31x05 - I'm a Bird, I'm a Plane, I'm on The Amazing Race!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x05 - I'm a Bird, I'm a Plane, I'm on The Amazing Race!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The amazing
Race," nine teams continued.

Racing in ho chi minh, vietnam.

The reilly sisters squared off
Against corinne and eliza.

Eliza tried to take our cab.

Colin cruised through the
Road block.

While janelle wiped out.

At the detour, nick and vick
Paddled ahead.

But it was colin and christie
Who finished on top.

You are team number one.

We've come a long way.

A dramatic showdown
Between rivals.

Girls, they're not done, Either.

Ended in defeat for
Corrine and eliza.

You have been eliminated from
The race.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

It's either move or get hit.

Let's see where we're going.

Fly to the largest city in the
United arab emirates, dubai.

Colin and christie will be
The first to fly 3500 miles.

Northwest to dubai, the biggest
City in the united arab

Emirates, where v.I.P.'s drives
Super cars to the desert to.


Teams will find their next clue
At a super car tailgate party.

I'm so excited.

I love dubai.

It was nice to be like, ok, we
Can definitely win a leg of the.

"Amazing race."

one of the things working
With us is trying to maintain.

Alignment in the midst of chaos.

As we work on the one thing we
Can control, which is us, we'll.

Be able to overcome the other
Things out of our control.

High five.

We went from a small village
Of 800 people to becoming a.

World traveler and dubai.

Who would have thought?

We have a trio of second
Place finishes and the ever.

Elusive first place is right
There within our grasp.

People think they haven't
Done it before, maybe they're.

Getting lucky.

We're very underestimated but I
Love that.

That's my strategy with
Everything I do and I think.

That's how I won "Big brother".


Never been there.

I think last leg shows what
We are as a team.

We were on the verge of
Elimination and come all the way.

Back to third and that's our
"Survivor" spirit.

We're playing with some
People who have played before.

Now we kind of get it.

This race is harder than last

More competitive.

It's crazy.

But we're trucking.

Floyd and I, but mostly
Floyd, survived vietnam.

We came into laos as
Strangers but now we're friends.

And that's given us the
Opportunity to be more open with.

Our lines of communication.

That will help us win "The
Amazing race."

going to dubai.

The last time we ran this
Race, we went to dubai and we.

Raced camels.

My god.

Let's see some camels.

We did better with kisses in
The desert.

Your eyes are wide open.

You want to see a bedouin kiss?

That's what we know about dubai.


My god!


We're getting as close as
Possible to the motherland.

I told you that.

We started the race kicking
Butt and then we sort of slipped.

Behind in vietnam but we're
Looking to regroup and get first.

Place, hopefully, out here in

Could you bless us and say
You will be number one?

Say number one.

Say it.

Say it.

Number one.

Number one.


We need to go really fast, Sir.

Fast, fast, fast.

We struggled in the last leg but
Feeling great.

We always try to re-evaluate the
Previous leg but it's hard to.

Implement the changes because
You're so frazzled.

We're trying our best to press

Next time we're going to get

We're going to dubai!

I'm so excited!

We're leaving in still
Amazing race play.

Still in the race.

I've wanted to go to dubai my
Whole life.

It's all luxury like my sister.

Elissa could not be a better

She's really strong physically
And listens to me when it comes.

To the mental thing.

This is my show.

It's my show, too.


Everybody is on the same
Flight with us heading to dubai.




My god.

We have directions to it.

All the cabs are in a line
Right now.

Everybody is taking selfies.

That's a beautiful sight to
Take in.


Beautiful, beautiful.

Some tall buildings there.

Look how pretty it is.

Welcome to dubai.

We ain't gonna cry.

We gonna stop the competition,
We have a premonition, it is my.

Admonition that we're going to
Beat the competition.

We have approval.

We're going on here.

There's these beautiful
Luxury cars.

A bentley.

Every car out there was
Probably at minimum $300 or

$400,000 car.



Can we have tea with you?

Welcome to dubai.

Thank you.

Who's got the mcclarin.

Some tea.

These cute guys were giving
Us tea and dates.

Diamond encrusted tea glasses.

You guys, come on.

I got it.

Teams must continue to travel
By taxi back into the city to.

The dubai and make their way to
The top of the dubai frame to.

Find their next clue.

Dubai frame.

Let's go!

It was so beautiful.

The bentley had a clue.

Rachel and elissa are way Ahead.

Please catch them.

Have a seat, please.

That's awesome.

Clue's in the cup.

Thank you.

You see the clue?

Just pick a card.

I got it, nick.



Look at this ride.

I see the clue on the seat.

This skyline is breathtaking.

We are almost to the dubai

Rachel and elissa are right in
Front of us.

Dubai frame is a structure,

I don't know.

Be on the lookout to see if you
See the frame.

That's a nice building right

I see it.

Beautiful building.

It's literally a giant frame
With the center out.

Dubai frame.

Can you take us... is this the
Wrong exit?

I hope not.

There goes rachel.

Leo, jamal, number one.

It looks just like a frame.

Here, maybe.

Do you not know how to get

Go there, go that way.

Try that way.

I don't know where we're at but
We've got to get somewhere,


If we get lost, that puts us


You think this way?

Come on, come on, this way,

Let's go, man.


Look how high.


Look at the view.

I know.

It's like a giant picture Frame.

It's made to show the old dubai
On one side and new dubai on the.

Other side.

Let's go.


This is so great.





Come on, buddy.

A little detour.


This detour requires teams
To jump off the world's tallest.

Building, towering almost twice
As high as the empire state.


First, they must pick a sky
Diving jump master, then ride to.

The top of this impressive
Building on the world's highest.

And fastest elevator.

Once there, they'll have to keep
Their eyes open as they.

Parachute all the way down to
Pick up their next clue.

After being extinct for almost

Brought back to life here at the
World's largest dinosaur park.

This detour requires teams to
Search dubai garden globe for.

Five different colored eggs,
Then return them to their nests.

I definitely want to do that
But we have been choosing the.

Wrong detour so my god.

Only two teams may attempt to
Jump at a time.

Two teams.

Let's go.

We're going to do the jump.

I see leo and jamal down There.

That's colin and christie.

We got to go there quick.

Wait, wait.

What do you think?

We're finding five eggs.

There's another team.

Thank you, thank you.

It's that tall building.

Let's go.


Let's do five.

How do we get there?

We don't know.

Go wherever you need to go.

We're in a race.

We're in a race.

Now we're behind everybody.

Definitely behind nick and vick.

Come on, nick, let's go,
Let's go.

This is taking forever.

Just go wherever you got to Go.

My god, elissa.

Why's it called the dubai
Frame, right?

We can ask.

Do you know the exit of the


Right, then again right.

Ok, thank you so much.

Thank you.

At least we got to see more
Of dubai, right.


This is massive.

Everything happens for a Reason.

Here we go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

My god.

You want to find the egg?


Let's find the egg.

Dubai glow garden.

We passed it.

Do you know where to go?

What's wrong?

Two teams may jump at any Time.

I think we have to find the
Five eggs.


Everyone else can be jumping.

Only two teams can jump at one

First come, first serve.

I don't think we should do That.

There are 10 teams ahead of us.

I'm disappointed in our taxi

It's like so frustrating.

It is what it is.

We're here.

Now we're like...
you know they're going to the.


This is amazing.

My god, yes.

We're going to jump off the
Tallest building in the world.

All right!

I like this guy's beard.

Are we the first team here?


Those are the instructors.


Look at the guy with the beard.

Let's go, let's go.


Hi, hi.

We're game.

My god.

Let's go.

My god.

This is our music.

I'm nervous.

This is insane.

This is the glow park, right?

This is good, man.

Let's go.

This way, bret.

All right.

This will be funny.

Get dressed in the provided

Will it fit me?

I hope so.

We need to stay with the
Other teams, remember.

Colin and christie, by the time
They get there, they'll be done.

We can win this.

What is this, a dinosaur

I'm having major second

You don't think we should

Let's switch.

You want to go to the other One?

We're leaving, we're leaving.

We need to go to the jump but
We need you to go fast.

How fast?

That's ok, elissa, by the
Time we get there, they've.

Already jumped.

It's one jump.

This could be a game changer for

Let's go.

Glowing eggs.

Yeah, glowing eggs.

We're good to go.

Let's go, let's go.

I'm a dinosaur.

Let's go this way, bret.

Let's go.

Look around, it could be

We had to put on a teran
Saurus rex outfit.

We had to put on a teran
Saurus rex outfit.

Godzilla in dubai.

Look for eggs, look for eggs.

I see eggs.

Go get it.

There it is.

I got it!

Grab it.

I got it, I got it!


That was a huge park.

A huge park.

Why would they do that?

Because they're rookies.

That's ok.

The jump will be super quick and
Then we can move on.

My god.

My... so beautiful.

We're doing some virtual

No way.

"Amazing race," you tricked
Us again.

We thought we would either
Bungee jump or zipline or repel.

But when we get there, it was
Not that at all.

The detour was a virtual
Reality so I was like... burj.

Khalifa, let's do it.

Let's do it, baby.

This is so cool.

Attention, you have been
Chosen to complete an important.

Classified mission.

A satellite will shortly be
Passing over the burj khalifa.

Your mission is to intercept the
Satellite using a transmitter,

Get to the top as quickly as

Colin, check it out.

This will be awesome.

See the red lever, pull it Down.

Good, well done.

Quick, smash the glass and take
The transmitter.

You need to get outside.

Can you see the door?

My god.

Let's do it.

What's your name?


You're the best instructor,

Climbing the burj khalifa.

I feel like tom cruise.

"Mission impossible."

this is amazing.

You are now 828 meters high.

My god.

The satellite is passing

Pull the trigger to upload the

Good, signal lock and uploading.

You need to get out of here.

Are you ready?

Yes, I'm ready!

Look below the jump.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I love dubai, yes.

We were doing the virtual
Reality set and then you got a.

Test at the end of it.

Leo and I answered all five
Questions correct.

No, another surprise.

One question was about the

What was the color of the lever.

One was what was inside of the

One was if you open the door in
And out and one was how many.

Antenaes you had.

Let's do it.

My god.

Relax and enjoy the view.

That was amazing.

That was awesome.

Sorry, guys, you did not Pass.

You have to do one more attempt.

Please come with me.

Hey, boys.


Let's do it.

How many antennas.

I put four.

I put three.

I think it was four.

You're wrong, leo.

Some of your answers were
Wrong so you have to stay in the.

Back of the line.

Let's go.

Going up.

I'm climbing.

How many antennas did you Put?




I'm terrified.

One over here, wait, come Here.

You got it, brit.

You're doing so good.

Just get two more.

There's five different Colors.

One green.

I got the white one over here.

There's one right there!


We got white.


Good job, nicole.

Where do you see the blue?

Blue, over here.

I got it, I got it.

There's the green.

I see the green.

Grab this one.

Ok, ok, yeah.


Brit, brit.

I'm coming.

Come on, grab this.

We're in a race!

I've had three babies in five
Years so I'm not some kind of.

Seasoned olympic runner by any
Stretch of the imagination.

Let's go to the start and
Drop our eggs but we need to.


She's doing great.

You can do it.

Let's go.

Bret, this way.

Where are you going?

In circles?

You got to get up here and
Follow me.

Come on, bret!

We're going to get there.

In that annoying oklahoma

I'm like, shut up.

Let's go!

Who is the best jump master?

Ok, ok.

We got to hurry!

Looking around.


Are we bungee jumping?

You can't tell us?

I'm sorry, guys, you failed.

This round.

Hold it up to the satellite.

It was how tall did it say it
Was, what color was the lever.

What was in the broken thing to
Get the transmitter, if the door.

Opened in and out and how many
Antenna were on the transmitter.

I said three.

Here you go.

Here they are.

Are we bungee jumping?

No, end of the line.

I know, but is that what
We're doing?

You did not pass.

You have to do one more.



I saw one.

Smash the glass and take the

I see an egg on your left.

Blue egg, blue egg!

Let's find our nest and come
Down and get two eggs.

We need two more colors.

Where's the nest?

Do you know?

The other side.

What other side?

Across the exit.

Thank you.

Straight ahead!

This is the nest, this is the

Two more.

There's the nest.

Yeah, let's go, come on!

One more eggy.

Whatever it is, we need the
Other one.

Let's go, come on!

No, that's not it.

They said it was here.

Yes, it is!

It is?

The thing's on my face.

This is it?


Put them in.

Let's go get another egg.

We got it, we're done.

We got it.

Take your taxi to soho garden
To find your next clue.

Hustle back.

We're done.

Come on!

Smash the glass and take the

We did it twice.

We messed up the antenna.

What makes you think this is
One satellite, one satellite.

You think each one of those are

I saw one antenna.

We have to be on the same page.

Let's do three first.

Good job, guys, you passed
The test.

Paying attention to your
Surroundings, like living life,

Very similar.

Ok, guys, all your answers are

Follow me.

Let's go.

The red lever in front of the

Smash the glass and take the

Place the suction cup on the

That's awesome.

I'm ready, let's jump.

This is so scary!

What is this?

We had to complete, take a Test.

The only thing I knew is that
The door opened outward and that.

The handle was red.

It was harder than the d.M.V.

Test, for sure.

Sorry, did not pass.

Please do it again.

You did not pass.

You went with three?

It has to be one, buddy.

I got it.

Floyd, this way!

Floyd, this way!

Wait, is this it?

We need this.


I found it!

I found it!

Come on, brit.

Let's freaking go, come on.

This way!

Thank you, thank you, thank.


Can we get a check?

I got five eggs.

We need a check!

We're standing next to our eggs,
Like "We need a check."

we got it.

Are you freaking morons, dumb


Where's the nest?

We've got it right here and it
Looks like a nest.

Soho garden.

Right here, right here!


Thank you.

Britney, let's go.

I see the clue box right Here.

Let's go.

Road block.

Who can feel the beat.


This is the perfect
Solution for avoiding any noise.

Complaints from a nightclub.

It's silent rave night here at
Soho garden in dubai where.

Everyone is wearing headphones
And listening to different dance.

Mixes but somewhere in the crowd
There are a few party goers.

Following the d.J.

If teams can find someone
Dancing to the d.J.'s beat,

Relying only on powers of
Observation, they'll get the.

Next clue.

You're doing it, this is the
Road block.

I'm not a dancers.

This is not good.

He has no rhythm.

My god.

What is going on here?

I don't hear anything.

It's the most bizarre thing in
The world to me.

Where's the d.J.?

You recognize the track?

Yeah, yeah.

I got to listen to this music
And try to figure out who's.

Dancing to it.

Everyone's listening to
Different music.

Just grab one, just do

Just standing there like an

One time, bret, get lucky.

I am feeling it.

I'm feeling it.

It's clearly the antenna.

He said three.

He said one.

Don't worry about me.

Pay attention.

Come on, leo.

I told you it was one.

This is the correct answer, I
Had it two times ago.

Here you go.

Tell you guys, you did not
Pass but you cannot do it again.

What the hell?

We're going to get it this Time.

Making mistakes that we
Shouldn't could be the.

Difference between being in the
Race and being eliminated.

From first to worst is not a
Good feeling.

This is taking us too long.

I don't know what to do.

Why is it so hard?

It's the signal interceptor,
The thing you hold, with four.

Antennas on it.

We didn't pay attention to
The details, the last question.

Was how many antennae was on the
Signal interceptor.

Sorry, did not pass.

Elissa, pay attention to

I know I did.

I know I got it right.

I thought I did, too.

It's ok, just pay attention.


Come on, bret.

Club scenes and bret, I'm not
Sure they go together.

Find a dancer dancing to the
Song being played by the d.J. At.

A silent rave.

You want to do this one?


Maybe he gets lucky here.


I got really frustrated with

He was picking people he thinks
Is cute.

He's picking cute guys.

My god, what is he doing?


Who can feel the beat?

Find a dancer dancing to the
Song played by the d.J. At a.

Silent rave... cool!

You got to do it.


This is how we party at the
V.I.P. Section.

V.I.P., baby, v.I.P.

find a dancer that is dancing
To the song being played by the.

D.J. At a silent rave.

Love it.

You love it?

You want to do it?

You feel more comfortable doing

Then you do it.

I can do it.

You do it.

Come on, nic, let's go!

Christie's doing awesome.

Let's go, let's go.

You got it.

You got it, come on, baby!


No dice.

We got this, man.

I'm happy to tell you guys
That you have finally passed.

Thank you.

Please come with me.

I knew it.

Why didn't you trust me, man?

Not too smart here.

I'm happy to say you passed.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Beautiful, beautiful.

Omar, we have to go to soho

Gosh, I wish I were doing This.

I love a silent disco.

I was a drum major in college
For three years and my job was.

To keep the rhythm for the band
So I know how to feel a rhythm.

Myself and recognize my rhythm
In other people.

Myself and recognize my rhythm
In other people.



Ride the world's largest

This is the world's
Largest man-made marina and now.

The pit stop for teams in dubai
Who will be flying in, superman.


The last team to touch down here
May be eliminated.

Let's get out of here.

Zipline, baby.

Listen to the music.

Grab somebody.


Yes, yes, yes, yes!

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse Me.

You got it.

I was wiggling through the
Crowd trying to find anybody.

Feeling my beat because I was
Dancing to it and I would make.

Eye contact with them and I was
Like, are you feeling what I'm.


Thank you.

Come on, buddy.

What's bret doing now?

Bret's got another one.

Maybe he gets lucky here.

I don't know, buddy.

I'm not good at this.



That was nightmare.

I didn't think I'd ever get it.

Christie's finding the rhythm
In the crowd, honing in on who's.

Jumping to the beat.

Let's see if she did it.


She got it!

She k*lled it!

Go, janelle!

If she can get this really
Fast, this would be so.


You got to be kidding me.

Dubai, dubai.

Please treat us right because
Rachel and elissa are right on.

Our tails.

We don't know what place
They're in.

We don't know if the five eggs
Are easy to find or if they ran.

Around for another hour.


I want you!

My gosh.

I don't know.

Go janelle!

Got it!

Thank you!

The world's largest urban
Zipline is what we're about to.


Watch tower 4, walk up the
Stairs to the roof, your arrival.

To the roof is the order to the
Pit stop so there's a chance.

There's a team literally right
Behind us.

Another team could be very close

That could be becca and floyd
Right there.

Are they behind us?

Is it this way, buddy?

Typically looking.

We're seconds behind nicole
And vic and team fun.

My god.

So far the only teams that
Have come in first are "Amazing."

"Race" teams.

It's frustrating that
"Amazing race" team is up there.

Every time but we're right

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

We can do this.

We're out first.

That's them dropping off There.

Thank you.

Come on, bret, we can beat Them.

We love you!

Elevator, this way.

I think that's the two.

That's the two.

Do you think this is it?

I love you but we are getting
In first.

Bret, run for it.

Man this is tight.

Road block.

Who can feel the beat.

This is the one.


Let's get out of here.

Leo and jamal.

My god, we're last place.

Road block.

I'll do it.

Rachel hopefully will get us
Caught up.

She's awesome.

Go rach.

Rachel does everything good.

Excuse me.

Go rach.

You can catch up.


We're in last place.

Come on, rach.

Keep it together.

We're not out.

I love "The amazing race" and
I've had so much fun doing it.

Twice and I came back with my
Sister the third time thinking.

That we could really do a good

We are doing a good job.

I got to travel around the
World twice with my husband.

Rach, we saw leo and jamal

Our cab driver could get us
There quicker.

Can you go faster?

My god.

About to do the world's
Longest zipline.

Lord jesus, you've got me in.

Your hands.

Help me fly over dubai.

I don't even think I've
Processed what's about to.


My god.

My god!

My god!

I'm coming through!

It was amazing!

Welcome to dubai marina.

Welcome to united arab emirates.

This is team fun and they are
Team number one.

What's one thing we all love?



$5,000 each.

And the fun meter right now is

This is your opportunity to
Earn your very own phil-o-meter.

And all you got to do is join us
In the freestyle circle.

Five, six, seven, eight.

The team number one, they
Are team fun, arrived in dubai.

With $5,000 what they gonna do.

We just flew through the city
Of dubai.

We won some cash and we're in
First place, team fun has proven.

They deserve to be in "Amazing

Chris and bret, smiling,
Right at the top.

We're not messing around
Anymore, phil.

We're here to go to the end
And win $1 million.

Right now we have to make our
Way to the pit stop and last.

Team may be eliminated and I
Think between us and rachel and.


Just for me, "The amazing
Race," it is good and fun it.

Maybe it took me two more
Seasons to enjoy, really, like,

Not focus on just...
rach, please stop.

The anticipation...

I I love you!

All right, all right, all Right!

That was incredible!

That was awesome.

I think it's going to be
Interesting for people to see.

How you've evolved.

I think we're appreciating
Ourselves differently, we're.

Appreciating each other

You can only think about getting
Ahead, go, go, go, or go just as.

Fast and suck the juice out of
Every experience.

That's what we're doing.

My god!

I'm a bird, I'm a plane, I'm on
"The amazing race!"

We have new teams featured
Near the top of the ranks now.

It's anybody's game, it
Really is.

You can't count anybody out.

Hair's out today.

Hair is out, phil.

You let your hair down in Dubai.

It's very luscious.

I have been growing it out for a
Little bit.

You can do hair Commercials.


Please go fast.

We're the last team.

We don't want to get eliminated.

There's one behind us.

Thank you, buddy.

It touches your heart.

Rach, seriously.

I hope they're behind us.

Janelle and britney, I am
Pleased to tell you, you are.

Team number six.

Still in it.

Still in it.

Who's this?

I love dubai!

What's going on with you.


Came out of the gate strong.

We are cutting it close
Because there's less and less.


Playing with fire.

But don't cut us out!

We're gonna do it.

My little daughter is 2 years
Old and she's going to be so.

Proud of her mom.

We were doing so good and
Gave it our all.

Three, two, one, go!

I've made it through seasons.

I thought I would kiss butt.

It's so disappointing.

A little mistake can cost you
The entire race.

It's so fun to travel with my
Sister and get these memories.

We'll never, ever be able to
Make again.

That was so fun.

Still smiling.

I'm on "The amazing race,"
You got to smile.

Not your day.

You guys have been racing so

Sometimes you have to take
Risks and I want to teach my.

Daughter to take risks in life
And I want to raise her up to be.

A strong female and be brave and
So we took the risk and went to.

The jump.

We thought it would be really
Quick and we could catch up with.

The other teams.

We couldn't make up the lost

We gave it our all.

I wanted to always do the race
And to do it with my sister,

It's like, you know...
we can never forget.

Rachel, this is a
Nonelimination leg.

You're still in this race.

Are you kidding!

I'm serious.

We cannot mess up again.

Sometimes you get knocked down,
You have to pick yourself back.

Up and 100% I'm making it to leg

I have no doubt in my mind.

I came here to win.

Phil Don't miss another episode.

Of "The amazing race," coming up

In our first ever trip to

Hello, chicken.

In a massive market,
Janelle takes the low way.

No, I'm lost.

While colin and christie
Face a long hole and the.

Head-to-head returns.

That sucks.
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