17x12 - Hi. I'm Sorry. I'm in a Race.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x12 - Hi. I'm Sorry. I'm in a Race.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race...


11 teams set off on a
race around the world.

From the beginning, teams sank...



And clashed.

Big smart doctor. How is
that ph. D. helping you?

Some got stuck...


I can't.

And overwhelmed.

Oh, my god!

Along the way they
experienced emotional highs.

Will you spend the rest
of your life with me?

I will.

And lows.

- He keeps yelling at me.
- You got to suck it up.

Eight teams came up short.

Ron and Tony, Andie and ****,
Michael and Kevin, Gary and Mallory.

Chad and Stephanie, **** you have
both been eliminated from the race.

We had a great time.

Home shopping host Brook and
Claire got off to a smashing start.

Along the way, the pair
maintained their sense of humour.


And sense of style as they
overcame gruelling tests.

Come on, claire.

And the first ever double u-Turn.

- We have been u-Turned?
- Really? You're lame.

To secure their place
in the final three.


In the first leg, dating couple
Jill and Thomas won the express pass.

- Congratulations, guys.
- Thank you very much.

And later used its game-Changing
fewer avoid potential elimination.

We are in last place right now.

I think we are going to give
you are our express pass.


From then on the couple's athleticism...


And strategic decisions.

We are going to u-Turn
brook and claire.

Took them all the way
to the final three.

Yeah! Yeah!

Doctors nat and kat approached
the race with surgical precision.

I just tied a surgical knot.

Using every tool at their disposal.


Even in the face of seemingly
irsurmountable obstacles.

Haven't eating meat in 22 years.

- It's like money.
- It's like money.


I'm currently in probably
the hardest situation

for a type one diabetic
on an insulin pump.

The pair's calm and steady attitude...

Come to momma.

Helped to earn them a
spot in the final three.


Coming up tonight, one of these three
teams will win the $1 million prize.

And the amazing race.

www. Addic7ed. Com

This is Seoul, South Korea.

It's name means capital city and
with one of the most highly advanced

infrastructures on the
planet and a dedication to the

development of cutting-edge
technology, seoul has become a

world capital of extreme significance.

And resting amid this
futuristic citiscape,

the temple of heaven built for
the private use of korea's first

And only emperor this imperial
landmark was the 11th pit stop...

In a race around the world.

Jill and Thomas are two
of the first to arrive.


Will depart at 3:57 a. M.


"Fly to you final
destination city, Los Angeles"

Teams must now fly more than 6,000
miles to their final destination city:

Los Angeles, California.

When they land, they must
travel to the port of long beach

And find pier j where they
will receive their next clue.

- Wow! Okay.
- Taxi. We will take a taxi.

We have ran hard, worked hard
and played hard the whole time.

Thank you. Airport, please.

Girls have a chance to meet Amazing Race
but i don't think it's going to happen.

Yeah, we're going to keep that
streak of no all female teams winning.

I could care less about
any type of this...


Going to break out my spanish
skills in L.A. too finally.


"Pledge your final
destination, Los Angeles.

You have $400 for this leg of the race"

All right. Let's go.

Claire and do I the best is we
work under pressure all the time.

Take to us the airport? Okay, let's go.

It's all about our jobs and having
to be under pressure every single day.

I definitely think if Brook and
I stay focused and run a clean leg

and use our communication
skills and everything,

that we are blessed with,
we will take first place.

We need to beat Thomas.
He's just so hungry.

We need to be more
hungry than Thomas. ***

"Fly to tour final
destination city, Los Angeles!"

- ***
- Korean airline.

- We're going home.
- Los Angeles!

Sr. do you have a
telephone we could use?

- ***
- Yes, thank you.

We both lived there for about four
years and that's where we met at UCLA.

Hopefully it's a sign of good
mojo for the rest of the leg.

Nat are used to at our toughest
moments having to digging deep

and bringing something
else when you are tired and

stressed so hopefully that
will be an advantage for us.

Very fast to the airport, please.

South korea air, please. Thank you.

Let's see. ***

Claire and Brook should be here soon.

Thank you. We have to
boogie. Korean ticket sales.

- What's up, girls?
- Hi, how is it going, guys?

You guys look cute in
your matching outfits.

When we came on this rails w
wteteto travel around the world

and leave a little bit of brook
and claire everywhere we went.

We decided to save a little
additional flare for the final leg.


- Thank you.
- ***

- Hey.
- Hi.

I'm just so happy that there
are two female-female teams

and Thomas is the only guy up there.

You are the last man standing.

- Going to have to race his butt off.
- Not to be beat by the girls.

- He's like one of the girls.
- He's wi t t girls.

So pedicures later?

We need two tickets, the earliest
arriving flight to Los Angeles today.

- We need to get a direct flight to L.A.
- Two tickets to Los Angeles.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you very much.

- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.

All teams are now headed to their final
destination, Los Angeles, California.



- Come on, Jill. Come on.
- Let's go.

Come on!

- ****
- The Port of Long Beach.

We need to go to the Port of Long
Beach, okay, please? Very fast.

To the Port of Long Beach, please.

*** As quickly as you can possibly go.

Cab! Long beach. Pier j.

If you could just go really
fast, that would be awesome.

I'm glad you're a fast driver. We
really needed a good taxi driver today.

All right. Test this man. Bob
and we have been please. Good job.

Fast, fast, fast.

L.A. Traffic. Would I
rather be in L.A. Traffic.

Let's sort it out there.

There are a lot of these trains.

There are several platforms
high up in the air.

I am wondering if we're
going on those platforms.

- I hate heights.
- Here we are.

- Oh, dear.
- All right.

Heights are not my thing.
It's my biggest fear.

- Thank you very much.
- Okay, where do we get our clue?

There is a clue box.

- Okay, there we go.
- "Welcome to the drop zone"

The port of Long Beach is the
second busiest port in America.

With nearly 14,000 cargo
containers passing through each day.

And moving all that cargo on and off
the ships: giant cranes like these.

Which will take the teams one
drop closer to the finish line.

Teams must ride a tiny elevator
to the top of the crane.

Receive a clue. Get
strapped into a bungee swing,

and plummet 150 feet towards the water.

Once they get back to the
pier and climb to dry land,

teams may open their next clue.

***I don't want to have
time to think about it.

I'm scared of heights. I
need someone to hold my hand.

I had points in the race where I
thought had I to do a height thing

and I completely freaked out.

Nat, you're fine. We're on a gondola.

We are on a gondola.

Even before the race my heart
would start going superfast

even just thought about
doing the heights thing.

I really dont want to think about it yet
because i'm going to start losing mind.

Deep breaths, Natty. We
are going to be just fine.

- J 266.
- Yeah, this is it.

- *** Go right.
- Yeah, through that pier door.

Go through the door, yeah.

Okay let's do it.

*** I have my eyes closed.

- My god.
- You are not bungee jumping?

I don't know. ***

Oh, dear. Thought about that free
falling think you don't like ***

You think it's about to happen and
i'm going to have to deal with it.

You're doing awesome,
nat. Hang in there.

Come on, Jill! "Welcome
to the drop zone"

"There is only one way down, a
bungee swing to the water blow"

Crane 22.

Straight ahead, natty. You are
doing so great. I'm so proud of you.

Come on, claire.

"There is only one way down the
bungee swing to the water blow". Ok.

- Yes!
- ***

Good thing we have to
climb all the way up this.

- Oh, my god. This is high.
- ***

Definitely high.

Mind over matter.
We're going to be okay.

I don't really believe any of that
right now but i'm trying to stay calm.

Oh, yeah. Nat has problems with heights.

*** Oh, i can't do it.
We have to bypass her.

I won't be able look. You are just going
to have to hold my hand really tight.


- Nice and easy, natty.
- Geez I end up closing my eyes.

Not quite yet.

Best way to get through this.

- Wow, this is gorgeous.
- I don't like this.

I don't understand this,
do you? Does it just drop?

Very good. Now, go ahead
and let yourself hang.

- Good. Just like that.
- Take a deep breath the whole way, ok?

- You're doing great.
- Oh, my god!

You've got to be kidding me.

- ***
- I'm right here. **

All right, here we go!

Two, three!

Oh, my god. ***

- ***
- Holy cow.

- ***
- I can't even tell you ***

As soon as we finished we
just started screaming this is

the scariest I've ever done
and I'm never doing it again.

- Oh, my gosh.
- I'm feeling petrified.

- Can you believe you just did that?
- I didn't even pee my pants.

Oh, my god!

Oh, that was fun *****


Okay. I'm ready to get down ***

- ***
- Nat did so great. I'm so proud of her.

I know that was rely,
really hard for her.

Oh, guys.


Holy cow.

**** destination?


- ***
- ***

I just don't like free falling
just a free drop is not my bag.


That's when i just
about lost my bananas.

"Beat the freeway traffic. Ride a
helicopter to the *** destination"

Good job, baby. Good job.

Oh, my god.

Coming in hot. Coming in hot.

Don't let go. **** I
thought i was going to die.

Never been so happy to see a dingy
or a scuba team in my entire life.

"Ride a helicopter to
a surprise destination"

Let's go. Go.

Oh, my god. I'm so excited
to go on a helicopter.

This is amazing.

Oh my God! I've never been
in a helicopter before.

- ** surprise destination.
- Oh, my god. This is so cool!

This is crazy. We can't
be far behind them.

- ***
- We're ready to go.

Man, I want I wonder where
we're going right now.


Come on, claire.

Oh, my god.

Oh, this is awesome!
This is the best leg yet.

- This is is what the race is about.
- One leg after the other.

- It's crazy.
- So much fun...

and i've never seen L.A. from the air
so this is going to be spectacular.

This is amazing!

This is totally the
way to travel in L.A.

- Hovering over all of L.A.
- ***

- I don't know.
- I think it might be.

- So cool.
- Amazing.

It's a lot better way to see
L.A. than stuck on the 405.

Oh, my god! Oh, my god.

- This is awesome.
- ***

- I'm not sure where we're flying.
- There is the stadium over there.

- There is the helipad landing.
- Oh, my god.


Oh, my gosh are we really
landing in Rose Bowl?

- Do you see anything else?
- Oh, my god, are you serious?

- ****
- ****

- ****
- How about letter a?

- Roadblock!
- Roadblock.

Pasadena's Rose Bowl is one of the
most famous stadiums in the world

and the tournament of
roses parade has been a

be loved neyeye's day
event for over 100 years.

Now in the shadow of this
imposing arena, teams face a

roadblock in which they must have
the mental and physical stamina

to complete a task that
is surprisingly difficult.

Working on a float that would
normally take 10,000 manhours

to complete, teams must
painstakingly decorate three sections

of the official float of the
tournament of roses organization.

If they can finnish their work to the
satisfaction of the floral director,

the 2009 rose queen will
give them the next clue.

- ***
- I'll do it.

- You got this, natty.
- So mums first.

*** These are mums? Okay.

Right now we are in first place.

I know that Jill and Thomas
are probably right behind us.

Other A. There is A right there.

Looks like she's taking
this and covering the area.

We have to glue all these
flowers on and they have...

to be next to each
other and look pretty.

I like interior decorating
and stuff like that but I'm not

an artist by any means. I'm
a left brain sort of girl.

The flowers look really
good over there so...

I'm going to try to
make mine look as good.

- Rose Bowl. ***
- *****

- They should be next.
- Ok. Section A.

- Sounds like another helicopter ***.
- *** Thank you.

The next section involves
putting roses into these

little holders and then I'm going
to stick them inside the styrofoam.

"Who is bright enough
to float?" I'll do it.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Thomas and I have been working at the
roadblock so could do the last one.

Mums first.

And when we got there and I saw what was
going on immediately I was, like, sh**t.

First time i've ever
decorated. I've never anything.

I'm not very crafty
to be honest with you.

This is probably a better
thing for jill to do.

Looks like the white
flowers go in the white

painted area and the yellow flowers
go in the yellow painted area.

Oh, my gosh, he's not crafty at all.

I think we were hoping somebody with
some upper body strength or something.

Yeah! This is definitely
not what we were expecting.

No, it is not.

Good effort, Natty.

- I should have probably done this.
- That's the stadium over there.

The Rose Bowl! How did
i miss that down there?

It's the Rose Bowl down there.

- I love college football.
- Another helicopter just got here.

That must be Brook and Claire.

All right! What's next?

Take these things off, fill
it up with water. Got it.

- Okay. Let's go Claire.
- You got this.

"Decorate three sections on the
official float of Pasadena Rose Bowl"

That had Brook all over it.
I said there's the crown,

there's the stash, go ahead.

Go Brook, you got this. This is
what do you in your free time.

This is where we usually
catch up, catch up

and get out of here and
we will be on our way.

- Keep it up, Natty.
- Okay I think this is finished.

Okay let's go, Thomas.

I have been on a couple
floats in my life so I feel

right at home in the float
brigade. These are my people.

Use the right one, okay.
I'm decorating a rose now.

I look at the lady that's doing
the examples and not all the petals

are decorated so i'm just
going to dot ones she has done.

All right, c'mon Thomas!

I'm trying to go as fest as possible and
make sure I doing everything correctly.

Nice job, Nat!

- Looking good, Thomas.
- Good job, Brook, you're almost done.

Hi. May I have your work
evaluated by you please?

Your mums are good. ***

You didn't prep your roses properly.

- I didn't prep them correctly?
- No.

I didn't really notice
they were filled with water.

- Okay.
- Come on, Thomas.

I'm removing my roses because
i didn't prep them correctly.

Looks good, looks good.
You got this, Brook.

- Good job, Natty!
- ***

- ***
- Thank you very much.

- Hi.
- ***

- Thank you very much.
- You're welcome.

- Good luck.
- Good job Natty, nice job.


Teams must now figure out the answers
to the three questions provided.

And then make their way to that location
where they will find their next clue.

- Ok, let's go.
- See you guys.

Good luck, guys.

Ok. What's the next set?

Good job, Brook. Good
job. You're speeding up.

- ***
- ***

- Yeah!
- All right. Let's do this.

- Do you have an iPhone?
- iPhone no.

- Or a telephone?
- Good job, Brook. Good job.

Way to speed it up. You
are doing really good.

All right. Let's go.

- "Sancho Panza"?
- Yeah.

- ***
- ***

Come on, Thomas. Your mom is
going to be so proud of you.

*** I know what i need to do.

- ***
- We need a taxi.

- Do you know who Sancho Panza is?
- Sancho Panza?

- Yeah.
- Where is that? Which freeway?

We don't know. It's a person.

- Okay. Miss?
- Mums are good.

- Okay.
- This is good.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Let's go!

Yes! Thank you very much.

Fill in the blanks. *** come one.

- This is called the Information.
- You have to drive very fast.

Good job, Brook. Hurry
up and do this real quick.

- Will you drive fast?
- Hi, I'm sorry, I'm in a race.

I'm just wondering do you
know who Sancho Panza is?


Do you have access to an internet right
now can you google something for me?

Do you have anyone you can call
who has an internet next to them?

I can't. I have a line
of people right now.

Please, I'm in a race for lots
of money. It's very important.

- Can you call...?
- Can you call a friend near a computer?

- No, it's my computer.
- What?!

If you could just do this for me.

If you don't make it long,
I can help you with it.

- Dispatch has the internet?
- ***

- *** dispatch.
- We will get on the phone.

- If you could just dial somebody.
- Could you google Sancho Panza master?

**** I just need to know
who Sancho Panza master is.

*** Okay i'm done. Done here. Ok?

- This looks good. ***
- Thank you. It's a princess. Hi.

- I love your curls.
- Thank you!

- Completes the work below.
- Come on, hurry.

You don't have google?

The character is in the
novel of Don Quixote.

He's a fictional character
in the novel of Don Quixote.

Anyone have internet at
their house? No, he hang up.

- I got GPS.
- No, sir, listen to me. Ok?

I need somebody to do an internet
search for us, a Google search.

- Google search?
- Jeez!

- Don Quixote, his master, okay.
- Yes.

Quixote Studio.

Is there a place called Quixote Studios?

- Yes.
- *****

Sir, do you know what
a google search is.

On the internet? Do you
know what the internet is?

- No.
- Oh, my god.

- All right, we need...
- We need to go.

- What does it say?
- Hi. We need internet.

Yeah. Can you get to us
internet? We need internet.

- ***
- Do you know where Quixote Studios is?

- What Studios?
- Quixote.

- We need an address.
- Quixote Studios?

Do you have an address
for Quixote Studios?

Do you know where a hotel
is that has a computer?

- Yeah.
- Okay, let's go to a hotel.

Can I please use your phone, sir?
I'm begging to you use your phone.

- No problem.
- ***

- Oh, man. This is crazy.
- We need to get off.

- ***
- Can we talk?

- Can I use your phone?
- Oh, my gosh.

The clue is the place to
hear the symphony in the glen.

- Where is that?
- Griffiths park.

Thank you. **** we need
to get to the right studio.

I know there is a lot of Studios.
hat's the one. Ok. Thank you.

Can you go ahead and
transfer me? Thank you.


Hi, we need internet. Can
you help us with this? Okay.

We have to go to this place. Do
you know any of the answers to this:

I Sancho Panza's master?

Blank studios? I'm the only place
to hear the symphony in the glen?

- Pasadena?
- No, no, we need to get to a computer.

No, that's your gps.
That's not a computer.

- I got GPS.
- No!

- All we need is someone with a phone.
- I got GPS, okay?

No, it's not a computer,
sir! Thank you fot the offer.

There is quixote studios straight ahead.

If we find studio 7, we go in
the gate and they will show us.

*** Marilyn monroe's edge. That's
the only one i knew right away.

Cast entertainment.

Since the invention of
television, Hollywood game shows

have tested people's
knowledge of trivia.

Now, after 12 exhausting legs of
the race, it's time to find out

whether teams have really been paying
attention to everything around them.

Flashing high above the teams are
pictures of 48 different people...

wearing hats.

11 of those people were the greeters
who welcomed them into the pit stops.

Using the control pad in front
of them, teams must select the

11 greeters and put them on their
own tv screens in the correct order.

When they do, legendary
game show host Bob Ubanks...

Here is your next clue.

Will give them the next clue.

This is so exciting. I'm
Bob Ubanks. You watch.

- Hi.
- Hello.

All right, let's go. Take
you over here to your station.

- Oh, wow.
- Right over there.


- How does this work? Like one.
- Leg one was east nor.

- ****
- Welcome to east nor.

- 27.
- ***

- ***
- Welcome ***

The thing is flashing and
you are so overwhelmed,

- so, okay what am I even looking at at.
- *** 31.

- Kat, are you sure?
- 31.

Okay and then 3 is also gone.

Two we were welcomed at
the market and 3 we were ***

Oh, so maybe that one was three.

Welcome ***

- *** trhree.
- 31.

- Leg 2 was the market.
- ***

- I don't remember seeing him.
- Okay.


*** Keyette studios griffiths park ***

- Monroe's year of the itch.
- That's got to be it.

- ***
- Yes, you're right, let's go.

- Okay.
- Griffith Park. Stage 7?

- I felt like that was fast.
- I thought we were really fast too.

We need to get out of this cab. We
need to get out and get to a computer.

I know. What do you want me to
do?! Okay right here. Right here.


Hello. We need to use
your internet desperately.

Okay. Oh, my gosh this is
going to be worse right now.

- 38 is Korea.
- Welcome to South Korea.

So 11. ***

We had written down
all the legs of the race

where we started, where we ended so we
actually getting at out little notebook.

That way we could stay organized.

I just saw the woman in from the
market. She has stuff on her head.

Welcome ****

Basket. There is 6!

- Leg 2 is number 6.
- Yeah.

- Okay. That's great.
- Leg 4 was norwegian border.

Welcome ***

They were dressed like 21. Is that her?

- Yes. Then leg 5.
- It was the guy ***

Welcome to Norway ***.

- 45.
- Yes.

- Five is 45.
- We are in a big hurry.

So if you can go as fast as you
can, we would really appreciate it.

We can make up. This
is not all lost at all.

Do you have an internet
we could use really quick?

- What?
- Internet?

We need to get out of here.
This is like the worst area.

- ***
- I don't know what i'm doing.

All right get in the car.

*** Russia.

Welcome to St. Petersburg.

- Russia, Russia,Rrussia.
- Okay. Is that 25?

Let's see.

- I don't remember him.
- Okay.

- First guy in russia.
- ***

We are in a big hurry. So if
you can go as fast as you can.

Literally we could be in first or
last. Meme this could go either way.

- Russia.
- First guy in Russia.

**** Studio 7. We should be good.

- ***
- Dear God.

- First guy in Russia.
- 10.

- Yes. Remember him?
- 7?

- *** Russia.
- ****

- A sailor guy.
- 33?


Studio ***. Somewhere.

- 13 was Hong Kong.
- Welcome to Hong Kong.

- 13.
- Yes.

- 8.
- 8... Oman.

- Welcome to Oman.
- 43.

And then we're missing

- ***
- Went up to the top.

- We went...
- Wasn't that 8?

- Number 8.
- Okay.

- Yeah!
- Give me a hug.

- Here is your next clue.
- Thank you so much.

Good luck. That's a good job.


Teams must now travel by
taxi through LA's congested

streets to the finish
line: Greystone Mansion.

The first team to check in here
will win the Amazing Race...

and the one million dollars.

- Good luck, guys.
- Let's go. Thank you.

- Graystone mansion.
- If we could use your phone.

Oh, my gosh make your
way to the finish line.

It's so good to see that on ***

- Yeah, that's what we want.
- Stage 7.

Bob Ubanks!

- ****
- Come. Come with me.

- We're TV hosts.
- How are you?

Good old Bob is just
standing there and...

- What?!
- ***

Good you're mine too. Okay?

So the first place we went was U.K.
So who do we see in hats in the U.K.?

- Oh, this is gnarly.
- What was our pit stop in the U.K.

- Find the keys to the castle.
- 27!

- He said the nice things.
- Ok. Leg 1, 27.

Leg 2, we were in Africa. ****

- It was the girl.
- That's right, the market, right.

*** I know it's her. For sure.

- **** That's not good.
- It's kind of trafficky.

- Leg 7
- Pit stop at the fortress.

- 8, 8!
- Oh, yeah it is 8.

- Ok.
- Leg 6.

- ***
- It is so hard to figure out traffic.

- 10. 10 is St. Petersburg.
- Okay.

Just one more. Let's focus.

We are completely stopped right now
so they could definitely pass us.

- Leg 4 she had on...
- ***

- Oh, 29. Put it in leg 4.
- Okay.

- Ok.
- Is that right?

Yes! Oh, my gosh.

- Here is your next clue.
- Thank you, thank you.

Make your way to the
finish Line *****. Let's go!

Bye guys. Nice meeting you.

*** Mansion.

This is crucial time I
hope you don't get lost ***

- This is brutal. Seriously brutal.
- We should have gotten another taxi.

Get back to the states and
be more of a language barrier

- than when you are out of the country.
- *** totally screwed up.

I'm nervous. I want to get
there. Traffic is k*lling me.

- Do you know where you're Going?
- I do.

- You do? Okay let's go.
- Yes?


- Can you make us win? Go fast, fast.
- We're going to win.

- ***
- Go, go, go.

Honk. Don't be afraid
to honk. We like honking.

Yes. ***

- Are we almost there?
- It's short.

Maybe this is the shortcut.

Oh please, please, please.

"Brook and Claire you
are the first female team

to ever win the Amazing Race"

Almost there.

- Come on, mansion.
- Be ready to grab your pass.

Come on.


Four continents, 30
cities, 32,000 miles,

Nat and Kat you have
made Amazing Race history!

All female team to win the Amazing Race!

And you have won $1
million. Congratulations!

- Can you believe it?
- No!

Now that you've run this race together,

what does this mean
to your relationship?

This experience has totally bonded us.

No one will ever understand what
we went through except for you guys.

And Nat i really want to talk
about what you have achieved.

I know you wanted to come on this race
as a person who lived with diabetes.

Being diabetic is a
huge part of who I am.

I'm so grateful to have run
that whole race and it means

the world to me just to show
people that have diabetes that

you can be as active as
you want. It's fantastic.

Nat's been a great teammate.

Of course I knew she
had a lot of strength

but the degree has boggled my mind.

It hasn't been easy but she's
never once complained and so I

just couldn't be more proud of her.

I can't imagine doing this with
anyone else. You really are my sister.

And this is something that I know
we'll share for the rest of our lives.

Brook and Claire, you are the
second team. Congratulations.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Another all female team,
one and two. For the women.

- Congratulations.
- Good job.

I'm glad you did the race together.

Literally laughed our
way around the world.

I know that.

First hand.

Claire just shocked me like when she's
hitting the watermelon in the face,

scaling down, you know, a canyon,
the ideal of being a strong woman

either means that you are
grumpy boots or you are

this really masculine gnarly click, no.

You can be feminine and tap into
that while action strong woman.

I think amazing race was full
of flair, Brook and Claire flare.

Come on in, guys. Come in.

Jill and Thomas you are the third team
to finish this race. Congratulations.

Thank you.

- You guys have been so consistent.
- Yeah.

You have made a few mistakes along
the way but nothing like today.

No. A lot of things
happened not in our favour

and we've had an
unbelievable race, though.

We are still so fortunate to still
even be a part of this, I think

more than anything and just
can't come through in the end.

This has been a... I don't even
know why I'm crying. Why am I crying?

Because you have gone through a lot.

It was a little good...

It's a really special experience I
think is what she's trying to say.

We just feel really fortunate
that we were able to do this

together and i certainly wouldn't
have done it with anybody else,

other than her and
I'm very proud of her.

It was so hard.

I've had some of the best times. I
think that i've ever had with my dad.

I know the four children and it's
not every day that I get to do

anything with him. Much less race
around the world that's I feel so lucky.

Can we do it again?

So crazy.

We are just going to take
every single moment and

cherish it forever and can I not
wait to tell our kids when they...

about the adventure that
we've had around the world

and I hope to share them a glimpse
of what I have seen with Chad.

It's about time a girl-girl
team won the Amazing Race.

We're both just really proud
and honoured to be that team.

It's been probably one of the best
experiences of our entire lives

and Kat, both think
it's been life changing.

It's priceless. It really was.
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