17x01 - They Don't Call It the Amazing Race for Nothin'!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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17x01 - They Don't Call It the Amazing Race for Nothin'!

Post by bunniefuu »

It's morning in Glaster,
Massachusetts, the oldest sea

port in America, it was carved
out of a coastline that is both

dangerous and beautiful.

And from here, one of the first
towns created in this country,

around the world for $1 million.

We're about to begin
"The Amazing Race."

Lobster boats are now
transporting the teams to the

starting line, at the edge
of the Atlantic ocean.

The 11 teams are... brook and
Claire, home shopping television

hosts from Reno, Nevada.

Good evening.

Brook and I met working for a
national home shopping network.

I feel that our job has
repaired us for the race because

we're such great communicator and
we can manipulate and we can

get what we want.

Brook and I can
sell ice to an eskimo.

Chad and Stephanie,
dating from Miami, Florida.

Chad and I met eighth months ago and
we just purchased a home together.

It's been a very fast
paced relationship.

Stef and I balance together.

I'm going to ask Stephanie
to marry me on the race.

Katie and Rachel, beach
volley partners from Bellmar,

new Jersey.

Katie and I have been beach
volley partners for eight years.

We have all the tools.

We are tough, we are athletic and
that's a deadly combination.

Watch out because we'll
be some b*tches.

Connor and Jonathan, Ivy
league a cappella sippingers.

* Amazing race *

I think we'll sing a
lot during the race.

We'll sing to say thank
you for our cab drivers.

In the a cappella world we're
the bad ass... the manliest part

* We'll do anything for money *

Nat and Kat doctors
and best friends.

We're used to being under
really stressful situations.

We're used to being sleep deprived.

Kat and I are in
the emergency room.

I think we're a team of nerds
and we're proud of it.

Michael and Kevin, father
and son, Internet sensations

from sugar land, Texas.

You know how to do the robot?

Of course, I do.

I started posting videos
online and I started using my

dad in my videos and now I have
over a million subscribers.

He's an immigrant and I'm this
first generation Asian-Americans.

When they see us, people
think we're funny.

Nick and Vicki,
dating from Nevada.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

The other team on the race, oh,
they're tattooed and they drink.

Little do they know we're
very athletic people.

We're going to definitely kick ass.

Ben and Tony, best frention
in Los Angeles, California.

Ron and I have been
friends for 22 years.

We met during the
play "The Whiz."

The reason we're doing the
race it's my best friend's dream.

To have this life experience is
the best gift, I think you could

ever get.

Jill and Thomas dating
from Marina del Ray, California.

I'm extremely competitive.

I'm completely outspoken.

I want to show Thomas that
I can be right in situations.

It's going my way without question.

Gary and Mallory.

Father and daughter from Kentucky.

I'm the reigning
miss Kentucky, 2009.

When I want something I will do
anything that I have to do to

get it.

Marry, she was the boy
I wanted to have first.

I taught her how to fish.

Being a hard-working person
gets you what you want.

And Andie and Jenna
biological mother and daughter.

When I was 19, I gave birth
to this wonderful baby Jenna.

Hi, sweetie.


How are you?

Just recently we got to meet.

We wanted to talk and get to
know each other and being to.

So hopefully after the race,
we'll really fill fulfilled.

Which team will figure out
how to get from here to the

finish line first?

Who has what it takes to
win "The Amazing Race."

Welcome, everyone.

In just a few minutes, you will
begin the adventure of your lives.

You better be ready because this
is going to be one of the most

grueling races ever.

At the end of each leg of the
race, there is a pit stop.

Eight of these pit stops are
elimination points so as always

you need to race as fast as you
can because if you're last,

you'll be eliminated.

Everybody understands that, right?

Now I suggest you listen very
carefully because there is a new

flement this race that will
be a real game changer.

As you know, the first team to check
into the pit stop receive as prize.

Well, at the end of this first
leg if your team checks in

first, you will receive the most
important price that we have

ever given away, it's
called the express pass.

Here's how it works... if your
team wins the express pass you

can use it at any time before
or during a challenge that you

don't want to complete.

All you have to do is just hand
over the express pass, skip the

task, get your next clue and move on.

And if you use it at the right
time, it could mean the

difference between staying
in the race or going home.

And if I was you, I would
race like crazy to get it.

By the way, there's another
reason why you need to be

bringing your a game to
the start of the race.

Even though there are two flights
waiting for you at Logan

airport, the flight that leaves
first, only has room for three

teams and is scheduled to
arrive 30 minutes earlier.

Now you're... your first clue is waiting on
top of the luggage you brought with you.

When I give you the word, you
can run over to your bags, read

the clue, jump into one of the
waiting cars and make your way

to the airport.

As always, the first team to
cross the finish line at the end

of 12 legs, will win $1 million.

Is everybody ready?

The world is waiting for you.

Good luck.

Travel safe.


Come on.
Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.



Fly to London, england.

Go to stone henge.

You have $100 for
this leg of the race.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Let's go.

Come on.
Come on.

Let's go.
Let's go.

This way.

This way.

Go. Go.

Here's the key.

You're driving.

It's exciting!



Come on.

Let's go.


We're on "The Amazing Race."

And we're off.

These cars are like massages.

Oh, my God we're going to London.

Oh, my God, this is so cool!

England, baby.

Hell yeah.

This is what we've been
waiting for, to win us $1

waiting for, to win us $1
million buckarooskis.

We're on "The Amazing Race."

What do we do?

Shall I ask these people?

You need to go to route 128.

Thank you.

Remember only three teams
allowed on the first flight.

Ok, so now get
your come... compass.

This is going to be one of
our strongest suits is to being

able to navigate well.

Go to 128.

I'm glad you're driving so I
can sit back and kind of relax.

Yeah, I bet you are.

Stone henge, I've seen that before.

You mean, you've seen it on TV?

Well, yeah.

This is a cool car.

I went to the
university of Notre Dame.

I'm a hairstylist.

So seven years.

I think my education
will give me advantages.

You don't have to be a
college grad to be able to

finish "The Amazing Race."

Sweet, we're going to London.

They speak English there at least.

We've never been in
the same car together.

We're about to find out
if I'm a good driver.

I've been told I'm too aggressive.

I'll try to tame it down.

The first time we heard our
voices through "The Amazing

Race," this is actually the third
time we've been around each other.

We live in different States
and we have our own families.

This is probably our time together.

We're going to make the most
of it and really enjoy it.

Hi, there.

We're a little bit lost.

We're looking for eastern ave.

It's on the other side of the city.

Oh, God, jeez.

I hope we get out of America.


Do we turn here?

Did I miss something?

Preflight parking is
what we're looking for.


There it is.

So the goal is now we
have to get to American.

We think we're in
either first or second.

My hander chief smells bad.

You want to smell it?


That's preflight, baby.

One team.

There's one team in front of us.

Let's roll.

We're going to American.

We might be getting on
that first flight, hopefully.

Preflight airport parking.

One, two, only two spark cars.

There's no way.

Don't say that.

You can park right here.

One, two.

We're the fourth one.

Let's go.


Son of a bitch.

Let's go.
Let's go.



That was awful.

Only three teams allowed
in the first flight.

The purple team
got another shuttle.


Let's just try to American.

We're going to go to American.

As fast as your little
job can drive us.

There's four cars here.
Come on.

There's a team here.

Wait for us.

Wait for us.

You got everything.

Thank you very much.

Get off.

Come on.

Airport parking.


Quick. Come on.
Come on. Come on.






And it begins!

Is this us?
All right.

Let's go.


We're looking for the flag counter.

Here it is.
I see it.

I see it, Tony.

How are you?

Where are you going?
Heath row.

Well, it looks like
we are in first place.

We got to play a smart game.

We have to get the first game
to get that express pass.

You ready?

Let's go.


Is this it.

We have to go through here.

Now we do.

Let's look for the flags.

Are there are's normally flags.

See, we have to wait in this line.

There it is.

How are you?

Tickets to London.

Is this it?

Only three teams will be
allowed on the first flight.

So we have to get on that.

It has to be that way.

Down there.

Down there.

American airlines right here.

Stephanie. Go!
Come on!

Come on!


Go, Rache.

Is this American.

Thank you.


There it is.

Come on, Rache.

Is this American?

Thank you.



Theres the.

Oh, my God.

Oh, thank you.

So much.

Son of a bitch.

We need tickets to London.

What's happening, guys?

Oh, my God.

I can't believe that they
all got in front of us.

We did it.

We are the fourth team to get
to American airlines, so we were

the first ones to miss our flight.

Damn, we were so close.

Come on, let's go.

Oh, my God.

How do we get to Virginia
... Virgin Atlantic?

Come on guys.

Ticket check-in.

Virgin Atlantic.
Two tickets to London.

There's two of us traveling.

I'm going to bar of.


Bar of.

Puke in the trash can.


I'm Michael.

Michael, nice to meet you.


Have a safe trip.

How are you guys?

Hey, guys.

Say hello.

Nice to meet you.

I'm so glad to finally meet you.

We'll call you sunshine.

Oh, sawn shine.

That's ok.

Glee isn't here.

We call them team glee.

Last place.

We have to hand it to Phil.

* Send the others home even
though we're last right now *

Parking, oh, my God!

I'm Stephanie.

Tony, nice to meet you.

Being the first team to arrive.

We may have under estimated them.

They've proven to be very quick
and agile because they've got a

real fat guy on their 250e78.

... Team.

It's called agile.


They could have went
all the way to New York.

We realize that we have such
bad navigational skills we're

just like screwed.

I couldn't even get out of Boston.

The team team... showed
up a little bit e.Y.I.

Let's just say we're not
going to be following them.

We're all on level footing.

Except for those three.

When we land in London, we're
going really going to be hauling

bus because of this express pass.

If we see something that we don't
want to do or we're behind

we can slash it and jet it
in front of everyone else.

We're on the second flight.

Once we land in London, it's game on.

Someone could make a mistake
and we're right there in the

So I'm excited about that.

All teams are now
traveling to London, england.

We're looking if
the parking garage.

We need to get to our
car and get moving.

I can't wait.

We have to hurry the hell up.

Man, it's cold.

All right.
These are us.

I don't see any cars gone.

That's good.

Do you have the directions.

Oh, wrong side.
Wrong side.

I got it.

Look at this.
I got it.

Continue on to m15... m 25.

I think we're doing right.

Our first order of business
is to stop and get a map.

The other side, goofy.

Oh, my God.

Driving stick left-handed,
it is really weird.

Ok, now we are looking for m-25.

M-25 north.

No, we're going south, Stef Neefment

the big thing is
is getting this pass.

Once we heard about the
express pass, we knew that we

had to bring our a game.

The express pass is a get out
of jail free card where you can

skip any challenge where it be a
roadblock, detour or marker challenge.

Gas station.

We're trying to find stone
henge here on the maps.

I have a under grad degree
from Stan form, two years ago I

earned a degree from the
university of Arizona.

What most people don't know about
Tony is that he's a gentle giant.

It's a ways.

Wow, this is tricky.

We're back at the airport again.

So we need to turn
around and go this way.

Can I get over.

Do you see anyone mow?

Don't yell at me, Chad.

Chad's temper is very loud.

There is cussing involved.

He's a football player.

I'm not one of your teammates.
I'm your girlfriend.

If I tell you you got it, then go.

It's hard I'm trying
to take in being here.

You're going to make it
miserable for both of us if you

act like that.

Come on. Come on.
Come on.

Excuse me.


Go. Go.
Go. Go.

How's it going, dad?

Watch out.

Come on.

... Dad.

I'm right behind you.

Do you see her shorts day?

Oh, wrong side!



Let's just get out of here
before everyone sees us.

It is hard to keep up with brook.

And she does does it.

Like everything just clicks for her.

Damn it.

It's a stick shift.

You can do it, natty.

Come on, Vicki.


Yeah, baby.

Finger pricker.


I'm currently and probably the
hardest situation a type one

diabetic on an Insulin pump.

I don't know where I'm going to eat.

Nat and I have ran marathons before.

You can still be completely active
and manage your blood sugar.

These are all the round-abouts
they were talking about.

Signs for central London, m25.

Stay straight.

You are definitely the navigator.

Let's just stay efficient now.

M25 to the right.


These streets are horrible.

Which way?

I don't know.

So confusing.

We're lost.

I don't understand
like where we are on.

Be careful.

Are you sure this is the right way?

I don't know.

This way.


Damn this thing.

I'm just going to k*ll the car.

You can smell it.

I don't like the smell
that's coming from her car.

Something's burning.

We're at m23.

We're going the wrong way.

We're going the wrong way?


We're trying to get to stone henge.

Go to the roundabout.

Turn right there.
Thank you.

So I'm going to be taking a right.

So I need to get in this Lane.

No because we're driving the
left hand side of the road.

So we're going to go
around and go around it.

I think I'm breaking the car.

I haven't driven a
stick in a long time.

The car hates me.

It's yelling at me.

I was riding the clutch too much.

Next thing I knew...
know I'm burning the clutch and we're dying.

I think I'm burning
the clutch or something.

Hey, Jenna...

Seems like the
girls' car won't start.

You guys go ahead.

Thanks for helping.

We've got to go without them.

I don't know what to do?

We're blocking trafbling.

We're stuck in the middle of traffic.

All right.

Well, I don't know what to do
because we're blocking traffic.

That's reverse.

Crap that's what I was doing.

It was the hardest part.

I was riding the clutch too much.

You did a really good job.

I haven't driven a
stick shift in years.

I forgot the part about taking
your foot off the clutch.

We screwed up, big time.

I'm going to see I
can ask something here.

Keep going back this way.
How far?

It's about 10 miles down the road.

We're back on track.

All right.

I see a sign for stone henge.
All right.

Oh, that is so sweet.

I'm going to die.

Here it is.
All right.


We're actually here.

We're at Stonehenge.

This is crazy.

Those are big freaking rocks.

That's amazing.

Find the castle that is
the opposite of Nor'Easter.

Teams must now figure out
that they're looking for Eastnor

castle where they'll
find that next clue.

We'll have to ask someone.

Left, Stonehenge.

Look who we caught up to.
Come on.

Where is the freaking girls?

We caught up, Rachel.

It felt so good to catch up
with the first flight because we

were the first ones
to miss our flights.

We've got to go.

Do you think it's over there?

It could be Eastnor castle.

That's the opposite of Nor'Easter.

At Tweskbury, I think.

Find the castle that's the
opposite of Eastnor'Easter.

That was awesome.

Good job, both of us.

Put your foot on the gas first.

Put your foot on the gas first.

I've never speed walked
in this fast in my life.

Find the castle that's the
opposite of Nor'Easter.

Who are we going to ask?


We're on a hill go.

Go, go, go go, go.

Damn it.

I was having a lot of trouble
with first on a hill.

Like a big hill, like an england hill.


Oh, gas station.

Gas station.

They're right there.

And here's the doctors.

Here's the doctors.
Follow them.

Do you guys just want to go together
and try to figure this out.


Could we ask you
for some directions.

Basically you want to go
up to Tewkebury tall way up.

We're following the doctors.

I love them.

It's all about woman power.

They're strong and smart.

Very meticulous in what they do.


Just take a deep breath.

Can you push?
No, no, no, I can't push it.

I think you have
to give it more gas.

All right.

Rachel, try to go.

Rachel, try to go.
Rachel, wait!

I can't believe there's not
been one sign for stone henge.

I need as much help as possible.

Ok, I can't... I don't know
what you're seeing, so I don't

know how to tell you to turn around.

It was really frustrating.

We could always sense
each other's tension.

You sort of back-off because you
never want it to be personal.

We're going to get some
directions as we've gone too far.


Stone henge.

There it is.

Stonehenge is incredible.

Such an imposing, wolf,
just magical structure.

Find the castle that's
the opposite of Nor'Easter.

Come on, Princeton.

Which k you check?

Easter castle led
... Head for her shire.

This is a tough place
to find your way around.

Oh, my God, the
mother-daughter team is already

I guess we're
not in third anymore.

Find the castle that is
the opposite of Nor'Easter.

It sucks because we really
thought we were farther ahead.

There's the stone.

This is the first time I've
ever even heard about Stonehenge

and then I found out that
it was a bunch of rocks.

Hey, now, we're going
to right way now.

Find the castle the
opposite of Nor'Easter.

We had such a good lead.

We're here now.

Let's make it work.


Let's fix the problem.

We're trying to get to stone henge.

You're going to go down m3.

It takes you straight there.

Ok. Thank you so much.
We appreciate it.

Why is this so hard?

This is crazy.

Eastnor castle.

We got it.

We're here.

I think we're first.

Eastnor castle.

Where are the girls?

It's our first challenge.

I'm seriously getting
my he bee gee bees.

I do not want to be the first girl in
"The Amazing Race" to pee in your pants.


Let's do this.

Right there!

Come on, babe.

Time to storm the castle.

Teams must now climb a
wall at Eastnor castle being

mobbed by by a mob of pee santas.

They must travel to a knight and
shining armor who will give them

their next clue.

Yes, right here.

Time to storm the castle.

Come on.

Honey, you got this.

We need this so we can be first.

Come on, Claire, run!

Come on, Claire bear.

We have to find a plat.

Come on, honey.

You have to keep up with them.


Claire, you got this.

It's ok.
Stay strong.

The girls are already there.
Let's go.

We're going to get doused.

Let's go.

Don't look up.

If you look too much you're
going be drenched with a bucket

of water.

I think it was
even more than water.

It was like dirt, mud water.


Hold on.

Just ignore it.


Go! Go!
Go! Go!


We're mid evil.

Go on!


Here we are in this castle in the middle
of england and we're storming a wall.

With all these people
yelling at us from above.

Putting water on us.

It was really great.

Get the flag.

This way to the lake.

Once on top retrieve
a mid evil flag.

I've got to find the same color.


Come on!

Let's go.

We've got to get directions.

Pull over to this gas station, dad.

We've got a flat.

They have a flat.

Dad, do you know what
you're doing, do you think?

I'm trying to find out
how to get this off?

Don't leave us.

We should go ahead
that would be the best.

We'll be right there.

Dang it.

We all understand
that it is a game.

It doesn't make sense for us to
watch them change a flat tire.

This is not how I picture my
dad on the English country side.

Oh, my gosh.

So I hit a pothole or
something and then I could hear

the air starting to leak out.

Luckily we pulled over
to a gas station.

We can't go that fast
with this doughnut.

We still have a long way to go too.

We're here, Claire!

Come on, Claire!

Hurry, they're right behind you!

We have to get on this boat!

Hurry Claire, we need this!

We need this so bad!

We're good.

Here we go.
This is it.

It looked like a shell or a
tortoise shell or something.

On the water.

Way to go, sister.

Do you need some muscle.

Quick, Claire.

Jump in.

Jump in.

We're sinking.

Oh, my God.

We're sinking.

We were pretty pathetic
in the first attempt.

We get in the both.

We realize that we
have to turn around.

We actually stay on the
boat not just swim beside it.

We get in this boat and
immediately proceed to just sink.

We just got in and just sunk.

We have to go back.

It's all balancing.

It takes us forever to get there.

Just get in there.

No setting the knees.

You direct.

So very slowly.

Just keep it slow.

Keep it slow.

Thank God, please.

Come on.

Time to storm the castle.

I wonder if they're both there.

My pants are falling off.

Time to storm the castle.

Who is this that?
I don't know.

Tink bell is here.

Are we saw Tinkerbell and the boyfriend.
And in my head I was

like, thank you, God.


I think it's over here.

You go ahead, I got you.

Don't come up here!

We don't want you!

Follow to the Lake Shore.

Are they going to
throw something at us?

Find the castle that is
opposite of nor Easter.

Lots and lots.

Once we got to stone henge, I
think we lost our confidence.

I'm like, did that just really happy?

Did we blow it that much?

We can do this.

You're doing great.

You're about halfway.

You're doing awesome.

Just keep what you're doing.

Doing great.

Doing great it took
us a couple of times

to realize that really
it was a balance game.

It was really about teamwork.

Once we figured that out we
just said ok, nice and slow.

You're doing good, natty.

I need you to focus at me.

The turtle wins the race.

You're doing great.

You're doing great.

We're almost there.

Awesome job, babe.

Good job, Kat.

What did I tell you?

We're about to freaking
crush this... oh, my God.

Choose a flag.


Kat this is it.

Hold on to the rope.

One, two, three.

Stephanie, please.

Damn, Stephanie, I'm a
lot heavier than you.

You can't be that close.

Grab on to the rope.

Grab on to the rope.
Stand up.

Stand up.

I'm trying.

The rope is on top of me Chad.

Lean towards me.

Chad, just chill out and calm down.

We'll be able to do this.

You freaking out is not
helping anything at all.

We're looking if a castle,
it's called nor west cass.

Nor west?

They have tourist office that was
would know that kind of thing?

Not really.

I think it's an advantage and a
disadvantage that we don't know each other.

Probably the disadvantage
is just knowing what the other

person's going to be really good at.

Driving around lost is the worst.

All right ask these
people in the salon.

We're trying to
find Eastnor castle.

I don't know.

I need kindergarten
directions, obviously.

I feel like we're going in circles.

Is there a road that
Eastnor castle is on.

We're going in the right direction.

It's kind of hard to tell because
all of these roundabouts

or these freeways
aren't clearly marked.

Oh, my God, this is so frustrating.

Let's go, babe.

Match your colors, match your flag.

Welcome to the tournament.

Thank you, sir.

Who's ready to go and battle
with knight and shining armor.

In this land of the mythic
night of the round table, teams

face a roadblock in which they
should join forces with their

very own knight in shining armor.

Teams use a mid evil w*apon
known as a back lista to fire

melons at a knight
standing 50 feet away.

Once they defeat nair opponent
they must find a Jester who will

give them their next clue.

I'll do it.

I'll do it.

Come on.

One, two, three.

And off we go.

Claire, this way.

Thank you.

You could doll this.

You could this.

There's horses prancing around.

Claire grew up in a ranch.

I got this in a bag.

Claire, you look great.

My knight in shining armor finally.

Man, I almost fell
off of that knight too.

I was holding on to him
as hard as I could.

I thought it was cool.

Right now we want to...
ok, so I've got to knock everything off.

Come on, Thomas!
All right.

They're just starting behind you.

Claire, you've got this.

You so got this, Claire.

Way to go, natty.

You can do this, Claire.

You got this.


I'm seeing a side of Claire.

I never saw you this strong.

You are like wonder woman.

You need to do this
a little bit harder.

This is awesome.

A little higher.

You got this sister.

Dang it, there's no way we're going
to be able to knock this guy over.

See it?

Do we have time to
go the bathroom or no?

Time to look for a castle.

You're going really fast.

The wind's blowing
and you can't go fast.

Tinkerbell is going
to be still here.

This really sucks.

Look at them.

We're tinier than they are.

Your side is getting
a lot of water.

Just go slow, please I'm
begging you, please.

Jonathan and I are missing our
graduation to be on "The Race."

This is our last opportunity
to have fun and kind of be kids

in a way.

Stephanie get up.

Where do you want me to go?


Go freedom.

Go england!

Let's go, you got it.

This really sucks.

Hey, guys.

We just passed tinkerbell and pan.

Here's the boat.

It's the nerds.

The nerds, they're so nerdy.


Let's focus here.

Claire, you got this.

You can do this, Claire.

You got this.

Gosh, dang it.

Oh, so close.

Focus here.


Find the court Jester who
will give you the next clue.

Hello, sir, can I have my clue?


And this is for you.
Thank you so much.

Search the grounds around
for Eastnor for the pit stop m

Teams must now search the
scrolling grounds of Eastnor

katz castle for this meadow, the
pit stop of this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here will be eliminated.

Let's go, babe.

There's a knight
standing by himself.

Welcome to Eastnor.

Thank you.

Jill and Thomas,
you are team number one!


Congratulations, guys,
as you know, you guys have won

the very first express pass.

You can use it at any time up to
the ebb eighth leg of the race.

Thank you very much.

It could mean the
difference between going home or

staying in the race.

To have the express pass
it's a huge opportunity.

We know it can keep us going if
we were to make a grave mistake.

We're excited.

Let's go, you got it.

Let's go.


You just keep watching all the others.

We're going to beat the buff team?

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Looking good.

Just do that!

You have it!

You're almost there, natty.

I'll get you warrior.

Oh, my... there's our knight.

Right here.


All right.

Dude, you do it.

For you, a clue.

Stop for a second.

See what you just did.

I kicked his ass that's what I did.

You got this sister.

Come on, chica.

Oh, so low.

As I'm on the horse, bouncing
around I it will... I literally

thought I was going to bounce off.

She was bouncing around like crazy.

Kat, this is it.

Hey, Phil.

Nat and Kat, the doctors
are team number two.


I tried to climb the wall.

We got this flag.

Think long and hard.

Do what you got to do to make
it go right into that guy.

Just focus.

I'm not giving up I'm
just getting frustrated.

Come on, Rachel.

Knock the warrior down.
Try something different.

You got it.

Let's go, girl.

Oh, messed up.

You got this sister.

You are super, superclose.

Right in the kisser.

Show that knight who's boss.

Show that knight who's boss.
Oh, God.

You have got this.

Right in the kisser.

Show that knight who's boss.


Are you ok?

I can't feel my face.

I have the worse headache.

I don't doubt it.

So what do we do now?

You have to finish.

There's no out.

I can't even see straight.

They don't call it "The
Amazing Race" for nothing.

We're not letting other
teams catch up with us.

Just keep our rhythm.

Oh, my God.

The nerds zipped right passed us.

It totally humbled me.

It looks so totally deceiving.

This is really close.

Oh, you are so close.

All right.

Come on, Connor!

So we go to the bathroom.

I don't want these
people to beat me.

It's frustrating to see the
other people come from behind.

That's not her fault.

You can't blame her.

The girl got whacked in her face.

I'm like more terrified than ever.

Another girl could have
just sat there and cried.

She stepped up to the
plate and did it.

All right.

She can hang.

I'm so scared of watermelons.

This is horrible.

Put the technique down.

All right.

Give it hell.

I am so proud of you right now.

Oh, my God, Claire!

I didn't expect that
right out of the gate!

Come on, Rache.


Big slingshot.

I am so proud of you right now
it's not even funny I am of you.


I made it my bitch!

She literally gets up and
hits it the second time out.

Claire, I have never,
never been so proud of you.

That was one heck of a race.

I can't feel my face.

You're the coolest girl I've
ever met in my entire life.

Come on, Connor.





Rachel, yes!

Let's go, Chad!

The last team to check
in will be eliminated.

Come on, court Jester.

They're running over
there and they're done.

Let's follow them.


It's amazing.
I don't know.

Am I going to recover from that?

I can't feel my face.

I can't feel my face.

I know, baby.

They're right behind us.

They're all running, Rache.

We just booked it.

And I've never run
that hard in my life.

I'm not a runner.

Johnny, come on.

Claire, come on, baby!

Claire, come on, honey.

You were hit in the face.

Claire, come on!

Wow, that was quite an entry.

I won't slip.

Connor and Jonathan, you
are team number three.

Brook and Claire, you are team
number four congratulations.

We were right there in the
position to be in first.

And then a watermelon
... We're here.

Katie and Rachel?


You are team number five.

Thank you.

You're doing awesome.
So close.

All right.

Let's go, Chad.

Climb the wall at Eastnor castle.


The castle!

I think this is our boat.

So one time only.

Stand on top of it.

Here, get up.

Don't let it sink.

We need to wait a second
and work together ok?


Kevin, Kevin, Kevin.

I have no idea.

Ok, don't let it sink.


It's not easy.

It's not easy.

It's really hard
without a good map.

There's a map.

The castle's on the map.

We are so there.

This is so exciting.

And we're going
the right direction.

Probably our biggest fear going into
the race is letting each other down.

You know, we really want
to make each other proud.

This is my time with Jenna.

I'm going to do everything I
can to not get eliminated.

I don't want to say last,
but I think we are last.

I'm just hoping that everybody
else is so slow as we are.

Why is this so hard?

This is crazy.


You have defeated your warrior.
Awesome. Thank you so much.

Search the grounds around
Eastnor for the pit stop.

Thank you.

I guarantee's it's on the
other side of the castle.


It's so cold!

w*apon didn't expect that
water to come down on us.

Oh, my God!

Where's the flag?

Right here.

One of these flags.

Follow the marked
path to the Lake Shore.


I got it.
I got it.

I got it.

Not again.

Oh, no, dad, did you see that?

Oh, man.

Come on, dad.

We get down there and poor
Kevin and his dad, Michael, they

are just toppling over.

They look like a couple of
carnies in a ducking booth.

That doesn't look easy.

You ready?
All right.

We're going to have
to keep it buoyant.

Keep your balance in here.

I thought we were toast.

As we were doing
the boat challenge.

We can want sinking before we
figured out what we needed to do.

Kevin, we didn't
figure it out on our own.

The other team... I'm in already.

That's one of the last teams.

I feel it's going to be on
the other side of the castle.

I don't know.
Where to go.

This is the dumbest
freaking crap ever.

Eastnor castle car park.


Time to storm the castle.


We're trying to
find Eastnor castle.

Get on to the m4.

You'll see that sign posted.

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

So we've dropped way behind.

We haven't seen any
teams so far today.

It's really disappointing
trying to let it go and staying

ahead of it.

Ahead of it.
This is not good.

We keep going or ask the gas station?

Ask the gas station.

You're going in the
wrong direction basically.

You need to turn around and come
out of here get back down there.

Get back on track again.

All we have to do now
is finish and not be last.


There my pretties!

We're coming to get you.

It was so funny
coming up the ladder.

This is too easy.

Ice cold water comes down.


We're doing good.
Almost there.

Keep your focus.

Good job, dad.

I'm proud of you.

You're doing good.

Almost halfway dad.
Damn Stephanie.

Where's the pit stop?

I don't know where to go.


Let's do it.
I don't know.

I don't think so, Stephanie.

Doing fine.

We went right across
and it didn't drop on us.

There you go, dad.

There you go.

He kept encouraging me.

So that probably is best moment
in this leg between Kevin and me.

There we go!

This man pulled through.

This driving thing... we've
been driving for like three

hours now.

Eastnor castle left.

Time to storm the castle.

We need to get a flag.
We've got go.

Oh, my God.

That is so our boat.

This is going to be tricky.

Come on.


Come on!

Good job.

Keep doing that.

You're getting it.

Retrieve the medieval
flag from the battlemen.

You a battlemen?

Are you a battleman?

I don't understand.

I don't understand.
I have no idea right now.


Yeah, we're really close.

This is either going to be a good
moment or a frustrating moment.

But either way we've
got to keep working.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Who's ready to go into battle
with a knight and shining armor.

That would be me.

Come on, dad, you know what to do.

Come on.

Ah, I wish I could juggle the ball.

Medieval flag.

Let me get a flag from you.

I think it's them.

We got to find the bat 8man.

... Battleman.

Is that the... oh,
my God, we're so dumb.

Like it was right there.

Just kidding.

I promise you we're not that dumb.

This way, dad.

This there's a clue right here.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Who's ready to go on to the battle.

You do it.
I'll do it.

Thank dad.

Come on, dad.

There are four other teams here.

One high, one low.

Go, dad.

Go, dad.

This is so cool.

I just road a horse.

This is definitely
got going to beess.

I don't know how many miles
we ran looking for the pit stop.

It was insane.

We went all the way to that side.

We went around the perimeter
of the whole castle.

I feel like we shouldn't
go back the way we came.

Oh, my God, we could not
be more wrong right now.

You think we got to go right here?

It looks like it.

We've got to go over
here and get a boat.

We're just straight dumb.

We're ridiculous.

There's the castle.

Climb the wall at Eastnor castle.

Marked path.

We can do this.

We can do this.

I don't see any boats,
to be honest with you.

Read that thing.

We might be out of a boat.


We really are ridiculous.

There are no more boats.

So what does it mean?

We have to go over
there and get a boat.

I bet you we're going to have

I bet you we're going to have
to go over and pull a boat back.

There's just no more boats.

Yeah, so what does that mean?

We've got to go over
there and get a boat.

We really are ridiculous.

Is that?

What's that?

Oh, God.

Let's do it.

I didn't even see these
things sitting there.

God, we're dummies.

We've got to twist it.

This is the side
that we have to go.

Thank you.

Who's redo I go into battle with
the the knight and shining armor.


Let's go.

I don't think it goes like that.



Straddle like a horse.


All right.

Let's go.

You're awesome.

Good girl.

We didn't fight these
roads all day for nothing.

You're doing so good.

Come on, Tony.

Let's go.

I don't see anything.

I really do feel like
I'm in the hobbit now.

I don't see anyone here anymore.

Come on, dad.

Come on.



All right!

Here is your clue.

Thank you.
Let's go.

Search the grounds around
Eastnor for the pit stop.

There we go.

That's going to be it.

We've got get this.

The other team's over there.

There's Phil.

Right there.


There's the pit stop.


Hi, Phil.

Guys move over to that side.

You guys come in.


Gary and Mallory, you are
team number six. Whoo!

Which means Michael and Kevin,
you are team number seven,




You sure that's them?


Chad and Stephanie,
you're team number eight.

It was very humbling today.

You need to strathesen up.

The arguments, they do have a potential
effect in our game negatively.

I really do believe that we're
going to grow on this adventure.

Oh, God.

Oh, you hit him, awesome.

Come on.

You're doing awesome.

Come on.

Just keep going.

You're doing so good.

Hold on to the rope.

You're getting it.

You're awesome.

Thank you so much.

Your pit stop... yeah.




I like riding horses.

What is happening?

Andie and Jenna you
are team number nine.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.


Come on, babe, you can do it.

Come on, babe.

You could do it.

Almost there.

Almost there.

This is real bad.

Come on babe.

Thank you.


Search the grounds around
Eastnor for the pit stop.

It's a balancing issue.

I'm already 100 pounds on you.

So I'm trying to get... transfer
as much to the front so that

it's not all back here because
there's 100 more pounds back here.


Nick and Vicki, what's
the name of this country...

we're in London, right?

That's right.

The country of London.

Where do you think you are.

You should gamble in Vegas.

Because you're right.


Yr get out of here.

You are team number 10.

Oh, my God.

Good job.

Keep pulling.

Don't stop pulling.

We tried our best.

We tried.

We've had a rough day.


Welcome to Eastnor.

Thank you very much, sire.

Ron and Tony... yes, sir.

You are the team to arrive.

And I hate to do it.

We could take it.

You have been
eliminated from the race.

We tried.

Even though it's a short lived
moment to be with my best

friend, to help him live a
dream, he's one of the most

supportive people that I know in
my life and I'm blessed enough

to have a friend like this.

You know, it's a gift from God.


Very appreciative.
Very appreciative. Absolutely.

Next week on "The Amazing
Race," teams are overwhelmed in


As the race kicks into high gear,
who will rise to the occasion?

Who will fall under the pressure?

Are you ok in and who
will be eliminated next?
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