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46x04 - Don't Touch the Oven

Posted: 05/03/24 07:40
by bunniefuu
JEM: My heart's beating
really superfast.

It's a friggin' lockbox.
It says,

"The location of the key
will remain a mystery

until after your tribe loses
a future immunity challenge."

Oh, my God.

Previously onSurvivor...

Tiffany and Q

-are really tight.

And Kenzie's a mastermind.

He tells us everything.

It is a gold mine
of information.

[sobbing]: I need a miracle.

Bhanu is a liability,
but Kenzie is a threat.

So I want Kenzie to go home.

Oh, my God.

-LIZ: Hey, Doc!
-RANDEN: Hey, it's Jeff.

Randen, it's about your arm.

Just being very cautious
about your health,

we are pulling you
from the game.

Randen was pulled from the game,

which means
no Tribal Council tonight.


Nobody going home
from this tribe.


Kenzie got lucky.

She has no idea

how close she came
to going home.

♪ ♪

I can't-I can't believe it.

Believe it.

I know. I am.

We are lucky.

For the first time.

-For the first time, we're...
-It took seven days.
We're lucky.

I think this little break
really could change

the Yanu tribe's trajectory.

You know,
we've been going like this.

All we need is one little spike
in the market, you know,

that's it, to sh**t back up.

Group hug.

-I love you guys.
-I love y'all.

-I love you. Second chance.

We're not out of the race yet.

This could be the turning point.

We've got a good base,

and now we've got
a chance to build upon it.

I'm feeling good about it.


I said something wrong.


I said,
"Kenzie's the mastermind here."

I just...

That's one thing I said.

And they... they-they said,

"Are Tiff and Q, like, close?"

I was like,
"Yeah, they're close."

There's nothing
wrong in that, right?

Is that close?
Is that-is that bad?

I kind of don't really
want them to know

how close me and Q are,
'cause then they're

-gonna try to split us up.
-But they always
see you guys like this.

So they've asked me
that one question.

I-I'm just, like,
being so clear.

So there's just, like...

'Cause then they're
gonna try to break us up.

That's all I said.
And that's it.

-Yeah. Yeah.



If you can't realize that going

to a journey
to meet two other people

from other tribes,
and they're asking you questions

about players on your tribe,
that they're

pumping you for information,
you are a liability.

-He going over there
telling people that we close?
-I-I can't.

I can't. I-I can't.

-There's no more
going back to it.
-Bro, like...

Now, he put a target
on Kenzie back,

and he put a target
on both of our back.

-He got to go.

And I wonder what
you said about yourself.

I'm sure he's probably like,
"You know, I'm just

on the bottom right now,
and I'm on my way out the door."

Probably made himself look
like some friggin' sob story.

And everybody looks like
a big threat except for him.

Yep. Done.

If I would have voted out
Kenzie and kept Bhanu

and then found out
all this information,

I just would have
jumped headfirst into the ocean.

I'd have been so pissed.

About the Kenzie thing?

About all of it.

Did I say something wrong?

Q: Not only
did he put a huge target

on Kenzie's back, which I don't

really mind. Now

the target on my back
is not only "curious, young,

"he's athletic,
he's a physical threat.

"Oh, by the way,
add the fact that...

he's a duo with Tiff."

Oh, man.

That "yes" had so much meaning.

Ah, ...

BHANU: I shouldn't
have said that to them,

but I said it in good faith
because I wanted

to be honest with my tribe.


The target on Kenzie was on and
we were going to Tribal Council.

Everything is gonna go
according to the plan,

and me just
spilling everything out...


It just messed
the whole game for me.

And he was like, "Yeah, that's
because she's the mastermind,

and she's
running the show over there."


Target number one,
two and three-- me, you and Q.

He just...


Like, I'm so mad at him.

-Are you dumb?
-After we reamed him at Trib--

about the Jess Tribal?

He's literally

like a toddler.
Like, when the oven is hot,

and you're like,
"Don't touch the oven."

And he does and then he cries.

Why would you ever say that?

-In Survivor...
-'Cause he doesn't know
how to play Survivor.

-Why did he even come out here?

He could have just gone camping.

-Like, what was the point
in him even...

-If you want to win
a million hearts, go volunteer.
-Oh, my God.

I still want to win

and I still want to stay
tribe strong, but Bhanu

-is a liability.
-TIFFANY: What...

a Looney Tune.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I need some help.

If I'm taking any wrong steps,

please help me.

God, may Your blessings
be upon us.


He can sit there
and pray all he wants.

He's made his bed.
He got to lay in it.

Yesterday, I really,
really screwed up, and, um,

I-I don't know
what-what to do now.

[praying in Sanskrit]

So at the crack of the dawn,
I said my Sanskrit mantras.

[continues praying]

I'm praying,

and I just need
a glimmer of hope.


Tree mail time.

"Fun little tests
bookend this game.

"In between,
there's no time to waste.

"Winners are nourished
by victory.

For the losers,
not even a taste."

-It's gonna be food!
-It's food.


VENUS: "For the losers,

not even a taste."

-SODA: Our reward is food...
-Food, food, food.

Lord. Jesus.

Of all the challenges to win...

-It's this one.
-This is the one.

Oh, my God.

We got tree mail today

that said something
about being nourished

and that we're gonna
taste something, and I'm like,

"Ah, a food reward,"

'cause we're so hungry.

-♪ Get on your feet♪

♪ If you want to eat♪

♪ I'm in the mood
to win some food♪

♪ And that's what Nami
is gonna do♪

♪ Because it's morning time♪

♪ In Fiji...♪

As a tribe,
Randen leaving affects morale.

It's our first real loss.

♪ On my mental...♪

But we definitely
have to forge ahead.

I don't care how much it takes,

'cause I feel like
I'm queen morale.

I try to make people laugh
and bring people together

and do silly things
that get us forward,

because the thing is, we have
to win 'cause we have to eat.

[Tevin vocalizing]

[Soda vocalizing]

We love a swole,
dramatic ending.

♪ Hey!♪

MORIAH: "Winners
are nourished by victory.

-For losers, not even a taste."
-[excited chatter]


When we saw that we have

a reward challenge coming up,

our brains melted.

We were like,
"We're finally going to able

to maybe get some food."

Look how much
a reward has really

-upped our spirits.
-[Maria chuckles]

Do you all think that people,
they're gonna be like,

"How silly is it
that these people

have not found an idol yet?"

-JEM: Oh, my God.

They're gonna be like, "They're
just, like, hanging out."

JEM: Right now,
nobody knows that I found

the Beware Advantage first

and that I actually
have replanted it.

I want someone else to find it

to kind of send them
on a wild-goose chase

to basically
get the scent off of me.

-MARIA: We should
have something by now.
-MORIAH: Yeah.

Jem, you looked in here, right?

I did not.

Every time that
we would go to the water well,

I can see it.

But my job is to act
like it's not there. I was like,

"Yeah, I think
it might be hanging somewhere."

Wait, guys.

Did you just actually find it?

I literally
just looked right there.

Oh, my God.

-TIM: Is that it?
-Yes, it says Beware Advantage.

And then Maria spotted it.

And I'm like, "Aah!" [laughs]

And I threw it, 'cause I'm like,
"It's the Beware Advantage."

-If you open it it's yours.
-Well, we're just gonna peek.

We're just gonna have a look.
"Beware Advantage.

"If you take it it's yours
and you must do what it says.

Otherwise, leave it."

MARIA: It's a little kumbaya

to, like, be idol-hunting
as a group, but...

I'm gonna go for it, because
without taking this risk,

there's no way I'm gonna

get that extra advantage,
if it is one.

-Let's go.
-MORIAH: Oh, my God, Maria.

-Oh, dear God!
-Let's go, Lieutenant Mom.

Drumroll. [imitating drumroll]

What do you got to do, Maria?

It says...

Oh, boy.

-[Jem chuckles]
-MARIA: Yeah.
-TIM: It's the same.

The hardest part for me
is for me

to keep a straight face,

'cause I want
to just laugh so loud.

digging under the tree.

They're going crazy,
and they're gonna find nothing.

I'm getting bitten. Oh, my God.
There's so many ants in here.

-CHARLIE: Oh, God.
-MARIA: That's the Beware?

-JEM: Oh, those are giant ants.
-MORIAH: Oh, those are...

-Oh, those are
the dangerous big black ants.
-MARIA: Yeah, I know.


-MORIAH: Be careful.
Those ants are huge.

The ants are massive.

So now there are these

giant black ants
that started stinging everybody.


-Beware, you're
gonna get att*cked by ants?
-CHARLIE: Do you want me...

InSurvivor, your job
is to play as hard as you can,

but it's also okay to have
some fun while you're doing it.

Who would have thunk?
Group idol hunt, eh?

We were just talking about...



-MORIAH: Fake idol, yeah.
-CHARLIE: That'd be wild.

-MARIA: That would be funny.
-That-that would be.

Finding a Beware Advantage,
replanting it,

have somebody else
dig up a tree.

Like, that's the fun part.

-MORIAH: We all ready?
-JEM: We'll be back.

And my hope is that I'm able
to pin it on someone else.

Yeah, let's go.

So I'm having fun on Survivor.

So that's exciting. [laughs]

-TIM: Great work, Maria.

♪ ♪

Come on in.

All right, Jeff!

-CHARLIE: Good morning.

Good morning.

Let's go!



Getting your first look
at the new Nami tribe.

Randen was pulled from the game.

-Oh, man.

Oh, my...


All right,
so just to catch everybody up,

Randen was suffering
with an issue in his arm.

It was a pinched nerve,
but our medical team

was very concerned
about possible

long-term damage,

so we had to make
the tough decision to end

Randen's journey in favor
of his long-term health,

which means
there was no Tribal Council.

Nobody from Yanu went home.

That tribe stays intact.

Thanks, guys.

Shall we get
to today's reward challenge?


All right,
for today's challenge,

you're gonna paddle your boat
in from the ocean,

collecting a key along the way.

Once you reach the shore,

you'll use that key
to unlock four rings.

Each player is then
responsible for getting

one of those rings
up and off that pole.

Once you have all four rings,
you'll dig under a log

and race to toss those four
rings back onto another pole.

First two tribes
to finish win reward.

-Want to know
what you're playing for?

Food. Show me food.

You want food? You got food.


[all exclaiming]

Told you.

First tribe to finish,

ten decent-sized fresh fish

delivered to your camp,

along with a bamboo cooker
and a diagram for how to use it.

Second tribe to finish,

smaller but just as appetizing.

-Five decent-sized fish
will be delivered to your camp.
-Yeah, let's go.

All right, sit-outs.

Nami, you're sitting
one person out.

Who's it gonna be?

Venus gonna sit out for Nami.

Siga, you're
sitting two people out.

Who's gonna sit out?

-Me and Moriah.

Moriah and Ben will sit out.

All right, sit-outs,
take a spot on the bench.

Everybody else,
give you a minute to strategize.

-We'll get it on. Let's do it.

All right, for reward.

Survivors ready?


-One, two, three.
One, two, three...
-TIFFANY: All right, let's go.

You're racing to get that key.

One, two, three. Great.

-Okay, stop, stop.
-Q: Go.

Yeah, keep going, keep going.



Siga gets there first.

Tim takes a big dump

and flips it over.

MARIA: Let's go. Let's go.

You got to flip it back!

-Get it, Liz. Go. Jump.
-Be careful, Liz. Be careful.

-Be careful, girl. Be careful.
-PROBST: Nami at their key.

-You got it, girl.

Yanu with their key.

Tim falls off again.

And again, for a third time.

-Yes. Let's go.
-PROBST: Nami has their key.

Kenzie working
on the key for Yanu.

All right, let's turn.

Tim still struggling

to get the key for Siga.

-MARIA: Yeah, just like that...
-CHARLIE: Yeah, that'll work.


-PROBST: Here comes Nami.

-Here comes Yanu.
-TEVIN: Row. Row.

-BHANU: One, two, three...
-PROBST: Tim has the key.

-Got to get back on the boat.
-Q: Y'all got to go.

-Y'all got to go.
No, y'all got to go...
-TEVIN: Row. Row.


Nami, great communication.

Nami, let's go!

One, two, three.
One, two, three.

Here comes Yanu.
They're figuring it out.

All right, let's go.

And here comes Siga
with their key.

Go. Keep rolling.

Once you hit the sand,
you're good, clip in.

[overlapping chatter]

Now, you got to clip back in.
Get your rope.

There you go. There you go.

You're good, Yanu.
Get your rope.

That's good, Nami. Head up.

Yes. You guys are k*lling it.

You're in the lead right now,
you guys.

Yanu, are they close enough?

Yes, they are.

-TIFFANY: Okay, we're good.
Let's go.
-All right, let's go.

-PROBST: Hunter
unlocking the rings for Nami.
-The key is to throw it

-as hard as you can, right?
-Do it, Hunter.

[grunts] That's it.

He nails it with his first shot.

Hunter has
the first ring for Nami.

-PROBST: It's now Tevin.

One more time.

Siga trying
to make up lost time.

Big reward on the line.
You got to lock in now.

-You're good, Siga.
-TIM: Keys, keys, keys.

Yanu has their rings free.

Here comes Tiff now.
She's gonna give it a go.

Tiff has her ring. Here goes Q.

Charlie now working
on the key for Siga.

Tevin has his ring for Nami.

Nami has two.

Here goes Soda.

-TEVIN: Yes!
-PROBST: Soda has her ring.

-Nami down to one person left.

It's Liz.

-PROBST: Q has his ring.

Here comes Bhanu.

Siga has their rings free.


Charlie first for Siga.

-Charlie has the first ring.

More. Go. Yes.

Bhanu has his ring.

It's gonna be Kenzie,
the last person left for Yanu.

You got this, Nami!
You're in the lead!

-Ten percent more.
-I got it. I got it.
-So close.

-BHANU: Yes, baby!
-TIFFANY: Yes! Let's go!

Kenzie has the last ring
for Yanu.

Start digging.

Yanu in the lead for
the first time in the challenge.

-CHARLIE: Line it up.
-All right, Tim!

Tim has his ring.
That's two for Siga.

-All right, dig in on the side.
-Dig on that side.

There you go.
Flip that. Flip that.

Jem has her ring.

Here comes Maria
for the fourth and final ring.

You got it.
That's it, right here.

Three, two, one.

-There you go.
-You're right there, Maria.

Good job! Come on.

Yanu is through.
You're good, Yanu.

Start throwing those rings.
It's gonna be Tiff.

Yanu with a huge lead right now.

Keep it in the middle.
Stay calm.


-That's what I'm talking about.
-Liz has it for Nami.

You're good. Start digging.

-BEN: Maria!
-PROBST: It's now Maria
feeling the pressure.

-TIM: Just like that...
-You got this. It's okay.

Everybody else has a ring.

Maria, the last person left.

We got tons of time here.

She's got
to get it over that pole

or Siga cannot
continue in this challenge.

Two tribes are gonna win reward.

Yanu would like
to be first for once.

[overlapping chatter]

Q getting closer.
Q has the first ring.

-SODA: You're good. You're good.
-LIZ: He needs the ring, right?


-TIM: Once more. You got it.

-You got this.
-Take your,
take your deep breathes.

Find your calm.

-Find your calm.
-PROBST: Maria struggling,

trying to get that ring
over that pole.

You got this, Q.
You got this, Q.


Q has the second ring for Yanu.

-And a third.

Is this a new Yanu tribe
that's being birthed?

Right there. Right there, baby.

Yanu could win it right here.

-And there it is.

Yanu wins its first challenge,

day eight, Survivor46.

Oh, my God!

-Good for them.
-Good for them.

We're looking for one more.

Maria's got
to get it off the pole

-in order for Siga
to move ahead.
-Come on!

-You got this, Maria.
-TIM: There you go.

Nami has a big time lead now
for second.

-It's gonna be Hunter.
-TEVIN: Don't need that.

-TEVIN: Good job.
-VENUS: Yeah, Hunter!

Hunter has the first ring.

-Hunter with another toss.
-VENUS: Way to go, Yanu.

That's up to you what you do.

-I can't climb the pole?
-No. Nope. No climbing.

And he did it.
Nice touch by Hunter.

A little-- Move.

Take one step forward.
A baby step.

Baby step.

-TIM: There we go.
-PROBST: There it is!

-Maria has it!

Let's go, Siga. Start digging.

It's not your mindset,
it's your grindset!

Can Siga make up
the time difference

or will Hunter
close it out for Nami?


Hunter has the third ring.
Down to one ring left.

All the way. There you go.

Five fish on the line.

Hunter for the win.

-There it is!
-SODA: Yeah!

Nami wins reward.

For the first time,
Siga gonna home empty-handed.

-TIM: It's okay, M.

You did your best.
You did beautiful.

All right,
Yanu, congratulations.

-Your first win of the season.
-LIZ: Wow.

-SODA: Yeah, Yanu!
-KENZIE: Thank you.
Thanks, y'all.

-You're okay. Don't cry.

All right, Yanu,
you've earned ten fresh fish,

good size,
delivered at your camp.

But I know what you're thinking.

You don't have flint,
so you have the option

to trade this reward
for an earlier one.

So if you wanted to trade
for the large tool kit

and the large tarp and give
up the fish, you can do that.

Those fish will not
do us any good right now.

So the large tarp and tool kit.

Large tool kit, large tarp will
be waiting for you back at camp.

-Hopefully that will
change your lives quite a bit.
-LIZ: Yeah.

Hell yeah.

Nami, five fresh fish will be

-waiting for you back at camp.
-Thank you, Jeff.
-Thank you.

Nami, grab your stuff,
head out and enjoy those fish.

-TEVIN: Thank you, Jeff.
-Thank you.
-We sure will.

Siga, got nothing for you.
Grab your stuff, head out.

Yanu, grab your stuff, head out.

Well done. Welcome to the game.

KENZIE: We didn't only win,

we demolished.

We beat them by a landslide,

which is the opposite

of what's been happening to us
this entire time.

It's, like,
the momentum that we needed.

Our core four is finally
getting it together.

And that is why
you never give up on Survivor.

Randen's out. Yanu gets new life
and their first win.

Sound fun?
Apply to be on Survivor.

♪ ♪


Look at these fish.

-Oh, my gosh.
-SODA: No way.

Yes way.

Oh, my God!


LIZ: When we get back to camp,

there were five
stunningly gorgeous

different fish waiting for us.

A fish a piece!

-A fish a piece.

A fish a piece.

And for me, I am allergic

to all the fruit here
and the coconut.

They cause
a real throat reaction.

So I know my body needs protein.

I know I'm getting depleted.

My mouth
is salivating right now.

-I just want to get out here
'cause I'm very excited.
-Where's the fish?

I really wanted
to cut and clean the fish

because my dad
showed me how to do it,

and I haven't done it

since I did it with my dad.

♪ ♪

I had been trying to go fishing
with him for about three years,

but I was
so busy with my career

and I kept being like,
"Oh, I can't do it."

You know,
"I can't do it. I can't do it."

And then the time to do it
is eternally past.

My dad passed away

about ten months ago.

And so I didn't get to fish with
him that one last time, so...

It was just nice to do something
today that was just, like...

Dad's right here.

We had a very
powerful relationship.

When I didn't have a car,

he gave me
his one and only car,

so that I could get
back and forth to high school.

And he had no transportation.

And he called me
every single day just to say,

"Hey, how are you doing?"

One of the hardest parts
about him passing was that,

the day after he passed,
my phone didn't ring.

-SODA: Wow!
-LIZ: Wow.

We ready.

-TEVIN: Here they are.

-SODA: Aw.
-Um, my dad taught me
how to do this.

And this is, I think, the first
time I've done it without him.

-But, like, I did it.
-LIZ: Oh, wow.

That's the way to fish, baby!

So I was filled with pride
to know that something

my daddy taught me
is coming into play right now.

And I'm about to give
this thing that I have crafted

to these people who need it,

which is what he was all about.

So he lives on.



-We did it!

We finally won something.

[singsongy]: First place.
Who would have thought?

That's crazy. We really
bodied that whole challenge.

Yeah, we did.

We blew those other teams
out today.

Oh, that's real big.

But this win
was bigger than us just

winning a tarp and some tools.

This could definitely be
a turning point for our tribe.

If we could really
get our stuff together,

we might
not have to lose anymore.

Go to your right.

Go to my...

Opposite side of the girls
right now.

I'm exactly at
the opposite side of the girls.

-Go to the other side
of the shelter.
-KENZIE: Go that way.

Onto the girls' side.

No, we-- You are on the girls'
side. Go to the other side.

I know that if we go
to Tribal next,

Bhanu is the one
that's going home.

But if he's going to be around,

I have to make sure

that Bhanu is the best player

that he can be.

Just stay in the moment,
stay in the current.

But I think there's so much

that Bhanu don't understand
and don't know

about the game ofSurvivor.

We have to fix
your social and strategic game

to where it's not a liability.

So what I'm doing is taking
my time to actually train him,

and that is my job as the coach.

We're having coaching sessions.

Hopefully I can teach him

how to keep his mouth shut.

You need to be thinking
about every moment.

From here on out, start playing
conversations in your head.

In this game,

you have a lot of people
who want to manipulate you.

They ask you questions
and they buddy you up.

-And you feel like,

"Oh, my God.
I got to give something back."

No, the ... you don't.

My training with Bhanu
is training his emotions,

training his speech.

So you don't want me
to talk strategy at all?

Teaching him techniques

to use in general conversations
with others.

Tonight, who you voting for?

I don't know who I'm voting for.

-Would you vote Tiff tonight?
-Oh, yeah, sure.

So you're voting Tiff?

So that right there
was a bit too much,

'cause you jumped on it
too quick.


And I'm teaching him

how to talk at Tribal.

So, Bhanu, what's going on

at your camp?
We're merged.

This is Jeff talking to you.

We're vibing with everybody.

You know, it's-it's cool.

And when you say "we,"
who is we, Bhanu?

I'm vibing with all of them.

Perfect, Bhanu.

Is that Jeff or coach talking?

Oh, okay.

I'm not very optimistic

about his approach
going forward,

but if the little bit
that I can teach him can help,

I'm going to continue to try.

What did you learn? Tell me.

Ask me the same question, coach.

-KENZIE: Just-just tell me...
-No, just tell her
what you learned.

So, this is what I learned.

When Jeff asks, like,

"Hey, Bhanu.
So what's going on?"

I would be like,
"Things are good, you know?

We're all
vibing with each other."

I'm glad you're practicing.

I want to practice
with you, too.

We'll have more sessions.

-I'll have more.

I'll-I'll have it
with Kenzie, too.


I am helping you.

Oh, no, no, no.
Yes, you are now.

-I will help you.

I just want to enjoy our win
for, like, five minutes.

-I want to not
talk about strategy.
-Oh, sorry.

I'm just gonna walk away.

You have
the patience of a saint.

I snapped at Bhanu because

you are probably

Like, I...

shouldn't have
to help you play Survivor.

And, of course, Bhanu is like,
"I'll just walk away."

I'm like, "Okay. Go."

I'm over it.
I'm over babying Bhanu.

It's so annoying.

Let's start with the positives.

This was
just a reward challenge.

And I want to say that even in

the face of all the insanity,

you guys were still a team

and I couldn't
be more proud of y'all.

So, you know, Maria,

I know you feel like
the weight is on your shoulders

because it was
that whole situation.

But I still did it.

-You still did it.

But, yeah, also, every single
person out there believed in you

and trusts you and doesn't
put any ounce of blame on you.

And we don't even--

-It's just fish, Maria.
It's not that big a deal.

You know what? As immigrants,

success was survival
for my family.

And so we grew up

where we had to be perfect.

And so I never wanted to fail.

So many times I wondered, like,
"Am I enough? Am I good enough?"

You know? And this was, like,
a big, big place...

to fail
in front of a lot of people.

Growing up, our parents
wanted so much for us.

They came from Lebanon
to this country

and worked so hard.

And so, you know,
we-we were pushed hard.

We were pushed with this
sort of fire in us to succeed.

And when

there were moments in life
when I didn't,

you know, I was hard on myself.

What I've worked on
the last couple years

is shedding the shame...

the shame and the guilt
behind not succeeding.

And just knowing
that it's a moment in time,

and that doesn't define
who I am.

Listen, Maria, you're gon--

I know you're
taking this loss hard,

but it's gonna
be a lesson for you

in more of that
letting go of shame.

-BEN: You know what I'm saying?

So either way,
whether we had the fish or not,

-it's gonna be a positive.
-OTHERS: Yeah.

-BEN: All right?
-Thank you.

[Charlie whoops]

Let's not forget,
we also have a Beware Advantage

we can look for, too.

-All right?

Because of Maria.

-All right?

That was good.

CHARLIE: This Beware Advantage,
it drives me nuts because

Maria and I
didn't get to control

this potential really valuable

piece of information.

-MORIAH: Ready to do this?
-MARIA: Diggy, diggy.

She got so excited

that she told
the whole damn tribe

and, all of a sudden, this whole

big group effort is going on.

That's reason one
to be frustrated.

I mean, this is insane.

This is under a tree.

This is, like,
we're digging in a tree's roots.

Reason two is we can't

freaking find the thing.

We've dug so far
under this crazy tree.

-This is a serious hole we dug.
-This is, like, unreal.

And there's nothing.
So what the heck is going on?

the next most likely option

is that someone
planted it there.

This feels, like, comical.

We've dug out as far
as you can go under the spot.

So, like, where is it?

Either that
or somebody's being sneaky

-and found it in another tree.
-MARIA: Someone-- Exactly.

Jeff, where is this thing, dude?

Jeff don't lie.

A few fundamentals inSurvivor:

One: Jeff will never lie to you.

Two: Jeff will never
give you anything impossible.

If Jeff put this in the tree,
he's good,

'cause this is absurd.

So maybe Jeff

is not the reason
we're digging there.

It's great.

My game is going the way
I intended it to go,

'cause I wanted the suspicion
to be off of me

-and onto someone else.

What's the suspicion?

MORIAH: We're thinking
Tim might've planted it.

'Cause, Maria, nobody else

was, like, going as hard
as he was.

He's overcompensating

to take all the suspicions
off of him.

I mean, that's
a massive possibility.

The idea that Tim might
have the hidden immunity idol--

like, that's what I wanted.

I came to playSurvivor,
and I'm playing

as hard as I can
with what I'm given.

♪ ♪

People want to, like, chill,
lounge, and, uh, you know,

Bhanu is a stupid ass.

And so, the stupid ass
is gonna go and do stupid ...

I left the camp because,
all of a sudden,

Kenzie-- she just, like,
snapped at me.

I'm being treated like...

They're not respecting me.

I'm so stupid.

I had so much power in the game
and now I'm like a puppet,

and they're the puppet masters.

They're like, "Do this, do that,
do this, do that."

And this is what I get.

I've seen all the seasons
ofSurvivor as a superfan,

but when it comes
to social skills,

it's still not sinking in me.

Everyone feels like
I'm a dumb dumbo.

"Oh, we need to teach him

how to walk, how to talk."

So I became a robot,
so I'm no longer a Bhanu.

I'm just, like, you know, I...

They're like puppeteers
and I'm a puppet.

It feels... it...
I-I don't like that.

Take your moment.

I'll go apologize.
I don't want him to spiral.

I snapped at Bhanu, and then,

because I know he's emotional,
I know

that I have
to go run damage control

so that Bhanu doesn't think
everybody's mad at him again.


I'm, like, one foot
in front of the other

just trying to find this man
so I can apologize...


...when any other person
would be like,

"Maybe I shouldn't
enlist her to, like,

"train me on how to do the thing

we came out here
to do right now."

But we have to make Bhanu
feel good because

if we go on a winning streak
and we take Bhanu to the merge,

we need him
to stay loyal to Yanu.

I'm sorry I snapped at you.

Like, we are a tribe.

We want to keep our numbers.

We need you
to be successful at Tribal.

Like, I'm here to help you.

-Thank you. Thank you.
-'Cause we need you.

And I know it's hard.

I feel so bad that
here is this old child-man

-that needs help.
-It's okay.

I love you.
All right, we'll get through it.

Kenzie came to me and said like,

"I really... I apologize."

Makes me feel better.

And I was like,
"Okay, you know what?

Uh, bygones, bygones."

Thank you for understanding.

I can take some lessons.

Like, you know,
I know it's very important

for my game,
for everyone's game.

If so many people
are putting work into me,

I think I need
to put some effort in it.

-LIZ: Perfect.
-TEVIN: There you go.

All right, I'm gonna wash shirt,
pants, socks.

If anybody sees

some dirty orange underwear...

-TEVIN: Ooh.
-SODA: Right there.
-...holler at me.

I haven't
washed my shorts at all,

and then these two undies.

I feel like
my game's going pretty well.

There's five people
in this tribe.

I personally feel like
there's a solid three

with Hunter, Tevin, and I,
which leaves,

on the minority, Liz and Venus.

I found my underwear!


But you have a lot of downtime

when you win because
you do not have to go to Tribal.

Guys, I just realized something.

Those two little triangles
at the bottom of our flag

look like slices of pizza.

Even though I'm pretty good
at just being, like, kumbaya,

your head has to constantly
be in this game.

You know, I like
to check in and stuff,

see where people's heads are at.

You know I really want
to connect with you.

I want to stay connected to you.

And you are
my confidant out here.

Like, it's 100% me,

Liz, you, Tevin and Hunter.

There's nothing
that this fab five cannot do.

If you're even out of the game
for a second

and you get stuck, that's it.

You will be out like a light.
You'll be gone.

-Like, what...
-I feel like she knows

that, like, we are tight,

and I feel like that three going
into the merge is gonna

be super powerful three.

And I know this is tight,
so I'm not worried.


Soda is a social butterfly,
as am I.

However, she's playing the game
a little too hard for me.

-TEVIN: There's moments
where I'm watching her,

and it seems like she's having

little whisper moments
behind my back.

-We're all vibing, but...

I'm down for individual vibes
because I love everyone.

I'm just a little worried
that she may be playing me

just as
she's playing everyone else.

And it breaks my heart to say it
because I do

have a connection with her
that is so deep.

But the target in which
I am seeking to hit now

is shifting.

And so now
I need to be the one

to get into everyone's head
and plant seeds.

For tribe strength,
I would rather get rid of Venus

than Soda, but you already know

that Soda is playing a real...


I would rather
keep our game alive

and have a weaker tribe than...

So are you saying,

just making it seem like
it's Venus,

and then we just
switch it to Soda?

I think that's
the safest 'cause...

'Cause she wouldn't expect it?

She wouldn't expect it.


I actually have wanted Soda out
for a while

because she's my competition
for closeness with Tevin.

So whenever Tevin
started expressing doubt

in Soda, you know,

that sounds great to me.
Let's do it, right?

I just want to ask, if we have
to go to Tribal Council,

how do you feel if we were...
had to vote Soda?

Because my gut is telling me,

"Tevin, you got
to play the game."

And if playing the game
means that I have to

get somebody out of this game

who I think
is manipulating everyone...

To be honest with you,
I think she's the one to beat.

This is great news
for me because

I really have this feeling

that if Soda makes it
to the merge,

Soda is on her way
to final Tribal Council,

and I cannot have that.


As far as we're concerned,

me, Hunter and Liz
are on board.

Like, Soda got to Go-da.

-MARIA: Day nine.
-MORIAH: Day nine?

-MORIAH: Your day, Maria.
-Yes, it is.

This is the moment
I've been waiting for.


[Moriah gasping]

-Jumping off something.
-MORIAH: Jumping off.

The buoys?

Jump off, grab a key,
into the water.

-CHARLIE: Buoys.
-MARIA: Yeah. Yup.

Oh, my God.

Homegirl can't jump.

And coming out here,
even my friends were like,

"You know, Moriah, you're gonna
have to tell them eventually."

And I'm like, "No, no, no, no.

It's fine, it's fine,
it's fine."

And then we get to tree mail

today and immediately,

my heart sinks

like the dense gravity

that I apparently have
in my body.

I feel like we've been
ready for this moment.

I am worried about jumping,
to be honest.

We believe in you.

-We can do that.
-You guys haven't
seen me jump yet.

-JEM: It's okay, Moriah.
-It's okay. We've seen you dive.

Remember, you're gonna
get a running start

-and you're gonna be good.

-MARIA: Yeah.
-Oh, that's easy.

This is such a Siga thing.

We're very, very open
as a tribe

of what our advantages
and disadvantages are.

Squat down, arms down,
and this is your motion.

And part of our spirit is that

we work together
to think of a solution that will

get us that extra inch.

For you to know,

this is the vertical
you're dealing with.


Moriah-- she cannot jump.

I don't know if David Lee Roth
will be proud of that one.

You know what I'm saying?


Here we go, Mo.



Moriah's jumps were not, um...

great. It was...
it was not great.

-Very nice.

But we want

to inspire confidence in Moriah.

-BEN: Let's go, Mo!
-Let's go, Mo.

-Let's go!
-Here we go, Mo.

It's all
about building up in her mind,

"You can crush this."

-[Jem laughs]

Jem, we're supportive!

That was a great jump.

It was really good.

Oh, my God.

Okay. Come on.

I don't know if I actually

got better

at jumping.

Better. Better. Not bad.

MORIAH: But I know
that I felt more confident

and I felt like, "I can
give 'em my all, and, heck,

I might even be able to do it."

♪ ♪

Come on in!

♪ ♪

Does it get any better
than this arrival?

-PROBST: Come on.

-PROBST: Look at us

all back together on day nine,


All right,
shall we get to today's

-immunity challenge?
-[all voicing assent]

First things first.
Got to take back the idols.

Thank you. Thank you.

Once again,
immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge,
one at a time,

you're gonna climb
to the top of a tall tower

and leap out into the ocean.

You're then gonna climb up onto
a crate,

jump back into the ocean.

Two players will be responsible

for releasing
a net full of buoys.

Once everybody's at the finish,

one player will attempt
to land those buoys

in three baskets.

First two tribes to finish

win immunity,
safe from the vote.

Losers, Tribal Council

where somebody will be
the fourth person

voted out of Survivor46.

And as a penalty for losing,
I will take your flint.

Yanu, day nine.

You are still

fighting to get yours.
All right.

Sit-outs. Siga,
you're sitting out two people.

Cannot be the same people
in back-to-back challenges.

Who's gonna sit out?

It's gonna be Jem and Maria.

All right, Nami,
you're sitting one person out.

-Who's it gonna be?
-I'll sit out.

Tevin gonna sit it out.

All right, sit-outs,
take a spot on the bench.

Everybody else, give you
a minute to strategize.

We'll get it on.
Let's do it.


All right, here we go.

For immunity.

Survivors ready?


It's Q in the water,

Tim in the water,
Hunter in the water.

Good job, Q.

You got to get up that net

to the top of a tall tower.

And once you're up there,

might as well jump.

Oh, Hunter, go!

Hunter-- whoa-- nearly jumps

right onto the platform.

Tim gonna jump for Siga.

There goes Q is in the water.

Hunter quickly up and over
and diver down.


He's got the buoys

about as fast as you could do
this leg of the course.

There goes Tim for Siga.

Go, Tim!

Tim has the buoys for Siga.

Q for Yanu.

Q with a nice face-plant.

Somebody get me a doctor.

And he's got the buoys for Yanu!

[overlapping shouting]

Hunter, got to get up
on that platform

with your buoys.

-Go, Nami!
-LIZ: Let's go!

Gonna be Soda in the water.

So fresh, baby!

Here comes Tim. You got
to get up on that platform.

Go, Tim!
Get 'em in the basket!

-Go, Siga!
-MARIA: Go, Ben!

There's Ben
in the water for Siga.

Soda, it is tough
getting up that net.

That is not easy, and that's

the easiest part
of this challenge.

-Go, Soda!
-LIZ: Yeah, Soda!

Soda gonna be to the edge.

That's how you do it!

-Ben up at the top of the tower.
-CHARLIE: You got this.

-MARIA: Come on, Ben!
-CHARLIE: Let's go, Ben.

-PROBST: Here comes Q.
-TIFFANY: Good job, Q.

You're good, Yanu! Go!

Go ahead, Bhanu.

Bhanu in the water for Yanu.

Here goes Ben
down for the buoys.

Ben has the buoys for Siga.

Soda in the water.

You got it, Soda.

-LIZ: Yes, baby!
-Yes! Soda has
the buoys for Nami!

That's what I'm talking about!

-PROBST: Here comes Ben.
-Let's go! Go, Siga!

It is Siga
in the lead right now.

-Go, Siga!
-BEN: There you go, Mo!

It's Moriah in the water.

Here comes Bhanu.

Bhanu! Bhanu!

Bhanu! You got to go back
and do the crate.

Big setback for Yanu.

Here comes Moriah.

Let's go, Mo! You got it!

Mo, we all believe in you.
You can do this.

-JEM: Mo, come on!
-CHARLIE: Let's go, Mo.


-[shrieks] That's my girl!
-Moriah in the water for Siga.

-CHARLIE: Nice job, Mo.
-JEM: Nice job, Moriah!

A massive setback for Bhanu...

as Bhanu belly-flops back in.

Go, girl!

Hunter pulls up Soda.
You're good!

All right, let's do the thing.

Here comes Moriah.

You're good, Siga!

Charlie in the water for Siga.

Way to go, Siga!

Taylor Swift!

There goes Charlie.

Here comes Bhanu.

He's exhausted.

Go, Yanu!

It's Tiff in the water

-for Yanu.
-MARIA: You got it, Charlie!

It's Siga still in the lead.

You're good.
Start releasing your buoys.

You're looking for three buoys
with your insignia.

There goes Tiff.

Here comes Liz.

It's gonna be Tim...

who tries to jump
on the platform.

Hold onto it.

-MARIA: You got it! Yeah!
-[Jem yells]

Tim nearly falls off.

Let's go, Tim.

Tim just short.

You're good, Nami! Go!

It's now Venus,
the last person for Nami.

Look at Tiff
moving through that water.

[Jem and Maria screaming]

Tim scores
the first basket for Siga.

Yes, Tim!

Here comes Venus.

No messing around.

Here goes Kenzie in the water.

Give it a five and a half.

Tim trying to extend the lead.

Tim just short.

-PROBST: Here comes Venus.
-TEVIN: Come on, V.

And here comes Kenzie.
You're good.

Start emptying those buoys.

It is Siga
with a big-time lead right now.

-Tim just misses.
-It's right there.

-MARIA: It's right there, Tim.
-TEVIN: You got it!

Got to get your three buoys.
You're good.

Yanu has their three buoys.
It's gonna be Q.

Here goes Hunter.

Michael Jordan, baby.
Michael Jordan, baby. [whoops]

-Hunter scores the first
for Nami.
-I need a ball! I need a ball!

We are tied now.

Immunity on the line.

There it is for Q. He's got one.

Yanu's back in it.

Hunter has one for Nami.

-Make it two.

What a comeback this would be.

♪ Nami, Nami, Nami.♪

And he does it!
Nami wins immunity, safe tonight

from Tribal Council!

We're looking for one more.

Charlie in the water for Moriah.

Tim tracked his own buoy down.

Bhanu still rebounding for Yanu.

Come on, Bhanu!

It is taking a long time
to get that buoy back to Q.

Tim scores the second.
Siga down to one.

Bhanu's out, Tiff is in.

Yanu once again
facing Tribal Council.

And Q nails the second.

Yanu with an opportunity
to win it right here.

Can he do it?


For the win.

Let's go! Siga!

And he's got it.

Siga wins immunity,

sending Yanu back
to Tribal Council,

where the fourth person
will be voted out of this game.


Nami, congratulations again.

Immunity is yours.

Once again,
nobody going home from Nami.

Enjoy your ceremonial
leap off of the deck.


Swim out to your boat.

That's what victory looks like
in the water.

Siga, congratulations again.

Immunity is yours.

Your tribe stays intact.

Head out, enjoy the night off.


[indistinct shouting]


All right, Yanu, same result.

Tribal Council tonight.

Somebody will be
the fourth person

voted out of Survivor46.

You know the drill.
I don't take joy

in saying I'm gonna
keep your flint,

but I am keeping your flint.
All right, you have

the afternoon to figure out
who it's gonna be.

And-- sorry for you--
you got to swim out.

Back in the water.

Peace out, Tiff.

KENZIE: Wasn't that fun to think
that Yanu would win

an immunity challenge?

It was a dream that

just got squandered
before our eyes yet again.

But tonight,

we're all voting out Bhanu.

Q: Bhanu's a great guy,
but my vote

has to go towards Bhanu tonight.

TIFFANY: Tonight, I think
there's only one thing

that needs to happen,
and I think that is

Bhanu needs to go home.


I'm actually about to go get out
of these wet clothes.

I'll be back.

Staying put.

It's an easy vote tonight, so...

-It is.
-...we can just chill.

It's not the end
of the game for us. [chuckles]

Yeah, all three of them--

they're having
a conversation there.

Never once, they talk to me.

Never once
they include me in anything.

What are we gonna do
about Bhanu this afternoon?

I ain't doing nothing
about Bhanu this afternoon.

It's just the frustration
of constantly making

somebody feel better
about the things

-that they've done wrong to you.
-KENZIE: All right.

"It's okay, you put a target
on my back. It's okay."

"It's okay, you lied to me."

No, it's not okay.
It's not okay.

The vote is already decided.

You know who you're voting.

The one person who doesn't
have a vote today-- me.


But it's okay.

I need to look for the idol.

I need to look for the idol.
God, please help me.

One thing is for sure--
I am not going home tonight.

If I can find the immunity idol,

I can change the course
of the game.


Jeff, where did you
put the idol?

I'm digging deep here.

"Dig deep," he says.

"Dig deep."

There should be some marker,

If I have to climb
Mount Everest, I will do it.

God is listening.

Like, today is the day.
You need to help me.

Help me, help me, help me,
help me, help me.

...Jeff hid another idol
on this island?

-The best he could do
is save himself
-That's it.

with an idol that he might find,

which he won't,
'cause I have it.

Where is this damn idol?!

I searched, and now here I am.

No vote, no agency.

I can't do Shot in the Dark.

Nothing! Wow!

What a plan, man.

What a plan.

You okay?

I'm not. Here.

I'm mad at myself
and I'm mad at Him.

If this is what You wanted,
if You wanted

to end my story so soon,

You shouldn't have put me
on Survivorin the first place.

I'm so sorry, Bhanu.

I've given it my all
for this game.


[sighs, sniffles]

I'm so mad. I'm so mad.

Oh. [sniffling]

What can I do?

Can you find me an idol?

Tiff, you need
to help me to... Please?

-No. Please, Bhanu. No.
-Please, Tiff. Please.

Get up off your knees.
What the hell are you doing?

-No, I will not. I will not.
-Ah, bro, please.

-Tiff, you need to help me.
You know...
-No. Get up.

First of all,
I'm not gonna talk to you

if you're on your knees.
I'm not gonna do that.

-I need you to stand up.

All right.

I'm gonna
keep it honest with you.

I'm gonna
write your name tonight.

I'm just being 100% honest.
I am writing your name tonight.

Can I-can I ask you what...
the reason behind that?

-Yes. Yes.

I feel like I can't trust you.

I'm sorry that, you know,
it has to end like this,

but I hope that
you can respect the fact

that I'm at least
being honest with you.

-Can I have a hug?

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry
I screwed it up for us.

It's fine, Bhanu.
Don't be sorry to me.

It's fine.


This is it for me.

Nine days is what... written for Bhanu.

I have to just accept it.


Thanks to the island.

Thanks to everything here.

I realize that honesty
has no meaning in this game.

A momentary truth caused...

so much.

I learned a lesson a hard way,
that, you know,

five seconds of my honesty
ruined my game.

That's how hard this game is.

But guess what?

I figured that I'm such
an emotional person.

I'm a very good person.

I'm a loyal person,
I'm an honest person.

And that's what
my journey's been.

I am going home tonight.

But tonight, you know what?

I'm gonna tell my story

because they still
don't know my story.

And I'm so glad that I got
a chance to playSurvivor.

It's not about
the million dollars.

All I wanted to do
is win a million hearts.

♪ ♪

All right.

I'd like to go back,

since we didn't get to
have Tribal last time,

and talk about the journey.

Bhanu, you were selected
to go on that journey.

How'd that go?

I went on this journey

and, um, I lost my vote.

Not only that,
but I revealed that

Q and Tiff, when I asked, like,

are they working together,
I said like, "Yes."

And then I also said, like,

you know, Kenzie
is a good game player.

Tiff, did you ask Bhanu what

his motive was
in giving away this information?

Yes. I don't know if I've got

an actual answer,

but it seemed like
he didn't understand

that by revealing
that information,

he was putting a target
on all three of us.

Like, I just don't think
he understood in that moment

that he was getting played.

So, Bhanu, is it that
you want to play that way

or is part of it figuring out

how to play Survivorand
you're still figuring it out?

Jeff, the first
six days has been...

Like, I'm not clicking,
like how to play the game.

Sixth day,
the moment it clicked,

and then, I spilled the beans
to my Tribemates.

So when I'm trying
to get the game,

the game took over,
and I dug my grave so deep,

I couldn't come out of it.

So I'm getting a sense that...

You're already nodding.
You finish.

What was I gonna say?

That Bhanu
is going home tonight.

-Is that what's happening?

I told Bhanu straight up,
I'm writing that name down.

-I have to write his name.

And Bhanu, you don't have a
vote, which means you can't play

-the Shot in the Dark.

It requires a vote to sacrifice.

And this would then
make me think

that you've all talked about
idols, and you don't have one.

I've searched nine days, Jeff,

for an idol, and

I've done everything,
but I don't have anything.

I don't have a vote,
I-I don't have an idol.

I don't have alliances.

I screwed up this game big-time.

Well, it's rare
when this happens,

but I find it intoxicating

because there's
no deception happening.

You're not trying
to blindside somebody.

You've all been honest
with Bhanu.

-PROBST: Honest. The word

of Bhanu's whole time
out here-- honesty.

So, Bhanu,
what is your Survivorjourney?

-What has it been?
-Jeff, the reason why

I'm on this show is because

I want to share my story.

I told them that
I had a very good life,

but that's a lie. [laughs]

I was born into poverty
to a teenage mother,

and was abandoned
by my maternal father

when I was three months old.

-And where were you?
-I was in India.

After a few years,
my mom got married,

moved to a different city, and I
was living with my grandparents.

And can you describe
a little bit

-what poverty is like
in India for you?
-BHANU: Yes.

So, the poverty
is just like the camp.

-That was my house in India.
-PROBST: Literally?

-Like, a thatched roof?
-A thatched roof, yes.

And that's how I grew up.
I grew up literally on streets.

But I learned to be honest
and help each other,

and that's how we all survived.

I put in a lot of effort,
and I am the first one

in my entire family
to graduate from high school,

first one
to have a graduate degree,

first one to actually

move to United States.

And I also found my partner.

So, all these things.

So, the reason why I wanted
to be on Survivoris because

there's so many Bhanus
still out there,

still living in poverty.

So all the Bhanus
out there, listen.

There is always hope,
and you can move mountains.

And if I can
come from that place,

a lot of people can also do it.

But, unfortunately,

this is how it...

it's ending, so, it's on me.

Thank you so much
for this opportunity,

and thank you, tribe.

-Thank you for
sharing that with us.


You know, Bhanu, I want you
to understand, brother,

you've done a great job

with the man
you've become today.

And the man that you were
in our tribe

showed us that,

man, we could count on you
for a lot of things.

You know, Bhanu,
one time you said to me,

I am your guru,

-which I took as a compliment.
-Yes, sir.

But also, remind yourself

you're your own guru.

What you've done
with your life is remarkable.

And I say this all the time.

The game of Survivor
is about the adventure,

putting yourself
in this environment

to see what you're capable of,

and that's what
you've been doing.

You won my heart, Bhanu,

-all of our hearts.
-Mine, too.


All right, Bhanu,
when you're ready.

Bhanu, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Thanks for being here.

Love you, Bhanu.

Love you, man.

[Bhanu sniffles]

[crying quietly]


Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

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Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH


Next time onSurvivor...

Looking for an idol
is difficult, but

we don't want it to fall
into the wrong hands.

not telling the truth.

Ugh! We're all suspects.

I'm a superfan of Survivor,

and I came here
to just be an honest person,

and that's where
the game caught me.

But I hope my story
reaches out to the audience

and all the Bhanus out there.

Have faith.

Don't ever give up
on anything in life.

I came from poverty, and here
I am sitting onSurvivor.

