17x11 - I'm Surrounded by Ninjas

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x11 - I'm Surrounded by Ninjas

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race... four
teams race from Bangladesh to Hong Kong.

After an intense foot race to
board a ferry, Nick and Vicki

found themselves at
the back of the pack.

I'm not waiting for
your ass ever again.

And a gut-busting roadblock
put them further behind.

Oh, man.

Nick offered a way out.

Question take a penalty
and just go through.

No, I don't want to quit.

Because determined Vicki
finished the task.

At the detour their downward spiral
continued as Nick pressed Vicki again.

I'm done.

And this time convinced her
to take a six-hour penalty.

On the mat, the kummel
got a very lucky break.

This is a nonelimination race.

You are still in the race.

But now face a tough road ahead.

You have a speed bump.

You guys are a long way back.

Which of these four teams will
make it to the million dollar

make it to the million dollar finale?

This is Hong Kong.

And here in the center of this
dynamic Metropolis, statue

square, the 10th pit stop in
the race around the world.

Nat and cat were the first to
arrive will depart at 4:37 A.M.

Fly to the city of seoul, south Korea.

When you land drive yourselves
towards the north Korean border.


When they land they'll have
to drive themselves to

demilletaryized zone and
search for the bridge.

There they'll find their next clue.

Oh, my God.

From the beginning we wanted
to be able to go to every

country and do every challenge
and make it through.

As it's getting closer, that's
becoming more of a reality.

I think that cat and I have what
it takes to go through the race.

I can't believe we're
driving to the border.

Do not cross the border.

I don't want to drive to the border.

South Korea just wasn't on our
radar especially driving to

the border between south
Korea and north Korea.

It's an area that is highly
guarded, highly watched.

We're going to be deep
into north Korea.

Fly the city of seoul, south Korea.


I wasn't surprised.

We're the top contenders in
this race but you've got some

very hungry, smart, athletic
women that have proven they're a

force be wrecked with.

Fly to the city of seoul, south Korea.

Drive yourselfs to the
north Korea border.

The... bridge crosses the... river.

Let's go.

Let's go to this hotel right here.

We need to make a flight.

We want to leave as soon as possible.

Clearly, it would be just or rirving if
you didn't make it in the top three.

There's four teams left.

And the final three get
to race for $1 million.

Claire and I have said that we want to
be the first women team to win the race.

I just know I'm going be standing
on that mat saying we made history.

They must get to Hong Kong asap.

We decided we had such
troubles in Oman if we could

talk to a hotel agent or people
that have connections to get us

there right now.

This is a lot quicker
than going right there.

Jill and Thomas are here.

Hey, guys.

All right.


Here we go.

Anyone else think it's weird that we're
driving to the bored of north Korea.

We are to wear this vest.

They have one at 12:25.

I'm going to fax your
copies to the airport.

And my college at the airport they're...
Can I come back to you in the

next 13 minutes?

We'll grab some coffee and we'll wait.

This is how Claire and I role.

We want to purchase tickets to seoul.

The and that's the earliest
flight you have today?


Of course.

Can I get two tickets to north Korea.

All teams will have no problem
getting on this flight.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's weird to wear these kind of
clothes to a place like this.

We don't dress like this all the time.

I want everybody to know that.

We definitely have saved a couple
of outfits for the last race.

Go broke or go home.

We are traveling to south Korea.

And we don't have money.

But we were personally wanted to know
if you can purchase a travel book.

We've had a couple sayings one
of them is... you catch more

flies with honey than with vinegar.

This means bon voyage,
pleasant journeys.

You girls be cool.

All right.

Thank you.

Fly to the city of seoul.

Let's go.


As fast as you can.

We're in a big race, we need to try to
get to the airport as fast as possible.

I think this race has allowed
us to open our eyes and see the

flaws that we have
in our relationship.

Something to stupid... shut up.

Shut up.

You no common sense
in your whole body.

We stop, we go home.

He keeps yelling at me.

I was totally out of line.

I treated her like scum.

I promised to myself and to Vicki that
I would never blow up like that again.

We're not giving up, that's for sure.

We're just going to do what we
can and hopefully it's in our

grasp of being to catch up with
everybody and get into the final three.

Dude, we might be able to
catch them at this airport.

That would be so cool.

We're leaving Hong Kong headed to
a flight at seoul, south Korea.

We've seen nat and Kat
and Brook and Claire.

But just because we haven't
seen Nick and vick doesn't mean

they're not on our trail.

I have no idea about Nick and vick.

Excuse me, miss, is there any way you
book us is flight to south Korea?

The first available flight
is Korean airline 12:25.


Yeah, we need that.

So I'm afraid Korean airline
is leaving already.

Did we miss it?

We discovered that the flight all
the other teams went on left.


It's ok.

The first available flight is Pacific.

Departure time is 9:30 in the morning.


Are you kidding me?

The first available
flight is cafe Pacific.

Cafe spask?

What time does that leave?

Departure time is 9 crn

Cafe specific is the first available.

That's the only one to
south Korea, seoul?

I can't believe that we got to
the airport ander found out

that all the flight that the other
teams left on left already.

It really comes down to a miracle.

There's not much we can do.


All right.

Let's go.

Where am I going, Jill?

Back up.

Hey, we're going the wrong way.

What do you want me to do?

What are you freaking out about?


They're going back-up.

Don't yell at me.

Don't yell at me either.

Right now we're going to the bridge.

We're looking at map and seeing
how close south Korea an

just knowing the issues not only
the issues been north Korea and

south Korea and a lot of the
free world, it was unbelievable.

Hopefully question find
this bridge quickly.

Maybe we could find an
alliance with north Korea and

the other teams and
put them on timeout.

There's conflict and why
not go to the heart of it?

Maybe we could work out something.

Here's your challenge.

Get a b*llet-proof vest and good luck.

I'm going to try to pay
attention to where I'm driving.

Most of the signs are completely
devoid of any English characters.

We're going to hope
that we make it there.

Driving to the border it just was
such a politically charged adventure.

I thought that everybody
had extra excitement.

My eyes are peeled.

Today, our mood was
just to stay positive.

Have as much fun as possibly
and hope for the best.

Pantang recreation ground.

That's the one on the right.

They're there.

There it is.

There it is.


We're definitely first.

All right.

Let's go.

We should go back and go straight.


We're here.

We're first.


Welcome to the d.M.Z.
, choose a rafting guide and raft.

Teams must go down the river
and board a Humvee that

will take them to the U.S.
army base and take them to their next clue.

We have to go down this?

It's a clue.

All right.

Let's go!

We've got to hurry and
catch up with them!

That's the bridge.

Got keys?


There it is.

Hurry up!

They're coming!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Come on!

Jeez, you took longer to
get dressed than I did.

I'm so excited.

All right.

Good job!


Oh, my God.

This is freezing.

It's slippery.

This is awesome.

Claire, this is going to be fun!


We're in a hurry.

One, two.

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh!




Oh, my God, this is going
to be so much fun.

You got it, Claire.

I got it.

One, two... hi.






I've been white water rafting
many years ago, obviously never

in south Korea and never in the d.
M.Z. Area.

So this was a whole new experience.

This is awesome.

We're rafting down in a
demilletaryized zone.






Pull out.

Ride imcowboy.

We need to catch up.

... Ride em cowboy.

We need to catch up.









Now this is what I call living.

Now this is nice.

Keep running it through.

Keep running it through.

Look at this.

There are army jeeps.

Being that close to north
Korea and being that close to

the d.M.Z. Was a pretty wild
experience just kind of knowing

what's actually happened there.

This is a serious situation.

No idea what's ahead.

No idea what to expect.

We have an idea it's going be rough.

We're dressed in helmets
and in an army truck.

So... thank you.

That was awe.

So this is what we do.

This is how we role.

This is a normal day for Claire and I.

I finally feel like I'm in
my owner element at home.

We're almost there.

There's the Boone docks right there.

Can you jump out.

One, two!

Come on.


Road wlock.

The station just a few miles
from north Korea, U.S.

Troops maintain a rigorous
training regime in martial arts

including tae Kwon do.

Teams will have to master the
timing of the exercises to avoid

the blows of a 200-man
fighting machine.

After choosing a head band, team
members walk among the troops of

tae Kwon do soldiers as
they work in unison.

Their mission find the soldier
matching the one they have while

trying not to get hit.

When they find the right head
band the tae Kwon do soldier

will kick a wood revealing
their next clue.

Who's ready to do this?

I will.

Come on up here.

I'm going the top.

There's a head band up here.

All right.

Good luck.

All right.

What do you to do?

We have to find a matching head band.

There's so many of them.

Move quickly.

Oh, no!

They're right blind us!

They're here!


... They're right behind us!

They're here!


Who's ready to be all you can be?




You've got this Brook, stay focused.

They down the line.

They all look the same.

Well, that's different.

Come on.

You've got this, Brook.

Sorry to be all in your grille here.

I'm just going to double-check.

All right.

You're not mine.

Come on!


I'm going to give this to you.

Please tell me it's right.


Is that right.


... Is that right?


Man, gave it to the wrong man.


Yes, that's nice.

Well done.


Find seoul's world cup stadium.

Teams must make their way
on foot the subway station.

They must then travel to seoul
world cup stadium where they'll

find their next clue.

Let's do this!

Who's ready to be all you can be?

All right.

I'll do it.

Focus, Brook.

And let's just get this done.

All right, ninjas.

She's not being focused.

I'm surrounded by ninjas.

Oh, come on, one of you
guys have got to have it.

You can do!

You've got this, Brook!

You do it, Kat!

Come on, sister!

Good good job!

We've got to hurry!

We've got get this clue
and get out of here.

Show me how tough you are.




Find seoul's world cup stadium.

Ooh, I think I can read Korean now!



Come on, girl!

This is it right here.

World cup stadium.

We should ask this cab driver.

Broken Claire.

I don't see them yet.

You can't miss them.

They're all pink, pink, pink.

Do you know where the subway is?

I see it, Claire.

It's straight up there.

Is anybody coming?

Hurry, let's go!

Kat, focus, girl!

All right!

There's our clue.

Find seoul's world cup stadium.

Do I not see Brook and Claire at all.

... Do I not see Brook
and Claire at all.


Oh, man.

How could we miss that?

We just missed one.

Brook and Claire are here in
the subway station with us.


What are you guys doing here?

We knew we weren't too far behind.

I'm very happy to be on the
subway with Nick and Claire.

We still haven't seen Nick and vick.

Come on!

Come on, Jill!


It's right in the middle.


Hurry up.

Full throttle or full bottle?

South Korea are successful in sports.

To see what's a modern approach
to training or hole listic

approach to health and nutrition.

Their choice full
throttle or full bottle.

In full throttle teams make
their way by foot or ice rink.

They will skate a two-person
relay for a total of 24 laps.

When they finish the coach will
give them their next clue.

In full bottle teams make their way
by foot or subway to the market.

Put on delivery uniforms and
carry a total of six giant

general seng roots to
this holistic center.

If they can make their way
without breaking a bottle and

drink a general seng tonic, the
pharmacist will give them the next clue.

We suck at delivering stuff.

We do?

Are can we take a cab?

For either detour you must
travel by subway or foot.

I can ice skate, no problem.


Hurry, let's go!

Oh, my God!

Come on, Claire!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Here it is.

Oh, clue box.

Let's go, we're in a hurry.




Full throttle or full bottle.

We're going to do the full throttle.

I haven't ice skated
since I was like 7.

I'll go really fast.

I can ice skate really good.

I know Brook she'll just be
like, I was a professional ice

skater and I won three gold medals
and blah-blah-blah blah blah.

What are we doing?

You to decide and get there quickly.

What are are you talking about.

This woman has done everything and me
I'm like... yeah, I haven't done that


I guess we're doing the general sing.

... General seng.

I'll do it but don't scream at me.

Let's go to the skating rink.

That's a good sign meaning we've
got a little bit of a head

we've got a little bit of a head start on these guys.




Could you maybe help us?

We are going to this bridge.

Follow me.

I'll show you.

Thank you so much.

We need to work together.

You obviously don't want to ice skate.

I'm going to do this gensing thing.

No, you don't have to.



We'll follow you.

So don't lose us.

This might be our lucky little break
that we needed to get back in the game.

Lock dong ice rink?

Mock dong ice rink?

Mock dong ice rink.

She chose this so if I
suck at it, I suck at it.

There's nothing really I could do.

If Nick and Vicki show up, we'll run
as fast as we can to the pit stop.

We'll follow you.

So don't lose us.

We're putting all our eggs in one
basket, that's for damn sure.

Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Come on, natty.

Oh, sh**t.

I think we missed it.

We have not seen any teams.

We have not seen any teams
going to the world cup.

All right, Tom.

Oh, sit right here?

It's right here.

Ok, the y tire that was disgusting.

It was like a little latex
spandex tight all over your

body, not easy to move in suit.

Not the working Claire suit when
it comes to the ice skating suit.

Not what we would have chosen.

There it is.

Mock dong stadium.


Ready to ice skate.

They're ahead of us.

No way.


Claire, let's do this.

How did that happen?

I don't know.


What do I do with this?

Put it on our back.


Thomas, are you almost rei think
yes, I'm putting my skate on.

Shut up!

Dude, I'm putting my skates on, relax.

How did they get out there?

I have no idea.

Let's go.

It's better than nothing.

At least they're taking us.

He we met this guy and he overed to
drive us to the north Korean border.

I need to toilet.

Me too.

Me too.

We all do.

It's funny.

Are you hungry?


We're good.

We got these.


Beautiful woman.

I give to you.

This is for me?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Follow me.


He wants you.

He wants me.

All right.

I knew you were good for something.

Fundamental, honey.

I don't know how to ice
scafmente it's ok.

Just go in the middle.

You can't go past that line.


Oh, my gosh.

Don't push me really hard.

I have to tag you and
then you need to tag you.


Go ahead.



You've got it, Jill.


Ok, got you.

Oh, man it's been so long
since I've done this.

All right.

Come on, Thomas!

What are you on your tail here?

I love watching Thomas.

He was running in his skates.

You've got this, Claire.

Tap me in.

Jill, get ready, I'm coming in.


So Claire's like dink, dink, dink.

Claire's a speed skater.

You weren't that pretty.

I didn't claim I was that beautiful.

But it was fun to
watch everybody else.

I'm going, Brook.

Stop it.

This is not very elegant.

You've got it Jill.

Come on, honey.

Come on.

Come on.


It's all right.

Get up!

Get up!

I'm going.

I'm going.

It's going to happen.

We're all going to fall
on our ass 10... asses.

Get up.

Get up, Jill.

Thomas, I've got it.

All right.

Stay on your feet.


You've got it.

You've got to pick it up!

We're caught up.

We've got a lap lead already.

We're in the lead?



I don't know why they're helping us.

It's so crazy.

I'm ok with it.



I love him.


They also don't know.

All right.

He says "they also don't
know, just follow me."


Come on, Claire.

You ok?

Yeah, sorry.

You sure?

That's ok.

Stay on your feet, babe.

Thank you, Thomas you don't
have to remind me of that.

But you to pick it up.

We only have six more to go.

You've got this.

Five left.

Five left.

And we're here.

Jill, come around.

We only have two to go, Claire.

You have one more.

Come on, Claire.

After this it's one more.

Skate in.


All right.

Last round, ready?


We're done.

You have a clue?

Thank you.

Make your way to the park.

Teams must make their want to
han riverside park also known

as... and search for this statue where
will they'll find their next clue.

So many times that I fell.

We have one more.

Were we pasted Brook and Claire
and we're now in the lead.


And it's a miracle for the gold!

Let's go.

Cross that off the thirst.


We need to get a cab?

Come on!






Let's go.

You look funny.



I grew up in Arizona, so I have a
lot of experience with ice skating.

Way to go natter.


Just like an olympian.

All right.

Here we come.







Hi, thank you.

You know where it is, sir?

Do you know where it is?


I'm very curious how
they got there so quick.

Hang dong park.

We didn't make one wrong turn
and we got ahead of them.

Your beautiful.


No, I'm married.

I'm getting married.

You are a comedian.

We did not mess up one
time on the train.

We didn't take one wrong exit.

Ha, ha, ha.

Fast, fast, fast good job, nat.

Good job, too, Kat.

I'm channeling my
Apollo an on the ono.

Getting out.

Thank you.

Look for an airplane.

Sir, zo you speak English?




You can't ask old people.

Whatever, Thomas.

What about this guy.

Is he in your game range?

Oh, kiss cam is up to nine.

Kiss cam is up to nine?

Under an airplane.

Airplane, like... you've got it.

Come on.

Like flying?

Sky jumping?


There it is.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Temple of heaven.

Teams must now make their way across
town to the temple of heaven.

Built in 1897 for the first
and only emperor of Korea.

This impeerl shrine is the pit
stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here with will eliminated.

Temple of heaven.

Like when we fly.


Claire, come here!

Come here!

Temple of heaven.

Don't worry about it.

Our coach is yelling at us.

Fast, fast, fast.

It was so much fun.

We knew we looked ridiculous.

And we knew werm terribly slow.

But we were going to have doing it
but it was still really, really fun.

We're finished.

We're good?


We're available for the next
Olympics if you'd like.

Oh, thank you!

Your next clue awaits turned airplane.


There's a taxi.

Go to hung dong park.

Very fast, please.

Very fast.

How does nobody know
what an airplane is.

It's a huge airplane.


Make your way to the next
pit stop, temple of heaven.

We're right here.

There's a temple.


Let's hurry.

Welcome to south Korea.

Thank you.

Brook and Claire, you're
the first team to arrive.

However, you took a taxi from
the detour decision point

through the detour and you were
meant to either walk on foot or

take the subway.

So you broke that rule.



Mock dong ice rink.

It's appear 30 minute penalty.

So you need to wait out that

so you need to wait out that time before I can check you in.

Brook and Claire, you took a
taxi from the detour decision

point through the detour and you
were either meant to walk on

foot or take the subway.

That's a 30-minute penalty.

So you need to wait out that
time before I can check you in.




We're going to temple of heaven.

I don't know.


Anybody who speaks English?

Thank you.

I think Brook and Claire
already got there.

They were right behind us
and we went the wrong way.

It's very stupid.

Did anybody answer?

I need speak with someone.


Right here.


Very good.

Thank you.

The next clue awaits you under
the airplane near the bridge.

Oh, my gosh, get out of the car.

Dude, you're wasting our time.


Let's go.

He's younger.

Temple of heaven, do you know that?

Oh, there, it's right there.

Oh, sweet.

Straight ahead.

There's Brook and Claire.

They're already there.

Welcome to south Korea.

Thank you very much.

Jill and Thomas, you're the
second team to arrive.

I know.

But Brook and Claire
encured a penalty.

You are the first team
into this leg of the race.



And that means that you are
officially one of the three

teams who will be racing to the
finish line for the $1 million.

That's what we're here first.

And coming in first has its benefits.

Yes, it does.

Croip you have won a trip
for two from travelocity.

And you will be going to Argentina.

You'll spend five nights
at the grand casino hotel.

You'll take an exciting boat
ride along the river and enjoy a

massage in a hotel spa.

I feel like we deserve to be in the
final three and we've worked hard.

You know, we're going to work as
hard as we possibly can in in

leg and hopefully things
work out for the best.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Temple of heaven.

The pit stop, temple of heaven.

Temple of heaven.


If we can go very fast, please.

We're very late.

All right.

Brook and Claire, I
can check glow now.

Brook and Claire, having waited
your 30-minute penalty, you are

officially team number two.

That means you are one of the
three teams that will be racing

for the finish line for the
$1 million, with a timeout.

And you still have a chance to
be the first all-female team to

win this amazing race.

That's right.

One more leg of the race.


One more and we're in.

Welcome to seoul, Korea.

Thank you very much.

Nat and Kat, you should be very
pleased with yourself, you

are team number three, which
means you are one of the three

teams that will be racing towards
the finish line for $1 million.


There is a very good chance that
you guys could become the first

all-female team win this race.

And what would that mean?

That would mean so much for us.

It's about time.

...... So... is that it right there?

That's the box right there.

Which way?

This way.

Join a mission to camp Casey.


We knew we were way
behind everybody else.

We pretty much knew that
it was our last leg.

Don't squirt me.


If day one till now I feel like
we're completely different people.

We learn sod much about each other.

We're still learning to
communicate with each other.

I mean, it was a start.

The hardest part was
acknowledging the flaws that we

do have in our relationship and
now that we acknowledged that

it's just time to fix it.

I'm very proud of Vicki, every
sing challenge, every single leg

she went at it 100%.

I wouldn't change her
not even for a second.

Welcome to seoul, south Korea.

Thank you.

Nick and Vicki, you are
the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that you've
both been eliminated from the race.

I just feel blessed that
we've made it this far.

It was the best experience of my life.

I agree.

We had a great time.

You feel like you guys learned
something about yourselves?

Through this race I learned that getting
angry over things doesn't change it.

Being rude to people doesn't help.

And that's how it was
coming into this.

I really didn't care.

I had that tough guy image.

This taught nea it doesn't
actually get anywhere.

I went through this entire
race without k*lling him.

I think it's a good thing.

We still have things to
work on communicationwise.

But it can only get better.

We're here for one thing only and
that is to win this entire race.

It would be an honor to be the
first all-girl team to win.

I feel so much pressure
to be that team.


I could care less about any
type of history making.

We believe in ourselves.

We believe that we can.

We want that title.

We're going to win the we're going
to win the million dollars.

Stay tuned from scenes from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race."

After a season of smashes and
crashes emotional highs.

Will you spend the rest
of your life with me.

I will.

And lows.

He keeps yelling at me.

You've got to suck it up.

History's on the line as a pair of
high-spirited home shopping hosts and two

determined doctors battle
against the last man standing.

Good job.

It's the season finale
you won't want to miss.


Oh, this is awesome!

This is what the race is about!

Which team has what it
takes to win the $1348?

Quickly as you can...
takes to win the race?

Quickly as you can possible go.

The first all-women
team to win the race.
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