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21x02 - Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All

Posted: 05/02/24 18:40
by bunniefuu
Jeff: previously on
"survivor": 20 americans trekked

Into the wilds of nicaragua, an
untamed land of active volcanos,

Dense rain forests
and fierce wildlife.

Everywhere you look, there's
monkeys hanging from things.

There's dangerous animals here.

It's like-- it's real.

Jeff: they were divided
into two tribes--

The young versus the old.

Oh, man.

I was looking forward to some of
those young people carrying me.

Jeff: the older tribe
immediately fell under the sway

Of two-time super bowl-winning
coach jimmie johnson.

As long as we're psyched up
for it and we know

What we've got to do,
we'll kick their ass.

I just got a pep talk
from jimmie johnson!

Jeff: on the younger tribe,
shannon decided

That he was the alpha male

And immediately formed a strong
man alliance with chase.

Without me or you,
I think they're screwed.

But chase was also
drawn to brenda.

She's a cute girl.

I mean, yeah,
I'm attracted to her.

I for some reason
really trust her.

Jeff: so he got into a second
alliance with her.

he's a really nice guy.

But he's clueless.

Jeff: meanwhile,
alina and kelly b.

Found a clue to a hidden
immunity idol.

We keep it between us.

Jeff: finding the clue was
a stroke of luck for kelly b.

Because her artificial leg
made her a target.

She will definitely beat up
with sympathy vote

So she's definitely got to be
one of the first ones to go.

Jeff: at the immunity
challenge, the older tribe

Held the medallion of power
which would have given them

An advantage in the competition.

If you use it, the medallion
goes to the younger tribe

And they will have
the opportunity

To use it at the next challenge.

We're going to keep it.

Jeff: you're going
to not use it.

Don't need it.

Jeff: unfortunately by not
playing the medallion,

The older tribe
made a big mistake.

Younger tribe wins immunity!

Brenda, would you have used
that medallion of power

In today's challenge?

Definitely, because you're
here to win so why take chances?

Jeff: back at camp,

Jimmie johnson decided
wendy was the weak link.

You ask yourself, does the
team get stronger without wendy?

Jeff: jimmy's choice
concerned holly

Because she was in an alliance
with wendy.

Feel like I'm really caught
in a dilemma

Because I shook her hand
and gave her my word.

Jeff: but at tribal council,
holly turned her back

On her ally and sided
with coach jimmie

And rest of the tribe
to vote out wendy.

Wendy, the tribe has spoken.

19 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

I feel like I'm kind
of right now on the outs,

And I know my tribe senses I am.

I just felt bad about making the
alliance with wendy and then,

Of course, I went in with
everybody else to vote her out.

Tonight's decision
was for my team.

No question.

I really liked wendy.

I know it's part
of the game to lie,

And that's part of the strategy.

So I think my next step needs
to be to rethink everything.

Because I would like to show
these people

That I can kick their ass
on "survivor."

I don't think I slept a wink.


That's just not gonna work.

No, you've got
to get some sleep.

The plan for today is to get

To a better place
with regards to sleep.

The shelter's still not
totally there.

People were up all night.

We've got to get
that down better.

I haven't slept at all.

We've got everybody here,

Maybe we should have
a group conversation.

Look at rearranging the
bamboo and latching it all up.

And putting the bedding.

The morning meeting went
pretty good.

It seems to be this routine
we've fallen into.

Everyone sit down and decide
what's going on for the day.

Coach gave us our assignments
for today.

You're going to
handle the bamboo.

I'll help on the roof.

Jimmy t. Was helping me
on that.

Jane has this good idea
of going fishing.

Time out, time out.

Let's stay on track.

Hey, jimmy, we hear you.

And that's a great idea.

That's-- that's a great idea.

So on the roof,
what were you saying?

Jimmy's the man now,

And everybody is buying in
hook, line, and sinker.

So now he's going to have td
doing this

And nobody is saying "jimmy t.
What do you think?"

And it's starting to wear on me.

With this here, the knots are
going to be a problem.

Yeah, that might be true.

Jimmy j. Is jumping in

And trying to give direction to
the whole tribe

And I said let's roll with that.

That's fine.

Frankly, now I'm putting
the pressure on him.

I'm not putting my face out
there anymore.

You're the man.

I think I can use
that to my advantage

In the event we have
to vote somebody else off.

I've never gone so long
without showering

Or brushing my teeth.

I have.


So how do you feel
about this tribe?

I'm really happy.

I know all the guys
are really strong.

I know you're strong.

Why everybody think
I'm strong?

Look at those muscles, girl.


But nobody has, like, no guys
came and talked to me

Or approached me or nothing.

I like sash a whole lot.

He's down to earth and he has
that million-dollar smile.

And it seems like we have
a good vibe, a good chemistry.

I'm half black.

My dad is from jamaica so I'd
love to bring as many minorities

To the end as possible,
you know what I mean?

That would be really good.

I won't shake your hand
but I'll wink at you.

When the time is right, we
can try and bring in brenda.

I think she's the smartest
person here

And I think she would be a good
asset, you know what I'm saying?

Being minorities, we have a bond
that no one else can share.

If we can work together on this,
we could dominate this game.

Now it's just up
to the asian sensation

If she's willing to align with
us or not, so we'll have to see.

I think it's important to try
and, you know,

Make friends with as many people
as possible.


Because, you know,
it's all a numbers game.

How do you feel
about kelly b.?

Kelly b. Is a big threat

Because if she can make it
all the way to the end,

It's a huge accomplishment.


I've already told myself
if there's a challenge

Where we are going to
have to, like, race,

And that leg falls off,
she's out of here.

For real.

Kelly b., She's a charity case.

She has the heart,
she has the mind,

But she doesn't have 100%
of the body

And that's going to hurt us.

Today, I saw jill eating snails,

And I didn't know if you could
eat them or not.

She was going like this...

And rolling her eyes, and then
that's when I realized

When jill acted that way, that
you really couldn't eat them.

You gotta try these.

That's all right, I'll pass.

It's a bad idea.


I'll admit it,
it's a bad idea.

You honestly think
you can eat these things?

You guys are stupid.

Are you losing it?

Are you having a meltdown?

Why is she getting all mad?

I don't know.

Holly is a very nice person
but she's off the deep end.

She needs to do well in this
game and she's not

And now she's hitting
the panic button.

There was nothing wrong
with the snails

So I don't know what
to think of holly.

Her mental state is not good,
and in "survivor"

You don't want to come across
as mentally unstable.

All of a sudden holly grabbed
the pot and, like,

Took off, and she dumped them.


Throwing away food, that's--

And they were huge.

And they were good protein.

That's crazy.

They weren't edible?

They were fine.

That's what I thought.

Holly snapped at jill

And it was really kind of
a bizarre type thing.

I'm just keeping
my fingers crossed

That she can turn it around
before it's too late.

She's crazy as (
o audio\),


She's crazy as (
o audio\).

I don't think they realized
that I was watching them,

And dan, who is making fun of
me, that gets under my skin.

So I think the best way for me
to handle the situation with dan

Is to try to find a way
to release my anger.

The new york city boy, dan,
he doesn't like sand on him.

So let's just fill his shoes up,
and then...

Put them somewhere.

Make sure they're tied.

Take them up here.

I'm not going to sit back

And let them rub things
in my face.

I've been too nice
up to this point.

But the game has just begun.


My alligator shoes
are missing.

Have you looked under?
Have you looked under?

Who would take them out of
my bag and put them under here?

Anyone know--

They're not under there.

So I woke up this morning,
and I looked in my bag,

And my alligator shoes
are missing.


They were in my bag
and they're gone.

And they're gone
from inside your bag?

Were they expensive?


What? For a pair of shoes?

Oh, my god.

That means somebody here
wants to play games.

Too early to start playing
games and hiding stuff.

Right now,
I'm struggling emotionally.

This game is turning me
into somebody I'm not.

And it's draining on me,

And I'm realizing
this might not be for me.

I did things that I feel like I
shouldn't have and it bothers me

So I think it's best
if I come clean.

Can we have a tribe meeting?

You have the floor.

I took your shoes out of
your bag, filled them with sand,

And I put them in the water.

I'm sorry.

She stole my shoes?

She stole my shoes.

She stole them.

I was born and raised
in brooklyn, new york.

If she were a guy, I would
have knocked her right out.

It's a good thing
you're not a guy.

It's good that the team
knows that because...

That's why
I want you to know.

Holly keeps getting
stranger and stranger.

And every time she speaks,
it becomes more evident

That she's crazy.

So I'm going to keep one eye
on her and one eye on my shoes.

I want to leave this game
with honesty and integrity.

And that's the way you're
playing it from here forward.


I accept that.

Wait, wait a minute.

It may be easy
for you to accept.


It may be easy
for you to accept.

I can't trust her.
I don't know how they can

But she's not going to get
any forgiveness from me.

I am so eaten alive.

My legs are out of control.

Who moved my socks?

Who took it out of my shoe.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I had socks in my shoes,
one in each shoe,

And now all of a sudden
one's missing.


I doubt anybody
stole your socks.

Naonka, she lost one
of her socks and now she thinks

Somebody took her socks
and is playing tricks

With her, which is crap.

You starting... With my socks
or my shoes or stuff like,

It's going to get real dirty.

If there is somebody
that is either after me,

Somebody that is
trying to irritate me

And they want to play dirty,
I can play dirty, too.

So I found another pair of socks
that were just sitting there,

And I took them.

She took
somebody else's socks.

Shows character.

Shows what she really is.

I can't find
my spare pair of socks.

Na's wearing them, dummy.

Is she?

That makes me mad.

Laflor is definitely
getting into some

High school drama kind of stuff

Naonka swears somebody
tried to sabotage her socks

Which is crazy,
and now she stole fabio's sock.

She's just a loose cannon.

Whatcha looking at me
like that for?

You ain't got to have
no attitude.

I looked at you--
you said why you got look...

Why are you raising
your voice at me?

I can get loud, too.

I was going to ask her
do you think you accidentally

Took my socks but before I could
say anything, she went crazy.

You just called me out
in the middle...

I sure did.

I don't know what it is,
but jud,

I don't like anything about him.

I need that mask, dude.

I don't want people
to think I'm like a b-i-t-c-h,

But the boy is stupid.


Is my dreadlock okay?

Everybody thinks
his jokes is funny.

Yeah, we're laughing,

I'm laughing because, heh, heh,
I'm about to vote you off.

I can't wait
for her to go home, man.


I'm having a hard time.

Yeah, I know.

And everybody's concerned, too.

You know, coming into this
game, I was like I can do this.

And then you get here
and it's the whole mental game,

It's totally different.


I don't know if I can do it.

You can do it for one day,
can't you?

I don't know if I can.

It concerns me
that holly is having

Second thoughts about the game.

She'd like to go home.

But, you know, I don't think

It's the right thing
to do just yet.

I can't do it.

I've never failed anything in my
life, but I have to be honest.

This is no different
than a football player

Wanting to quit the team.

We all go through
some adverse times

And, you know,
our minds get weak.

Vince lombardi says fatigue
makes cowards of us all.

That's what happens out here.

The only thing I ask you to do
is give it your best.

But we need you.

We really do need you.

I know if I quit this game,
I'll be letting my tribe down,

So I'm going to keep my head up.

I'm going to help the team out,
and the emotional meltdown

That I had today
might either carry me through

Or it's going to hurt me.

I guess we're just going
to have to wait and see.

Jeff: come on in, guys!


All: la flora!

Jeff: younger tribe
getting your first look

At the new older tribe.

Wendy voted out
at the last tribal council.

All right, you guys ready
to get to today's challenge?

Jeff: first things first--

Alina, I will take it back.

Oh, bye-bye.

Jeff: once again
immunity is back up for grabs.

Here's how it works.
On my "go,"

One person from each tribe
will race through the mud

And into a stack of hay
looking for a ball.

Once you have the ball,
you'll drop it on your mat,

And the next person goes.

Once you've collected
all four balls,

Three other tribe members
will use wooden shields

To bounce one ball
from player to player

Until it lands in your barrel.

First tribe to get
all four balls in their barrel

Wins immunity
and is safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody
will be voted out of this game.

In addition, today
you are playing for reward.

And you have a choice.

You can choose
between a tarp with rope--

I don't care
how good your shelter is,

A tarp will make
a huge difference.

If you don't want a tarp,

Your other choice
is fishing gear--

Snorkel, fins,
along with a spear.

Worth playing for?


Jeff: now
to the medallion of power,

Older tribe, you still have it.

If you use it in this challenge

Your advantage will be
you will start with one ball

Already in your barrel.

That means one less person
going through the mud,

One less stack of hay
to deal with,

And one less ball to bounce

From shield to shield
into your barrel.

It also allows you

To sit one weak person
out of this challenge.

What's the call?
Are you going to use it or not?

I think it's
pretty significant.

And it's reward and immunity.

Jeff: what's
the call going to be?

We're going to use it.
Jeff: you're going to use it.

All right,
that means the younger tribe

Will get the chance to use it
at the next challenge.

One other order of business--

Younger tribe,
you have one extra member.

You're sitting somebody out
of this challenge--

Who's it going to be?

I'm sitting out.

Jeff: naonka,
take a spot on the bench.

I'll give you guys
a minute to strategize

And we'll get started.

All right, the older tribe
is using the advantage.

One part of the advantage
is to sit somebody out.

Dan is sitting out.

The other advantage
is you start with one ball

Already in the barrel.

Older tribe has
their first ball in the barrel.

All right, let's see if the
advantage makes a difference.

For immunity and reward,
survivors ready?


Brenda through the mud quickly.

Jimmy johnson through the mud.

They're both out
at the same time.

Both brenda and jimmy
covered in mud,

Looking for a ball
in a stack of hay.

Jimmy has the ball
for the older tribe!

Brenda has the ball
for the younger tribe!

Go older, go younger.

Jane now in the mud
for the older tribe.

Purple kelly in the mud
for the younger tribe.

Older tribe
with a one-ball advantage.

Right near the bottom, kelly,
right near the bottom.

Jeff: purple kelly has it
for the younger tribe.

Go, younger tribe!

Alina now in the mud
for the younger tribe.

Jane has the ball
for the older tribe.

Go, alina!

Let's go, alina.

Jeff: holly now for the older
tribe, face-first in the mud.

Alina not messing around.

She has the third ball
for the younger tribe.

They're making up time.


Kelly b. Now on the course.

Holly looking for that
final ball for the older tribe.

Kelly bruno trekking
through that mud,

Artificial leg
not bothering her at all.

Kelly looking for that
fourth and final ball

For the younger tribe.

The younger tribe
has all four balls.

Holly cannot find the ball
for the older tribe.

Chase unraveling that ball
for the younger tribe.

You gotta bounce your ball
from one shield to another.

Holly has the ball
for the older tribe.

Go, go, go!

Jeff: the big advantage
in this challenge

Is that the older tribe
only has three balls

They need to get in the barrel.

The younger tribe
has four balls.

Benry has a shot
for the younger tribe.

And he scores.

Younger tribe on the board
with their first ball.

The older tribe
lost their advantage.

We are now even.

Marty to jimmy t.

Jimmy t. To tyrone.

If you drop your ball, it's
got to go back to the start.

It's all on benry right now.

And he scores again.

They now have two balls
in their barrel.

It takes four to win.

Nice bounce and save by tyrone.

Tyrone scores
for the older tribe!

We are tied, two-two.

Benry just short
for the younger tribe.

Jimmy t. To tyrone.

Tyrone has another shot.

This will be the third ball
for the older tribe.

Tyrone scores again
for the older tribe.

Older tribe has one ball left.

Benry with a shot
for the younger tribe.

He misses again.

The older tribe
was given a one-ball advantage,

And that is proving
to be huge right now.

Fabio to benry.

Benry gotta get one in
for the younger tribe.

Tyrone could win it
for the older tribe.

Immunity and reward.

Get in!

Jeff: tyrone scores and wins
for the older tribe,

Immunity and reward!

That's what I call
kicking ass.

Let's do it, old school!

Old school rules!

We used the medallion of
power to get an advantage,

Which we desperately needed.

Once we saw the advantage
that it gave us,

And being that it was a dual
challenge, it was a no-brainer.

We won, so it really couldn't
have gotten better for us.

Jeff: older tribe,

(Whooping, applause)

No tribal council tonight.

Nobody going home
from the older tribe.

Yes, sir.

Now, you have a decision-- your
choice between two rewards.

You have the tarp,
or you have fishing gear.

Fishing gear.

Jeff: come get it.

Everything you need
to catch fish in there.

You can grab your stuff
and head on back to camp.

Enjoy the night off.



Jeff: all right, guys.

Grab your stuff,
head back to camp.

I will see you tonight
at tribal

Where you will vote out
your first member.

We thought
being the young guys--

We could dominate the game
from start to finish.

So today was a huge shock
and a huge disappointment

For our tribe, and,

Now we have
to send someone home tonight,

And I'm really not sure
how that's going to play out.


We can do it!


To win the challenge today,
I won't lie--

The first thing I thought of
when we won is

What if I would have left?

It proves that if you don't
quit, the payoff will be huge.

Holly-- she seems to be doing
extremely well now.

Everybody's got
their fingers crossed

That she'll get back
on the page,

But my past experience
with individuals

That have had setbacks
like that,

You know, it's easier
to have the second setback.

And so I think it's going to be
a continual process with her.

Let's see what's in here?

Let's check out
what's in here, guys.


Jane, you're going fishing.

Uh-oh, what have we here?

Oh, boy.


"This is a clue
to a hidden immunity idol.

"It is up to you

Whether you share this
information with anyone else."

When we opened up
our fishing gear,

There was a clue there
for a hidden immunity idol.

It's a very difficult puzzle,

I'm a fisherman,

So I immediately figured out
the middle one.

You know what that is under
that top cross,

Piece of a mast is a yard...

Oh, minus arm,
so it's "yard."


It's 15 yards west
of the man tree.

15 Yards west
of the tree man.

You know,
there's probably, like,

A specific tree, like, around...

It's 15 yards due west of
whatever tree you think it is.

And west is remotely
about that rock.

we figured out the clue.

Said, "dig 15 feet west
of a man in a tree."

So everyone just started
frantically digging

Around random trees, which is,
like, exhausting, you know.

So I looked at and looked at it,
and I'm like,

"Tree man, tree man."

And then it was, like,
just hit me.

Tree mail.
There it is.

It's 15 feet west of tree mail.

It's tree man, tree mail.

Go get it.

Marty is a smart guy
with good ideas,

So I thought it would pay off
in the long run

To gain marty's trust
by sharing that with him.

I was really shocked
that jill gave me the key clue,

And danny was with me
when jill came up,

So he's involved now,

But I like him, and I think
he could be pivotal.

He could be dangerous later,

But I think he could be pivotal
if we find that idol.

So, what do you think?
Am I in the right area?

25 Feet.
We got to be right here.

Work with me.
I'm working.

I think the tribe
needs a jolt.

I think we need a dramatic shift

To get people whipped up
and in line.

Enough people
have seen us here.

We got to find this thing.

Everybody will be back here

We got to find it.

Got to keep digging.
We can't give up, I guess.

We I know it's here.

I know we must be close.

It's right here.


The idol.
Jill, I got it it.

I got the idol, baby.

I got the first...
We got the idol.

We got the idol.
Do not forget, we got it.

I certainly would not have found
the idol

If jill had not given the clue
about tree mail,

No doubt about it.

Jill, this is so money.

So the challenge now is,
how do we make it work?

It's not gonna be fun

I know.

I don't like this.

Blame the medallion.

Blame that one ball.

It's the best thing
we can do. Right.

Those girls are savage.

They were awesome.

...worried about,
but she dominated it.

We had a good challenge today
so that you could finally show

That you're just as athletic
as the rest of us.

Today I sat out
at the challenge

Because I wanted to see
if kelly b.

Was going to use her leg
as an excuse

Because it was
a physical challenge.

I was very proud of her, the
fact that she didn't do that.

I mean, she's just...
She's just awesome.

I don't like her,
but she's just awesome.

Who are we voting? Nay.

We're either going brenda
or nay.

Well, see that's why it will
be easy to get rid of her later.

Exactly, but I think
it should be brenda now.

I think brenda definitely has
a thing for chase,

Because they hang out a lot.

So we're kind of worried
about them

'Cause he's such a good guy and,

You know, he's going
to tell her things.

And they might try
to work that angle,

So we have to break that up.


Well, I think it's obvious
who I want to get rid of.

I want to write down naonka,


Who are you writing down?

Everybody said
they're writing down nay.


Seems like you're being
a little emotional, doesn't it?

Who do you think
would be a better choice?

I think brenda's
gonna be more of a threat.

We were just talking
about that out there.

Chase is constantly going off
on brenda all the time.

I don't know if he's getting
blinded by a woman,

But kelly b. And alina--
they're kind of nervous,

And I'm getting kind of worried
about brenda, too.

...they're struggling
right now.

They have three,
and they have four with sash.

They need you all two.

Why do you think
brenda's clinging to you?

She's trying to play your ass,

And we're too strong of a tribe
to go screw this all up

And go lose to some old asses.

But we got
to take brenda out first.

I hate to put you
in that position

By voting brenda
because that's your girl, but...


I am definitely
in a mess right now.

Ever since the beginning
of this game,

I prayed that god could give me
someone that I could trust,

And I feel that brenda was that
person right from the start.

But at the same time,
I made an alliance with shannon.

And now he wants brenda
sent home first.

So, I'm caught in the middle
of two different alliances.

And I really have no idea
what I'm going to do.

I just want to secure us
to go to the final thing.

That's all I want to do.

Chase-- he kind of feels bad
about sending brenda home

'Cause of her feelings,
blah, blah, blah, blah.

But chase is my number one guy.

And if my alliances are doing
what they say they're doing,

Then, brenda's the first one
to go.

He's talking to everybody
telling everybody off...

Yeah. Is he talking to you?

He has not said
anything to me.

Is he's talking to me?

There you go.

Me, too. He's a puppy.

The second person I want is--
what's his nam-- jude, jud?


I like your list.

I went off on fabio,

And it was just because
he rubbed me the wrong way.

I can't stand him.
He can't stand me.

So, I want fabio out of here,
but he doesn't have to go out,

Like, tonight, because he's not
a threat to anyone.

But shannon-- he's making
himself a threat right now,

Talking to everybody.

And I'm, like,
"you want to do that?

"Okay, well, just know you have
built your own stepping stone

To the grave at tribal council."

Sash-- he hasn't talked to you

About what he talked to me

Which is what?

He wants to bring all of us
minorities to the end.

Did he tell you that?


I haven't talked
to him about it.

That is his plan.
I like sash.

You want to know
what's funny?

I have people on my side
without doing anything.

I get a good vibe from nay.

Sash was saying how he wants
to be an alliance.

I feel like I can get
kelly purple.

And I'm really tight with chase.
That makes five.

Chase talks to me,
and I feel like he's real.

Yeah: I do feel like
he's nervous, though.

I thought he was
he was stronger than that.

He's not, and it's a shame
because we could rule this.

Like, do I have your word?


We're taking shannon out.

That one right there.

They have shannon, alina,
fabio, ben, and kb.

And they said
they want you gone first.

I'm so confused right now.

Ever since the beginning
of this game,

I've been trying to figure out
who I can trust

And who
I can play the game with.

I liked shannon right away, and
he wanted to be aligned with me,

But now there's just a feeling

That I have
that's not right about him.

I did not want
to play the game this way.

I thought I would be able
to come in, not talk much...

Well, it's obvious
that shannon is the one

Calling all the sh*ts,

So why wouldn't you just want
to take him out first?

Why do you need him?

Tell me a good reason
why you need him.

I don't need him at all.

So, then why
would you keep him?

He's the one
calling the sh*ts.

Very true, that's right.

He's the one talking
and motivating people

And whispering things
in their ear.

So, I don't understand why you
wouldn't take him out first.

Well, we could.
Numbers, you, me, um...

Kelly purple.

Sash? Nay?
And nay.

I really didn't expect

Someone to come up
to me and say,

"Shannon wants you out first."

And I don't understand
really why.

But chase-- I think
he wants to keep me here

Because he just trusts me.

But it's looking like
it will be a tie--

Five for me,
and five for shannon--

So who knows
what's going to happen?

When I heard
their conversation,

I was like, "we're screwed."

Brenda convinced chase
to go for shannon,

So brenda has him
by the cojones,

And I don't know
what we're going to do.

Guys, chase is with them.

Are you sure about that?

Brenda stirred it up.

Brenda stirred it up.

Brenda is so much more
of a threat.

She has her little charm on him,
I'm telling you.

This sucks, man.

Nothing is as it seems.


We're still not sure
about chase, man,

As weird as that sounds.

And we're wondering
if chase is going to lie

To brenda and vote her out,

Or tell the four of us
one thing, and then flip.

Chase is with them.

If you go first,
we're done, all of us.

Look how much drama
she stirred up in a day.

I know!

You know, it went from us
being six strong

To, like, now,
I don't know what's what.

I don't know
who's in my alliance.

I don't know who to trust.

If chase is a man of his word,

Then brenda will go home

If not, I have a big target
on my back.

Somebody will be eating
peanut butter

And jelly sandwiches tonight.

Somebody will be.

Jeff: behind each of you
is a torch.

Go ahead and grab a torch
and approach a flame.

Dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual
of tribal council

Because fire represents
your life.

As long as you have fire,
you're still in the game.

When your fire is gone,
so are you.

Welcome to tribal council.

So, shannon, how much
more difficult

Has this adventure been
than you anticipated?

Oh, it's been brutal.

I mean, I've never been camping
a day in my life

So this is the worst thing
I've ever done in my life.

It's all right.
It's gotten better.

I'm here. I'll wing it out.

But it's been interesting.
We've had people, you know,

Say we're all together,
and then I'm coming to find out

There's no loyalty.
So we'll see.

He better hope his girlfriend
stays with him on this tribe

Tonight because if not,
he'll be going home next.

Jeff: wow!

He's talking about me.

Jeff: who's your girlfriend?

I guess-- I guess--

Everybody knows it's brenda.

She's not my girlfriend.

From day one I trusted brenda
and I trusted ben.

Those were the two people
I trusted the most.

Jeff: shannon?

Can I say why it's like this?

I thought chase had my back
and I thought we were there

And we're not not
and it pisses me off.

All you had to do was be honest
and say you're with her.

I'm coming out
with the truth.

I've been between two alliances
and before we came out here

I was very, very unsure
who I wanted to vote for,

Whether I wanted to vote
for shannon or vote off brenda.

That's as honest as you can get.

You start off with all
your integrity and loyalty.

Where's it been?

You've been lying
and going both ways.

Jeff: I've got to say,
21 seasons of "survivor,"

Never had an opening question
open that much whoop-ass

On a tribe ever.

I just want everybody
to know how upset I am.

Because I gave my word.

Jeff: what's going on
over there, jud?

I'm just trying to tell
shannon to not make enemies.

He just gets aggressive so quick
and I'm trying to tell him,

That's not smart, man.

Fabio, home boy is trying
to vote me out.

I'm not making an enemy.

He knows if that doesn't go down
tonight he goes next.

Jeff: brenda, conveniently
you are centered in the middle

Of this whole thing with shannon
losing his mind behind you.

I think it just shows
a certain weakness

Has been exposed.

It's hard to trust him.

Nobody here trusts you, bud.

Fabio, you don't trust me?

I do, man.

You don't trust me?
I told you to vote one way?

How about alina, kb,
have I lied to you all?

I trust you.

I'm not lying to anybody.

Jeff: but, shannon, do you
understand why it might not be

The wisest move to throw it
all out here before a vote?

I'm the type of person
when I am upset

And somebody has betrayed me
like that

I'll speak my mind
and that's what I'm doing.

You're pretty much digging
your own grave.

I'm gonna get this out
of the way-- are you gay?

I'm sure I've had a lot more
beautiful girlfriends

Than you have, buddy.

You probably haven't,
my brother, but good luck.

Trust me, you haven't.

I'm 100%.

Trust me.

I'd like to see you work
your magic in new york.

New york is full
of a bunch of gay people.

Jeff: new york
is full of gay people.

They got a lot of them, jeff,
more than in louisiana.

Be quiet, dude!

We're on the same team
for the next two, three weeks.

Jeff: fabio, get your head
out of the trees.

This is a tribe
completely divided

And if experience
means anything,

It's gonna be tough sailing
for you guys.

Alina, is it foolish to believe
you can trust somebody

Six days in
of a million-dollar game.

It's very foolish.

I thought I trusted chase, too.

And it's funny everybody is
saying shannon is the one

Nobody can trust but shannon
hasn't said a lie to me

But chase has.

Surprised trust is this big
of an issue this fast?


It happened so fast how there
was all of a sudden

Two alliances and you were
either on this side

Or this side.

I don't really know who
to trust anymore, either.

Jeff: brenda,
why are you a target?

I'm guessing it's because
shannon wants to take out

A strong girl, but I find it
hard to believe

He would choose someone like me
because I'm really not,

You know, sitting here
plotting all day long.

The thing is, jeff,
a bunch of people on the tribe

Thought she was a threat,
not just me.

And even today, it was nay.

As soon as we got back,
and then it changed

Because we felt brenda
would be the bigger threat

To the other girls
in our alliance.

Jeff: naonka,
is that news to you?

I thought maybe if they were
gonna vote me out

It's because I didn't do
the challenge today

And I was hoping we were going
to win so we wouldn't have

To be here
because we were strong.

We were a unit.

Jeff: you were not tight,

And if you're still
thinking you are,

You need to get out of the tree
fabio is up in.

Oh, I don't want
to be in that tree.

Jeff: so you don't like


Jeff: what happened to this?

Every time I say something
to him

He has something smart to say
like I'm dumb.

And I'm not afraid
to say how I feel about fabio.

Fabio, I don't like you.

Jeff: okay.

Fabio, she don't like you.

That attitude has been
present the whole time.

And I have tried
to keep it cool,

But it's obviously hard
to do that.

He don't try hard enough.

Jeff: naonka, are you
a little complicated?



Am i?

Can we vote?

Can we?

Jeff: hold on.

Kelly b., First big vote.

I'm guessing it's going
to be a good thing

To get rid of somebody.

What's the criteria?

Um, I'm kind of wondering
what's going

To unify our tribe the most.

I think right now what we need
is unity as a tribe

So we can go back and win
the other challenges,

And I think that's how people
will vote tonight.

Jeff: all right, you want
to vote, we'll vote.

Kelly b., You're up.

I guess this is still
our game plan?

I don't really know.

It was either me or him so
this was an easy vote for me.

You should have known better
than to have messed

With the biggest bachelor
in new york.

As they say in nicaragua,
hasta la vista.

Jeff: I'll go tally
the votes.

Once the votes are read
the decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area

I'll read the votes.

First vote, shannon.



Two votes shannon,
one vote brenda.


Tied again, two votes shannon,
two votes brenda.


Three vote shannon,
two votes brenda.


We're tied, three votes shannon,
three votes brenda.


That's four votes shannon,
three votes brenda.


That's five votes shannon,
three votes brenda.

Second person voted out of
"survivor: nicaragua," shannon.

That's six. That's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Shannon, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Well, it's very clear
from tonight's tribal council

That the biggest threat to
this tribe is the tribe itself.

Grab your torches,
head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Jeff: next time on "survivor"

La flor faces
a game-changing decision.

Now to the medallion of power.

Younger tribe,
you gonna use it or not?

Coach jimmy tries
to recruit new players.

What did they say?

They say get your ass
out of here.

Jeff: and naonka strikes.

What are you doing?

What is that about?

I'll push you so hard
that damn leg will fly off.

My biggest mistake would
probably have to be--

I should have gunned for chase.

La flor just got a lot weaker.

I mean, it just lost its leg
and both its feet.

These are a bunch of kids.

I should have been
with the older tribe, anyway.

I been married for 11 years.

You can stack 11 years on me
so I'm 41 years old.

I hope the old people whip up
on 'em.

I hope they get
what they deserve.