31x02 - Knock the Newbie Out of Us

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x02 - Knock the Newbie Out of Us

Post by bunniefuu »

Reality showdown, 11 teams from
"Survivor," "Big brother," and.

"The amazing race" line up on
The starting line and begin a.

Race around the world.

In tech yoark new racers were

This is way harder than

While a returning
Team used familiar tricks.

Pretend that we're fighting
To throw other teams off,

Because they were all following

And two japanese game
Show inspired roadblocks, teams.

Chomped down and climbed up.

Yeah, court.

You are team number One.

Art and j.J. Took a penalty,
Giving rupert and laura the.

Chance they needed and sending
The border patrol agents home.

You've been eliminated from the

Ten teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Let's go, baby, let's go.

All right.

Fly to laos.

Leo will be first to
Leave japan's most populated.

City, flying to luang prabang in
Laos, the only land-locked.


When they arrive, they will
Travel by tuk-tuk to their next.


I love tuk-tuks.

Let's go.

We are leaving tokyo in first

We redeemed ourselves in japan.

Redemption is out.

Now we have to focus on leg two
Of the race.

Tickets today?

The other teams from
"Survivor" and "Big brother".

Really don't have an idea what
To expect.

It only gets tougher.

It's not easier.

Here we go.


Let's go.

In the last 15 years,
Christie and I have both grown a.


Watching season five and how
Intense and frantic I was...

there's no contract.

We have a flight to make.

We don't have time to do That.


I think we noticed along the
Way that doesn't necessarily.

Help you get anywhere any

Pick up your tickets today.

For probably first ten years
Of are you aware relationship we.

Fought all the time.

Now both of our daily
Practice is meditation and yoga.

It's about being present and
Enjoying the moment.

That's part of our intention
This time around.

We have to get tickets here and
Then we go to the airport.

My god, laos.

Coming back on "The race" is
A once-in-a-lifetime thing.

So many teams have run it before
That would give anything to come.


Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I think leo and jambalaya
Would use the um u-turn against.


The smartest thing to do is
Get the strongest team out.

"Big brother" and "Survivor"
Teams have their own paranoia.

This is "The amazing race."

look at her kimono.

She looks so pretty.

It's so fun to have my sister
With me.

She's my best friend.

It's so hard to not have my
Hubby here.

Because I miss my little bear.

But we're kind of intense.

I'm trying my hardest.

Let's give up.

Why do you always say that?

I hate you right now.

With my sister, we're fun.

We had our babe yes, sir at
The same time.

We're both busy moms.

When phil says go, it's game On.

All bets are off.

Let's go.

Pick up your ticket.

While traveling in lowrks you
Should wear pants and shirt that.

Cover your shoulder and stomach.

Hawaiian shirts are coming Out.

Here we go, here we go, here
We go.

We had a couple hiccup, but
We did great with each other.

We have been dating for about
A year.

We met on "Big brother."

after the show we started
Dating, and the rest is history.


We're a lot more confident
Going into this leg than we were.

Into the first leg.

But never feel comfortable.

That's the same on "Big

You feel comfortable, you're
Probably going to get out.

Get the tickets today.

There we go.

Can we book some flights?

Right here, buddy.

Thank you.


All right.


Sigh noor a.

I see it.

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

To the airport.

Hey, friend.

Do you want to work together
To find this?

I don't see why not.

I don't see anybody else.

So we're working together.

And we're like fun 2.0.

Right here.

Nick, you see them?

Who do you see?

Team fun?

That's it right there.

We can all go together and
Explore the area.



They're going.

It says near don quixote.

Maybe it's on the other side.

I guess we're not working

They just left us.

They didn't not like team fun

Did they find it?

We're just getting Directions.

I am not a look kim I have
Been on "Big brother" and "The.

Amazing race."

It's a huge advantage to know
You can count on people.

We know we're not going to be
Working with them.

That's okay.

We'll do it on our own.

We're going to the airport.

All right.

The airport.

My legs.

Have a good day.


This is all the yen I have Left.

I have u.S. Dollars.

If I had a funometer, it would
Be at zero.

The racers have a leg up, but
We're experienced travelers.

We learned from our mistakes
From the first leg, and we'll do.

A lot better today.

It's 500 a.M. And I'm
Already sweating.

There he is.

You made it.

My god.

I thought we were out.

I thought we were out.

By the grace of god...

we're still here.

We are still here.

I'm thrilled.

We're thrilled.

We spent four hours in that park
Running around looking for a.

Hidden immunity idol, not a damn
Clue box.

We're used to being tricked
On "Survivor."

we're super excited to race
With the legend rupert and his.


I didn't think I would see
You guys anymore.

I mean, huge fans of rupert.

Huge fans.

Come here.

We want to see if we can advance
Some of these survivors to the.


Going to laos.

Wish they had a bigger plane.

Let's get back in race mode.

Got all the teams on the same
Flight and we're ready to do.


We just caught back up.

We're not going to give up.

Our bar is set very low.

We just want to beat one Team.

We want to keep in the race and
Keep getting more knowledge,

Keep getting more experience,
And knock this newbie out of us.

There he is.
The courier is coming right.



I got it.

Make your way to give to the

It takes place every sunrise
And chance for locals to give.

Back to these dedicated mompings
And teams will now do as they.

Start with this leg of the race.

Taking it.
I don't think it is so.

This looks like a monster.

So close.

Two of these?

I can't believe we got here

We were so close.

If you take it all the way
Down there.

Behind us.
Stay on the road to the pal ace.

They were throwing bodies.
Come on!

Doing it on "Survivor."

Run like a snake and don't get a
Plow dart.

You got to be kidding me.

Looks like they were having
The most fun.

A fan of theirs.
And just weren't that fun or.


If they were none of the above.
They beat us.

We were really close.
That was a waste.

Thank you. Thank you.

Are you getting it?

Thank you. Help us right now.

Going to calm a snake.

I don't think we have insurance.

I saw you.

We are all setting in rows.

And the sun coming up and
Hearing the drums and the.

Temple. It is really spiritual.

What is so amazing, they are
Holding space for our collective.

Conscience and blasting out love
And compassion.

They are helping our world,
Tapping into that was pretty.

And search for your next clue.

What are we running toward?

The mek ompnmp g river.

And I'm total about getting

They are a strong team.
That is the mekong river.

Keep your eyes peeled. Tree.

This is it. And I see arrows.

And it says u-turn.

Double u-turn.
I was supersurprised to turn.

On. This is insane.

I don't know.

People could be closing in,

Say who wants a u-turn.

It's on us.
I don't think we should.

I mean, we should.

People are closing in. Rachel.


I don't know.

It's a game.
See if you can get there.

Not really a friend.
We tried to work with them in

Japan and didn't want to work
With us.

Detour, ?
You are listening to the lao.

Alphabet and impossible to pick
Out the subtle differences.

Between each letter, which is
Why we are having teams learn.

The lao alphabet and take a

Trust me. This is a tough crowd.

The lao barbecue, they are
Time consuming.

To help them.
They must prepare secures like.


I say barbecue.

We are going to barbecue.

Come on. Let someone else do it.


Make them? Yeah.

Luckily teams in front did
Not u-turn us.

And jamal is like, wait.

The sisters.
As we got closer, we started.

Seeing our faces and we were

That can't be happening.
I was like, that just happened.

They are a strong team.

I'm sorry. Tyler and korey.

Just got u-turn. Barbeque.

We got your guys' back.

We'll help you guys, too.

My god. My god.

Was I surprised to see our faces
On the u-turn board?

We have to run a perfect leg out
If we are going to survive this.

I think we should do Barbecue.

We are going to do it.
Teams down here, too.

They might do a different One.

This is easier.

We are running uphill.
"Big brother" did not prepare.

Us for the exhaust of the race.
Probably averaged 14 hours of.

Sleep a day.

We have to shop for ingredients.

We were so tired and so grouchy.

Headed to barbecue alley?

Yes. Pick a tee-shirt.

Thank you.
You had to pick a tee-shirt.

Who would teach you the abc's in
La oonch.

You could be saying something
In one way or lower or raise the.

Tone of your voice to get it
Exactly right.

And there were like 10 different
Veerings of...

got it.

Going into the barbecue Alley.

Local farmers' market out Here.

This is beautiful. Whoa!

All organic. Barbecue.

Barbecue. Barbecue.

This is it. We're here.

They are doing the ongoing

Three ducks.
We had to prepare raw duck.

And raw tilapia.

Gut the fish ap the ducks.

Get the ingredients and talk
About preparing it later.

Quack. Quack.

That's crazy.

Got the ducks.
I smell something fishy.

Here's the guts. Fish.


In the water.

Who has fish? Fish.

Fish this way. Fish.

Get the smallest one right.


Or agh! Agh.

My gosh.

You guys already do this one?

Good luck, girls.

Thank you. Smile.

Hello, kids.

Hello, kids.

Can we go back?

We'll be right back.


What's this one?

Does this sound like a boston.

Person saying car?

That is true.

I smell barbecue here.
I don't know.

Not as bad as tokyo.
This is barbecue alley.


Go. Go.

The team is here and not
Going to be very happy.

And bloops, bloops.

Five cuts. Boom, I got that.

First step is to scale the Fish.

Five cuts.
My cat, this is for you.

Mmp eow.

[speaking foreign language.
You we got to get out of.

Here. Hi.

We can do this.

We can do this.

This is the station.
This is the example.

Teams are coming.
Teams are coming.

Rapid speed now.
Rachel and melissa.

I want to apologize, but they
Haven't made eye contact and I.

Think they are not happy with

Don't sink to their level. Pb

Watch this.
Right down the middle.

Let's go do this.

Scaling the eye. My gosh.

I'm so sorry.
I'm a vegetarian now.

My gosh.

Don't throw up on me.

We got it this time.

Ianguage instructor, sure.
Come on.


Thank you.
We have to go do do the other.


Do you have the map?

I saw no similarities between
Our abc's and their abc's.

We are back.

Traveling to elephant banks.

Traveling to elephant banks.

Thank you guys.

That's it. Same as "Survivor."

thank god. Hi, friends.

End station.

End station.

End station.

We had six scales out of
Eight and two more to scale and.

Start cutting.

I just finished my first on
And move on to duck two.

And you're done, right?

This one's ready to go.

I'm so proud of you.
It looks good.

You guys are good.

One more fish under here.
Here you go, sir.

Quak. Quak.

That's how he wants you to
Tie it.

Don't drop it.


We will be back. And come on.

Come on.

I love you.

Yeah! Crushed it.


Nice! Good job.

Or ok.

Ready? Tadaaa.


It is done.

Other side of the detour and
Learn the lmp ao alphabet.


Let's go.
For your presentation, sir.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

Y arch y!

Perfect... Yay!

Come on. It's the first race.

Don't say that to me.

That's not cool.

I'm trying my best.
Are you kidding me?

Calm down.

.They are strong.

And they were right behind Us.

It was a big surprise.
You're fine.

My dad's a butcher. I got this.

We're good.

We're good. We're good.


Let's good

thank you. Thank you.

We did stuff.

We are on the banks of the me
Ko nmp g river.

[speaking foreign language.
Thank you.

We are champions.

Look at what's coming on the

We are unstoppable.

Here we go.




I think we got through that.

What's up, buddy?

You looking for a touch, Touch.

And you want to share?
The teams are behind us.

There is a whole lot of hope.
Damn it.

We are in trouble.

I know.

That looks so good.

Tada! So pretty.

Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

The race is on.

We're cool with everyone but
The "Survivor" girls.

Hey! Go.

Go. Go.

Go. Wait.

Wait. Wait.

Is this a sign saying it's that
Way or that way?

My god!

That's the damn "Survivor"


Go. Go.

Go. You idiot.

Scene number one.

Roadolympic. What's up, guys?

Iaos has been called the land
Of land of elephants.

The elephant conservation center
Is funded by ecotour rirm to.

Ensure the quality of life and
Survival of these gentle giants.

Using only lmp a oonch commands,
Teams must convince a three-ton.

Elephant to cross this river and
Search for a musician in the.

Jungle playing this mong music.
Who likes to be in command?

Come on.
I need to be number one.

Let's go down this.

My god. Look at this.

Wow! My gosh.

Wow! My gosh.

Good girl.

Just voice commands.

Elephant goes forward. Hi.

I'm learning.


Bye-bye. And they took it.

High-five. Whooskwlam.

I'm so excited.

I'm a pretty experienced

I lived in italy and all that.

She is so happy.
Seeing her go through the.

Experience is so rewarding.
I know she is so excited.

That's nice. Good girl.

Only two other there.

We are third and fourth.

Will you wait for us?

Thank you.

Where is the clue box?

I don't see it.

Go down by the river, guys.

And look for the other clue.


No. Straight.

Straight. S hmphmp h.

They are pointing us in the
Wrong direction.

I know.

They were sending us this Way.

Sneaky snakes. Completely out.

My god.

Go to the board.

It's in there. It's in there.

It's in there.

I'm a pushover and will leet
You eat.

Go fight.

Man, I think we are going
In the water.

My god.

My god.

This is so cool.

do you want to command an


This is the best road olympic

I love you!

This is worth a million
Dollars right here.


Good job.

My life is made.
My life is made.


Ok. Wait.

There is no way.

I'm going to bare back.
I meant like in...

that was incredible. Good job.

Are we going through looking
For music and find our next.

Clue? Yeah.

Got to do it.

My god, they are passing Us.

My god. That is another team.

My god, they dl both
Detours and passed us.

I'll do it.

You sure?

I'll see you back on an

Who is going to on that

Who likes to be in tandem?

I'll do it.

I'll do it. High-five.

High five.
You got to get that guy to.

I know, it's more the energy.

Just take deep breaths.
I find they don't like to be.

Yelled at.

Real chill.


What do I do?
When I got my elephant I saw

Rupert still learning what was
Going on and I saw in front of.

Me chris and becca.

Me chris and becca.

What is that?

Is that music?


That's it.

I got the clue.

I cannot open it until I see

Thank you. Thank you.

I only got one more, ok?

We are swimming like elephants.

And I got the best princess

My elephant is on g.P.S.
Are we going the right way?

It doesn't get any better than

Whoo! Whoo!

Whoo! Looks like a big ellfapt.

Party in the water.
We are all riding elephants in.

The water.


They are coming out of the

They are right next to each


This is the slowest footrace I
Have ever seen.

You already got your clue?


Right back to where you Started.

Come on nicole. Thank you.

Thank you.

Where are you? Run.



Great job.
After traveling by them, they.

Must go on a speed boat.

Here on the banks of the
Beautiful mekong river, the last.

Team to check in here may be

We may be eliminated.

Come on.

Let's go. That's in.

Number one.

Go. Go!

That's it.
That was just an incredible.

Thing ever. Dream come true.

I think we will be able to
Catch up.

How can you control a wild

It's on its own agenda and
Not caring we are in a race.

I don't think becca is in the
Water yet.

Good job.

Here is another time behind

Please, god, please.
This is insanity I can.

Control this elephant.

It does what it wants.

Thank you. Thank you.

Nice girl. Hi, everyone.

Hi, tyler.

You are going the right way.
I love the music.

Where am I go go?

We have to go.

And emon our way to a pit Spot.

What the hell is going on?
Thank you so much.

I'm so happy.

It should be elephant speed.

We didn't come here to lose.

Please, baby, please.

I lovell fants.
Everybody is passing us and.

We are in last place.
Elephants have been our.

Spirit guides.

You are k*lling me.

Possessed that strength I always

I can't depend on an Elephant.

I love you too much.

This is to be enjoyable and you
Are my ellfapt guide and you are.

k*lling me. k*lling me.

Big loveable mass, hard to talk
To and hard to instruct.

Very loveable.

Great elephant.

I'm coming, thank you.
They got it right there.

Come on, nick.
We are going to make them come.

Back. This is not it.

He said it is not it.

Nick! Nick!

Let's go!

Let's go. Nick, come on!

They are right down there.
Come on, nick.

You are in the right spot.
Let's go!

Let's go! Let's go.

We have to keep running, Nick.

I knew we were in the right


I'm, sorry.

They were lying to you.

I don't want to leave her.
The last team checking in may.

Be eliminated.


Go. Go!

Look at that elephant.
Does it have a faster gear?

We are in third place. Go!

Go! Go!


My god. Is that another team?


Working it.

We are going to it.

Let's do it. Go!

Go! Go!

I got it. We got this.

Let's do it.

We're in laos. Come on, buddy.

Welcome to laos.
Leo and jamal and you are.

Team number one.

And I have some great news
To you, you have won $2,000500.

Each. Come on, nick.

Come on, nick.

Victor, you are team Number two.

It is bittersweet.
When you are close in the.

The animal said we were going.

The wrong way.

I won't listen to them.

Going from sixth totaling
Second is awesome.

This way.

We just want to go right there.
Thank you.

Run. Run home.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!
We rise from the waters.


Rupert is coming.


You are checking in and there
Is another team.

Come on, girls.

Whoo! Big day today.

There was power play going on.

They are a very strong team.
Look behind you, another.

Team. Whoo!

We have another team right
Here, guys.


We survived.
We have seen a u-turn be a.

Death sentence.
To know we survived it puts.

Confidence in our step.
I'm pleased to tell you are.

Are team number eight.

That was a tough one, man.
I'm so sorry laura.

Maybe it's not elimination.

We survived!

We survived!

My god, I got to stay in This.

Let's go.

Rupert and laura are behind us

We found it.
We were able to complete two.

Challenges in the time that it
Took other challengers to.

Complete one.
We don't plan ongoing home any.

Time soon.

Rupert and laura, very sorry to
Tell you are the last team to.

Unfortunately, you have been.

Eliminated from the race.
I considered myself one of.

The toughest "Survivors" out
There and "Amazing race" kicked.

My ass. The good news is...

we are still together.
"Amazing race" is big.

Spectrum and married 21 years.

Been friends for 25.
Hopefully we have another 25.

Years of adventures ahead of us.

Stay tuned for scenes from
Our next episode.

Next on "Amazing race"...
Teams light up the dance floor.

I'm feeling this.

While corinne and eliza feel.

The pinch.

And others feel the pressure.
I hoff it.

Come on, girl.
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