31x04 - I Took Out a Polar Bear

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x04 - I Took Out a Polar Bear

Post by bunniefuu »

To ho chi minh, vietnam.

At the airport, a "Big brother"
Alliance was born.

No u-turns.

In vietnam, they felt the

I think the exhaustion has
Hit us.

While corinne and
Eliza felt the pain.

Teams sang all the way to the

You're team number one.

Meanwhile, bret crashed at.

, but he and krista
Survived the leg.

I am pleased to tell you this is
A non-elimination round.

Nine teams remain.

Who will be eliminated?

We're in a race for $1 Million.


I was made for this.

Let's do this.

Make you way.


Snow town, saigon.

This is vietnam's
Biggest city, ho chi minh, a.

City that never sleeps, and
Where more than seven million.

Motorbikes rule the road.

After making their way through
These busy streets, teams will.

Get to cool down in snow town,

Going to know town.

We're just excited to start
This leg in first place.

We're looking the stay at
The top.

Snow town, saigon, do you
Know it?

Let's keep this lead, baby.

How do you say "Fast"?

On our way to snow town.

I wish I could find our taxi
Driver from last night.

So two second-place finishes.

I feel like we're coming into
Our own.




But I think we're teeter
Tottering between an "Amazing."

Race" team and "Big brother"

I think we need to survive a
U-turn or something to be called.

An "Amazing race" team.

This is exciting.

I like being a little bit ahead.

Snow town.

Snow town.

All right.

We kind of like being at the
Top of the pack but not.

Necessarily number one.

I think it keeps a little bit of
A target off of our back.

We're just like mom and dad
Coming to play with all the.

Young millennials with their big

Just get into that final three
And give everything we've got on.

That last leg to try to win it.

Snow town, saigon.

We've been racing through asia
The last three legs.

I think we're ready to cool down
A bit.

We look cute in layers.

I will say it, I'm about to
Give them snow town princess

Elsa demure fabulousness.

We're leaving in fifth place,
Our best yet, to right there in.

Average mediocrity.

Is there anything we can improve
Upon from the last leg other.

Than, I don't know...

I don't know.

We really want the hang in
There to show that survivors can.

Race, too.

It seems idiotic that we
Couldn't be better at this than.

"Big brother."




What's up?

He didn't stop.

Why hasn't a single "Big
Brother" team been eliminated.

Here's us.

Why are we not better at this
Than they are?

Let's do this.

Going to snow town.


What's that say?



Nicole and victor just got Here.

Everyone is going to be here.

I guess we can juggle.

Come on.

Go, go.

Let's go.


Run, baby, run.

I'm going.

Snow town!

You're going to want to
Do it, man.

Don't injure yourself.

What's up, polar bear?

This place is ridiculous.

Elf found.

Jiminy christmas.

There's sleds here.

There's sleds here.

Grab me one.

Grab me one.


Up here.

So cute.

Here we go.

Hey, here we go.




My god.

Thank you.

Here we come.

Don't hurt yourself.

My god.

My god.


Make your way to ho chi
Minh's transportation and.

Search for your next clue.

I got one, nicole. Let's go.

Come on, chris.

Speed bump.

Got it.

That's a good picture of me.

Having arrived last in
The previous leg, chris and

Bret must now complete this
Speed bump.

They must fill up this cooler
With snowballs and then.

Transport them to college
Transportation central in ho.

Chi minh city.


Let's do it. Taxi!

I would go to a bigger

Taxi, taxi, taxi!


Who's in there?

We can't share.

There's not enough space in the

That's us. We're us.


Like they wouldn't take Ours.

I know.

Nicole, where are you? Come on.

There's no cars coming.

We're going the wrong way in

We're in the race. Taxi!

Eliza tried to take our cab.

And then our cab driver said
No, no.

I cannot... being pushed in
Front of us and they push in.

Front of everyone at every

Like you would take our cab.
I don't like them.

I don't have any interest in
Talking to them after this game.

And I'm... I'll block them on.

All social media.
We'll focus on beating them.

In the race and no reason to be
Bitter after the race because.

We will have beaten them.
It was a big cluster with.

Other teams.

And taxis... please.

Consider can we get a taxi.
Where can we get a taxi?

The speed bump we had to
Make snowballs and fill up an.

Ice chest and they had to be a
Certain size and really.


That's good. More.



My hands are numb.
It was so cold that our...

Our hands and more like ice
That we were molding and not as.

Easy as real snow.

Tight, tight.

My god.

Like a blizzard.
Polar bear was taunting us.

That's a good one.

Come on! Very picky polar bear.

My god.

Losing my mind.

Taxi, taxi, taxi!

Colen and christie don't
Have one, here.

We should have kept their
Freaking cab there.

Where can we find a taxi?

You want to go toward those


Let's just hop in. This is it?

Our driver just pulled over.
And randomly asked somebody who.

Is 107 years old about where
We're going.

If you don't know where
Something is, don't say you do.

Yes? Yes?

He's got to turn around Again.

Those motor bikes are pretty

This is remarkable.

I don't...
it's either move or get hit.

My god.

Here we go.
Into the parade of them.

It is. Insane.

Molar bear.

Who feels like driving.

Themselves crazy? Me.

Here in vietnam it's not
Uncommon to see entire families.

Making their way around on a
Motor bike which zip in and out.

Of traffic here 24-7.
Teams need to master these.

Skills to earn a scooter

Making their way around this
Challenging course, teams will.

Need to stay within the yellow
Lines while driving through a.

Figure eight and over a series
Of speed bumps without touching.

Their feet on the ground to
Pass the test.

That's what you call a

Who's... instructor?
You raised your hand.

Let's do it.

I can't believe this.

The last two first.
It feels like driving.

Themselves crazy. You want to?

Sure stay within the line.

Ok? Come on, jamal, you got.

This. This is the break, yeah?

Number three.

You have to make like a
Number eight basically going.

One big circle, come back, and
The turns you have to be.


Because this is not an
a*t*matic scooter.

Come on, jamal.

A lot of the balancing with
Your body weight, go too fast.

You'll lose control.


Can you not put your feet down?


So... scooter girl.

You're scooter girl.

It looks really hard.

But luckily I have major

Do I need to start over?

Went the wrong way.

Let me do this again.

Not as easy as what it looks

You have to go through the


This is all motorcycles.
Brit they, come on.

Britney, come on.
We have no idea where we're.


We need to cross.

A handful of teams in the
Same boat that we were looking.

For a cab.

There were so many parts of
This game that are out of your.


Season five, there would
Have been a lot more profanity.

I don't know.
It would have been bad.

Is he coming here? All right.

We called a taxi because
Sometimes you just have to wait.

For them to come to you.

Come on, bret. Good

yeah, buddy.
We have to do about 25 to 30.


It was like a frostbite... like
A tingling feel.

One more each.
Good one, good one, good.


There it is.
Thank you, thank you.

Let's go, let's go.


Let's go get a cab.
We got teams down here.

It's an emergency.

All right. Let's go.

Back in it, baby.

Hop in. Yes.


Yes. Hi.


Vroom, vroom, vroom.
This is stupid.

We have to go back that way.


Taxi! Wow.

This is a doozy.

Driving themselves crazy.

You want me to drive?

You want to drive? Sure.

Victor is going to do this
Driving thing.

He wanted to do it.
Let him do it.

You want me to start over?
Here you go, girl.

You do it.

Come on, jamal.

You got this.
You're leaning too much to.

The right.

You're going to get out of the
Yellow line so I tend to keep.

The center of gravity and the
Straight line so if I need to.

Lean left or right I can put my
Body weight or force it.

Whichever way I needed. Yeah!


I love vietnam! Come on, baby.

I'm going to give you a hug
With one hand.


Number one, number one!
Make your way to bean quai.

Village for your next clue.
Lee, lee, lee, lee.

My sister is a bad ass and
She's got this.

Woo! I was really focused and.

Able to do it.

I just nailed it. Proud of you.

So proud of you.
Thank you so much.

Thank you. Ok.

Come on.

Let's go.
We got to get our ice chest.

Hit it.

There's the bear.

This is the bear.

Here's the clue box.
Who feels like driving.

Themselves crazy?
You have to do it.

We're good?

Ok. Thank you, thank you.

Get the clue.


I'm going to do it. Let's go.

Let's go.

It was a narrow path.

And you had to balance the

Good job, babe.

Going slow on a moped is
Hard to balance.

It's easier if you're heavier.

Because you can control the
Weight better.

Haven't ridden a scooter in
A while.

I'm scared.

Woo! Thank you!

We're feeling really good
Right now and chris is going to.

k*ll this scooter challenge.

So I'm very excited right now.

I'm very excited.
I find these things.

Terrifying. My god.

I'm so scared.

And drives you crazy.

This girl's crazy. Roadblock.

Who feels like driving.

Themselves crazy? Me.

How do we even know it's
That way?

We don't.

We don't know.

My god, my god.
I wish you were watching.

That side.

That's what I do wish.

Dude... money, money.

Come on. Let's go.

Show them a $50. Yay...

I hope we know where we're

I could cry right now.
It's been a while.

Are you kidding me right Now?


Thank you, thank you, thank you
, thank you.

Yes, yes.
It's nice not to be running.

Through the streets anymore.

Mini motor bike.

Vietnam. 100 million people.

I'm scared.

Go, eliza, go.
Corrine, this is horrible.

You are fearless.

Come on, chris.

Looks good.

That didn't work.

Why did you stop?

It seems to have stalled.

Look at that girl on that

Yes, look at her. sh**t.

Way to go, colin.

We actually have a dirt bike
For our 11-year-old.

And colin recently got one for

So they go dirt biking Together.

This will make for good

We're doing good, colin.

We're doing good.
I was just like show me my.

Bike and I was dead focused on
Trying to make up some time.

Woo! Thank you very much!

Thank you very much.


All right. And driving...

you do it.
Janelle has more experience.

Doing like a.T.V.'s.

So when we pulled up and saw
This, it was definitely that.

She was going to do it.
And never anything like this.

There were teams finishing and
Like my god.

And I was freaking out.
Go, janelle.

You got it.
I need to stop freaking out.

I'm ok.


Thank you. Thank you, buddy.

Come on, leo.
There, there, there, there.


- Irritation or irrigation?
- Tungchai are boats use by.

Vietnamese fishermen to set
Their traps in the water.

They must paddle 200 yards to
Retrieve a basket of fish and.

Carry their basket boats over
Bridges and dodge these.

Annoying fishermen before
Delivering it to a fish monger.

Over half of vietnam's
Population earned their living.

From agriculture.
With rice being the number one.

Crop. Perhaps a farmer's most.

Valuable tool is an irrigation
Wheel like this which teams.

Must now build using natural
Resources under the watchful.

Eye of a local farmer.

We're going to do Irrigation.

Right here.

That's it. Yeah.

No. That's it.

Come on, come on!

It's half built already.
Yeah, we can do this.

Open it up.

Open it.

Put everything out.

We have to go back and look at

The example, two here, two Here.


Let's go.
We go to the irrigation.


Once we put all the wood we
Have to tie it with this sort.

Of rubber bandy material.
We have to tie all these,

Two wraps on all the things, Ok?


We're doing irrigation.

Right over here.

Right here.
We have to go look at what we.

Have to do. Come on.

That's our bucket that we have.

To fill.

I'll count how many. 13 chais.

We have to see what like it
Has on it.

How many are on there right Now.

Seven. We need to tie on six.

Who feels like driving
Themselves crazy?

Cina. What... I don't...

I don't think there was much
Of a trick and not to gas it.

That much but if you didn't gas
It enough you would just fall.

Over. Come on, let's go.

And the center of your core

We passed? Second leg.

Two back. Becca got it.

Set. Boom.

We're back in it, baby!

And didn't hate mow p.E.D.'s
Before, I would... mopeds.

Before, I would really hate

Elijah seemed a bit Hopeless.

This is so terrible.
Eliza, don't get in your.

Head. My gosh.

This is so scary.
This bike is big.

Slow and steady.
I already failed?

This is going to go badly.

Which one is go? Crash.

I think it's this right Here.

Right here.

This right here.

I think we passed it.
Not this way.

We definitely passed it.

Naung. Thank you.

Thank you.

We are going to check out

Because being irritated is
Super fun.

Both utches paddleboard but.

That's my only... of us
Paddleboard but that's my only.

Form of exercise.
Want to just paddle?


Let's paddle.
It's going to be balance and.

Sink the boat.


If we don't balance...
pick up one of the fish...

Let's just get in the boat.
Be careful.

Be careful.
The brown brass ket that you.

Weave and there was some people
In the way of everybody.

A little obnoxious.
Don't knock us over, please.

My gosh.

We're making a bamboo wheel.
And it is going to bring water.

To a pot.
There's a method to how you.

Have to tie it.
All the tying should be the.

Same way.
You got to make sure the angles.

Are correct because if they're
Not, the water won't fill up.

The way it's supposed to.

It's so hard when you are
Reading the detour clue to know.

What detour is going to be

We thought that it might be
Really hard to paddle the boat.

And we thought from our
Experience as moms, building.

Toys, I...
literally, once your mom,

Kind of a superwoman.
We're a force to be reckoned.

Definitely stronger than the.

Other teams.

Korey, you got this.
On the foot brake.

On the foot brake.

My god. I'm so stressed.

Slow. Slow.

Went really fast and that's
When I crashed.

So I decided to take it a
Little slower.

Good job, janelle.
She's doing a really good.


She goes over... just like the
Hard part.

We did it! We did it.

I freaking did it, man.

I think she did great. Woo!

Run like the wind!
There's 13... right there.

Check, check.

One thing we didn't notice
Was that we had to fill up the.

Bucket with a lot of water
Which will take the longest.

Time. Not a good feeling.

Check, check, please, check.
Not yet.

What's wrong?

Can you tell us?

There's is definitely wrong.
You got some going this way,

That way.
So we got to just redo the.

Ties. That's all we need to do.

There's actually a precise
Way to do this.

Some of them, were not lined up

I'm trying to stay calm. Ok.

Just focus. Just focus.

Feels good!

Thank you!

Get away from them.

Do not play around. Focus.


You go and hop off. Ok.

So when you got to the
Bridge you had to kind of.

Carefully get out of the boat
Without tipping it.

And then pick the boat up and
Put it over the bridge and then.

Carefully get back in so that
You don't tip and let a bunch.

Of water in.

So a little bit of a delicate
Balancing act.

It does look like the fish
Traps right there.


Good job.

Good job. It's tiring.

For $1 million.

How are you going to lift
That thing?

One, two, three. He's the man!

My gosh. That's some...

look at those strong Muscles.

It's exhausting. All right.

Keep going. Keep going.

Same momentum.

Slow, slow, slow. You got it.

It's coming.

Sounds like you peeing but it's

One of our bamboo pieces
Were not turned at a good angle.

And just this needs to be tied

And then I think we're good.

Supervisor, check? It's not.

You have to be turned to the

We got to tie this right.

Wo, are you ok?

My god.

Having corrine and eliza, I
Thought ok, I just have to pass.

One team.
And we're back out of last.


I got it. I got it.

Keep staying in the lines.
I got it, I got it.


That was perfect.

That was so good. Yeah, korey!

Thank you. You k*lled it.

You k*lled it.

Thank you, thank you.

We're last team for sure.

Good job, guys.

I'm going to try and get it.

Thank you!
I respect how hard it is.

You're going to be fine.


All right.

This is it. You got it.

My god.

Getting worse, not better.
One by one, teams arrived.

And they left.

And I was nowhere near passing


Don't freak out.
You're going to be fine.

It's... you just keep trying
Over and over again.

You'll get it.

I'm trying to pull it Together.

I'm feeling a little frustrated
And defeated.

She didn't grow up in a trailer
Park with a freaking moped.

She rides bicycles.
She's got really good balance.

And super athletic.
But, you know, we have no.

Experience doing this.


Irritation. We're going to do.

This looks like more fun.

Anyway. Ok.

I've never been in a boat
Like this.

Basically a big basket and guys
Trying to make wake to push us.

Back or splash us or block us.

So we kind of had to navigate
Around them.

We couldn't just g straight.
It was like annoying.

We have to be very Deliberate.

Are these... the traps.

Go ahead, baby.

Five fish. Count them.

One, two, three... five. Ok.

Five fish.

And keep the basket?


Like this.

Where's the fish monger?
Hold this, baby.

Is there five in there?


Here. We got the fish.

And we got the basket.

Let's do irritation. Irritation.

Let's go.
When I saw the circular.

Boat, it was a... because of
The size of us in that boat.

No maximum limits of wake?
I would say 500 pounds.

Come on. Bring it, baby!

A big boy you got to take On.

Woo! Boy.

Give way.

Let's get it over the bridge

We were trying to pull this
Heavy, heavy boat over the.


The wooden railing.

We almost broke the whole

Want to go up there? Ok.


It says pick up one of the
Fish traps at the end of the.


At first we only had the Fish.

We weren't sure if you had to
Have the basket.

Please go back.

I think we need the basket.
So we actually turned.

Around. Second pass...

hauling ass.
Nick and vick were able to.

Pass us up. !

It's getting... slow down.
There you go.

Slow down.

Keep going.

We're almost there.
Check, check!

A bit more like how much More?

That's a lot more.


My god, rach.

Dropped in the ocean.

So we have to go back for
Another tie.

I'm such an idiot.
I would be instantly worse.

At this which is why I can't
Even possibly be mad.

There you go.

Very nice.

I guess at some point I just
Kind of pulled it together and.

Started going steady.
Bring it home!

And I knew I had my partner
On my side.

Yes! Eliza!


All right.
Get off the damn bike.

Easy does it.


Easy does it.

Right here.

Two, three, four, five.


Woo! Woo!


Ok, please, be still alive.

Yay! Thank you.

Watch out, watch out.

Hurry. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank You.

One, two, three, four, five.
Pit stop.

Run to fill in the mat.

This is tamboo park.

An idyllic green space where
Locals come to exercise and get.

Away from it all.
These serene grounds are the.

Pit stop of this leg of the

The last team to check in here
May be eliminated.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Our competition. Ok, guys.

Let's do this.

Let's ask where we are.

How do I get here? This way.

Rock 'n' roll.
All the way down there.

Right on the side of the river.
We should do irritation.

Let's go. Get in here.

Let's just get in here.
This thing is spinning.

We are like spinning in a

We'll do irritation.
Give me the paddle.

That way. That's mean.

You're mean.

You're mean.

That's a bully.

You're a bully. You're a bully.

Keep going.

We're almost there.
Can we check now?

I think we're there.
Are they all done already?

That's good. Come on.

Right here. Leo.

We're... pit stop. All right.

Please, please.



We got it.

make sure our water can come.


Just make sure turn it and see
If we can get water.

Then we're good.

I don't understand what we
Did wrong with ours.

We got it. Setting.

We got it, rach.
We have to do the other.

Detour. Like we're good.

Everyone is doing it, Though.

You don't understand.
Tie one more time.

I was freaking out a little
Bit at the wheel.

That is when I go into then

Hope for the best.
Expect the worst.



Not expect the worst.



That's a bad saying for this

Just... get water. I did.

All right.
Don't put all your weight on.

The edge of the boat. I won't.

Stay steady. All right.

Grab one. All right.

Count the fish.

One, two, three, four, five.
In the basket.

Ok, we got them.
Bromance is happening.

Take a little love ride.
I always dreamed that venice.

Would be like this.
Easy does it.

Got it?

Let's go. I think it's fine.

Run to phil. Ok.



Yay! Thank you, my friend.

Thank you. Thank you.

Let's go.

Let's go along the river.

That way. Let's go.

Pass these guys.

We got it, baby. Come on.

Right behind us? I don't know.

I'm not looking.

I think it's down here.

Hurry, hurry, hurry. Let's go.

Hall butt.

You're good, baby. Come on.

I'm sorry. It's so far.

Where's phil?

All right.

Good job, you guys.
Welcome to tam vu park.

Naung very much.
Good job... thank you very.

Much. Good job.

Sgl colin and christie I'm
Pleased to tell you that you.

Are team number one.

And as the winners of this leg
Of the race, you have won a.

Trip for two from travelocity
And you are going to the

Dominican republic.
You're going to spend six all.

Inclusive luxury nights in a
Beach front swim up suite at.

Excellence el carmen and enjoy
Zip lining and take a catamaran.

And relax with massages and
Have a dinner on the beach.

I love it.
It's been 15 years since we.

Won a leg of the amazing race.

And there's definitely room for
Improvement and room for growth.

But we've come a long way.

After four legs of the
Amazing race and now your third.

Second place of all the teams
That have come from other.

Competition shows, you and
Victor have done the best.

She is an amazing partner.
We've just been learning to.

Work together on these legs.

Three second place finishes in
A row.

One of these times we're going
To get a prize, phil.

We're ok with second place.
For now.

Everyone's here.
I ral shi we should switch.

Detours... I really think we
Should switch detours.

No, rachel.

I don't know what's wrong
With it, do you?


But let's try one more time.


Every other team is here.
Let's try one more time.

Come on, rach.

We have to calm down. Ok.

Let's try these ones first.
Spinning in a circle.

Let me paddle and you just Sit.

We need five.

There's fish in there, Britney.

How many?

Does it have five? Be certain.

My god.

All these little guys are
Hard to get around.


All right.
Now we're in a water fight with.

These vietnamese men.
We are making great time.

I just sliced my finger wide

One, two, three, four, five...

we're good.

I'm bleeding a little bit
But we're going to keep going.

We are making up time.
Britney, you and I are.

k*lling it.
I feel like I'm doing so much.

Right now.

I'm so proud utch.
Britney, you're just amazing.

Me. Thank you.

We got to carry it.

Yay! Thank you.

Thanks. Pit stop.

My finger is throbbing.

Thank you. Come on.

We have to beat korey...
there they are.

Corrine and eliza. Really?


Is anybody even still here?

My god.

I see the reilly sisters. Dude.

We're still in it.

We are still in it!
We're going to do.

Irritation. Grab the paddle.

Grab it, grab it, grab it.

Bringing it back.


He's showing us how to do It.

So maybe stand.
Keep your center of gravity.


Is this how we do it?

I've not had much experience
Paddling boats but I don't.

Think it takes a rocket

My god.

Corrine, it's ok.

You got it, on. !

So stupid... yeah, baby, woo!

Chris and bret, a huge
Day for you guys.

You started this leg of the
Race in last place.

You got through the speed bump
And somehow you have beat out.

All these teams at ho chi minh

It's g*ng time.

We needed to put this away and
Make a stand in front of these.

People and show them we're
Something to be feared.

We just k*lled it today.

Team fun. Team fun in the house.

I'm pleased to tell you that
You are team four.

Yay! Thank god.

Not bad. Not bad.

We can't complain.
I'll take a fourth any day over.


Any day.

Any day. Any day.

Any day! Need to be high.

It can't be touching the...

There we go, yes. Check, check!

Woo! Ok.

Come on, rach.


The blue. Just go fast.

Maybe we should do it together.
It's going... when I go fast

we still have to put water.

In it.

Rach, it's ok.
Carefully, carefully,


I have blisters on both of
My hands.


We're almost at the end.

Wait, wait, you're about to
Push me in.

Are we the last team?

We don't see anybody... ok.
There's no teams here.


We're going to get up on those.
Do you want to grab the basket?

One, two, three, four, five. Ok.

You got it. Yeah?

We got a long time to go.
What were we thinking?

We definitely lost our lead.
That's for sure.

We're the last team.

We're in last place.
This is us going home.

I fell, rach.

It sucks.

Just go.

It's fne.

Just go.

Bad. Don't you do this.

Rach, it's back. Calm down.

I'm calm.

I just don't think we knew what
We were getting ourselves into.

Get out. I'm sorry.

I can only do one thing at a

I hate manley labor.
One, two... manual labor.

One, two, three.

Fish monger! A couple of jocks.

- Hello.
- Tyler and korey...

yes, sir.

You would be team number...




After gan malice, not your best.
Afghanimals, not your best.


We were leading and went to
Hell from there.

Toward the end of the group
Or the last team is competing,

That can be scary.

Heavy. Blisters.

This is worse than... a little
Bit more.


I'm hurrying.

Don't lose our water.

My gosh.

Check, please. We're good!

Woo! Thank you so much.

Thank you. We're good, rach.


Rach, the other girls aren't
Done, either.

Hurry, rach.

Thank you. Thank you.

Let's do this.

We're still in it.

We are still in it!

Hurry. Elissa...

let's go.

What a way to finish, Britney.

Janelle was definitely carrying
The team.

Yes. She did it all today.

She really did it all.

I took out a polar bear.

And that's... was the extent.
That way, go!


We're in it.
Come on, come on, come on.

Rach, come on. Corrine, corrine!

That way. Go!

Small street, though.

Go, go, go!

I see... rachel, hurry.

I see it, corrine, come on.

I'm coming.

That way.

We caught up.

- Little girl.
- Rachel and elissa, you.

Are still in the race.

And you are officially team
Number eight.


The race is not over yet.

It's just like we're so
Glessed... blessed and don't.

Want to take that for granted.

I guess we're not blessed.

We're not #blessed apparently.

Corrine and eliza, I'm
Sorry to tell you you have been.

Eliminated from the race. Sorry.

We were hoping to do
"Survivor" a little prouder.

Than this.

But we did our best.

We gave it everything we Had.

And when you know you've given
It everything you have, and you.

Still fail, then you're like
Ok, what I had wasn't enough.

Which is the lowest of the.

Low feeling.

It was definitely worse
Because it was to rachel and.

Elissa. We're devastated.

We're so disappointed.

I don't respect us.

Surviving for life is Terrible.

We respect them as Competitors.

And we respect them as... women.

Racers and women and they're
Really strong.

And then to have to stand there
At our elimination on the mat.

With rachel and elissa who...
Like we respect you as women.

I was like get out of here with
Your fake b.S.

Like I have no interest in
Hearing from them.

And we're not speaking to them
Ever again.

And we're not speaking to them
Ever again.

I just couldn't cry in front
Of the men and give them the.

Satisfaction. Yorn.

I'm not... I don't know.

I'm not a positive person.

I don't know how to spin this.

I hate them so much.
I don't ever want to see.

Their faces earlier.

I won't be attending any
Parties or speaking with any of.

These people. Take a good look.

Thrgs the last time... this is
The last time you're seeing me.

Thrgs the last time... this is
The last time you're seeing me.

Stay tuned for scenes
From our next episode.

Next time on "The amazing

- we are king, baby!
- Teams soar over dubai.

My god!

While janelle and britney
Get prehistoric...

things in my face. Aah!

And rachel and elissa
Fear extinction.

"The amazing race."

It is good and fun.
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