19x01 - Kindness of Strangers (Taiwan)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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19x01 - Kindness of Strangers (Taiwan)

Post by bunniefuu »

Answer you will get a set of

Keys to one of the ford

Explorers parked in front.

You will receive a new

Penalties called a hazard.

Which you will have to

Completed in this leg of the

Completed in this leg of the

Here are the sex letters you'll

Need for in first challenge.

All right.

Let's gets this race started.

The world is -- six letters.

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.


let's go.

Phil: That is not correct.

That is not correct.

All right, phil, help us outs.

Phil: Not correct.

Not correct.

what have you got?


look for vowels.

This one.

Phil: Not correct.

this is like impossible.

come on, phil.

Fill me in baby.

Phil: That is correct.

That is not correct.

this is ridiculous.

we just roll down these


tell me something good.

Phil: That is correct.

hold on, you need a key.

That's what I'm talking about.

We're on our way!

no hazard this day, dude.

Let's go, brother.

Phil: Congratulations on

Figuring out where you're going

To next.

Taipei, taiwan.

Congratulations on figuring

Outs where you're going to


taipei, taiwan.

this is it!


Phil: That is correct.

] oh, boy.

Phil: That is correct.

Take a key.


Taipei, taiwan.

fly to taipei, taiwan!

yooho oh,!

are you psyched or what?


we're on our way!


[captioning made possible by

Cbs productions, cbs, inc. And


Drive one.]


Phil: That is correct.

Take a key.

let's go.

good job.


Come on.

let's go.

Phil: That is correct.

You may only travel on china

Airlines, which will carry the

First eeth teams and asia air,

Which departs 20 minutes later.

I think we might have it.

Phil: That is correct.

Close it up, take a key.

we have to find that key.

look at this one.

Phil: That ask correct.

Take a key.

bless you.

lisa, come on.

We got to find it.

Phil: That is correct.


do we just pop in and ask


that's a great idea.

Hi, you know where the l.A.

Airport is?

Thanks, man.

I knew it, I knew it.

lisa, hurry it up.

Neil: Only two teams lefts.

Remember, the last team to

Finish gets the hazard penalty.

here it is.

Hurry, come on!

Phil: That is correct.

Close its up.

come on, come on!

Phil: That is correct.

Take a key.

As the last team to finish its

Task, only kaylani and leasea

Will have to completes a new

Challenge, the hazard pefpblet.

we're going do l.A.X., do

You wants to stop and ask


let's do it.

do you know how to get to

L.A. Zphmplet down this street?

60 west, 605 south.

got its.

60 west.

Just look for 60 west.

I will.

I'm sweating.

O bad.

this is it!

China airlines.

Oh, here we.

wait, there they are.

There are the flags.

how are you?

We need tickets to taipei,



oh, my gorblingsd lisa.

I can't find my passports.

are you sure?

I'm positive.

I'm seriously going vomit

All over the place.

that's perfect.

thank you.

thank you very much.

two tickets.


Thank you.

be on the ground.

Be on the ground.

I don't want this to be the


did somebody turn in a

Passports that was dropped on

The floor?


Kaylani, she doesn't have it.

imdon't see it anywhere


should we head to the

Airport and see if one of the

Other teams picked it up?


oh, my god, kaylani.

this sucks.

if none of them have it,

It's over.

all right.

Thank you.

two tickets on the flights

all right, thank you.

] thank you so much.

leasea has her pass port.

Being all angie.

Anger is not going to get us

Anywhere right now.

just be quiet, then.

Don't talk to me like that.

can I get a high-five?

Thank you very much.

all right.

we need a ticket to taipei,


We're happy we're one of that

First eight to get here on that

First flight.

by any chance did somebody

Turn in a loves passport to



all right, thank you.

It's over.

ok, I'm not going to sit

Here and follow you around.

don't follow me around then.


We have to come up with a plan.

what plan?

You have to pass -- passports.

What plan?

you need to communicate with


communicate what?

I'm going nowhere because you

I'm going nowhere because you
have no passport.

we need to come up with a


Communicate with me.

what plan?

You have no pass ports.

I'm going nowhere because you

Have no passports.

we're not telling anybody

That we were on "survivor."

the "survivor" people?


the curly haired guy, right?

I knew it.


His name is ethan and her name

Is jenna.

They both won $1 million.


That's just greedy.

knowing that we were on


We would have a little bit of a

Target on our backs.

a little one?

A giant one.


would passenger kaylani

Please reports to the

Information desk?

are you kaylani?


we found your pass ports.

oh, my god.

oh, my god!

Thank you so much!


thank you!

they found my pass portland

At the gas station exactly

Where I said I lost it.

I just walked around my car

And it happened to be there.

There was a group there.

Not my group.

It was a group of white guys.

you know where the l.A.

Airport is?

obviously there's no phone

Number attached to a passport.

I tweeted it.

There was another lady texting

Me back.

She said pretty much her dream

Was going to die right now if I

Didn't get her this passports.

thank you guys!

Oh, my god.


Phil: All teams are now making

Their way to taipei, taiwan.

Teams will make their bus to

The commercial districts.

Once there, instead of

Searchinging for a clue box

They must look up and figure

Out they're trying to find this

Billboard, which will reveal

Their next destination.

oh, the express bus.

we got to get on this bus.

] oh, welcome.

raw football player?

I used to do a little round

Balling but I do kind of do a

Little protectsing.


for famous people.

that's pretty exciting.

I don't plan to tell anyone

Thatives a professional

Football player because they

May look at us as competition.

I'm not lying because are you a

Professional football player?


I'm not.

Used to pass protect for

Peyton manning.

It's not a big tale, just a

Little attach.

so I do a little bit of that

On the side.

express bus.

did you guys see that other


yeah, they're like right

Behind us.

oh, man.

this is the express bus.

let them wait for the next


we're near the tail end of

The duck.

we are but who knows what

The day will bring in terms of


[horn honking]

this one?

ethan, come on.

I mean, what are we looking


We're looking for our next


what if it's in a walking


Is it going to be like a

Billboard or something?

let's go down here.

all these construction halts

Are throwing me off.

Everything here is colors.

The people working on streets

Have yellow and orange hats on.

It's practically the national

Color here.

the clue says to look up but

First we have to find if


look up for the next clue?

Is that an arrow?


like that red and then

There's a yellow arrow.

no it's just a sign.

this is liukin san tip.

is that not "the amazing


You got a clue?


let's go do this block real


we were looking for a needle

In a haystack or a flag on top

Of a window or --

or something up.

it has to be in some sort of

Central location.

can't seem to find it right


It's got to be here.

It said look up.

it can't be them balloons

Right there, can it?

I don't know.

let's go guard.

good eyes.

it could be any of this


let's go.

I'm right here.

are we in it?

I don't know.

read the sign.


There are signs everywhere.

Will you relax?

get over it.

well, it's just the

Beginning so --

I could care less, justin.

it's exhausting, not only to

Endure the challenges of the

Race but to endure the

Challenges of our relationship

As well.

every time I say something

You have to double check.

I'm not even going there.


of course not.

I'm telling you, it's got to

Be the balloons.

those were red and yellow

But do you think they meblets



right there.

oh, I see.

it clearly says to lock up.

They must have found it.

the clue box is red and


That has to be something to do

With it.

excuse me, can you tell us

What this means?

Confucius -- the


thank you.

we are not telling.

that has red and yellow


I can't read it but I can

Copy letters kind of well.

We have to find someone to help


we have to ask this guy.

] confuscius temple.

, where this way?

let's just work together.

Look up.

it couldn't possibly be on

That screen, could it?

no, I think it would be more


look up for your next clue.

I'm not seeing anything.

Maybe ordering chinese out.

I think a couple of teams

Got it.

They were running that way.

Look up for your next clue.

What's on this thing.

excuse me?

What does its say?

day pay confucius temple.

I've never seen anything in


It's always stripes.

Trying to see what to do fear.

Dd -- hereby.

come on, yavepl.


come on, jennifer.

let's go.

E've got this.

Right here.

The it's a road block.

Confucius says who's ready to

Play snelf

Phil: Although con few, lived

More than 25,000 years ago he

Words of wisdom live today.

Teams will use the pay phone

Also this temple.

Aldialing these numbers they

Ill hear a proverb they must


If he can recite it word for

Word to this monk he will hands

Over their next clue.

you do it.

yeah, I'll do it.


I'll do it.

are you sure?

everybody having a hard


Use your college degree.

all the girls are doing it.


yeah, because they like


It. Think you should do

we has to use a public pay

Phone, listen to a confucius

Proverb and then you had to

Repeats it to the monk in order

To gets your next clue.

in all things there has to

Be previous preparation.

Without previous preparation --

in all things success

Depends on previous parpgse and

Without such there is certain


Oh, no!

just over here.

ok that's what that sign


Thank you.

we're good.

That's pretties gnarly.

you guys, what the hell is


We can't find it and we keep

Going in circles.

Should we go back to the

Starting points?

make your way and look up.

its has to be the tallest

Building, wherever in the heck

That is.

which one is tall summer

the far one.

I was schoolteacher for 30

Years and she was principal of

Two high schools and as

Educators to our students, it

Was very embarrassing.

We weren't making any headway.

come on, jennifer.

in all things success

There's previous preparation --

in all things success

Depends on previous

Preparation, without --

with all things --

in all things success there

Are certain preparation -- no?

stay calm.

in all things success

Depends on previous

Preparations --

in all things success there

Are sure to be preparations --

in all things success

Depends previous --

in all things that require

Previous preparation -- oh, my


after the 20th time I could

Feel a little bit of panic

Setting in.

hang in.

she's got to get its this


in all things success

Depends on previous preparation

And without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be


all right, jennifer!

let's go, let's go.

travel by taxi to dajia.

Let's go.

and without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be





Thank you.

come on, let's go.

I got your bag.

good job, guys.



all right, this is it.

serve under the bridge for

Your next clue.

Let's gets a taxi.


you want to do it?

I can try.

So I'll do it.


and without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be




Let's go.

Ok, we're going to hail a taxi.

It said look up in the clue so

What are we looking up to?

Guys, what's this?

Look up, it's right there!

are we idiots or what?

What does that say?

actually it's a temple for

Con keion.

we really have to think a

Lot harder.

come on, guys.

you want to go up on the


This is what we saw so we're

Giving it a chance.

We're not hopeful but it's one

Last ditch.

Ok, not its.

I can't believe this, hundred.

This is way too hard.

This is way too hard.
well, color me stupid.

bill and I have done a lot

Of problem solving and we're

Not really accustom told being

Defeated so we'll keep at it

Ntil we find a solution.

all things success depends

On --

come on, bulled.

um -- I'm going to end it.

you got this.

in all things success

Depends on previous


Without such preparation --

keep plugging away.

without such previous

Preparation, there is sure or



let's gets out of here.

Good job.

oh, there we go.



Join a dragon boat race team.

Phil: Teams will now join these

Professional racers.

One team member must paddle

While the other must keep the

Rhythm of the drum.

If they can successfully work

With their crew to competes the

Course, their boats captains

Will give them their next clue.

is your rhythm ok?

yeah, I'll do the rhythm.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.


who wants it?

Who wants snilt

ready to rock.


[drum beat]

good job.

] I feel so asian right now.

and without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be



I did it.

and without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be


Thank you very much.

oh, yeah.

there is sure to be failure.

Oh, my god!


Come here.

I knew you could do it.

Let's go.

without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be


you're awesome.

let's go find awes crazy

Taxi driver.

this is it.

You do it.

all right.

you do it.

good job, guys.

Good job.

thank you.

You can keep the drumbeat.

oh, figured.

so I'll do the drums, you do

The row.

hurry up.

They're getting ahead of us.

] oops, sorry.

oh, there are other teams

Here now.

hurry, hurry, hurry.

come on.

We got to do this.

let's go.

Thank you.

make your way to the next

Pit stop.

Phil: This shrine was bits in

Memory of the hundreds of

Thousands of soldiers who lost

Anywhere lives protectsing


Today these soldiers are

Honored with a ceremonial

Changing of the guards every


These sacred grounds are now

The pits stop for this leg of

The race.

The last team to check in here

Bay may be eliminated.

let's gets that express


Thank you.

Make your way to the next pit


all right.

the last team to check in

May be eliminated.

let's go, let's go.

in all things there's

Previous preparation --

In all things success

Depends on previous preparation

And without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be



Thank you.

that's what I'm talking


take a taxi to --

Phil: As a result of receiving

The hazard penalties, kaylani

And lisa must now travel by

Taxi tots core city mall and

Search the 11th floor for their

Next clue.

good luck.

come on.

ok, ok.

in all things that say.

What the hell?

liz, come on.

I don't know.

why don't up write it down?

you can't!

we would love to find the

Clue that we've been spending

What, four hours looking for?

way too long.


we're going to try to find

The exacts spot that the

Districts is.

whether we can find the clue

Now when we couldn't earlier is

Another problem for us.

ooh, rights there.

this is the hard.

Kaylani and lisa, you have

Reach it would hard.

Phil: Since kaylani and lisa

Was -- were the last team to

Completes the first challenge

Of this race, they now have to

Completes a hazard.

One team member must leap

Headfirst into this crowded


I'll do it.

last time I bunny jumped my

Harness started to undo.

yeah, its wasn't a good


I ain't going to life.

I'm scared.

H, my god.

Oh, my goodness.

are you ready?

] yep.

oh, my gosh.

Four, three, two, one --


ahhh ah!





greats job, kaylani!

Let's go.

when I said I'd do anything

Million, I meant it.


All things that say that

Previous preparation.

Without that previous

Preparation there's sure to be


Liz, you said its every


I don't know what I'm


come on!

you should have done this


That. Can't say

You just have to do its.

If you know the beginning,

Listen to the end.

The beginning,

Listen to the end.

Depends on previous

Preparation and woults that

Previous preparation --

Without such previous

Preparation --

-- Z, you've heard us a

Its a hundred times.

I don't know.

] come on!

there sure is to be failure.

liz, you said that again.

A re missing obviously

Word, some world.

don't talk to me.

] hey!

welcome to day pay, taiwan.

Cindy, you are

Team number one!


Foism and I have some good news

For you.

As the winners of this leg of

You have won the

Express pass and obviously that

Huge advantage over

Everybody else ever everybody

Else in the race.

Awesome to be in

First right now.

A pretty good team

May want.

which should have been


Extends into the

Next few legs of the race.

You are emy and cindy,

Team number two,


Team number


that's what I'm talking


Boat race agon



Warning, the last teams who

Check in may be eliminated.

let's go, boys.

] hey!

I'll row.


] once we came down the hill

The team that we were rowing

With all really got excited.

Let's go!


To me it almost felt like

Nning outs of the tunnel

Again in a football game.

yeah, I know you liked that.



Used to be a coxswain for

The coastal force in England

Its this is so great.

let's go.

Baby. It it,

Let's go!

] orange team.

catch these guys.

come on,.



that's it.

Baby. Ee what you got,

that's a really nice pink

Shirts you got.

I'm coming.


The last team to check in

May be eliminated.

] make your way tots next pits


thank you.


warning, the last team to

In may be eliminated.

all right, sir.

all right, sir, here we go.

Back. We're

do you think it's where

Those balloons are?

Surprised if be

It's one of those screens.

can you tell me that what


taipei confucius temple.

] thank you.

Taipei confucius temple.

Bless you.

we got it, finally.

and without that preparation

-- This is so ridiculous.

Liz, come on.

We got to go.

I don't understand.

I don't know what I'm


I really don't know.

It's a phrase!

Come on.


I'm going to break down so

I'm going to break down so
just don't talk to me.

in all things success

Previous skrarpgse

Without such previous

Reparation there is sure to be




Oh, my god!

Daijia.By taxi to


no smoking.

well, here we are.


You can play telephone.


I'll do it.

Are you sure?


that's where it is.

We just caught them.


Dragon boat race


you should row.

You're stronger than me.

After 41 jeers of marriage,

It's imperative that you get

You need from your


At the end of the day, no

Day, we're kind of

Always there for each other and

That's how it's worked.

Driven and once

She has a goal or task in front

She doesn't relinquish

It, plus, she has a very good


in all things success

Depends on previous preparation

Nd without such previous

Preparation there is sure to be


Zwhra, is correct.

Bless you.

Thank you so much.

I'm coming, bill.

Taxi. By

Oh, my dream has come true.

K, hail a cab.

Phil: Easten and jenna, you are

Four. Mber



that was fun.

Pit your way to the next


Let's get out of here.


Thank you.

Make your way to the pit stop.

All right, let's go.


ah, yeah!

You are ni and marcus,

Team number five.

I'll row.



you have to hurry.

god, I hope we're not last.

[beating drum]

] we got it.


Phil: Go together, guys.

Go together.

You are team

Number six.

Andy and tommy, team number


thank you.

warning the last team to

Be eliminated.

Let's go.

Phil: Ron and bill, you are

] all right.

You're lani and lisa,

Team number nine.


Had a rough starts to

This race?

we thought it was over.

] it's been quiets the


I guess that's why they call

Because mazing race"

You never know what's going to


Over.Ot overp till it's

Phil: Liz and marie?

Team number 10!

thank you so much!

Not last.Py we're

beautiful out here.

We've had a wonderful time on

The rails.

Some frustration, of course,

I think we feel good about

The race that we ran.

One of the ly

Hardest things we've ever done

It. Ll in all we enjoyed

That was more fun than I've had

All day.

Phil: Hey there, guys.


And cathi -- you're

The last team to arrive.

However, this is a non-elimb

Leg and you are still in

The race.

Ut you know what this means.

Metime in the next leg of the

Race you will encounter a speed


Are you ready for that?


Phil: I have some other news I

Need to tell you.

First time never

Amazing railings history, we

-- Double le

Elimination leg.

That means at the end of the

Race, two teams

Will be eliminated from the


We will need some ginseng or

Get our energy up.

But after the day we've had,

Oh, my gosh.

Puts all our energy into

Puts all our energy into
positive ideas about tomorrow.

Phil: Next week on "the amazing

Face justin and jennifer


treat me like -- every day.

An "amazing race"

First --

A double will be


Oh, no.

Hil: Two teams will be


you mistake a mistake right

Now it's fatesal.

I don't have a clue.

Could be the game right


I can't believe we did that.
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