16x08 - You're Like Jason Bourne, Right?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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16x08 - You're Like Jason Bourne, Right?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing race,"

six teams flew To the
Island nation of Sachelles.

At the

Detour, brent and caite

I quit.

The cowboys.

oh, my.

And carol and brandy all

Lost their coconuts.

Steve and allie picked a speedy


But when they Forgot
their Backpacked --

are you kidding me?

They chose to surge Ahead.

I just really hope this is Right.

it will make us faster,
That's for sure.

Steve and allie, you are

Team number one.

Jet and cord were turned away

For not

Completing a task.

You will need to retrieve

The bucket.

we better hurry up.

In the end, the last

Place cowboys were spared


You cut it pretty close.

Next leg of the race, your team

Has to complete the speed bump.

Six teams remain.


Will be eliminated?


These are the sechelles,

A remote island chain off the

Coast of africa.

The animals and vegetation of

This trap call

Paradise are so

Rare, it is only country on

Earth where nearly half of its

Land is protected as a national


On the island, a fragrant group

Of old

World pirates, this

Pristine beach was the seventh

Pit stop in a race around the


Teams arrived here for a

Mandatory rest period.

The six teams waiting here have

No idea what's in store for


At the pit stop, steve and

Allie received a positively

Uplifting reward from 7-up for

Winning the previous leg.

Steve and allie will depart at

fly to the city of penang.

When they land, they'll

Make their way to the snake


Taking its name from the snakes

That reside

Here, this place of

Worship is where teams will

Find their next clue.


They'll board the 2:00

A.M. Ocean

Charter to the


I wonder what the weather is

In malaysia.

In the last leg at the detour,

We f

Orgot our bags.

our backpacks are gone.

you're kidding me.

we were not willing to go


So we have only the clothes
on Our Backs and that's all we

Have the rest of the race.

the weather is nice and hot

And we were worried we were

Going to go someplace where it

Would be freezing and we would

Really be scrambling for


it's not about how you look,

It's about how you


can I buy your shirt off


I have nothing.

A bag is good.


Thank you.

Nice luggage.

board the boat named twin

Spirit which departs at 2:00


my dream is to win "The

Amazing race."

I'm psyched for


The better we do, the more his

Dream is getting fulfilled.

It's good, it's cool, it's new.

And it's fun.

We have six hours.

I have no idea what we're

Going to do.

penang, malaysia.

Let's go.

you have $128 for this leg

Of the race.

All right. Let's go. Back seat.

You get in first, bro.

let's go.

I think when we first

Started, I never would have

Thought anyone would look at us

In being a strong team.

We've been

Really consistent.

And I think we're far more

Competitive than we even gave

Ourselves credit for.

We want this even more than I

Thought we did.

all right.

We are supposed to go to the

Snake temple once we get there.


I don't like the sound of That.

I don't either.

twin spirit.

thank you, sir.

let's go.

we're going to malaysia.

what's Up, fellows?

brent and caite,
we like Working with them.

They're good kids.
They're respectful.

They're kids you would be proud

To call your own children.

I love Snakes.

I call them the daddies.

caite calls them the


They're just really nice guys.

it's a tattoo kind of snake.

that's michael

k*lling the

Devil, man.


Snakes are serpents.

the serpent in his face on

Fire is carol.

we see carol and
brandy as a Threat.

Every time we get to a New
Continue tent, they speak a

Little bit of that Language.

They've traveled.

We need To get rid of them,
get Rid of them.

if there's a u-turn, we will

U-turn with them in a heart Beat.

it's Unanimous what
we're Going to do.


I think the odds are definitely

Against us.

We're leaving last.

We also threw in another speed

Bump in there.

Failure is not an option for Us.

The only time we've ever Failed

Is if we Quit, and that's the
Mentality that we have in Rodeo.

we've had Plenty of
Opportunities to give up, but I

Don't really think that's
in Our character really.

Kind of got a second life,
a Second chance.

So just try to take
advantage Of that.

are those your new Backpacks?

our Laundry is what we're Wearing.

we're waiting for you guys

-- Oh, your bag is a little Heavy.

we got a hat for you.

steve is wasn't of the guys

You wouldn't mind see
manager The final Four.

I'll do the best I can.

all aboard.

here we go.

Off to malaysia.

we're all on the same Flight.

and first.

and we're also tied for First.

That's better than being
sixths All by ourselves.


The teams are now Traveling on
a journey to Penang, malaysia.

quick, quick.

whole bunch of cabs.

snake symbol.

it's just five minutes from Here.

we Smoked all the other Teams.

looks like We're in second Place.

let's go.

snake temple.

you're the man, baby.

Forget these other people.

snake temple as fast as you Can.

come on, come on.



snake temple as fast
as you Can, please.

snake temple?

How do you say fast in Malaysia?


you can pass those other Teams,
that would be fantastic.

go, Go, go.

we're in a race.

we're in a race with them.

the brothers just passed us.

I love It.

You're doing great.

they passed us.

As fast as you go, my friend.

super fast for us, please.

that's the Brothers?

look at them go.

there's Another team.

fast, fast, fast.

thank you.

There's the brothers right There.

we got the best taxi
driver In all of malaysia.

this here is the snake Temple.

here you go, my man.

Thank you so much.

Here, here, here.

thank you, let's go.


Budish tradition or chinese Custom.

Penang has always been an
International trading center.

Its population,
a mix of Diverse cultures.

Now teams must immerse
Themselveses in one of two

Rituals found in this
uniquely Blended society.

The choice, budish tradition,
Or chinese custom.

In buddhist tradition, teams

Make their way to this team,

Choose a set of 12 giant

Incense sticks and lug them up

A steep incline of 150 steps.

At the top, teams must place

The sticks into a giant burner

And ignite the tips.

When the ceremonial fire is Lit,

They'll receive the next Clue.

In chinese custom,

Teams make Their way

To this and choose a Pair
of enormous flagpoles,

Which Are customarily paraded

To celebrate chinese new year.

Balancing the poles on their

Forehead, teams must walk 120

Feet across this Park.

If they can cover the distance

Without dropping their flags,

They'll Receive their next Clue.

we're going buddhist Tradition.

Your event takes
place at the Temple.

All of a sudden, we realize,

We lost the best cab
Driver in The world.

We made a mistake letting him Go.

Buddhist tradition,
carrying 12 Incense sticks.

we'll be right back.

stay here. Don't move.

hold It.

Wait here for us.

they're everywhere!

buddhist tradition
or Chinese custom?

Require say we go with balance.

are are you a taxi?

taxi, taxi.

are you kidding me?

let's do incense.

the temple.

Thank you.


That's not a taxi.

the buddhist tradition.


Let's go to the balance Thifpblg


Whatever you think.


the semple.

You know where that is, right?

yes, I do.

What are you doing, balance?


follow them.

where did our cab go?

Is this him?

oh, you got to be kidding Me!

we got to get a taxi.

I thought he was going to Stay.

He might have moved.


we got to look over our

Shoulder for another cab.

Do you know where that is?

we got to find us a cab.

very fast, very fast.

The cowboys are
behind us right now.


How did everybody else get a

Taxi but us?

We told our cab to
wait on us and he

Left us.

I can't believe this.

Taxi but us?

We told our cab to wait on us,

But he left.

I'm going to call a cab for

You, but it will wait.

we'll wait on him if you'll hurry.

so you all set where you're going?


do you know where it is?

Cool, thank you.

that's the girls right there.

Feeling very


My driver is driving very well.

who just passed us?

Is that mike and louie?

we just passed carol and brandy.

We're feeling the love right now.

There's the brothers
in front of us.

don't let that car in front of you.

I'm feeling the love, baby.

Feel like jason bourne, right?

see that old man there?

He is waiting for you taxi.

oh, let's go.

our cab leaving us looks

Like it pretty well
put us in last place.

But who knows how the rest of

The day is going to go.

We're still hopeful.

right now we see brandy and

Carol snuck out in front of us.

the cabs keep going back and forth.

The girls went a different

Way and we went this way.

how are your eyebrows today?

You're about to get singed.

is this it?

Wow, it's cool.

right there.

We need six sixes.

Four tens.

And two eights.

these are going to be
freaking heavy, brandy.

Let's lay them down.

we're going to have to
make more than one trip.

thank you.

we need four 10-feet.

we need six six, right?


up to the temple.

we're going to have to
do this semple times.

yeah, it's not hot.

the lesbians already have
their incense together, but

They're just now
starting to put them up.

pull them up, let's go.

you good?

we're almost there.

I don't see it, babe.

can we set these down?


there's the sample.

So four in front,
two eights in the back.

let's put these two eights in.

All right, we can do this.

come on, babe.

let's take two tens next.


let's carry two.

You get the front and
I'll get the back.

all right.

penang traffic.

Now we're starting to
get a little nervous.

we got mike and louie
right in front of us.

Steve and allie right behind us.

How far is it from here?

If we were to run?

can we walk?

four, five minutes.

we'll see you there.

You go there, ok?


let's run.

let's go, baby.

allie and steve are out running.

They just dashed by us on foot.

there they are.

the brothers are going now.

We can still see them
running up ahead.

I'm ready to sprint when
it's time to sprint.

In this race, one bad cab

Driver can cost you $1 million.

over here.

is that the biggest
flags we could get?

Nice flags.

son of a --

we screwed up today!

are we the only
ones that came here?

sure are.

oh, my gravy.

how you doing?

you just put it on your forehead?

yeah. all right.

holy moly.

what do you think, cord?

play the wind.

Just play the wind, jet.

I'm working on it.

Once you figure it out and

Get it leaning the right way,

You can just trot with it. good?


play the wind, jet.

There you go.

Back up this way a little bit.

Keep it going that way.

Back up this way, jet!

You see what I'm saying?

You can't get too
far in front of it.

we got to ask.


the temple?

he doesn't know.

They're still asking

Direction and they
don't have a cab.

Keep going, my friend.

Go right by him.

let's follow mike and louie.

follow them!

that's a long hike for them.


lean more, that way
you can move faster!

when we were little and we

Get to playing with the brooms,

It's not long before somebody

Says I bet I can balance it on

My nose longer than you can.


let's go!

Sweet job, jet.

good job.

got my clue?

oh, perfect.

make your way to the village.

Teams must now make their

Way to telukbahang,
and find this temple.

find a cab.

good job.

I'm glad we did that one.

didn't take us very long to

Do that one.

we've already got a
speed bump somewhere.

That could be leg-changing for us.

Gives you that little inkling
of hope that we could finish

This leg someplace besides last.

I got to take a break here.

They weigh a on the! -- A ton!

glad we're moving so much

Faster than they are.

where are we going?

straight up.

you're good, you're good,

You're good.

right there.

They're here.

let's go.

one,wo, three.

It's in, it's in.

here we go.

mike and louie are here.

getting six, right?

good job, you guys.

I wish god would turn
on the air-conditioning.

push me up.

apparently wherever
we're going is up.

can you pull us right
up there close?

We'll be right back.


you see a speed bump anywhere?

I see two clues.

speed bump.

Having been saved from
elimination at the end of the

Last leg, jet and cord have now

Hit a speed bump, an extra task

That only they must complete.

In this speed bump, jet and

Cord must make their way to

This tropical spice garden and

Find the lady preparing spice teas.

Then using their sense of

Smell, they must determine

Which tea is made from the ball

Of crushed spice and finally

They must deliver the correct

Tea to this meditating guru.

Once he confirms they have made

The right choice, they'll be

Able to continue on the race

With the hope of making up for

This valuable lost time.

the tropical spice garden.

How far?

five kilometers.

let's go.

reaking speed bump, then

You got to come all
the way back here.

we're going to a
tropical spe garden.

We're hoping everybody is

Having call kinds of fits.

you got it, baby?

yep, I'm good.

I think we need to take a break.

we need to take a break right now.

In the shade.

I am so lightheaded.

knock this out.

babe, if you can,
try and bring three.

I'll see what I can do.

way to work, baby.

good job, you guys.

Y'all are awesome.

good job, fellows.

right behind you, buddy.

it's ok.

mike, you're a rock star.

the sixes go in the front.

Two eights.

Come on, baby.

Cardioman is back.

Catch your breath, bro.

my cardio, I don't even want

To talk about it.

come on.

we got two more.

last one.

We caught up to the lesbians

And they still have two more.

tropical spice garden.

wait right here because

We're going to need
you to take us back.

I can't smell anything.

There's a lady on a bench.

Where's the guru
in the giant swing?

Maybe on up.


she will give you
some spice to sniff.

Sniff that one.

And we got to determi which

Of the three teas -
let me smell of it.

I don't know what I'm
smelling, actually.

My sinuses have
been all stopped up.

But that aroma was so strong that I

Could still smell it
through the stuffyness.


Let's go with that one.

thank you.

we got to find the guru
on the giant swing.

What's it say to do, jet?

give him the tea.

that tea is hot!

wasn't joking when they said

We were going to give him hot tea.

Hello, guru.

pour him a cub.

that's good.

He just needs a taste.

not it?

it's got to be the white one.

go, go, go!

should have stayed in the cab.

this was stupid.

oh, man.

grab that cup.

I got my hands full.

we had the wrong tea, so we

Came back to get the other one.

I'll go as fast as I can.

I can't break that glass.

Yeah, don't do that.


yes, thank you!

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

we go back to where we were?


Back to the temple.

from here on out,
we're doing the same task as

Everybody else, so if we can

Just stay solid,
we'll even the game up.

here we come.

I thought my guy was
told to follow us.

that's our cab guy!

oh, it is?

Can you just take us there?

We thought it was closer.

oh, it's right here.

come on.

he's staying here, right?


this is not it.

Wrong place.

this is not the temple?

you a taxi driver?

this is our cab.

I already told him he was staying.

whose cab?


jordan and dan, they ran

Down to get our cab and they

Were going to take it.

And they could have, but the

Cab driver was loyal.

I have no idea what's going on.

should they just see where

They go to?

we need a taxi.

I don't want to walk by foot.

I don't know where I'm going.

And I know you agree with me.

we're not giving up.

I just want to get in a tack sy.

are you ok?

You know where?

Do you know where you're going now?

no problem.


we'll survive.

it's all right.

I'm just so stressed out right now.

listen, I'm here for you.

We'll get through it.

Oh, gosh!

where is this?

Where is that?

How far?

why didn't we go there first?

do you know how to get there?


I'm showing where the other place

Was, the flag balancing deal,
so we switched.

it's all right.

We'll figure it out.

we're pulling up to the clue

Box and I don't see any
other teams right now.

there ain't no way.

let's go.


with more than half the race

Behind them, the competition is

Getting fierce, and teams will

Need something more than

Perseverance to stay in the game.

Now teams will take
part in two hindu

Rituals that will ensure that

They encounter good luck.

First, they must smash coconuts.

Until they find one with a

Bright color inside.

Then, using local materials and

At least one piece of their

Colored coconut, teams must build a

Traditional miniature
offering known as a float and

Present it to the guru who will

Set it off to sea and
give them their next sea.

that's you.


I'll do it.

It was pretty interesting

How we decided who
did the roadblock.

there wasn't any discussion.

here, you take it.

now I got to break coconuts.

There was no faster way to do

That than to just
keep busting coconuts.

the work's not too bad.

It's just hot.

keep at it, jet!

is this good?

All right.

Thank you.

you wanna light these?


is there an elevator?

I am, hold on.

it's good, let's go.

are we good?

thank you very much.

make your way to the
village of teluk bahang.

I can't believe we
beat the lesbians.

are you ready to get out?

oh, there they are.

it's all right, we'll do it.

let's go, let's go.

let's go quickly!

are we in the right direction?


all right.


all right, we're good.

are we good?

thank you.

make your way to the village

we proved that's what we

Wanted and look who
came out on top.

we did.

I was so proud of caite.

we ended up passing
the les bee yans.

We were definitely trying to

Beat them and we did
a hell of a job.

we're showing everybody up.

Everybody that's got wrong
opinions, screw them.

he's going to fure it out.

we have faith in you.

you all right?


thank you, my friend.

make your way to village
of teluk bahang.

steve and allie aren't here yet.

they might have done the other one.

right here.

Stay here?

yeah, yeah.

You go around and
we'll see you there.

are you kidding me?

Oh, my gosh, dad, I cannot do that.

try, honey.

Just go slow.

no, no, no.

there's no way.

I can't do it.

Dad, I can't do it, I'm sorry.

let's go get the cab.

where is he?


He's gone.

We're going to have
to get another one.

let's run.

We got to go.

I'm so mad we came here.

first time I've ever
smashed a coconut.

if you break them all,

Nobody's going to beat you.

Red one!

once you found the one with

The colored milk,
you went over to this

Table and you built
this little boat.

I'm not really crafty.


This is my first time
for arts and crafts.

there's a taxi right there.

we have to get to here.

Let's go there.

we're in a race.

it's going to be a long day,

But just hang in there.

what are we doing?

I think so.

I don't feel like this is right.

we're just going to check and see.

this is no temple.

No, no,

No, where are we?

this is not the temple.

you have to light the incense
for it to be like the example.

I want to go cast it off to sea.

Thank you!

Yeah, you good?

give me my hat.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

Teams must now make their

Way into the historic section

Of the island searching for the

Pinotwithstanding mansion,

Built 100 years ago, this oplant

House is the pit stop

For this leg of the race.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

you ready?

the pinang mansion.


We can be back in
the game right here.

there are the cowboys.

we did one detour and a speed
bump and jet just did a

Roadblock and we still haven't
seen another team yet.

how could they be that far ahead?

there ain't a person on
this island that could break

Coconuts faster than jet just did.

whose life could use
a splash of color?

I'm doing I let me
ask these people.

the temple?

Down here?


You know where you're going?

ok, ok.

let's go. go, go, go.

ok, here we go.

and there's dan and jordan.

where do you see them?

up there.

steve and allie are just
getting here right now.


I swear to god.

will you look at me for a second?

Look with me, please.

we don't give up.

we're not giving up.

There's two tens,
so we need one more 10.

Can you do that?

you're doing great, bro.

you got it, you got it!

You got to build a
traditional offering.

Think a good thought for me!

whose life could use a splash

Of color?

smash those coconuts!

you can do it, babe.

he found the coconut


Oh, my gosh!

the second one I smashed had
the colored flew wid inside.

There's hundreds of coconuts

There. are you kidding me?

here it is.

oh, my god,
everybody beat us, baby.

are you serious?

Oh, my god.

come on, brent.

whose life could use
a splash of color.

brent and caite had left the
incense before we did, but

Somehow we passed
them along the way.

back in the saddle.

back in the saddle.

That's right.

right here.


take your shoes off
next to the phone booth.

Go upstairs.

There's phil.

Welcome to pinang, malaysia.

thank you.

thanks for having us.

Jet and cord,
you are team number one.


Thank you.

We should play poker
when this is done.

You're good.

You guys want some more good news?

yes, sir.

You have won a trip for two
from travelocity, and you

Guys are heading to maui!


You're going to spend
five nights at the hiatt

Regency maui resort and
spa where you'll attend a

Traditional lieu wow and have a

Romantic dinner under the stars.

You are the first team toave
go from last someplace,

Complete the speed bump and
come in first on the next leg.

That's pretty unbelievable.

quitting is not for me.

I don't think there's a bigger

Move you can make but
from last to first.

And you still have a chance
to win this million dollars.

Lining yourselves up nicely.

last one.

here, can you help me, please?

that one is for all the
people in rhode island.

we got it.

Honey, relax.

light the little fire.

come on, dad, let's go.

oh, man.

stop shaking and put
it on the candle!

get down.

the yellow one.

Pink one.

you're good.

your wife would be so proud of you.

come on.

oh, yea, thank you.

make your way to the next pit stop.

Let's go!

come on, baby.

go, go, go!

smoking, baby.

Send that baby out to sea.

Come on, louie!


come on, you coconut smashing fool!

make your way to the next pit stop.

come on, caite,
you coconut smashing fool!

Come on!

That's what I'm talking about!

Rock 'n' roll.

stay strong, baby.

the sun is pounding.

Everything is lit.

thank you so much, sir.

Thank you.

make your way to the
village of teluk bahang.

thank you very much.

You have a beautiful temple.

that good?

come on, dad.

keep it up, guys.

see you guys.

good luck, allie.

just tell me when you
wan to take a break.

is that our guy?


teluk bahang.

it is bad hot.

This is by far the toughest leg.

break it, baby.

yes! Yes!

Come on!

Come on, baby.

Require got it.

It's smoking.

here you go.


good job, baby.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

All right, dude.

We got to go straight here,
no joking.


The lesbians got in front of us.

I Cannot freaking believe that.

Let's freaking go.

pinang mansion.

this is it?


Let's go up.

This way.

Hello. Hi.

waiting for the eyebrow to go up.

There it is.

Carol and brandy,
you are team number -- Two.

Oh, my gosh.


You are team number two.

allie, come on up
on the other side.

Easy, easy.

Very good.

nice team work.

good job.

thank you.

Is that good?

The village of teluk bahang.

We have to find a taxi.

Come on, dad.

There's one right there.

hey, hey, hey!

let's go.

We're in the race.

Got to go fast.

Oh, god.

You gotta be kidding me.

Stop for gas.

is this completely necessary?


we had the best cab driver on this
entire island and we let him go.

why can't anything just be


I don't understand.

we need to go.

like, this just blows.


as fast as you can, sir.

Thank you.

are you turning around?

yeah, yeah.

we got to go.

We'll get this cab.

You want me to get this cab?

no, he's doing it.

You'll be a rabbit?

no, dad, please.

sorry, sorry.

We're just really stressed.

I'm not stressed.

I just want a guy to drive.

come on.

stay with me.

more steps.

More steps.

Louie and michael?

yes, sir.

You are team number three.


good job.

Clue boxes.

There are clue boxes right there.

whose life could use
a splash of color?

That's me!

keep it up, bro!


it's hot.

I want to use one of these.

it's pretty easy.

come on, bro.



we just have to hurry.

It's a race and we're
in last right now.

can you go a little faster?


yeah, good job.

I didn't do it right.

read the clue.

build a traditional hindu offering.

Oh, I'm such an idiot.

we're going to beat dan and jordan.

We're going to beat them.

We will survive this.

go ahead, you got it, bro.


All right.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

This is great.

warning, the last team to
check in may be eliminated.

bye, my friends.

we're going to pinarg mansion.


Oh, my god.


I'm going in.

Smash coconut.

that was mean.

what is this?

ok, it's got to be here.

It's got to be in this building.

thank you.

right here.

Here it is.

this is it.

welcome to pinang, malaysia.

thank you very much.

Brent and caite,
you are team number four.

all right.

And you are still in the race.

we'll take it. we'll take it.

come on, allie.

Come on.

oh, my gosh.

is that it?

come on, honey.

I don't know how to light it.

get it close.

You got to burn it.

now what?

let's see if this is good.

there you go.

Straight ahead.

great job.

is this ok?

she's awesome, oh, my gosh.

thank you.

the last team to check
in may be eliminated.

Do you know where it is?

yeah, yeah, I know.

we have to go really fast.

ok, ok.

we got to go.

all we've g to do is find the
pit stop and call it a day.

Oh, my god.

Everyone and their mother from

Malaysia is turning into
this parking lot right now.

we're almost there and it's
going to be up to our cab

Driver right here to win it for us.

we will get through it.

now you're doing it.

I think it's right up here.

this is it.

Dan and jordan,
you are team number five.


that is huge.

mansion coming up.

Let's see what happens.

Steve and allie,
you are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you,
you have been eliminated from the race.

What's it been like running
this race with your dad?

I'm going to cry.

It's been so much fun.

This whole thing was so special.

I had the time of my life with

You and it's something
we'll have forever.

And I'm taking it that

You don't get emotional
too often, steve.

she's the only one that can

Make me this emotional
because she works so hard.

I mean, she really -
you showed me a lot.

You were tough, man.

You were tough.

I still look at her as my

Surprised me how tough she is.

She's tough.

I want to always
remember her like that.

This is our time.

I Got a world series ring,
and i have to tell you, people

Might think I'm crazy,
but it jumped ahead of it.

Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.

Next week on "The amazing race,
" In singapore --

I have an intense fear of heights.

Dan and jordan tempt
their fear of heights.

a million dollars.

I'm so scared.

And -- that shows their
level of intelligence.

Find out what brent and caite do
that sets off carol and brandy.

they are idiots.
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