31x01 - You're in Our Race Now

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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31x01 - You're in Our Race Now

Post by bunniefuu »

This is los angeles, a city on
the edge of america where the

City meets the pacific coastline
and these golden sand beaches,

Including hermosa beach.

This surf spot will start as the
starting line for the

Contestants and the most
competitive players from three

Of your favorite shows.

"Big brother".

And "the amazing race."

I have played "survivor" four
times and lost the game four


We went into "survivor" blood
versus water thinking we were

Going to play "survivor"

Didn't happen that way.

First person voted out of
their tribe.

You could take her spot.
This could be the time that

Maura could be that charm.

I competed on three soaps of
"big brother."

I competed on two.
My idol.

I was always good at

I was possibly getting involved,
but it wasn't my idea.

And I heard rumors.
People don't hold grudges

After the game.
We are cousins who ran the

Race two times.
Both times we raced, we were out


We didn't care about the other

And saw that as a threat.
Only team to survive.

But ultimately, we took
ourselves out.

We are more grounded and more

And I'm a father to a

I have a cat named pablo.

I'm doing this for you.
Welcome to the start of a

Very special "amazing race," the
first ever showdown from

Contestants from "survivor,"
"big brother" and "amazing


This is a reality race who
thinks they have what it takes

To race 25,000 miles around the
world and win how much 11


All of you think what it takes
to win this race.

But remember, only one team will
win it all.

I want to know who thinks they
have the edge over everybody

The "survivors" do.

Phil: rupert.
The "survivors" are very


Phil: how do you feel about the
confidence of these "survivors"?

Been on an island for 0 days.

Phil: some of you have been
stuck in the house.

Rachel, you have done both "big
brother" and "amazing race."

They don't realize how
physically demanding it is.

On "race," forget about the

We are good on that.
We literally never ate.

You guys had a house.

All right.

"Big brother" prepared you
for strategy.

Tyler, I never saw you so

You need to mind your
business, phil.

Phil: you need to dig into that
sand consultp tur as fast as you

Can and get a clue that reveals
your clue to your first


Is everybody ready?

The world is waiting for you.
Good luck.

Travel safe.



Come on!
Oh my gosh!

This is amazing!



You got to be kiding me.
Somewhere, I will find huh.

I'm sweating you like crazy.
She voted me out three times.

Three times a charm.
I didn't vote for her to win

And she won.

I had a crush on her on the "big
brother" house and she wasn't

Interested in me.
And we have been in stressful

So if we can make it through

This, we are life partners.
Got one.

Got one.

Got one.


Oh my deposh!




Come on, man.

It's hard.
I got one.

Flight to tokyo, japan.

My arms are tired.
Colin, you finding anything.

15 Years ago, it was fairly
intense, we got to the race.

Calm down.
Oh my god, I hate you.

It's broken.
Since then we have appear

I have become a life coach and

Part of our daily practice is

As you go inward, you just
find things don't trigger you as

Much as they used to, but I'm
sure it's the competition.

I'm sure.


Left all the cute teams.
I'm tyler and cory, and we're

I have the youtube channel

That has six million subscribers
and do all that behind the

People started the race

Thinking we were messes.

But we won five legs of the

This time we aren't going to

Change anything we are doing.
We have to inwin.

Not getting lucky.
Advantage of the sand.

Honestly not.

We lost it four times.
Got it.

Thank god.
Come ol!

Making me nervous.
Oh my god.

Got it.

That's the race, babies.

That's the race, babies.

I want to start the race like

I was just there.

Thank you, jesus.

Don't give up.
We got bad memories from


Good job.

There we go!
Oh, man.

Oh, man.
Are you kidding me?

And we got it.
Now time to redeem ourselves.

I'm from "big brother" and

"Amazing race."
I raced with my husband.

Oh my god, rachel.
I hate you.

Hate you.
This time I get to race with my

Best friend, my sister.
I think I'm better at getting

Her under control.

And tried two times.

And you are in my mindset.
Where is the fun meter?

Brr rmp r.
First time we met is at the

Starting line of "the amazing

We could feel each other's
vibes we were there to win.

Our downfall was physical

We are in a good place.

Actually dating.

We are back now.

And legend continues with the
one team fun.

I can't believe that happened
to us right off the get-go.

We are watching that and best

The final challenge of season

But the wheels fell off at the

And we didn't talk about it for
about five years.

I know what it feels like to
lose and it sucked.

He lost almost 40 pounds and
looks great.

We are here for one reason.
First time in japan.

The people are friendly and
that excites me.

We have been on "survivor" and
we have again good friends.

We have an unlikely.
I'm a trial lawyer and brett is

A boston police officer.

I had been voted out.

I didn't care.
I trust brett as much as anybody

In my life.
No crying about it, any whining.

I'm going to cry.

He likes to cry on tv, be

He scared me.

And corinne has absolutely no

The only thing I would vote
to you you is give a handful of

Anticipate depressants.
We are both totally single

We are way back.
And this is it.

Half of the people here have
already wasted on "amazing race"

And puts us at a huge

They made it pretty far.
I think of them being huge


But there are teams that are
easy to pick.

Victor ap nicole --
rupert is really old.

He has this big pot belly.

He is not exactly plr

Rachel has raced to the time
leg twice.

Her with elissa, good luck,

You are going home.

We are on our way to tokyo
and we are so excited and so

Excited to start this race.
Phil: they are flying 5,000

Miles west across the pacific
ocean to tokyo, japan and taking

A bus ride to home of the
world's biggest pedestrian

Come on in folks.

Phil: they must travel to one of
two locations.

Tokyo, tokyo restaurant.

But there is only a limited
number of clues at each

Excuse me.

Do you know where tokyo tokyo
restaurant is?

I don't know.

I don'tite they are.
Same "big brother."

This isn't "survivor."
Anybody speak english,


I love it.
I never seen this in my life.

Tokyo wasn't intimidating.

The lights, streets and foreign

Do you speak english.


It was chaotic.

Oh my god.
And I deposit know what to


A restaurant?

Or this?

One or the other?

Which one is closer.
We know which players are


We are the novices of the group
that are going to turn into the

Lock and security.

Hopefully there is a clue and
there are a limited number of


We have to find tokyo, tokyo

You are the hawker?

Thank you, sir.

Let's go.

We're doing it.

Travel to the fifth floor of
edge and shbulia.

There it is.
Lock and security.

Hold on.
Hold on.

Hold on.

This is crazy.

We always found a clue and
not going to make it obvious.

Is that that street ahead.
And comeing this way.

What are they doing?
I have no idea.

Found where to go and present
tended, because they were

Following us.
They don't know what they're


Appreciate it.

My wife is pregnant.


Britney, you ran off.
Thank you very much.

Walking into security.
Thank you very much.

Sh bmp ulia.

I know I'm losing my mind.
Straight ahead, huh.

This road olympic gives teams
a chance to compete and who

Wants a sweet new pair of shoes
inspired by japanese game shows

That are crank-worthy for their

Teams must find one of only 12
issues that are made of

Chocolate and only one way to
figure it out by taking a bite.

Take an available seat on the

Find a needle in the haystack.

Which one looks like chocolate?
Can I take that far right


To the right.
First run.

To the right.

One morement.
Yes, you got this.


The middle.

Find the chocolate shoes.

Probably 100 sandals.

It's not easy.

This one right on the very

You really could not tell the

Difference between the shoe and
the chocolate.

Pack there.

Back there.
You have to keep your vibes

High and find the shoe with the

Right there.

This is it.
Thank you.

No more.
Oh my god.

We have to find the other

Tokyo, tokyo and trying to find
the locksmith.

Lock smith, where are you

All the clues will be gone.
Officially, I hate tokyo.

A.b.c. Lock and security.

You don't know it.
Can you help us.

We are hooking for a.b.c. Lock
and security.

Where is that app.
Found the restaurant.


They are going over there.

This is making me crazy.
And lost the other guys, too.

Thank you.
Oh, god.

I know.

This is way harder than

Get that one over there.
Back there.

As far as strategy, I started
looking at the structure or the

That has to be it.

We have to eat this baby.

Come on.

Find the chocolate.


Do it.
Oh my god.

I'll take the one in the back,
second row, two down.

Um, it's sweet.


That one was it.

I'm a lucky bitch.

Thank you so much.
Come on.

Phil: teams must travel by taxi.

They must proceed to search for
the next clue.

Buy chocolate, helen.

Come on.
I'm trying, baby.

My teeth started to hurt and
I wanted to make sure there was

No chocolate in there.

There was a lot of wood.

Right there.
Right there.

Let's go.


Why are none of these

Thank you.
Come on, leo.

Who wants to climb mount fu
jmp i.

Phil: they have the opportunity
to climb japan's tallest mount.

They have tom climb to the

It might be easy but it is as
slippery as a wet noodle.

All you are hiking and

Let's do it.

Going to be really easy.
I like the dr. Seuss outfit.


Come on, leo.

This is redemption mode until

Still, baby, come on.

Oh my gosh.

Ug hmp.
Might vrm trouble with this one.

I don't understand what the
rhyme or reason to pick the

They all look the same.

-- Sand.

They are all looking the same.



Even with my glasses, I
captain even tell.

We got it.

Here you go.
This is where we started.

Walked in a big circle.
Rather would be on an island.

Find the next chocolate

This is hard.


Find a chocolate sappedal to
receive the next clue.

Here we go.

Can I try that one right


You get it, girl!

That's it, I'm doing it.
I love software and never

Going to eat chocolate depen.
Bottom row.


Yeah, baby.

Next one.
Come on.

Like a beaver.
I would eat the wood right now

If they let me.
I'm on station.

It's right here.

And come to this station.
You got it.

Come on.

Next clue.

You have a team coming behind

Come on.

Here it is.
Who wants to climb mount

Come on.

There I go.
Very wet.

Ap I realized I could use my
happened as a suction and I

Dragged my arm down to made rap
holes to go up easier to grab.

Phil: there you go, you got it.
This is why you work out.

Give it to pablo.
Good job, lee o'.

Good job lee o'o -- lee o'.
The sideline is built on the

Highest hill in central tokyo.

Climbing to the top is meant to
bring successes.

The last team to check in here
will be eliminated.

Whoosclack -- whoo!

Whoosclack -- whoo!


And that was hard.

We are on it, on it and going
to find it.

Is this it?

Oh my god.
Oh my god and search for your

Next clue.

We have been up and down this
road a million times.

This is never going to end.

No, we're not there.
We is going to step out.

Step it out, chris.
Little bit behind.

The one that looks like
chocolate, that's the one we

Good work.

Good work.
Merlot would go with this.

This time, we did it!

Tokyo, japan!


Give it to us.
Phil: you are team number one!


Phil: as the fin winners, you
have won a seven-day crews on

Wind spirit and stay in an ocean
state room and visit seven

Different island and experience
the borrowa-borrow ave hospital.

I like it.
Redemption 2.0.

And we are back to win.
Phil, good to see your face.

We are running around after

Oh my god, this is it.
Who wants to climb mount fmp


You have to do this one.

Oh my god.

Korey, you got this, korey?

Yes, good job, cory.


Yeah, cory.
Oh, look at that.

I got it together.
Got it.

Yeah, nicole.
Just like that.

Come on.

You didn't say anything about my

I love your wig.
Come on!




Come on, you got it rachel.
That right there.

We were able toll pull up his
google matthew and gave us the

Actual street view.
There it is.

Full force, sir.

Thank you very much.
Come on, matt.

Good job, right there.
You want me to do it or you

Do it?

I'll do it.

They don't look like they're
all chocolate.

Keep calm.
Keep calm.

We aren't going to lose it.

I know.

We got this.

This game is really hard.
The one next to you, the one

You just placed.

Bottom corp.er.

Remember the ones that you

Any minute now.
Come on.

High off the sugar.

When are putting there, we
are getting more and more

Nervous and panicked.
There are only three "survivor"


How do you show your face in
public again.

Oh my god.

We are getting eliminated.

Only one left.
And already been here.

Not going to it.

This is horrendous.
Good job.


Keep going.

Already got it.

Probably scale this in less
than 30 second.

I bet.

I will bet she will climb this.
Oh my god.

She is halfway up.


This is your warm-up.


"Amazing race."

The next row, the one below

The one you are about to put


Don't freak out.

Very disappointing.
I feel like we are a strong team

And we haven't bep able to prove

Who wants a sweet new pair of

I'll do it.
We don't have any room to make

Any mistake.

No, ma'am.

Oh, gosh.
I'm not done until they tell me

I'm done.
Tyler and korey, you are team

Number three.

What is it like to be out here?
It is so fup.

When you with your spouse, it is

With my sister, we are ep joying
it more.

Climbing to the top of mount

We were lost.

You got it.

Taking on a custom.

We can do this.
Let's go.

Keep it going.
Keep going, buddy.

Let's go.
Tell me what to do next?

Oh my god.
I can't say anything.

All right, I'm coming down.

Oh my god.
I was right there.


That's really hard.

Come on.
Come on.

I can't believe I did.
I am so tired.

Come on.
Come on.

Man, where is the search in
the park.

Find the clue in the park.
The park is giant.

It's not across the street.

It's that way.
Drinking a lot today.

When I say drinking, I do
mean water.


You have run your first leg of
"amazing race."

Lot harder.

And it's going to get way

I don't want to be the first one

Out of this.

We need a shot, man.

I still think we are going to

Here we go.

We have a shot.

Come on.

Come on.


You got it, buddy.

You look great.

You got it.
You know what to do.

Come on, buddy, let's go!

Good job, brett.

Good job, brett.

You are doing it, brett.
You got this.

Yes, hang on!

Come on.
Search for the next clue.

No way to find the box that is


Hidden for a while.
Biggest difference between

This and competeing in
"survivor" --

It is go, go, go.

Here, it's go.

You k*lling it.

I'm so proud of you.

Come on, corine.

You are doing so good.

You can get it.
You can get it.

You can do it.

You did it.

Oh my good, you are amazing.

So hard.

Are you guys going to be up
to this race?

You looked absolutely

You looked incredibly.

I'm in better shape than
seven years ago.

Nothing to prevent me from
physical activity.

Maybe I should do this one.

Come on, art.

Come on, buddy.
Come on, art.

I know.

I keep trying, but I don't know
if I will make it up that thing.

I have to tell you, you are
at the back of the pack and you

Are team number nine.

We are really touch-and-go.

Teams we were calling dumb.
So, we got it together


Everybody else did it.
Come on.

Come on now.
Just a puzzle.

Have to get a happened will
on it and work my way up.

Come on, art.

He is never going to quit.
God almighty.

This is embarrassing.
Take a breather.


Can we get some water, please

I don't know what to do.

I don't know eat they are.


Been walking for hours.

Long enough for everyone.
We are ready.

A mass.

Doy think that art's going to

Be able to do this?
I don't.

Hey, art, I don't see it
happening, right the way you


Take a four-hour penalty,
because this isn't going to

Happen, ok?
All right.

Across the street.
And it's right there.

Going across the street.

Let's do this.

Don't tell me and ask me.

I don't know.

I am asking you your opinion.

It's very hard.
We took the penalty.

And lmpomp and behold.

We have to hope and play,
whoever is behind us.

Rupert and lawyer after ha.

Why are they still sitting

Are they waiting for us?
I can't believe that.

Who wants to climb mount

I'm ready to climb mount

We couldn't get up so we took
the penalty.

The penalty is four hours.

I don't perceive us getting
up there.

We are going to find out,

We are going to run up the
darn thing.

I was not going to let a
mountain beat me.

Come on, rupert.
Oh, god.

Damn it.
Come on.

Come on, honey.
Come on.

Oh, god, he's going.
Come on, rupert.


Oh, god.
He's going right up that


Looks like he smoked it.

First try!

It's over.
How did he do it?

It's over.
Good try, honey.

You are a bad ass.

Just a horrible, horrible way
to end this.


Because another team took a

I'm pleased to tell you you are
team number 10.

Rupert, you are still in this

You will live to fight in this

We were so defeated ap we
know we were last.

But we conquered mount fmp uji.
Art and j.j.

I'm sorry to tell you you have
been eliminated from "the race."

We were going to win it this

It fell a little bit out of s

I have been thinking about it
for a while.

I think about season 20 and that
was season 20 and I I didn't

Want to let him down.

Want to let him down.

Stay tuned for episodes of

This season's of "the amazing

This season.
What are you doing?

In our first ever reality

They go to breathtaking new

This is the coolest thing

Take on thrilling new

I love you "amazing race."
This is my dream.

And face shocking new twists.

$1 Million.

Who will win "the amazing race"?
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