17x07 - I Want to Be in the Circus, That's Where I Belong

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x07 - I Want to Be in the Circus, That's Where I Belong

Post by bunniefuu »

A musical detour had Chad
and Stephanie out of tune.

I feel like... you want
to sit down and let

me do the whole thing well let's work.

What could you want to do you make
the decision to put it on me.

While Jill and Thomas
were picture perfect.

Can you try this one.


At the road bloc Kevin got dolled up.

And made a new friend.

I think I fell in love.

A little bit.

In the end Jill and
Thomas came in first.

Jill and Thomas you are team number 1.


While Nick and Vicki
escaped little nation.

This is a non-elimination leg.

And you will get to race another day.

Seven teams remain who
will be eliminated next.

This is St. post-secondary education burst.
Petersburg rus.

Isaac's cathedral forced to
become... today, the cathedral

is the house of worship once again.

And was the 6th pit stop in
a race around the world.

Jill and Thomas were
the first to arrive.

Will depart at 8:30 A.M.

Join the circus.

Teams must now travel by taxi from St.
Isaac's cathedral to

a circus where they'll
find their next clue.

I'm extremely competitive
I am extremely outspoken.

Our main issues are Thomas
talking at me no to

we have a lot of differences
but worked very well together.

We're hoping that that
continues with this race.

Join the circus.

I.T. Want to b... I want toe
circus that's where I belong.

I hope I get to wear a leotard.

Oh my God.

Join the circus, all right
sounds good come on dad.

There is a taxi right there.

Circus, yes thank you.



Yes, yes, circus.

Let's go.

The main entrance is closed so
we're waiting for it to hope.

Other teams are starting to arrive.

Oh my God it's going to be so awesome.

Yeah, the circus.

There it is right there.

Is that it.

Whoa, whoa, there it is.

That is hilarious.

Look at that.

What is that a bear?

Go, go, go.


The circus is a fixture in
Russian culture for hundreds of


So here under the big top teams
have to choose which troop they

would like to circus band or clown.

In band they are ught a Russian
folk song when they can

perform it correctly the band
member will give them their next


In circus clown, teams make
their way under the big top and

learn a traditional
plate spinning routine.

If they can keep ten plates
spinning simuan for ten

seconds the clown will
give them the next clue.

We can do that.

We can do that.

Let's try it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Dad what do you want to do.

Let's do... six it is.

Band okay.

I don't know I feel maybe we
should do the spinning act, I

don't know.

Let's do the clown.

Let's do the band.

The clown can.

The clown this way.

We have to start here.

Look what they're doing.

Spin it, spin it.

You have to understand you
have to get a lot of momentum.

It is spinning.

There you go.

Good job dad.

Go get another plate.

The whole circus tent was
like bizarre and it was all

frantic and clowns dancing
around and as we're doing it

we're trying to spin our plates.

I suck at this.

For the first couple of times
it was hard but after that we

got the groove.

Just let's focus.

Good job.

Stick it in there and
start spinning it.

Yeah, throw it around.

Lightly Stephanie you're
like pulling it.

This is easy.

Let's go baby.

My grandma had a clown room
growing up that we would have to

sleep in as kids so when you
woke up you would see a clown

face and it would scare
the crap out of you.

Me and my bother just
don't like clowns.


I think at first we were trying
to follow around and it became

apparent quickly that we would
need a code to get through.

Our nerd side was coming out
with translating music into


We numbered our fingers and
we just started writing down

every noise he made like 5, 4, 3...

Being musical definitely
helps in this task because I

have a good memory for tone so I
got the tune in my head and I

would have known that I
was pushing a wrong note.

You got it.

I gott.

Let's go.

My dad and I were spinning
plates there was a couple times

we were at nine and on
the tenth one we missed.

It was so frustrating.

Keep it spinning.

It was wobbly, kind of scared.

There is more.

There is more?


We learned the fst part of the
song and we thought that was

it and she taughts the second
half and then an ending.

It kept on going.

Oh my God.

Good job that's perfect.

Spin it, spin it.

Let me try it.

Let's go.

We can come back to this.

You just get too frantic.

Too quickly.

So we decided to give up.

The challenges are right
next to each other.

We should at least try to see
what the other one is about.

Choose a teacher and a
pair of accordions.

This is more our cup of tea I think.

Okay, yeah.

That was hard.

Let's be have he patient.


Piece of cake.

Stop yelling.

Put it up there.

Come on are you kidding me.



There is no challen we can't
overcome if we focus on the task

at hand.

You have to learn the technique
and you can't panic.

The last one.



Okay we got to go.

Time to solve a Russian mystery.

Teams must now figure out
they're looking for the canal

bridge guarded by four
creatures with wings.

On the bridge teams
willind their next clue.

Four creatures with golden wings.

Thank you.

Good job.

Don't we look like
plate spinners to you.

I mean it's second nature.

Claire we just nailed that high-five.

It won't stay.

I have a small nose.


Let's go, let's take our time
and do it nice and slow.

with the band andgf

e c rrect fingers for each other.

It's like painting by
numbers but with accordions

yes it's good.

Thank you.

Time to solve a Russian mystery.

Bye, thank you.

We played the accordion.

Good job Kat that was all you.

We did it.

We did a good job, okay.

Where do we end.

With that big red clown can you
could look straight down and

see the... dad we got this.


I just got it.

We're doing another one now.

We have to do both of those
dammit, I can't get this one.

Oh dude...
Keep it spinning, keep it spinning.

I'm done.

I don't think I can do this.

Think is stupid.

Do you want to go then.

Yes let's go.



It's like guitar hero.

This is the last one.

Find the canal bridge guarded
by four creatures with golden


Let's go.

Thank you.


All right let's start
from the beginning.

No, no, this one.


It's a Russian mystery.

Do you know where this is at.


Thank you, fast, fast.

I already got the first one a little.

I forget it totally.

Is this a third song you're
telling me there is a third one.

We had to do all three in a row?

There is three different
songs that went together all

to one song.

Dude seriously?

This is crazy Jill.

It was good working together
because I recognize the tone and

I have a good memory too.

I would watch her fingers and
it was a matter of getting the

right starting point.

It was fun too playing
a song together.

Yes it's good.


All right, thank you, thank you.

Find a bridge garden by four
creatures with golden wings.

Last one, last one.

Okay we got it.

Thank you.

Oh my gosh.

Try to solve a Russian mystery.

Yeah, love you guys.

You know.

You know.

Yes okay.

Four creatures with
golden wings I see it.

Stop, stop, stop.

And the street continues.

Teams must travel on foot
from the canal bridge to this

historic building.

They can ask locals for help but
may not pay a taxi to lead them.

Once there only two team members
at a time may climb up to the

tower and then work out that
the figurine on the ledge is

inviting them to visit a famous St.
Petersburg building.

The church on spill blood.

Teams must go up to the church
where they'll find the next clue.

Okay we have to boogie.

This is us, stop, thank you.

The mystery continues.

You must walk to your
next destination.

All right.

Let's go over here.


Come on baby.

The mystery continues.

Come on.

Comcome on dad.


He's going to take it there.

Go around behind him because... okay.

There is the clue box right
there in the middle.

The mystery ntntues come on.

Let's run.

Okay you want to come
up with a code like.

Right when I started with the
accordion I told Chad maybe we

should come up with a sequence
of numbers based on fringes find

we picked it up immediately.

It's like da, da, da.

We're going to get it
before Thomas and Jill.

This is so hard.

This is so hard.

I just see that being very difficult.

We weren't even close to
getting it all memorized.

I totally am lost right now.

This is a nightmare
I'm losing my mind.

This - we are so screwed here.

Let's go back to the plates.

Are you sure.

I'm sorry this is too much.

We're going to be here forever.

We spent way too much time at
the accordion because there is

way too much to learn.

Jill and Thomas are going over there.

Are there still people in here.

Oh my gosh everybody
has finished this.

All right let's go.

So annoying.

We can do this okay?


I need... I knew the band was
a better idea because mice

cloudy I'm a lot better...
musically I'm a lot better.

I knew I would be the lone straggler.

It was good team work.

Yes it's good.


Let's go.

Find the canal aboriginal... e
guarded by a creature with four

golden wings.

Here is the canal.

Ask this guy up here.

It's right there.

You're right, thank you.

Look in every doorway.

It's going to be marked
we'll just keep looking.

Come on.

There is nat and Kat
you guys left first.

Did you guys find it.

We're looking we just saw
Michael and Kevin pull up.

We're going to find this.

Come on.

Are you sure this is the right.

Look for a sign look for a sign.

Oh please help me.

Good job perfect.

Next one.

Find the canal bridge
guarded by four creatures.

Okay go.

That was so frustrating.

We're last.

We're in last place.


Not good.

We're assuming we're the first
two teams so we're going to help

each other out.

Nat and Kat are the strongest
team in this whole race.

They're very smart and athletic.

Here, here, here.

Oh ye good eye.


Go to it girl.

All right.

Do you see anything?

No I don't see.

If you're keen the view will
reveal a location of your next


That is kind of telling
me it might be far.

Maybe we're overlooking it.

Maybe we're overthinking
this right now.


This is it.

Yeah there it is, there it is.

Walk to Vladimir prospect
let's go Jill, let's go.

What does it say.

It says over here.

I don't see.

Oh yeah it's in here.

We got here quick.

I didn't see another... it has
to be around here somewhere.

Claire what is that up there.

To the tower there is people up there.

We have to run now.

This way.

There is taxis here.

Right there.

Yeah, you guys are
carrying your bags.

You were supposed to
leave your cab and walk.

On top of that.

Vs13 they're usually like
obvious like when you see them

you know that's it.

Look at this.

Look how dumb we are.

On the left is the gold this
is the big colorful one.

Let's get out of here.

Re you guys find it.

Take a chance at vs13.

That's all I could find up there.

Thanks Nick.

I don't think Nick would lie
to us because he's awesome but

let's check anyways.

Do you want to go to ds13 or
do you think they're messing

with us.

No, no.

It would probably be
more obvious than that.

It's right there.

Walk to Vladimir prospect 1.

Come on Stef.

Can we take a taxi because, you
must walk to the next... okay.

Prospect 1, no, yes.

It's right up here.

There is Gary and mallory.

Can we work together as a team.

Yeah of course.

I think he said its up
here or to the right here.

I just don't even see anything
out of the ordinary either.

I hope it's not something obvious.

I know.

Is this a clue.

I think this is it I
think we're going here.

We need to go over there.


Seriously how did we not see that.

Okay let's find it together.

The building is over there.


Jump in let's go.

Whoa, whoa.

Go with them.

I'll go up Jill.

Yeah you go up.

Thomas is heading up the
ladder to get our next clue.

I'm going to assume we're
looking for a red and yellow

marked flag.


Where is it?

Do you think it was maybe
up one more street?

I don't know do you
want to ask a person.

We're trying to find this.

Right here.

Thank you.

What do you think Thomas?


My gosh we are so dumb.

Let's go that direction..

We got to get out of here.

We're good let's get out of
here we have to walk to it.

It's like that way.

There is Chad and Stephanie.

We're not last.

Nice and steady honey
that was the model.

That big son of a bitch.

Right there.

Let's go babe, go, go, go.

Where am I.

Teams will now have to figure
out that the riddle is leading

them to Peter... once there they
must search to find their next


Let's ask this information
guy right here.

Excuse me Peter the great?

No he doesn't know.

You don't know where
Peter the great buried?

I wonder who we could ask.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Is that it.

That's it.


Good job.

Let's go.

Look they took the taxi here.

Mike and kev took a taxi here.

They'll be penalized.

Did you guys lie to us.

They lied to us.

They're lying to us again.

Oh my God.

They asked if we were lying to
them about something, I don't

what am I Peter the great
is buried inside me.

Let's work together on this.

Let's ask my taxi driver really smart.



Excuse me, do you know where
Peter the great is buried?

She said it's the Peter
Paul for fortress.

Let's jump in the taxi and
it doesn't say we Captain.

We'll see you there.

We decided to go get our taxi
again with our bags in it and he

would driver us to the next place.

Taxi, Peter the great.

They got it.

It's basically a race for
first and second because Nick

and Vicki are righthead of us
and we want to beat them now.

We want to say lying is
not going to help you.

Stephanie I found it.


Right now Stephanie is trying
to find our next clue.

I'm trying more and more to let
her make decisions and let her

do things without me.

I'm thinking it's the
red and yellow flag.

I'm not seeing much.




Dumb ass.

Are you a taxi?


Do you want to go back there.

No I'm not going back to
ours it's out of the way.


Come on.

Oh a taxi.

I think somebody is in it.

Why won't they stop for us?

Come on.

Peter and Paul's fortress.

Okay, thank you, thank you.

No he's such a good taxi driver.



No, no.

Can you take us?

Come on.

This is Vicki's idea
brilliant Vicki's idea.

Get off the main road and
you go into a ditch.

Ridiculousho in their right mind
would go off a main street.


Oh my God.

You must walk to your
next destination.

Oh my God Claire.

We go back to the tower.

Back to the towers
right back, thank you.

We didn't read our clue
correctly and Claire thank God

caught it.

Where is Brook and Claire.

Brook and Claire we thought
they were following us but I

think they might have decided
to go their own way.

We had to go all the way back
from the tower and walk through

the churches.

I guess they decid veer off.

Michael and him were ahead of

next destination.

Oh my God Claire. To the tower.

Back to the tower.

Because Michael and him are ahead
of us they're going to get


We had no choice even if we
wanted to help them it would

have been extremely difficult.

They should be able to get it.

I'm going to ge... I can't fd crap.

I had to be patient and scan
everything it's so hard.

Okay Claire.

That way.

Yeah we turn all the way
around and now we're walking

back to follow our directions.

Okay let's hurry.

We got to make up this time.

We're trying to find
out the next clue.

Can you find anything?


Oh, yeah I found itself any.

It was right in front of your
freaking face a little figurine.

God I love it when he rubs it in.

We got to go back to the palace.

We're going to the palace that way.

Get in.

It's right there on
the ledge oh my God.

That's it right there.

All right hurry, hurry.


Between the two of you
who is the real player.

I'm going to do it.

Master a century's old Russian
game to receive your next clue.

Americans love their bowling
but here in St. Petersburg

everyone from Peter the great to
Joseph Stalin play a difficult

Russian version of the game that
could take the teams quite a bit

of time.

To master.

This is garatki teams have two
tries to clear all the pins

before they are reset
before American bowlings.

If they succeed they can move on
to another and once they have

cleared three different
formations the coach will give

them their next clue.

Rocket girl let do it.

Good job Kat.

They all, all five and you
get two chances to do it.


There we go.

You nailed that first one.

It was awesome.


Thank you so much.

Fast, fast, fast please.

That's it right there.

Good job guys.

Peter the great is buried inside me.

Find me and search.

We're going to help each other.

We need to find where Peter
the great is buried.


Thank you very much.

Let's look for a big colorful temple.

It's right there got
to find a cab quickly.

There is one right there.

This is where we need to go.

Okay now we have followed the rules.


Where is Peter the great buried.

Peter and Paul fortress?

Thank you.

We have to get a cab guys.

And we need our bags.

Let's run back and get ours.

Good job Kat.

You're k*lling it.


There we go.

Almost there dad.

Garatki court, let's go.

There is a team right here.

Road block.

Between the two of you
who is the real player.

Okay I'll do it.

Okay dad you got it.

Keep on having fun.

All right.

I'm going too far the other way.

Easy one at a time.

One swg baby.

Just use a little more strength.

I need to hit in the middle.


Maybe it looks easier
than it really is.

I found them.

Between the two of you
who is the real player.

Come on dad almost there.

Every time another team shows
up he gets a little bit more


You got this.

You got this.

Stay focused.

Focus, focus.

You're doing great.

Let's go dad.

Come on dad.

You have this.

You have to complete everything.

I wish I would have done this
but I've already done four road

blocks and my dad has only done two.

I didn't think this
would be that hard.

You're k*lling it.


They got it.

Thank you.

Good job.

Enter the fortress and
make your way to the next.

Teams must make their way
inside the Peter and Paul

fortress and search for this, the
pit stop for this leg of the


The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Now we're going to the... I see it.

Look at you go girl.

Some kind of tomb.

We have to find it.

Can you help us.

We're trying to find this riddle.

You're going to show us,
thank you, thank you.

You know e fortress?


On to the next.

Let's go dad, let's go.

Let's go.

Right here as fast as possible.

Oh my gosh.

Those teams better not finish.

There he is right there.

Go to Peter and Paul fortress
then it says find garatki court.

Look around, look around.

Okay near the flag
ship, there is a flag.

There is Phil.

Hi Phil.


Welcome to the Peter
and Paul fortress.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Give us good news.

You are in fact team number 1.

I have some good news for you
guys as the winners of this leg

of the race, you have won $5,000 each.

That is great.

Do you feel like you've made
a target of yourselves by

performing so well.

If we don't go all out every
single leg we're afraid we might


It's too late we can't take the
target off we better stay in


It's taking awhile but
I know he'll get it.


Just keep it up.

Stay focused.




I can't do it Kevin.

You can do it.

We're feeling really good right now.

She completed one and now has
two more she has to complete.

Already got a fan base watching her.

This is a jam.

This is a jam.

It's a jam right there.

All right crazy American girls I know.

Dad please.

It looks like Michael is
still on the first pattern.


Dad please.


You got this Brook.

Please, please, please.


Oh man...
Thank you so much.

You were good.

Enter the fortress and make
your way to the next pit stop.

Let's go back to get our bags.

Let's go.

Now we're here and Brook and
Claire are all here and they got

there this quick and hopefully
we'll get this done before

another team shows up or
else we might be out.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

You got this?

Yes okay we'll be back.

Okay stay here we'll be back.

Right here babe.

Babe, babe, there it is.


Come on rip it open.

Between the two of you
who is the real player.


Between the two of you
who is the real player?

I got this.

Here come the other teams.

Dad I'm begging you to finish this.

I love you.

I love you too.

I'm so glad Nick is doing
this one he can take out his

aggression on this.

You got it babe.

You got it.


I'm up a whole toss I'm on
the second part everybody is

still on the first.

You got this Stephanie.



Come on almost.

You're right there.

Damn only two left dad.

I don't think this is funny.

Kevin I don't think
this is funny either.

We're going to get
last because of this.


Baby you're awesome.

So far so good.

Can you take us over there.

Do we have to walk.

Okay that's fine.

There it is, here it is.

We're second to last here.

Between the two of you
who is the real player.

I'm doing it.

Hopefully Stephanie
can knock this out.

Oh my God... sorry.

Looks like Michael is struggling
a lot to even get the

first one done still and
they were here before us.

This is the last one.

Come on baby.

We're done, we're done.

Yes, yes.

How many, two, three?


Claire, come on.

Why don't you make room for this
other team they're coming in.

Nice work.

Brook and Claire, you
are team number 2.


Good job girl!

Nick and Vicki that would
make you team number 3,


Good you guys corrected
yourself didn't you.

We drove all the way
back to the last place.

Went all the way, it was brutal.

Oh there is jenn.

I'm the player I'm doing it.

Come on dad you can do this.

Move more to your left.

Thank you Jill.

Well I'm sorry.

There you go.


Okay one more.

Okay that's what I want to hear.

Come on dad.

Awesome dad.

Look at Gary crushing it over there.

You can do it.

So close.

There you go.

There you go.

Good job dad.

My dad finally got the first one.

There we go Stef, good job.

Thank you.

All right good.

Good job dad.

You'ren athlete today.

Come on Thomas.

One more.

Yes, yes.

Thank you.

Pit stop let's go.

Our cab is still there.


There it is.

Good job dad good job you're so good.

Into the fortress and make
your way to the next pit stop.

Good job.

You're a champion dad.


Oh yeah.

Gary and mallory you
are team number 4.

Oh yeah.

Whew whew.

Father and daughter making their way.

Making it happen.

We got here in second place
and now we're in last place.

Chad and Stephanie are here.

Right now we're neck in neck
for not getting eliminated.

Dad you got this.

Okay just slide them.


Good job dad.

My dad got the second one.

Please stay positive
you're going to get this.

There we go Stephanie good
job one more, one more.

You got this too quickly
now do one more.


Come on Stef you got this.

Enter the fortress and make
your way to the next pit stop.

Michael and Kevin just left and
I think we're in last place

right now.

Come on please.

You got this.

It's either one side or the
otr r ver in the middle.

Taxi that's all I have
I have no more money.

Let's go.

Okay give him the money.

Hey come here.

We pay you.

Pay him dad.

How much?

We don't have 10,000.

Here we have to go.

We don't have 10,000.

Sir give us your bag.

Stephanie please.

Chad I'm still trying.

I'm getting to p psed.

Come on, come on please.

You got this.

It's like I'm trying to avoid it.

We don't have 10,000.

Here, here.

We have like American dollars.

American dollars okay?

We have to go we're in last place.

Go Jill.

You're almost there.

Jill and Thomas you are team number 5.

Good job.

That's good I thought we were 6.

I got $40.

Okay dad let's go.

Let's go we're running let's go.

Dad come on.

Run like you never ran before.

Dad we have to run.

There goes Kevin and Michael.

Stephanie please.

I'm trying to focus and
be positive in nigh head.

In my head.

Get it.

Make your way to the pit stop.

The pit stop is in here.

Forget the bags.

I knew we had a shot without
our bags and I wanted to leave


I'm going to follow your
lead I'm tired as hell.

Is it in there.

Enter the fortress and make
your way to the next pit stop.

Stephanie please let's go.

Mike and them are looking over there.

Dad it's ove here.

They don't have their bags.

Come on.

I see it.

Dad we have to go.

We have to beat Michael.

Chad and Stephanie I notice you
turned up without your back

packs have you paid your cab.

No he's still waiting.

You guys are going to need
to go back and pay your cab.

Michael and Kevin, you
guys broke a couple of

we did.

Firstly, you had a taxi
lead you to the tower.



And then you took a taxi from
the tower to the church on

spilled blood.

That's a 30-minute penalty for
each of those infringements so

u that time a total of one hour.

Before I can check you in.

Oh my God.

Okay an hour.

Maybe we should hustle
we might still be in it.

I mean anything can happen.

We have to get our bags.

Have a great one.

Thank you.

Come on.

Oh... Chad and Stephanie, are you
aware you broke a rule today?

You took a taxi from the tower
it the church and you were not

meant to take a taxi and for
that you've incurred a 30-minute


Michael and Kevin, they're
waiting out a one hour penalty

which means that you are
officially team number 6 and you

are still in the race.

I thought I lost it for us today.

Chad was being really great and
being supportive and I am so

proud of him he's co sh a long way.

It's crazy to see how the race
has progressed us as a couple.

And I love him so much.

Okay Kevin and Michael please.

Michael and Kevin, I'm sorry to
tell you that you've both been

eliminated from the race.

All right.

We done our best we were
last penalized for one hour.

Your son doesn't look so happy.

I'm not happy with would you we did.

And I'm proud of my dad for
doing this race with me.

He's setting a good example.

He's always been my role model so
of course he sets a good example.

I am learning every day to
not get frustrated and to be

positive towards each other.

I also learned more about Kevin.

I know my son a lot better
than before the race.

When the kids turn into teenager they
think their parents don't know anything.

I kind of feel like Kevin
became a stranger to me.

I think this race kind of
pull us together again.

I'm very proud of him.

Next week on The Amazing Race Chad
and Stephanie are missing in action.

I think they slept in.

And mallory is overwhelmed.

This isn't right Sarah's
this isn't right Sarah's
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