16x10 - I Feel Like I'm in, Like, Sicily

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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16x10 - I Feel Like I'm in, Like, Sicily

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on the
"The Amazing Race."

Teams took notice
of Brent and Katie.

And when Brandy
pushes things too far

Katie took notice.

The dating couple had a
target on their backs.

Who would you like to see go next?

They are so rude.

They don't deserve to be here.

They plotted,
waiting for another u-turn.

Are you serious?

Finally they made it personal.

We choose to u-turn
Brandy and Carol.


She hasn't built a
career on intelligence.

Carrol and Brandy took it personal

and couldn't make up the time.

Sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

Leaving Katie the
last woman standing.

I have been competitive
since I was five years old.

And nobody is going
to get in my way.

Four teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Rowdy fishing village,
it is now a model of order and

cleanlyness, and one of the
richest cities in the world.

At the edge of this island nation

, this massive reservoir

was the ninth pit stop in
a race around the world.

You are team number one.

Dan and Jordan,
the first team to arrive,

will depart at 4:47 P.M.

Fly to Shanghai, China.

Teams now fly more than 2,

When they land they
must travel by taxi

? To the nearby village of Zhuji

? Race is over --

I hate him now as
much as I did before.

It is nice and cool in here.

I love him a little more
than before because he is

making my dream come
true every single day.

We used the u-turn

successfully and we are
really proud of it.

I am sorry, Carrol and Brandy.

Will you take us to the airport?

I am flipping out I am
the last girl standing.

Shows all them haters
what I am capable of.

I am really proud of myself.

Yeah. It's awesome.


Flight information.

The first flight
is Chinese eastern.

Let's go over to the
Chinese eastern counter.

Counter opens at 22:25.

We will come back.

Shanghai, China.


I am guessing we will need a cab.

Cab sounds good.

I have a wife and a

I am so homesick I
can hardly stand it.

I just got engaged
before the race started.

You ask a girl to spend the

rest of your life with
you and you leave.

I'll be right back.

Right back.


Fly to Shanghai, China.

We are the old guys in the race.

We will bring the wisdom and

experience to the race.

We live a life of being underdogs.

People always underestimate the

old guys until they
see what happens.

People should fear us.

There you go.

Thank you very much.

We are going to China, boys.


Mike and Louie and the cowboys.

I have to hear all of this.

What do you see jet?

There's my wolf cubs.

I saw the u-turn.

I ran up really quick.

I turn and I am like I am
u-turning Carrol and Brandy.

My eyes got huge.

I put the picture up there.

I am the only girl left.

Hello. How are you?

Brent and Caite's u-turning

was so much driven by personal

issues they had.

It was a very poor
decision to u-turn them.

The cowboys are incredibly strong


That is a team to u-turn at

that point in the game.

We will all look back to
question that decision.

Shanghai is awaiting us.

Thank you.

All teams are making

? Their way to Shanghai, China.

? First place.


Can you take us to this village?

Let's go.

Good morning Shanghai.

Fast. Fast.

Sir, any English?

Nope. Ok.

We have a cabdriver
that speaks no English.

This guy is awesome.

He is fast.


Do you know where you are going?

Danny and Jordan in front of us.

Our cabdrivers seem to
be working together.

Says we have to make our way
on foot to the boat dock.

There they are right there.

Leave my bag.

We will be back.

I see some boats.

Look at this map, this way.

Fast. Fast.

Hey, let's go.

Fast. Fast.

This is fun.

I think we are still second.

I think so too.

Absolutely freaking adorable.

I feel like this is fake.

I don't feel like this is real.

This is pretty sweet.

It was a pretty place.

It was neat and tranquil.


What is that?

Like peaceful, calm.

It was tranquil, like tranquility.


Write that down.

Do you know where we are going?


Mike and Louie's
cab stayed with us.

It was the blind leading
the blind at this point.

We are so lost right now.

Absolutely no
communication whatever.

It is like communicating
with Martians.

All set?

Let's go.

Thank you.

There it is right there.

? Ok. Roadblock

? Noodles have been a

staple of the Chinese diet
for at least 2,000 years.

Even in the middle ages noodle

houses like this were
open 24 hours per day.

Teams will face a roadblock
in which they must master the

complex art of making
noodles by hand.

After watching a demonstration

by the local noodle maker,

teams must use this time
honored technique to turn this

mound of dough into
one kilo of noodles.

When they are finished the

world's shortest man will
give them their next clue.

The smallest person in the world.

He was so adorable.

He was freaking awesome.

Master the proper
noodle-making technique.

I really think he is the
length of my foot to my knee.

You got this, baby.

Come on.

Come on.


Who wants to get their
hands on some extra dough?

I will do it.

Ping-ping was there.

If he jumped out of
your trash can, it

would have scared --

can I take him home with me?

I don't know where he does his

shopping, but he wears a small.

Our cabdriver has been given

directions many, many times now

and continues to get us lost.

Very frustrating.

Automatically to start off this

leg we were behind two teams.

While it is our fault for

choosing that cab --

give us a break already.

You are only as good as your

taxicab driver when you
are in a foreign country.

One bad taxi driver can
cost you a million dollars.

Where are we going?

What? Are we here?

I don't know boys.

I don't see any other cabs.

Why are there no other cabs?

We are trying to find --

this is not --

only three kilometers far away.

Thank you so much.

I feel like I am in the

movie "behind enemy lines."

I am making Chinese
noodles right now.

It is pretty difficult.

You can't cook, baby.

I can cook.

Once you started to stretch it
out into the noodles, if you

throw the flower on it,
the flower kept it from sticking together.

That was the biggest
turning point for me.

How much more you need?

I need 1,000 grams.

Got to whoop that pasta.

What the hell are
these people doing?

Pay attention to what
she is doing a little

bit and be gentle with it.

Jet is being very gentle.

I will never ask her to
make homemade spaghetti.

Hi. As quick as you can.


Come on, girl.


Those are nice.

Those are good-looking noodles.

How much you lack?

I am so close I can taste it.

Don't say that.

You look so cute with your hat.


You don't know how to cook.

What are y doing, man.

About 200 grams is all I lack.

Her bowl is kind of empty.

Who wants to get their
hands on some extra dough?


How you doing?

I remember helping my

grandma make pasta
when I was a kid.

Louie shows up and he already
knows how to make it.

Come on baby.

You can do this.

My hands are frozen.

Jet because he is
magical with his hands.

I am very jealous of whatever

hour powers they have to

control things we feel
that we can't control.

Come on, baby.

Is that 1,000?

Are we good?


Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Make your way back to Shanghai.

Teams must make their way to

Shanghai's fashion district

where they will find
their next clue.

Good job pasta man.

I don't really understand this.


Come on.

Brent, shut up. Seriously.

I am doing perfectly fine.

Let's go.

Ping-ping was tiny.

Then he had a cigarette --

looked like a cigar.

It will stunt your growth.

I am seriously trying to
go as soft as possible.

There you go.

Brent, shut up.

It is all sticking together.

Put a little flower on it.


That is good right there.

You have to get to one?

My hands are so
freaking cold right now.

Can I put this in here?

There you go.

turning over in her
grave right now.

It is so close.

Beautiful Shanghai.

Only thing I know about Shanghai is
I seen the movie "shanghai noon."

I don't think I could see myself

navigating through Shanghai, China.

This is a new thing for an
old country boy like me.

They are not afraid to build

tall buildings in the East.

I am getting the hang of this.

Caite, we don't have all day.

Caite, can you make
some pasta for Louie?

He is having some trouble.

When we get done you are

going to eat the spaghetti.

I will eat it with you.


Go inside the fashion
house and work together.

Shanghai is the fashion capital

of China with trendy
designers and runway shows

rivaling New York and Paris.

Now teams must bat elegancy

quantity to achieve
the right quality.

Inside this fashion house teams
choose a model who will hand

them a sketch of a specific design.

They must find all of the right

pieces of clothing and give

them to the model who
will put on the outfit.

If teams matched the sketch

correctly the designer will

hand them their next clue.

Fashion house.


drums, now this.

What do you got?

I got a blond.

I heard that Shanghai is the

fashion capital of the world.

We are going to have to hustle.

What belt you got?


You got to be kidding me.

Are those socks?

I am guessing they are socks

for a tall boot.

Don't let the clothes fool you.

We are into the fashion world.

Let me tell you.

It doesn't match.

Looks good, baby.

Get those in there.

Is that enough baby?

It is right on it.

Oh, my gosh.


Thank you.

Make your way back to Shanghai.

We got to run.


All right.

That was really fun.


it's all good, right?

This is all good?

No. No. No. No.

It is too much.

I can't do it that way.

It was the shot we had
to get ahead of one team.

I had to really get to the
plate and pay attention.

I was really getting it together.

Losing a chunk of them right there.

Good job.


How the heck did you do that?

I am Italian.

What's wrong with you?

You are k*lling me.

Come on.

Where you at Jordan?

I am at like five.

These are all jackets.

Where are the shirts?

Can I borrow your shirt?

We better hurry up.

When Jordan gets here
he is going to catch it.

Do you think it is easier riding
bulls or hunt for clothes?

Bull riding is looking way easier.

What is wrong with that one?

Only the best for our model.

Try those.

Big pile there.

That will look nice.

Good luck.

You can have a career
in fashion design.

I might be a natural.

You could be.

There you go.

There you go.

This is something out
of Lucile ball, man.



I am going to punch him

right in the head when he is done.

Come on.

Come on.

That is what I am talking about.

Thank you, my friend.

Good luck Jordan.

Go get them Jordan.

Let's go.

This is wicked tough.

It is freezing.

I feel bad for Jordan.


There is nothing that is really

working for me right now.

And my hands are freezing cold.


I want you to just relax.

You are doing fine.

I know how hard it is.

Just keep going.

You just got to relax.

It's all right.

My hands are freezing cold.


I want you to just relax, OK.

I know how hard this is, OK?

You just got to relax.

I really lost it.

That is when Dan came over to

me and gave me a hug.

I needed that.

Keep going.

I love you so much.



I love you.

I love you.

I like it.

It looks good.



We got it wrong.


The skirt is exact.

The belt is exact.

The boot it is are exact.

We got everything
right but the shirts.

It is not for everybody out

here on the trail.

Got it?


Will you please try this on for us.

I think it will look
way better on you.

See the texture.

Attention to detail.

That shirt was hanging right there.

Wait for it.

Wait for it.


Looking good.

Man, jet.

Make your way to Hong can you

think ou football stadium.

Come on, let's go.

Hongkou football stadium.

Shopping wore me smooth out.


I imagine

that this is it.

Go inside the fashion house.

Choose a model who
will hand you a sketch.

Let's do this one.

You should be good at this.


The skirt.


That is definitely it.

Michael, right here.

Choose a model and search

the racks at the fashion house.

These are pretty close.

We are in the business of modeling.

We knew the ins and
outs of clothing.

We are actually the ones

being put in the clothes.

We are not the ones dressing.

Good lord.

What is it called?

Fashion house.

O God.

Do not laugh at me.

Jordan, that's it right there.

You are doing really good.

Can you come take this,


Get that club and come over here.

Thank you so much.

Got it.


You smell like noodles.

Brent, here is the shirt.

Yes, that's it.

So we got all of the clothes here.

This is going to be so

hilarious when all of th dads

get in here.

Do you need my tiara to help you?

I know we are missing it.

That football stadium is huge.

We got a roadblock.

For the first time ever,

teams are facing two roadblocks

in the same leg of the race.

What they could have never

predicted is that the person

who sat out the first leg of

the roadblock must do this one.

And it won't be easy.

Using only this small picture

for reference, teams must

assemble a giant puzzle that is

being cut into 96 separate cards.

They will then hand these cards

to the spectators sitting in

the stands who will flip them over.

If it is put together correctly

it will show a seat number

where they will find
their next clue.

Oh, my gravy.

Looks like we are
trying to make a dragon.

I started to lay them
out to see what we had.

But every piece looked alike.

I could tell off the bat I had

my work cut out for me.

Looks like all of this is on cord.

There may be places where he is

not as talented as other

people, but he always
made it up in try.

I am definitely glad to
have him as a teammate.

Whoa, wind.

We have to go back
where we had the clue.

Maybe there are some
upstairs places.

Is that it?

Oh, that's it!

Yeah. Thank you.

Hongkou football stadium.

What is this?


When I walked into that

fashion house I shaked my head

in disgust.

What type of detectives are we?

We pick you.


Let's go with the shoes first.



There we go.

Those are it.


They are black.

Thick plastic around.

I think it is these.


This has rhinestones on it.

You think it is that one?

What do you think?

Jordan, this way.

Right there.

Choose a model who
will hand you a sketch.

Here they are.

Come on sweetheart.

Please, please be right.

All right.

Come on.

The skirt.

Black boots.

Black boots.


I found her boots.

You get Jordan come in, you

could tell it was his zone.

Being the gay male, he loved it.

He was right in there shopping.

That is what I am talking about.


Let's look at the sketch again.

The stockings could be black.

We are ready to dress you, almost.

These are black.

The only other thing we need

are those stockings.

We need the black.

Maybe they are gray.

Do we have gray?

Please take those.

Here are your gloves because we

don't want you to be cold.

And it is sunny out there today.

This is not my forte.

Can we have a sh**ting
challenge, please?

I finally got the dragon's head.

A gust of wind. Get out and look.

What is it?

Come on.

Another roadblock.

Two roadblocks.


Good luck, man.

I should have done this one.

I love puzzles.

I seen Brent running in here.


That is not too bad.

I have to get a feel
for all of the pieces.

That's it.

No? God.

What could it be.

Here we go.

Look at you.

You look great.

Keep smiling.


I will tell you what I think it is.

It is the tights.

They are black.

We need to try those.

Switch stockings.

Can you go in the same room

and switch stockings?

Oh, my God.


God help us.

Come on.

That's our girl.




Make your way to the hongkou

football stadium
for your next clue.

Yes, we are right.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Come on.

Make your way to hongkou
football stadium.

We had a rodeo in Argentina.

Can we get some sh**ting.

That cab.

That cab.

Follow that car.

Now I want to put my
two puzzles together.

Looks like he was
getting close to done.


Let's run our asses off.

This way, Lou.

Partner must do this one.

Focus, Michael.

Mike and Louie just showed up.

Oh, yeah.

I got this.

Your partner must do this one.

Thank God.

Man, this is going to be hard.

Normally I am sitting where
they are sitting watching

people have to perform.

Come on. Come on.

I really have gotten

everything set up
the way I want it.

Cord still has some work to do.

I am like dude,
we can really do this.

I wish that wind
would quit blowing.


These things blow away.

I am so close.

Oh! No.

God, I cannot believe I I cannot

I cannot freaking believe that.

I was really grooving and I

thought we could catch
up to the cowboys.

All of a sudden the wind

came up.

I was so close.

Just jumbled everything back up.

It is like starting
over at square 1.

Use our back packs
to hold things down.

I was halfway done.

It's completely gone.

A gust of wind scattered
them all across the field.

That is a little frustrating.
But throwing a fit and kicking

and screaming wouldn't
help to get my puzzle done.

That is what I am talking about.

Looking for a piece
of a star right now.

Got to get that piece done.

Good job.

Please do not blow anymore.

Come on baby!

I love you.

He is so pissed right now.


Looks Le he is done.

I got them all passed out now.

We should be good. I hope I got it.

Section 20, row 16. Seat 32.


Cord, it has to be on that end.

Ready? 20.

Row 16.

Man, you were awesome.

Take the Metro to
the next pit stop.

Teams must make their way
by subway to the Shanghai

science and technology museum.

Built in 2001, this immense

facility is the size of 15

football fields and is the pit

stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

The last team to check
in may be eliminated.

See you guys.

Between us three, yep.

I hope he gets it soon.

One at a time, here.

I am looking for each
individual piece.

My dad always says get the

corner pieces first and build

the Ame and build the middle.

I am going with you now, dad.

You know where Metro is?

Right there.

It's fun. Shanghai science
and technology museum.

I see it now. Sweet.

You want five stops?

Section three, row 10, seat 26.

I think he got it.

I am proud of him.

Come on bro.

Concentrate on your puzzle.

You got this.

I just hope he finds it.

Yay! Yeah, baby.

Take the Metro to
the next pit stop.

All right fellows, good luck.

Dude, weed had beaten the cowboys.

I know baby.

I know.

It is just me and Jordan.

How am I missing the star.

I got so fix eighted on

trying to find a
corner of the star it

blew me right off.

Colors weren't matching.

Nothing was matching.


Look. Science and
technology museum.

What a day.

Which way jet, up?

Yeah, I am guessing.

Shanghai science and
technology museum.

Right there.

There is Phil.

There is Phil.


Welcome to Shanghai, China.

Thanks for having us.

Jet and cord,
you are team number one.

And I have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of

the race you have won a luxury trip

for two from travel and

you are heading to Alaska.

You will enjoy an exciting

wildlife cruise, see the great

Alaska railway and take a

helicopter tour over the glaciers.

Great day today.

Cord had a great day.

Winning first for the
fourth time is awesome.

We won three trips
around the world and

me and him both say

we are not going with each other.

Come on.

It is not just a puzzle.

It is a puzzle for
a million dollars.

Brent and Caite,
you are team number two.

Which is not bad. No.

Just stay calm.

I think your brother
is going to get it.


Now get those pieces up there.

Just not seeing it.

It is driving me absolutely crazy.

Thanks so much.

Thanks for your help.

Mike, it is what it is now.

Just do it.

Section 8, row 2, seat 5.

Come on.


Come on, baby.

I am not seeing what I am
supposed to be seeing here.

It is absolutely driving me nuts.

The last team to check
in may be eliminated.

Good job. Thanks.

The only team behind me is

now ahead of me.

I am not going to give up here.

You can do it.

Finish it.

All right. Let's go.

Here they are, Jordan.



They are so cute.

Dan and Jordan,
you are team number three.

Good job.

You don't know whether
to high five or hug.

I like hugs.

I came here to do one thing.

It was to give Jordan his dream

of running "the amazing race"

and no matter what happens,

from this point on,
that dream has been achieved.

We have been here so long

that the lights just came on.

So, this could be it.

I have no regret.

I have met some unbelievable

people in this race.

I am blessed that I have been

up here to this point.

I love you, man.

The last team to be checked
in may be eliminated.

To the Metro.

Come on.

I was sad.

Because I did not
want this race to end.

Me and Mike have been on
a journey of a lifetime.

Welcome to Shanghai, China.

Thank you.

Lou and Michael,
you are the last team to arrive.

I am sorry to tell you you are out.

Out in the cold.

Because this is a
nonelimination leg.

You are still in the race.

I had you.

I love you, man.

I do have to say this.

Sometime during the next leg of

the race there will
be a speed bump.

A task only you guys
have to complete.

That is fine.

Just a minor speed bump.

We live to fight another day.

Mike and I are blessed.

We are going to give them a fight.

I want to be able to say I

finished "The Amazing Race",
no matter being one, two or three.

Louie, don't make me eliminate you.

No. No. No.

That is not that is not happening.
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