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46x07 - Episode Several

Posted: 05/03/24 07:42
by bunniefuu
[whooping and cheering]

[chanting]: Merge! Merge! Merge!
Merge! Merge! Merge!

Previously onSurvivor...

There it is-- a full-blown idol

that nobody... knows about.

For the plus-one alliance,
I pulled in Tiff,

Hunter pulled in Tevin,
Tim pulled in Maria.

So the journey six

is what I want to try
to make sure is intact.

Right now, as it stands,

there's five on Siga,
five on Nami.

But there's three of us
right in the middle.

Three of us Yanu.

Soda hates Venus.
It's a mess.

Nami has cracks,
so it might be wiser

for us to side with Nami

and vote out Mo.

I'm unsure about Mo.

Oh, my God.
All I know is that

I'm glad I'm safe tonight
because, baby,

it's about to get messy.

First vote: Venus.

Sixth person voted out
of Survivor46:

That's six. That's enough.

The tribe has spoken.

Congrats on the first Tribal
for some of y'all.

-Wasn't that intense?
That was...
-It was bad.

-That was really intense.
-BEN: Whoa.

That was really, like, bad.

My first Tribal

was mind-blowing.

Seeing my name written down
on a piece of parchment

as the very first vote--
it was just terrible.

But the fact that there was jut
only one vote with my name

and the rest was straight Mo--

I automatically knew that Soda
wrote my name down because

that's the only thing
that could possibly make sense.



Our relationship has been
a question mark for a while no.

I really wish
I could have worked with her,

but I'm also not stupid.

I know that I'm loyal,

but the way that you were being
evasive with your answers...

That's why I... that's why

I came to you the way
that I did, because

it's alarming to me that you,
like, went straight for me

in the attitude
that you did, though.

I'll be straight up with you.

I needed a moment
'cause I know I snapped.

No, that's fine
that you needed a moment,

but you did snap
at the same time.

Like, it is fine
that you needed a moment.

I didn't want to raise my voice.

No, but you still were, like,
"You voted for me."

TEVIN: Watching Soda and Venus

is kind of the hottest tea
of the night.

I told Soda I don't trust Venu,
I don't trust where she stands,

I don't trust her loyalty,

and I think that she'll flip
any second that she gets.

Soda hasn't listened to me,
and now

they are digging
their own graves

and showing the people how toxic

and dangerous they are
to the game.

And I hope that they continue
to do that because it will

slide them closer to
that snuffer and keep me closer

to that million dollars.

CHARLIE: Mm-hmm.


If you want to chat one-on-one,
or, like, I can explain now.

-VENUS: We can talk
in the morning.
-CHARLIE: Okay. Yeah.

Charlie put a vote
on Venus anonymously.

So, for Venus to come back
and to now think

that Soda wrote her name down

was gonna be the perfect plan.

I need Nami to be in panic mod.

But Charlie lets his emotions
get the best of him,

and he confesses

to Venus that he is the one

that wrote her name down.

In this game,

we cannot have that going on.

And I think he needed

to be put in his place.

Yeah. Yeah.

You're right, man.
You are right.

I messed up here.
I messed up here.

-I'm with you.
-You know what I told you?

-Do not let your emotions

-get you in this game.

You don't have to admit ...
to nobody.

You're right. You're right.


real mad at me for telling Venus
that I voted for her.

And in this moment,
I'm just saying, "I'm sorry,"

and just letting him know
that we're solid.

But what I'm thinking is,

Q is running this show,

and no one is allowed
to have any other ideas.

"We're doing this,
we're locking it down,

"we're getting to the end,

we're doing it Q's way
or it's the highway."


I need to get Q
out of the game.

[Ben gasps]

[panting rapidly]


-Ben, is that you?

I'm right here. I'm right here.

It's not bad.
It's not, like, hurting.

BEN: After Tribal, I wake up

from a dream, and

panic mode, like, kicked in.

I have this hysteria
for about 50 seconds,

and I have to calm down
for a minute.

LIZ: Yeah.

I understood how nuts it was
in the moment,

'cause I've had
panic att*cks before.

It's, like, something
I can't control.

Thank God there were
some nice people in the tribe,

and Kenzie was able
to just calm me down.

My mom and sister
both struggle with anxiety.

They struggle
with their mental health.

So, I've been helping people
regulate sleep and anxiety

before I even knew
what that was, really.

You know, this is a game

where I very easily could have
been like, "Good, don't sleep.

I hope you mess up
in the challenges."

But that...
I couldn't. I couldn't.

Kenzie held my hand,
helped me make a fire,

and she made me feel like
it wasn't

gonna be some kind of, like,
"Yo, Ben's being a freak show,"

back to, like,
the sixth grade vibe.

I don't care if it's a game
for a million dollars.

Like, at the end of the day,
Ben's a person.

Is he my competition? Yes.
But he's my friend.

And sometimes you just got
to be there for somebody

and just sit with them
through it.

Just be with them
through the storm, you know?

Sometimes that's
all someone needs.

Bring in the boats.


Come on.

-Morning, Jeff.
-Good morning.

Boy, it feels good
to make the merge.

-Good morning, Jeff.



Come on up.

All right, shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-[all voicing assent]

For today's challenge,

you're gonna balance
on a triangular platform

with your feet perched
on very narrow footholds.

At regular intervals,
you're gonna move higher up

on the platform,
making it more difficult.

If at any point
you touch the platform,

or fall off of the platform,
you're out.

Last person left standing

wins immunity,
safe from the vote.

If you are wearing this...

-[whooping, exclaiming]

I love it.

PROBST: means

you are not going home.

There is a twist

-to today's challenge.
-Oh, wow.

You're gonna be randomly divided

into two groups of six,

which means two people
will have individual immunity

-at tonight's Tribal Council.
-[whooping, cheering]

Two people will be safe.

The bad news is both groups

-are going to Tribal Council.
-SODA: Ooh.

So, two people
are going home tonight.


In addition,
you're playing for reward.

-Want to know
what you're playing for?
-[all voice assent]

The person who lasts the longest
for the entire challenge

earns for their entire group

coffee and tea, hot and cold,

sandwiches-- veggie and tuna,

meat pies,
cream cheese Danishes...

-Lord Jesus.
-waiting for you back at camp.

In addition, that group will go
to Tribal Council second.

And that matters, because

the group that goes first,

the person voted out

will not make the jury.

-Big enough stakes?
-Oh, my God.

All right, we're gonna
draw for groups.


Ooh. My heart.

All right. Everybody take
your first position.

In Purple: Soda, Liz,

Maria, Charlie, Venus and Tevin.

In the other group
we have Tiff, Kenzie, Hunter,

Ben, Q and Tim.

You will be competing
against each other,

and whoever stays up there

the longest overall earns,

for their group, food.

And you go
to Tribal Council second.

Everybody's up?

Everybody's good.

This challenge is on.


We'll be here for 15 minutes.

Last time we did this challenge,

very different conditions.

Maryanne is out.

Rocksroy's out. Omar's out.

Mike's out.

It is a very rough day
on the water.

The entire challenge lasted,
like, three minutes.


it's like a lake.

-KENZIE: Okay.

With, like, cities
or food or something?


Somebody start it.

-A for Atlanta.
-Q: Atlanta. Who's next?

-B for Birmingham.
-You have to say,

"Atlanta," then whatever.

A, Atlanta.

B for Baltimore.

Oh, my goodness.
You're out, Ben.

-BEN: Let's go, Liz.

C for Cincinnati.

Well, you got to say...
Wait. What?

-But Ben said two Bs already.
-Q: B is out.

-Q's making up the rules here.
-So you say, "A for Atlanta."

-LIZ: Oh, I got
to start all over?

-C for Cincinnati.

-Oh, my God!
-CHARLIE: Wait, wait.

-I'll go, I'll go.
-Q: There we go.

-There we go, Charlie.
-All right, all right.

-I got this. You ready?


-Oh, my God.
-[blows raspberry]

Charlie knows.

-Q: New game.

-Who's next?
-PROBST: I'd just like to take

a moment and say,
in honor of Jelinsky,

you've been up here
several minutes.

-PROBST: Which means seven.

-PROBST: Everybody looking
really good.

on a triangular platform,

trying to stay
in a million-dollar game.


Almost there. Hang in there.

Five, four, three,

two, one.
Everybody's safe.

-You can touch your platform.

You're gonna
be moving quickly, though, so,

don't get too comfortable.

You have 15 seconds

to get up on that top shelf.

Start making your move.

Ten seconds left.

This is a live transition,
which means,

if you fall, you're out.

Five, four,

three, two,

Q can't make the transition.

Soda can't make the transition.

We have
our first two casualties.

One person from Purple is out.

One person from Orange is out.


Damn it!

Ben is out for Orange.

Orange is down to four.

This challenge
is picking up now.

It is Charlie, Maria,

Tevin, Venus and Liz
for Purple.

For Orange, it is Hunter, Tim,

Kenzie and Tiff.

We'll be here for 30 minutes.



You want to survive
tonight's Tribal,

you've got to outlast
the other people

you're competing against.

You want reward,
you got to outlast everybody.

What's up, Jeff?

What's up, Tim?

Thanks for the shout-out.

Nah, Jeff,

that's how Black people ask you,
like, what the time is.

-[laughs] Yes.

I learn a lot on this show.

So rare
to have a moment like this.

You against you.

How long can you last?

What's up, Jeff?

You are 23 minutes in

-to this section.

Once again,

-very calm waters of Fiji.

There's not even a sound.

Absolute quiet.

Now y'all want to be quiet.

Oh, you can't?

My daddy told me when I'm not
in a fight, shut my mouth.

-SODA: Mm.
-TEVIN: Mm-hmm.

PROBST [regular volume]:
Don't let the silence

lull you into sleep.

Think of something to distract.

Shout out Jalen, shout out

my sons-- Carter, Cooper.

Shout out my wife Jasmine.

Shout out Tevin mama
from Virginia.

-Hortensa. Yay, yay.
-Shout out

Charlie's daddy Brian.
Shout out Maria's family--

Sebastian, Leo, Juju.

That's what Black people do
on the radio, Jeff.

-TIM: ...Spicer, family.
-"Shout out to Uncle PooPoo

-and my nephew John."
-TIM: Your daddy said,

"If you ain't in a fight,
shut up."

-You right.
-[Probst laughs]

Most fun I've had
at challenge in a long time.


One minute left in this round.

Here's where we stand.
In Purple,

whoever lasts the longest out

of the five of you
will earn immunity.

In Orange, whoever lasts
the longest of you four

will earn immunity, and whoever

stays up there the longest

earns, for their group, food.

You will also go
to Tribal Council second.

That means two people

will be gone from the game.

One will not even make the jury.

This section is over.

The last part
of this challenge is

-you're gonna lift one foot.


I'm gonna count you in
in ten seconds.

When I get to one,
you've got to lift that foot.

You don't have to lift it
before then.

You're on your own if you do.

You can use those ten seconds
however you want.

Here we go.

Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five,

four, three, two,


Charlie's out.
Tim's struggling.

Tim is out.
We're down to three on Orange.

It's Hunter, Kenzie and Tim.

Venus is out.

Liz is out.

Hunter's out.
We're down to two on Orange

and two on Purple.

Tiff is out.

-Kenzie wins immunity,

but she's out.

Kenzie has won immunity.

Now it's a showdown
between Tevin and Maria.

Yes. We want food,

but stay in, Tev. Stay in.

Purple has already earned
the reward.

Now the question is
who will have the immunity.

Both players
looking really solid.

Maria, rock solid.

Very little movement.

Tevin, a lot of movement.

Both players still up there.

-SODA: Hey, you got this.
-PROBST: Tevin
trying to recover.

-CHARLIE: Oh, nice.
-PROBST: And he does!

-An amazing recovery!
-SODA: Wow, Tevin!

-SODA: Good job, Tevin!

Keep fighting. You got
nothing else to do right now.

Just this.

You want that necklace.

Tevin once again
trying to recover.

You got this, Tevy baby.

Kevin drops. He's out.

-Maria wins individual immunity

and reward for her crew.

Epic challenge.

Yes. Maria! Maria!

Maria! Maria!

-PROBST: Maria,

before you get in the water,
what's the emotion right now?

You know, Jeff, I just...

I kept thinking about,
"Just think about yourself.

"Think about yourself. You've
done harder things in life.

"Don't think about anybody else.

"I've felt so much more pain
than this.

Just-just forget about it."

Thank you, Maria.

-SODA: Good job, Tevin!

Good job, guys.

Kenzie, you pulled it out.

Good job, Kenz.


Thank you so much.

Individual immunity is yours.

You are not going home tonight.

With this around your neck,
you are safe.

-Head back.
-Thank you.

-Maria, come on over.
-TEVIN: Go get it, Maria.


The only thing missing
is a hug from you.

-Oh, well, I...
we can get a hug.
-Oh, my hug. Yes.

Thank you.

-TEVIN: Get it, Maria.
-PROBST: Congratulations, Maria.

Safe tonight at the vote.
In addition, you've won

a big reward for your group.

-Head back.
-BEN: Lieutenant Mom! [whoops]

-Thank you, Maria.
-Good job, Maria.

All right,
so here's what's gonna happen.

Liz, Soda, Venus,
Tevin, Maria, Charlie,

you will go
to Tribal Council second.

Swim out.
Enjoy the afternoon.

I'll see you
at Tribal Council tonight.

Felt slow.

All right,
so, Kenzie, you're safe tonight.

-The six of you will go
to Tribal Council first,

where, sadly,
the person voted out

will not make the jury.

One last thing.

You're not going back to camp.

You're going back
to the old Siga camp.

All right, swim out. See you
tonight at Tribal Council.

All right, see you later, Jeff.

Nobody wants to be the person
that's chopped off

right before
they make it to the jury,

and I am the odd man out.

So I need to play my idol
to get me to that jury,

to get another day, to get back
to Tevin and to the Nami people.

And if that's what it takes
to get there,

then that's what I'll do.

-SODA: Oh, my God. Yay,
-TEVIN: Lord,

-have mercy.
-you guys, first feast!

-SODA: See, this is why
I wasn't worried.

[indistinct chatter]

Maria and Tevin.

Our angels.

The immunity challenge was

a dream come true.

Not only did I win immunity.
I won

reward for our group, which
meant we finally got to eat.

-Cheers. To Maria and Tevin.

-SODA: To the merge feast,
thanks to Maria and Tevin.
-Yes. Yes.

[overlapping chatter]

Oh, man, this is so good.

This coffee is so good. Wow.

Winning this means everything.

Maria, my girl-- she really
pulled it out for us, and

she basically gave us
a second life in this game.

Like, we were given

a feast that is gonna energize
us for future challenges.

But even more than that,
she basically guaranteed

that we're all at least
gonna make the jury,

which is huge, you know,

and, you know, coming in,
it seems obvious. You know,

there's four Nami,
there's two Siga--

Charlie and Maria.

And Maria has
the immunity necklace.

Who's the obvious vote?

Charlie, my guy

who put my name down
the last vote is unfortunately

up on the chopping block.

Oh, my God.

Can we cheers? We are all
at least on the jury.

We will be...


From the outside looking in,

you would automatically think,
"Oh, there's four Nami,

there's two Siga, Maria's safe."

So, I think
that people would assume

that Charlie would be
the one going home

because he's not in the numbers.

Maria and I know different.

We understand
that there is another game

being played
that is across tribal lines.

So we see that it's not
Nami versus Siga here.

And so, tonight is the night
that I want to make a big move.

I want to be the curator of the
first blindside of the season.

Poor Hunter is all alone
over there.

That's gonna be, like,
massive strategy

-over there right now.

-BEN: It ain't too far off.
-TIFFANY: Oh, my God.


-Nice job, Kenzie.
-KENZIE: Thank you.

Yeah, you crushed.

It was tough out there.

Coming out here, I didn't expect
to do super well in challenges.

Like, of course I'm gonna give
it my all. I'm not a quitter.

But it's such an accomplishment

that I didn't think I would get
to check off my bucket list.

Yanu started

so bad.
Like, I never thought

I was even gonna
get this opportunity.

And now, I just feel like
I'm, like...

really gaining some footing
in this game.

It's just a really,
really good feeling.

Soda and Q she needs
to land a talk show after this.

That was so funny.

KENZIE: You were just out there
having a good time today.

So far in this game, I have yet
to really show my ability.

That was by design.
I didn't want a target on me.

So in today's challenge,

I jumped off on purpose

to see if my alliance
was really strong.

So I wanted to go
into this first immunity

not immune at all.

Oh, my goodness.

-Hunter's Nami, though.
Is he not?

This is like a Christmas preset

that we have to open.

It is a gift-wrapped opportunity

because Hunter is alone.

Yes, we've made agreements
with Hunter,

but it's not about the allianc.

Hunter's a beast
in challenges, and

now that we have him pinned,
let's take him out.

He's part of the six.

Are you gonna beat him
in an individual immunity?

Me? I can. Yeah.

That's okay.
Ain't nobody in this game

gonna ever win ten
individual immunities. Nobody.

Tim feel like Hunter is

the most physical threat here,

which-- debatable,

but I would rather go against

a physical threat than one that

somewhat has some skills

off the gridiron competing.

All right.

Because I committed
to the six thing

with you, Maria,

him, Tevin and Tiff.

The point is Nami.

Nami got the most numbers.

Nami was the target.

So after today, once again,
Nami's gonna outweigh everybody,

and they can control anything.

Tim right now is trying
to position himself in this gae

to get to the end
in multiple ways.

He wants to have
the plus-one alliance,

but he also wants
to have his Siga alliance.

He also wants to have
his sub-alliance with Ben.

Which is it, Tim?

Which game are you playing?
The Siga game

or the Q game?

Well, buddy,
you are going home tonight,

and you just don't know it.

CHARLIE: Oh, my God.

LIZ: Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord.

MARIA: Oh. Ooh. Excuse me.


Oh, my goodness.

I've been thrown in
to the lion's den.

The Nami lion's den.
It's four Namis, two Sigas--

me and my ride-or-die: Maria.

So that's the one lifeline

I have out here is

I've got the person
I trust most in this game.

But if they stick together,
I'm gone.

There is zero other possibility.

Oh, a fed nap is
a really great feeling.

-I'm drifting off.

I may snore.

We're napping right now?

You guys don't know

what it's like to be,
you know, me on this day.

You know, I wanted
immediate conversations.

As I'm laying there,
I'm hoping I'm gonna

catch some eyes, you know,

that someone's gonna
look at me and just go...

But I'm just losing it.

Calm on the outside,
but losing it on the inside.

I want someone to get up
so I can go talk right away.

SODA [with British accent]:

[regular accent]:
I mean, there's literally
four Nami and two Siga,

-and you're the only other Siga
that can be voted.

Anyone from the outside
looking in would say

Charlie is the easy vote

Charlie's literally
the only person we can vote for

if we want to be "Nami strong."

But I don't want that to happen
because Charlie's somebody

who I feel is very loyal
and likes me

and just wants to work with me.

I'd rather have that than Venus,

because over these
past few days,

she's been, like,
sus about me because

I haven't been doing
one-on-one strategy with her.

And then last night,
after Tribal,

she came for me and said,
I wrote her name down.

That tells me
you don't trust me.

It's four Nami and one you.

-I'm not gonna vote that way.

And I'm gonna talk to Tevin.

So we have to really,
really make it...

No, I get it. I understand.

I'm nervous, but I trust you.

-I got you. I got you, Charlie.
You're okay.

We are not gonna go
with the majority.

That's the story,
is that it's gonna be Charlie

because of the numbers, but
we're really going after Venus.

I told Charlie,
I just talked to him

because I really love Charlie.

I don't know
who your vibe with. He...

And Maria, too.
Let's... let me tell you.

He's loyal, and he loves us,
and I have him.

Like, we're very tight. But
I think we should go for Venus

tonight. I think
it has to happen tonight.

Soda's right.
Venus has been shifty.

She is flopping, she's flippin,

and she is
potentially threatening

to the alliances
that I've already built.

-We're-we're on the same team.

We're always on the same page--
you and I.

Always. We don't even need
to have long chats.

But to be honest,
Soda and I's relationship

has been a little bit
distant because

she talk, talk, talk,
talk, talk, talk.

Like Yam Yam say, "You talk,
talk, talk, talk, talk, talk."

She talks, and she's good

at making every single person
feel comfortable.

And for that reason,
I can't necessarily read her.

That's why I have kind of
separated myself

from Soda, alliance-wise.

And so the time has come.

Try to make a big move, because
now is the time to start

really, really building résumé,

because we're heading
to the end of the game.

The plan is
to make V feel comfortable

so don't play
her Shot in the Dark.

And we vote V out and tell her

that the plan
is to vote Charlie.

That's an option.

The other option is...

it could be a blindside tonight
against Soda.

Because V is the one
that thinks she's going.



I believe theSurvivor gods

are smiling upon me.

And honestly,
I've been waiting to lose.

I've been

wanting Soda out so bad.

She is my number one target.

She's a big threat in this gam.


Sure, we have a connection

because we're Nami, but

I don't care about Nami strong.

Soda has to go.

I know what kind of game
Venus is playing,

and everyone is all
on board with, like...

Venus is snaking, but

we also have a chance
to get out Soda,

and she doesn't expect it.

I just don't know

what kind of game
Soda's playing.

So your proposition is

-that we all vote Soda?

I trust Maria.

She's in the plus-one alliance.

I trust her.
I-I know she's there for me.

Oh, you just sit there
and let people come to you.

Your turn with the Tev?

My gut tells me
that I can trust Charlie.

Charlie's very loyal

and sweet and nice
and he wants to work with me.

You ain't going nowhere tonight.

So, you, me, Liz and Maria
vote Soda.


And then we tell Soda

we're all voting Venus,
which she wants to do anyway.

-Then you're still safe.

When we got back to camp,

I was scared out of my mind.

And now I've heard Venus
and I've heard Soda already,

and I'm thinking,
"What is going on

on this beach?"

I don't like it when I'm not
included in conversations.

It's obvious
we should vote for Charlie.

But for me, I now

have the clarity to realize that

that's not the only way
in this game.

Yes, Charlie
seems like the easy vote,

but I'm not here
to do easy votes.

I'm here to play

a hard game.
And, sure, playing with fire

could come back
and bite me in the ass,

but I want to play with fire.

I want to make big moves.

I want to make
a name for myself here

and show people that I'm
not someone to mess around wit.

What are you thinking
in terms of threat level

-between Soda and Tevin?
-I have no idea.

Honestly, like,
I can't tell you, at this point.

But if I were to say,
"Hey, let's throw it on Tevin,"

'cause I just personally
see him as a bigger threat

-socially and physically.

Poor Venus.

Venus is trying really hard

to get some footing
in this game,

but Venus is pretty oblivious.

She's not
reading the room very well.

She threw out Tevin's name,
and so I think that's a mistak.

Tevin and I are part
of an alliance of six.

And in my perspective,
Tevin was never an option.

-No committing.
-No committing.

I don't want to, like,
make you say, "Well, oh, gosh,

she told me this and then,
like, she turned on me."

Like, not committing.

-I want to talk
to everybody again.
-Ah, so, as in,

-you may want
to work with Tevin instead?
-No, no, no. I want to talk.

Maria's hard to read.

And I'm providing her
with a really good opportunity

and she was unsure
of even working with me.

So I don't know
why she's wary of me,

but, realistically, she's
putting her Siga numbers at risk

by not trusting me. So I just
need to talk to Charlie

and hope that
I can pull something out.

And I am, like, stressing.

I really don't care
that you wrote my name down,

and I could see myself
potentially working with you.

'Cause I'm gonna
be real with you.

-I would rather you stay here.

I don't know if you've noticed
how close Tevin and Soda are.

Yeah, I've seen it.

The most important thing
right now

-is to break the two of them up.

I'm impartial to which one.
I have two suggestions.

The option's vote Soda,
and we blindside her tonight.

-Option two
is if I tell Liz "Soda,"

Soda and Tevin think it's you,

-and then me, you,
Maria vote Tevin.
-Like, a three...

-Yeah. Like a three,
two, one. Yeah.
-Three, two, one.

Venus says,

"Number one,
we could vote out Soda."

Then she's got this plan

where she wants
to do a blindside on Tevin.

-I'm gonna go off.

Um, and we need to connect
at least one more time,

-'cause things change
so-so quickly.

It's becoming clear to me

that the cracks on Nami
are more like

oceans between continents.

You know, they are ready
to go at each other's throats.

I mean...

I don't know where
you stand, specifically,

from our last conversation.
I know we said more check-ins,

-but I feel we have
not done that.
-No, we haven't checked in,

and I don't know where I stand.

I want to make sure
I make the right decision

that feels right for me.

-Like, character-wise?
Do you think I can't be true?

-I'm gonna tell you. Yeah...
-Yes, please do.

-I think that's the best thing.

-When you come at people,
you come at 'em.

Have I come at you?

Yeah, you came at me,
and that puts me off.

-Like, negatively?
-Just like when
we were just down at the beach,

you're like, "Oh, so you
don't want to work with me?"

-I don't want to be pressured
before I'm ready.

I'm open to working,
but, like, don't pressure me.

And when I say I'm gonna
do something, I'm doing it.

Venus just kind of came at me,
and I'm like,

"Listen, you're 20. Like,
I've been there, done that."

And so I was really put off
by her demeanor.

And, honestly,
I don't trust Venus.

She's conniving. She's sneaky.

She is dangerous.

I don't know. Lack of s...

Like, I'm putting, like...
We're putting a lot on the line.

So, like, this lack
of certainty, if anything,

it's kind of, like, scaring me
off on the idea as a whole.

Maria said that
she felt like I was

telling her what to do,
which, honestly,

like, I feel like that's her ego
getting in the way of the game.

I wasn't trying to pressure
you into an idea.

'Cause at the end
of the day, it's your game.

-You can do whatever you want.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You know what? I'm gonna go.

She's probably used to calling
the sh*ts and doesn't like beig

told what to do by someone she
probably considers her junior.

So I'm a little bit
in panic mode. This really is

a "make it or break it" moment
for me in this game.

Here's where I stand.
I'm down for Soda.

I thought I could
get Maria on board,

but I don't know if I can.

-You know what I mean?
-For Soda?

-So, it's abort.

I mean, I-I might just have to,

like, consider
playing my Shot in the Dark

or something, you know?

I'm scared.
Charlie could potentially play

a Shot in the Dark--
in which case,

if he's safe, whatever
the other name is would go hom.

And that name
would most likely be mine.

If you're saying it's like this,
then I'm gonna be honest.

I'm just gonna stick
with the Nami four,

-'cause that's
just the safest thing.

The only person who I'm gonna

believe wholeheartedly
right now is Maria.

I want Maria
to be cool with any plans

that we lock ourselves into.

I'm hearing from Venus...


And then Soda wants it,
obviously, just to be Venus.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

-So, apparently, I'm okay.

With this split that we have
where there are

two Tribal Councils,

two people being voted out
in one night,

Maria and I, all of a sudden--

the two Sigas
on a tribe with four Namis--

have the power.

At Tribal tonight,

-are we pretending...
-For me, it's easy.

I'm just gonna be like,

"Listen, I'm the only Siga
who can catch votes."

Tonight has transformed
from a night where

I was gonna be shaking
in my boots at Tribal Council

because I thought I was
going home to a night where

I'm making, probably,
the biggest decision of my gam.

Everyone on the beach has been
talking about getting Venus ou.

Venus is totally chaotic
and unpredictable.

I don't think I can
trust her with anything.

But Soda-- extremely

social player.
She's a huge threat.

So if Maria and I

can come out
of this situation down

two to four in numbers
and, ultimately,

make the call
on what happens tonight,

we can take control
of this game.

No, I feel good with this.

So we're gonna have to split
the votes between Hunter, Ben.

I think I'm all right with that.

Only because we think
the biggest threat here

on this Siga camp right now

is Hunter.

-One, two, three...
-TIFFANY: We just gonna
have to do damage control

when we get back to Tevin.

But I think
Tevin'll be fine, though.

He'll be fine. Yeah.
He's, like...

-Like, he's...
-I think Tevin will be fine.

-'Cause Tevin
really rocks with us, so...
-There's five...

Tim's logic is Hunter's
the biggest threat on the beac.

But what I know for certain:

it's not about
Hunter being a threat.

It's less about Hunter being
a threat and more about the fact

that they are thirsty
to get a Nami player out

because a Siga player went home

last night.

They're still trying
to chip away at Nami's numbers.

I don't care about
chipping away at Nami's number,

'cause I know I could do that
easily on my own.

[blows raspberry]

-[whispers]: Tim?
-[whispers]: Yes.

-TIFFANY: Yeah. Yeah.
No, first of all...

He's-he's getting real shifty.

Okay. Okay. I'm good with that.

My only hesitation right now is

if we leave Ben in the game

it's gonna be harder
to get him out,

'cause now
he's gonna be on high alert.

I, personally,

think that Ben
is a bigger threat than Tim.

I can see through Tim.

He thinks he's a good liar.
He's not.

Ben-- I think
he's a sneakier player.

He might be
a secret agent of chaos.

So in my perfect world,
Ben would go home tonight

and Tim would stay.


Yes. Bro.

Tim got to go.

HUNTER: The plan tonight
is to get the four of us--

the three Yanu and me--
to all vote for Tim.

What could go wrong
is they're all lying to me,

and the Yanu people vote me ou.

There's no doubt
I'm nervous going into this,

but I have an idol
that nobody knows about,

and if I have to play the idol,
then I'll just play it.

And if I look crazy because no
one voted for me, that's that.

But if that's what it takes,

then that's what I'll do.

There's only, like, a couple
options happening tonight.

Obviously, my name
being one of them, right?

-But, um, what are you feeling?

I think that we're all
open-minded, is the thing.

And we also don't want Nami
to have all the numbers.

It's harder to lie to a friend,
and Ben and I have bonded.

He's just, like, such
a sweet and kind, gentle person.

And Ben had a panic attack
that I was there for him for.

So Ben and I have formed this,
like, friendship.

That's why this game
is so complicated,

because it's hard

to figure out who I, like,
like as a person

versus who
I'm gonna work with long-term.

I mean, what do you and Tim
want to do-- go Hunter?

For numbers, it makes sense.

The only thing
that makes sense is to try

-and equalize
the entire playing field.

My biggest hope tonight

is that I can convince
the Yanu three

into going Hunter,
or else I'm screwed.

That simple.
You know, like, Kenzie--

she looked hesitant,
but I don't have much to go on.

I'm in a tough corner,

but you can't go down
not swinging.

The reason I'm talking to you,
straight up,

is, like,
I know we haven't had a moment.

-And I know Tim and you vibe.

-Listen, let...

-Man, you got to just
make me comfortable, bro.
-I hear you.

Who are we gonna tell Hunter
we voting for-- you?

I think we might have
to do a cover like that.

But you cool with...

We gonna tell this man
to write your name down.

-I write his name down.

-He stands his ass up,

he play something,
and he wrote your name down.

-Then what?
-Yeah, then I'm screwed.

But that's Survivor,right?
You got to take a chance.

But I'm just making sure
you aware...

That my name could be...

-When you on the island...

But what do they say
in Survivor?

-No risk, no reward.
-No reward.

Would it suck
to be taken out tonight? Sure.

But it's like gambling.

If you pulled this off,

I would feel high
the rest of the game.

You know, in the words
of the mighty Van Halen,

"Time to go bottoms up."

No, no, no. Listen.

He said he's fine with
Hunter writing his name down.

And if Hunter has an idol
or something, he plays it,

he's fine with going home. So..

Yeah. 100%.

I don't know.
I can only go on what I read.

He's not comfortable.
He's not comfortable going home.

I'm not a sucker. I'm smarter
than what you think. I promise.

I'm telling you,
that was a bluff.

Okay. So do you want to go Tim?

Dude, I just told you
what I wanted to do.

I want to vote for Ben.

I'm just telling you
what I'm observing.

Q is the type of person where

we'll have a conversation.
He'll be like,

"Tim is the vote." I'm like,
"Perfect." I walk away.

I come back from the water well,
and he's like, "It's Ben."

And I'm like, "Q, what happened?

"Like, you can't just do this.

"What if we have to go to Tribl

"and you don't get a second to
tell me that the vote changed?

"And why is it
you are the only one

"who's deciding
the way the votes go?

"Like, we're a three.

We're supposed
to be working together."

I would rather see Ben go.

-TIFFANY: Well, that's what I've
been saying since we got here.
-And we just... And if...

If the three of us
are in it together,

let's take the shot at Ben.

-Just so you know.
-Ben ain't playing anything now.

-Yes, he is.
-Well, do you
want to go Tim, then?

The stakes are high right now,

but Q keeps flip-flopping
back and forth.

Like, "All right,
we're doing this."

And then you step away,
and he come back,

"No, no, no. We're doing this."

You can't do that.
This is a conversation.

You're not just telling us
where to place our votes.

-Q is working everyone.
-He is.

"So do you want Tim?"

If you don't shut your ass up...

He's gonna come back
and be like, "Vote me, yo.

-I've decided." [laughs]
-Oh, God.

I'd be like, "Okay, boy."

This is not the Q show.

At some point,

-that ain't gonna work for us.

The way Q is approaching
stuff right now is worrisome.

However, I've got my girl Tiff.

The three of us

have been strong
this whole time,

but the way Q

is barking orders at us

has Tiff and I being aware

that this could go

into chaos mode very quickly.

The plan right now is that we'l
vote out either Tim or Ben.

Tiff and I need
to be on the same page,

so no matter what
goes off in Q's world,

Tiff and I have a foundation.

So is it worrisome? Yes.

All right. So, Q,
what was it like this afternoon

with only six people
knowing Tribal was looming?

First thing I noticed,

a tornado had to
come through Siga's camp

between the time they left
and when we got there.

'Cause it was awful.
They was living rough.

But we had
to start talking plans,

making this game fair, because
Yanu only has three members.

Nami and Siga
still has the advantage

when it comes to numbers.

So if we send
the right person home,

it could even those numbers out
a little more.

But, Hunter, at what point
do Tribal lines disappear

and it becomes, "This
is who I want to play with

because I can
see my path to the end"?

Yeah. It's this weird spot
where the Yanu three

are in a power position,
because I'm here by myself,

and there's
two Sigas over there,

but the majority
falls with Yanu.

I am the only person who
has not voted with any group.

And so I would love
to be a Yanu member right now.

So, Kenzie, Hunter's saying,

"I'm willing to join Yanu three.

Make it Yanu four."


Okay. Hunter's a free agent,
so that's appealing.

That's a number,
but at the same time,

Nami has the numbers.

What way do we take it?

Do we adopt one
and hope that he's...

You hope he's our baby?

Or do we, like, chance it

that he's gonna go back
with his original family?

It's-it's a toss-up.

And so, Tim, if we stay
with this train of thought,

you and Ben would be saying,
"No, no, no, take out Hunter.

Let's get Nami."

Yeah, I mean,
it's an individual game,

and you're not really
thinking about the alliance.

You're thinking about
who's threatening.

And I think Hunter

has carried Nami the entire game

by leading and dominating

in every single challenge.

Yeah, but I'm not tied
to Nami in any real way

other than
I had to get them here

so they wouldn't vote me out.

And I'm telling you,
this Nami group is not even

getting along when the Siga
group is really, really close.

And it was clear at last Tribal,

the four that have been working
together are still here

and still trying
to work together.

I love that Hunter

just loves how
Siga has been able to operate.

It's like, "Siga did this" or

"Siga kept a close, tight lip,"

but he's never had to

show any allegiance to anyone.

He's never sat here
and had to make a decision

about one of the individuals
that sit amongst him.

And I'm assuming he's saying
that's a hard thing to do,

which I haven't bonded
to somebody in that way,

and I'm looking to do
it tonight with these three.

Ben, it's very clear

that Siga
was trying to work on Hunter

and Hunter was trying
to work on you two.

I haven't heard
either of you say

that you were trying
to work on each other.

I mean,
I'd be lying if I hadn't heard

people try
to break me and Tim up.

How do you respond to that?

Well, it's like,
I try to be personal.

I know this
is a game of deception,

but, like,
it makes it really hard

to separate the personal
from the game.

And I know it might sound like

an open target saying that here,

but, like, you know,
I had a panic attack last night.

It wasn't so much about the game

as just being like,

"Wow. So much
intense negativity.

How am I gonna
keep a straight mind?"

I don't know
which other way to say it.

Kenzie woke up at 1:00 a.m.
to make sure I was doing okay.

That was something human,
which is very hard in this game.

-That was human.
-It... Yeah.

Like, I would be there for you
no matter what.

It makes me want to cry now,
'cause it's like,

when do you get those moments
in this kind of game?

I came into this game thinking

I was gonna be on the bottom
the whole time for how I am

as a human
in an individual society.

I'm usually people's, like,
entertainment monkey

that, like, they like
having around at a party,

but don't want to get deep with.
But, like, it wasn't that case.

It was a breath of fresh air
where it's like,

"Wow, we've actually
made bonds that I think

might go beyond this game."

And then to bring it back
to what we were saying before

about me and Tim, all we can do
is try and play our game.

It's like,
we came and did our thing

and if that's what got us
in the end, so be it.

But, like,
what a beautiful ride it was.

You don't get an adventure
like this

or make bonds like this
very often.

Sorry, I know that was a lot.

It was great. Beautiful.

Kenzie, if it really
is the Yanu three in charge

and your choices
are Hunter, Tim or Ben,

it's got to be
a bit of a Sophie's choice

in terms of humans,
because they all three

have made very compelling,
likable cases tonight.

This is really hard for me

because I wouldn't be here
without these boys.

Like, they literally threw me
through the merge. Sorry.

And, you know,

I wouldn't be able to, like,
have won this without these boys

and Tiff, obviously,
but, you know, um...

And I've bonded
with all of them, deeply.

So when we were all on the same
team today, I was devastated.

And the fact that now
it's up to me to decide,

like, which one to cut is

a hard pill for me to swallow.

It's tough, because, yeah,

I, like, held Ben's hand
last night,

and, like,
I've talked to Hunter,

I've talked to Tim,
I've talked to everyone here

on a deep level,
and it is so human.

And that's how
I make my money at home,

is building human connections.

So, it-it gets hard

for me to separate.

Jeff, I know you didn't
ask me a question,

but I want to recognize,

amongst all these giants,

today in the challenge,

the smallest person
standing amongst us won.

When Yanu went 11 days

without any positivity,
that girl right there--

she smiled, she cried,
she kept it together.

That deserves more recognition
than we're giving.

And I understand
we have to vote, I do,

but I have to give credit
where credit is due.

-Kenzie, you did an amazing job.

-Thank you.
-You did.
-All right, Kenzie!

You did an amazing job.

Thank you.

So I'm getting the impression

this is going to be
a tough vote tonight.

It's gonna be
a very tough vote, Jeff.


All right, it is time to vote.

Kenzie, you're up.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

Okay, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Hunter.

Two votes Hunter.

One vote Tim.

Tim. We're tied.
Two votes Hunter, two votes Tim.

Tim. That's three votes Tim,
two votes Hunter.

Seventh person
voted out of Survivor46:

Need to bring me your torch.

Can I give Tim a hug real quick?

♪ Brotherly love.♪


-the tribe has spoken.
-Thank you.

-Love y'all.
-Love you, too.

Time for you to go.


[breathing sharply]


Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

We'll bring in the next group.

They... got me.

They got me.

Technically, I lost,
but I didn't have to fake

and follow anybody else's game.

I was a leader.
I wasn't a loser.

I'm honored. I'm thankful.

I'm the sexiest dad
to ever do this,

and I'll get over it.

All right.

So, Liz, where
is this tribe right now?

'Cause, for a moment, you were
all together as individuals,

-but then now you're back into
two groups in a small group.

I, actually,
am really excited that we're

split into two groups.

For my game,

I made a lot of friendships

and connections on both sides.

So, for the individual game,

if you're in the right spot,

you're in a good spot tonight,
no matter what happens.

Charlie, what do
you read into that answer?

It's a very interesting comment.

I find it fitting
for a person who's in here

with four
of their former Tribemates.

There's a little bit more
comfort where Liz is sitting.

For me, you get
divided onto a tribe where

you're the odd tribe out

and the only person
vulnerable on that tribe--

it's like I have
a big, red target

painted on my forehead.

Soda, can you appreciate
how that might feel?

Might be accurate, might not be.

Yeah, I can, I can...
Like, I mean, it was...

I felt it for him, and I, like,

I don't think there's any way
kind of around it as much as,

like, I adore him as a person.

It's kind of clear

where the numbers
really are, so...

But, Tevin,

we also reached
a new phase of the game

where it's not
always that simple.

That's true. But, I mean,
just last Tribal Council,

you heard the kind of division
between the two tribes, still.

And I don't know
if people are necessarily

willing to let down
the tribal lines right now,

and they are still trying
to play a tribe game because

they're scared that one tribe
may pick off the other.

Venus, where do you sit?

The easy vote would be
for the four of you

to stick together
and take out Charlie,

and there's not really
anything he could do

other than maybe
he has some power in the game

-or he could play
a Shot in the Dark.
-Exactly what you said, Jeff.

It's a pretty easy vote, but,
um, unlike Soda, I feel like

my butt is more on the line
because it's no real secret here

that, the other night,
Charlie wrote my name down.

So if anyone here really
has to be worried, it's me.

Maria, if you want
to try to take somebody out,

six people
is a great opportunity,

because there's nowhere to hide.

Um, I'm gonna paint
a picture for you.

-You're having a party.

You get gussied up
and you put on, like,

your favorite red necklace.

And you wait
for your guests to come.


And maybe they don't come.

So no one approached you?

It's not that
nobody approached me.

It just didn't feel
like I had the power.

It just kind of felt like,
you know, maybe they stayed

for a little bit,
but not too long.

I'm sorry
you got all gussied up.


Y'all, I didn't
bring my bag tonight.

I am staying Nami strong.

That's that. Ready to go
back to the fire and get warm.

I mean, that
is a lot of confidence.

Soda, is that just

the luxury that comes
with having the numbers?

Yeah, it's, like, the luxury
of having four Nami right now.

You know, and, like,
that's the thing. That's the big

steak on the plate right now.

So how does that
change the dynamic

for the six of you?

What did you notice
in terms of behavior?

We were just more like,
"I don't need to run around,"

which is very, very different
from yesterday.

Feeling like
you have your tribe there,

like, a majority of
your brain space is not worried.

You could see that
in people's physical movement

in their body.

So, Charlie, what's it like

to hear Liz say,

"I didn't even bring my bag"?

Not great.


You know,
I knew what the odds were

as soon as Maria was the one
that won that immunity.

And I did my best today
to just pitch myself

to every single person here.

And it's so hard
in the new era, because,

you know, I have this
little number in my pocket.

Little Shot in the Dark die.

And that makes it so people

will give me
a little bit to work with.

But I don't know if I can
believe one word of it,

'cause they don't want this
to come out.

It's a one in six shot.

There are only six people here.

That's still scary.

I just want to say,
realistically, Jeff,

I feel like I already know the
move that they're gonna play.

The fact that
my name was written down

not only one Tribal ago,
like, it's very

clear to me that that's
gonna be their move today.

And I'm just hoping that
the Survivorgods

are in my favor,
and his Shot in the Dark

doesn't work,
and I get to live another day.

All right, then,
it is time to vote.

Liz, you're up.

Not tonight. Not tonight.

There is just not

any way that
we could work together.

You're way too dangerous.

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Soda.

One vote Soda, one vote Venus.

Venus. Two votes Venus,
one vote Soda.

We're tied.

Two votes Venus, two votes Soda.

Soda. That's three votes Soda,
two votes Venus,

one vote left.

Eighth person voted out

and the first member
of our jury:


Need to bring me your torch.


-It was you, wasn't it?
It was you.
-VENUS: Yeah.

[both laugh]

I did not see that
coming at all.

You played
an amazing game, Soda.

Oh, man. So fun.

I love you.

I love all you guys.
It's really hard.

-We love you, Soda.

[inhales sharply]

I hope you crush it, man.


-Soda, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.


Thanks, Soda.


Oh, wow. [sniffles]

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

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Captioned by
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Next time onSurvivor...



Shut up.

She broke my rule.

I'm a mob boss.

Never seen anything like this.

Did not see that coming at all.

It was an excellent,
excellent move.

This adventure was amazing.

I conquered
so many fears and, like,

busted my ass in challenges,

but I got to live inside, like,
my favorite TV show ever.

And now I get to be
on the jury and, like,

vote for someone
to win a million dollars.

I'm just happy that
I got to be a part of it all.
