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46x06 - Cancel Christmas

Posted: 05/03/24 07:42
by bunniefuu


Previously onSurvivor...

"There is a hidden immunity idol
in this box.

"...return to this location

to receive
further instructions."

-...if you get one person
you trust,

you get one person you trust.

I'm not sure who...
Maria for you.

Oh, dear.

I lost my vote...

Not great.

...because I didn't know
the order of the logos.

You got this, Q!

For the win.

There it is! Yanu wins

their first immunity challenge
of the season,

sending Siga to Tribal Council
for the first time.


Maria and I are
at that crossroads.

Yeah. Yeah.

We can go with the women or

we could go with the men.

Fifth person voted out
of Survivor46:


The tribe has spoken.

This is a total
blindside tonight.

With an idol in my pocket.

♪ ♪

In a word, that sucked.

Unbeknownst to me,
everyone was out for Jem.

And I wrote down Ben,

someone who's been, honestly,

pretty kind to me
this whole game, so,

it just sucks
to be on the wrong side

of not only a vote,
but the first vote.

And on top of that, a blindside

by people
you think you can trust.

Don't sweat it, dawg.

Feel like an idiot, but at least
I'm a living idiot, so...

You're definitely
not an idiot, Mo.

It's, like,

I would rather
be a living fool--

which I kind of am right now--

than, you know,
a dead know-it-all.

And, Mo, I just
want to say, you know,

I totally think you're valuable

in this tribe.

-TIM: Nobody wrote your name.

-BEN: Yeah.
-You know what I'm saying?

Like, that's... that's valuable.

I'm appreciative that I'm here,

and I really am Siga strong.

I'm feeling conflicted inside.

I mean, they lied to me.

I was out of this vote,
but at the same time,

I did not see my name
a single time.

So that tells me

maybe there's still room
for me to grow in this game.

Otherwise, I got
a Shot in the Dark

burning a hole in my pocket.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

KENZIE: It took Yanu

a really long time
to get our stuff together,

but once we got it, we got it.

Just, like, reigniting
the fire this morning,

and it caught in three seconds--

like, that's how we're doing.

We finally have a...

that spark
that's gonna keep us going.

Thank you.

-Oh, my God.
-You want to open it?

-Oh, my God.
-TIFFANY: This is,
like, a real note.

Let's see.

[Tiffany screams]

-Told you!
-[Tiffany and Kenzie scream]

I thought-I thought we had...

This lovely piece of paper says,

"Drop your Buff.

We're taking you
to your new home."

And if you watch Survivor,
you know what that means.

Merge, baby.

-You were good to us
while it lasted.

No, he wasn't.

To make it with the people

that I actually wanted
to make it with--

my best two pals-- oh, my God.

It's, like,
the best feeling ever.

Giddyup, baby.

Let's go play.

And, of course,
we cannot forget our

biggest ally,

who I keep in my bra.

She is not going anywhere,

and I feel like
she's really gonna

help us out
when we get to this new beach.

Oh, my God!

Merge! Merge! Merge! Merge!

We're headed to a new camp.

We don't know what's in store.

And right now,
we are Siga strong.

Five. But in my opinion,

Mo's still on the bottom, so,

if it comes to a point
where we have to eat our own,

it would be Mo.

We're going in stronger
than we were last night.

That's right.

I am elated.

In theory, there's
a pretty likely chance

I am the bottom of this five.


when the game changes,

so do your relationships.

And if I don't got

four friends
rooting for me here,

I might have four enemies,

and that's not gonna get me far
in this game.

You know,

go with the devil you know
over the devil you don't.

HUNTER: "Drop your Buffs.

Your fellow castaways
will be joining you soon."

I knew it!

Oh, my... God.

-Drop your Buffs!
-Oh, my God!

HUNTER: We got tree mail today,
and when we open it,

I see that
it's the "Drop your Buffs."

Like, it's happening now, which

is exciting, but for me,

it starts a timer.

And so, I run like I'm doing

a little airplane down the beach

so that my tribe buys

that Hunter's just excited about
this "Drop your Buffs thing."

But in reality, a few days ago,

I found the Beware Advantage.

It says you have to wait
until either you lose

or you drop your Buffs
to get a clue

to find a key to open a box

to get the idol.

Then I have to run back
to the place where I found

this Beware Advantage
to begin with,

dig it up and follow whatever
instructions it has for me

before the new Tribemates
show up.

And so, this unknown timer

just automatically
starts counting down.


Okay. It's got
to be some of the steps.

Maybe the steps
in front of camp.

The thing that gave it away--

"This step
won't lead you astray."

And I almost immediately
know where it is.

Back at camp at the step.

I can't even process this
right now.

A bunch of new people.

So I go back to camp,

and everyone is just sitting
in the shelter, so,

what am I supposed to do?

SODA: You vibe.

-HUNTER: Catch my breath.
-SODA: You catch your breath.

-You can do you.
Catch your breath.
-VENUS: Yeah.

And so I'm like, "Whatever.

I'm gonna go sit on the steps."

What's his mindset right now?

'Cause I can't read him.

-SODA: Who?
-VENUS: Hunter.

You got to ask him.
I don't know.

I just asked.
You don't have to shut me out

each time I ask you a question.

That's your feelings.
They're valid.

I don't know.

I know.
I didn't say you did know.

So I'm digging in these stairs,

but I can't find anything,
and it's...

It's pressure from all over.

I've got people behind me

probably gonna
come down the steps.

I'm looking for a boat
to come on the horizon.

I mean, realistically,
we used to talk all the time

in the beginning,
and now you barely talk to me.

And that's just a real...
that's, like...

I'm not blind, so, like,
that's just reality.

SODA: I feel like we have
not so much to talk about

because Nami
keeps winning, and...

But we need
to talk to each other.

Like, it doesn't have
to be strategy all the time.

If those boats show up,

the time
to find the idol is done.

So, there is definitely
a ticking time b*mb.

I don't just have
to find this thing.

I'm not looking for the idol.

I'm looking for the key
that gets me to my box

that opens it
and then I get the idol.

And so, there's so much to do
and so little time

and so many pressures,
and you're just like,

"Oh, my goodness.

I've got to get moving
with this."

Oh, golly.

Hey, Hunter.

Come on, Liz.

And so, I finally
get the key out,

and then here comes Liz,

almost instantly, to talk to me.

I think I left a sling
out by the boat...

'cause I was excited.

I'll go get it for you.

I think I left my other one
out there, too.

I don't think
she sees anything, and so,

I hightail it to where
I've hidden this thing.


Dude, they're making
a beeline, bro.

[whispering]: Nice, nice, nice,
nice, nice, nice, nice.

Oh, my God.

I finally open the box.

There it is-- a full-blown idol
sitting in this box

for me to use that nobody...

knows about.

That was way too stressful.

This is also
really important because

I lost my vote
on the last journey.

And so, in the end,

this could be the only thing
that saves me.

♪ ♪


The monster is coming.

I look out into the water,

then what do I see but two boats
coming at me at full speed.

I said...

Here they come.

[both whooping]

Land ho!

Oh... my goodness.

TEVIN: What I wanted to do

was make people feel comfortable
when they get here.

Come on, y'all!

Human to human, I see you.
We all here.

You got a dream, I got a dream.

Hello, fellow human.
Let's play the game.

-Hi, Charlie.

-Nice to meet you.
-Thank you.
Nice to meet you, too, man.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

We're pulling up on Nami beach.

I am just feeling
so accomplished.

There's five on Siga,
five on Nami,

but there's three of us right in
the middle. Three of us Yanu.

And ideally, it's just like,
"Which way are we gonna go?"

TIFFANY: Oh, my God.

Yanu really got it handed to 'em

in the beginning
of this game, so,

we've got some experience
in our belt

that the other tribes
don't have.

I know what it's like
to see Jeff snuff a torch.

Nami doesn't know that at all,
and Siga's only done it once.

So, I'm like
a cast iron skillet

that's been, like,
oiled up and seasoned.

And they're like store-bought,
nonstick right now.

Like, that's where we're at.

-Hi, everybody.


'cause we're about
to play, baby.


[indistinct, chatter]

TIM: I just want to say
one thing to everybody out here.

I don't know
what's about to happen,

but congratulations.

[whooping, cheering]

It's hard. Just major congrats.

TIM: We're excited, but

we don't have any Buffs.
There's no merge.

We're in thisSurvivor limbo.

And so, we're kind of wondering

what does happen next.

But I know that
my tribe is priority, so,

we don't want
any cracks evident.

We want to seem like
we're five strong

because we don't want anybody
to be exposed 'cause

if we said that
Moriah voted for Ben,

they could think she's possibly
on the outs of Siga,

and probably use her
as an alliance.

And right now, we got
to protect Siga's numbers.

-VENUS: I mean, you know,
same thing as Siga.

When you keep winning,
like, no one's scrambling,

no one's drawing lines.

But I-I just want
to work with you guys.

It's a breath of fresh air
to have new people on this camp.

I am so excited to, like,
have a new conversation

and to not be met
with silence and blank stares

from Tevin and Soda.

Like, I am so over
just their attitude towards me.

Tevin is the type of person
where if

you were next to him
in final three,

I'm sorry, you're not winning.

I have a good feeling
that I can actually connect

with new people and gain
some more traction and, like,

some more power in this game.
I feel like

I've had no power on Nami,
I've had no say.

Like, I've been on the bottom
and King Tevin's been here,

controlling all his puppets,
and now I get to be the king.

Mm-mmm, mm-mm-mmm,

Q: My take on the Nami group is

there's cracks
all around this island.

They have a beautiful home, but
they ain't filled the cracks.

And that is perfect because

I've already kind of laid
the foundation

for the plus-one alliance.


And I said,
"That is a beautiful idea."

I love it. I love it.

-Beautiful idea.
-Chef kiss.

Hunter, Tim and myself

made an alliance at the journey,

and we all got the opportunity
to pull in one person

who we all must protect.

I pulled in Tiff.

Hunter pulled in Tevin.

Tim pulled in Maria.

So today, the journey six

is what I want to try
to make sure is intact.

-I'm more so...

I'm just unsure about Tim

because he has so many options
over there,

'cause they do seem like
they're all getting along.

But Hunter and I--
we still are a little

wary about Tim and Maria

on whether or not
they're on board.

We have to make sure
that the six is solid.


Q: So, my next talk needs
to be Maria

because I wanted to figure out,
has Tim done his part?

Did Tim talk to you
after the journey?

Tim talked to me
after the journey.

-Okay. Okay.
-Yeah. Yeah.

I mean, we-we kind of all do
everything together.

I don't know
if you've heard that.

-Yeah, he told us. Um...

We sit down and talk
about everything,

and everyone knows
everything, and...

Now, Tim and I and Hunter--
we was talking,

and Tim was telling us
you're his guy.

-Oh, really?
-Um, well, when I say "guy,"

-like, that's the... that...
-I'm his person?

-Yeah, that's the person.
-MARIA: Evidently, Tim told Q

on their journey that
Tim and I were really close.

And I was like,
"Huh? Like, what about Ben?

Like, I thought
Ben was your number one."

Like, I thought
it was very strange.

You know,
Charlie is my number one,

and Tim and I have
a connection,

but by no means would I have
put him top on my list.

Like, he might have been
number three.

You know, everybody
has their person

-in, like, different ways.
-Q: Out of the gate,

Maria didn't seem too filled in

on the six,

so I wanted to figure out
what Tim actually told her

from our journey.

If Tim did not fill Maria in
on the six,

I know now
Tim is not to be trusted.

And the other thing...

Q: I-I didn't...

TIM: No, I just think...

She a connection type person,
so anything, like...

She gonna feel you out
even if I tell her or not,

you know, so I just like...

I like that y'all
was already talking.

I want to work
with the group of six.

I think they're strong, I think

they have a good likelihood
to go far in the merge.

I've also seen
people commit too early

in past seasons
ofSurvivor, so,

I'm exploring, I'm observing.

No solid game plans,

but I'm not
saying nothing too soon.

I'll secure it before nightfall.

I'll tell her the loop.

I'm so confused as to why
Tim didn't tell Maria.

Maybe he's trying to keep
this Siga thing intact, but

it got me worried now.
It got me worried.

♪ ♪

-TIM: Yeah, yeah.
-MORIAH: Oh, yeah.

-MORIAH: What are your takes?
-My takes are that...

You know,
you're not letting much...

You know, it's a new stage
in the game,

and I'm so excited
to start making big moves.

It's been 12 days
of just camping,

and I didn't come here to camp.

I came here
to play the game, so,

I need to see where Siga stands
and where those cracks lie.

You know, everybody agrees
to that before a merge.

It's like,
"We're gonna be Siga..."

-TIM: Right.
-Yeah, I mean, we're...

We're entering, like,
a different st...

-Numbers will give...

These tribal lines--

they're gonna have
to dissolve.

So, I said,

"I believe
in a name for a name, and

"if you're willing
to give me Siga, I'm willing

to give you one
of my Nami members."

I feel like all of us might want
to say something,

but no one wants to talk first.

Oh, I'm always gonna listen

and watch the group

before I can, like,
make a decision

-on how I feel about anything.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

Like, I've been trying here
'cause it's important,

but, like, to be honest,
it's overwhelming for me.

Me too. Okay.

We're, like,
the exact same person.

They didn't really give me
an answer, but Moriah--

I have a connection with her.
I feel like I can trust her.

I feel like she's a sweet girl,

and I think
she'll come around to it.

So, now that I've planted seeds,
I want to see what comes up.

I have power in this game, too,
and if you don't see that now,

you will see it very soon.

These rays are nice,
coming through the clouds.

This is a trippy view.

Clearly, the crack in Nami

is Venus, and it sounds like

there might be wiggle room
to get a Nami out.

But at the same time,

Venus is clearly
a strong social player.

She is aggressive
with her strategy, she is smart,

she is thinking.

So she's not someone
I necessarily want to work with.

She's crafty.

-What about you?

Venus approached Tim and me
with strategy talk.

She just said, "Yeah, like,

"I'd be interested
in a name for a name."

Like, Tim and I tell her
the cracks on Siga

and she tells us
the cracks on Nami.


Venus is playing
a really hard game.

Everyone can see that.

She's wicked smart,
as we say in Boston.

She's got a good mind
for the game,

and she could be a threat to me.

I did a quick check-in with Mo.

Sounds like Venus was
hitting you guys pretty hard.

-TIM: Oh, yeah, yeah.
-CHARLES: Yeah, yeah.

-TIM: She came with it.

I'm not worried
about it, though.

I'm not entertaining that

'cause Venus
is giving it too hard.

She said "name for name."
You know what I'm saying? She...

And you guys
didn't give one yet?

No, I said, "I get it.
I totally understand.

You know, I'll think about it."

We're clearly
playing the game now,

but I'm not worried.

I'm in a better position
than I thought I'd be

because I have both Siga and

the, uh, plus-one alliance.

But Q is asking Maria,

"Hey, have you talked to Tim?"

So, I got to talk to her
one-on-one about

the plus-one alliance.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
like, looking out...

That's what Q put out first,

Hunter and I confirmed it.

Like, yeah,
these are the people we trust.

-Okay. Okay.
-And we agreed that

we'll look out
for each other's name.

So at the end of the day,

us six are potentially voting
the same way.

I didn't tell Maria
immediately because

I wanted Maria
to make her thoughts

or her own feelings

about the group of six.

And at the end of the day,

she agreed it was a strong six.

I'm down for it.
You know, like...

-You're down for it?
-Yeah, I'm down...

I don't want to put that on you
'cause I know we didn't...

No. Like, I was surprised 'cause
you and I didn't talk about it.

-I was like, "Oh, okay."

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-You know, like...

If there's a group of six,

I'm down for it because

it's nice to have options.

But the question is
does it work for me?


I'm not here
to play Tim's game.

I'm here to play my game.

I'll take them anywhere.
The pool in the neighborhood.

That's what I go for. I can eat
a whole bag of those things.

Q: Listening
to the Siga players now,

it's really not much
about strategy

or who they want to work with.

They're playing a more

type of game.

So, I want to make sure
I get out there,

have the right conversations

so I can start to piece together
the puzzle.

I-I bet it was crazy when
y'all got back on the beach.

Everybody skedaddled.

It really was.

I mean, there's that moment of,
like, "Do we open a coconut?

Like, anyone hungry?"

-It was unanimous, huh?

Other than my own tribe,
no one knows

that I'm potentially
the crack in Siga

because I was the one left out
at the last Siga vote.

But right now,
the general consensus is

that we need to stay united, so,

I'm putting on this face that
we unanimously voted out Jem.

Did she know
she was going home or...

She didn't use
her Shot in the Dark,

so we just assumed,
I guess not.

Whose name did she write down?

Um, she wrote down...
I think she wrote down Ben.

-That's crazy.

Out of all the conversations
I've had,

I felt like Q is almost, like,

hitting me the hardest.

And that tells me
he's looking for these cracks

in a way that other people

might not be, so,

there's a little bit
of trepidation there.

Survivoris, like,
so complicated.

It's one of those, like...

I don't think there's
a whiteboard big enough

-in the world to, like,
draw everything.

Me? I started, like,
with Aubry.

I think that she came out here

and was just, like,
authentically herself.

-That's it.
-And, like,

Aubry was really
the person that...

It... [coughs] got me hooked.

Like, she's my, like,
OG, for like, watching,

-like, the 30s and everything.

Mo seems like a nice person,

but I'm scared of her.

Where's everybody else?
At the beach?

At the beach, but I was, like...

-Is she?


Mo is just aSurvivor fanatic

that can talk, talk, talk
this game.

And for you to say Aubry
is your favorite player--

that is dangerous,
because Aubry

was setting up people
left and right.

And if Mo thinks
she's gonna set me up,

Mo can cancel Christmas.

It ain't happening.

Come on in.

-CHARLIE: Oh, my...
-PROBST: Look at this.

You're gonna need
everything you've got

in the t*nk today.

-[weak chuckle]
-SODA: Crazy.

All right.
Shall we get to it?

-[all voicing assent]
-First things first.

Got to take back the idols.
Thank you, Hunter.

-TEVIN: Okay.
-SODA: My God.

-Thanks, Kenzie.
-Yeah. No problem.

-This is gonna be crazy.
-[indistinct chatter]

Tribal immunity...

no more.

-TEVIN: Wow.
-Really? What?

-Are you new?

No. I'm sorry.
I thought we were gonna split,

and then it was gonna be...
I-I know it's not a tribe.

Okay, whatever.
Just do your thing.

-I'll do my thing.

So right now,
you're in Survivorlimbo.

You don't have a Buff.

Technically, you are not
part of a tribe,

but for at least six of you,
that's about to change.

Let's get into it.
For today's challenge,

we're gonna randomly divide
you into two groups of six.

On my go, one at a time,

you'll race under a muddy net

to a cart.

Once everybody's at the cart,

you'll push that cart
through the field,

collecting very heavy sandbags
along the way.

You'll then use those sandbags

to get you
to the top of a tower.

Once everybody's up top,
you'll collect a bag of keys,

slide down the other side.

You're not finished.

You will then work together
to climb

a massive boulder.

When everyone's at the top,
two players

at a time will use one crate
of puzzle pieces

to solve one section

of a three-section puzzle.

So everybody's on the puzzle.

-TEVIN: Mm-hmm.

First group to finish

earns their merge Buff,
a merge meal...


...and immunity
at tonight's Tribal Council.

-You'll go to Tribal.

You will cast a vote,

-but you can't be voted for.

Losing group,
no Buff, no meal, no immunity.

-PROBST: Because there are 13,

one person will not run.

Whoever draws the gray rock
will choose one group

and win or lose with them.

-Big enough stakes?

[all voicing assent]

-Shall we draw for our groups?
-[all voicing assent]

Oh, my God.

Good luck, guys, everyone.

All right, here we go.

Your fate is in your hands.

Your entire game

could change

based on a rock draw.

Does not rock.

MORIAH: Does not rock.

-PROBST: All right.

All right,
everybody palms out,

flip 'em over and reveal.

All right, everybody palms out,

flip 'em over and reveal.

-If you have orange,

go to Orange.

If you have purple, go
to Purple, and if you have gray,

-go in the middle, Tiff.
-Oh, no way.

Let's see what we got.

No way!

That's... [laughs]

-No way!

-Well, there you go.
-I want to cry right now.
-Oh, my God.

All right, so,

completely random draw.

-You couldn't be more lopsided.

-It's tough for them, huh? Yeah?
-Too much.

-PROBST: Kenzie?

What do you make of this?

Because you are
on what would appear

to be the better side
of the draw.

We don't know.
We haven't run it.

Um, yeah, I think, uh,
I'm gonna carry this whole team

-on my shoulders.

I got these boys ready
to take it on, you know? Um,

I haven't had very much luck,
and I do think it's a game.

Y'all have a fair shot.

-KENZIE: But I'm feeling
a little...

a little good right now.

All right,
so let's go through our groups.

For Orange, we have

-Five, nine.

-Five, four.

-Five, five.

-Five, two.

-Five, six.

-And Liz...
-Five even!

taking on Ben, Q, Kenzie,
Hunter, Tim and Tevin.

All right, Tiff,
you have a big decision to make.

Which group are you gonna
put your fate with?

It's really tough, Jeff.
I don't know.

I think
I'm gonna go with Purple.

-PROBST: All right,
so Tiff has chosen Purple.

You will win or lose with them.

You'll have a spot at the end.

Everybody else, I'm gonna
give you a minute to strategize,

and we'll get it on.
Let's do this!

[whooping, cheering]

♪ ♪

All right, here we go.

Survivors ready?

-Yes, sir.

-Go, Charlie! Go, go, go!
-PROBST: Charlie and Hunter

in the mud first.

Back into that mat.

Charlie through first.
Go, Orange!

Here comes Soda.
Hunter slowing down.

Go, Purple!

-It's gonna be Kenzie now
for Purple.
-TEVIN: You got it.

Soda working quickly
through the mud.

Get to that mat.

Go, Orange!
It is Orange in the lead.

Being small helps right now.

Got to get to the mat.
Go, Purple!

-Here comes Q for Purple.
-TEVIN: Go ahead, Q.

Let's go, Venus!
Keep digging!

-Here you go.
-PROBST: Go, Orange.

Here we go.

Gonna be Moriah now for Orange.

Q working through the mud.
Moriah's tearing it up.

-Moriah's catching Q.
-SODA: Let's go!

-Look at that.
-SODA: Let's go, Maria!

Moriah passes Q. Go, Orange!

-SODA: Let's go, Maria!
-PROBST: Here comes Maria.

Go, Purple!
There goes Ben.

Maria is also
whipping through this.

-CHARLIE: Let's go, baby.
-PROBST: Let's go, Orange!

Gonna be Liz,
the last one for Orange.

-HUNTER: There you go, Ben!
-PROBST: Go, Purple!

There goes Tevin.

Come on, Liz!

Liz is slowing down.

Tevin is picking up.

Liz taking a long time
to get out.

-You're right here.
-PROBST: Go, Purple!

You're good, Orange.

Back, back.

Get that cart moving.


-PROBST: Load those sandbags.

-Everyone on the sandbags.

You're good, Purple.

Start moving that cart!

-Let's go, let's go, let's go.
-Got to get a little momentum.

-Pull back, pull back.
-Pull back.

Purple struggling

to get their cart moving.


All right, now, stop when it
gets over, I don't want

to go too far,
but I want to keep momentum.

Orange back on the move,
in the early lead.

Let's go, Purple!

Keep going, keep going!

There you go, more sandbags.

Purple now on the move.
They've got all their sandbags.

Make sure they're in the frame
and you're building a stack.

Build it as you go.

-KENZIE: Guys...
-TEVIN: Let's go.

-Q: Y'all ready?
-KENZIE: Got it?

-PROBST: Purple has
all their sandbags.

-TIM: Get behind it.
-PROBST: Orange now
falling behind.

It is now Purple in the lead.

They can move
to that last section

-where you use as many sandbags
-Let's go.

as you need to get to the top.

Orange, you got to keep moving.

Let's go.

We got this.

Purple doing a nice job.

-Covered in mud.
Makes it very slippery...
-Push me up.

-to help each other.

You've got extra sandbags,

as many as you need.

You got to get everybody
to the top

before you can start
untying your keys.

Come on. Come on, Tim.

-[overlapping chatter]
-Got it.

Venus is up quickly.

-TIM: Come on.
You got it, Hunter?

There goes Hunter.
Charlie giving Maria a hand.

They've got two up.
You're good, Purple.

Once they're untied, one
at a time, you can come down.

I got you, Soda.

-CHARLIE: Step up into my hand.
-PROBST: Here goes Soda.

Go. You got this.

You got this. Go.
You got this...



Here comes Kenzie.

-CHARLIE: You're up. You're up.
You did it...
-SODA: Thank you.

Here comes Tim.


Tim with a nice header
into the sawdust.

-MORIAH: Help.
-VENUS: Get to the top...

-TIM: Let's go. Let's go, Q.
-PROBST: Here comes Q.

-HUNTER: Go, Q. Go, Q.
-TIM: It's all right.

Wow, look at.

-He runs half of it.
-TIM: Good work.

Orange has got everybody up.
Let's keep moving, Orange.

Everybody's got to be up top.

Here, here, back up here.

You're good.
Start on the boulder.

This side. Get on that side, Q.
On that side, Q.

-Come on, you guys!
-PROBST: You're good.
Start untying.

The boulder, the toughest
part of this challenge.

Purple making it look easy.

Kenzie scampers up
with some help.

There goes Ben.

-Go, Soda, go, So.
-PROBST: Here comes Soda.

-KENZIE: Let's go.

-KENZIE: You got it, Tim.
-PROBST: Tim trying to get up.


Go! Here goes Maria.

Q trying to get up now.

It's... I...
I'm gonna need some help.

Moriah coming down.
That's how you do it!

-Hold my foot.
-You got to give me
a little more.

-I can't get that high.
-Move, move. I got him.

Here comes Liz.

Q gonna try to help Hunter.
He's muddy and slippery.

-TIM: There you go.
There you go.

-Here comes Venus.
-Q: Let me go, let me go.

Mat, mat, mat, mat!

Purple has everybody up.

Here comes Charlie. You're good.

Crate number one. Number one.

-MORIAH: Everyone's
got you, girl.
-MARIA: Soda, you got this.

You got this, baby.

Orange is still
in this challenge.

The underdog's got a shot here.

And lift and push.

-I can't pull.


-PROBST: Soda's up first.

It's gonna be Tim and Tevin on
the first section of the puzzle.

The bottom section,
the easier part of this puzzle.

Good work.
Need a boost? You got it?

Moriah, take.

Look at that. Moriah's up.

-Soda pulls up Venus.
-There you go.


Here comes Charlie. This
is where it gets really tricky.

Soda tries to hold on.
It is hard when you're muddy.

You're good. Go to section two.

-BEN: Great job, guys.
-Purple has first section done.

It's gonna be Kenzie and Ben
now on the second section.

Orange has a human ladder built.

Everybody trying to help.

-MORIAH: You did it!
-PROBST: Charlie's up!

Take all them out. Take all
them out. Sit 'em on the table.


Orange is in this.

Do the first section. Go.
You're fast. Go.

Put yellow on the left side
and blue on the right.

Come on. We got this.

-SODA: Let's go, guys.
-PROBST: It's gonna be Maria

and Liz on the first section
for Orange.

-They are in this.
-TEVIN: Just lift that up...

Day 13. You never know.

One of the most lopsided draws
in Survivorhistory,

but you wouldn't know it looking
at this challenge right now.

-Like this.
-No. Flip it up.

Ben and Kenzie gonna
start feeling that pressure.

-Oh. I'm so sorry.
-That's the other side.
That's the other side.

Liz and Maria
feel the opportunity.

-Right. Yes. Yes.
-SODA: Perfect!

-VENUS: Yes.
-PROBST: There's
another piece for Orange.

-TIM: Bottom up.

Ben and Kenzie taking their
time. They've got a lead.

-BEN: Blue.
-No, that's gonna be white.

Trying to orient their pieces.

Orange down to their last piece.

-Got to get it in there
and you're good.
-Yeah, let's go.

-You're good. Two new people.

It's gonna be Soda and Moriah.

Only two pieces behind.
Y'all, we got this.

They're moving on
to the second section.

-TIM: Why don't we work
from the top down?
-It's Ben and Kenzie

working together
and feeling that pressure

of Soda and Moriah
on their tail.

It is Soda and Moriah on
the same section of the puzzle

with Ben and Kenzie.

Would anyone have predicted this

moments before
we started this challenge?


You can never predict what's
gonna happen out here.

-TIM: There you go.
-TEVIN: Yeah.

This section is difficult.

That one up there's
flipped over, too.

-PROBST: But right now,
we look pretty even.
-TEVIN: Yeah.

That one in your hand.
Yes. Right there.

Immunity on the line.

Ben with another piece
for Purple.

-TIFFANY: Hell yeah.
Keep that momentum.
-TIM: Hold it there...

-Q: That's it, Kenzie.
-PROBST: Purple
picking up the pace now.

Down to just a few pieces
left in this second section.

Orange is right on their tail.

-LIZ: There you go.
-PROBST: This is close.

Stay calm, you guys.

Two pieces left for Purple.

-Okay, go, go, go, go.
-Go! Jeff!

-PROBST: You're good. Move on
to that third and final crate.
-Go! Go! Go!

Third section of the puzzle.

-We're just one piece behind.
-LIZ: There you go, Mo.

-PROBST: Orange is right behind.
-CHARLIE: All right.

You're good! Orange is good.

Here comes Venus and Charlie...

Y'all got to go
fast, guys, fast.

...for the third and final
section of their puzzle.

We're back on.

That one. That one.
That one. Yes.

Purple doing a nice job.

-BEN: There you go...
-PROBST: One piece at a time.

Can Orange close the gap?
It's Charlie and Venus.

All the pressure now on them.

Bring that triangle down.

-You know where it goes.
-PROBST: This is
a very close challenge.

Charlie and Venus trying
to catch and pass Hunter and Q.

I know, I know.
You guys are doing so good.

[overlapping chatter]

-PROBST: Hunter
with another piece.
-Let's go, guys. Yes, Charlie...

There's another piece for Orange

-and another piece for Purple.
-TIM: There we go.

Hunter is on a roll.

Go, go, go. You got it.

Orange is gonna have to kick it
into high gear right now.

That one! That one!

It's been a valiant effort,
but they are behind

and Purple is close.

Don't give up.
You got this, guys.

Right there. Yeah.

-PROBST: And another piece
by Hunter.


You got it. Okay.

Purple down
to three pieces left.

-Come on, dragon slayers.

This is it, right here,
for the win.

[Kenzie whoops]

And they've got it.


Hunter, Q, Tim, Tevin...

Oh, my God!

-...Kenzie and Ben.
-[excited chatter]

Safe tonight at Tribal Council.

-PROBST: They earn
their merge Buff.

They'll enjoy a merge meal.

-TIM: Good job, Orange.
Good job, Orange.
-BEN: Good job, Orange.

-Good job, Orange.
-Good job, Orange.

Good job, y'all. That was tough.

You were in it. That was tough.

-I don't even care.

All right, Purple,

-You have made the merge.

-PROBST: Your merge Buffs
-Want to do it?

We can all do it. We all did it.

Put 'em on. Celebrate.
You earned it.

Oh, my God!

Biggest challenge of the season.

Shred red.

-KENZIE: Yeah. [exclaims]
-PROBST: All right, so here's
what's gonna happen.

You're all going
back to camp together.

The seven of you
will have a nice merge meal,

separate from everyone else.

Everybody goes
to Tribal Council tonight.

Everybody votes,
but nobody can vote for you.

The only six people
who can be voted for

are Moriah, Charlie,
Venus, Liz, Soda and Maria.

One of these six--
your journey will end

Grab your stuff, head out.

See you tonight
at Tribal Council.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, Jeff.
-Thank you.

Head on down.

Good job, guys.

This was a clear
David versus Goliath situation.

And the Davids did really well,
I feel like.

But losing this challenge
really hurt.

I've been on Nami, and
we've been on a winning streak.

This is my first Tribal.

This is uncharted territory
for me,

which is why I might be,
like, freaking out.

I have agita.

Agita, where you get,
like, chest pains,

like a mini heart attack.

I have agita.

That's what I have right now.

[whispering]: Aw, this is where
the game gets really good.

Who are we gonna vote out?

You want to be
the one pulling the strings?

Apply to be on Survivor.

♪ ♪

-[excited chatter]
-BEN: Let's go!

[exclaims] Yow!

I got my merge Buff.
I won immunity.

I'm safe at Tribal tonight,
and I won a feast.

I can see
the structure from here.

The losers keep on walking.

I'm so sorry for you,

but my mouth
is already salivating.

I'm-a eat
like a king today, baby.

-Merge feast.
-There's our food!

Oh, my God. Brownies.

There's no Buff.
There's no feast for Venus.

But you know what? I hope they
choke on that food. [chuckles]

-SODA: Valiant effort, guys.

-Came close.
-Valiant effort.
-CHARLIE: Whew. Epic.

-Epic battle.

Even though we lost,
it wasn't by that much.

We were this close.
We were so close.

Wow. What a rock draw, huh?

-SODA: Deeply impressed
by everyone.

Just the fact that it wasn't
this big blowout loss--

it just warmed my-my cold,
dead heart, you know?

I was like, "Oh, my God.

The underdog
does have a chance."

I'm gonna go
wash off immediately.

-MORIAH: Yeah.

I just can't
stay like this anymore.

Yeah, yeah, of course.

There's a very clear
tenseness in the air.

I don't know
if you guys looked over,

but I was looking at Tiffany's
face the whole time. She...

The team that lost
has three on Nami--

Venus, Soda and Liz--

and three on Siga--
Maria, Charlie and myself.

None of us have Buffs.

We know that there are
votes coming to one of us.

I need people to look and say,

"Mo ain't a risk."

I can't have people saying,

"She's a strategist.
She's gonna get us out."

That just can't happen.

[excited chatter]

-To the merge!

-To the merge!
-We did it.

This is the making
of an underdog story.

This wine is just
hitting, y'all.

I'm trying to take it easy
with the wine,

'cause your girl ain't ate.

I think this is a turning point
for the Yanu tribe.

Tiff, Q and I
have been dealt enough

of the bad hands inSurvivor.

We've gone 11 days
without flint and food.

We-we paid our dues.

-With the grapes? This brownie?
-With the grapes.

With this whole bottle of wine.


Tiff, Q and I-- we're all safe.

Siga and Nami
are on the chopping block.

So we're all just, like,

deciding which way
we want to go.

I think we're
in a peculiar position,

'cause we got all of Yanu here.

So y'all have an advantage.

Siga and Nami
are evenly numbered

on the losing tribe.

I can't even vote.

-TEVIN: Ooh.

Hunter can't vote,

but, on day two, I took
a journey and got an extra vote.

And at Tribal Council,

there should be an extra vote
sitting there, waiting for me.

We vote, right?

-KENZIE: Yeah, we all vote.
-TIFFANY: We vote.

Siga and Nami are even,

and all Yanu's here,

which means they're
safe tonight at Tribal Council.

So it could be a Nami.
It could be a Siga.

So, how you feel
about your tribe, Nami?

All I will say
is that from day one--

and I've been
very vocal about it--

is that I don't trust Venus.

Moriah, Venus and I
talked at the water well,

and Venus was
thinking about opportunities.

It completely validates
why you may not trust her.

I could see
why that would be something

you wouldn't want
to work with going forward.

Q: Y'all got
to declare somebody, man.

-Well, okay,
so who's y'all's Siga person?

I feel like it's hard.
I know it sounds like I'm,

like, playing a cover, but...
really, we just had that Tribal.

I don't want to throw
anybody's name out from Siga.

I really want
to go Siga strong.

But everybody keeps asking,
"Yo, what's up with Siga?

You guys got
to throw a name out there."

-So we got out of that Tribal...
-HUNTER: Who was that?

-TIM: Jem.

-Jem's gone.
-BEN: Yeah.

Siga's kind of beating
around the bush a little bit.

They don't really want
to throw out a name.

They're not really trying
to work with us,

despite the fact that

that's the impression
they're trying to give off.

If you were, then you
wouldn't be so tight-lipped

about who on your tribe
you were willing

to put on the chopping block.

Siga got to declare somebody.

KENZIE: Who's a threat?

I was about-- I've heard through
the grapevine that she's savvy.

I've heard her, like,
spit some crazy Survivorfacts.

If she know this game like that,
that scare me, dawg.

Do you think that Venus or Mo
is more manipulative?

In my personal opinion,
I would be more intimidated

by somebody who's
more knowledgeable than somebody

who's just being shiesty,

because shiesty
you can sniff out a mile away.

Somebody who's smart
could outmaneuver you

in a lot of different ways.

While they're quickly
trying to get Venus out,

they're basically just showing
their hand and saying that

they're trying
to stay Siga strong.

I'm not saying Mo's off-limits.

I want Venus now.
You have Mo. Let's vote.

Because they were
so willing to vote Venus

and more reluctant to say Mo,
it made me

want to vote Mo.

♪ ♪

Who's the bigger threat,
Venus or Moriah?

Oh, they're coming back.

-SODA: Are they?
-MORIAH: Yeah, I see Q.

Okay. Okay. Angry faces.
No, don't clap for these people.

TIM: Everybody agrees
that Venus is a snake

and some people agree
that Mo is a threat.


-VENUS: Hello. Wow.


At the feast, they said,
"We want you to vote for Mo."

Why would I vote
for somebody on my tribe?

We want to hear about the feast.

Come on, don't make us
feel guilty, dude.

-MORIAH: I really want to know.
-CHARLIE: No, tell me.

Yes, I threw
Mo's name out there,

but I'm trying
to swing things towards Venus.

I am protecting Mo

and really protecting
Siga's numbers.

-Any talk over there?
-So... Yeah, definitely talks.

What's the deal?

Everybody had to throw a name.


it seems like there's
some distrust with Venus.


-For Siga's name...

-I said Mo.

And if I was
gonna give 'em a name...

-[scoffs] I'm not
giving 'em Charlie's name.


What I'm hearing
is Venus and Mo.

And I don't want Mo to go,

but this is
an incredibly important vote.

-Yanu's gonna vote Mo,
but I'm voting Venus.

I'm not gonna
go down in numbers first.

Um, Mo's gonna get
a little antsy from that.

She is. So with that, we have
to tell her to vote Venus.

If it's five of us,
we keep our five.

The question is,
how hard do we push

to save Mo at this point?

This is the individual part
of the game.

I have to get through this vote.

And if Mo going home
is what it takes for me to stay,

that's what
has to happen tonight.


I want to guide this vote,
even if I can't vote.

You need more big sticks?

Ultimately, I want
to take out Moriah

because Siga is so strong.

If we leave Siga in this,

it's gonna get tough later.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure.


Siga is a stronger tribe,

right now, than Nami.

-SODA: How many hours do
you think we have before Tribal?
-Like, three.

Siga-- they're trying
to keep it together.

Nami has cracks.

So it might be wiser
for us to side with Nami

and vote out Mo.

I want your opinion, though.

Who do you think
is the right call?

Should we do Siga, Nami?

I needed just
an honest vibe on...

We were like, "Where's Tiff?"

I was hoping that you weren't
down on the beach.

Uh, you got to vote Mo tonight,
if you want to stay.

VENUS: "It's Mo.
And if you don't

vote Mo, it's you."

That really pissed me off.

This is what happened.
The name from your camp was you.

We were waiting a while
for Siga to throw a name out,

and they wouldn't.
We need to...

-It needs to be a Siga today.
-VENUS: I agree with Siga.

I'm unsure about Mo.

Let's give it a beat.
Let me talk a little bit more.

But for now, we know Siga.

But I'm just telling y'all,

do not say anything, because...

-Oh, I'm not gonna
breathe a word.
-TIFFANY: Y'all might...

When someone hears their name,
it's easy to,

like, go into panic mode.
Like, "Oh, my God."

Like, "Anything but me."

But I realized, in that moment,

this is a stupid vote.

Charlie would be a smarter vote.

A man needs to go next.

Charlie is the only man
that we can vote out tonight,

so I want Charlie gone.

Did they say anything else
about Mo?

-Specifically? The guys?

I need to understand why Mo.

If it's 'cause
she's a superfan alone,

you should be scared
for the next vote.

That's why
we should think Charlie.

Have you picked that up
from Siga's dynamics?

-Yeah, but the boys
are super close, extremely.
-Like, why...

That's why I was saying Charlie
should be the name, not Mo.

It'd be stupid of us
to vote out a girl

because the three boys say...

Look, all the ... men
went on a feast.

[inhales sharply]

You're not wrong about that.

Venus is pissed.

She's mad
that Mo's name is out there.

Venus doesn't want

to send a girl home,
and so Venus throws out Charlie.

This is where
the plan gets rocky,

because if Venus
would just vote Mo,

Mo just goes. Easy.

Venus doesn't want Mo.

-I know what
Venus has got going on.
-And, see, what scares me is...




Mad. Not just like...

I just told Venus
that it's either her or Mo.

So if she mad about it,
I'll vote Venus.

I'm going Venus. I can't...

The girls right now in this game
have seven to six on the men.

Venus don't want
to vote a woman.

That's why she was throwing out

Charlie's name
at the water well.

But I have to make sure

Venus understands
I put my game on the line

and told you
exactly what is gonna happen.

If you gonna be ungrateful...

I'll send your ass
back to Canada.
-KENZIE: So what are you gonna

tell Venus-- Mo?

I ain't talking
about Venus no more.

-Damn, Venus.

I'm okay to send Venus home

because I have not
trusted Venus since day one.

She's been running around
this island alone.

I don't know
if she has a Beware Advantage.

She's been spinning

narratives on me.
And all of those things

line up in a way
that make me feel like I can't

trust Venus at all,

and therefore she must go.

Tevin will go...

And then all of us go...


I am so worried.

I-I know my name
has been out there.

It is annoying
to hear your name go down,

-but there's more

votes on Venus.

Going into the merge,
I decided to work with Siga.

I fear that I am putting

my loyalty and my trust
in the wrong spot.

So I feel like I have
a lot of work to do today

to make sure
I'm not going home tonight.

We got to get on the same page.

Where is Q at?

There he go. Yes. Come here.

-TIFFANY: Yes, please.
-TEVIN: Come here, please.

-It's got to be quick.
-TIFFANY: What the ...
is going on?

-I don't know what the...
-HUNTER: Why'd you change it?

-Just stick with Mo.
-Venus is moving around,

saying all kinds of ...

-What'd she say?
-HUNTER: Venus gonna
get herself voted out.

He also doesn't like
that Venus is playing a game

that we don't want
to vote out none of the women.

She says she don't want
to vote no women out.

Who's she gonna vote out?

Then why
are we worried about it?

Things are kind of chaotic
right now because

whoever goes home tonight,

Mo or Venus is
gonna be the determining factor

of the trajectory
of the next couple of votes.

On paper, Yanu has

a really large say
in tonight's vote,

but based
on how conversations go,

that could quickly change.

All I know is that
I'm glad I'm safe tonight

because, baby,
it's about to get messy.

♪ ♪

For whom it is
your first time at Tribal,

grab an unlit torch,
dip it in and get fire.

This is part
of the ritual at Tribal Council

because in this game,
fire represents your life.

When your fire's gone,
so are you.

All right. A lot going on.

Seven are safe, six are not.

Tevin, the juxtaposition
of having

more than half the group

completely safe is very unusual
at Tribal Council.

The perfect word that you
just used is "juxtaposition,"

because though I am protected,

I still have to be very aware
of what is happening

at this Tribal Council,
because this will add up to what

will happen when I'm inevitably
maybe not safe at the next one.

Q, what is it like having

seven people that are safe?

So, for me, Jeff, I'm just happy
that I'm one of the seven

that has this so far,
because going back to camp

after that feast was like
my little brother kicking over

an ant pile and the ants
just started running at me.

-It was like,
"You had time to eat, buddy.

Now, it's time to talk."

And we'll see where
things kind of shake up.

So, Charlie, as one of the six,

can you try to move the game
in a direction you want?

Being part of the six, I feel
like I'm a goalkeeper, you know?

I have a goal,
and I'm not taking any sh*ts.

All I'm doing is blocking,
you know?

I'm just listening.

If I hear the name Charlie,
I got to get to work.

How about for you, Venus?
Can you still play offensively

even though you're trying
to make sure it's not you?

Oh, 100%, Jeff.
You never give up.

None of us want our names
written down, but, also, like,

if the kings of the castle
over there,

who already have their Buffs,
say a name,

you have to listen out
for whether or not

your name's being said and to
move that target off your back.

So, Hunter,

how is it decided
who you're gonna vote for?

Yeah, I don't have a say in this
vote, and so I'll break the ice.

The Yanu has
the choice right now,

and they have to choose
who's gonna lose a number: Siga

or Nami.
And right now

Siga is really, really close.

Like, the cloud nine of vibes.

And, Moriah,
that's what Hunter should do--

throw it on another tribe,
not his.

Yeah, I mean,
I'd be lying if I said

we weren't doing the same,

but I'll let you all
in a little secret here.

It was not unanimous
at the last Tribal Council.

I was the odd out.

I didn't get the vote right.

I am on the damn bottom,
and I do not fit in.

But perception
is just reality, though.

Like, none of us knew that

-because y'all
did such a good job.

And so
if that was the case, like,

-you have to help us
with our perceptions.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

Yeah, and I'm-I'm helping
you along as I can. I mean...

Well, you're talking
to the guy who can't vote.


I think I'm talking
pretty loudly

to the guy that can't vote.

-But the question
really is up to Yanu.

Q, in a game all about numbers,

Moriah just said,
"I'm not a part of that group."

Is that appealing?

It's appealing, Jeff,
if I feel like the information

is accurate, because this
is the first time I'm personally

hearing that
she was on the bottom.

Q, I'm serving it up to you
on a silver platter here.

-But I'm a man of truth.

And in one conversation

that we had,
I asked a simple question.


What went on at Tribal for Siga?

That probably
would have been a time to say,

"I am on the bottom.
I need help."

But instead, I was told
that the vote was unanimous.

So, Moriah,
are you playing for Siga

or are you playing for you?

I'm playing for me.
I want that merge Buff.

If you were on the bottom,
why not express that?

-You see what I'm saying?

Don't let anyone
mute you in this game

if you feel like
you're on the bottom.

-Mm-hmm. Yeah.
-Q: That's valuable information.

-MORIAH: Okay.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Tim, weigh in on this,

because a lot
of information is coming out

and it is a showdown
between two tribes,

with the Yanu three
in the middle.

Yeah, I mean, they were kind of
forced to make a decision

on choosing someone from Nami
or choosing someone from Siga.

And so at the feast,
we went around the table

and everybody
that had a vote said a name.

And at the feast, we left
with a clear understanding

of who might be voting for who
at tonight's Tribal Council.

Charlie, did you hear your name?

I heard whispers,
but my way of dealing

with the whispers is to go
to the people that I trust,

that I've connected with,
that I've spoken with,

and saying, "Do I need
to go scramble like crazy

or was this just a whisper?"

Venus, did you hear your name?

Oh, yeah. A lot.

Plenty of times.
A terrifying amount of times.

But you can't
let that get to you.

I mean, realistically,
I hope the people around me

are smart enough to see
the value I could bring to them,

and if they're as smart of
a player that I think they are,

they'll probably want to keep me
around over someone else.

So, Moriah, how are you feeling?

You pitched a case.
People seem to be hearing it.

Are you feeling
optimistic or pessimistic?

I know what
I wanted to say today.

I'll tell you right now, I might
be the most honest person

at this Tribal Council.
And, you know,

there's important information
out here.

I know how whispers fly
and how whispers go,

and I wanted
to say it loud and clear

for all of you
to hear what happened.

And I'm feeling very satisfied

with my message.

All right, it is time to vote.

Kenzie, you're up.

Let's do it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

-Thank you.

♪ ♪

All right, Moriah
played her Shot in the Dark,

which means there
is no vote in here from Moriah.

Moriah, if this scroll
says you're safe,

any votes cast against you
will not count.

If it says you're not safe,

all votes cast against you
will count.

Moriah, you are...

...not safe.

Any votes cast against you
will count.

I'll read the votes.

♪ ♪

First vote: Venus.


Moriah. Two votes Moriah,
one vote Venus.

Moriah. That's three votes
Moriah, one vote Venus.

That's four votes Moriah.

That's five votes Moriah.

Sixth person voted out
of Survivor46:

That's six. That's enough.

Need to bring me your torch.

Moriah, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

-Bye, Moriah.



You are officially merged.



-Santa Claus.


All right, grab your torches.

Head back to camp.
Good night.

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH

This could go into chaos mode.

Next time onSurvivor...

Two people
are going home tonight.


I am stressing.

We are ready
to go at each other's throats.

I just got
voted out of Survivor.

The good news:
everyone spelled my name right.

So, small victory there.

But in this game,
my biggest takeaway

is you deserve as much
as you believe you do.

And that's up to you
to determine.

And it's sad to know

that this
is where my journey stops.
