15x10 - It Starts with an F, That's All I'm Saying

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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15x10 - It Starts with an F, That's All I'm Saying

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Amazing Race."

Twelve teams set up on
a race around the world

but were dealt an
unexpected surprise.

One team won't even
get pass the start line.

From the beginning, shocking moments.

We can't find our passport.

This is a bummer.

Greatest fears.

Stop it!

Stop! Help me! Help me!

I can't do it, Cannan.

I don't want to do it!

Insurmountable obstacles.

Oh, my god.

I fell like we can't do it.

And puzzling problems.

Is that it?

Oh, no.

Man, that's a bull--

Eliminated teams one by one.

I'm sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

Married couple Brian and
Ericka had plenty of bumps

on the road to the final tree.

Oh, my gosh.

This is not easy, Brian

don't you dare get
disappointed in me.

- It's k*lling me.
- Me too.

The least you can do is be

Never winning a single leg.

Go count some bells.

You're not giving up on us, babe.

If we have to stay all day, we will.

Their love for each other

helped them beat the
odds and stay in the game.

You are the third team to arrive.

- Yeah!
- What?!

Brothers Sam and Dan
butted heads along the way.

Dan, keep pushing over there!

Shut up!

- Stop talking!
- Oh, my god.

- It's so heavy!
- I know it is.

Gosh. Damn it, Dan.

Shut up!

When it mattered first their
bold changing moves --

We'll pay you extra if you take us.

- Taxi!
- Don't you dare!

They're jacking our taxi.

What you get?

It starts with a F.

Wow, that's all you're gonna give me?

It's all I'm telling you. I'm sorry.

Come on, man. You can't do that.

Earned them a spot in the
final three.

You're team number two.


Dating couple Meghan and Cheyne

emerged as the team to beat.

You are team number one.

However, life at the top
wasn't perfect.

This isn't a freaking hold
your hand game, babe.

If you don't agree, then where's
your competitive spirit, babe?

Are you all right, baby?

No, I can't do this anymore.

But the pair still stormed
their way into the final three.

Once again, you
are team number one.

Coming up tonight, one of these three
teams will win the $1 million prize

and "The Amazing Race".

This is is Prague in the
Check Republic.

For more than 1,000 years

it is remained the gateway to
central Europe's arts and education.

And on the banks of Vltava
river, Strelecky Ostrov.

The 11th pit stop in a
race around the world.

Meghan and Cheyne who
were the first to arrive.

You are team number one.

Will depart at 11:10 a.m.

All right, baby. This is it.

Fly to your final
destination, Las Vegas.

Teams must now fly nearly 6,000
miles to their final destination city

Las Vegas, Nevada.

When they land, they'll travel
to the graceland wedding

chappelle to get their
next clue from the king.

Good luck.

Holy crapola.

Oh, baby! We're going to Vegas.

That's taxi sitting right here.

We are going to the travel agent.

- Ok.
- Thank you.

- Final three.
- Final three.

Feels great.

We are really confident in our game.

At this point everything's
thrown out the window.

And we're going for the gold.

Is that it?

Ok. Perfect.

Come on, Cheyne.

We gotta do everything quick.

We need two tickets to Las Vegas.

As fast as possible.

Tonight, there's British
Airways flying at 6:40 p.m.

Well, that's what we'll do.

Fly to your final
destination city, Las Vegas.

Ho, make rain.

Oh, my god.

What a cool end city.

At this point, is operation
beat Meghan and Cheyne

and operation don't
yell at each other.

If we do both of those, then
I think we'll win the race.

- All right.
- Got it.

Thank you.

I'm sure we're going to be on
the same flight again.

We won't get to Vegas until
tomorrow around 2:00.

Fly to your final destination
city, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Oh, yes!

Ok, thank you.

I don't really have much
to say to Sam and Dan.

They stabbed us in the back.

We'll pay you extra if you
take us.

Don't you dare!

They're jacking our taxi.

Watch over the shoulder for
us, because we're coming for them.

I can't believe this is it.

Over the past four years that
Brian and I have been together

my mother, especially has been
pretty hard on him even in those

times when we were frustrated

and upset with each other.

I'm really hoping
that she understands

that we are a couple
just like any other

regardless of our color.

There's Sam and Dan.

Good to see you guys.

- Who's the third team?
- Is it Harlem?

We have no clue where the
other team is.

I beat you anything they think
the Globetrotters are still in it.

It's gonna be funny to see
their faces when we walk in.

Thank you so much.

That finish line, I'm going to run like
there's no common sense in my brain.

Who's it going to be.

Oh, yes!

I'm so freaking excited.

Come here, dude.

Oh, my god.

Sam and Dan are going to freak out.

Oh, my gosh. Shut up.


- You wanna kills us.
- We know you hate us.

I don't hate you. He does.

Please blame your taxi driver.

It wasn't our fault.

We're so sorry.

I forgive them but I'm not
going to forget what happened.

I still think it's a dirty move.

We're all together on the
same flight. Which is huge.

It's going be a fight in Vegas,
it really is.

All teams are now flying

through London to their final
destination, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ready, Cheyne?

Yeah, baby, let's do it.

Whoo, let's do it, friends!

Let's do it.

Holy crap!

Get our exercise in.

This is it.

Go, baby.

Taxi? Taxi?


Taxi? Taxi?

No, no, no, over here.

Graceland wedding chappelle.

We're trying to go as
fast as we can, baby.

Thank you.

Beat that -- Beat that taxi.

Sir, will you take us?

Really fast.
We need to go past them.

I follow them.

Go fast.

Graceland, we need to find Elvis.

You have no idea how important it is.

This is it.

It's the final leg.

We're racing for $1 million.

We just landed in lovely Las Vegas.

First team out of the airport

got a taxi.

He knows exactly where we're going.

Two teams behind us.

It's the way we want to keep it all day.

Go. Go. Go yes.

- Follow them.
- Follow them.

We're in last right now.

Son of a bitch.


He's awesome.

- We got a great cab driver.
- You're the best cab driver in Vegas.

There it is. There it is.


Can you wait for us?

If you could wait for us.

Just stay here.

- Come on, Meghan.
- Brian?

Come on, Sam.

Go! Go!

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound

that saved a wretch like me

I once was lost

but now I'm found

was blind

but now I see.

How are you guys doing?


You got a clue for us? Please?

A clue? Matter of fact I do.

Thank you very much.

I live in Nashville, I need mine next.


Thank you.

Have a good life.

Marriage is wonderful.

Just don't race each other.

Open it.

Make your way to Mandalay Bay.

Make your way to Mandalay Bay.

Ok. Let's go.

Mandalay Bay.

Mandalay Bay.

Hey, hey, Mandalay Bay.

Fast, fast.

Mandalay Bay.

Back up. Just back up.

Just go over that curb.

How funny was that.

Meghan was reaching for the glue,
trying to grab it out of my hands

- It's stupid.
- Keep going.

We broke away from the pack little bit.

And we're on our own.

Our guy thinks this way's fastest.
We're gonna trust him.

We're the only ones
on the road right now.

Come on. Come on.

There it is. There it is.

- We're the first team here.
- Come on, baby. Come on.

Who's ready I climb down the

Here at the towering
Mandalay Bay hotel

one team member must
perform a terrifying

face-first rappel 600 feet down
the side of the building.

When they reach the bottom

they'll receive their next clue.

- Oh, my god.
- Congratulations.

I figure that I was going to
do the roadblock.

It was perfect because Brian is
so severely scared of heights.

I mean, he can barely
get on top of a ladder

let alone get up
on top of the building.

I love you, babe. Do it.

- Do it.
- All right.

Hi, guys.

Who's strapping me up?

Oh, my gosh.

Today, I am fearless.

There's nothing that's going to
stop me from doing everything

that I possibly can to get to
this finish line first.

I would be peeing
in my pants right now.

Oh, my gosh.

I am like nervous for her.

It's incredible.

Once you swing that next leg
over, you're committed.


- There it's. To right.
- Right tere. To right.

Who's ready I climb down the mountain?

I'm going to do it.

- Okay.
- Oh, my god.

You're good, babe.

You could do this.

Oh, my gosh.

You can do it, babe.


It says do not enter.

It says do not enter.

And this is awesome.

Oh, my gosh. Here she goes.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my gosh.
Here she goes.

Oh, my gosh.

All right.

You can do it, babe!

Yeah, whoo-hoo-hoo!

I don't think a lot of people
would ever expect for me to do this.

It's exciting for me to disprove
some of the stereotypes

about miss america and what
she would and would not do.

Hey, baby!

I'm enjoying every minute.

This is awesome.

I'm nervous. Oh, yeah. I'm nervous.

I do not like heights.

But I'm trying to overcome that.

Cheyne's freaking out.

This is the finale.

I've got to do what I've got to do.

I was sweating.

I was like tripping out.

Keep coming, babe.
Keep coming.

Swing one leg over.

Am I totally clipped in?

You're totally clipped in.

Keep coming, babe.
Cheyne's coming.

Come on, Cheyne!

Hey, don't look back.

Keep coming.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Keep going, Cheyne!

Both taxis are here, of course.

Over here. Over here.

- Who's ready to climb down the mountain?
- That'll be me.

You have to hold on to this rope.


Lower down a little bit.

Am I facing my eyes towards
the building or what?

Come on, Cheyne. Hurry.

I'm not looking.

Oh, my gosh, this is gnarly.

This is crazy.

Keep going, Cheyne!
You've got it!

Keep going.
You're doing a good job.

Rappeling face-first?

Never done that before.
That should be interesting.

k*ll me.

My taxi driver sucked.

You're doing awesome.

Oh, my god.

Are you having fun?

I feel like spider woman.

Keep doing it, babe.



Let's do it.

This desert has only
one Mirage, go to it.

Come on. Come on.

Today is our day.

This is it.

It's the only number one I need.

Keep going, babe!
Keep going!

Keep coming, Cheyne!

I can hear Meghan.

I think I'm getting closer to her.

But I'm not looking.

Keep going, Cheyne!

You're doing awesome!

Come on, Sam!

A little bit of slack.

Ok, I got it now.

I think the karma is finally
going to pay off.

- Is this it?
- Yes!

Let's just build on this
lead, babe.

We need to go to the Mirage.


I'm so excited!


We're definitely feeling good. But
we're not getting cocky or anything.

I mean, anything can happen.

Half way there, Cheyne!

Not much more!
Keep it up!

You're doing awesome.

Oh, watch your head.

Come on, buddy!

Can I go?

All right.

Let's go fast!


Step aside, Tom Cruise.

Step aside.

Good job, buddy.

Good job, Cheyne.

- Keep going.
- Sam, come on!

You're so close.

You're just a couple minutes behind.

Keep it moving.

Come on, Sam!

Look at my little legs going.

Almost there, Cheyne. Almost there.

Come on, Sam!

Couple seconds left.
Awesome job, babe.

Freaking awesome, Cheyne.

Are you ok?

Take a deep breath, you made it.


You did such a good job.

Wait, wait, Cheyne.

Route info.

Come on.

Come on.

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

Come on, Sam!

You did such a good job.

I seriously kept my eyes
closed most of the time.

Punk it. Punk it. Punk it. Punk it.

We're going faster.

Good job, buddy!

Come on, faster, man!

You're k*lling it!

Taxi? Taxi?

We're in a huge race.
Let's go to the Mirage.

We're racing for $1 million.

You did an awesome job, Cheyne.

It was fun, man.

That's the craziest thing
I've ever done, no doubt.

Keep going. You're good.

You k*lled them.

That was so much fun.

Thank you very much.

You were faster than any of them.

Taxi over there.

We need a taxi.

You see him over there.

We're in a race.

All right.
Very fast, please.

We're going to give you a very good tip.

We'll give you a lot of money
if you help us win.

I hate being third place right now.

It's all right. It's all right.

Yep, right there.

The Mirage two.

Yes, there's an arrow.

Follow the arrow to the right.

Right here. Ok.
Wait for us again, ok?


Thank you so much.

A lot of money.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Clue box.

Join the cast of love.

Teams have a chance to
join Cirque Du Soleil's Love.

Using bungee cords one
team member must launch

their partner high enough in the air
to retrieve this bouquet of flowers.

Once they grab the entire bouquet

they will hand it over
to the flower child

who will give them their next clue.

Ok. Where are ours names?

Right here.

So she's going to get rigged up.

I'm Ericka by the way.

Oh, this is awesome.

Oh, yes.

The coolest thing was we got to
be part of a Cirque Du Soleil show.

And we are huge fans
of Cirque Du Soleil.

- You see where the flowers are?
- Yes.

I'm so excited.
I can't believe this.

Jump out, Cheyne quickly.

We'll be back, I promise.

This is so stressful.

Join the cast of love.

Using bungee cords,
get your partner high

and retrieve the bouquet
for the flower show.

- All right, guys.
- Grab your stuff and follow us.

We're going to do it fast, baby.

I don't even understand --

See those flowers?

Meghan's balancing.

I'll balance.

Come on, Meghan, come on.

Hey, guys.

When I saw Meghan and Cheyne
arrive that was frustrating.

Just take a deep breath.

Down, down, down.

Get it on your second bounce.


I see what I've got to do.

See this. See this.

See what they're doing?

One more time.

sh**t. Hey.

This is our chance, babe.

Back was better.

- Can you get closer? What?
- Yeah.


That wasn't it.

Take a deep, deep breath.

Stop freaking out.

It was frustrating because I
knew he was trying her hardest.

She was inches away.

Take a deep breath.

Hey, hey, hey, you settle down.

Right up here.

Thank you.


Clue box.

Join the cast of love.

Pick a ranger --

A rigor.

It says pick up a rigor?

Who's going to bounce first?

I'll bounce.

The boys are here.

Come on, Meghan, come on.

Dude, you're stronger than me.
Maybe I should go.

But I'm taller.

That's true.

Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.

Oh, my gosh.

You've got to let go of me
with the brick Cheyne.

Careful with my ankles,
they're k*lling me.

This is it.

That's almost it.

Dan, stay calm, bud.

Get it. Get it.

Do that again, Cheyne, that

Oh, my gosh.

We're on the way up.

Damn it.

She's taller than me.

You need to do this, Brian
because you're taller.

What does that mean?

Sam, come on. Sam, come on.

We've got to start.

- You need to get the whole thing.
- I don't have it.

Listen to me. Listen to me.

One more try.

We've got this, babe.

Get it girl!


Good job, baby.

Come on!

- You want to switch?
- Yes, I want to switch.

I told you now, get me down.
I want to switch.

I don't care! Get me down!

Don't get me pissed off!
I want to switch!

It's all right. It's all right.
It's all right.

- We're so close.
- Come on.

We're so close.

Quickly, Cheyne.

Thank you.

What's the most famous casino
in the country of Monaco?

Teams must now figure out
that the casino they are looking for

is the Monte Carlo where
they'll find their next clue.

Let's go, baby.

We cannot let them have a lead.

Be nice, baby.

Good work.

- Oh, sh**t, you're heavy.
- Pull me now.

This hurts.

Up again and try and grab it.

It's ok.

- Hey, taxi?
- Hey, wait.

What's the most famous casino
in the country of Monaco?

The Venetian.


- Yeah.
- Awesome.

He says he thinks it's Venetian.

- Is that what you think?
- I'm not sure.

Go, go, go. Good.

- Good job, bud.
- Down, down, down.

- Oh, my god.
- You're gonna pull all the way down.

You need to get in here.

Brian, stop it right now.
I can't take this.

- Switch?
- Switch, yes.

God why?

What's the most famous
casino in the country of Monaco?

Do you know the most famous
casino in Monaco?

Hurry! Hurry!

Fast! Fast! Fast!

- Let me ask him.
- Ok. Go.

No, no, no.
The boys are here. Go.


Please, please, please.

Just keep going, we'll ask someone else.


Follow that taxi up there.

Oh, man, good job, baby.
You did great.

Ericka and Brian are pissed right now.

Ericka and Brian look like
they were getting mad at each other.

On the way up.

So close.

On the way up.

Three more inches
and you've got it.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Babe? You need to calm down.

I can't stand losing this lead, Brian.

- And it's gone!
- You need you to calm down, though.

Oh, my god.

I just wanna make sure
we're at the right place.

To the country of Monaco.

- Where's Monaco?
- I don't even know.

The most famous casino in the
country of Monaco.

Maybe just follow
that taxi up there.

- Folllow that other taxi.
- Follow that taxi.

- Reach with everything you got.
- I did!

Just beat the taxi behind us.
Don't let them follow us.

Let's call the Mandalay
Bay or whatever it's call.

Mandalay Bay?

What is the most famous
casino in Monaco?

- Monte Carlo?
- Yes.

- Okay, the Monte Carlo.
- Don't let them see.

They're turning that way.

Let's ask, Cheyne. I'm scared.

- Brian--
- You have it.

I don't have it!

Excuse me, does anybody know
the most famous hotel in Monaco?

What country is Monaco in?

- It's in Spain. It's in Spain.
- Bellagio.

I don't freaking know.

Ok. We got this, last time.

Push my butt.



Come on, stop it and get me down.

Nice job.


Hi. Thank you so much.

What's the most famous casino
in the country of Monaco?

Monte Carlo.

Thank you.

Monte Carlo.

- Let's check first. I don't know.
- It is.

That was tiring.

- Wait in here. This is for you.
- This is for you, this area.

We'll be right back.

Sam, come on.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Let's go.

- Welcome to the Monte Carlo.
- Thank you so much.

Sam, hurry!

Count $1 million
worth of poker chips.

Teams have been battling each other

around the world in a
quest for $1 million.

Now $1 million is at their

And they're gonna have to use
their fingertips to count it.

Each poker table is cover with
casino chips of various denominations.

From this sea of 8400 chips

teams must count out
exactly $1 million.

When they think they're finished

the dealer will verify their
count and if they're correct

hand them a special
chip and their next clue.

She looks nice.

We were stoked to get
there first. So excited.


Okay, we have to find the bigs ones.

- Go for red ones.
- What are they?


We were collecting all of
the red thousand dollar chips

and getting as many
of them as possible.

Is this the highest in-- ?

sh**t, this is going
to take forever.

We are in a big hurry. Be careful.

I am.

I have 100,000.

Let's keep doing it.
We're doing a good job.

Come on, Meghan and Cheyne,
do not show up. Do not show up.

Why is it so difficult?

I tell you what. This is the Venetian.

Excuse me, we have
a clue that says:

What's the most famous
casino in the country of Monaco.

Monte Carlo, isn't it?

I don't know.

Positive attitude.

I'm good.

For all we know they
went to the wrong hotel.

You want to go
in the concierge?

Hurry. Hurry.

Ask anyone. Ask anyone.

What's the most famous casino
in the country of Monaco?

- Monte Carlo, isn't it?
- Are you sure?

- Ok. Let's go.
- Monte Carlo.

Let's do it.

Come on, light!

We've lost some time.

We are in this
serious crazy race

we've got to do everything
we can to get there.


I don't know how much
it's worth--

She's going to start processing,
so you have to keep track.

I have a good idea.

Dan, Dan, Dan,
will you switch me jobs?

Dan was getting freaky out
and he was freaking me out.

These are all in tens so put
them in tens.

Hurry, Sam. Hurry, bud.

I'm getting so nervous. Faster.

Start counting more.

Hurry, hurry.

How many you got?

What are you doing?

I'm setting up 100
and I'm giving it to her.

There's a 100 right here.

You may start counting these.

Yes, yes, yes.

Thank you, you wait.

Let's go. Come on.

Count $1 million
worth of poker chips.

Oh, crap.

Two, four, six.

Which table are you guys
working from?

What about this?

Get the biggest denominations.

It's probably 1000.

When we walked
through the curtain

we only saw Sam and Dan
which was an awesome feeling

because Meghan and Cheyne left
before we even got the bouquet.

Make sure all the red that you're
getting do have a thousand on it.

Do you know what you're doing?

That's 300,000.

Cheyne and Meghan must
have gone to the wrong hotel.

There it is. I think
both the teams are here.

We'll be back. We'll be back.

Come on, babe.

Oh, my gosh.

Count $1 million
worth of poker chips.

Hurry. Hurry.

Cheyne and Meghan are here.

Come on, we've
got to go faster.

Meghan and Cheyne came in
third, and Dan and I had

quite of big head
start on them counting.

So we're pretty confident
about that.

Hurry, Sam. Hurry, bud.

We've got to do it right the first time.

Get all the reds.

We cannot let them beat us.
Not today.


Come on. Come on.
We've got to go fast.

Make stacks of 25.

Don't worry about counting
them. Get all the red.

- Faster.
- Keep them separate.

- Let's start getting fives.
- No, no, no.

We've got to run them out.

Come on, Cheyne. Keep going, keep
going. We're good. We're good.

As fast as your
fingers can go.

Keep going. Stack like you've
never stacked before.

Stacks of thousands.

Sam, please stop.

You need to calm down.

Come on, babe.

Hurry. Hurry.

Fast as your fingers can go.
Keep it up. Keep it up.

You got to go faster.

Keep going. Keep going.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.

Come on, bud, we're
almost done. Almost done.

These are not even.

We're catching up, babe.
Keep going.

Don't worry about them.
Do not worry about them.

Dan, Dan, you are rushing too
much and you're gonna miscount.

Please just be calmer.

I like 600,000, but that's great.

Yes, yes, there's 20.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, yes.

They're all even up.
They're all even up.

Yes, Sam, yes.

Yes. Yes.

Yes. Stop, stop.

Start grabbing blacks.

They're 500.

You're doing great.

You're doing awesome.
Just keep getting them.

Start doing 500.

Love you, Brian.

We're getting close.

Getting really, really close.

- Why are you doing this?
- Because that's--

Those are 30,000.

Come on, calm down.

As fast as you freaking can go.

Just go, go, go.

They're beating on us.

Ok. You can take that.

- Not yet.
- You can take that. Stop.

Good job, girl.

Good teamwork, baby.

Keep it going.

Just got to believe.

This is all real
money if we go faster.

Wait, wait, wait.

Count them out.

Give them. Their almost
done over there.

Keep going, babe. We're almost there.

They're not going to beat us.

Just give her. Give her all this.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, yes, yes.

Is that right?

Ok. We're done.

Come on.

- Is that your answer?
- That's my answer.

I'll check it out.

We're done.

If you're finished,
I'll start counting.

That is correct.

- That is incorrect.
- Incorrect?

That is incorrect.

Make your way to the suite 88
at M.G.M. Grand hotel.

Teams must now race
to the M.G.M. Grand

and find the high roller
suite where Mr. Las Vegas

I am Mr. Las Vegas.

will tell them the location
of the finish line.

- Is Wayne Newton?
- Yes.

Is Wayne Newton Mr. Las Vegas?

Who is mister Las
Vegas, Frank Sinatra?

Wayne Newton.

Go baby, go.

- Hey, taxi.
- Hurry, hurry.

This is huge.

This is it.

This is so huge.

I'll pay you hundreds if you go
as fast as you can.

Stop talking about that.

That's 900 thousand.

That's 500 thousand.

You need 20,000 more.



- 10,000.
- 10,000 more.

Don't listen to them.

- There.
- So there.

- That is correct.
- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Make your way to the --

That is incorrect.

How in the hell--

How does it happen to us
every single time? I swear.

Oh, my god.

- Do we should ask in here?
- Come on.

- Who is Mr. Las Vegas?
- M.G.M. Grand hotel.

Dang it. Oh, my gosh.

- Are we at the M.G.M.?
- Yep.

Let's get out.

Service elevator.

Here it's come on.

Suite 88.

This is it, baby.

What entrance do you want?

The M.G.M. Grand?

- Mr. Wayne Newton?
- Hi!

We'd like to stay but we have to go.

- Where's the finish line?
- In my house.

- Where is that?
- Is that all we got?

That's all you got.

Come on, baby.

Suite 88.

Same elevator.

I got it.

This could be it.

I want to be there so bad.

Suite 88?

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

- Are you kidding me?
- What's his name?

Oh, my gosh.

How I don't know your name?

Wayne Newton guys.

We knew that.

- We'll give you that.
- Where's the finish line?

It's at my home.

- Thank you very much.
- Go get them.

I'm so embarrassed right now.

Oh, my gosh,
we didn't know his name.

Wayne Newton's house?
Do you know where it is?

- We're racing for a $1.000.000.
- You know his house?

Oh, my god, this is the
biggest thing of our entire life.

That was really Wayne Newton.

I feel bad about running out
there, but we've got to get there.

Can we go to Wayne Newton's home?

- I can't believe this.
- 10,000

I'd rather do all over again. I'm
telling you. Something is not right.

Just let me do it one more time. Please.

Wait. Something's obviously wrong.

Two, four.

Oh, my god, this is it.
This is it.

We're racing teams to
the finish line right now.

And we've dreamed
of this moment.

I'm so nervous.

My stomach is in
my throat right now.

I just don't want to see another
team's cab or I will throw up.

Wayne Newton's house,
where are you at?

The main entrance.

This all his ranch right here.

Oh, my god.

Very fast. Thank you. Very fast.

Could it be on the other
side or this is the front?

It's all this his ranch.

Where's the main entrance?

Look for the gate to his house.
Go very fast, very fast.

- Let's try this. Please stay.
- Stay here. Stay here.

Please be open.

Wrong one. Dang it,
it's not open. Crap!

Come on, Cheyne.

Is it not this? To the right?

Is it that side?

Cheyne, let's look.


- Ok, ok. Hurry.
- Try the other side.

- Go straight. go straight.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Oh, my god.

Keep going up here
and take a right up there.

- Oh, my god.
- Oh, up there.

Go, go, go.

- Please be it.
- Yeah, this is it.

This is scary.

Eight country, 21 days, more than

Meghan and Cheyne you are the
official winners of "The Amazing Race".

Oh, my god!

- For real, bro?
- For real.

And that means that you have
won the $1 million prize.

Oh, my god, is it real?

Talk a little bit of where
you've come from.

This has just been
a learning experience.

Every step of the way
it's just been so neat.

I don't even know what to say.
I can't even feel my body.

Cheyne, you must be
so proud of her.

She was one of the strongest
competitors in the whole race

even compared to the guys.

She raced with the best of them.

I am unbelievably
proud of Meghan.

Every step of the way,
she really gave it her all.

She's an amazingly strong
and intelligent woman

and I'm so happy she's mine.

Sam and Dan, you are
officially the second team to arrive.


- Well deserved.
- Thank you very much.

Very close.

I'm never going to
a casino again. Ever, ever.

But no, we're completely
happy to be here.

We wanted to share a story.

We wanted to not let our family
down, just by being who we were.

But we wanted to come
out and do this race

and finish the race
and that's what we did.

You guys had some
good screaming matches.

Oh, yeah. You know,
that's what brother are.

We bicker, we pick at each other.

We know it's not
going to matter.

At the end of the day, we're still
brothers, we still love each other.

We still want to
hang out the next day.

So you know you
have a great family

whenever you look up
to your younger brother.

I think that's rare and
I just love him so much

and I respect
the person that he is.

We got the to race to the finish line.
We got to see the world.

We got to do it together.

Brian and Ericka, you
are the third team to arrive.


You're kidding.

You are officially the
third team on "The Amazing Race".

We're so happy.

I've asked you before

what is your family
thinking now

as they've seen Brian
run this race with you?

My family is going to see--

Oh, god. don't. Not right now.

I think they're gonna
see some things in Brian

that they never had an
opportunity to see before.

And I hope they fully
accept him at who he is.

I think it's really important
that people just step back

and evaluate the
character of a person

as opposed to what's face
value what's on exterior.

It means nothing in comparison
to who that person really is.

This is just a part of our journey.

And I'm just really grateful
that I had him do it with

and I'm glad that I have
him in my life to learn from.

This is an absolutely
dream come true.

I couldn't have imaged
a better race.

I've learned so much about Cheyne.

He's just such a good friend.

He's such a good person.

I know he's always going be there for
me throughout my entire life.

The whole experience
in itself was life changing

and the money is not even as
important as what we got to do together.

It was the perfect race.

It could not have
been any better.
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