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46x10 - Run the Red Light

Posted: 05/03/24 07:44
by bunniefuu
What was the ... point?

He's literally an idiot.

No one's gonna trust Q
from now on.

Karma is a bitch.

Previously on Survivor...

-...that now we could
pull off a blindside.

Everyone is so distracted,
I could

drive something
that's a little risky.

The idol has zero value
to me now.

-I'm ready
to burn it on the spot.

Tiff's gonna play her idol,
so now

we've got to figure out
what the heck we're gonna do.


I'm beginning
to feel pretty nervous.

So I am 100% playing my idol.

If anybody has an advantage
or an idol,

and you want to play it,
now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

Tenth person voted out

and the third member
of our jury-- Hunter.

Hunter, the tribe has spoken.

Yes, they have.

There it is

in all of its splendor.

After Tribal Council,

I was so ticked off.

No one told me
there was a split vote

between Q and Hunter.

And so

I am trying to...

hold my composure
so I don't explode,

but I'm thinking,

"What the heck, you ho-bags?"

How y'all feeling?
Y'all okay?

I just want to know
what is it about me

that made y'all say,
"No, we don't want to let Liz in

on the split vote"?

Honestly, Liz,
everything happened

ten minutes before Tribal,
and there was...

-By the time...
-Is that true?

-That is straight-up
what happened.
-That's straight-up.

Well, damn.

We thought he had an idol,

and we was like,
"All right, well,

just in case,
let's just split the votes."

They're like,
"How are we gonna do that?"

-We're like, "Well,
Liz is already voting..."
-LIZ: Okay.

'Cause I felt stupid as ....

We said, "Liz is
already voting with you."

Like, stupid as ... just now.

I was the only person

left out of this vote,

I feel pretty dumb.

On top of that,
I wanted to get Q out.

He did almost blow up my game,

and he's not someone
that I can trust moving forward.

Hunter's also got to be crazy to
not see that blindside coming.

If he had an idol,
he should have played it.

No, he overplayed his hand
and he thought,

"I can save this
for the next time

because clearly
everyone hates Q right now."


Tribal erupted
as Jeff predicted it would.

Once again, Q was causing chaos,

and because of that,

it kind of threw Hunter
off the scent.

If he did have an idol,

I guess
the smokescreen was so good

that he didn't play it
because now

our biggest physical threat
is on his way

to the jury house.

He's grown. If he wants to...

If he wants to reconcile things,
he could come talk.

At this point, my immediate
next step is to get Q out.

I'm tired of the drama,
I'm tired of the chaos.

That man did too much.

He flew too close to the sun,
and his wings burnt off.

And now
he's feeling the pressure.

Is Maria on the beach with Q?

Yeah. Maria went
to go talk to Q, I think.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm good.

-Come on. Come here.

Right now Q is, like,
sitting back in the shadows.

Q is sort of checked out
of the game mentally.

But I think that Q still
has some fight in him.

So, for me, this is
a great opportunity to connect,

but he's a wild card
at this point.

I know, basically, I got
to win the rest of the way,

and, you know, I'm cool
with going through like that.

And when I lose,
if I go home, I go home.

At this point,
I think everyone wants me out,

so there's no need
for me to go around

and sit around the fire
and talk to these people.

They really don't want
to talk to me.

So I'm okay with that.

Right now
my strategy moving forward is,

first win the immunity.

If I can win, and now that
it's in the individual stage,

I control my own destiny.

I'm not out of this game,
trust me.

It might look like it,
but it's not.


Q is not only a good person,

but, like, he's also a number
that I can use

to vote with me, and so I...

I definitely want
to keep him around.

[Maria mutters]

Q's an easy vote.

Everybody wants him out,
but in my mind

there are bigger targets here,
and so

it may be time
to focus on somebody else.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[birds squawking]

Good morning.

-Good morning.
-Good morning, Kenzie.


How do you feel
about yesterday's vote?

I mean, I'm glad
it went the way it did. Like...

I think we can.

I know that
this is a hard thought for you,

but I think Q would be willing
to work with us,

um, in that,
he told me last night,

"I'm a vote. Use me."

MARIA: Yesterday
the plan was to blindside Tiff,

but then
we switched it to Hunter.

But the biggest thing
for me is that Tiff has an idol.

That's not a secret.


Tiffany's sort of been
on my radar for a while.

Evidently, she's still
on Kenzie's radar, too,

which is just music to my ears.

-I want her gone regardless.

Tiff has been my number one
since day one.

We have voted the exact same way
this entire game.

Tiff and I have made
every move together.

We have played
almost the exact same game, so

I've got to differentiate.

I've got to build my résumé,

and a huge checkpoint

on your résumé
is voting out your number one.

That means I just need to be
a little more sneaky than her

to get her out first
before she comes for me.

'Cause I know it's coming.
I know it's coming.

Come on in!

Very quiet today.

-This course-- this is crazy.

This is day 18, Survivor 46.
You're gonna

earn it again.


I got to say, Charlie,

today you all look
noticeably smaller.

-PROBST: I can see
the clothes are big.

Your bodies are shrinking.

Are you starting
to feel that cumulative effect?

Listen, every time I stand up,

I literally feel like
I'm about to faint, you know.

I have to go back down
on my hands and knees.

I've never felt that
ever before in my whole life.

All right, shall we get
to today's reward challenge?

[all assent]

PROBST: For today's challenge,
you're gonna race

through a series of obstacles
until you reach

a sack of sandbags.

You're gonna throw
those sandbags into a net tunnel

and then use your hands
to get 'em out the other side.

Once they're all through,
you'll grab one last sandbag,

go under a net, crawl,
and attempt

to land that sandbag
on a very tall target.

First person
to finish wins reward.

Want to know
what you're playing for?

-You know we do.
-PROBST: It's day 18.

You've gone a long time
without food.

You passed up
the opportunity at rice.

So I know you're gonna be glad
to hear that you're playing

for the biggest reward
of the season.



-Oh, my God.

-VENUS: Oh, my God.

You want burgers?


-I want chicken wings.
-PROBST: Wings.

-And French fries.
-CHARLIE: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

-PROBST: French fries?
-MARIA: Yes.

I think we got you covered.


-For real?

Every Wednesday,
my daughter and I have

-Survivor sleepover.

We go directly to Applebee's,
I get the burger,

she gets the pizza,
and then we go home.

Then we watch Survivor. Yay!

Oh, if only
you can win this challenge.

♪ Burger! ♪

All right,
let me walk you through

what's in store for the winner.

All the apps you love.

Boneless wings.

-Oh, my God.

-Spinach and artichoke dip.
-Oh, God.

-Chicken quesadillas.


We're just getting started,

-[Charlie groans]
-Perhaps you're interested

in the Bourbon Street
Chicken & Shrimp.

-Or maybe you're in the mood,

like Liz, for a burger.

How about
the Bourbon Street Mushroom

-Swiss Burger?
-That's my favorite.

-Oh, my God.
-That's 100% ground beef.

It's my favorite one.


Smothered in sauteed onions

-and mushrooms.
-Jeff, you're k*lling us.

-MARIA: Oh, my God.
-PROBST: Somebody say dessert?

-Yes. Yes. Chocolate. Chocolate.
-LIZ: The chocolate one

-I was telling you guys about.
-PROBST: We got some dessert.

How about the Oreo cookie shake?


I might eat it
even though I'm allergic.

And to close it out,

an Applebee's reward
would not be complete

without the Shark Bowl.

[overlapping chatter]

Applebee's rum

-cocktail favorite.
-Ah. Ooh, careful now.

All this can be yours
if... you win this challenge.

-All right,
we'll draw for spots.

-Get it on. Let's do it.
-Do it.

All right, here we go.

Applebee's. Biggest reward
of the season, Survivor 46.

Survivors ready?


You're going over,

over and through
with this first obstacle.

Everybody moving quickly.

Q is out first, then Tiff.

Here comes Ben.
Start untying your sandbags.

Charlie's through.

Liz is through.

-And Kenzie's... through.

Once all your bags are out,
start launching 'em

in that net tunnel.

Keep tossing.

Q has all his through.

Q in the lead.

Ben is now through.

Tiff is through,
working on hers.

It is Q, Tiff,
Venus, Charlie and Ben.

Maria, Liz and Kenzie
still working to get

all their bags in.

Q is through.

He's working
on that last sandbag.

That's the money right there.
That's the one

you're going
to land on the target.

Day 18, Applebee's on the line.

[Liz groans]

It's Q in the lead.

There's Tiff.

Q working
through that net crawl.


Here goes Maria. She's in it.

Here comes Tiffany.

Everybody else is working
on their sandbags now.

Tiff is moving quickly
through that net crawl.

That's how you do it.

Q is out. Get that sandbag
and start tossing.

All you got
to do is stick that sandbag

at the top of that target.

Charlie's in the net crawl.

There's Ben. Venus is there.

-[Kenzie groans]
-Kenzie struggling
to get through.

Oh, my God.
It's so hard.

Liz in dead last.

showing up right now.

The answer to your problem
is Applebee's.

-You just got to earn it.

Q with the first toss.
He's got a time lead.

Tiff is out.
Start untying, Tiff.

Q with another toss.

Q just misses.

Here goes Tiff.

Tiff on and off
with her first toss.

Here's Maria.

Got to get that sandbag out.

Here comes Ben.

Charlie's through.

Venus is through.
Bunch of people through at once.

Everybody on the sandbags
except for Kenzie and Liz,

taking a very long time
through the net crawl.

-Oh, my God.
-Keep fighting!

-You're still in this.

Q is on and off.

Here goes Maria.

Maria's short.

Ben way short.

Charlie's short.
Everybody's short.

Somebody's gonna win this, and
the whole day is gonna change.

Want that burger!

Here comes Liz.

-Kenzie's through.
-Oh, my God.

Let's go!

One toss is all it takes.

This is what you dream about

when you dream about Survivor.

This moment right here.

Venus with the right height,
just a little short.

Tiff is on and off again.

Tiff and Q have been very close
several times.

Who's gonna pull it out?


Kenzie way short.

Here goes Liz
with her first toss.

-Liz almost sticks one.

-Oh, that was close.
-KENZIE: That was close, Liz.

Sandbags everywhere.

Day 18, Applebee's on the line.

All it takes is one toss.

Tiff a little long.

Here goes Q.

Q does it!

Q wins reward!

-VENUS: Way to go, Q.
-PROBST: Applebee's.

-Biggest reward of the season.
-BEN: Good job, Q.

You k*lled it, my guy.

Nothing easy out here.

Everybody exhausted.

All right, Q, come on over.

Got some talking to do.

-All right, so, congratulations.
-Thank you.

You have earned a great reward,

biggest of the season--

Gonna sweeten the deal a little.
This reward is gonna

take place at the sanctuary,

-where good things happen.

And it's an overnight stay.

-MARIA: Oh, my God. Wow.

You have a lot of power
in the game

and a lot
of strategic decisions to make.

Choose one person to join you.

So, Jeff,

in my everyday life, I always
try to make things right.

So, for my first choice,
I'm gonna choose Tiff.

Tiff, come on over.


PROBST: What an interesting
choice, given

the last Tribal
where you two were done.

I'm-I'm actually surprised,

but I am excited because
I do feel like we need to talk

in, like, a setting
where it's not high pressure,

not a whole bunch
of people around

and just really be able
to hash things out.

All right, Q,

choose another person
to join you.

-I'm gonna beg.
-PROBST: Before you decide...

I'm gonna beg. Please.

Well, Liz is already begging.


The next choice
that I'm gonna make, Jeff,

it's just based off,

when I was out there by myself,

there was one person that came
and checked on me, genuinely,

wanted to know
if I was all right.

So I just want to say thank you.

And the next choice
I'm gonna make is Maria.

-Thank you.
-PROBST: Maria, come on over.

-Thank you.


All right, Q,
you have one more person.

So it's gonna be four people
at the sanctuary for Applebee's,

four people back at camp,
and you have one person,

Liz, sobbing,

has talked about food
this entire season,

how she can't eat
certain things,

therefore she's more hungry.

But it's also
a million-dollar game

with only a few people left.

[Liz sniffles, cries]

Liz-- she hasn't eaten, um,

in almost 18 days.

This is something
that she could potentially eat.

But Kenzie was with me
since day one,

um, and it's something
in me is saying,

"Bring the family
back together."

So my decision

is basically going to be
to bring Kenzie.

-Oh, my God.
-PROBST: Come on over, Kenzie.


The Yanu three
is back together again

after declaring they were dead
at Tribal Council.

Sorry, y'all.

[sniffling, crying]

Liz, do you feel comfortable

about what you're feeling?

[birds singing]

I'm pissed!

Y'all say
you ain't gone without eating.

I see you eat every day!

[sighing deeply]

Q, you almost blew up
my whole game!

You overshadowed
everything I was trying to do!

And I said it's cool.

I didn't say nothing!

[Liz groans]

I don't even want
to be around y'all!

I'm just... Q... blew up
my whole freaking spot.

I didn't even know
about the damn

-split vote last night.
-Q: But, Liz,

you voted for me
last night, so...

I made decisions based off
where my head is right now

in the game. I'm sorry.

[Liz sighing]

I'm over it now.

Thank y'all
for letting me have that.

I feel better.

I just exploded.

I'm sorry.

Back to your regularly
scheduled program.

Liz, you don't have to apologize
for having your emotions.

Obviously, missing out on rice

is coming into play now.

I haven't eaten since the merge.

I've had zero calories
since the merge.

But there's hope
in the game always.

I don't even think I screamed
that hard during my divorce.

[laughs, groans]

All right,
here's what's gonna happen.

Q, Kenzie, Tiff, Maria,

you're gonna leave here,
go to the sanctuary.

Applebee's chef is there
waiting for you.

Fresh, beautiful
Applebee's food.

You will spend the night,
get a good night's sleep,

and return to camp
in the morning.

-Head out,
enjoy a well-deserved afternoon.
-Thanks, Jeff.

Thank you. Thanks, Q.

Liz, Ben, Venus, Charlie,

got nothing for you. Grab
your stuff. Head back to camp.

I am...

so... angry.

Q screwed me over.
Not only

am I not going on this reward,
not only am I not eating,

but now I'm not feeling
that connection to my daughter

and our Survivor ritual,

and I'm gonna have to go back

and just sit in all this

disgusting feelings.

Uh, look, Survivor's tough.

Think you can do it? Let's see.
Apply to be on Survivor.

[birds singing]


Thank you
for letting me have my moment.

I let it out.

I'm over it.

Thank you for letting me...

-spew what I had to spew.

Oh, my God.
I was, like, literally

screaming at this person.

We've all wanted
to do that to Q at least once.

I'm so mad at Q.

I mean,

everyone's aware
that I have allergies.

On Survivor,
I can't really eat much.

I'm allergic to coconut,
most fruits, chicken.

A lot of everyday foods
causes my throat to clench.

But I can eat
any kind of beef, and

the burger is the exact burger
that I order.

It's like our thing.
Like, the...

So, to not pick me
and deny someone

who has barely eaten in 18 days,

who has this emotional
connection with this meal--

I don't know
what kind of person does that.

You, of all people,
should have been...

He's a villain, yo, straight up.

There's nothing else to say.

He's a villain, bro.
Like, that's it.

You know,
Liz has a daughter at home,

and when the Applebee's reward
gets revealed,

Liz very publicly states

that this would make her feel
at home.

Ugh! That Bourbon Burger
is what I get, too.

And on top of that,

the Bourbon Burger is
her go-to menu item.

My anger is satisfying
my hunger right now.

Yeah, my need for vengeance.

Like, how can you not feel
for that?

But I think
Q is working from the bottom,

so the only option he has is
to rekindle his old alliances.

But I think they would be idiots
if they fell for this crap.

If I were in their position,
I'd be like,

"Yo, let me get the Applebee's
and still get Q out next."

♪ ♪

Bula. Welcome to Applebee's.

Bula. Wow.

-MARIA [gasps]:
Look at that food.

-Q: Cheers.

Applebee's, literally, like,

is the spot.

-KENZIE: Cheers.

-KENZIE: Okay.

We get these big, beautiful

Shark Bowl drinks.

I take one sip
and I'm like, "Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah. We about
to have a good time in here."

-♪ Hey! ♪
-I love this.

Hell yeah. Think amazing.

-[Tiffany laughs]

-This never tasted better.
-TIFFANY: In my entire life.

Me and my friends go
to Applebee's

every week just for the spinach
and artichoke dip,

I promise you.

-This the appetizer, y'all.

I know. Oh, my God. This is
an appetizer. I forgot.

As soon as it entered my body,

I felt, like, 18 days
of starvation just evaporate.

I'm ready to play
Survivor again. Let's go.

Well, Liz was pissed.

-Oh, my God.
-[Kenzie laughs]

-That was tough.
-Q, you might have
to watch your back

when you get back to the camp.

It was tough, but, you know,

I've dealt with that,
like firing people.

So I was just like,
"Man, that's sad, but dang."

-It was really hard to watch.

-KENZIE: It was tough.

It was hard for me

to see Liz crying like that, but

at this point
I think everyone wants me out.

So my only option

is to make my bed
back where I started,

and that's with the Yanu three.

Man, it would make sense
for us and Siga,

your two--
Ben, Charlie and you--

and then the three of us, and...

-MARIA: Yeah.
-We'll see what happens.

I mean, I really have
no strong ties to Venus or Liz,

so I have... I have no qualms

-about that whatsoever.
-Yeah. Yeah.

I don't either.

For me, this moment was about

pushing my game forward
with the right people.

Maria-- she is someone
that's been in my corner,

and those are the reasons
I made my choices.

I don't owe Liz anything.

-Thank you, Q.
-KENZIE: Yeah. Thank you, Q.

I can't believe
this is happening right now.

I know.

KENZIE: While we're eating,
I'm thinking,

Q is like
my unhealthy boyfriend.

He's buying me a nice meal
at Applebee's,

hoping I just get amnesia
and forget about the fact

that he's left me out of plans
for half of this game.

Like, no, I'm smart, Q.

Takes a little more to woo me.

You ready for the main course?

-Ooh. Oh, wow.

-Oh, my God,
it's mashed potatoes.
-KENZIE: I know.

-You're gonna have
to roll me out of here.
-I know.

On top of that, I don't know

how he could pick me over Liz.

I was like,
"Damn, Q, like, that's cold."

Like, that is cold.

So I'm like, "Oh, after
all the nonsense you've pulled

"the past couple of days, like,
I'm just supposed to forgive you

we broke bread together?"

Like, that's ridiculous.

-Hope you guys are enjoying
that shrimp and chicken.

-Oh, it's amazing.

-Here is a burger on the house.
-Thank you so much.

-MARIA: Wow.
-Q: Wow.

-KENZIE: Wow. Beautiful.
-TIFFANY: Oh, my God.

Our stomachs have shrank so much
that my stomach hurt.

And the burger comes out.

♪ ♪

This is the Bourbon Burger that
Liz gets every single Wednesday.

Thank you.

And I can see why.

Like, it's so melty,
it's so moist,

and the mushrooms
and the onions. Oh!

But I'm so full
of all the other stuff.

Like, I just couldn't do it.


And I am mortified
because I'm one of the people

who are, like,
taking her burger dream away.

Wow. I'm about
to sleep like a baby.

-I could sleep right now.
-Like, immediately right now.


♪ ♪

[birds singing]




It's, like, really hard today.

I'm just in my feelings.


And it's not just about food.

I grew up really poor.

My family had a lot
of food insecurity.

Pretty much,
we barely ever had enough.

And so, being able
to sit down at Applebee's

with my daughter
is so important to me.


[voice breaking]:
My favorite part of the week... it sounds so silly,

but it's picking her up
after yoga.

We go immediately to Applebee's.

I turn my phone off.

And that's the one night
of the week

where it's just us,

and it's something we bond over.

And to have so much hope that,

"Okay, Liz, you're gonna get
this, you're gonna get this,"

and then it's...
it's Applebee's,

and it's the thing I order.


I really wanted
that connection to my kid

and that delicious,
juicy burger.


♪ ♪


This'll definitely
tide us over.

-See y'all.
-See you later.
-Enjoy, Q.

I ain't buying none
of this crap.

Play me once, shame on you.
Play me twice, shame on me.

I'm not rerouting my game

because you're going
on an apology tour.

Q's brought us on this reward,

and we're in this, like,
wonderful mood.

And then, like, the minute

Q steps out,
Tiff and Kenzie said,

"Q's got to go. Q's got to go."



Q is still

a number for me.
Q is somebody I trust.

But it sounds like

Q has really rubbed people
the wrong way long enough, and

it might have
to be his time to go.

Not a bad sunrise.

This is stunning.


How you feeling today, Liz?

I feel all right.

A little nervous
if we have a challenge today.


Since they're so well-fed
and rested.

-What's up?
-Good morning.

We were just wondering
when we'd see you.

We don't need
to hear all the details,

but I do want to hear
a little bit about what...

LIZ: The winners return
from their feast, and

I'm ticked.

I don't want to hear anything
they have to say.

I had spinach and artichoke dip.

I'm surprised
you didn't bite, like,

-a little bit of the burger.
-TIFFANY: Nah, just because

I was so damn full,
I could barely eat any.

I'm listening to them,

and it turns out
no one ate the burger.

Ah! I mean, honestly,
it's just another,

like... [clicks tongue]
slap in the face.

Oh, Oreo milkshake, hands down.

That Oreo milkshake
was delicious.

I'm lactose intolerant,

-but I couldn't not do it.

"Oh, my God.

"I couldn't even eat the bacon.

I'm lactose intolerant,
but I ate the milkshake anyway."

I mean, shut up.

Like, read the freaking room.

I'm just, like,
all over the place.

But as much
as this not eating is making

my mind kind of crazy,

I do still have
my eyes on the prize.

I'm sorry, Q.
I'm sorry I exploded.

You're allowed
to express your emotions.

I was just really hungry.

So I decided to say I'm sorry

for my outburst
at the challenge.

It's the biggest lie I've
ever said in this game so far

because, honestly,
I want to vote Q out.

I was lying. I'm not sorry.

I'm definitely not.

I'm super proud of myself
for yelling at him. [chuckles]

I will be having
a hot girl summer, though,

when I get home.

-Luckily, I...
-The Survivor diet. [chuckles]

Be back to, like,
my tenth grade body weight.

Liz apologized for her outburst,

but I'm not concerned
with what Liz thinks.

I'm not ashamed
of going on a reward that I won.

I can choose who I want,
and, of course,

there's gonna
always be someone mad.

[groans loudly]

Hey, it's a business decision.

Uh, just like at home,
if I fire someone,

I don't care if they're kicking
and crying on the floor.

They have to go.

So, at the end of the day,

an apology out here,
you can keep it.

-Okay. What's the quick update?
-All right.

So Q proposed Venus, then Liz.

-MARIA: And then

the ladies proposed Q out first.

So, is the Tiff blindside off?

For now, but...

I think that
it's all gonna come down

to if Q wins immunity or not.

-But what were
you all proposing?

I-I was thinking
that it would be...

Tiff. Is that what
everyone here was talking about?


-MARIA: Okay.

CHARLIE: That's all
we were talking about.

MARIA: After Q did not take Liz
on the reward,

everybody wants him out.

The only thing that scares me
is that...

Tiff has an idol.

-Which is why I'm like...

-I don't know how long
that can be on the back burner.

The problem is,
Tiff has an idol,

and it's something that, like,

we really have
to get out of this game,

but everybody is just like,

"We want Q gone."

But Q is causing chaos.

And he proved himself capable
of winning challenges.

So if we have an opportunity,
he should go.

I think if he doesn't win,
he's got to go.

-VENUS: I-I agree. Yeah.

I made my feelings pretty clear.

Everybody is saying,
"Beat Q at all costs."

But for me and Maria, Tiffany
could be more of a threat.

So I don't want
Tiffany to win either.

So we need to make sure
that Tiffany and Q

lose this challenge.

♪ ♪

Come on in.

♪ ♪


Showing up for battle.

I like it.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

First things first, Charlie,
got to take it back.

Oh, man.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

It, like, matches
his outfit so perfect.

-It's, like, built for you.

Once again,
immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge,

you're gonna hold on to a handle

connected to a bucket
containing 25%

of your pregame body weight.

-Oh, damn.

As your hands start to fatigue,

that bucket's gonna lower.

When it drops...'re out.

Last person left standing
wins immunity,

a spot in the final seven.

Losers, Tribal Council, where
somebody will be the 11th person

voted out and become
the fourth member of our jury.

One more thing to deal with.

-Oh, Lordy.
-Oh, my God.

-I knew it.

[grunts softly]

The first time we did this
negotiation, it was four people

have to sit out or two votes
given up at tonight's Tribal.

But there were ten of you.
There's only eight of you now.

It's still four people
to sit out or two votes,

which means
the price has gone up.

Anybody interested
in stepping out?

Four people gets you enough rice

to get you all the way
to the end of the season.

I mean, I'll step out.

Kenzie's one.


Liz thinking about it.

Y'all think you can win this?

All right, let's make this
a little more interesting.

If you can't come up
with four people for the group,

then any individual
who wants to step out...

...your own individual
portion of rice.

-It's not a lot...

...but there's enough there
to stave off that hunger.

Would you guys hate me?

-Get the rice, Liz.
That's yours.

-TIFFANY: Girl, go ahead.
-That's all you.

-That's your coconut.
-All right, well, I'll step out.

So Liz is interested
in the individual rice.

Well, I mean,
if two other people want

to step out, but I know this is,

like, really high stakes.

So let's just find out.

Is there anybody here

that's even contemplating it?


Q? No?

If I step out, I go home.

I'm not dropping that bucket.

PROBST: So, if we
don't make a deal today,

it's safe to assume
we're probably

-not going
to make a deal this season.

-All right,
Kenzie, you've stepped back.
-KENZIE: Yeah.

So you're gonna compete.

If the whole group was in it,

I was gonna go for it,
but I think I'll be able

to make it without the rice
because I can eat coconut.

So I'm not judging Liz at all.

I'm like, "Get the rice, girl."

I would judge you more
if you didn't, honestly.

-I would be like, "Just do it."
-PROBST: Liz, your entire tribe

is saying "Go for it."

They know you're hungry.
You have allergies.

You've not been eating much.

All right,
I'm gonna take the rice.

-PROBST: All right, Liz.
-Good job, Liz.
-Crab fried rice.

Take a spot on the bench.
Here's your rice.

Good job, Liz.

-My baby.
-PROBST: All right,
everybody else, take your spots.

We'll get it on. Let's do it.

♪ ♪

All right, Liz opted
for the individual rice.

Everybody else is competing.

Here we go.
Put your hands on your handle.

You're gonna pull it back,
and you'll hear a click.

Go for it.

This challenge is on.

No way to convey
how difficult this challenge is

simply by looking at it.

Giddyap, baby. This hurts.

It's 25% of your weight

on day one,
so there's a lot of variables.

How much weight have you lost?

How much strength
do you still have?

Venus slowly dropping.

Venus is out, joins Liz.
We're down to six.

-LIZ: I'm sorry, boo.
-Look how sweaty my hands are.

Jeff, give me
a Van Halen quote, please.

-When your bucket drops,
it's bottoms up.
-[Ben laughs]

Let's hope
the cradle does not rock.

[rock guitar plays]

Been some crazy Tribals lately.

You want that necklace.



Ben, you got this.

I'm doing my best.

Ben dropping a little
but trying to wrench it back up.

♪ ♪

Kenzie getting hers back up.

It's going. I can't.


PROBST: Looks like Ben is gonna
be the next one out.

-He is. Ben is out.

Take a spot on the bench.
We're down to five.

New energy now.

♪ ♪

You've been up there
six minutes.

-VENUS: Yes, Kenzie.
-Oh, my God.

Longest this challenge has gone
was Mike Gabler, 38 minutes.

He went into outer space.

Channeling all his friends,
people he was playing for.

The state of Alaska?


Whatever it takes
to keep you in this challenge.

Kenzie gets her bucket back up.

Q fighting it off.

Q dropping a little more.

Q's lost
a lot of weight out here.

His pregame body weight
coming into play here.

He's got a lot of weight
in that bucket.

♪ ♪

Q working hard to keep
that bucket from dropping.

You never know
when it's you going home.

-Oh, he knows.

Oh, he knows.

Q continues to, inch by inch,
get closer to being

out of this challenge.

♪ ♪

Maria's struggling a little now.

No struggle, Jeff.

No struggle. Maria adjusting.

-Thank you.
-LIZ: Correct.

All right, Maria.

-PROBST: Kenzie's bucket
starting to lower now.

-PROBST: Q drops. He's out.
-BEN: Whoo!

Q will not have
immunity tonight.

And we are down to four.

[Kenzie groans]

Kenzie drops. Kenzie's out.

-We're down to three.
-LIZ: Good job.

-Good job, Maria.
-PROBST: Maria drops.

And we got a showdown.

-Charlie and Tiff.
-LIZ: Good job, girlfriend.

You're amazing, Maria.

Tiff's bucket
has not moved at all, ever.

♪ ♪

That is a long time.

Charlie adjusting his grip.

Trying to wrench
that bucket up a little.

Charlie going to one hand.
That is risky.

Yeah, I don't know
if I want to do that again.

That bucket drops a little,
but Charlie pulls it back up.

Tiff, rock solid.

-Tiff is locked in.
-This is gonna be a minute.

-Tiff has not budged.

Tiff absolutely locked in.

-Charlie adjusting again.
-MARIA: There you go, buddy.

You're locked, Tiff.

Yeah. Whoo, girl.

Tiff quiet like a statue

down on the end.

No need to look over.

-PROBST: She's barely moved

or changed
her body position at all.

If your concentration lapses

for even a moment,
that's all it takes to drop.

♪ ♪


-That gives Charlie some hope.
-MARIA: There you go, Charlie.

Charlie trying
to get that bucket back up.

Get it up there, Charlie.

-There you go.
-PROBST: Charlie pulling
his bucket back up.

Look at that surge of energy.

-KENZIE: Damn.

-LIZ: That's Nuinui.
-VENUS: Wow.

Suddenly a burst from Charlie.

Let's go, Charlie.

Tiff looks down.


-Tiff, out of nowhere, drops.

Charlie wins his second
individual immunity.

-Safe tonight at Tribal Council.

a spot in the final seven.
-KENZIE: Tiff, are you okay?

Tiff gave everything she had

until her body just gave out.

You all right, Tiff?

You want help up?

-Nah, I'm good.

-MARIA: Proud of you, Tiff.
-KENZIE: You did great.

-MARIA: You did a great job.

You were amazing, Tiff.

Good job, Charlie.

-That was epic.
-VENUS: Good job, Charlie.

-BEN: Charlie, you already know.
-LIZ: Good job, brother.
-Good job.

Charlie, come on over.


-Once again, back-to-back.
-[overlapping chatter]

That was a battle.

You outlasted.

[exhales sharply]

Safe tonight.

Guaranteed a spot
in the final seven.

As for the rest of you,
after 19 very tough days

of Survivor 46,
somebody going home tonight.

will become the fourth member
of our jury.

Grab your stuff.
Head back to camp.

See you tonight at Tribal.

Thanks, Jeff.

When I started
watching Survivor, I saw

that grip strength
is the most important skill

for Survivor challenges.

For the past, really,
two years, I've been literally

training my grip
with the grip squeezers,

dead hangs on pull-up bars,

anything I can think of to
strengthen my forearms and grip.

It's really validating
to have your hard work pay off

in a way
that actually impacts my game.

♪ ♪

TIFFANY: I was pretty peeved
that Charlie won immunity

because, aside from the fact
that I just want a chance

at wearing
the immunity necklace,

I wanted to be the one to beat Q

and send him home.

He tried to destroy my game,
and there's no way

under this Fijian sun

that I would let that go.

I want Q gone.


Pulling it out.

Tonight is an easy vote.

Myself, Kenzie, Charlie,
Ben, Maria,

Venus and Liz are all
on board to send him home.

I haven't heard a single person

utter another name today
besides Q.

-Liz with the rice.
-KENZIE: Whoo!

But when there's idols in play,
people start to act stupid.

I need somebody to make fire,

I have been doing a lot
of debating about this idol

now that it's out there,

I know that the clock is ticking
on when I have to play it.

-CHARLIE: There it is.

However, Q kind of blew up

his own game and
has been causing chaos at camp.

He's now the biggest target.

He's a strong competitor.

He's won the individual reward,

and he's proven that, like,
he can beat us.

Can somebody throw me a coconut?

I think I'm gonna
crack one open.

I'm a betting woman,

so I'm putting my chips
on the table

and I'm making a bet.

Tonight I'm betting

I can keep my idol in my pocket
because Q is going home.

...I'd love to get the idol out.

Yeah, I would
love to get it out, too,

but if she plays her idol
tonight, and we all vote Tiff,

-it's gonna be really,
really bad.
-Right. But let's just think.

Yeah. Yeah.

I agree.

It seems to be
that Kenzie is having cold feet.

It seems to be that Kenzie
doesn't necessarily think

that this is the right time
to make the Tiffany move,

but if I keep

sitting back and waiting
for the light to turn green... may not turn green.

So I'm gonna have
to run the red light.

You're basically in final six.

That's so awesome.

As long as y'all not trying
to blindside me tonight.

[both laugh]

KENZIE: I have been working on
this, like, Tiff blindside thing

on the side,
but it's just not singing

the same heart song
it was to me.

I have no respect for Q.

I have no respect for the way
he's playing the game.

And I don't want
to get out Tiff,

who wants to be here,
for someone who doesn't care.

It's like spitting in the face

of everyone
who has ever applied,

everyone who has
ever tried to be out here,

in the face of the jury,
that he just doesn't care.

It's annoying.

I don't know.

Probably she giving him
some type of encouragement

-or something. I don't know.

I'm the easy vote.

But you could change that.

Like, there are options,

but, like,
you got to be in the game.

I'm in the game.

If you want to take Tiff out,

there are options
to take Tiff out.

Are you in or are you not in?

Tonight's vote is

life or death, uh, for me.

It's gonna be me or Tiff.

I go to Vegas a lot,
and I'm a high roller.

I hope tonight

I can roll nothing but sevens,

and we can send Tiff home.

What are you thinking?

Q is an easy vote, but...

I'd love to get the idol out.

We can take Tiff out tonight.

While it may be hard
to work with Q,

I think we're gonna
have to work with Q.

I have been thinking
about this vote.

Q is a schemer
and a bit of a bully,

and I want him
the hell out of here, but...

the argument
for Tiff being the vote

is that everybody
knows Tiff has an idol,

and the idol's more dangerous

than Q at this point.

I think we got to go
with the Tiff blindside.

-Strategically, it's the most...

-It's the smartest.

MARIA: Now we have
four votes to get Tiffany out,

but in a game where there
are eight people left,

that's not enough.

-This is how we do it.

Q is down to do Tiff.


Maybe we don't tell Kenzie.

I was thinking the same thing.

We've got Q, Ben, me, Charlie.
That's four.

-Thing is,
we need one more solid person.
-Personally, I think Liz

is the better bet out of...

-Liz, I don't trust her...
-But out of Liz and Venus,

who do you trust more?
Venus I don't trust.

-She'll cause some random chaos.
-BEN: Right.

Venus is not somebody
I could work with,

but the whole fight
that Liz and Q had

makes it really hard

looping Liz into the plan.

We only have
to get one more vote.

I think Liz is better.

MARIA: I want Tiffany out,
and I want it to be today,

but Charlie's right.

Liz is the key person
for this plan, and so

our plan
is contingent on the person

that has
a personal vendetta against Q.

But at some point

you've got to make a move.

And this is terrifying.

It's terrifying
because it could blow up

in my face, but it could
also be a game-winning move.

[birds chirping]

And I agree with that.

Ben hates Q.

Like, a lot of us don't want Q,

but we have one chance.

For Tiffany?

This is the only night
that we can do this.

-And you are the key holder.

Tonight's vote is making
the wheels turn in my head.

I think Maria wants
to make this bold move

for the jury,

but I really, really dislike Q.


I have
a personal vendetta against Q

because he didn't pick me
for the Applebee's reward.

I know Tiff has an idol,

and that
is something to consider.

So it's gonna be
a really hard battle

between my mind and my heart.

Getting Tiff out with an idol,
without her even playing it,

it's a huge, huge move.

On the other hand, voting Q out,

seeing Jeff snuff his torch

would be just
as sweet as that juicy,

delicious Bourbon Burger.

Like, peace out, brother.
I am so done with you.

♪ ♪

-KENZIE [gasps]: My God.
-VENUS: Are you okay?


-LIZ: Are you okay?
-KENZIE: Yeah.

-VENUS: It was on fire.
-Did you burn your hair?

-KENZIE: Yeah. Oh, my God.
-LIZ: Ooh, I smell it.

-VENUS: It stinks.

-It's all good? Okay.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Scared me.

Okay. Let's review

where the game is.

Every single person
on the jury is there

as a result
of a massive blindside.

Q, you have been
an unwitting smoke screen

the last two Tribals.

So, once again,
let's start with you.

Did the day center
around you a lot? A little?

So, Jeff,
over the last three days, um,

I've been calm.

I lay on the beach.
If they approach me, good.

If not, I don't bother people.

Right now I have no power,
so I can only put the trust

in the people around me.

Tiff, this is a different story,

'cause the last two Tribals,

was swirling around Q.

"Q's going home. Q's going home.
Q's going home."

Nope. Still here.

I mean, like Q said,
he kind of just sat back,

minded his business,
and he has a keen understanding

that, at this point,
it really just is what it is.

And today at camp,
for probably the first time

in quite a while,
it was actually peaceful.

Kenzie, this
is eerily familiar, though.

The last two Tribals,
there was this certainty

that it was Q going home.

Did it feel different today?

Today definitely felt different.

Q has been, like,
such a good smoke screen

for if a blindside
is gonna get pulled off.

But today we were all on a--

pretty much an understanding on
what was gonna go down tonight.

So let's go back
to the reward challenge.

-Biggest reward of the season.

Q, you win. You're in charge.

You choose Maria,
Tiff and Kenzie.

Liz was left out,
was frustrated, understandably.

It's a long game. She hasn't
eaten, and she let you have it.

-Q: Yes.

-That's fair.
-LIZ: I mean,
I said what I said.

I said it very loudly
and very publicly,

but I didn't want it
to be awkward for everyone.

So I apologized to Q.

That don't mean I'm,
like, really that sorry.

But, like, Q, you and I,
we just can't play together.

Q, this is the story.

I know, man. [sighs]

It's tough, Jeff,
but, you know, I put out a plan,

and if four others get on board
and help me out, we'll see

where things kind of shake up.

But the other folks
might just say,

"You know what?
Kick this guy out."

So, you know,
it's one of those things

where it's not in my control.

Ben, is it possible
that everybody could jump

on board with Q's plan,
and it's not Q again tonight?

I'm just a bit over it,

but, uh, if that does happen,
like, it's beyond me.

'Cause everybody has seemed
to have been on, like,

"Q tonight? Q tonight?"

I mean, it's almost eerie how
on board everybody is with that.

Charlie, Ben said it.

It's almost eerie.

You can't not consider
the fact that something weird's

gonna happen again,
because look across.

The last two have been
absolute devastating blindsides

using Q as the smoke screen.

The eerie silence is scary.

And I think
there was a moment today

where I was
sort of questioning, like,

"Is something going on
that I don't know about?"

And what I realized is that, no,

the calm is because
people are on the same page.

So that's what
I'm hanging my hat on.

Maria, let's talk
about blindsides

at this stage of the game.

If you're somebody
who pulls off a blindside,

you're happy, you're proud.
You should be.

You hoodwinked somebody.
That's difficult to do,

but they're different
when you have a jury.

I mean, I am sure everybody here

is thinking to themselves,

"How can I get
something on my résumé?"

Right? Like, there
are three unfortunate people

sitting over there
who are thinking to themselves,

"Was this a good move,
or was it not?

Am I gonna award
a vote to this person or not?"

And so a blindside
right now is huge.

That's just not
the case tonight, unfortunately.

Tiff, let's go back
to Q for a moment.

There's so much energy around
whether he should be here

or not that I'm curious
when the scales tip

and suddenly keeping Q
becomes the better move.

[laughs softly] Um...

Liz is...
Everybody's shaking their head.

I don't know if keeping Q
is the better move for anybody.

Just based on
what I've been hearing,

I don't think
that anybody here thinks that Q

is best for their game at
this particular point in time.

Again, for me, Jeff,

I can only put out an idea.

If it doesn't stick
with others, it doesn't

make sense for their game,
I can't make 'em vote with me.

And I was prepared to go
two Tribals ago.

If it's my time, it's my time.
I've accepted it.

If my plan is not their plan,
I'm cool, man.

♪ ♪

All right, it is time to vote.

Kenzie, you're up.

♪ ♪

Very easy vote.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'll go tally the votes.

♪ ♪

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

♪ ♪

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Q.

Tiff. One vote Q, one vote Tiff.

Q. Two votes Q.

Q. Three votes Q, one vote Tiff.

♪ ♪


That's three votes Q,
two votes Tiff.

Tiff. We're tied.

Three votes Q, three votes Tiff.

Tiff. That's four votes Tiff,

-three votes Q.

One vote left.

fourth member of our jury: Tiff.

Need to bring me your torch.

♪ ♪

Tiff, the tribe has spoken.

Thank you.

Time for you to go.


♪ ♪

Grab your torches,
head back to camp.

Good night.

♪ ♪

Captioning sponsored by


Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

CHARLIE: An idol, at this point
in the game, changes everything.

Next time on Survivor...

We're screwed.

Everyone's lying.


She went from being a hero
to a villain real quick.

We all know
what needs to be done.

He's a jerk.

I don't feel guilty at all.


I broke my own Survivor rule.

I should have played my idol.

I should have
just gotten rid of it,

but I was trying
to stretch my idol out

for one more Tribal.

It turns out
that it bit me in the butt.

So I'm not gonna sit up here
and pretend that I'm happy

that I just got blindsided,

but if there's any way to go out

on Survivor, it's a blindside.
