place?

Derek and Drew, who were the first to arrive at : A.M.,

will depart at : P.M.

"Fly to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

and find Bac Ho in Rex Square."

Phil: Teams have to travel nearly miles

to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,

where the customary red and yellow race flag

will be yellow only so as to not be confused

with the national colors of the Vietnam flag.

When they get there, they'll have to make their way to Rex Square

and find this statue of Bac Ho,

known the rest of the world as Ho Chi Minh,

leader of the communist forces during the Vietnam w*r.

, , , , .

Let's go. All right. Ok.

This is sweet.

Drew: It's getting very cut-throat.

Everyone really wants us out.

Because I think Physically, we're in great shape.

Towards the end, that's really what it comes down to,

is who is not tired,

who can physically outrun people.

Let's go.

We need to get to the airport.

Let's find a cab.

"Fly to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and find Bac Ho."

We're here to win a race.

It was Kenny's idea to actually order

a couple of cabs and hopefully,

at the time they were leaving, they would meet us.

Can you take us to the airport?

Mr. Ken?

Right. From the hotel.

Did you book earlier?

Yes. Yes. Right. Exactly.

Because I am on call.

If I took the wrong person, then I get into trouble.


We both really want to steal Ken and Gerard's cab

but we're just not good at lying to people.

What do you need for us to book this?

'cause we called one.

Yeah, but you are not Mr. Ken.

You're an idiot. Ok.

Whoo-hoo! We got a cab.

We ordered cabs--

We didn't want the wonder twins to get our cab first,

so that's why we had to order it under Ken's name.

Hurry up.

There's got to be more cabs coming, too.

Why didn't you say?

You're a moron. "I'm Mr. Ken."

We should have just hopped right in.

We just got to aggressively do this.

Go. Run, Zach.

Sometimes, Flo screams at people, yells at people.

I'm looking forward to never having Flo yell at me again

because I hate the way it feels.

I can't believe we're going to Vietnam.



Ken and Gerard: Bye!

Flo: How did they get a taxi?

Right down here, probably.

Does anyone have a cell phone?


Woman: You need a cab?

I need a cab.

To the airport? Yeah.

Would you mind allowing me to use your cell phone?

We'll pay you for your cell phone.

Wonderful. Thank you.

Where are you going? Ask them to call you a taxi.

Zach, hurry up.

Right there. Here it is.

Is this it?Let's grab it.

Let's go.

Could you tell me when the next flight is out of Singapore

to Ho Chi Minh City?

And there are no flights tonight?

'cause I'm on my way to the airport now.

Are there flights into other cities that could do it,

do you know?

: tonight is a flight to where?

Into KL. Kuala Lumpur.

"Fly to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

and find Bac Ho in Rex Square."

I'm years old.

I was in the military during the Vietnam w*r.


[speaking Vietnamese]

The American people were happy

to have the soldiers come home.

I was happy to go home.

I have a lot of mixed emotions

about going back to Vietnam.

I see a taxi!

Taxi! Taxi! Taxi!

That's Flo. We should've stopped.


Maybe this is their cab.

Oh, my God.

That's the twins.

She was flagging the cab down.

Oh, ok. What are you talking about?

I like Flo because she knows

what she wants, and she goes after it.

My whole strategy with Drew is just to keep him focused

on the task at hand.

This probably isn't the best time to be courting someone.

Is that my taxi?

Just take it.

Here we go.

The airport, sir.

Zach: Is there any way we might

be able to use your mobile phone?

Thank you so much, sir.


That was a team that was just leaving.

Have to get a taxi.

Is he free?

Can you take us to the airport?

Yes. No problem.

That was a stroke of luck.

Good evening.

Do you all fly to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?

When is the next flight out?

Do you have a cell phone?

This one.

Thank you.

Ok, let's go to the airport.

Yes. I need to have a reservation

to go to Ho Chi Minh City.

: A.M., Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.

Tomorrow morning at :

out of Singapore to Kuala Lumpur.

Hopefully, there's a flight out tonight that we can get on.

: tonight-- we don't have time

to get on the : flight.

Let me call you back.

It's :.

We'll never get there in time.

: they will close the gate.

We're gonna run out of this cab so fast.

You're the man.

You got us here fast.

Is this the terminal?

Here we go.

Just grab one. Just grab one.

Oh, Kenny, the money. Pay him.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Here you go.

Malaysia Air.

Is this the airport?

Malaysia Airlines. Right here.

The wonder twins haven't arrived yet.

Or maybe they have.

Gerard: The wonder twins-- they're our biggest threat right now.

We don't want to be with them in the final .

Ok. Thank you.

What have we got?

We want to get on the :.

Is that a problem? To Kuala Lumpur.

We just have to buy tickets.

We're very late for the gate,

so I'm hoping they don't close the gate.

They are closing the flight now.Ok. That's fine.

Yeah, so important thing is leaving now.

That's fine.

Come on, Gerard. Run.

So there's no direct flights to Ho Chi Minh City this evening?


Out of this entire airport, there's none?

Oh, no.

Going to Kuala Lumpur.

Thank you very much. Ok.

Lookit. :, there was a flight to Kuala Lumpur.

Yeah, but there's no way anyone got on that.

We're pretty excited because the wonder twins

aren't on board the plane here.

Ask her to hold seats for the twins.

First name Drew. D-r-e-w.

Ok, : A.M.

Ok, bye-bye.

They already booked it for us?

Yeah, someone must have.

This way?

It's frigid in here, man.

There's Teri and Ian. Ok. Where?

They just walked in.

We're locked and loaded.

We've got our booking.

Everything is cool right now, you know.

Got to really savor the good moments of the race.

There's the twins right there.

Drew: We called and, like,

"Oh, you're already on this flight."

It must have been at the same time.

Oh, so you booked them?

Yeah, we booked them.

Anybody seen the "Oh, brothers"?

They probably went back to the hotel and booked them, maybe.

Let's check in.

Teri: Flo and Zach had made reservations for the twins.

That alliance, sooner or later, is going to come back,

hopefully, and bite them in the butt.

There's just no two ways about it,

Zach and Flo are going to keep taking care

of them as long as they can.

Thank you.

Bottom line is we got our tickets,

and that's all that matters.

Ken: We're the only team who caught the flight to Kuala Lumpur early.

We decided to game it. It worked.


All right. It's F.

We're on our way to gate F-

to fly off to Kuala Lumpur at :,

We just saw two of the teams

getting on the : flight on Singapore Air.

We think everybody should be on the same flight

from Kuala Lumpur to Ho Chi Minh City,

and if that's the case,

it's a level playing field once again,

and the race is on.

We're in Kuala Lumpur,

and we're going to go buy our tickets

for our trip to Ho Chi Minh City in the morning.

Can you see if our friends

are on this flight as well?

Drew and Derek, Ian and Teri--

they're on board as well?

They all made it on.

So we'll all be on the same flight.

We weren't so happy when we realized

everyone else was on the same flight to Ho Chi Minh City.

That hour lead went away.

We were screwed.

We're on our way to board the flight,

our flight for Ho Chi Minh City.

Oh, Ken and Gerard.

There's everybody.

Ken: So we'll all be on the same flight.

They are going to rub it in our faces.



Everyone's on the same flight.

Not particularly happy we're all together,

but I sure am glad we're not behind.

Zach: At the Ho Chi Minh City airport,

we were in the line for customs

and Flo picked one line

which she thought was the shortest and the quickest,

and I picked another.

Over here, Zach.

Let's go.

Rex Square.

Flo asked me to cut in a line,

and I said I don't feel comfortable cutting.

I'm going to stay in my line.


Which way to taxis?

Right here.

Rex Square. Fast, fast, fast.

Ian: We're going to go to the Rex Square.

Flo was the first one to get out of customs

and I was the last, and we ended up

getting out of customs

the absolute last team.

Let's go. We're off to Rex Square.

We're in Saigon.

We just landed, and we're the first out of the airport.

So we're on our way to the Rex Square.

You can't win this race without cutting lines, Zach.

I disagree.

We're probably, like, minutes behind.

We're probably minutes

behind the twins and minutes--

maybe more than that, behind Ian and Teri,

and Ian and Teri were behind us.

They were behind us on line.

There is no reason to be in the back right now.

I don't work all day and all night to be in the front,

to get screwed because of something so stupid.

Good, good, good.

We should have been in the front,

the comfortable feeling of being in the front.

I picked the line that finished first.

I did my share. You should have done it.

I asked you to do it. Why didn't you do it?

I told you I didn't feel comfortable asking them.

I thought it was cruel to do to the people behind us.

I didn't think it would hurt us.

I still don't think it's gonna hurt us.

It looks very much the same

as it did the last time I was here

since the w*r years ago, years ago.

You set your mind on what you need to do and you do it.

And for Ian, that was coming back from a horrible experience--

he really doesn't talk about it very much--

and going on with his life.

Right there. Perfect.

Anywhere right here is good.

All right.

"Travel into the Mekong Delta."

Phil: Teams must now travel miles

into the Mekong Delta, an enormous rural area

inhabited mainly by farmers.

Once in the Delta, they will have to find the town of Cai Be

and then this route marker

at the edge of the town's famous floating market.

Get the map out.

Ken: Oh, there it is.

"Travel into the Mekong Delta."

Look. Here is where we have to go.

Do you know where that is?

Man: Yeah, I know.

We give you , if you go fast.

Fast. Understand? Rrr.


You know?

[speaking native language]

Zach: Is this it here?

Right here is great.

To the Mekong Delta.

He's driving very fast.

And we're feeling kind of good about it,

because we were ahead of Zach and Flo,

and we were ahead of Teri and Ian.

[man speaking native language]

He never gets the car over , RPMs.


I'm happy. We're rolling here.

We've got a good taxi driver.

Probably some land mines still out there.

, Americans died here fighting a w*r

to try to keep a people free.

Hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese died.

Those men didn't die in vain that died for America.

It's sad, but it's over.

Can you go faster? Faster?

Teri and Ian just came up on our back,

and they passed us in their cab.

We're doing good.

We passed the twins,

who left the airport first.

We need to catch our friends.

Our friends, we need to be with them.

Yes. Very good.

Yes. Pass them.

[Twins applauding]

Drew: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Very nice.

Thank you.

Number one.

Oh, no.

Ian: This is what I call racing through Vietnam.

You done?


This is not a joke, Zach.

Do you understand? This is not a joke to me.

I'm just trying

to enjoy the race.

I basically think that if I lose my cool,

then it's over for our team.

I'm taking this seriously.

So am I.

No, you're totally trivializing the whole thing.

All right.

You are. You're trivializing everything.

I am scared to offend the people in line.

It's a feeling you have that you can't ignore

and it's so strong,

that you're willing to do something

that might jeopardize the race.

It makes no sense.

What kind of sense does that make?

Don't try to play the moralist now.

No, no. It makes as much sense to you

as your not rappelling

or not wanting to bungee jump makes to me.

Ok? And just--

No. Zach that is so ignorant and obnoxious

when you know there are a thousand physical risks

associated with bungee jumping.

Are there any physical risks associated with cutting a line,

and nicely asking someone--

I wasn't asking you to push people.

I'm tired of having to scream,

and I'm tired of having to override your decisions.

I'm tired of it.

Ok. Then let's just quit.

If you're tired, let's just stop.

I mean, whatever.

Gerard: Coming up into this town here,

and it looks like-- I think we made good time.

See the yellow flag?

Man: Yes.

My God, there's a wind storm blowing.

We don't know how long.

Maybe minutes, maybe .

I don't know.

Ken: There it is.


Phil: A detour is a choice between tasks

each with its own pros and cons.

In this detour, teams need to choose between easy buy and hard sell.

In easy buy, teams choose a sampan, enter the floating market,

find the one stall that sells water coconuts,

called dua nuoc in Vietnamese,

and buy one for any price they can.

Between the boat travel and the rareness of the fruit,

finding the right stall will take a long time,

but once they find the stall,

buying one water coconut will be easy.

In hard sell, teams choose a shoulder basket filled with fruit,

enter the land market

and attempt to sell enough fruit

to earn a total of , dong, about and a half bucks.

The market area is generally small,

and getting around will be easy,

but selling $. of fruit to the locals

when the average price of each piece of fruit

is cents will be hard.

When they're finished, teams must bring their money back to this woman,

who will verify their earnings before giving them their next clue.

What do you want to do?

Do you think we can sell some stuff?

Let's do the easy. Let's do the boat.

Ok, dua nuoc. Ok, let's go.

So we got to go in and buy one, right?

Whoa.Ha ha!

Storm of the century is approaching.


Here comes the rain.

I don't know why I'm even covering up.

It's crazy.

Water coconut.

Dua nuoc over there?


Dua nuoc, water coconut.


Where is water coconut?

This way?

That way? Dua nuoc?

It's not here, Gerard.

A coconut.

A water coconut.

Water coconut.

They're laughing at us.

I smell it. We're getting close.

See a triangle flag down at the end there?

I think that might be it.

Yeah, that's it.

Number one taxi driver.


Drew: Follow. Follow. Fast, fast.

Ian: Get the clue and step in here.

Get the clue and step in here.

Thank you.

Go on the sampan and buy a water coconut.

Ok. Is that what you want to do?

Detour! I think so.

Let's do the second one.

Buy one water coconut.

Dua nuoc. Dua nuoc.

Dua nuoc. Dua nuoc.

Damn it.

Oh, God. This sucks.

I don't see a damn thing.

It is pouring rain.

It started to pour, so all the fruit stands

started throwing blankets over their fruit

so we couldn't see

what they were selling under there.

Should we go back?

[Ian speaking Vietnamese]

We're in big trouble.

What do you want to do?

I say we go back and do the hard sell.

We go get dua nuoc. We go get dua nuoc.

Here are the oh, brothers.

They're ahead of us.

Whoo! Whoo!

Ian: We saw Ken and Gerard passing us

going back to the dock,

so we figured they were ahead of us.

They were number one, we were number .

The twins were right on our heels number .

We figured, let's not tell them we didn't get a clue

because then they may just turn around,

and do the other thing as well.

So we were like, "Whoo! See you at the pit stop."

Get out. The wonder twins have umbrellas.

Don't get wet.

Let's sell the fruit. Now we have to.

Come on, Z.

I'm taking the bags out of the trunk, because

I don't know if he's going to stay or leave.

Put them under this tent.

Come on. Stay here.

Zach: I didn't know how we were going to proceed, really.

Flo and I were at each other's throats, arguing,

and it was really bad.

You need to ask me.

This is so ... up.

Fine, that's not that much selling.

, dong.

What do you want to do?

I want to grab a raincoat first.

No! Zach, we don't have time.

Can we decide this thing?

We're doing hard sell, the shoulder basket.

Get this thing.

Zach: We decided, Ok, let's follow Ken and Gerard.

Let's do what they're doing.

Obviously they tried one

and it didn't work out that well.

Who am I selling this to?

Buy something, please?

This. Buy.

It's very good.

Mmm. Mmm.

Go ahead.

You want to buy some?

Everything, , dong.

We'll give you all this for ,.

,. Good?

And toothbrush for ,.


Please? Will you buy from us?


Will you buy some fruit?


?[speaking native language]

How muchis that?


We need ,!

Dua nuoc. Dua nuoc.

Dua nuoc.

No, go...

Man: No dua nuoc. Dua nuoc there? Go, go, go...

You know dua nuoc?

Dua nuoc's over there.

[speaking native language]

We're looking for dua nuoc.

[Pronounces word differently] Dua nuoc.

Dua nuoc!

Look and see if they have a clue somewhere, Drew.

Come on.

Where else?


Please? Please you take?

,. Oh, thank you.

,. ,.

,. All for you.

Let's go. Ok.

Over there. Over there.

I think she has it.

Dua nuoc?


Dua nuoc?

Yes. Yay!

Number one!

Dua nuoc's over there.

Hurry. Go.

Ian: Let's do it.

Thank you. Thank you.

[Ian speaking Vietnamese]

Dua nuoc? Yup?

Read it.

"Get yourselves to Ho Chi Minh City..."

Back to Ho Chi Minh City.

"And find the route marker at a Ton Duc Thang,

District , at the edge of the Saigon River."

Phil: Teams must now travel miles

back to Ho Chi Minh City

and find this route marker at the edge of the Saigon River.

Drew: Ian and Teri basically led us straight to the water coconut.

Thank you very much.

Derek: Ok, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Ho Chi Minh City, dude.

,--all of this.

All fruit.

All fruit.

Because you're allowed to do that, right?

"If you run out of fruit you must go back in the market

and continue selling it until you earn ,."


Thank you.

Zach: Enjoy.

Mwah. It's really good.



I got , more.


I would like to sell some fruit.


Say , again.


Thank you. Enjoy.

Yeah. Thank you. Yay!

All right! Yeah.

How much? ?

No, .

We had ?

, now.




We go back, Ho Chi Minh City.

Fast, fast.

No problem. Thank you, thank you.

We have ,.

We got , to go.

,. ,.



Thank you, thank you.

The Vietnamese are very nice to be buying fruit

from us wacky Americans.

[speaking native language]

Thank you, thank you.

Ken, right here. Right here.

Gerard: We were the first into the detour

and we were third to leave.


So we were a little concerned.

I was a little concerned.

All right, Flo, I've got , here.

Ok, I think that's good enough.

Let's go. Ok. Can we have the clue?

You go and sell more.

Sell more?Yes. You not enough .

more, right?

Can you ask anyone here--

No, Zach. Just--hey!

Take a fruit...

Flo: I'm emotionally and physically exhausted.

I'm wet and cold and miserable.

Teri and Ian are on fire right now.

They're rolling in front of us.

I'm having a ball.

We're racing.

There is a smile on my face.

We've got a great taxi driver.

I'm with my lovely wife.

Thank you.

Where--why are you leaving me here?

I thought you were right behind me. Sorry.

Thank you very much.

Ian: We saw the box.

Stop. Stop.

Right here.

Ian: I saw the box as we were passing it.

He passed it by about , feet.

We ran down there and checked the box.

Road block.

A road block is a task

that only one person may perform.

In this road block, that person has to hop

on a bicycle taxi known as a cyclo,

and transport their teammate along a course marked by these flags.

The course will take them onto this ferry,

across the Saigon River, and to this end point.

Then both team members can run to the nearby pit stop.

The last team to check in here will be eliminated.

"That person should have strong legs and a strong back."


Ok. I'm doing it.

Where are they? Right here, right here.

"Your brake is a hand brake on the left side."

Whoa. Ok?

Whoa! There's a flag.

Follow the route markers.



We be in Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City. Wahoo!

Ok, so right now we're

stuck in traffic about minutes away

from where we just left.

This could be an elimination round.

I think it's going to be.

Yeah, beep, beep.


I'm dangerous.

I'm dangerous.

Turn. Turn.I'm trying, I'm trying.


Ok, I got to go up the hill.


Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.

You number one.

Thank you.


This is the first time I had been in Vietnam

since the w*r ended, and I like it.

I like the culture. I like the people.

I felt confident.

Things change.

Times change.

People change.

And they've changed.

They're embracing us,

and over time, the wounds will heal, hopefully.

There is a flag.

Flag, right to the right, right here.

Man: Stop here?

Yes. Right there. Thank you.

So what are we looking for?

Route marker box.

Derek: There was a big yellow flag,

and I remember all those little yellow flags leading up to that

where our cab pulled up.

It's got to be out over here.

Where's a?

Do you know where's a?

Right here? This building here?

Thank you.

They're both a? a, a?

Man: Yeah, a, a. Same, same.

This is so frustrating.

These people always point to the wrong direction.


There's the flag. Do you see it?

I see it!

I wonder if this is part

of the route marker or something.

Thank you.

Ken: We get right into the city.

And all of a sudden, I see the first yellow flag,

and we just didn't look for the box

because we saw all these flags lined up.

Did you see a box?

A box you open?

Green box?

Derek, it's got to be down in here.

Go look out on the water, Gerard, and see out along the water here.

I don't know where the heck this thing is.

Where is this clue?

Look out. Crazy Americans.

More flags.

You see more flags?

There is a flag right there.

"a, Ton Duc Thang, district one,

at the edge of the Saigon River."

Please, don't k*ll me. Please don't k*ll me.

I'll do my best.

You see the flags, right?

Oh, yeah. Hold on.

Do you see a route marker over there?

Where does it go, just right across the river?

Ken: Let's look over here. We didn't look over here.

This is not fun.

[gasp] What's wrong? What's wrong?

My pack's...

Go, go, go.

Ok, don't worry. Just go fast.

It's a mess.

The twins went this way, Gerard.

They're looking, too.

Follow them.

There they go.

Just follow them.

Derek: Anything up here?


This is insane.

I cannot figure this out.

Where do we go?

I don't know. We've asked a million people.

We're just about ready to give up on this one.

We're dead.

Oh, man.

You want to go back?

I think we should go back, Gerard.

We think we've got to go on the boat.

Gerard: Back, back.

They went back that way.

We've got to get out.

This way.


Ian: We're coming, Phil!


Welcome to Ho Chi Minh City.

Thank you.

Teri and Ian...

you're team number one.

[both cheering]


Vietnam, number one.

I've got some good news for you.

As the winners of this th leg of the race,

you've won a -night cruise vacation in Europe

on Royal Caribbean's Splendor of the Seas,

which you can enjoy after the race.

Whoo! Whoo!

Give me a kiss.

What a day.

Flo: At this point, we're pretty much sure we're last

and we're hoping it's non-elimination.

It's totally stressful.

Come on. This is ridiculous.

That way, that way.

Gerard: Should it be along the water?

It has to be along the water. Yeah.

Do you think we have to go on the ferry, Gerard?

It's right there.

Ken and Gerard, behind us.

Flo: Ken and Gerard come out of nowhere

running with their backpacks, like, down to the boat,

and I'm thinking, Get these guys off my boat.

You need your bike.

You got to go back.

Get the bike.

All the way up the road.

Follow the flags back.

We're like "Oh, my God,"

She found the clue, she knows the clue

and now she's telling us.

I was shocked that she handed it to me

on a silver platter.

The twins and her had an alliance,

and yet she gave me the critical bit of information.

Where did the twins go?

Come on. Derek, come on, come on!

Man: Pretend you don't know, Gerard.

Are Zach and Flo out there?

I didn't see them. They were on the boat?

Yeah, they're on the boat.

Zach and Flo were on the boat.

Do you have to get on this to go?

Did you guys go on the boat?


The wonder twins were saying, "Where is the clue?

Where is the clue?"

So we just said, "We don't know."

We spent half the race with them in an alliance,

and we just love them.

We both expected at the very end

something like this was going to happen, and it did.

Zach and Flo were on the boat. They got on it.

See, but they just left.

Ken, here.

We found the damn clue box...

after miles.

I'll do it.

What do you want to do? You want to jump on there?

You're pretty sure it's on there?

Yeah, I saw Zach and Flo get on there.

I mean, this has to be it.

Maybe the road block is on the other side.

So we just jump on the ferry.

We just saw Zach and Flo head over there,

and we just don't know where else to look.

We're going to run it up this thing,

And then we get back on.

Ken: We've got to get on without the boys seeing us.

Gerard: We went right into the ferry terminal.

We were so afraid the wonder twins

were going to get on that ferry with us, behind us.

We knew it was a distinct possibility

if they hadn't gotten on the ferry.

Is that them, Ken, or no?

I kept looking, and we saw some people

who looked like the wonder twins.

Oh, God. Don't give me a heart attack.

And I kept looking like, They're going to get on this.

Come on. We have to leave. This ferry's got to go.

Right here.

Flo: Wait for me!

Flo and Zach, you're team number .


I don't see Derek and Drew anywhere.

I realized there was another team on a boat behind us,

and I knew it had to be the twins.

Come on. Get down. Get down. Get down.

What does it say?

"Park cyclos here"?

What is all this?

Where is the freakin' clue?

Let's g--

There's arrows. Come on. There's arrows.

Is that it?

Do we just run here? We didn't do anything.

This is going to get ugly.

Drew, this isn't right.


This isn't right.

We don't have the clue yet.

We need to go get the thing.

Derek and Drew, you have not completed the road block,

and you must go back and do that before I can check--

All the way back on this side?

On this side?

I think Drew is really great.

But if I had screwed over the twins,

I would be really upset,

but I think the twins made their own decision.


No, other side. Other side.

We've got to go to the other side?

Oh, my God.

Hey, fellows.

Where do you get those things?

Gerard: All the way down.

All the way down where the first route marker is.

You're third. We're going to be last.

They're all there already.Oh, they're all there?

That first little flag?

First flag to the left. You'll see it.

We just have to get one of these and come?

Yeah. Ok.

It may be a non-elimination.

All the way down. Maybe non-eliminate.

It's all the way at the end of the flags.

Drew: At that point we were just like,

If it's not a non-elimination, we're done.

Felt bad not giving them the clue,

but, hey, it's the race for the finish, man.

I don't blame you. You did the right thing.

Is this it right here? No.

Gerard: I just thought of the twins,

and just going over that boat ride,

they had that long boat ride back.

I don't understand it. How the hell did we screw that up?


Ken and Gerard, you're team number .

[both cheering]

Come on.

Every minute counts if we're not eliminated.

Last one.

And it's starting to rain. This is so appropriate.

This is gonna be so appropriate.

Come on. Please be a non-elimination.

Derek and Drew, you're the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,

you have both been eliminated from the race.


That's all right.

We knew that was possible.



It was an incredible ride.

Incredible experience. It was great.

It's just been great to bond with my brother again.

I don't think we have been this close since college.

To be fourth amongst the top teams that are still left,

I mean, we're very proud of that accomplishment.

Now that it's teams,

I think we can absolutely win this.

We want it and we're going to get it.

I'm sad that Derek and Drew won't be along

for the next legs of the race,

but what I came here to do

was to win this race.

For a long time we were hanging on

by our fingernails at the back of the pack.

Now we're going to make the run for the gold.

We're young, we're fast, we're healthy.

We can win in a foot race no matter what.

I'm done sharing information. That's over.

Anything can happen.

We want to finish first.

Phil: Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Phil: Next week on the hour season finale of "The Amazing Race"...

Good morning, Vietnam!

Phil: It's the big finish and it's anybody's game.

teams are neck and neck.

I need a taxi! Stop!

Phil: Every decision, every mistake,

could be their last.

Be there to see who wins The Amazing Race.

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