19x11 - We Are Charlie Chaplin (Panama City, Panama)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x11 - We Are Charlie Chaplin (Panama City, Panama)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing
race," after a dueling

leg on three amazing countries,

the next leg has already begun.

Marcus burned rubber.


That's what I'm talking about!

I can drive!

I can drive like nascar!

Philjeremy and Cindy waffle.

While Andy paddles ahead.

Why don't you just ask
an open restaurant?

People are on my ass.

Chill the hell out.

Andy and Tommy won their
sixth leg of the race.

You are team number one.

And grandparent's bill and
cathi's journey came to an end.

It's been a wonderful race and
we've enjoyed every minute of it.

We have.

Tonight, these four teams race
for a spot in the final three.

Who will be eliminated next?

Belgium has hosted the world
fair 10 times and the

center piece of the 1958 expo
was this enormous structure.

This is the start of the 11th leg as
teams continue to race around the world.

Andy and Tommy won the
last leg of the race.

And at the pit stop while other
teams got the rare privilege of

sleeping in the atomium, Andy
and Tommy winners of Ford

mustangs in the last leg, got a
chance to customize them online.


Look at that dude.

We picked it with that head light.

That's a good-looking mustang.

Dude, my mustang's going to be dope.

Now they'll depart first 45 A.M.

Dress as two famous
comic stp characters.

The classic Belgium comics "the
adventures of tin tin" has been

published in more than 80 languages.

They must dress like the tin tin comic.

Then they'll have to locate the
neural this picture and tell tin

tin what they've learned to
receive their next clue.

Just got to make one more leg
and we're in the finals.

Today's good day.

Looking good.

I think we're looking for this guy.

Look at this picture.

He's got sweet hair.

Comics were not my specialty.

All right.


Do you know your comic books?

Comic books?

We showed up at about 4:00 A.M.

We were getting nowhere.

You ever seen that guy before.

You into comics?

No, dude.

We were trying to figure whiteout
this character was and who we were?

Charlie chaplin.

Can you write that down?

Dress up as two famous comic
strip charact others.

I don't think we thought
we would make hit the far.

We had a couple of really bad
legs but after the last two

we're happy with what we did so
we're going to see if we can

make it to final three.

That's our goal.

You like it as a man?

Yeah, I like it.

You're a darn hot man.

And that sounded weird.

Here we go.

Internet right here.

Famous comic strip -- Charlie chaplin.

That dude was right, man.

Dress up as two famous
comic strip characters.

Leaving in third place.

We're concerned coming out of
the gate really strong and at

the end of the pit stop we make some
type of error and lose the first place.


You always want to get farther.

Voila, ok.


Let's ask them where they've seen them.

Do you know them?



He's the character
with the blue sweart.

We still don't know whoer.

I think we're Charlie chaplin.

Who are we?

What comic book strip?

Johnson and Johnson.

And we're detectives.

How do you spell that?

Do we have names?


I refer to them as -- where is he?

To the left.

Ok, thank you guys.

Do we have names.

Dupont and dupond.

And we're detectives.


We are Charlie chaplin and we're
English comic, actor film director.

Do you think there's a
connection between the two?


Two famous comic strip characters.

This leg of the race would be a conferences
championship in football terms.

I've played in three
conference championships.

Didn't get past that but the
plan is just to beat one team

and we're in the super bowl.

We're in the super bowl, right?

That's our plan.

Don't make me laugh, though.

Stop, stop, stop.

I don't want to mustache to come off.

It's already big.


Go straight.

Straight down there.


Thank you.

Hey, do you know where this is?

This is t road.

Let's go.



Who are we?

Johnson and Johnson.

And what do we do?

We're detectives.

Run as fast as you can.

Go, go, we want to beat them.

Gror left and follow
there to the big square.


We are Johnson and Johnson.

We're detectives and you are tintin.

Thank you smouch.

Fly to Panama city, Panama.

Teams must now travel by plane to
Amsterdam and fly to Panama city, Panama.

They'll take a boat to the village of
parara puru to get their next club.

We're the smart detective that
helps us solve all of our cases.

Thank you.


Have you seen anyone else?

We haven't seen anyone.

Fly to Panama city, Panama.

We are Charlie chaplin.

Luster keaton?

Harold loid?

Not going to figure it out here.

Got to find out online real quick.

Boys, they didn't know that we
were comic book characters.

They thought we were Charlie chaplin.

There he is.

Right there in the blue shirt.

We are Johnson and Johnson and we're
detectives and you are tintin.

Thank you.

Fly to Panama city.

Come on, baby.

Thompson and Thompson.

We're the Thompson twins.

Cool scadaddle.

Whoo-hoo, we're flying to Panama.

The boys got up there.

And really didn't even get it.


So we got them.

We need them to slip up.

We got them.

It just shows that we're
not invincible after all.


I'm Thompson and he's Thompson.

And we're detectives.

Appreciate that, brother.

Ly to Panama city, Panama.

Good morning.

We are here.

It says everyone is on the
same train and the same flight

and arriving at the same
time in Panama city.

It just means that we
can't make mistakes.

We have to make sure that we're perfect
from here on out or we're out.

All teams are making their way by train
and airplane to Panama city, Panama.



Let's go.

Puerto caruto, you know?

First time in Panama?

Welcome to Panama.

Someone will pick up a big
boat and go down the river.

Nice to be in Panama.


Whoo, Panama.

We need as fast as possible.

We're going to try to catch a boat.

It's beautiful here.

We have to go very fast.

It's a race.

We have to go fast.

Taxi, we're going to puerto caruto.

We're in a race.

I sthawdemude the hall giving
me some magic rocks told me to

give to Tommy and Andy for bad luck
but I forgot to give it to them.

We get the bad luck.

No, they get the bad luck, we
no, they get the bad luck,

we throw them out the window throw
them out the window though.

No bad luck here.

There we go.

Back in the humidity.

Right here huh?

Andy and Tommy are
right in front of us.

Shocker, they're always in first.

We've got this.

Give it all you've got.

Let's go.

We pick one.

Let's go.

Let's go, sand.

I am.



All good, brother.



We arrive second behind Andy
and Tommy, neck in neck but we

did get in the boat before they did.

This is awesome.

You can't see anything.

We're at a boat at night.

This is cool.

It is cool, man.

It's pitch black out, we
can't see a single thing.

We're going to the village.

Homey is driving by
the stars right now.


We have to be off the grid by now
because we are back in the woods.

It's damn slippery on this mud.


This one?

Ernie and Cindy are right behind
us but it's dark out here

and w*apon can't see anything.

There's definitely some big logs in the
water that he's navigating around.

I'm just hoping that he
doesn't smack into anything.

He's stuck.

Are you freaking kidding me right now?

We just crashed over a
bar and we're stuck.

The boys just past us.

This is not good.

We're done.

We just crashed our boat under
a steam bar and we're stuck.

Andy and Tommy just past us.


Jump in.


Here that?

Yeah, I hear that.

Follow the music.

Teams are now signing up for one of three
times to receive a tattoo the next


Sign in.

Oh, my God.

This is so rad.

Just hearing music running through the
vill -- this is what makes amazing

race so special experience a culture
that you never get to experience before.

Jeremy and Sandy were
on the ground there.

We got a 20-minute jump.

I don't know.

Sounds like we're about to go get
that crash course in head shrinking.


Tommy and Andy do have
luck on their side.

I don't know what it is about them,
that they always seem to finish first.

Ooh, don't break.

We've got our work cut out for us.

But I think we're
suited for the challee.

If there's a team that could do
it, I definitely think it's us.

I'm stressed.

I do not like to be in last place.

We know a 40-minute deficit
is pretty huge at this point.


We've had some pretty cool
experiences, overnight stays.

That was definitely top three.

Being outside in a mosquito
net over the hammock.

It was really cool to
be in that village.

Welcome, Andy.

All right.


We didn't know if the tattoos
were going to be real or fake.

I thought I might get
some rad tribal art.

Ah, it hurts.

So we're going to get a tat and
we're going back the puerto caruto.

Yeah, guys.

Can you read what it's saying.

San Francisco bay.

Teams you must now figure out
that their teams are sending

them to the San Francisco bay
towers in Panama city where

they'll find their next
clue all right, bud.

All right.

Back on the river.

Got like a 20-minute jump
on everyone, I think.

We're moving.




The question is when you don't
know what you're doing.

That's pressure.

Think about it.

We know what we're doing.

We've got this, right?

We got it.


Let's go.

I have a tattoo, too and this is a
lot easier than getting a real tat.

Francisco bay.

What are?

Francisco bay?

That's it?

Thank you.

So we've got San Francisco bay.


Thank you.

Thank you!


Francisco bay.

You see taxis up here?

San Francisco bay.

Our goal today is to beat one team.

That's all we have to do.

We don't care if we win we just
don't want to get fourth place.

You know this?

My confidence level is 60/40 that
we'll make the finals that point.

We just need to stay on top of it.

Can you drive fast?

We're battling back.

We don't stay last.

We don't do that.

We don't know what standing last means.

Here we go.

Here it is.

What am I doing?

Panama has always been an
international cross roads, now

teams have a chance to cross
the Panama city skyline.

One team member must get up the
nerve to walk up a tight rope,

rapidly expanding city.

They must bravely make their way
from one tower to another, pick

up a clue and then complete
their round trip by facing the

tight rope one more time.


Now we're talking.

Oh, here we go.

Is that the boys?

We caught up to Andy and Tommy.

I'm so pumped.


I have to do it.

Walk on a 6078-foot cable
string between the roof tops.

I'm scared of heights.

Put me in coach.

Nice 368 feet to the ground.


No time for sight seeing.

Scared to death.

I amter fide of heights but I
have to do this roadblock.

Jeremy's done all six.

I've only done all five.

It's a long ways down.

It's a long ways downs, actually.

Scares of heights, guys.

Don't look down.

Don't worry.

All right.

Here we go, Tommy.

Yeah, bud.

Tight rope.

Whoa, look at him.

Look at him go.

This is awesome.


Nice work, Andy.

Yeah, no worries, bud.

It's melo.

Going to be out of here
before you know it.

Hey, low five.

See you.

You've got this.

Sandy ice not looking happy right now
-- Sandy's not looking happy right now.


Check that out.

That's cool-looking down there.

Just get across, man.

Oh, my God.

Don't look down.



Nailed it.

I'm scared to death but
I've got to do it.

There you go.

Yep, yep.

Doing great.

Oh, my God.

Focus on the wire ahead.

You're ok.

Keep moving.

Oh, God.

Keep moving, yes.

Very good.

I've got to mess with her a little bit.

Check out the view, Sandy.

It was a little wobbly.

You're ok.

Saw some.

Good job.

That looked perfect.


Let's do this.


Oh, my God.

Success in swez let him to Panama.

Teams must find out that their
clue is sending them here

where they'll find their next clue.

You know the rooster of the city?

Cocka doodle doo.

Keep pushing.

Almost there.



I did it.

I'm so proud of myself.

There it is.

There's the clue box.

Who wants to walk in
rareified roadblock?

I'm doing it.

I guess it's me.

Good job.

Find him beneath the rooster.

Cocka-doodle doo.

I know where's the rooster.

It's in puerto viejo.

Marcus and amani's taxi was there.

And all the taxi drives
were working together.

They discussed how to get to this
next route marker we're going to.

All these teams know
exactly where we're going.

Holy balls.

Come on, Cindy.

You could do it.

Oh, my God.

This is so insane.

I see a rooster.

Cocka-doodle doo.

I love shaved ice.


This detour gives teams the
opportunity to work in two

of Panama's oldest trades
by choosing filet or sold.

Filet a, they must deliver exact
amounts of assorted seafood

through different vendors
scatter througho their market.

Once they d delivered all their
fish, the fishmonger will hand

them their next clue.

Sole, is working with a single piece
of leather for their sole and straps.

When the cobbler feels they have
their perfect fit, he will hand

them their next clue.

I think sole.

Let's do sole.


That is insane!

See you downstairs.

I like the technique.

Amani, walk like a duck, it will help.



Looking forward to get off
the top of this building.

She does pretty well with
heights but I don't.

Oh, my God, is that where I just was?

Good job, sweetie.

Take your time, babe.

Find them beneath your rooster
and you'll find your next clue.

He was over here talking
with everybody before.


I had to envision my kids at
each end and that kind of made

it easy to get to it because I
know we're close to seeing them.

Find them beneath a rooster and
you'll find your next clue.

It's right here.

I think we should do shoes.


Not far.

Tacho cataras.

Hey, tacho.

Go ahead and start tracing.

Leave a little bit of
room and square it off.

Off with the blade.

How does it look?

Looks pretty good.

There he is.


Come on.

Our taxi driver Juan is --

this is it?

Tacho cataras.

They look like they're trying to
figure out where the heck to go.

See the rooster?

I see the rooster.

Let's do the filet.

Ok, filet.

C-12 in the receiving
area of the market.

Thank you, Juan.

Here we go.

Well, hello.


We're getting this, brother.

We're getting this.

Here, you start cutting
this out, I'll do that.

You ever surf around here?

Got in the waves?


This is hard.

Yeah, we're having a really hard time.

Will you wait?


King seafood?

I don't think this is the right one.

We're not making shoes.

No, no.

He brought us to the wrong place.

Hey, we're in the wrong one.

This is not it.


Excuse us.

Oh, no, we're not making shoes.

No shoes.

He brought us to the wrong
place, we've got to leave?

What do you think about the shoes?

Too hard?

Too hard.

We're in the wrong one.

This is not it.

The market.

Come on, come on.

Move, move, move.

Everyone was there.

Let's just go.

Follow it around.

It just ripped through.


Hurry, babe.

Just make another one.

You call your buddies earlier, thought
you were going to the same spot.

That's it?

Right here?

Babe, right here.

We just got to go in the market
and look for the marked stalls.

We're going to smell so fishy.

What's this?


We had to literally pick up
each fish and deliver them to

individual market stands
inside of the market.

Got fresh barracuda here.

There's only a certain amount of pounds
that they would accept of each species.

We need six pounds of barracuda.

And after that amount they
would not accept anymore.

So you would have to find
another stand at the market.

You happy?

You good?


This guy's ving a good time.

You guys ok?


I think that looks on point.

This is our first right here.

Is it ok?


Tacho like it.

Go to the square find the
name of your next pit stop.

Teams will now make their
way to cathedral square.

Once here they must figure out
that the name of the pit stop

Panama viejho is hid on the
dress of one of these dancer or

symbolized on one of their necklaces.

Thank you.

We know exactly where this is.

This is going really difficultly and
Tommy and Andy have already left.


Are we taxi or running?

We're run, dude.

Just hold it right there.

Shake it off so you don't
drop none of them.

Let's go to the squid spot.

So we need one more pound.

Carry all the seafood.

Oh, it's making me hungry.

Please don't let me slip and fall.


What do you mean?

It's supposed to be a grid.

This isn't a grid.

We just need to undo it.

I'm sorry.

Here pull that through.

Under the double?


Yes, I just looked.

Slippery little suckers
and something poked me.

This one and the shrimp.

Come on, babe.

Getting to the market was an advantage
because there were no other teams there.

Not having anybody there really
allowed us to take whatever we

had and drop it off to
whatever we needed.

It made for an opportunity
to make up some time.

It's all good, right?





Oh, this is all twisted up.

Don't worry.

It will take two seconds.

Are you getting it done?

I think I'm done.

Me too.


Making me hungry.

Right there.

How many?

Two pounds.

Let me get too off of that.


That's it.

We're done.

Thank you.



At the polara dancing cathedral
square find your next clue.

Whoo, it's going to be a fishy ride.

We just banged that detour.

We have no clue if we're first, if we're
last if we're somewhere in between.

Plaza cathedral.

Do you see a clue anywhere?

Make a hole, make a hole.

All we knew was the name of our pit
stop was where the dancing girls were.

That's all we knew.

We started looking at the girls,
looking at the medallions.

Why where are you looking, man?

On the more coin-looking things.

There are medallions on these girls
and all the mall dal onsaid balboa.

Balboa is their money, right?

If you want to look once more.

No, that's it.

You know balboa?

All right.

It's on.

There's money all over these
girls and it was allalboa.

It's their local money.

That's what we have right now.

That's where we're going.

Just want to make finals.

Go, go, go, we want to beat them.

Let's go.

Just like this.

Don't worry.

We'll take two seconds.

Coming around.

How many do I go through here?


Find the name of your next pit stop.

Very that where we were?

I think so.

Come on.

Come o ok.

Don't tell him.

Yeah, yeah, Sandy and
Jeremy are right behind us.

Oh, no.

We have to beat them.

Oh, man, they're just passing us Juan?

Faster, faster.

We're last.

He seems like he knows
where he's going, right?

I think we're good, dude.

He's got the direction,
we're not messing with it.

Hopefully he knows where he's going.

Whoo, coming down to it, baby.

We've got to dance or what.

You think we have to join in the dance?

What do the necklaces say.

Balboa is what I see on all of them.

But does that take us anywhere?

It's got something to do with them.

You're sweating like I am.

Can I dab you down.

Thank you.

Now tell me where the clue is.

Well to the canal of Panama.

That's it for sure, dude.

The canal, dude.


Is this it?

Is this balboa?


All right.

What do you think, dude?

Dude, it didn't feel right.

We need to find someone
who know this is area.

Where do you want to go?

Something to do with the balboa.

Is there a building that's
the balboa building.

We are the statute of
balboa on balboa Avenue.

We just need to go fast.

Statute of balboa.

We trusted our taxi driver
a little bit too many.

-- Too much.

Find the name of your next pit stop.

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go, go, go.


You guys know?


We were kind of struggling that point
to figure out what we were doing.

Where we were going.

Babe, what are we missing?

We can't keep standing here.

You see it?

Where is it?

Babe, we've got to figure this out.

Why do y'all keep doing this to me?

Cutting it close.

I think this is our statute here.

sh**t, man, I don't see anything.

It's got to be this.

And the pit stop isn't.

It's not it, is it?

We've got to go back to square.

Yeah, we've got to go
back to the square.

Everyone could have saw.

Everyone could have missed it.

We missed it.

All we could hope is
someone else misse it too.

These dancers had these little
medallions and different things.


And there were some symbols on them
and some coins that said balboa.

So we were like, oh, ball bow Washington
here, look at this we've got to focus.

We've got to look.

I don't care if I'm getting
in this woman's way.

It's all balboa, though.

Everything's balboa.


They're done.

They're taking off.

I kind of sketched one of the
buildings that we saw evened on

one of these metal belts that one
of these ladies was wearing.

Everybody's leaving.

Panama viejo.

Go, go, go.

We're taking a shot in the dark.

If it's not it, then I don't know
what the hell it's going to be.

Don't tell him.

No, no, no.

We have to win.

Is there a statue of balboa?

The person on the coin of de balboa.

On balboa Avenue.

Baby there's a statute of
balboa, we we're not even sure

that we're going to the right place.

So painful right now.

We have no idea where our
taxi driver is taking us.


We don't know if we're going to
the right place if they know

where they're going.

Right now we have no
idea where we're going.

It could be right.

It could be wrong.

It could be way off base.

The only unfortunate thing is
we figured it out in front of

all the other cab drivers and
all the other cab drivers

figured out where this place is.

There was a couple of phone
calls made and I think he may

have made calls to Ernie's taxi
and he explained where to go.

Go, go, go, stay with that car.

I think the three of the cab drivers
were probably communicating together.

You know?


Someone called him and now he knows
something and now we're going somewhere.

We've trusted them all day long today.

Juan is -- .

I don't quite know ha to do next.

Is that the girl that's
always doing that?

One of them has something
that -- check this out, Andy.

I know.

I saw that.

Panama viejo.

You know Panama viejo?

The old city?

I think we were leading the pack.

I'm sure we're not now.

I hope it's here.


Yes, yes.

Ooh, sh**t, someone just past us.

He's following us.

That's no good, Juan.

That's Jeremy and Sandy.

Oh, my God.


-- Where?


Oh, my God, it's going
to be a foot race.

I don't see anything.

I don't now.

It's worth a shot.

Please, let us beat somebody.

They just got out.

But they're running around.

Come on.

You could let us out right here r.
He said to enter go this way.

Look, keep your eyes peeled.

Welcome to Panama viejo.

Jeremy and Sandy, you
are team number one.


I have some eat news for you
as the winners of this leg

of the race, you have won a trip
for two from travelocity and you

will be going to turks and kay cose.

You'll stay six nights in an
ocean-suite where you'll be

treated to a luxurious spa session and
a parra -- parasailing adventure.

Oh, my God!

Oh miraculous God!

I'm so happy for you guys.

Ernie and Cindy, I have
some great news for you.

You are team number two and you
are one of the teams that will

be racing to the finish line for $1
million along with Jeremy and Sandy.

Nice finish, guys.

Come on, guys.


Marcus, hurry!


Amani and Marcus, I am very
pleased to tell you that

you are one of the three teams
that will be racing to the

finish line for $1 million.



Hell, yes!

Can you believe it, you beat
out a team that won six

legs of this race and here you
are standing as the final three

teams that will be racing to
finish line for $1 million.

I've been thinking about it, Phil.

Tell me, it's like David and goliaths.

Wore the Davids.

And you had to face your giants.

We did enough today to make
it through the finals.




Let's go.

Found it.

I know.

Welcome toanama viejo.

Andy and Tony, you guys were
unbelievable on this race.

But unfortunately, you are
the last team to arrive.


I'm sorry to tell you that you have
been eliminated from the race.

Oh, God, thank you very much, brother.

I thought you would be
in the final three.

I wouldn't change anything.

We did our best to find the
clue and we missed it.

You work hard.

Amazing race is the
experience of a life time.

I go get run the world with Tommy and
experience God's awesome creation.

I think it's pretty difficult to
throw our new relationship in

this race but we've learned to
communicate with each other.

Jeremy and I have come into our
stride in these last couple

of legs and we feel like
we work well together.

Cindy is very concise and methodical.

I think we can do that
again down the next leg.

Winning the race is dest definitely
a lifeless son for our children.

Just to never give up.

The word "I can't" did
not exist with us.

Jeremy and I will win
"the amazing race."

I just have to make
sure we don't goof up.

Team pollard will win
"the amazing race."

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on the season finale
of "the amazing race" --

they're here.

Only three teams remain.

Every second in this last leg counts.

The dating couple with
something to prove.

I'm trying!

Stop yelling at me!

That doesn't help!

The overachievers who often stumble.

I can't do, I'm so sorry.

You are team number one.

The pressure is on in Atlanta.

Our lead is now gone.

I'm bummed out because
this is $1 million.

I probably should have done this one.

As teams fight to stay on course.

What the heck was that?

Ooh, lord.

While the million dollars
hangs in the balance.

Wow, this is nuts.

Which couple has what it takes
-- this is so nerve wracking --
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