17x10 - I Hate Chinese Food

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x10 - I Hate Chinese Food

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing
Race," five teams race

from Oman to dhaka, Bangladesh.

After Jill and Thomas got a jump
on the other teams -- thank you.

Thank you.

Arrive at 5:00 A.M.?

The dating couple coasted
to an easy victory.

You are team number one.

In an "The Amazing Race" first,
a double u-turn allowed two

teams to u-turn two
different temperatures.

We're going to u-turn
Brook and Claire.

Chad and Stephanie.

The u-turn victims lashed out.

Big smart Dr. how's that ph.D.
helping you?

As they battled each other
to stay in the race.

In the end, Brook and Claire survived
jenchts we're hanging on by a thread.

And Chad and Stephanie fell short.

Four teams remain.

Four teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?


The most densely populated
city in the world.

With very little land and

it's the equivalent of taking
the entire population of the

U.S. and Mexico and packing them into
a space the size of Los Angeles.

And just a heartbeat away from
this crowded chaos, lalbagh fort.

Like India's taj mahal.

This complex is the elab did he
lab rat tomb of a princess who

died before her time and the the ninth
pit stop in a race around the world.

Jill and Thomas, who were the
first to arrive, will depart at

world ex ca of Bangladesh.

Teams must fly to the urban
modern jungle of Hong Kong.

They'll make their way by bus
and ferry to cheung po island.

At the cave teams will
find their next clue.

Let's go to the travel agency.

In the last leg we u-turned
Brook and Claire because we saw

them as the most competitive team.

On the last flight we didn't see
any teams and still haven't.

It's strange not knowing if anybody
was eliminated or who was eliminated.

I'd be ok with not seeing any teams
until we won the $1 million.

Thank you.

Thank you.

We're looking to buy tickets.

What's your earliest
flight for Hong Kong?

We're on the same flight.


We have a ton of time
until that leaves.

All right well, thank you very much.

Let's go back to the hotel.

Fly to Hong Kong.

Thank God!


Can you take us to the airport?

I think our relationship has
grown a lot on this race.

The biggest thing we're still
trying to work on me trying to

calm him down and I think it's
beginning to work because Nick

is actually listen -- listening to me.

Vicki alone has calmed
me down tremendously.

Before I didn't care
about anyone's feelings.

And Vicki doesn't get to me.

She's a blessing.

Drive to Hong Kong!

I'm so excited.


Can you drive us to the airport?

I've been to Hong Kong before.

I think nat is going to love it.

Am I going to be taller than everyone?

Fly to Hong Kong?

Oh, Claire, we get to see -- Thomas.

Thomas and Jill u-turned Claire and I.

And usually when you u-turn
somebody you never see them again.

But Brook and I are the only u-turn people
that have ever survived on the race.

It's going to be funny seeing them.

When we walk into that airport I really
think he's going to poop his pants.

We might see him
really poop his pants.


I can't wait.

Thank you.

To the airport.

I am really hoping that we
don't see Brook and Claire.


We would like to check
in for our flights.

If we could get seats as close
to the fonts front at possible.

Thank you very much.

Singapore airlines.

Thank you very much.

Oh, there's Brook and Claire.

Oh, man!

Damn, dude.

Stay classy.

Take deep breaths.

Oh, man.

Say something.


Hi, girls.

Don't hate us.


I didn't mean it personally.

We just wanted to know why.

We were trying to think
about your logic.

We thought you were the best team.

Even though the doctors have been way
ahead of news you guys are way more


The point is to eliminate the top
competition and we think you guys are.

As bad as it sounds you should
almost take it as like a compliment.

Thank you, Thomas.

Thank you, Thomas.

Why Thomas?

Why not Jill?

We know who the match mind is.

See you out there.

I feel really bad
about that encounter.

But there's not much you can do.

I don't.

Thomas and Jill were -- before.

They should be petrified now.

Both teams are now traveling
through Singapore to Hong Kong.


Transit to city.

No, we don't want -- buses?


We got to hour.

Bus to city.

-- We have to hurry.

Bus to city.

Oh, there we go.

Thank you.

All right, Jill!

I bet you they're on that one.

Did everybody already
get on the first bus?

We don't know.

Damn it!

We're on the first bus out
of Hong Kong international.

We're in transit to get our
ferry over to cheong po island.

Everybody is with us.

Claire, Brook, nat and Kat and then we
still haven't seen Thomas and Jill yet.

I'm pretty sure they
got on the first one.

It's a footrace.

Hurry up, let's go.

Come on, hundred!

Fight it out.

We can rest right when we get there.

Two tickets.

Thank you.

We should just be cutting it.

Let's go.

Go, Brook, go!

Up and over.

All right.

Is this is ferry?

Thank you.



My asthma.

Come on.

They should be right on our tail.

I don't see anybody but I have
this feeling that right before

the doors lift these guys are
going to be Indiana Jones again.

Claire, Claire?

Let's go.

I can't breathe.

Let's go!

What's up, girls?

They're over here.

Come on, Claire.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Hurry up!

That's not hurrying up.

Come here.

The boat's leaving.

Ok, here we go.


The next one's in half an hour.


Good job.

The people already left.

I'm sorry.

It was my fault.

I'm sick of you being sorry.

We missed that ferry by minutes.

I'm not waiting for
your ass never again.

Babe, it's not worth stressing over.

We'll meet up.

We're 30 minutes behind them now.

I'm not stopping next time.

You have to suck it up.

Why are you crying?

Because you're so rude.

No, I'm not.

I just don't want to lose.

I'm not here to lose.

And I want to lose?

You think I'm stopping on
purpose because I want to?

We can't stop.

We stop, we go home.

I'm not stopping on purpose.

My asthma is so bad.

It's hard for me to keep up.

He keeps yelling at me.

I can't do anything about it.

He's never had asthma so he
doesn't know wait feels like.

Quit crying.

Here we go.

Come on, Jill!

I think we turn right.

We should do a nice little jog
here because you know Nick

and vick are going to be sprinting.

It's really hard.

Claire, come on!

Hold on.

Chung chou.

It's up here, Jill.

Keep going.

Come on, Claire, you can do this.

Are we almost there?

There's no almost there.

You have to pace yourself.

Oh, my got I can't catch my breath.


This sucks so bad.

To the right.

Right here, honey.

Ferry yourselves to -- ko alone.

Teams will travel by ferry to the cow
alone area of Hong Kong and locate the

restaurant where they'll
find their next clue.

We have to get out of here.

Ferry yourselves to kow alone.

Come on, we have to go back.

Straight ahead.

Can you job now?

I can't sflap my fingers
and be as athletic as you.

You can be tough.

They're so far ahead.

They're not that athletic.

I'm not a runner.

That's no what I do.

For me, I run a little bit and
I'm like impressed with myself.

I'm not giving up.

I'm not giving up but I have
to do it at my own pace.

Of course.

Heaven forbid you do it
at any and all else's.

Why are you mad at me?

Let's not talk.

Hold it!

Suck it out.

We did suck it out.

No, hug it out.

Oh, hug it out.

We got the worst luck out of
everybody, that's for sure.

Can't you get that out of your head?


Like, try?

I'm so irritated?

I just want to get this done.

I wish we would have never come.

I've never had so much
stress in my life.

This is a pretty spectacular view.

Everywhere you look there's something
like totally amazing on the horizon.

And you see these brand-new
skyscraper buildings and these

old little fishing boats also.

It's pretty amazing.

Come on, babe.

The cave is this way.

Let's go!


We're going to majesty
Chinese restaurant.


Majesty Chinese restaurant.

Majestic Chinese restaurant?

We're in a big hurry.

Hurry up, Vicki.

Make your way to -- Chinese restaurant
in search for your next clue.

Let's go.

Majesty Chinese restaurant.

That's it.



Hurry, hurry.

There's a clue box in there, see?

Welcome to the restaurant.

Oh, that's karaoke!


Who's feeling peckish?

Hong Kong's upscale hotels and restaurants
are famous for creating enormous

buffets that are both lavish
and sump use but Hong Kong is

lls -- also famous for making
the realistic fake food.

Using chopsticks teams must
peck their way through the vast

arare of food, searching for only
one of five items that are fake.

Any food the teams
pick up they must eat.

Once they find their fake items,
teams receive their next clue.

There are two performers onstage
doing awful karaoke and

everybody was cheering all around.

I had no idea how I was going
to find a fake piece of food in

that buffet spread of Sushi.

It was overwhelming.

I'm just trying to look at
everything and see what's different.

I think that's real.


Pretty good.

All right, let's go.

Shut that.


This sit.

There it is.

Welcome to our restaurant.


Who's feeling peckish?

I'll do it.


All right.

Let's go.

Ok, hurry.

Come on.

I'm thinking it's one of these.

I ate one of those.


Oh, my gosh, karaoke.

Who's feeling peckish?

Is it karaoke?

I'll do it because that's easy.

Ok if you want to do it.

Go for it.

This is ridiculous.

I know.

This is hilarious.



Fake food?

All the roadblocks that I've
done I've assumed it's been

something else and all of
them have been horrible.

Show it who's boss.


I can't do this.

Yes, you can.

My arms are going to fall off!

Turing whole "the amazing
race" I don't eat any of the

foods because I'm really picky and ask
I see all this food and I'm like, no.

How do you know if it's fake or not?

You touch it.

Ok, I think I got it.

You're doing great.

Go, natty!

Cheer them on.

You're doing good.

Sing, Claire, Claire, Claire!

Go, natti!



Thank you.

Enter the dragon.

Teams must now make their way
to Avenue of the stars and

figure out that they're searching
for a statue of Bruce Lee.

This memorial, built as a
tribute to the reknowned

martial artist and film star is where
teams will find their next clue.

Do you know where Avenue of stars is?

I do.


That could take a long time.

We have to go to majestic
Chinese restaurant.

We're doing what we can do.

I'm just looking to see if I can
see anything -- I can't eat

everything on this table,
I know that much.

I'm still chewing.

Spot that bait, sister.

Avenue of stars?


Bruce Lee statue down here?

And left.



Ding-ding or Sam Pam Hong Kong is a city
with its feet firmly planted in the

present and the past and teams
must choose between two

old-world vehicles built to
stand the test of time in.

Ding-ding, teams board a 100-year-old
tram system known as the ding ding, then

themselves riled a portion
of the royalty searching for

thousands of signs for three
that when put together will

reveal the answer to
the next pit stop.

If the ride ends before they
know where to go, they'll have

to make a return trim
and start again in.

Sampan, teams pick up a wooden cage
with two pair keats and board a sampan.

Then themselves go to the border
and search for hundreds of boats.

When they find the right bolt
they can trailed their birds

for the location of
their next pit stop.

Let's do the bird one.


Thanks, dragon come on, Claire.

You've got this.

This is hard.

Come on, Thomas.

Just start eating more.

Put it in your mouth.

It all looks real to me.

Come on, Thomas.

Please let it be.


Is that it?

Is that it?

That can't be real.

That's too hard to be real.

Got it.


Thank you.

Find a statue on Avenue of stars.

Let's get out of here.

It's ok, Claire.

Now you can just focus.


Majestic Chinese restaurant.

We're in a race.


Going to walk to the
jumbo kingdom dock.

Here, natty.




You want to pick some pair keats?


A bird whistle is provided.

Is it on there?


Who's the fast boat here today?

Let's take the lady.


Let's go!


We're going to search the
harbor for a boat with the

matching registration number.

Those boats do seem to go on forever.

The registration numbers were at
totally different places on each boat.

Some of them were on the
side, some were on the back.

Some were more on the front.

Come on, baby.

Is this it?

The statue?


It's right there.



Ding ding or sampan.

I say we do the dingding.

Thank you.

The elevator is right here.

Where are you going?


I have no idea how much
I've already eaten.

You've got this.

Just focus.

Who's feeling peckish?

Me, I guess.

I got to do it.


Come on, sweetie.

They're still here.

They're still here.

Come on.

Come on, babe, come on!

Come on, Claire, you got this.

You just have to dig
in and look for it.

She's supposed to be on
a diet for her wedding.

She's already had two or three plates
of food and still hasn't found it.

This does not look good.

They don't seem anymore entertained.

We have to keep the birds entertained
by blowing this ridiculous whistle.

We had really melo parakeets.

They were so chilled.

Were they even alive?

This has got to be it.

Here we go.


Three signs.

Oh, boy, this is -- there's a
million signs in this city.

I know.

It's going to be something
that stands out.

Look at the ground, even.

It says signs -- Jill, just keep
your eyes open for anything.

I am.

Come on, Vicki.

I can't eat this stuff.

You can do this.

Come on, Claire, you've got this!


I cannot eat anymore.

You're ok, Claire.

I'm going to throw up.

You just have to chug through, Claire.

You've got this, honey.

My stomach is so full.

You've got it, Claire bear.

Oh, my God.

I'm going to throw up.

Claire, just stay in one area.

Just look really harmed.

This is t*rture.

Claire, come on!

Oh, my God!

I feel like I'm going
to barf or faint.

Oh, man.


Ha, ha!

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my gosh!



Are you ok?


I've never puked so much in my life.

I was like the exorcist.

It was just like hah!

I know it's brutal.

It was horrible.

I don't know how I'm
going to eat out there.

Just keep puking like they
did in renaissance time.

I'm serious.

I know.

And just keep puking.

Are you ok?


Keep going.

Come on.

Don't worry about her.

Take your time, Claire.

Look in there, get in there.

Come on, Claire, you can do it.

You got this.

Where's the rice bowl?

Oh, please, oh, please.






Find Avenue of stars.


Let's go.


That was a brutal situation!

I have barf breath.

It's gusting.


We've not found the boat
we're searching for.

Feels like we've been here
for a long, long time.

Just keep focused, honey.

Only an idiot would doing
in something like us.

I've been looking for
anything and everything.

I was really, really focusing.

I was looking on the sides, I
was looking at incoming ding

dings, buses coming our way.

But I didn't see anything.

So we get off?

Go to the next one?


You don't want to try it
again if we see something?

No way.

Why did we do this?

Cab, cab?

It's so difficult.

Don't pick at it right away.

Make sure it looks a little different.

This is really hard.

Just look.

Even if it takes you another

I'm pretty picky with shoushy.

My stomach can't handle all this food.

It was fish and it was warm and
right away instantly I was gagging.

You can do this, Vicki.

Don't grab at the first thing you see.

All right, let's go.

All right, Thomas, this way.

Here it is.

Hurry up.

Let's grab it.

Let's go, Jill.



All right, let's go.

We've been out here a while and no luck
here, so -- there's another team still




Who is that?

It's nat and Kat.

Oh, my gosh, did you
guys already find yours?


Oh, God, we went to the other detour.

Was it hard?


In is terrible.

All right, that's good to here.

All right, let's do this.

There it is.

There it is.



Let's do that.

It seems pretty straight guard.

Stay on the right side.

I'm sorry.

I got the left side.

I was just being very
like -- thorough.

There it is!

There it is.

Oh, my God.



Hello, sir.

We have some birds for you.


Thank you, sir.

Oh, Jill!

May we have our clue please?

Thank you very much.

Teams must now make their way
to the center of Hong Kong

and find statue square, built
in the 19th century to honor

royalty from colonial England, it is
the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Please, back to the harbor.

Yes, quickly, quickly.

C-m-604 come to mama.

I've got parakeets for you and
they're very well-behaved.

Stop, stop, stop.


Would you like some parakeets?

Thank you.

Statue square.


Thank you very much.

So we can go back.

All right, hurry, hurry.

Right here.

Thank you.

Let's go!




It's already taken.

There's one.

Please, sir?


Come on.

We have to find this fast.

Hopefully we can find a taxi.

Let's keep asking people.

We're wasting our time getting a taxi.

Statue square.

Do you know where that is?

Taxi, taxi!

Are Jill and Thomas looking for one?

That's what it looks like.

Statue square.

We're in the race.

Let's go.

Thomas, we need to go somewhere.

I know.

Can you please call somebody and ask?

And no, no.

Get in the car.


That's cat and nat.

Get in the car.

We're racing them.

Go, go.

Nat and Kat just passed us.

They're in the cab.


Get in the car.

Behind the windows.

Oh, my gosh.

Now we need to go to
jumbo kingdom dock.

We can we get some birds?

Thank you.

Choose a sampan.


Ok, let's go.

Let's go.

We're nuts, we know.

I think we're making them upset.

I know.

The birds don't like us.

They're sitting in
their cage like this.

At one point the bird had
his whole held in his water

bowl trying to drown himself.

This is like really a
lot of ships in here.

Hey, don't chew it.

Just swallow it.


I hate Chinese foot.

Come on, eat it real quick.

Pick another one.

You have to be in the right area.

We saw Jill and Thomas so we're pretty
much neck and neck with them right now.

We're just tray praying that we get
to the pit stop before nat and cat.

Please, very fast, ok?

We're in a big rush.


We have to get there before them.

Is this it?

Where is it?

Where is it?


Let's go.

Welcome to Hong Kong.

Thank you so much.

It's beautiful.

Nat and Kat?

You are team number one!


Oh, my God.

I do have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of
the race you have won a trip

for two from travelocity and you will
be going to region danger in Brazil.

-- Rio dejaneiro.

That's perfect.

Cat and I were really proud today.

I'm so glad that you're
doing this with me.

Me too.

Jill and Thomas?

You're team number two.

Well, I'm happy.

I'm happy too.

Its we were three or four.

We are.

We're very happy.

There's got to be some
sort of concept to this.

Hello, we have some
parakeets for somebody!

Oh, my God.


Just be patient.


All right.

I can't eat anymore of this.

Drink it like a pill.

Don't chew on it.

Put it in your mouth then swallow it.

You're not even supposed
to chew a mussel.

You're supposed to swallow it.

Oh, man.

We can take a penalty
and just go through.

You just want to wrap it up or what?

You can't keep throwing
up on -- all night.

We have to draw the line somewhere.

This isn't worth it, that's for sure.

Oh, my God.

This is stupid.

You just want to wrap it up or what?

No, I don't want to quit.

It's supposed to be fun.

This isn't fun.

I don't like to quit
anything they start.

If I did pass out, that's probably the
only way that I would take the four-hour


I did not want to leave that
roadblock and not try my hardest.

I just want to get this done.

Just look real careful, sweetie.


God, I hate myself.

Water and drink at
the same time, babe.

That way you don't even taste it.

It's just like taking a vitamin.

I can't eat any more of this.

It's got to be something like that.

I don't know, babe.

Just focus, sweetie.

Come on, babe, you can do this.

Please, God.

I don't know.



Yes, you got it.


I felt like a huge weight was lifted
off hi shoulders when I found that.

Thank you.

I was like, we're still in the game.

Find the statue on Avenue of stars.

Come on.

I never want to see these
stupid things again.


This is a needle in a hay stack.

Can I scale the empire state building?

Climb mount Kilimanjaro?

I would way rather do that
than try to find a little boat

number in the middle of the night.

What in the world?

Ok, let's go.

Thank you.

There it is right there.


All right, let's go.


All right, we need to find
the -- what is it now?

Jumbo kingdom dock.



Here's the boat right here.

Come on.

Get in.


It's c-m 6545-a.

It's going to be so hard
at nighttime to do this.

Anybody, anybody.



There it is!

There it is!

Oh, we've been looking for you.

We have birds for you.

Thank you so much.

Pit stop.

Ok, let's go back.

Now it's time to go fast.

There are so many boats.

Hide and go seek in the damn dark for
a number that's not even in order?

It's crazy.

Babe, what does that one say?

Can you see?

I don't know anything.

This is ridiculous.

God, I want to just choke somebody.

And throw the birds overboard too.

I don't understand why
we're missing it.

Me neither.

I just know I'm ready to be done.


We got to hurry.


Come on, Claire, let's
get out of here.


Can you take us to statue square?


Thank you.

We just have to get there.

We don't know where
the punk rockers are.

Dude, I don't know what this is.

We've looked at everyone
of these damn boats.

I don't know.

I'm exhausted.

I'm so tired.

I don't want to give up, though.

I'm not going to sit out here until
sun-up, that's for damn sure.

Sit out here looking like a
damn fool looking for our boat

numbers with a flashlight.

I want to go to belled.

I don't care if I have
to sleep outside.

I don't care if you
don't like to quit.

It's over.

I'm done.

I'm just physically mentally tired.

We started off so good and then all
of a sudden just bad real fast.

You can waste your own damn time.

I feel like this is pointless.

I'd much ramp take the
six-hour penalty.

I could care less.

I haven't God any food today.

I haven't got any sleep
in the last two days.

This isn't worth it to me have.

Him sleeping right now kind of makes
me mad because I'm so tired also.

He's also making me like quit
and I don't want to quit.

This is probably the worst day ever.

Ever. I'm on my own.

Thank you.

Come on, come on.


Brook and Claire, you
are team number three.


What a day.

This is going to be
hard to do by myself.

I'm just so tired.

I don't want to give up,
but I need help from him.

You're still wasting your time?

Geez Louise, you are the hardest
headed person in the world.

Get me out of this place.

Are you done?

You're really asking me if I'm done?

Are you crazy?

Get me out oaf here.

I can't wait to be home.

It's been a long day and if
he's not going to do it I'm not

going to try to do this all by myself.

I've given it 110% today.

I have like nothing left.

If he wanted to go I'd still stay
but I don't know what else to do.

We're going to take our six-hour
penalty and not finish this detour.

It's been a long day.

Pit stop, statue square.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It was the worst feeling to
walk away from the detour and

accept that six-hour penalty.

It's kind of really hard to swallow.

Today sucked.

Every built of today sucked.

I hated it.

Nick and Vicki, you're
the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you that
this is a non-elimination leg.

You are still in the race.


The next leg of the race is going to be
super tough because you have a six-hour

penalty and you have -- a speed bump
and you guys are a long way back.

We're going to do what we can do.

We don't want to quit the race
but this was definitely one of

the hardest days ever.

Nick has a temper and it makes
everything 10 times worse but

we are a team so we're going
to have to do it together.

It feats good to have another
chance to stay in the race, but

we need to know each other
better because he didn't deal

with anything well today.

I need to be better to her every day.

I basically want to see the change.

I'm definitely not ready to leave.

Leave. I didn't come here to quit.

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Next week on "The Amazing Race," as teams
head to the north Korean border --

maybe if we could create an
alliance with north Korea to

look out for the other teams and put
them in like time-out or something.

The race kicks into high gear.

Who will stay afloat?

Who will fall down?

And who will earn a spot
in the final three?
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