31x06 - Who Wants a Rolex?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x06 - Who Wants a Rolex?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The amazing
Race," eight teams raced to

Dubai in the united arab

The reilly sisters off to a
Shaky start.

Do you not know how to get

The detour caused
Prehistoric mayhem and virtual.


Sorry, did not pass.

This is taking us too long.

At the road block, bret
Couldn't find the beat.

Team fun soared to a win.

My god!

While rachel and elissa Crashed.

I love "The amazing race."

It touches your heart.

But managed to hang on.

This is a non-elimination leg.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated, next.

Bye, dubai.

Fly to the pearl of africa,

Becca and floyd will be
The first to leave dubai, known.

As the city of gold, and travel

Of africa.

After touching down, teams must
Hail a taxi and make their way.

Into the capital city of...
Where more than four million.

People commute every day.

They'll find their clue at the
Uganda mosque.

All the teams came in within
Minutes behind us so we can't.

Make any wrong decisions.

How are you?

Having former "Amazing race"
Teams and "Survivor" and "Big.

"Brother" teams, these people
Have competition experience.

Under heavy stress like we have.

Let's go, baby.

The last two legs, we have
Been doing very well.

We're definitely on people's
Radar now where we probably.

Weren't before.

The challenge today is to.

Appreciate a culture that
Doesn't quite appreciate us back.

As openly gay men.

It was definitely emotional
To open the clue and see we were.

Going to uganda because we both
Know that so many people who.

Identify as lgbtq-plus can't
Live their lives as openly as we.

Do back home.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Long time, no see.

I kind of broke down a little
Bit at the airport realizing the.

Privileges that we're allotted,
Being able to live as openly as.

We do and to recognize that not
Everybody is allotted those same.


It's crazy.

Love you, brother.

Let's kick ass in uganda.

That's our plan.


We're feeling really good.

We're feeling pretty Fantastic.

We beat two previous "Amazing
Race" teams.

We both have three kids, all
Under the age of 6.

Having sacrificed this time from
Our families, gives us extra.

Motivation because we want to
Make it worthwhile.

There's the reilly sisters.

Hey, guys!

My god!

So good to see you.

It was a really great thing
Working with the reilly sisters.

We love hanging out with them,
Laughing with them, sharing.


We're just moms hanging out
Doing "The amazing race."

the mom squad is here to Stay.

Mom squad.

We caught back up with the
Other teams.

It's amazing.

We're all on the same flight.

We're going to make up our speed
Bump, make up our time.

Going to uganda, the mosque.

Eighth place, sixth place,
Seventh place.

In vegas, eight, six and seven
Equals 21 so this leg we're.

Coming in number one.

It's about time we get a
First place.

Uganda be kidding me.

There are teams like nic and
Vic that are solid.

Chris and bret are really longer

We're in leg six.

If you're still in the game, are
An "Amazing race" team.

I'm behind you, bret.



Fast taxi.

I'm coming, nic.


I'm right here.

We're going to kampala
National mosque.

Thank you so much.

We're feeling good.

We got the fastest driver in the
Whole bunch.

Here they come.

Nice, thank you, buddy.

Hoping to see some lions, some
Tigers, some elephants and some.


We just let them walk around?

We're going to have so much
Fun in uganda.

We were going into this leg
Feeling overwhelmed and for.

q*eer people like us to come
Here and feel triumphant would.

Be great so our goal today is to
Get a first place win and it's.

Going to be a good day.

Is that the mosque up there?

This is it.

Time to change.

Let's go.

Where do we change?

We dressed in the respectful
Wardrobe we were supposed to.


Which way do we go?

I don't know.


Do we get dressed in here?

I'm coming.

Look for a box.

Right here.

Ready to see.

Come on, bret.

Count the number of steps in
The minnerette.

After climbing 272 steps,

Which they have to count, they
Will see kampala from the.

Highest vantage point in time.

Count the number of steps.

In your head, please.

We're the only ones here.

I don't care.

Count the number of steps.

We had done research about
This mosque and we read that.

There were 304 stairs so we
Didn't even count.

Keep going, just keep going.

We're here.


I'm coming.


That's a great view.

Look at that.

The right answer, you count
The stairs.

We got to go count the Stairs.

We have to find a clue.


Come on, bret, we got to get
Up there, we're first.

If you had slowed down
Instead of screaming us up those.


He was gasping so badly, I
Couldn't understand what he was.


Right here.

Count the number of steps in
The minnerette.

It's totally ho chi minh city

What is this?

We're in front of traffic.

Here we go.

Do we got it?

You're kidding.

The number we looked up
Online was not the right number.

We had to count a certain
Amount of stairs that were.


Not the full amount of the
Entire mosque.

We can do this.

My god.


Thank you.

God bless.

We're going to go down first.

Count the number of steps in
The minaret.

Hi, thank you.


Here we come.

Count the steps between Marks.

Come on, rach.

Come on, read the clue.

Travel by taxi to a market
And the main gate, search the.

Restaurant area for your next

Owino market.

This is crazy.

I don't see any flow of traffic
The direction we're going at.


Add into the mix mopeds,

I'm scared.

We're back.

Thank you, thank you.

Good job.

Is that right?

"Amazing race!"
travel by taxi to owino.


Let's do it.

Let's go.

Come on, leo.

Got to change, colin.

Two teams behind us.

Be positive.

If you are correct, he will hand
You a clue.

How many steps?

We're here.

Rach... I'm hurrying.

Start over.

Elissa was running so fast.

How am I supposed to jet up this
Thing and count in my head at.

The same time.

You said you were counting.

I can't be perfect, elissa.

Travel by taxi to owino
Market, the main gate.

We need to go slow counting Up.

No duh.

Get your game face back on,

Thank you, buddy.

Thank you, buddy.

Thank you, thank you so much

Let's go.

Go fast, go.

We got it.


You need to count... go back
And count.


Take your time.

My god.

Why is every team so much better
Than us?

Stop, stop, stop.

This is us, we're second to
The last.

Janelle and britney are the only
Team behind us right now.

This is the craziest thing
I've ever seen.

My god.

This bus is like, it's going to
Hit us.

This is horrible.

Traveling literally down the.

Middle of oncoming traffic.

He just got out of his car.

Clue box.

Count the number of steps in
The minaret.

Here we go.

No, it's 270, I think.

In between the marks.


Are you sure?

Honestly, 272?



We got it!

Thank god.

Thank you.

Praise god.

Got it.


Good work, good work.

Tourism office.

Right here.

Are we the last?

Please hurry, ma'am.


Owino market, let's go.

Count of number of steps in
The minaret.

We got to go through the main
Gate at owino market.

Owino market.

This is the gate?

This market's crazy!

There were thousands of
People in that market.

That's so crazy.

Just keep going straight.

Owino restaurant, that way?

This is bonkers.

I feel a lot of teams could get
Lost in here.

Soweto restaurant.

Tyler, soweto restaurant?

They say it's here somewhere.

This way, that way, this way.


I see it right there.

A speed bump.

Road block.

Owino market covers an area
About the size of 20 football.

Fields and is visited by more
Than 300,000 customers every.


The most popular street food
Here is the rolex sandwich, a.

Chabaty filled with a mixture of
Vegetables and eggs.

After shopping for the
Ingredients, teams must make one.

Rolex to get their next clue.

You want me to do it?

The only thing I know about
Roles are the watches.

Who wants a rolex?

Ask the vendor, list of

Thank you.

Six tomatoes, four small red
Onions, one bag of cabbage.

Four small red onions?

How much?

Where can I find tomatoes?

Is this tomatoes?

I need four carrots.

Who wants a rolex, I do?

How you doing, buddy,

Thank you.

Please hurry.

Do you not think I'm trying
My hardest?

We can still catch up.






It looks like a food dish.

I thought it was a watch.

Onion, chop up an egg.



Rolled eggs, rolex.

That went over my head.

Which station can I cook?

Can I cook here?

Right here, I see it.

Who wants a rolex?

I got it.

There's the clue box.

Who wants a rolex?

Your boy wants a rolex.

I'm basically trying to shred
All these vegetables except the.


Ok, hot.

Trying to get it round.

Seemed like it was pretty Big.

It doesn't grow when you cook


So far, so good.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Which station?

This one?

Don't you burn it, victor.

I'm trying not to, bud.


Everything's shredded except
For the tomato.

It's looking good.

Rach, we have to go across
The street.

My gosh.

Come on, rach.

We got to keep our eyes open.


My god.

We need to find the soweto
Restaurant area.

Look at that, that's just

Probably the hardest part to
Cook is the bread.

Definitely not.

Let's make an omelette.

Did you put the eggs on?

I did.

The flip is the hard part.

That's pretty.

I'm about to try this.

I think I'm still in first.

I'm trying not to look at
Anybody else.

It's ok.

Leo is definitely the cook in
The household.

I'm sorry.

Watch what you're doing!

Hey, whoa, whoa.

Nice, nice, nice, nice!

Good, good, good, good.

Yeah, nicole, nicole, we got it!

Go by taxi to gaba landing site.

Teams must make their way
To the gaba landing site and.

Find the village elders to
Receive their next clue.

Thank you very much!

Here we go.

Thought I k*lled that.


Thank you very much!

Right here, right here.

Who wants a rolex?

Do you it.

Don't you think so?

Sure, I'll do it.

Vendor, vendor.


Where can I get a watch?

I need a rolex watch?

A rolex?


Excuse me, please.

Excuse me.

My god, this sucks.

My god, there's team fun.

Rach, go.

Speed bump!

Having arrived last in the
Previous leg, rachel and elissa.

Must complete a speed bump,
Doing laundry in kampala's.

Busiest and most chaotic market.

Hand washing these dirty clothes
Will take a while but then.

Trying to find a place to hang
Them out in this crowded spot,

Good luck to them.

A local laundry lady will
Lead you to the washing station.

Thank you.

We have to do a speed bump and
Wash clothes.

We're used to that.

We've got lots of kids.

Where's our laundry?

Soap, scrub, wash again, Rinse.

Wring, and hang it up.


This is a lot of laundry.

It's ok, rach.

We got this.

That's a lot of work.

Thank god for washing Machines.

Washing laundry in uganda is
No joke.

Are you a vendor?

Looking good, girl.


My god.

Rolex, where can I find a Rolex?



Who wants rolex?

No good?

I got a big audience here.

There is goes.

Yes, yes, yes.

Yes, yes, yes!


Give me a clue!

Thank you, sir, thank you, sir.


You got it?

Trying to start from scratch.

Looking much better than my
First try.

My gosh.

My forearms hurt so bad.

This is the last piece.

Thank god, rach, we k*lled It.


Thank you so much!

Such a workout.

That's why they've all look

They've lost their pregnancy
Weight by doing laundry.

Do you want a rolex?


Much better, yeah.

Much better than the previous

This is perfect.

Rolling a ball, like making a
Pizza in africa.

I'll eat it.

I love uganda!




Jamal just finished.

I'm not going to be far behind

There we go.


I dropped it on the ground.

Five-second rule.



This is not good.

This way, then.

I can't believe she's still
Is so lost.

I can't fault her, I just
Wish I could help her.

A watch?

Down here?

Excuse me.

My god.

I'm lost.

I'm still looking for the

I have been running for like an

Watch, a watch.

You want a watch?

I want a rolex.

No, I need... no.

My god.

Thank you.

Make your way on foot to
Village boat builders.

Let's go this way, nic.

Excuse me, sorry, I'm in a Race.

All right.

See if this one passes the test.

So I'm watching them make a



Thank you, that was very fun.

Let's go.

We got to do this quick.

So it's us against janelle and
Britney, the moms.

This way, there's an arrow.

We can't find the clue box.

This way.


We haven't found it yet.

It's got to be right here

Village boat builders, right

Clue box has got to be up here,

Yes, hi, clue, please.

Or move the pole.

Africa's largest lake is
Home to africa's largest fresh.

Water pitch, the now perch,
Which fishermen catch and.

Preserve in salt.

Like this for cooking.

Suppliers use these huge wooden
Canoes to transport them to the.


Teams will help them by loading
It on a bicycle and delivering.

It here where they must expertly
Stack it like the local dealers.

To get their next clue.

I think the wood.

I think the wood, too, ty.

Let's get out of here before
Teams find it up there.

Tyler, I think it's down Here.

Come on, kor.

Ok, bicycles.

We want a good stacking

Ty, this is how you load your

How many are there?

You know how many you have?

Yeah, don't talk to me.

A couple of extra doesn't Hurt.

I'm not seeing other teams
Right now.

It's not this way.

It's not this way.

I don't know where britney is.

Everyone's saying it's good.

Come on, be good, be good, be

Ok, thank god.

Rach, love you, britney.

Come on.

Let's go.

Slow and steady, it's fine.

Holy bump.

Who's my muddy buddy.

It's me.

It's leaning.

It had been raining all day.

It was basically really nasty
Pothole, mud.

Fecal matter mixed in there.

Sloppy challenge.


There's a finished example.

These markings, look.

Put it on top of this.

You got to push it.

So two big pieces.

We need two.

Look what they're doing.

We're doing exactly that.

It's our janga.

Move the pole.

We got to get it up there.

The clue's up there?


Damn it!

Move the pole.

Move the pole.

Ok, boss lady!

Who's the boss lady!

Boss lady!

Ok, there you go.

Keep going all the way.

Let's go, bike.

Here we, go bicycles I know.

Get straight ones.

That's what I'm doing.

What's up, guys?

Where's the brakes.

Hey, over here so it's Quicker.

Careful, chris, don't lean Over.

Seriously, don't lean over.

Slow and steady, let's go.

Watch out for bumps.

Hello, chicken.

Hello, chicken.

Hi, hello.

It was wonderful to see the
People of uganda treat us so.


Hey, hey.

We gave out a lot of positive
Energy and we received a lot of.

It back.


I got it.

Christie, are you ready?

Got to lift... no, lift here.

Take your time.


Season five colin would have
Been deep in it.

Too much wood.

I would have been very
Frustrated, just been a lot more.

Loving and forgiving of myself
So that allows you to be a lot.

More loving and forgiving to
Other people in other.


We'll figure it out together.

You want to try to keep it

It's like a giant game of janga.

We got bumpy coming up.

Let's go back for another.

Looking good, buddy, looking

Let's go, buddy!


Let's get out of here.


I can't find it.

I cannot find the rolexes.

I'm just going to look close.

A rolex, a rolex.

Says rolex right there.

Maybe this is... no... I'm
Looking for a rolex.

You've got to be kidding me.


Can you help me with a roll eggs


This was it?

It was that easy?

Are you serious?

You got it, go, janelle!

I'm so stupid.

Hand pass, one, two.

We are stacking baby lincoln

Right behind you.

Seven, eight, that's it.

Boss lady.

Boss lady.

She's going to measure it
With a stick.

Come on, boss lady.



Thank you so much.

It's time to go head-to-head.

Drums are among the
World's oldest instruments and.

The percussive sounds of
Uganda's drums have been an.

Intrinsic part of the culture
Here for thousands of years.

They will play a key role in
This season's first.

Head-to-head, when teams try to
Beat their competition by.

Figuring out this puzzle.

Moving one drum at a time, teams
Must arrange them in four.

Color-specific stacks.

Winners will check in with me
Here at the pit stop, jahazi.

Pier on the shore of lake

Losers must drum up the strength
To take on the next team with a.

Final head-to-head ending in

We're heading to jahazi pier.

Two teams behind you.

Two strong teams.

Having seen the head-to-heads
Last season, that was the thing.

We were most afraid of because
It's something we never.

Experienced the first time.

Anything can happen in the

Someone can go from first to
Being eliminated.

I would love to get a first

We're doomed.

I just saw a rainbow.

Boss lady!

Ok, thank you.

Thank you, thank you.


Boss lady.

Can you check ours, please?


Thank you so much.

I see the boat up there.

I see the boat up there.

We're almost done, buddy, maybe
One more trip.

Keep holding it, keep holding
It, keep holding it.

Good job, floyd, you're doing

Here's our wheelbarrows, Rach.

We're mommies, who's a mom?

Will you lead us to the work

Do you know where it is?

Ok, thank you.

Let's do this.

How do we process our fish?

We just have to put them up

Put them up to you, here.

Me do it?

Clean it.

Fill out the guts.

I am pulling all the skin to
Make the delicacy.

When I was little, my daddy
Taught us how to gut a fish and.

Clean a fish so we have been
Doing this our whole life.

We've got this so good, girl.

Stack, stack, and then
Inside-out and roll it like.




Thank you.

I like our confidence.

In this head-to-head, I would
Like to get it right away.

I'd like to do it, get it the
First try.

First place in uganda would
Not be the worst thing in the.


Thank you, my friend.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Those look like the drums.

Drum number one.

You only may move one drum at
A time, you only may stack drums.

On the poles.

When your think your drum stacks
Are correct, grab the ox tail on.

The drum in front of the band

The band leader will indicate
Whether your drums are correct.

By stopping the drums.

Cook, cook, cook, we're
Getting close.

Has to be perfect.


Thank you.

Go, janelle!

You got it!


Let's go.

That was horrible.

We have to catch up.

Right over there.

Number two.

The object of the game is to
Make four stacks of drums.

We're playing a head-to-head
So whoever wins will check in on.

The mat and whoever loses takes
On the next opponent.

We have a shot at first.

Thank you so much.

Number three.

Let's do this.

All right.

Number four.

Three and four.

Playing for two.

We're having a head-to-head.

Our first head-to-head is
Going to be between tyler and.

Korey and colin and christie.

We had run such a flawless
Leg today but to know there was.

One last task was a little

Just because we're in first
Doesn't mean we'll stay in.


Everybody ready?

You got this.

You got this.

Got this!

First head-to-head is
Going to be between tyler and


Go, ty!

They have to make four
Distinct stacks of these drums,

Color-specific stacks.

They can only have four drums on
A stack.

They're almost move for move
Right now.

Colin has a method, he's moving
Quickly, but so is tyler.

Another yellow, another Yellow.

Take the blue back.


Tyler has two complete Stacks.

He's now working on green and

Right there, babe!

He's really on a roll Here.

He's only two moves away from
Taking his first head-to-head.

Yes, ty!

Tyler has won the first

Great job, guys.

Good job, guys.

Thank you.

Welcome to uganda,.

Tyler and korey, I am pleased
To tell you that you are team.

Number one and I have great news
For you.

As winners of this leg of the
Race, you have won a trip for.

Two from travelocity and you're
Going to singapore.

You're going to stay five nights
At the hotel shangrila at

Singapore where you'll enjoy
Deep tissue massages for two and.

Explore all the city has to
Offer with a choice of.



The emotion of coming to
Uganda, can you talk about that?

People like us don't
Necessarily have the same rights.

As a lot of other people here in

Every person we erin countered
In uganda was nice, helpful,


Just because the government has
A certain policy doesn't mean.

All the locals agree with it.

Third team to arrive,
Nicole and victor, who will take.

On colin and christie in our
Second head-to-head.

I had a shot at first.

I blew it.

Couldn't figure it out.

It was nerve-racking going into
It against colin because he had.

Played once before.

Drums have been set in a
New heard.

Again, the goal, to get four
Stacks of four distinct colors,

Three drums in each stack.

Victor is moving quickly and
Almost simultaneously colin and

Victor have the red stack

Incredibly close.

But victor has completed his
Second stack.

He's got the green now and the

Ok, colin!

Victor is moving like a
Demon right now, very close to.

Getting the yellow.

Colin has the yellow now.

Stack the green, now!

Victor has three.

Now victor is two moves away
From getting the blue and.

Winning the second head-to-head.

Go, go!

Colin's so close to finishing
And colin overtakes him.

Wow, that was close.

Dang it, we would have got

Colin and christie, what a
Close head-to-head.

But I'm pleased to tell you that
You're team number two.


You've been amazing.

Stack drums on the poles.

How do we play this game?

Thank you!

We're in second.

We're now into our third
Head-to-head with victor and


Victor was so close to beating
Colin the first time around and.

He's completed his second stack.

He canalcy... can easily see
Where to go with the red.

Three stacks for victor and
There it is.

Victor wins the third

Good job, victor!

You had the reds, too.

Could have brought the reds
Right over.

You want to give it a shot?

I'll give it a shot.

Thank you, thank you!

Nicole and victor, I am
Pleased to tell you that on the.

Shores of lake victoria, you are
Team number three!

Good job, baby!

It's got to be this right up



We'll do salty role.

Here's a wheelbarrow.

The skin goes over here, the
Fish goes over here.

We can get through this.

It's just a barrel.

Bret and floyd facing off
In our fourth head-to-head.

Floyd is working on yellow
And he's got it.

They're even in terms of color

Red is now in the lead.

Floyd has two stacks.

Bret has his third stack.

He's one move away from winning
This head-to-head.

Floyd, go!

Grab the towel!

And he wins the Head-to-head.

You have to get that thing on
The pole.

Wow, I'm impressed.

I'm super proud of him.

He stepped up for us today.

I couldn't do it.

I gave it my best.

He nailed it, it was awesome.

We're now in our fifth

Floyd versus leo.

Floyd has two colors lined up.

Green, green.

There you go, leo.

Blue to the left, blue to the

Get it, get it, get it, get It.

Leo is going as fast as he
Possibly can but at this point

Floyd is now one move away from
Completing the stacks.

He wants this bad and...
I'm going to do it.

Are you sure?



You are officially team number


This is my last fish.

I'm coming to help you, brit.

Stack them next to each Other.

Like this?


Time to go head-to-head.

So there is a shot.

There is a fricking glimmer.

Of home.

We can stay in "Amazing race" if
We win this head-to-head.

Our sixth head-to-head
Pits jamal against rachel.

Good job, rach.

Good job, rach.

Good job.

Jamal one move away.

Now he has two.

Rachel, hurry.

He's almost done.

Three stacks for jamal.

Two stacks for rachel.

You've almost got it, rach,
Come on!

Jamal has the blue
Together and it is a win for the.


That sucks.

We're getting janelle and
Britney now.

We're fighting for elimination.

You got this, rach.

Just do it again.

You got it.

Leo and jamal.

Pleased to tell you that you're
Team number six.

Janelle and britney are arriving
For the final head-to-head.

This will be a "Big brother"
Battle as they take on rachel.

And elissa.

Love you guys.

Love you, too.

"Big brother" best friends
Are going head-to-head.

This is all or nothing.

No, no, move the green.

Move the yellow on here.


You got the yellow, rach.

Then go do the yellow.

Yes, yes, yes!

She's got this.

She knows she's got this.

She's got to be feeling

Two stacks for rachel.

Britney has yet to make a stack.

Get the yellow, get the
Yellow, get the yellow.

Move the red to the yellow.

Move the red to the yellow.

Britney now has two Colors.

Finish the green, finish the
Green, finish the green.

Rachel, one move away from
Getting three colors.

And rachel now only two moves
Away from completing this.


You got it, rach, you got it.




I'm sorry.

You guys did so good and we
Love you so much.

Thanks for showing us the
Ropes, rachel.

We're going to miss you.

We're going to miss you.

Let's go to the pit stop

Rachel and elissa, I have
To say, you've made it difficult.

For yourself the last few legs
But you are team number 7 and.

Still in the race.

Unfortunately, janelle and
Britney, you are the last team.

To arrive and I'm sorry to tell
You you have been eliminated.

From the race.

I'm going to try to compose

Getting eliminated is not really
The end of the world.

My oldest daughter is a
Childhood cancer survivor.

This is really devastating.

We came here to win but it's not
The worst day of my life by a.

Long shot and my daughter, I
Draw so much inspiration and.

Strength from her.

Despite running the worst leg
We've ever ran, I actually had a.

Really great day.

I wanted to prove to my
Daughters that women can work.


We can make each other Stronger.

I've gotten to know britney

She's my "Big brother" besty,
Always will be.

I love her like a sister.

Phil Stay tuned for scenes from.

Our next episode.

Next time on "The amazing Race."

In the breathtaking swiss alps,
Teams go on an epic adventure.

While the reillys and nicole and
Victor have an epic showdown.
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