16x05 - I Think We're Fighting the Germans, Right?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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16x05 - I Think We're Fighting the Germans, Right?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on the amazing race...
Teams race from Argentina to

hamburg, Germany.

Teams joined forces at a

Who is ready to reach new

Danielle did.

Dan helps Brandi take the

I gotcha.


Joe's knee flared up.

It feels like it feels like
it's coming out of the socket.

Duty dude, this is no
way it has it right.

Detectives Louie and Michael ate...
I love Sauerkraut.

And were married.

You guys are team number 1!

Jordan and Jeff came up short.

You're the last team to

But got a second chance.

You're still in it because
this is a non-elimination leg.

You are definitely the
underdogs right now.

Hey, we live to fight
another day.

Better than going home.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is hamburg, Germany.

This musical city launched
the Beatles' rocket to

international stardom.

Right here at the intraclub.

It was 1960 when the
Beatles played this bar.

standing, and was the fourth

pit stop in a race around the

During the pit stop, teams
boarded a bus in hamburg,

Germany, and travelled to
an unknown destination.

Me d jojoan are last.T.

We have a task to complete and
a speed bump, and ready to

knock down the task, and I'm
guaranteeing we are not coming

in last.

Other than having a
nagging knee problem...

You know, the race has
put a toll on the leg.

These teams around here, and
they're not hindering me at all.

I've been running with one

Imagine when the thing


Joe sees himself bigger
than he is, and he's a

quantity guy, and maybe give
hia a ality check and let

him know there's
competition in the leg.

With the bad leg, even, we've
been placing in the top three.

I think we're doing great.

I need some quiet please.

Oh, gosh.

This morning, we're leaving in
first place, and feeling good.

We believe we're in France.

We know where southwest
and South of Germany.

We'll find out soon enough.

Drive yourselves thee
town of Saint manhole.

Teams have to drive themselves
to the town and buy

a fresh baguette to
receive their next clue.

Our police schedules are
so in sync with the race.

You might get sleep.

You might not.

You might not have to
wash your clothes.

You might have to go dirty, and
you may not get a full meal.

Hey, live that life every day.

May get lucky.

That way.

Turn around that way.

Who knowshe streets inn the area
better than a postal worker.

I mean, that's the luck of the
irish we have right there.

Italian, and I'll take the
luck of the irish right now.

Buy from a fresh baguette
to receive your next clue.

I'm 57 years old, and the
oldest one left in the race,

and I look in the mirror, and
I feel like I'm 25 years old.

So far in the race, he's
rockin' it.

What are we supposed to

A baguette.

You know what that is?

A piece of bread.

You don't know that.

I know that just making
sure you knew it.

Drive South to the town,
and let's get fresh bread.

Joe and I have a history that
other teammates may not have.

The unconditional love and
the patience for each other.

I feel like that's
definitely an advantage.

The french countryside
and make sure it's good.

Got 'em.



Lots of new cars.

We're on e bus last night
from hamburg to here.

Wherever here is.

Fresh baguette is.

I don't know what it is.

It's a pastry.

I wonder if we get to eat it.

How many languages have we

We've decided it's us against

So as a United front, we will
do well.

We're not at w*r with one

We're at w*r.

My High School french is
coming back to me, and it's

really geting gumbled in
the head with Spanish.


Drive yourself to the town of st.

Let's do it.



We continue to do our game.

It's what we've always done.

It's about not getting

This is a marathon.

This is not a sprint.

We only have $20.

I hope the baguettes
are not too expensive.

Yeah, baby!

Sweet sign.

What a sweet sign.


Baker shop or something like

I smell the bread from


How are you?




Like to buy a baguette.

Do you have food for us?

You have a clue?


Teams must now drrive themselves
to find the next clue.

Merci beaucoup.

This is the best
baguette I've ever had.

This baguette is so fresh.

It sounds like massage.

We're in the town, and
now we're looking for...

We're going to get out.

The bagel place has to be

Let's park and walk.

Wait, my ke e needto warm

Did you know...

We got it!

It was great to see Steve

We're watching for each
other's backs.

Let's go.


Fresh back baguette.

Must be inside the bread.

Here it is.

Find... masood...

Thank you.

I think it was worth it
just to get the bread.

A fresh baguette...
If you want to buy a map from

the gas station.


Finished 7th place and means
we're still around and

we thought we were down and

This road here.

Keep concentrating on the

We're doing everything

It's just the fact that we
like to think we know where

we're going.

After that ffeakin' guy
gives me the baguette, I'm

going to eat the crap out of

Shove it in my throat.

Oh, yeah.

There it is.

What is in store here, my

No idea.

Let's go.

This way.


Oh, man.

Detour in the trenches or
under fire.

At the height of world w*r I,
this strategic hill coovered

by the germans and fiercely
defended by the french...

Was the site of intense

Now, dressed as American dough
boys, teams will join their

french brothers on the front
line of the historic conflict

and carefully pick their own

Their choice, in the
trenches, or under fire.

In the trenches...
Teams clamor down into a world

w*r I trench and choose one
of the communication areas.

Then with the battle raging
around them, and with only the

field manual for reference,
they must translate a message

being sent to them in morse

And under fire, teams get on
the bellys in a muddy field

booby trapped with barbed wire
and then crawl 100 yards to

the machine g*n net.

While the battle rages, teams
must receive a message from a

french soldier and then
crawl back to safety.

In both cases, teams will
attach their message to a

homing pigeon who will deliver
the news to headquarters that

the w*r is over.

I don't know about morse

I'm not good with morse

Let's crawl under fire.

Ready to get dirty.

Get dressed.

Let's do it, Dan.

It's going to be tight.

Not standard issue.

Oh, my, this is tight, and I
feel like I'm the hulk and

rip out of this.

Let's get through the
field, buddy.


This way.

Caution u-turn.

Over there.

They left, what, 2 minutes
after us.

The cowboys there.

We're caught up to them.

There is.

There it is.

Oh, perfect.

Fresh baguette.



Oh, you are!

Freakin' good.

Everybody pulled up on the

Let's get out of here.

All right.

Do you have the money?


Why can't get the sucker

La man dashet.

Get in.

Let's go.

Open that clue...
Find la main demessages.

The baguette.

I think the person you get it
from is called a bal--lank

it's in it.

Let's go.

The baguette is so freakin'

good right now.

I'm really happy it has
no crazy crap in it.

Oh, turn left.

Turn left.

Oh, -- right there.

Here we go.

Using morse code -- sounds

We're pro.

I think we're cruel

But your knee.

No, I can crawl.


When did you last study
morse code?


Oh, my.

This is crazy!

Feel like I'm storming
the beach of normandy.

Let's go.

Here we go.

Crawl under fire.

Are we ready?


See the plains, and you see
the bombs exploding, and the

noise and everything around
you, and it's a lot like what

we do as detectives.

Fighting the germans.

World w*r ii, and the french
fighting the germans.

C'mon, Louie!

Buy a fresh baguette from

All right.

Everyone should look out
for us.

I think we're the best, and I
really truly believe that, and

I think Jordan is starting
to believe that, as well.

I know I'm going to ry even
ten times harder, and now

we have extra tasks we have to
do and if we don't complete

that, we're done.

All right, Paris is
pointing that way.

Don't go that way.

Go this way.


Keep going around.

I don't understand the

They're all the same.

This isn't right.

Where are you going?




That takes us back to the
circle we were just at.

Oh, my goodness!

We can't get out of town.

Oh, my God, we're so

There's no way to catch up.

We keep going around in

Big Ben, parliament.

Signs there.

Hang on.

And cars going around, jet.

I'm driving, so, hush,

You make one turn off the
street, and forget it, we're

lost again.

Making a left.

Going towards Paris.

I swear if we get another circle,
I'm going to sh**t self..

We can't get down now.

We just started.

Oh, man!


I hate the smell of
sulphur in the morning.

C'mon, Louie!

C'mon, baby!

Cardio, cardio.

My cardiois awful.

As we're going through, and I'm
coughing, and gagging, and

trying to catch my breath, and
Michael, thank God he was

there, to motivate me.


Follow the marked path.

Is there a marked path?

Up the road here, and let's
go to the b*ttlefield.

Nothing can get by my leg,
and I know it's slowing me

down a bit, and just
go, don't wait for me.

Pointing this way.

This way, you guys.


I see 'em!

Somebody in a fox hole.

C'mon, we're here at the
window, baby, c'mon.

Crawl aross the

Retrieve a message.

It's down below.

Soldier, do you have a
message for us?

Do you have a message for us?

The w*r is over.


You go before me.

And I'll scream all the

Catch your breath.

Hey, here we go.

Oh, my!

Up here.

Let's go.

Keep your head down.

Crawl on all fours.



Oh, gosh.

Stay down.

Oh, my gosh.

'S like a real w*r!

This is scary!

Down all the way.

Get down.

At home, and we play with the
kids, and I play horsey a

lot, and that's exactly the
position I'm in and I felt

really comfortable.

Teams are coming.

C'mon, we go, and stop now.

Mike and Louie.

They're crawling back.

They're here, buddy.

Steve andali, c'mon.

Go get 'er, ste..

What's up, Joe?

La siege.

La siege.

This is good.

This is good.

We're blowing things up.

Here we go.

We got a detour.

In the trenches are under

Let's crawl.

We're doing under fire.

This is going awesome!

Oh, my God!

We're going to get filthy.

I see people up there.

Le siege.

That's what we want.

Holy moley.

In the trenches or under fire,
and can you do morse code?

No, I can't do morse code.

The w*r is over my friend.

The w*r is over.

Fly, little birdy, fly.

Fly little birdy, fly.

My friend.

I'll read this, and
you're out of bread.

Head down the road South
to receive the next clue.

South down the road.


Blind u-turn.

Teams could use a u-turn to
slow down another team, and

forcing them to perform the
other side of the detour and

because this is the blind
u-turn, the team that uses it

can remain anonymous.



A messe.

The w*r is over.

Vivre la lib Bert.

You make the call.

Joe and Heidi, it is.

While we were on the mobile
pit stop, and overheard Joe

talking and saying he had no
fears of any of the other

teams here.

The teams around here,
and not hinder me.

He needs to be knocked off his
pedestal, and needs to be


Sorry, Joe and Heidi.

You're good competition, and
this is a game of competition.

This is cut throat game for
a million dollars, and I

didn't come here to make

I came here with a friend, and
I'll leave with a friend.

About-face, and march yourselves
into town, and find the church.

La ma dame le siege.

Oh, baby, they're up in
some sort of flying thing.


Holy crap.

Isn't that cool?


Let's crawl across the

I feel like I'm about to
model for some army clothes.

Out of style army clothes.

Let's go to w*r.

Should we pretend like the
enemy is chasing us, and walk

a bit faster.

Jordan, I will, if you do.


I'm just getting to walk.

They're right behind us.


God, friggin'' sucks!

Just got passed by the

Looking good.

Giddy up.

Ian't go that fast.

Let's go.

Wanted a run -- don't run

Just shut up, you proved
your point.

You said you wanted to run,
and I said jog, and it's not

run, let me prove a point.

I'm faster than Jordan in a
fwrigin' world w*r I uniform,

and I said pretend a an enemy
is behind us, and jog faster.

You're such a tool!

Let's go.

Let's go.

Holy cow!

You're out of your mind on

It's physical and --
look, we can do this.

Are you kidding me?

Just stay under the wire.

Are you okay?


Just go.

C'mon, let's go.

I'm right here!

The enemy got us.


Stop sh**ting at us, we're

They keep firing at us.

I don't really understand why.

The nazis...
Are you okay, sir?

Just checking on my fellow

I'm going to k*ll you
if you don't shut up!

Yeah, this is where we need to be.

Park here and run out over

We're wasting time.

Where are you driving to?

Do you have a better idea of

]p] this is it, huh.

Why don't you listen to me?

I don't understand.

We have to buy a baguette.

A baguette and a clue, no?


You don't know anything
-- is this this place?

Hey, do receive your next
clue, buy a fresh baguette.

Is this fresh?


What's up.

Where's my clue.

What do we have to do?

Eat it?

Find la main de le siege.


The w*r is over.

Oh, cool.

Save the w*r, go!

Head down South down the road
to receive your next clue.

The crawl was puting a
lot of pressure on me.

It was a tough one with the boots,
the gear, and we got there.

All right.

A u-turn.

A u-turn?


Someone gotcha.

Somebody gotcha.

Oh, my gosh.

I never imagined we would
be u-turned.

So sorry.

We got u-turned.

Someone gotcha.

Somebody gotcha.

It was like -- Mike and Louie
the only people in front of us.

We believe that Mike and
Louie blind turned us.

We're going to do the morse

I thought that Louie and
Mike were the nice cops, and

thought we had a good
rapport with them.

Hang in there.

Love you guys.

Is this the morse code.

I can't wait till it's my
turn to give them some

difficulties on the race.

We can do that.

Let's go.

I see the church.

Oh, my.

With the w*r behind them,
teams will now pedal

themselves to victory.

Inspired by 1903's inaugural
tour de France, and teams wear

traditional riding gear, and
ride antique bicycles built

more than 100 years ago
through a challenging 4-mile

course to the pit stop.

The last team to check in
here may be eliminated.

You big mushroom head!

As lot better than dragging
my butt through the trenches.

Pit stop, baby.

Feeling good!

Looking good!

We can get rid of Joe,
that's a good day.

Take the unit and
theash to three units.

A dash is, like, three dots.

La liberty.

Hopefully that's it.

Oh, my God.

We have our clue?

w*r's over.

Vivre lchtsa liberty.

That's exactly what the
note it.

Vivre le liberty.


Want to go back?

Let's go back and listen to
it again.

We really don't know where
we're going, and I think we're

-- we got to ask where we're

Is this town...
La siege.

That way.

That way?


That way.


All right.


We were just there.

You better relax.

We're going to catch up.

Not with this attitude.

We're not going nowhere.

Yeah, that was dangerously

Holy cow.

Cord, look at that.

The plane flew about 20
feet offer over my head.

Holy cow.

A b*mb went off over here,
and g*ns off over here, and

pretty real for a detour.

I never wanted to roll
around in the dirt and play

g*n and army and I definitely
have never wanted to be a boy.

I don't have to prove
myself physically.

Nor do I want to.

The w*r is over.

Vivre la liberty.

This is not what I signed
up for.

I think this is under fire.

We got it.

Whoa, whoa.

This is cool!

If it isn't abundantly

I'm pissed to tell that I'm
running around in the middle

of a muddy field.

This is not what I choose to
to do.

Smart people do morse code.

Dumb people do this.

We can gain speed on 'em.

I see Brent and Caite
coing down the pipe.

More stupid people.

What do they say?

I just like karlyn and
Brandy is because -- I like

Carol and Brandy because all
they do is talk crap about

Brent and I.

They are mean lesbians, they
are gaining speed on us.

We saw the teas that
were coming behind us.

Vivre la freedom, baby.

I don't know if they
had to fly in my face.

We were frustrated.

We didn't know when
we would get there.

Trust me, we're going to
get it.

Okay, we'll fight through
this and gave me a drive.

Head South down the road
to receive your next clue.


We're doing it.


Look how pretty it is.

Let's do it.

You all right?


Like the moustache.

I can hear music.

I hear music, baby, and they're
singing for us, baby, c'mon.

You hear that?

I hear it.

C'mon, baby.


Welcome to this place.


I'm going to die.

Louie and Michael.

Yes, sir.

Once again...
Team number 1!


And I have good news for

As the winners of this leg of
the race, you have each won a

You are now the team to beat.

Yes, we are.

Two first place finishs in
a row.

You guys are k*lling it.

We represent law
enforcement all around the

world, and we're here and
back in it and feeling good.

Had you an option to
use the blind u-turn.

The sheeps and the wolves.

We're wolves.

Just a beginning.

Two dots.

One line.

Long line.

Dot, dot.

Long line.

Dot, dot, dot, dot.

This is not my cup of tea.

I don't like g*ns.

I like swords.

My right foot is k*lling


Don't worry about it.

Let's khot on to the

Dana and Jordan -- Dan and
Jordan, they were comfortable.

We saw an opportunity.

It doesn't make a

If it does, we won't let
anybody walk past us.

We may be eliminated.


Proceed to la pit stop.

Okay, it didn't case," I
added that.

That's why I like horses
better than bikes.

You don't have to pedal bikes

I don't have a an ear.

Do I look like Lance
Armstrong or do I look like

Lance Armstrong?

This is harder.

You take spinning three days
a week, and you should be

kicking my .

Thank you for the sweet

Steve andali.

Team number 2.


What do you think the first
letter is?

Dot, dot, dot, dash.

It's v.

Dot, dot, dot, dash, it's

It's a "v".

This is really...
Just relax.

Honey, don't give up
through this.

Head South down the road
to receive the next clue.

] South on the road, right?

Just says South.

Head South down the road.


Figure out where South is.

Do you have your watch on?

That's north.

This is South.


Wonder if they meant South as
a in a direction or South,

just go that direction?

Jet and cord, team number

Every minute of check in is
a minute earlier checkout.

It's a pit start.

Paranoid about everything.

I'm not paranoid.

I'm just trying to
get an extra minute.

Jordan, shut up!

Stop talking.

Dan and Jordan...
You are team number 4.

It continues.

The arrow, see it.

Oh, my God.

Do or die, and if we don't pass
somebody, we're out of the race.

This is us.

We have to do the speed bump

Speed bump.

Having been spared elimination
at the end of the

last leg, Jordan and Jeff
have now hit a speed bump.

An extra task that only
they must complete.

Dug out of muddy Fields, these
subterranean shelters were the

soldiers' only safe haven
during world w*r I

in this speed bump, Jordan and
Jeff must reinforce a section

of the trench using these

When the army engineer is
satisfied that the team has

properly shored up the walls
of the trench, they'll be able

to continue on the race, hoping
to make up the lost time.

Tie your shoes.

C'mon, Jordan.

Hi, Phil.

Carol and Brandy, you
are are team number 5.

My shoes are too big.

Let's go.

My hat's too big.

Tie it on.

You got to be joking right
now, right?

We're heading South right now,
and that's what it is telling

us to do.

Here's a clue.

We got here quick, too.

Last team to check in.

May be eliminated.

Oh, my...

Don't talk to me.


I'm deaf now, totally deaf.

Stay close, and.

We did a good job today,


There's another clue

Run up here, c'mon.


What is wrong with you?

Let's go.

Hey, guys.

I was excited when I saw
Joe ad Heidi there, and I

thought we have a chance,
you know, let's go, and --

see how the sticks are
woven in and out.


You look hot with the
little moustache.

You know.

I still can't see.

After the race, please
shave it.

Thank you.

Brent and Caite, you're
the 6th team to arrive.

However... you did not pick up
the clue after the detour...

You need to go back and pick

Brent and Caite, you are
the 6th team to arrive.


However, --
oh, gosh.

You did not pick up the
clue after the detour.

So you need to go back and
pick up the clue before I can

check you in.

Oh, my God.

It was no clue that sent
you to the bicycle.


That's the clue that you
need to get.

Go as fast as you can.

I do the trenches, and nice
clue and said to head South.

We saw the bike station.

That's the next clue, and there
wasn't a clue there, and

wasn't the next one.

It makes no sense.

[ Pdz you know what, there's
vivre la something.
[ Pdz you know what, there's
vivre la something.


Geez Louise, honey.


We're behind.


Like that.


Here, why don't we switch.

Difference is?

I think it's --
let's try that.

Okay, got it.

Vivre la...
Let's try it again.

The word...
One more should do it.



Pushing on, Jordan.

Is that good?

Let me see.

Is this good?

All right.



You did it.


Your call.

You think this is going to
be good?

Your pick.

Your pick.

I'm going to do it under

I don't want to translate.

C'mon, Jordan, go, go, go,

Cross got my name written
all over it!


This is stupid.

I mean, that is so stupid.

South from what?

I head South, the
actual direction South.

Go get the stuff.

Got a clue.

Vire la l la...
Next one?


Hurry up, Jordan.

All right.

The hat's too big.

When I saw Jeff and Jordan,
and I saw how frustrated they

were, and I knew it would
take them a while.

And we clearly had some time.

Try this again.


Listen to it again.

There it is.

Are you serious.

Oh, my God.



We can do this.



Use your period g*n like
this and use your elbow, and

crawl on your belly.

Oh, my God.

Jordan, will you please
listen to me.

This sucks!

Crawl, c'mon.

I am wondering if it could
be numbers.

Maybe the first are
dashes and not dots.

Okay, now you're talking.

Why are you moving so slow.

What is the problem?

Why does your hat stay on.

I have one in a million chance
of picking dollars, and

give them the odds and they
might have more hop in their

step than Jordan does.

Put your boobs on the ground
and drag 'em over here.

You think it's a "t" then
a "v" and then a "w".

Has to be simple.

We're not stupid people.

C'mon, hurry up!

Just c'mon.

We got a message.

You have the clue?


Do we have to go back through

Are you kidding me?

I got 10 letters.


Maybe I got it now.

And let's try it again.


Use your elbows, lay on your
stomach, and hold the g*n.

Are you understanding?

Or are you just going
to do it your way?

Got to be calm.


C'mon, we're almost there.

Don't you want to get out
of here?

Go, c'mon.

The w*r is over.

Is the w*r over because the
message or because it took us

so long to get here?

Got it.

The w*r is over.

Very simple, and we just
can't get it.

Unfortunately, we're going

Head South down to the road
to receive your next clue.

All right.

All right.

C'mon, Jordan.

Let's go.


No, I can't get it.

It's okay.


Someone u-turned Joe and

That's why they are over

You never know, and non-elimination,
and we still back.


C'mon, Jordan.

We're still in the game.

Good job, baby.

I love you.


Brent and Caite, you are now
officially team number 6.


We're still number 6, baby.

Yeah, that's right.

That's awesome.

Oh, God... I hope they u-turn us...
I can't believe it.

Morse code that did this.



C'mon, Jordan, let's finish

C'mon, pedal.

I'm pedaling.

Welcome to muoulin.


Merci sums it up.


Well, you have it.

You are team number 7.

Still n t race.

It was tough for her.

I know.

You know, I can be overbearing,
and maybe I'm too

competitive, and we need to
meet halfway, and I'm willing

to bend, and I hope she's willing
to bend on her end, as well.

We are both hardheaded.

The race is really a test, and
it's tense, and you are going

to bicker and argue, and I got
to learn that -- it doesn't

get you anywhere.


I want a moustache.

Joe and Heidi...
All teams have checked into the pit stop.

Unfortunately, you are the
last team.

I'm very sorry to tell you you
have been eliminated from the


The code that you guys were
looking for was we will prevail.

Vivre la France.

You know who -turned you?

Oh, yeah.

How do you feel about that?

I'm not happy with it.

But that's part of the game.

That's part of the competition.

It's been a tough day.

My wife impressed me so

I got to admit, she was
leading, and helping me

pushing me along, and I had to
depend on her for everything,

and I was proud of her.

I love you very much.

I have no problems walking
away today, you know,

eliminated, and I have Joe in
my life.

We never thought it
would end this soon.

We had a great time

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