16x09 - Dumb Did Us In

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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16x09 - Dumb Did Us In

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on amazing race --

Six teams race from the serb

Else to malaysia, leaving the

Is he shells louie and michael

Set their sights
or a new target.

We see carol and
brandy as a threat.

What are you going to do when

You get up to the u-turn?

U-thank you.

Turn the......out of of them.

Jet and cord got off
to a rocky start.

But the cowboys'
balancing act --

See if we can run faster.

Sweet job.

Good job.

-- had them setting
a new race record.

You're the first team to

Ever go from last place, meet

The speed bump and come in

First on the north
americans leg.

That's unbelievable.

Meanwhile steve and allie

Suffered a major setback.

Are you kidding me?

I can't do t dad,
I can't do it, I'm sorry.

And couldn't recover.

I'm sorry to tell you have

Been eliminated from the race.

It's been so much fun.

Five teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is the island of panak,

The northern gateway
to malaysia.

First settled 225 years ago by

The british, the convergence
of eastern and western

Cultures is still prominently
displayed in this historic city.

At places like this mansion.

Built a hundred years ago as a

Private residence, it is now a

Landmark and a museum, and was

The eighth pitstop in a
race around the world.

Jet and cord, who were the
first to arrive -- yes.

-- will depart at 106789.

Make your way to singapore.

Teams must now travel more

Than 400 miles by bus and train
to the country of singapore.

When they arrive, they will
make their way to the victoria

Concert hall and theatre
and search for allen wu.

Of the amazing race arabia.

Ready, set, go!

WHEN THEY FIEND wu he will
give them their next clue.

$190 for this leg of the race.

Let's get a cab at
the bus station.

Works for me.

I don't think there's a bigger move
than you can make, last to first.

I think the ghost riders are
back in the saddle again.

Somewhere along this leg of the race,
u-turn, coming on.



I was so proud of her.

Yesterday was a particular
high on the race.

We just worked beautifully
together as a team.

Express bus terminal?

See if we can't take some of the
mojo and leapfrog into first today.

They're going down.

Make your way to singapore.

That's what I'm
talking about, baby.

Bus terminal.

Hey you, we have
to get there farce.

We're in a race.


The quicker we can get
out of here, the better.


Did you see our driver's hat?

What did it say?



All righty.

Be advised you will
encounter a u-turn.


There's a u-turn ahead and
we're hoping that somebody

Will get there before the
lesbians and u-turn them.

Thank god.

Let g go.


Here we go.

Somewhere along this leg of

The race, you will
encounter a u-turn.

All right.

Taxi time.

We made certain decisions at
the beginning of the race.

One of the things that we said

Is we weren't going
to throw all those --

You saw what throwing

Elbows got people like us.

It will totally make
or break our race.

We're not going to
get in their way.

This is the bus terminal.

Is this the bus terminal?


All right, let's go.

Thank you very much, sir.

We got to go up.

It's all right.

And there they are.

Danny and jordan just

Jumped on a bus.

I'm curious, who are you

Guys most concerned
about to u-turn?

If you've got to do the girls
because they're the most

Well travelled out of everyone.

They've come in
first zero though.

That doesn't matter that.
Does not matter.

We'll u-turn the lesbians.

Because they're lesbians?


Mike and louie and brent

And caite convinced themselves

That brandy and carol are this

Huge threat when deep down, I

Don't think they
like them that much.

I don't mind being
the only girl last.

That would be fun if I

Caite was the only girl,
after all this --

Both teams are now

Travelling to kuala lumpur

Where they will board
a train to singapore.

Just go inside there?

We need to catch a
train to singapore.


The other teams have got

Plenty of time to get here.

Looks like we're going
to be on the same train.


Thank you. Have a good day.

I guess this is it, huh?

It doesn't smell very good.

Hello, everybody.

Hello, disinfectant wipes.

Dude, can I have one?

I've never been on
a sleeping train.

I'm very happy to say I've

Been on a sleeping train.

What happens if you fought?

All treatments tea a a

Now travelling from kuala
lumpur to singapore.

We can cut through
and go forward.

All right, we're going to

Cut through, because nobody is

Moving out of the way.

We're getting pissed off.

We know we need to
make a run for it.

Brandy and carol want to make

A movement they want
to go and change cars.

We're racing now.

You guys push through.

Long story short they
got nowhere fast.

Yeah, they want to push their way
through, try and bully their way

Ladies get their way,
b*tches don't.

Jordan, are you with me?

Louie, wait.

Are you all right?



Victoria concert hall.

We were the first team to get

In a cab and we're
really feeling good.


Taxi, taxi?

What is the deal?


They're all hard.

Concordia concert hall, okay?

If we can just go fast,
that would be nice.

Taxi, sir!

Victoria concert hall.

This is my kind of city.

Super clean.

All right.

Victoria concert hall.

Are you all right? Yeah,
I'm fine.

I cut you off.

I'm so clumsy.

I think everybody's got
a cab by us, again.


Victoria concert hall.

So again, we started
the leg in last place.

Ictoria --

Come on.

Galan wu?

This one right here.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

We get it inside?

Yes, yes, yes.

Right here.

Jordy, you want to go in?


Look in front of the building.

Allen wu?

What can I do for you?

We're looking for our next clue.

Is this what you're looking for?

Thank you, man.

Jordan, come over here.

Thiis the singapore flyer.

The tallest october van wheel

In the world but in this fast

Forward the team brave enough

To conquer this metal beast

May come to consider it a

Giant... wheel of fortune.

Teams ride the singapore flyer
until their castle is at the --

Capsule is at the very top.

Then at the height of 541 feet,

Teams must exit their capsule

And walk along a metal beam
to the next capsule over.

When they complete this
hair-raising high-flying stunt,

They will receive the
fast forward award.

Go for it?

Let's go for it.

All right, my friend, we're going
to go for the fast forward.

We're going to the
singapore flyer.

Singapore flyer.

All right, let's go, let's go.

Everyone is going in there.

Allen wu?

Come out, come out,
wherever you are!

Obviously not in here.

Searching for allen wu!

Not here.

Okay --

Is this the concert hall?

Yeah. Okay, stop right here.

It's on the first floor.

Nobody seems to know
what we're doing here.

Louie, come on!

Allen wu, come on, baby, we need a
clue and we've got to run, baby.

Thank you, my man.

You're the man.

There you go.

The people of singapore live in two
different worlds at the same time.

One world is filled with
ethnic traditions, the other

With the pleasures
of modern living.

Now teams must choose how they

Want to spend their day.

Pounding the drums...
or pounding the pavement.

In pounding the drums, teams

Make their way to a park known

As speaker's corner whe they

Must both learn a complex

Routine on traditional drums.

When their drum teacher thinks

They are ready, they can
perform the routine with the

Drum troupe and
receive the next clue.

In pounding the pavement,

Teams make their way to this
pedestrian mall where they

Must pick up various supplies
and ten boxes of ice cream.

Then working an ice cream cart
teams must sell 25 ice cream

Sandwiches which in the
singapore style are made of

Ice cream, sandwiched between
waivers or slices of actual bread.

Once the t t t t teams sell
all5 sandwiches, the ice cream

Uncle will give
them the next clue.

Pounding the drums.

Let's go.

Pound the drums.

You know, jet and I diplomat know
what the fast forward consisted off.

We would rather just match
the other teams head-to-head.

Do the drums, baby.

Let's go get our cab driver.

Where are you going?

Speaker's corner.

Do you know where it's at?

Uh, yeah.

Do you know where it is,

Okay, my friend.

Want to go check it out?

Just in here.

Allen wu?

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Let's do the drums.


Quick, before the lesbians

Praying we get to the u-turn first
and we can u-turn the lesbians.

She's a very handsome man.
It's hard to miss.

Is that him? Where?

Right there.

We've been looking for you.

I go for pounding the
drums but that's me.

I would too.

Speaker's corner.

Oh, my god.

We're the last ones here.

Dead last.

Speaker's corner.

Okay, we'll be right back.

Right back.

I hope we're right back.

Hey, this is it.

Thank you.

Okay, thank you, my friend.

Wait here, buddy.

How good at drums are you, jet?

Not very good. Me neither.

I'm sure we just play
along with this kid.

Can you show us how?

Let's see what you got.

Ah, you got to be kidding me.

Go ahead, take him first.

That's it?

Go ahead, cord.

One, two... five, six,
seven derby messed up.

I was kind of dancing a

Little bit just because it

Helped me get into the rhythm.

Can't sing worth crap but I'm

Really good with rhythm.

I think we got it.

Tell me where
speaker's corner is.

Just across this open street.


Cowboys are here.

Brent and caite are here.

Mike and louie are here.


I have absolutely no rhythm.

I can't dance.

I'm as white as white can be.

Seriously, sw w wn.

One, two, three, four -- okay,
he's not counting.

I want to go to this one.

I wanted to count.

Thank you very much.

You're fabulous.

You want to get outta here?

You want to go to
the fast forward?

Nobody is doing this.

There's no shot of me
being able to do it.

We're not going to get this.

We still got to get on the
stage and perform this.

I've got no rhythm.

Thank you, my friend.

We're off like a prom dress.

Let's do the fast forward.

Let's give it a shot.

How far to the singapore flyer?

Not far away.

Mreshgs buddy, fast.

The onlynenee've got to worry
about is daniel and jord

Achblt I think they might have
choose to sell the ice cream.

I think they might
have chose that.

We're going to go for
the fast forward.

I really want to get this.

All right, here we go.


We're ready to do the flyer.

Okay, come with me.

Fine, thank you.

Come over here.

What are we doing?

Oh, my -

rolling the dice,
rolling the dice.

We're going to roll the

Dice, go fast forward.
The only thing that

Concerns us is not seeing
the boys right now.

Then we rolled the
dice and we're screwed.

I thought we were
just going on a ride.

You're fine.

This is high, 540 feet.

Don't think about that.

It is something that I

Would never in a
million years do..

I absolutely hate it.

We're going to the top of it
and we're going to get out

Of it and crawl from
one part to another.

All right, that's not -
that's cool.

That's amazing.

Can the cars get
a little closer?

I have an intense
fear of heights.

That's it to the right,
right there?

Okay, I see it.

Let's go.

Fast forward, baby.

Is this the singapore flyer?

Are the boys already here?

Up there.

Oh, --

Can we get there?

Oh, please.

I really can't watch this.

It makes me sick.

I'm not going to try.

We don't know if
the boys are here.

We don't even know when we get

Off this elevator if the
boys are here right now.

Fast forward in progress.

All right, let's get outta here.

I don't know what to do, bro.

I'so s scad.

Ah --

Which one?

Every minute counts now, buddy.

Took a shot, baby.

Way to go.

Where is he?

Come on.

Oh, come on.

Our cab driver took a point

Break here and every
minute counts fours.

Oh, god --


Oh, god, our cab driver got

A potty break here.

Let's go.

Come on, my friend, we're in
a had your I let's go, baby.

Our cab driver looks like he wants
that ice cream sandwich, huh?

All right, 541 feet.

I think it's just about here.

I'm so scared.

Hey, if you fall and die,
I love you.

Let's do this.

It's windy.

Good luck, bro.

Don't look down.

I think jordan is really
nervous right now.

You can see he's shaking.

Oh, what am I doing?

A million dollars.
A million dollars.

Come on, jord.

You're going for a
million dollars.

You're in a race for
one million dollars.

Baby, I don't know if
I'm going to get this.

But you can get it.

All right, start it up.

Lost again.

Some things just
come more naturally.

Music is not one of those
things tt comes natural for us.

Do you want me to talk
through it or just be quiet?

Just count.

I can't figure out where

You're asked -
that's why I asked do you

Want me to talk through it -
be quiet.

Just be quiet.

Loan issues I think
we should go.

I think we --

I don't think I'm
going to get this.


I really -- we can try but
I think we're wasting time.

I think we're wasting time.

I don't think I'm
going to get it.

Comon now.

Five more.

Come on, jordy.

Come on, baby.

There you go.

That's it.

Great job.

That's it.

All right.

Jordan did a great job.

I'm sure he's very happy right

Now that he's in.

That was and will forever be the
scariest thing I've ever done in my

I'm just surprised
any pee myself.

All right,
he c c do it very fast.

Very good.

I'm so impressed.

He never ceases to amaze me..

I could have run this race
with anybody else, it would

Have never been the experience
i'm having with my brother.

That was awesome.


There's only one clue.

Come on.

you have won a fast forward.

Having won the fast forward

Award dan and jordan may now

Skip and go directly to the

Marina barrage, the pitstop

For this leg of the race.

All right, so we can go now?


All right, there it is,
marina barrage.

I see it.

We'll be right there.

Over here is the
ice cream truck.

Way to our 0 right.

Pick up the following

Provision, one box of waivers,

One loaf of bread --

You got ten boxes baby?

Buy some ice cream from us,
my friend.

All right, come on.

We're going slow, baby.

We've got to look for a
marked ice cream cart.

We've got the provisions,
come on, baby.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Is this our ice cream cart here?

There we go.

Load it up.

Don't go anywhere, ladies.

We've got ice cream for you.

Wivers here, bread here.

You're the maker and
I'm the yellinger --

How about that?

Please buy some ice cream.

One dollar.

That's what I'm talking about.

First customer, yes.

Like that?

Buy your ice cream from us,

Ah, beautiful.

Thank you so much.

Ice cream, please.

Ice cream from some
crazy americans.

Thank you so much.

It was awesome.

It was the fast forward ken.

Taken by who?

Come on, bro.

We're going to the
marina barrage.

As quick as we can.

You did a really good job.

Thanks, bro.

I love you.

I got no beat.

But you remember
the count -- yeah.

Yes, yes.

I think we can try it, baby.

These are different than
what I'm used to playing.

I'm so sorry.

They're messing up.

If we go out here we can do it.

We've got to go back

you said stay here.

I don't know. Did they do it?

They did it.

Yeah, he's giving them the clue.

They got their frigging clue.

Teams must now figure out
that they're looking for a

Part located at the
intersection of panang road

And orchard road where they
will find their next clue.

Where is the u hundred
you turn at, though?

It's there.

And I want to u
turn the lesbians

oh, my god and
they're behind us.

That's all I care about.

That's I right
there to the right?

Ah, cool.

I'm the man.

Thank you so much.

Come on, bro.

We've got to go all
the way up this thing.

Don't go so fast,
please, please.

Come on.

Don't show me up.

This is steep.

Welcome to singapore.

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Dan and jordan,
you are team number 1.


Now, guys, you have
each won a motorbike.


And you can use
that after the race.


There is no chance either of us will
ever even step on that for a second.

Are you sure it's -
our mother would k*ll us.

We love it. We love it.

It's good.

Ice cream here!

Ice cream.

Thank you for waiting.

Thank you for waiting.

If we don't sell these 25,
we're dead.

Doing good, louie, doing good.

Yes, two for you.

All right.

And we got ten so far, lou.

Do you want to buy two or three?

That's fine.

Ooip I've got a big belly.

I eat a lot, okay.

Panangna orchard.

That's what we have.

Here it is. Here it is.

A u-turns turn appears at
the end of a deyou are to..

End after key to your.

Teams can force another team to
backtrack and perform the other side of
the detour.

The last time a u-turn
appeared in a race the team

Using their u-turn power was
allowed to stay anonymous but

This time they will have to
put their own pictureoned

Board and suffer the consequences
of having their identity known.

We he choose to u-turn
brandy and carol.

Carol and brandy have made
negative comments to me.

Where is her tiara?

It's just a game.

Sometimes it does get
permanent in the race.

Get permanent in the race.

You're being put in dry docks.

Teams must must now make

Their way to this shipyard

Where they will find
their next clue.

They didn't care to try and

Be friends with us so I think

We made the right right choice.

I think we did too.

Please, ice cream, people!

Thank you very much.

We've got 15 now?

Ten more.

Ten more ice creams
is all we need.


One dollar.

Ice cream!

Thank you.


How many you want to buy?

Buy ten from me, baby.


He's going to buy
ten ice creams.

Ten singapore dollars
and your the man.

Our cab driver, he came through
and he's buying ten ice creams.

This will take us to the 25 and we will
get our clue and we will be on our way.

Okay, ice cream cartman.

We got 25.

Give us the clue.

Thank you.

That says caution, u-turn ahead.

Let's go.

He went back this way.

We can do this.

I asked you to leave
this an hour ago.

Let's see if we can
beat the cowboys.

I think I missed that one.


Sweet, sweet, sweet.

Oh, thank you.

I can't believe
they're still here.

Oh, my god.

We're going to the intersection
of panang and or 0 charred road.

That is the next road.

This is panang road.

Thank you, my friend.

I don't think he's right,
bud ipanang road and more charred

Must be the next turn.

We're on panang?


Turn here.

U-turn, here it is.

Oh, they u-turned us.

You u-turned us because
you're prettier than me.


It's flat out stupid but
late be honest, she hasn't

You u-turned us because you
you're prettier than she is.

Up believable.

She's an idiot and she's
on youtube to prove it.

That shows their level
of intelligence.

You play the game smartly,
you eliminate the stronger teams.

You don't keep the stronger
teams in to wipe their asses up.

For me it just didn't make a
lot of sense, u-turn a team --

Stupid is as stupid does.

And brent just probably stood
like there like this, I

Don't know what you
want me to do right now.

Yo, caite, come on, let's go,

Let's run, caite, run.

Just try and get through this.

Maybe we can do this.

It's your turn right now.



So it's got to be here.

Probably this goes panang here.

Lou, right here.

Oh, my god.

They u-turned carol and brandy.

Oh, sweet.

They did what they
were supposed to do..

Make your way to asl marine
and search for your next clue.

Great call by brent and caite.

Good job, kids.

Oh, I see the clue box.

Right here.

Singapore has one of the
busiest ports in the world.

Now teams will find out just
what it takes to work these

Docks by performing a road
block that appears simple but

Has the potential
to drive them crazy.

Inspecting an
enormous anchor chain.

Teams enter the hard hat area
and must then count all the

Links in the chain if they
can come up with the correct

Answer, 521, they will
receive their next clue.

All right, let's do it.

You got to wear the same stuff.


Do-do-do --

All right, we're going
to do this, man.

Right here?

Ah, you got this, babe.

Two, three, four --

You got this.

Oh, my god.

The hard part about the road

Block was it's so noisy,

There's so much crap going on

Lose focus on what
you're counting --

I had to write down every

Hundred, I would write down,

Okay 1100 cleared.

Please be quiet.

Oh, shut up.

Thank you.

I never want to be a drummer.

Oh, caution, u-turn ahead.

Okay, thank you.

There's an ice cream
truck right there.

Brandy, where is she?

Follow me.

Are you going to
listen to me today?

I didn't see it.

God, you --

They're tied together
and they weigh a ton.

Do you want me to carry those?

I don't want you to carry them.

I'm just saying -- bitch.

What else do we need?

That's it.

We've got it.

This guy, right here.


Are you kidding me?

You're out of the way --

I want to be in derby

Refuse to do that.

There are more people
walking over here.

We've got lots of
people coming by.

Ice cream.

Ice cream sandwich.

We saw that brent and caite did what
they said they were going to do.

We trained our little wolf cubs and
they u turned carol and brandy.

We had everybody convince at
had carol and brandy were a

Bigger threat than us,
which is great.

Final two are the cowboys

And brent and caite
would be nice.


And one --

Oh, this is annoying.

All right, thank you.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Teams must now find megazip

On sentosa island and
search for their next clue.

Let's go, every second counts.

Rock that thing.

You did awesome, baby.

I'm very proud of you.

It says island.

Do you know what that is?

Right now we're getting
down to do-or-die time.

That's the most important time
of the game to focus and do

What you've got to do and
focus on you and that's what

We've got to do.

Stop right here.

We'll jump out.

Treasury panang right there.

There it is.

Poor carol and brandy.

Make your way to asl marine

Where you will search
for your next clue.

Ice cream.

Ice cream.

Thank you so much.

cream sandwiches.

One dollar.

Delicious ice cream!

Thank you.

What flavor?




That's 20.

Thank you so much.

Ice cream sandwiches.

Do you want to wait for us here?


Road block, baby.

That would be me, baby.

Give me my colours.

It's right in there.

Take a clipboard with
one refurbishing report.

One of the things I
do is a pitch colour.

Every time they throw
a pitch i click it.

I took out my pitch counter

And I said okay,
let's count away.

Come oranges you baseball coach.

Let's do it.

Asl marina, right here.

Road block.

Who is ready to add some
stretch to their day?

That's me.

There's one for you.

I just dropped the knife.

I dropped it in the trash.

There it is, right here.

Drop it in the water.

Hold onto the clipboard.

That's mike and louie there.

Can't keephe numbers

Thank you very much.

One and he had two and
then I think we're done.

Count --

We're done. We're done.

Give us the clue.

We're going right back
to where we came from.

Panang and orchard street.

Getting closer.

All right.

This is it.

All right.

There's our clue.

Teams must now launch
themselves from a tower

Platform high atop the jungle
canopy of mount embia and soar

More than 1200 feet along one

Of asia's longest and
steepest zip lines.

Let's do this, babe.

I'm afraid of heights!

I'm not going to worry about it.

We're right here.

Thank you.

Get a good long shot
of that bitch I mug.

She looks like crewella deVILLE.

You can just see the hunger in

Her eyes --

My long blonde hair, I could

Be the prettiest, such as --

Let's go.

Hey, buddy.

All right.

I'm so excited about this.

Wow, look how cool this is.

Three, two, one lip whoo!

When they said
like a zip line --

It was really cool, riding

Over the water to
this little island.

The megazip.

That was wicked cool.


Let's go, baby.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

That was awesome.

Make your way to the next
pitoto marina barrage.

Teams must now make their

Way across town and
find the marina barrage.

This magnificent structure at

The edge of the sea is this is

The pitstop for this
leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

Thank you very much.

Let's go, let's run.

Marina barrage?

You know where that is?

Let's go.

We gotta go.

You did awesome today, babe.

It's it's not just about
me being theast girl but I

Think it would be
really cool if I was.

I think it would be awesome.

Take your time.

Don't miss one, mike.

Don't miss one.

You've got to get the clipboard.

I didn't forget that.

Thank you.

There's a cab waiting.

There's a clue box
straight ahead.

Count all the links to the anchor
or chain from a cargo ship.

If you get the right number you
will receive the next clue.

Any bring the clipboard

With me.

I need the clipboard.

I think we're done.

She's got our 0 clue.

Step it up, bud issues come

On. Do you have a clue?

A clue?


Thank you.

Come on 0, cord.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

Mind the megazip at
seturna island --

That's it right here?

Hurry, that other team
is right behind us.

We need to go really fast.

Or where did our guy go?

Our guy left.

Oh, come on.

You're kidding me.

We'll leave the
backpacks in there --

No, they don't want you to wait.

Please, they're very mean.

They will be mean to you.

Ah, man, are you kidding me?

Ah, map, I'm dying over here.

We're so screwed.

Our guy left, man.

Oh, man, I'm dying over here.

Oh, we're screwed.

Miss, can we take your cab?

It's an emergency.

We'll give you $20 u.S.
If we take your cab.

Thank you.

There you go.

Another taxi going
to come and get you.

Thank you very, very much.

We've got to drive fast.

We go to sentosa island megazip.

Trying to find a cab was
definitely the most stressful

Moment knowing that brandy and
carol are right behind us.

If we don't beat them there

And finish this fast,
then we are screwed.

Thank you.

Brent and caite...
you are team number 2.

Whew, yeah, perfect.

So today you decided to use
the u-turn on another team.

We decided to u-turn brandy
and carol because this whole

Time they have been
really rude to me..

They have said
nasty things to me.

It lookslili they picked
on the wrong team today.


They kind of brought
it upon themselves.

Ah, it's a frigging
carnival ride.

I think mike and louie are
breathing down our neck right now..



Let's go.

Take a 1200 foot ride
along the zip line --

Go faster.

Go faster, please go faster.

Thank you very much.

Find megazip line and search

For your next clue.

We're in a race here.
We're not done.

We're finding the megazip
on sentosa island.

This is the blue team which is
louie and mike tried to steal

Our cab but he's a really good
going to and he stayed with us.

Three, two, one --


Ce on, come on.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.


Make your way to
the next pitstop.

Marina barrage.


Can you take us
to marina barrage?

Yeah, we're in a hurry.

Mike and louie are
right behind us.

This is an amusement park.

Oh, my god.

That would be so awesome.


Real nervous.

Rere nervous.

We got to find the megazip.

Seinetosa island kind of
looks like disneyland.

Thank you, my friend.


Which way?

You go up.

Up here?


Megazip, lou.

The girls could already be here.

Come on.

All right.


Where do we find the megazip?

Up, up, up, up.

Megazip adventure
park to the left.

I'll race you to the top.

Jet and cord...
how about team number 3?

That will be fine.

After our drumming
episode or not --

Apparently it was so pathetic --

The closest thing to a music
lesson is when we play the radio.

Come on, baby.

I mean it.

We've got to step up.

I am stepping that way.

Here is the megazip.

You got to be kidding me.

Take a 1200 foot zip line.

Come on, we can rest
on the way down.

Meg a zip adventure park.

Straig a ahe.

It's it's right here.

Take a 1200 foot ride on

The longest zip line --


I love you, louie!


Oh, my god she's gorgeous.



Make your way to the next tstop.

Stay with me, buddy. Come on 0.

How come you're going faster?

I weigh more.


Thank you.

Can I stand up?

Make your way to the next
pitstop marina barrage.

Marina should mean boats.

Do you know where this is,
marina barrage?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can you take us right away?

In a race, very important.

We may be the last team.

And drive it like you stole it.

We are still in this race.


We need to go to marina barrage.

Okay, let's go fast now,
if you can.

As fast as you can go.

We're in kind of a hurry.

My friend roy is going to

Drive very, very fast,
right, roy?

Yeah, yeah, yeah --

Yes, sir.

I don't want to go home yet.

Not yet.

Brent and caite are looking
for the easy way out.

I have no respect for the way
they play their game, frankly,

If they have any game.

I don't think they have enough

Intelligence to get in the game.

Marina barrage?


If you are going -
marina barrage.

Marina barrage to the left.


All right, park, park,

Park --

Thank you, my friend.

Come on, baby.

Where the hell is this place?

Come on.

We're in a race to
the finish line.

We're not going to quit this.

I'm sure it's up.

Louie and michael... you

Are team number 4,
and you are still in the race.

Welcome to singapore.

Thank you. Thank you.

Carol and brandy,
you are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you you have
been eliminated from the race.

There is no reason for

Caite and brent to
have u turned us.

They got to the u-turn before

Two other teams that are

Consistently won and they

She said that you
were rude to her.

I'll be rude to her now

Because this just
doesn't make any sense.

I think there will a point
in the not-too-distant future

We can get over the stupidity
of the day and just enjoy the

Richness of the experience and
i'll translate that into first

Grader language for
brent and caite.
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