17x02 - A Kiss Saves the Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x02 - A Kiss Saves the Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race
... Eleven teams gathered at the

starting line in gloucester,
Massachusetts where they

learned of a game changer.

At the end of this first leg
if your team checks in first

you'll get the express pack.

You can use it before or during a
challenge you don't want to complete.

Just hand over the express
pass and move on.

Once in england best friends
Ron and Tony went from first

to blast they couldn't
get their bearings.

I feel like we've made a big circle.

While at east north castle
dating couple Chad and

Stephanie couldn't stay afloat.

In a medieval road block, Claire took
a shot from a watermelon misfire.

Oh, God... but battled
back to defeat it.

Dating couple Jill and Thomas
came in first and received the

coveted express pass.

You guysavav won the
very first express pass.


While Ron and Tony came in last.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

We tried.

Yeah, we did.

Ten teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is east nor castle nestd
d the English countryside.

This massive estate was the first
pitstop in a race around the world.

Jill and Thomas who were the first to
arrive and won the express pass...

you are team number 1.

Yeah scam.

... Will depart at 11:55 A.M.

Fly to the city of akra.

Teams must now fly more than

akra in the west African
nation of gan a when they land

they will make their way
to this memorial park.

This monument built as a
tribute to the father of bega

begannian independence is where
teams will find their next clue.

All right, let's go.

We won the express pass
by coming in first place.

We're pretty happy.

I feel like I can do things and
it's not just him that has

to be full force and just me, like,
you know, in the background.

I believe akra is in
Africa, so pretty sweet.

Fly to the city of akra.

Let's go.

We're going to Ghana.

Nat and I are both really different.

Nat is a lot more live in
the moment, spontaneous.

Kat is very cool, calm, collected but
there are two boats in the ocean.

Kat would be an ocean liner
steering the course and I

might be the dingy on the sid side...

you have $137 for
this leg of the race.

Great, let's go.

We're going to wait for
Brook and Claire because

they're right here so we're
going to pool our resources.

Fly to the city of akra?

Let's go.

Come on, guys.

We're waiting.

We hope in this leg that we're first.

I'm thinking there's no watermelons
in this leg... we've got it.

We're waiting.

We're ripping it right now.

Fly to the city of akra.

Come on, Rachel.

Let's go, let's go.

I don't know, I... we were like
we've got to make time here.

Here, tractor guy.

Hi, how are you?


If we go down the road
then what do you do?

Can you write all that down
for me right there and I'm

going to give you a big sloppy kiss
after because I appreciate it so much.

Have you been kiss bid
an American before?

That will take us all
the way to Heathrow?

Thank you.

I just kissed an
englishman in a tractor!

Let's go.

You've kissed worse.

My tactic obviously is
a kiss saves the day.

If you can kiss a stranger
on the cheek, you can really

moves move mountains.

Let's go.

Is that Africa?

It is.

That's so awe Sam... awesome.

I can't wait.

Ghana, Ghana, here we go.

I hope I can to hold
some African babies.

Fly to the city of akra.

We've got to jog a little bit.

I'm not... ignore it.

I'm not too confident having
my dad as a teammate.

I worry about disappointing Kevin.

I hope I'm not too much
a drag for my son.

No, that's cool.

I did my best.

Fly to the city of akra.

Africa, how cool.

Let's go.

All right.

Fly to the city of akra.


Let's go.

All these years it's been
really difficult hoping that I

did the right thing.

I always knew that I was
adopted and every single day

in the back of my head, I
would be thinking about her.

I want to go the whole race,
because this is the only time

we're ever going to have like
this in our whole lives.

Couple we slept in a castle?

... Can you believe we
slept in a castle?


You have $137 for
this leg of the race.

All righty.

On the road again.

Oh, virgin Atlanta.

Let's go.

We need to buy tickets to Africa.

Is this the only flight?

We're all on the same flight.

Man, we had a africaing lead.

That sucks.

Teams are now flying on a
six-hour flight to akra, Ghana.

Let's go.

We've got to go fast.

Okay, go!


Come on, rach!

Come on, dad, come on.

Come on, dad, keep up.


Come on, taxi!

Memorial park.

We've got to go, go, go, go!

All right, get in!

Sites cool here.

It's so... it's so cooly here.

It's so different.

All these people, hehe all
have stuff on their heads.

I'm in awe right now.

It is unbelievable.

I mean, I could never imagine this.


Ooh... it is more flowing
steady and I am more of air.

We're keeping up.

Are we close?

It seems to be getting
like a worse area.

Oh, God... don't show...
no, no, we've got to go.

We've got to go.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I feel unsafely.

Please go, thank you.

No, sir, sorry.

He spit on us.

Sorry, if we had money
we would give it to you.

Green light.



I think that Andy is very selfless.

I think that she always
has great intentions.

She's just a really pure spirit.

Yeah, we're currently in first.

Is there the memorial park?


Go fast, go, go.

We'll be right back.

Is this okay?


Let's go.

We'll be right back, sir.

Thank you.

We're here.

Let's go.

Come on, Claire.

It's it's right up here.

Let's go.

Make your way to mukula market.

Teams must make their way to
the market where they will

find their next clue.

We're in the lead.

Go, go, go.

Make your way to... cross the
street from the main entrance.

Come on, dad.

Oh, there it is.

We'll be right back.

If you can turn around as fast as poibib...
There it is.


There's the clue box.

There's the flag.

Right here.

Come on.

Bye, George.

We'll be right back.

Stay here.

This is it right here on the right.

Make your way to muchola market.

Make your way to the muchola market.

This is the market right here.

Okay, so welcome to muchola market.

This is huge.

We have to find the main entrance.

Do you see it anywhere?


Oh, my God... unreal people here.

Let's go.

This is crazy.

So many people.


I'm not a stranger to
this kind of market.

We have ones at home like this.

Get out, get out.


Unlock, unlock.

Okay, get out, get out.

Who thinks they can handle
some shadey dealings?

The African sun burns
bright in the city of akra.

So sunglasses are one of the
most popular items for sale.

Now teams must compete in
a sea of local vendors.

In this road block, one team
member must sell as many

sunglasses as it takes to earn
a total of 15 sities, about

ten dollars, while not selling any
pair for less than three sities.

Then teams must present the
money to the lead vendor who

will give them their next clue.

You can.


Who thinkshey can handle
some shadey dealing?


I can do it.

I'm like, are you kidding me?

I have to sell something?

Like, bring it on.

Who thinks they can handle
some shadey dealings?


You can, okay.

My dad is going to do this road block.

We've got to be fast, all right.

Not to say I was no confidence
in my dad but I was nervous

because I was like, at the ze
going to be able to do this?

Does anyone want sunglasses?

Have fun!




Big race.

Big race.


It's definitely a lot harder than
I thought it was going to be.

Who wants some sunglasses?

Who wants some sunglasses?

Excuse me, sir, would
you buy sunglasses?

Would you buy them?

What I do for a living is sell
stuff so I know she was flaun

flaunting her stiff out there.

Oh, that was good.

You look like a gangsta,
like a rapper.

Thank you.

Do you want those?

Three sities.


Those look good on me.

Let me see.

I was definitely trying to target
the woman, seseou know, sex to sell.

I was hoping that I could flirt
... Those fit you very nicely.

You got 3 setes for me?

It's for a very good cause.

Oh, my gosh, this is impossible.


Three, help me, all right?

Please, all right, thank
you, thank you, thank you.

Who thinks they can handle
some shadey dealing?


Johnny, do it.

No, let's do it.

You can do it.


Poor dad.

Wait, wait, what?

Please, please, please... thank you.

Thank you.

Oh, my God... unreal.

Right there, you're
the social butterfly.

You know it.

You're much more of a salesman than I
am and... I don't know about that.

That's one of the things, I don't
know if she's a good salesman or not.

Look at how nice they are.


Oh, God...
Oh, my God... what do we do?

Can you push us?

Yeah, again, push.

Oh, no... taxi!


He said get another...
dad, we've got to hurry.

Memorial park.

Really fast.

We're in a race, if you don't mind.



Help me out.

Big race.

Very important.

I don't really have the technique.

I don't think there is a
technique out there here.

Heater either they're
buying them or they're not.

Looks good.


Looks really good.



You are pitching this product for
their style, to make them look like a


On the cheek?


And of course kissing them on the
cheeks which seems to ally yelp.

Not really... that was the kicker.

Get your friends, okay?

This is impossible.

Have you sold any?


Grab a bunch and get outta there.

Come on.

Hey, come on, girl.

Be aggressive.

You can do it.

Do you have the money?

No, no, no... three setes.

Is this two?

I need one more.

Come on, one more.

Just give me one more.


Come on, please.

I'm asking you.

Come on!

No... I'm trying to make it all
happen so I kind of kept the

young girls' money hoping
that I could sweet talk her.

If I give you a big hug,
will you give it to me?

Do you want to buy a
pair of sunglasses?

Yeah, those look nice.



You look like Paris Hilton.

Looks good.


Very nice.

Thank you, thank you.

I almost want to kiss her
but of course I can't.

I have twelve, thirteen
... One more pair.

I'm going to win.



Can you... uh... when your teammate
is doing the road block you certainly

have that element of feeling helpless,
because you can't help them.

Do you like them?

Watch yourself.

Woo, woo.

Ou don't want to end up not
using... that's a waste.

That's always in the back of my mind.

Do you like them?


Do you want to buy them?

Would you like buy them for 3 setes?

See in everybody loves it.

Would you like to buy these?

Oh, my dear... I was
getting frustrated.

I was having some trouble
to even make my first sale.

Can I try another one?


Help me out?

Please help him out.

Come on.

Thank you.

Mama, want some sunglasses?

Help me out?

A great deal right here.

Who wants it?

I have a better deal.

I just knew that I couldn't hold back.

When you're in a situation
like this, you can't be shy.

Anyone want to look?

You've got it going over here.

Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, got it.

Road block... dike it.

Okay, I've got some
sunglasses for you.

One more sete.


And it's different and it's hot
... Thank you so... thank you.

I did good, huh?


Give me a sales
challenge, bring it on.


Make your way to the June forth area.

Teams will travel to the
June forth area in search of

spare parts where they
will find their next clue.

We've just got to stay in the lead.

We've got to stay focused.

You want them.

I've got one more to sell.

Shut up.

Do you want some sunglasses?

Oh, my God... okay, great, thank you.

Miss, would you like to buy glasses?

Buy some sunglasses for me?

Okay, wait, miss, right over here.

All right tak t t two.

If you can give me twelve, I
can... I can leave, I finish.

Okay, ten, that's fine.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Two for six?

All right, beautiful, miss.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Oh, wow, dad, hey, good job, dad.

Dad, I'm so proud of you.

When my dad popped out it
caught me by a huge surprise.

Dad, good job.

We're the second place team.

Find the spare parts and
arar fororour next clues.

Come on, you would
help me out so much.

Please, one more?

All right.


I can have one more?

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Right now I'm just counting my
money to make sure I have my

Thank you so much 0.

Which one do you like?

Oh, my God, pretty
much everyone is done.

Are you okay?

Oh, here is the motor parts.

Okay, here we go.


The creativity and ingenuity of the
local people can be seen everywhere in


The result is a distinctive
lifestyle that presents our

teams with a unique detour.

Their choice...
Tune in or check out.

In tune in, teams make their
way to this electrical supply

store and pick up a
television antenna system.

Then they must find a marked
house and install the antenna

to the specifications of the owner.

When teams get the t.V.
Signal properly tuned in, the owner

will give them their next clue.

In check out, teams make their
way to this woodworking shop

where carpenters are created
to represent the lifestyle of

their eventual occupants.

Once they choose a carpet,
teams must transport it

through the back streets of
town to this showroom, where

they will receive their next clue.

I say antenna.

Yeah, yeah.

Antenna it is.

Okay, we have to go
to Adam's electrical.

Adam electrical.

Right here.

We need an antenna installation Kit.

I have antenna here and my
house... safety glasses?

Ooh, we want these.

Okay, ready.

Who wants an antenna on their
snous hey, let's go in here.

Do you guys neat need an antenna?


This is going to be a joke.

You got a watermelon in the face.

I'm going to get a
hammer in the finger.

Oh, my gosh, this is way
harder than it looks.

Do you have to come up?



Oh, great.

I need you to really focus, Claire.

Okay, I'm putting the cord in.

I think I'm at the tail end of this.

Who said a girl can't hammer?

I'm done.

And gorgeous.

Here, check it out.

Can I get on top of this?

Get on this.

I'm trying.

Have you ever had an
antenna before, sir?

Glad I could bring you this service.

And I can do it with a smile.

Because that's customer service.

It's really hot up here.

This is it.

Pete's motor spare parts.

Let's go.

Where is he?

Where is he?

Where do you think the toolbox is?

Toolbox, right... Peter's
motor spare parts.

That's not it.

George, do you know where
the June 4th area is is?

Can we just ask these people?

June 4th?

Thank you.

Thank you.

We left lost a lot
of time on this one.

Is this it?

I think we should do tune in.

You're good with electronics.

Tune in.


Come on, dad.

See if there are any flags or markers.

Clue box?

Where did you guys find the clue?

It's out here.

It's across the street.

Ooh, oh, my God, yes.

I think we should do check it out?

Yeah, I think so too.


Are these them?


Look, they're so cool.

I was like oh, my God.

It was definitely strange.

There was a piano.

There were animals.

The piano, it's rig here.

We've got to tie it up.

You've got it?

Good job, Katie.

All right, let's go.

Let's get some momentum.


It's slippery.

I'm slipping.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Good job.

Slow down.


We are going to do tune in.


Because that's... we're about to have this t.
V. Up and running in no


Should you put it down lower, maybe?

What do you mean?

I feel like you should
put it right there.

I feel like that's going
to be the best bet.

I'll reach for around the other end.

Dad, longer.

It's all tangled together.

I'm trying to untangle it.

You got it?



I put it in.

Dad, you're going to fix the antenna.

Hey, how are you doing?

I'm trying.

You look like a movie star,
for six you can get both.

You bought two?

Are you interested in
buying a third pair?

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

E'e' walk agriculture way with
these huge smiles and you

could tell they felt really good
just from being with our...

you were awesome.


Every time they would say, oh,
I'll be back later, then I

realized that meant no.



Will someone buy these, please?

Sir, I have to sell them for 3 setes.

Oh... what?

Are you serious?

This one guy, made me sit there
d count all the sunglasses...

There's 200 pairs.

He looked at me like we do this every
day and your not doing it right.

Thank you, you saved me.

As it started getting down
to the last few teams and I

started to get a little nervous
... It's so hard 'cuz I didn't

know what I could do to help
so I wanted to say things that

were supportive but also kind
of like reality check, looks

like we're going to be
sitting in last pretty soon.

What did you... oh, there's a pair.

Find a pair that does not
have a stress in them.

Money is sight you just don't
want to like sell them a pair

of bad sun glass the and
... Why would you care?

I hope you're not worried about
people's feelings on this race.

No, but I... we've got to win.

You're interested?

Oh, okay.

Thank you.


My last pair.

Let me see.

Oh, man... what a clown.

I know.

I can't.

I need... come on.

I think I just got jacked
for some sunglasses.


This is going to be rough.

This is going to be real rough.

Please, please, please
... I can do four.

Two setes.

I can't.

Let me talk to you.

You're going to wear
them all the time.

Come on, help me out.

Last pair.


Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, no!

Every team is gone but one?


Oh, man... please... we
realized we were in last

place, it got a little scary.

I'm sorry, I can't do that...
people did not want to pay

more than one dollar, and
absolutely not budging.

Not a very good salesperson or
... No one wants sunglasses.

Pasas please, le

let's make a deal.

Please, please, please...
they're not very much help.

Definitely not going to be
quitting my day job to become

a ghanian professional
sun glass seller.

Good job.

Okay, what now?

Is that it?

No, through that hole.

Okay, Claire, you stay in here
and I'm going to tune it.

Do I have to turn it?

Yeah, sure.


You messed up.

Like how, this?




I don't know what I'm doing!

Don't get crazy.

Let's not get crazy.

We don't want it to fall off.

See that blue truck?

Do you want to cross?


Go, rache, go.

Stop, stop.


Turn, turn.

Slow down.

Watch out.

Excuse us.


Can rego inside, tell
us where to hook it up?

There's a team behind us.

We've gotta go.

In there.


The red one?

It's getting better.

It's getting better.

Do whatever you just did.

Right there, right there, right there.

Good, good, good, stay, stay!

Right there.


Thank you.

Make your way to the next pitstop.

Teams must now make their way
to the nanishi market, one

of the largest markets
in all of west Africa.

Once here teams must navigate
through the crush of people

and vendors to this bridge, the
pitstop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

I think we're in first.

Oh, my God.

We're okay, we're okay, we're okay.

We're good.

Get it up there okay, come on.

Go, Rachel, go.

We're okay, we're okay.

Go to your left.

Thank you.

Nanishi market.

Right around here we're looking
for Pete's motor spare parts.

Pete's motor spare parts.

Let's go.

We're going to mount a t.V.

Adam electrical.

Gee, this is hard.

There we go.

All right, let's folk... let's focus.

Okay, let's see how we did here.


No good?

Gotta take this down... oh!

You want me to go up?

I'll go up.

No, I'll go, I'll go.

My dad, he helps out.

I'm truly starting to value
him more as a teammate now.

As an equal teammate.

As an equal teammate.

Not just the guy in the background
running... I think we've got a good

looking t.V.

Can we get the clue?

Make your way to the pitstop.

Try it again.

Just try it very gently.

Wait, we have to just get it to stay.

Please, God, let this work.

Okay, it's goodenow.

It's good?

Oh, yay.

Thank you so much.

Warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated.

When we get there, we're...
oh, ... we've discovered a lot

of really neat little
things we have in common.

We're both double jointed.

Something that she doesn't
love that she got from me...

we both have naturally frizzy hair.

We have really frizzy hair
that we have to straighten.

Sorry about th.

Do you know Pete's motor spare parts?

Is this... it is far?


From the workshop to the
showroom, you can do that.

Do that, okay.

Let's grab this one.

You got it.

You got it, right.

The camera did like weird things.

This is probably memoria memorialalizing
somebody who wawaa photographer.

Oh, my gosh, crazy.

Can you do it?

I got it.

Oh, my God, hold on.

Go, just go.

Good job, Jill.

Okay, let's do the television.

Let's go.

Here, baby, I'll help you.

I don't think this is right.

We're off the main road.

We're looking for peshi road.

Thank you.

Please stop.

Please let us be first.

We're so close.

I can taste it.


That's the big market.

This is the finish line.

Keep your eyes open, Brook.

Claire, come on.

Oh, my God, Claire.

He could be anywhere.

Claire, this is crazy.

Rach, come oranges come on.

How do we get in there?

Where is he?

Where is he?

I don't know.

Where is he at?

These guys are... go, go, go!

He's over here!

Please, please, please... I see it.

I see it.

Welcome to Africa.

Thank you.

Brook and Claire, you
are team number 1!

All right now, I have
some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg
of the race, you've won an

incredible ten-day trip for two
from travelocity to Hawaii.

You'll spend five nights at
the royal hawaiian hotel in

oahu with spa treatment,
dinner and a lua, then head to

kawai and enjoy a helicopter
tour of the coast.


Way to go.

We might come off as the
ditzy-la-la girls, like

they're cute but they're high
maintenance, they're not going

to go anywhere but I think
we're here to stay.

We're not going anywhe anytime soon.

Katie and Rachel,
you're team number 2!


Try to just watch it until we're
clear... oh, we almost had colour,


Oh, Connor, we had colour.

Colour, colour, stop.

Is that good?

Is that good?

No, it's black and white and blurry.

It's never been clear yet.

Even worse.

Now it's just bad.

Black d d ite.

Con oh, I think we should
switch... let's go.


Thank you for your help.

Sorry we couldn't
install your t.V.

I feel so bad.


How are you?

Can we do high fives?

Michael and Kevin, you
guys are team number 3!


Team number 3.

We're happy.

Go, go, go.

Once we get up these stairs
... We have to go up here.

Let's do this, guys.

Gogd job, Jill.

All right, one step at a time.

It's hard when you're in a hurry.


Thank you.

You're doing good.

Warning, the last team
may be eliminated.

Let's go.

Excuse us, excuse us.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


Chad and Stephanie, you should be
smiling because you are team number 4.

Pete's motor spare parts.

Do you know where that is really, sir?

Pete's what?


C we ask someone?

We know where we're going?

Pete's motor parts.

What did he say?

We should ask.

There's two teams ahead of us.

They're asking for directions.

Can you ask someone, snres
can you ask someone?

Get back.

Get back.

Okay, get around, quick!

Okay, they're turning around.

Do you know where it is?

We'll follow them, right?

Everyone is turning around.

Come on, let's go.

We don't want to waste
time doing this.

No one around here kno

everyone turned around,
so you know where?

Do you know where we're going now?



And the child shall lead us.

Choose one of the marked coffins.

Well, that's marked.

Let's take this off
... Oh, that's heavy.

Oh, my God...
Oh, Johnny, look.

I don't know how there was
someone human in here.

It was really oddly shaped
but I guess if you like fish

you're sleeping with the fishes.

Install a t.V. On top of a local
house... do you want to do that?

Adam electrical.


The t.V.'S on?


Um... a little bit more
... Oh, oh, yes, yes.


Is that good?

Make your way to the next pitstop.

And the last team may be eliminated.

The market, this is it?

Oh, my God...
Jill and Thomas, you are team number 5.


All right.

Good job.


Two nails.


I got it.

Ok, can I have one on the inside?

Do we have to tie it down?

Go around the bottom
and give this to me.

Okay, all right.

I just tied a surgical knot.

Let's go.

Hello, coffins.

Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.

Oh, my God.

Hold it, jon.

We can't make it through.



Can you pull out, sir?

Hi, everyone.


All right, let's help out.

Where is it?


Coffins, where?

Are you okay, Johnny?

How are you doing?

All right, let's go.

One of the teams may be eliminated.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Are you okay?

Are you okay?



Warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated.

We have to get up the stairs, I think.

Look at the giant lobster.

Yes, we are.

Make your way to the next pitstop.

Let's go.

We have a huge koichb.

This is it right here on the right.

Warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated.

All right.

This is insane.

It I bumper to bumper
all the way down.

Please hurry, sir.

Sir, is there any way we could
pass these cars or is that...

circumstances can you pass?

Oh, my goodness...
I can't believe...


We're not moving at all.

Can you go fast?

Pass all these cars.



Oh, ... and the taxi, yes.

Thank you.

That's a taxi.

Come on.

We just passed the little brothers.

Can you go fast?

Drive fast, please.


That's it, good job.

Oh, man.

Making Vicki... sir, can you pass?


Oh, man.

We mad up some time big time.

We've got it.

We've got to do this right.

We have to or we can't get...
all right, gideon, save us.

We don't want to be in last place.

I think we could beat the
doctors in a foot race.

Sir, you have to pass... see,
that car right in front of you.


Get us there fast.

Oh, God...
These taxi drivers are nuts.

We're not complaining, as
long as we're not dying.

Our taxi driver and the taxi
driver ahead of us have

just invented a third Lane.

I want my mom.

I think I'm having a
religious experience.

I'm just so proud that I haven't
soiled myself... I think I might have.

Is this it here?

This looks like a market.

Here we are.

Stop right here.

Yeah, stop right here.


do you see it?

Oh, okay.

Is that...

welcome to Africa.

Thank you so much.

Thank you very much.

I love the fish.

Guys, just move over to that side.

You guys come in.

Connor and Jonathan.

You are team number 6.

And you are team number

Oh, thank you.

Kanishi market.

Right there.

Nick and Vicki, you are team number 8.

You're still in the race.

But you're team number 8.

We got to catch a break here.



I mean, this is it.

We put it a on the line.

If we pass out on that mat that's
okay, but we're going to do it.

A bad day should end some good news.

Or any good news.

Before I have a hea a
aack and die on this mat.

Has that happened?

Gary and mallory, you
are team number 9.

Oh, thank you, Phil!

Oh, yes.

Welcome to Africa.

Andie and Jenna, you are
the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you you have
been eliminated from the race.

My whole life, I've wondered
who my birth mother s.

It's just like a treasure to
be able to have it be Andie.

For me I've gotten a piece
of the 21 years of just

knowing this beautiful person
that I brought into the world.

I chose a good family.

And I did.

I chose them for you.

That was my gift to you.

I wanted you to have it.

Thank you.

And I'm sorry I couldn't
give that to you myself.

You are who you a
because of that family.

And that is a comfort that I
wouldn't have had without this

experience of getting to know her.

I'm so proud.

Next week on The Amazing Race
... Under the African sun, Nick

loses his cool.

Let's go!

I'm sorry, babe.

I don't care about your I'Ms.

Definitely your fault.

And Michael heats up.

I don't think I can go back.
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