19x12 - Go Out and Get It Done (Atlanta, Georgia)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x12 - Go Out and Get It Done (Atlanta, Georgia)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing race" -- go!

Along the way, teams experienced
thrilling rides and cultural highs.

That made me feel so good.

Teams faced the extreme.

Oh, God.

And faced each other.

I'm going nowhere because
you have no passport.

You treat me like -- every day.

After seven eliminations.

Laurence and zac.

Jill and cathi?

I'm sorry to tell you that you've
been eliminated from the race.

Andy and Tommy, winners of six
legs -- you are team number one.

Faced a devastating defeat.

Andy and Tommy, sorry to tell you that
you have been eliminated from the race.

Oh, man.

Erne and Cindy came to
the race ready to run.

I'm definitely a little
bit of a control freak.

In order to prepare we've taken
intensive language courses.

When things didn't always work
out lining like Cindy planned.

The engaged couple pushed even harder.

I want to win a freaking leg.

But sometimes eased up as they
earned a spot in the final three.

Throughout the race, Jeremy and
Sandy weren't always in sync.

Don't drop it.

I'm trying!

Stop yelling at me.

But survived several close calls.

Jeremy and Sandy?

I'm pleased to tell that you -- you
that you are still in this race.

To finally win a leg and
make the final three.

You are team number one!

Amani and Marcus often dug
themselves into a home.

We're in last right now.

We are major league behind.

But with a fighting spirit -- let's go.


Drawing from Marcus's NFL past
-- we just took the opening

kickoff and ran it for a touchdown.

And from their family bonds.

We have a daughter who's
got special needs.

We don't want her to quit.

The comeback kids always persevered
to earn a spot in the final three.

Coming up tonight, one of these
three teams will win the $1

million prize, and "the amazing race."

Panama is the gateway between north and
South America, with its world-famous

canal dividing the continents, and
near the capital city, Panama viejo.

This historic settlement built
by the Spanish almost 500 years

ago is where teams will start the
final leg in a race around the world.

Jeremy and Sandy won the last
leg of the race and will depart

first at 12:04 A.M.

Fly your way to -- oh, no,
we're going to Atlanta.

This sucks.

Teams will fly to their final
destination, Atlanta, Georgia.

Once they touch down, they must
make their way to flight safety

international, where they'll
find their next clue.

This sucks!

This is it.

The final three.

We have to be perfect this
last leg and we have to

continue to work together as a team.



All we have to do is put the
pieces that we've learned

throughout the race together
along with how we've learned to

communicate with each other.

I think we have a real
good shot at winning this.

Neither of us have any experience in
Atlanta and we know the other teams have

expensive -- Marcus and
amani live in Atlanta.

That is a huge, huge advantage.

Atlanta, Georgia.

Oh, man.

Marcus and amani are going
to have such an edge.

I think the race today is the
ultimate premarital counseling.

We've learned so much about each other.

International airport.

I love your accent.


We've experienced the emotions
together and it's been a really

strong bonding experience
for the two of us.


Fly to your final destination
city, Atlanta, Georgia!


We're going home, baby.


Excited to be in the final three.

We definitely feel as though
we deserve to be here.

Now it's on to the super bowl and to
win the race would be a life dream.




We're going to the crib, babe.

It's home-court advantage.

Home field advantage.

I hope so.


Come on, babe.

Just give it to him.

That's a lot.


Add I don't say.


-- Adios.


Severing closed.

How much does this suck
we're going to Atlanta?

They've liked lived
there their whole life.

Are you guys pumped you're going home?

Yeah, we're excited.

We'll all be on the same flight.

Another last night at the airport.


We need two tickets to Atlanta, please.

I need two tickets to Atlanta.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

All teams are on the

Game on.

Game is on.

Thank you.


It feels surreal to know that
we've completed the entire trip

around the world, and to finish
it in the area which we call

home feels amazing.

Thank you.

I'm ready to work some magic today.

I've been working magic the whole race.

Yes, she has.

I'm anxious and there are
no more friends right now.

I'm ready to run and do whatever
it takes to jump in front of them.

We're playing at home and the
ball is on the 10-yard line

and we have four plays to get it in.

We have to go out and get it done.

All teams are now making their
way to Atlanta, Georgia.

Go, go.

Let's go.

They're here, they're here.

Let's get it.

This way, this way.

Let's go.

Get a taxi.

Where are you going?

Ask an agent.

Can you drive fast?

Atlanta learning center?

Do you know where this is?

We can pay you a lot of money.

We have to get in a cab.

Please take us.

Nobody knows.

No one will take us.

Do you have a full t*nk of gas?

Show me.

Do you have navigation?


Let's go.

We're in a race.

This is ridiculous.

Go, go.


We're going to 1010 to have yi.

You know this?

We don't know the address.

We're in a race.

We can pay you a lot.

Do you mind if I borrow your phone?

Thank you.

Don't tell the other taxi drivers.

We have to go really, really fast.

We are in a serious race, my man.

Every second in this last leg counts.

I see it.

Ok, you stay and wait for us.

Jeremy and Sandy are here.

That's your -- our clue box.

Just miles from the busiest airport in
the world and the corporate center for

some of the biggest airlines in
the country, teams will take to

the sky one more time in a multimillion
dollar Learjet flight simulator.

After learning the interrace --
independent accuracies from a

professional flight
instructor, they mums land.

When the flight instructor
feels they have earned their

wings, he will give
them their next clue.

Hi, Jeremy.

Hi, I'm Sandy.

Become the pilot and the co-pilot
in a full flight simulatoror.

Come on.

We can do this baby.

Get your pilot on.


I'm going to get plane sick.

When your flight is over
you'll receive your next clue.

Does this really move?

Oh, my God.

How real does this look?

Land a jet at the
international airport.

This really moves.

I'm going to get plane sick.

This is awesome.

This is a trip.

Oh, my gosh.

When we got there I was stoked.

Jeremy took the lead at captain
and I was the co-pilot.

I was excited.

I'm going to show you how to
maneuver the plane on the ground.

Are you soirgs?

I've never been in a
flight simulator before.

I don't like flying.

It's nerve-racking for me.

Never have I been behind the
controls so this is definitely

new and fascinating.

Holy cow!

This is awesome.

Now, co-pilot, your job is to
maintain the air speed at 135 knots.


Let's get it right the first time.

Got this love this stuff.

I'm going to throw up.


I should have taken a motion pill.





You have to read this.

Yes, gear down.

I do this first then 24 then slow?


Got, -- got you.

Let's give it a shot.

You'll be flying in three, two, one.

You're flying.

Flaps down.

Flaps 20, gear down.

Flappings 20 achieved.

Three green confirmed.

Three green con if you remembered.

Three green.

I've never flown on a plane
before -- I've never flown a

plane before but 24 simulator
feels pretty ream.

We're getting close.

You got it.

Disengaging auto pilot.

Go outside.


Go outside.

One dot above.

Yes, we are.

What the heck was that?

The co-pilot's job is to maintain
the air speed at 135 knots.

Oh, all the time.

We were at 100 novets and we were so
slow we were falling out of the sky.

That attempt was unsuccessful.

Sorry, my bad.

Here we go.

You got this, babe.

You got it babe.

I got this.

Ooh, lord.


Go, baby.


Brake, brake, brake.

The landing was a bit harsh.

Oh, baby.


And he did it on the first try.

He nailed it.

Nice work, here's your next clue.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Good job, babe.


Let's go.

Find the former resident
known as the dump.

Teams must figure out that the dump is
the former resident of Margaret Mitchell

the pull litser prize winning
author of gone with the wind.

Once here, they'll
find their next clue.

Whether we ran out and realized that the
two cabs were there we had fire in our


Do you know the former
resident known as the dump?

Take us to an intersection
where we can ask somebody.

We need to ask people.

Atlanta ground.

Leader jet, request taxi information.

I'm sorry, we're going to land
first and then request taxi.

Because we haven't landed yet
so we can't request permission

to travel on the ground.

Ah, not bad.

Not bad, babe.

Third time is the charm, right, babe?

Yeah, we got it.

That was so whack.



Third time is a charm.

Find the former resident
known as the dump.

What the heck?


Lord help us right now.

Help us right now.

Do you know the former
resident known as the dump?

Can I have your cell phone again?

Where are Sandy and Jeremy?

They finished already.

Flaps down.

Flaps 20, achieved.

Little movements.

We'll begin the scenario again.

You'll be flying in three,
two, one -- begin.

Flaps 20.

Gear down.

Flaps 20, achieved.

Three green confirmed.

One dot above.

Disengaging auto pilot.


It's coming up.



I'm sorry, baby.

Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.

We have to ask somebody.

Find the former residence
known as the dump.

It's got to be.

Honey, we're not going to guess.

We have to ask.

Hi, I was calling with a question.

Do you know of the residence
formerly known as the dump.

I'm going to ask this guy.

Do you know a former
residence known as the dump.

It's like slang for
something here in Atlanta.

It's up towards -- I think it's
one of the old home dopeos.

We're in a race and we need to find
information from obscure clues.

Look looks like it's
Margaret Mitchell's home.


Do you have the address for that?

Do you know Margaret Mitchell's home?

Can you drive there very fast?

Thank you.

Big tip, big tip.

Oh, my gosh, this is so nerve-racking.

If we don't win that $1 million today
it will be such a disappointment.

We're in the final leg
for a lot of money.

It's so nerve-racking.

Do -- to lose it to the boys
would be one thing but to lose

it to Sandy and Jeremy or
Marcus and amani would be like

losing it to my brother
or something like that.

I'm going to have to take a
Prilosec when I get home.

Maybe you can afford wall
all of those you want.

Well, you're an a-plus student.

I'm a b-plus.

Maybe like a c-plus.

You got it, babe.

Oh, yeah, he said by the
home deep ovement yep.

Up here on the right, looks like.

It's like a former home depot.

Our taxi driver said they left a
good 15 or 20 minutes ahead of us.

There it is.

See it?

Where in the world are
we going to find this.

Head through the parking lot.

Heck yeah, Ben.

This is it.

Good job.

Oh, my God.


Clue box?

Former residence known as the dump.

Former residence known as the dump?


Is this the former residence
known as the dump?

It still is the dump.

Ok, it's always been the dump.

We have to -- find a clue box.

Did we miss nything when we came in?

Come on.

There's got to be a marker.

Let's hurry.

Let's just hurry.

Babe, we have to be methodical Jeremy.

I know.

We're in the wrong spot.

I know.

Look, she's sitting right outside.

Just pull up in front.

We have to go to that woman.


Thank you.


Who gives a damn.

This is the very room where pulitzer
prizewinner Margaret Mitchell wrote per

best-selling novel
"gone with the wind."

Working with an old-fashioned
typewriter, the remington 3,

teams must type out their next clue.

They will soon discover there
is no key for the number one

and they will need to use the
lower case l in its place.

When the Southern gentleman
feels it has been type told

perfection, they will
have their next clue.

I give a damn.


Oh, my God, I'm so nervous.

Oh, sh**t.


Opened it up and it was typing.

I was like ah, now I don't give
a damn because Cindy types so

much faster than I do.

I type like that.

She's over there, brrr -- a
thousand words a minute.

Ok, babe.

Type fast.

Is this the table?


I can type about 10 times
faster than Ernie so it really

sucks I didn't do that one.

I think I'm going to need support
on how to operate this thing.


The former residence, quote-unquote.

It's the former residence?

Are you sure this is --
is this used furniture?

I'm sorry.

Nothing to be sorry about.

This is not easy for a reason.

Otherwise we'd have tons of pilots.


Wrong one.

Start all over.

Do I get wite-out?

Just kidding.

Let's go.

We mustn't be in the right place.

-- Must not be in the rights place.

I don't know, we can't find anything.

I'm kind of bummed out.

This is a million dollars.

This is pretty tough on me right now.

I probably should have done this one.

Let's keep asking them, because
we're in the wrong spot.

Off kilter now.

Do you know where we can find the
former residence known as the dump?

By any chance, do you have
a smart phone or anything?

I do.


Wrong one.

Damn it.

Oh, this is brutal.

I think I know what it is.


Margaret Mitchell house,
Atlanta, Georgia.

"Gone with the wind," it was
written in the apartments

Mitchell called "the dump."

Let's go tell him.

as fast as possible.

There's no 1.

Our lead is now gone.

sh**t, sh**t, sh**t.

There's no 1.

Where the heck could the one be?

That's not going to -- we
have to nail it, hundred.

Stay positive.

There was no 1 on the typewriter.

I'm trying to think where the
heck did they you do the 1 from?

I just looked at the type face
to see what looked like the "l"

and -- 1 and it was the "l"
so I just banged that home.


You got it.

Thank you!

Hurry, hurry, hurry.


These are the only numbers I have.

Teams must now figure out that
the numbers on their clue

commemorate hall of famer Hank
Aaron's 715 home runs which in

home run record.

Memorialized on this at Turner field.

We only have three numbers
and we're supposed to figure

out where in Atlanta this might be.

I don't know if they're exits.

Are they highways?

Let's go to the nearest hotel.

Is that a museum?

Right there, right there.

Stop, stop!


Thank you.


Oh, my gork.

Ok, who gives a damn?




I just feel like maybe this
is one for Sandy right now.

She's done a lot more
schooling than I have.

If there's something to get
thought out methodically in a

faster process, this is all her.

This is not a Mac.

This is an old time writer.

Is this a hotel up here?


Hi, is there an Internet we can use?

Let me see.

Ok, thank you.

Yes, please.

Are we allowed to come back here or no?

Just for this time, tnk you!

What do they use for a 1?

The I?

No, a 1.

We're missing the 1.

We get tricky, huh?

There's no 1 on this.

a deep breath and once I didn't think

so much about the rest of the
race I think I performed a lot

better and at that point
we knocked it out.


Congratulations, you
have completed the task.

You did it.

I'm proud of you.

Find the former residence
known as "the dump."

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I feel like that was a pass
in the end zone they dropped.

You did the best you could, babe.

You didn't quit.

You kept going.

That's all I asked to you do.

I get to the super bowl and I
can't finish, can't close it.

I still wofe would have thrown you the
pass if you were in the end zone.

You would have been my target
-- target so obviously somebody

is believing in you.

Oh, it's Hank Aaron's numbers!

So what?

What about Hank Aaron?

Where did the guy go?

Is there a famous Hank Aaron
statue or memorial or something?


Do you think we need
to go to the ballpark?

Inside Turner field?


Thank you very much!

I think that's it.

Thank you!

Turner field.

Hank Aaron's statue.

What do you think?

It has to be it.

Got to be it.


It's the "l" hot dog.


Let's see what we have.


Thank you.

Let's go.

Got it?


Good job, babe.

k*lled it.

It's like route
coordinates or something.

We need to Google it.

Oh, sh**t, a clue box.

Route info.

Working out any notes, teams
now face a massive mental

map challenge that has the
potential to completely change

the outcome of this race.

With one team member rigged to
this giants map and the other

screaming out instructions,
they must successfully map out

their race around the world
to receive their final clue.

Cindy, follow me.

Holy bananas.

There's this enormous map that was 50
feerblingts 100 feet off the ground?

Yeah, it was huge.

Wow, this is nuts.


Grab this rope.

Up here?


Out on the corner do
you see that red rope?


You must pass the red rope through the
country clip of your choice to plot your


The pressure right now is
pretty intense but I'm hoping

that the other teams are really
struggling somehow because I

haven't seen them since
we left the simulator.


This is so wild.

All rig, Cindy!

It's so hard to get left and right.

You're doing good, Cindy.

Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand.

There you go.

Way to work.

You're doing great, Cindy.

Thank you.


Who gives a damn?

You do.


Completely type out your next clue.

Here, baby.

You got it.

How do you get a 1?

Grab that hi.

Turner field.

Thank you.

As fast as possible.

Just going forward, babe.


There you go.

Use those bulging biceps.




Indonesia, Thailand.


Now get up there.

Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands.

Hell yeah, going home!

Give yourself enough
slack to get back home.


Here's Panama.

Going home to the a.T.L.


I got to make sure there's no slack.


I think I nailed it.

This is the coolest map ever.


You did great.

Thank you!

Thank you very much.

Pit stop, please.

To the swan house?

Teams are now racing to what might
be the most recognizable landmark in

Atlanta, swan house.

This is the finish line.

The first team to arrive here will win
the $1 million and "the amazing race."

Go, go!

Oh, my God, go!

No way.

Ben, let's go.

The swan house.

You know it?

This is it.

This is for all the marbles.

This is for everything.

It's over here.

Rerun your race around the world.

I'll do that.

I'm so happy you have a g.P.S., Ben.

As long as this is the place.

Right there.

Oh, no.

You were supposed to
make a right back there.

It split.


It recalculated it.

Just go fast.

Good job,.

You're going to Taiwan, right?

It's right here?

I think it's the one below it.

No, I think that's it.

And then we went to Thailand.

Lower, lower.

After that we went to Malawi, Africa.

All the way over.

Got it.

And then from Malawi
we went to Denmark.

Got it.

Oh, my God, can these
cars please hurry up?

Turn right -- what?

That doesn't make any sense.

I think we overshot it.

Let's see here.


Right here.

If you're staring at Denmark Dell July
is like down two and to the right.


And then we went to Panama city.

You got it, babe.

What is happening right now?

We like really, really have to win.

All right, then go up to Atlanta.


Now what do we do?

I have to pull it tight, I think.

Thumbs down?

Ok, let's start from scratch.

Oh, is this not Thailand?

Yeah, this is Thailand right here.

Where do you have Indonesia?

We didn't get Indonesia.

Here we go.

You didn't tell me Indonesia.

It must have slipped.

All right, check?

Got it.

Good job, baby!

Thank you.

Run to the finish line, go, go, go.

Get a taxi.



This is not working.

Oh, my gosh.

The swan house.

We need to enter on Andrews.

Well, let's just find
where this thing is.


Swan house?

Andrews drive gate?

Go, go, it's the finish.

As fast as possible.


Oh, no.

Let's go this way and ask.

We need to enter on Andrews?


How far?

Five miles.

Five minutes or five miles?

Five minutes, about five miles.

We're in the dark here.

We have no idea where
the other teams are.

West Andrews.

We need to take that.

Is this it?

It has to be.


Turn right, turn right.

Go in there, go in there.

There's a parking lot.

Is this it?

Oh, my God!


Four continents, 10 countries, 20 cities
and more than 35,000 miles, Ernie and

Cindy, you are the official
winners of "the amazing race"

and you have won the $1 million!


Thank you so much!

At the end of the last leg
you said to me you wanted

to win this "amazing race" so
badly because you wanted to

make some real change in the
world, you wanted to do

something for everything -- others.

Can you tell everyone what that was?

We want to create an organization that
can multiply the million and help those

really in need.

We've met such amazing people.

We're so happy.

We need a little bit extra and
we want to be able to help

them, inspire them to live a
better life and to contribute

to the global economy.

Your family watching you standing
heroiners of "the amazing race."

What are they saying?

Probably passing out in disbelieve.

My parents are probably
saying I knew you'd win.

My parents have expectations
for me to be the best and be

the brightest and
demast if aest student.

Hopefully we showed them
we are the best together.

The race has been the best premarital
counseling that you could ever get.

I'm really proud of Cindy and I'm
happy sh's my partner in life.

I'm really proud of Ernie.

For him to be so emotionally
supportive of me, I can't think

of anything better in life than
to have a husband who is so

supportive and caring
even when I'm aty w.

With Ernie here, I know
that we can do anything.


Jeremy and Sandy?


You're the second team to arrive and
officially second on "the amazing race."


Although you walk away from
"the amazing race" without

the million dollars, you
ran an extraordinary race.

You guys really did.

We feel like we gave it
everything we possibly had.

We're exhausted.

Happy to be home.

It was a whirlwind, it really was.

What about your connection?

Has it changed?

This race has done a
lot for Jeremy and I.

We've learned how to communicate with one
another, when which I think can take

some couples decades and we've
learned that in 30 days.

Our relationship is going on and it's
going to get stronger from here on out.

We're happy to be together and
have done this and something

we'll always share together
and it's created a bond.

Some fantastic memories
we'll take with us.

Amani and Marcus, you're the
third team to arrive and

you're the third team to
finish "the amazing race."



Promise me one thing -- you
will never become a pilot.


Never ever have to worry about
me ever getting in the cockpit

of a plane to fly, never again.

What happened?

I had to be patient for both of
us during the flight simulator.

He was losing it.

I've never seen him
punch anything before.


He doesn't have a temper
like that we have four kids

that are watching and if they pound
any doors in my house, it's on.

It's not acceptable.

You were mentioning your kids.

They're going to be very proud of you.

I think the big lesson is that
you're not going to win at

everything but whatever
you do, do not quit.

Give it your all and go for it
and I think us making it as far

as we did is winning.

As long as you don't
quit, you always win.

Amani is a great teammate.

She's martyr than any quarterback
and tougher than any linebacker.

She's shown so many people that
no matter how would you are, no

matter what ethnic background,
if you put your mind to it,

there's nothing that
you can't accomplish.

So many times we were
at a loss for words.

Just blown away.

Gosh, the most incredible gift that
God's allowed us to be a part of.

This race really was worth
more than a million dollars.

The beautiful things that we've
seen, the closures that we've

experienced, the people that --
cultures we've experienced, the

people we've met along the way.
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