17x06 - Run, Babushka, Run

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x06 - Run, Babushka, Run

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race."

Eight teams raced across the
border from Sweden to Norway.

A breath taking ride was
nat's worst nightmare.

I'm extremely afraid of heights.

Nat, you're fine.

But when the doctors tried
for the fast forward, it

was Kat's turn to face her fears.

I haven't eaten meat in 22 years.

Tastes like money.

Claire struggled at the road block.

I don't know.

I can't do this.

All I want is for you to finish this.

I'm so proud of you.

But found the strength to persevere.

You seriously shocked me yet again.

In the end nat and Kat won
their second leg in a row.

Are you team number one.

And volleyball partners Katie
and Rachel came in last.

I'm sorry to tell that you you
have been eliminated from the


It really sucks.

Seven teams remain.

Seven teams remain. Who will be eliminated next?

This is the west coast of Norway.

Now a quaint seaside town, it
was first settled during the

stone age.

And at the edge of the
sea, this marina.

This port helped the British
defeat the German Navy during

world w*r ii.

Was the fifth pit stop in
a race around the world.

Nat and Kat who were the first
to arrive will depart at 8:26


Fly to St.
Petersburg, Russia.

Traveling by car, train
and plane, teams will now

journey more than 1,200 miles to St.
Petersburg, Russia.

When they land they must make
their way to an island and find

the columns built as monument to
the largest rivers in Russia.

It is here that teams will
find their next clue.

Let's do it.

So it's late at night
and lt's light outside.

It's amazing.


We're good.

Working in the operating
room we find ourselves in a

very male-dominated environment
and we're used to playing with


We're used to beating them.

So we're hoping that our mojo
is what's going to lead us

to be the first female-female
team to win this race.

Open until 6:00 A.M.
... opens at 6:00 A.M.

We really need to buy
tickets to symptom home.

Office is closed but wait one minute.

Thank you.

When is the next train?

Tomorrow morning.

All right.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you very much.

It looks like probably everyone's
going to be on the same train.

I've never been on a train before.


Next stop, Stockholm.

This is a cute little room.

It's this one right here.

This is crazy.

Have you ever slept on one of these?

Yeah, of course.

They have beds.

I'm just so excited to have
this time with my dad.

It's one of the most beautiful
train rides in the world.

And when you're not in such a
rush and so frantic, it makes

where you can look around.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm embarrassed.

I don't want to talk about
how bad our room stinks.

Actually, yours aren't that bad.

Oh, my God.

Brook and Claire have been great.

We all enjoyed each
other's company to.

Me it was the best day of the
race because we were around

some positive people.

I want to smell Kat's.

Mine are pretty bad.

I'm not going to lie.

Claire, you smell it.

Theeth these aren't that bad.

The winner!

Brook, you have to go
sleep ln the boy's room.


Hurry, hurry, hurry.

Come on, natty.

We have to hurry.

Let's do this, Jill.

Come on.


We have to get to the airport fast.

We're racing all of them.

The airport.

There's lot of teams behind us.


We're going to the airport.

The airport.

Huge hurry.



There's an intersection.

That's what we need to get up earlier.

The last ones to get in a cab.

I was ready to go.

No you weren't.

Chad... I'm always
ready fo before you.

That is not true.

I got out there before Jill did.

No you weren't.

Yes, I most certainly was.

It's all my fault.

Everything's my fault.



Come on.


You can race to the airport?

Damn it.



We need to go to the airport.

We are last again.

Don't be pissed because we
got the last taxi and you're

going to blame it on me.

I think that's really shady.


Let's go.

We would like tickets to St.


That's the earliest flight
you have leaving today?


Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

All the teams are on this flight.

I don't think anyone else got
any earlier flights because

there were none.

So we're excited that it's
all even Steven again.

So game on.

A little bit of tension this morning.

I was a little frustrated
that we were last again.

Chad, whenever he's pissed and
frustrated, it's city of's fault.

He feels like that, then we have
a really long road ahead of us.

All teams are now making their way to St.
Petersburg, Russia.

Babe, come on.




As fast as you can go.

Oh, my gosh.

We're in Russia.

And we're rushing through traffic.

This is a city full of history.


You don't care.

I know you don't care.

I'm worried about the next clue box.

Ok, ok.

It is gorgeous here.

Oh, my gosh.

These buildings are amazing.

Look at that.

It's like a postcard.

Let's take a look at this city.

This is gorgeous.

They call in the venice of the north.

I like how they keep all
their buildings, instead of

blowing them up.

Yeah, like in Vegas they
blow up everything.

Our alter egos for if this
race are nata shrvings ha and

ka... Natasha and Katia.

There's the clue box.


Classical music or classical cinema?

Many of Russia's great
composers and film makers made

their home in St. Petersburg.

Honoring this great heritage,
teams must choose between two


Chair choice... classical
music or classic cinema.

In classical music, teams make
their way to this historic

palace, find the maestro with
three gram phones and listen to

three different compositions
being placed... played.

Then they must enter these
rooms filled with pianos and

figure out which three
pianos are playing the same

compositions as the three gramophones.

When teams think they have
ldentified a matching

exrosition, they must take the
sheet music on top that have

piano and place it in a folder
ln the numbered slot that

matches the number of the
corresponding gramophone.

If teams match all three
correctly, the maestro will

give them their next clue.

In classic cinema, teams make
their way to this legendary

film studio.

And on to this sound stage.

The very first place that a
movie was screened in Russia.

Once here, they must search
through piles of film clips and

find one that matches any part
of the scene playing on the


When teams find the correct
clip of this classic film

"October," the director will
give them their next clue.

Let's do movie.

Come on.

Classical music sounds so naturally.

I've had experience making videos.


Let's do classic film.

Classical music is going to be better.


I see it, I see it.


What do you think?


Sir, stay right here.

We'll be right back.

Go, baby.

There it is.

There it is.

Come on, Jill.

Classical cinema.

That sounds easier.


What do you want to do?


Let's do classic music.


Do you know where that is?

That's not good.

Lenfilm studio.

Stage four.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my God.

When we got to the film studio
there was this black and

white film playing and 1,000
little film clips and I've

never studied that kind of film.

I have no idea how to do this.

You look at it.

What's up, guys?

This is going to be hard.

Oh, my gosh.

There's got to be like 1,000 of these.

This is nothing.

This is... ok.

This is ridiculous.

We have no idea where we are.

Here we go.

Here we go.


That's one.

This is two.

There's three.

You listen to that.

Are you listening?


There were gramophones, three
of them setting there...

Sitting there, each playing
different classical pieces.

They're all playing at the same
time so you're kind of getting

confused because you can hear them.

Got it.

Oh, my God.

Holy cow.

It was ridiculous.

There were so many pianos
all playing at once.

Right there.

Right here.


This is impossible.

There's so many of them.

Oh, my God.

There's still more.


Do you know?

Our cabby doesn't know
where he's going.

We're in trouble.

Oh, my God.

Our cabby doesn't know
where he's going.

Do they know?

Got it?

We've got to make up for lost

we've got to make up for lost time right now.

I have a feeling this
might be number two.

Is this one number three?

I think I got number three.

All right.

Go back.

Let me listen to this more.

I feel like this is the second one.

This is hard.

It's really hard.

Let's listen to this one.

I think it's number three.

This is definitely not it.

No where near it.

It was hard to concentrate.

All of the songs had pieces
of them like the other ones.

One Beethoven song think a recognized.

I'm going to go back and listen again.


Not it?

Some are so small.

I could have one and not even know it.

Could you look at this one?

Keep looking for w*r time.

Look for horses.

The short film was primarily
w*r-type images and a few

Russian words.

Those pop out the easiest.

I think I got it.

Could you try this one, please, sir?




This is the clue.

Shut up.

Yes, yes.

Teams will now race to the
location shown on their

film can or record.

Palace square.

When they get there, they'll
find their next clue.

This is where we're going.

Oh, my gosh.

This is it.

Come on, Claire.

Is it in there?

Down to your right.

We need to go there.

I know.


That was really, really good.

Holy cow.

Oh, my God.

How in the heck did
they get it so quickly?

Chad, I found it.

This is number one for sure.

This is it, yes.

I think I have number one.

I think this is the first one.

Babe, this is the first one, I think.

Come and listen to it.

This is more of a marching tone.

This isn't it.

It was mentally exhausting.

You hear all this music going
this way and this way and all

different tempos.

It's kind of like a bad
dream and you can't focus.

Oh, my God.

This is it.

This is number two.

You got that as the
second one, didn't you?



Let let me listen one more time.

I thought three for this.

Let's go try this.

We're doing number three now, right?

I think this is the closest so far.



Let's start from the beginning.


The songs after a while started
to sound more and more similar.

And the longer we were there
the more confusing it was

starting to get for us.

Are we just hearing
what we want to hear?

What do you think about
going to the movies?


We should stick with this.

Let's try it again.

Do not get frustrated.


Oh, my gosh.

We'll find it, Claire.

I know.

This is so hard.



This is our clue.

This is where we need to go.

Come on, dad.

Let's figure it out.

We got this.


Look faster.

Oh, there's words at the very top.


Ok, thank you.

Ok, dad, let's go.

Thank you.

There it is, there it is, there it is.

Nice, there's a ton of them in there.

Teams must now travel
by taxi to the town.

When they get there they'll
follow a marked road to this

neighborhood store where
they'll find their next clue.

Let's go.

Dad, you've got to help me.

You've got to.

I wanted you to have a decent ear.


I thought that I would just be
able to listen to it and get

it right but I can't.

I don't know what to do.

You want to go do the other task?


Let's go.

We're going to go to
the other Dee tour.

Classic cinema.

Lenfilms studio.


This is a definite risk.

Dow don't you think it's
a risk staying there?



I'm afraid that one of them
sounds very similar to another

one and we're just missing it.

Let's do it.

Let's go before Chad and Stephanie do.

I'm asking you what do you want to do?

I want to stay here and finish it.


We're going to follow a
marked road to go to the

neighborhood store.

I don't see it anywhere.


Neighborhood store.

Let's get back into our cabby.

We have to hurry.

Sound stage four.

Oh, my goodness.

These are all the clips?

This is like a mess.

It's got to be in these piles.

Jesus, please help us.

Say a prayer, dad.

Follow the marked roads to
the neighborhood store.

Lenfilm, right there.

Wait again?

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my God.

Is this for real?


All right.

Let's start looking.

When who would have thought
this one would be the faster

one than the music?

Number two.

Let's jog.


Let's try this one.

This is ridiculous.

All right.

This is.


We're running around like a
chicken with our head cut off

right now.

Do you want to go then?

I'm trying to stay positive.

Wouldn't me to stay positive
the whole time, right?

I'm doing what you would do.

I'm try be to be on your team...
I'm trying to be on your team.

The neighborhood store.

Looks like it could be right.

This is certainly not it.

We need a marked sign showing
us where to drive to.

This is in the sticks.

Right here.



It's a road block.

Who's ready for Russian drag race?

In the Russian countryside,
many women known as babushkas

do much of the farm work.

In this road block, teams will
have to put in a proper day in

the fields but first they
must become babushkas.

After donning traditional
clothing, teams must plant a

row of 50 potatoes.

What they don't know is
that they will also have to

fertilize their crop with a very
generous helping of cow manure.

When they have completely
finished this dirty work, the

babushka mate Ron will
give them their next clue.

Oil do it.


Where do I dress?

I think it really
accentuated my curves.

I'm a babushka.

I have to find a sack of potatoes.

Here's potatoes.

Take me to the wheel
barrows at duck's end.


I found it.

All right.

Fill me with manure, it says.

Whoo, doggie.

That's some stinky manure.

Claire is not going to
like the smell of me.


Who's ready for a Russian drag race?

I am.

I thought we really needed to
get ahead somehow so I decided

I'd do it.

This is awesome.

I get to wear a dress.

Then I was like, oh, man,
my dad should have done it.

Thank you, ma'am.

Aren't you proud, Michael?


Are these potatos?


Take me to the wheelbarrows
on duck's end.

Do you know where a big field is?



I have to fill this with manure.

Marked field.

This is something you
don't do every day, huh?

Where is the marked field?


Should be enough poop and potatoes.

This way?


Hello, beautiful ladies.

I have your poop and your potatoes.



I'm learning Russian.

I get it now.


Look at that so many times, I know
every person and image on it.

Naked lady on that one.

Hopefully Chad Chad are still
struggling... Chad and

Stephanie are still struggling
with the damn pianos.

I feel like we're on
the wrong track now.

Come on.

We cannot lose.

Stephanie, we have no...
Ok, then let's leave.

Tell me what you would do.

Your gut instinct.

What would you do?

I feel like we should have
left a long time ago.

Do you want to leave now?

I feel like we're done.

We are screwed.

We are screwed. We're done.

It's all you.

I feel like we're done.

So you want to quit right now then?

No, I just feel like we're done.

Then we're standing here
talking about quitting.

We can't quit.

Let's go listen to him again.

The one with the long
hair in the back.

That's number two.

I know this is number two.



I want to try this real quick.


Keep going.

We can't quit.

What do we have?

This is number two.

I feel like that's
number three, right?

I have no clue.

I feel like I'm so confused.

Do you want to let me
do the whole thing?


Then let's work.

You try to put the decision on me.

I wanted to stay the whole time
and work this out together

because I know we can.

I want to say it's probably
top five or 10 hardest things

I've had to do in my life.

Just completely letting go...
Chad's not used to taking a

back seat.

Sitting back and let someone
take the lead, especially my


God forbid.

I mean, what do you want to do?

I want to do this.

Let's run.

Open it for him.


Oh, my God!

Thank you so much.

It's a picture.

We saw that when we came in.


I did have to just take a... come on.

I it have to take a back
seat and trust her.

I'm going to try very hard
to remember these lessons.

Don't worry, I'll make sure you do.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Come on, dad.

I don't know why in the
world lt's so hard to find.


You got it, natty?


Thank you, thank you.

We need to go here.

Good luck, you guys.

I can't believe, that dude.

They got here last and
they're the first to leave.

The girls... girls have the
best luck I've ever seen.

Look for any signs.

That's a sign.

That's the arrow.


I'll do it.

Thank you.

Hey, Jill, you got this.

Ok, potatoes.



Ah, man, this is so tiring.

I found it.

How are you?

Let's plant some potatoes, ladies.

This babushka lady kept
yelling out these motivation

phrases in Russian.

It motivated me.

I was like, yeah, I
was getting lnto it.


I think I fell in love a little bit.

I just stepped in poo.

I can hear Brook screaming
over there about the manure.

Here we are.

Oh, it's beautiful.

The neighborhood store.


I'm starting to get blurry.

Of course not.


Thank you.

Good luck, guys.

Good luck, Nick and Vicki.

Thank you.

Come on, dad, we got to hurry.

I don't know, man.

Go back to the piano thing.

You want to go back to the piano?

Yeah, let's go.

You want to go back to the pianos.

We always finish what we started.

It was really frustrating that we
couldn't seem to get anywhere.

We just took our chances
going back to the music.

We can't deal with this crap anymore.


I think that look pretty good.

I have like 10 left.

Oh, my gosh.

Keep it up.


You'll get there.


Looking good.

I almost fell.

You ripped your dress.

You ripped your dress.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Team... teams must now make their way to St.
Isaac's can theed


It took 40 years to complete
this structure which is still

the largest Russian orthodox
cathedral in the city and it is

also the pit stop for
this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Ok, let's go.

Stupid thing won't open.

All done.

All done.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

St. Isaac's cathedral.

Thank you.


Professional potato planter.

That's a good thing.

Oh, my God.

You don't even know.


Oh, my gosh.

She smells ripe.

I get the first shower, right?


Hell yeah you do.

Is this good?


Thanks, thanks, thank you!

Is that her down there?

You did it so fast.

The last team may be eliminated.

Let's go.


Good job.


I'm so proud of you.

I think he needs gas.

We need to hurry.

This is the finish end.

Did you get directions?

Neighborhood store.

Neighborhood store.


Who's ready for a Russian drag race?

That's you.


Go, babushka, go!

The wheelbarrows on duck's end.

This is gross.


Who's ready for a Russian drag race?


Thank you.


Oh, my God, they're heavy.

Hey, ma'am, do you know duck's end?

No English?

Thank you.

Make your way.


When we got back we
focused on one at a time.

It was pretty simple to
do it like that way.

You're not like, ok, I'm going
to go here and here and here

and here.

That's number two.


So number three.

This one's hard.

I feel like I kept my composure
way better than I ever have.

I took a little piece of gum
and promised to myself and to

Vicki that I would never
blow up like that again.

Something so stupid like this.

Babe, don't throw.

Shut up.

It's that guy.

I trust you.

Which guy?

This is like a learning
experience for our relationship.


It's right?


We ended up getting
it, moving forward.

It paid off.

I'm just glad that we didn't quit.

You never know what's going to happen.

St. Isaac's?

Dad, let's go.

Is Phil up there?

This is it.

Let's go.

Nobody's here.



It's probably to the side.

Come on.

Thomas, hold on.

What, Jill?

Let's run up these stairs.

There's a park across the street.

It's not at park.

We got to find this stat.

Maybe could it be in the park?

Maybe across the street?

No, no, no.

There it is.

You've got to book it now, babe.

Book it.

Welcome to St.
Petersburg, Russia.

Thank you.

It's gorgeous.

Jill and Thomas, are
you team number one.

Yes claim yes!



Thank you so much.

There is some good news.

As the winners of this...
There is some good news.

As the winners, you will be
going to Sao poolow, Brazil.

You'll spend five nights in a
deluxe room at transamerica as

well as take a helicopter tour
of the city and a trip to

historic nearby.

We're so pumped about that.

That's great.

We're back where we want to be.

Jill absolutely k*lled the leg.

For me to know think a can rely
on her and shah thank she can

rely on me to do the same
makes us just that much more

confident about us winning
the entire thing.

Let's go over there and
see and then come back.


It's at the cathedral.

We circled the whole cathedral.

It's right over there.

Stop right here.

Stop right here.

Claire, sprint, sprint.

Let's go and see.


Come on, Claire, this is the
one time I really need to you


Dad, Phil's not here.

Yeah, Phil is there.

Let's go.

Come on, hundredy, please.

Where did you guys come from?

We always sneak from behind.

Brook and Claire, are
you team number two.

I told you, Kevin.

Good job, dad.

Michael and Kevin, are
you team number three.

Da, da, da.

Can da?




Duck's end.

Oh, that's a dog.

Can't find a damn wheelbarrow
to save my life.

What due want to do?


... What do you want to do?


Do not know where to go.

Duck's end.

You want to find it together?

Duck's end?


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Duck's end.


Duck's end?

Is this duck's end?


Oh, God I got my hand in it.

Make your way to... ok.

Duck's end.

Duck's end?

I can't find it.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh. Why is this so hard?

Duck's end.

Duck's end.

At the road block, the bag of
potatoes tells you to go to

duck's end.

Somebody's got to help me.



Duck's end?

Can someone please tell
me where duck's end is?

They're like, we don't speak English.

Quack, quack, quack.

I was a complete fool.


Duck's end?

Sorry, I'm in a race.

I'm in a hurry.

This man lift mess over his
fence thinking that I'd found

duck's end, however I just found
a new friend, apparently.

Who I think was inviting me
lnside for a drink in Swedish

or Russian or whatever he was talking.

I can't believe this.


Thank you.

St. Isaac's cathedral in St.


Let's go.

It's so bad of me but I'm about
to toss it in so someone

has to reach in there and get lt.

I threw the shovel because I
knew that someone was going to

have to struggle to get the shovel.

That being mallory.

Oh, there it is.

Thank you, Jesus.

Poor mallory.

Oh, my gosh.


She was probably covered in
poop because she's so little.

Oh, my gosh.

This is dig gusting.

You can see little mallory,
she's probably with her accent,

climbing up.

Oh, my gosh, climbing
this... oh, my God.

And my shoes came off into the manure.

That was a special moment.

Right there?



Stupid thing.

I've got cow poop all over me.

Going through a lot of trouble
to have French fries.

I hope mallory has a blond moment.

That's beautiful.

I'm glad it's not dark and
we're still racing around.

I'm pretty stoked about that.

We're not giving up.

That's for sure.

Ok, I'm done.

Good job.

I got a lot of manure.

It's kind of been the theme
of this leg of the race.

Good job, Steph.

Look at you looking all good
in that babushka outfit.

Might have to take that home and
have you clean the house in


I'm a mess.

The last team to check
in may be eliminated.

There we go.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

St. sigh sack's cathedral.

My lord have measuresy.

This is cow poop.

I will chew my nails off right
now at this point with manure

under them not to get eliminated.

Yavement nat and Kat, you
are team number four.

Thank you.

Stop right here.

Stop, stop.


Russian drag race.


I was thinking drag race.

This is for me?

Thanks, all right.

Damage, really?

This is how I'm going out, like this?

It was a little bit of race
with a whole lot of drag.

But just more queen than cars.

You know where duck's end is?

Duck's end?


I'm asking all the locals and
they're just trying to take

pictures with me.

Thea they thought it was so funny.

You'll never see me in a dress again.

Is this the cathedral?

The pit stop.

Do you see it anywhere?

St. Isaac's?

The pit stop.

We need to find it.

There's Gary and mallory right there.

Oh, my God.

They don't know where it is.

Go straight, go straight, go straight.

Let's look over in the parks.

I think they're in the park.

Pull out and let us out here.

There's Phil.

We made it.

You are team number five and six.

Oh, God.

I never thad thought I'd be
planting potatoes in Russia in

a woman's dress.

I'm just going to keep
going until I'm done.

If I have a girl's dress on,
I might as well keep going.

Is this ok?

Thank you.

Run, babushka, run.

If are you the last team,
you may be eliminated.

We ran this race as best we could.

And we experienced so much stuff,
we learned so much stuff.

I'm proud of him, I
know he's proud of me.

Definitely proud of her.


It was worth every second of lt.

Nick and Vicki, I'm sorry to
tell you are you the last

team to arrive.

Very sorry to tell you that you
got to run another leg because

you guys are still in the race.

Oh, my God!

This is a nonelimination leg.

And you will get to race another day.

Oh, my God.

Luck was not on our
side for some reason.

Until now.


So maybe this is our chance.

And we'll run with it.

We're ready to stay here and fight.


We're not ready to go home yet.

We're not ready to go home yet.

I think everything
happens for a reason.

We're going to come out on top

we're going to come out on top anyways.

Next week on "The Amazing Race."

Teams clown around under the big top.

Claire, just stay calm.

Just stay calm.

That was wobbley.

I'm scared.

And Michael strikes out.

I don't think this is funny.

I don't think this is funny either.

We're going to get last we're going
to get last because of this.
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