15x05 - Do It for the Hood! Do It for the Suburbs!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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15x05 - Do It for the Hood! Do It for the Suburbs!

Post by bunniefuu »

Eight teams raced from
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

to the city of Dubai.

Never thought I'd be doing this.

Meghan and Cheyne burnt
rubber at the fast forward.

I am the man.

He did it.

And sped into first place.

You are officially team number one.


After a scorching roadblock

Breathe. Breathe.

A frigid detour

My ankles are frozen.

had the globetrotters offering help.

- Y'all might want to get your coats.
- Get your coats.

It's freezing in there.

That was really kind of them.

Those globetrotters, they helped us out.

And in the end Lance
and Keri came up short.

And I am sorry to tell you that you
have been eliminated from the race.

- That's ok.
- That's ok.

We've had a great time.

Coming up tonight.

$1 million to go down the slide.


Mika faces her biggest fear.


- Start by sitting down.
- Help me! Help me!

You can't make me!
You can't make me!

You’re going to make us lose the race.

This is the city of Dubai.

It's hard to believe that only 15
years ago it was an ocean of sand dunes.

Today it's a booming modern city
and the playground of the arab world.

And where the city meets the
persian gulf, Souk Madnet Jimirah.

This arabian style luxury resort

was the fifth pit stop in a
race around the world.

Meghan and Cheyne who
were the first to arrive


will depart at 8:17 a.m.

Where are we going, girl?

Choose a briefcase, then
find the boardwalk marina.

Teams must now choose one
of these locked briefcases

then they'll travel by taxi to
the Dubai creek golf and yacht club

and search the marina's
boardwalk for their clue.

Choose a briefcase.

Well, hello.

All right.

I feel like a businessman.


There are a lot of stressful
decisions you have to make on the race.

I mean I don't think I've ever been
this stressed out in my entire life.

And that says a lot because Meghan gets
pretty stressed out in a normal day life.

Dubai is like island Vegas.

It is very fabricated.

And it's extremely hot.

They get their tans in the
wintertime when it's like 80.

I'm sweating like a madman.

Hopefully, we can get in the water.

- Can you wait?
- Yeah, no problem.

Let's go.

I see it.

Look at the little boats.


In this roadblock, team members
must row an inflatable dingy

to the yacht anchored offshore

and find this sheik
who will present them

with a watch following the
arab custom of hospitality.

Then they must return to the
dock to open their briefcase.

To do this teams will need to figure out

that the time on the watch, 8:35 is
the combination to their briefcase.

When they open it, they'll
find their next clue.

Who's ready to row,
row, row their boat?

I am.

I decided to do the roadblock
because I have experience boating.

So I kind of knew the logistic
of how to get there.


Do you love me?

Choose a briefcase.

We are leaving second place today.

First runner up Ericka says.

People are going to think she's pageant
patty but she can rough if she has to.

I start off with makeup and good hair.

By the end of the day, it's
all melted off and it's a mess.

But you have to start fresh and clean.

You got to try.

We've been bringing at the back
and it's not a good feeling.

So we just want to stay out in front.

Come on, Cheyne.

Row, row, row your
boat gently down Dubai.

He's barely moving.

- Find the boardwalk marina.
- Let's go.



Boardwalk marina at Dubai?

- You know?
- Yes, yes.

Right now it's too hot.
It's extremely hot here.

This is hot as I've ever been.

I was going to keep saying the
word "hot" because it's hot.

Come on, little boat.

Come on little guy.

Good job, Cheyne!

I'm happy he's finally there.

Hello, gentlemen.

Wow, thank you.

Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

Hurry, Cheyne!

We've got to find a briefcase.

Ok. Let's get a taxi.

I need a pair of handcuffs for this.

Handcuff to our wrist.

This is the longest we've ever
been together in my entire life.

And it's been going very well.

Do you know where the Dubai
creek golf and yatch club is?

I did bring my hair dye
and re-dyed it last night.

I never thought I'd ever be
helping my son dye his hair.

But we're getting very
close on this trip.

The heat is unbelievable.

Come on, little baby boat,
you cute little baby boat.

Oh, thank god.

Did you get the treasure?

Yes. It's a watch.

It is 8:35.

The hands were
fixed on a certain time.

So it was 835.

And it was three numbers so
I'm like what's gonna be that.



Take your taxi to old souk Bur Dubai.

Teams must now make their way to
the Abra station, a water taxi port

in the old souk section of Dubai
and search for their next clue.

Put your shoes on the car.

Babe, it takes two seconds.

Time is up.

- Relax.
- Ok. Let's go.

It's going to be a tough
challenge for some teams

because rowing that
little boat was not easy.

This is good.

It's probably out on the marina.

Right there. There it is. There it is.

Who's ready to row,
row, row their boat?

This one does not do water.

So I said I guess I'm
going to have to do this.

Oh, god.

I don't think he's ever rowed before.

Paddle the right way.

Oh, god.

He's strong. He can do it.

Dubai creek golf and yacht club.

Let's go.

We're still working really
closely with Maria and Tiffany.

It's kind of helpful to work
with them and if it does come

to the wire, you can
kind of outrun them.

Dubai creek golf and yacht club.

We think that we can
outrun every single team

except for possibly the globetrotters.

We're sick of them doing well.

- They're so lucky.
- We want them out.

Maybe we'll have to like ride
on a yatch. That'd be sweet.

Maybe we'll be in a music video.


Good job!

He likes a lot of encouragement.

He's so cute.

Oh, thank you.

We'll be back.

We need the boardwalk marina.

It's not here. This is
Dubai marina yatch club.

Oh, my god.

Why'd you bring us here?

- This is not the place.
- That's not yatch club?

No Dubai creek.

- Do you know?
- Yes, I know.


Good job!


I'm a pro now.

He powered through that pretty well.

What you got for me?

Babe, I've got you a rolex.

- Yes.
- Got it.

Open it up. My hands are bleeding.

Your hands are bleeding, you okay?

That row boat got me.

Take a taxi to the old souk.

- Let's go.
- Peace out.

Just a rowing injury.

Mama's got you though.

Mama's got you.

We definitely can't relax now for sure.

We can't even stop to drink water.

You get thirsty, drink your sweat.

Oh, jeez.

These dingies.

- You are.
- Me?

Good luck.

Oh, let me see.

You got this, dad.

It's been a while, buddy.

I'm not a row boater.

This Abra station.

Oh, there it is. I see the clue box.

- I see the clue box.
- No, you don't.

- I see the cluebox.
- Oh, I do too.

- Detour. Take this.
- Detour.

To the naked eye, Dubai is
the epitome of the modern world.

But in this ancient market teams
must choose between two materials

that have been around as
long as mankind itself.

The choice: gold or glass.

In gold teams must
find this jewelry store

where they'll use a precision scale to
weigh out exactly $500,000 worth of gold.

To do this, they must figure out
that they need to divide 500,000

by the gold exchange rate shown
on the monitor in this store.

However this rate is
constantly changing.

So teams will need to work quickly

in order to weigh out the gold
and receive their next clue.

In glass teams make their
way to this spice market

and choose a crate full of disassembled
middle eastern smoking pipes

known as hookahs.

Teams must utilize all of
the parts from the crate

to assemble twelve hookahs using
three displayed hookahs as their guide.

When they have completed
all 12 correctly

they'll receive their next clue.

Exchange rate.

- That's confusing.
- That's confusing.

We're going to do glass.

Water taxi.

Let's sit in the shade.
My ass is on fire.

This is really cool.

- This is awesome.
- This is really awesome.

It's like old and new.


It's not traditional
rowing but I'm here.

Thank you.

You got this, dad!

Please, jesus, let us leave Dubai.

- You have $144 for this leg of the race.
- Let's just take a taxi.

It's very James Bond.

We have a briefcase we have
to take to some location.

Although I don't think I've
ever seen James Bond sweat.

Let's go.

Canaan is a little
more competitive than me.

I've never played team sports. I've
never really ran in my whole life.

Canaan has to push me along a lot.

We've got a lot of practice being in
the back and trying to move forward.


- You got it?
- Yeah. 835.

All right.

Let's go.

Can you see the whole
Big Easy riding in that raft?

No. He'd sink it.

We'll be right back.


Look at the box.

- Want? You know?
- I'll get it.

Let's go, baby.

Pretty big. I don't know
if this is a good decision.

Come on, baby, do it for the
team, do it for the home team.

I've got you, buddy.

I'm going in here.

Make sure you don't tip over.

You can turn if you use
one peddle at a time.

The left one.

There you go.

You gotta forward and then back.

I couldn't use the paddles.
I'm from New Orleans.

You got the Mississippi river but
it's dirty so you can't go in there.

You're going to wrong way.

I know that.

I should have did this.

It's right here.

Let's go.

Spice souk?

Look for the hooka display.

Here it is. Here it is.

Choose a crate.

Let's do it right here.

It's in the shade.

Lift it up for me.

No. No. No. No.

- Look.
- Ok.

- We're going to take this out.
- Put pieces on the mat right here.

Oh, god, there's so many.

I know.

That's it. Ok. Let's go.
Let's look at there first.

There's different ones, Cheyne.

So let's look at these different
ones we you pick up the bottoms.

So let's start with the bottoms.

- Look if doesn't fit.
- Ok.

That one's got a ridge bottom like this.

It's kind of tough,
these all look different.

Cheyne, how did these go on?


You're freaking out.

Ooh, those are beautiful.

I want to go shopping so bad.

I get stressed out in a
cab and she's window shopping.

- This is Abra.
- Thank you.

Cluebox? Cluebox? Cluebox?

- Go for gold?
- Yeah, go for gold.

Way to go, buddy, swim out there.

Get out there, baby.

You're going down in history!

As the biggest man ever in a
lifeboat made for a 5-year-old.

There's a team.

Should I do it?

- Should I do it?
- Yeah.

Go, Big Easy!

You're good. Just keep going.

Don't tip.

He looks ridiculous right now.

- Good afternoon, big man.
- Thank you.


It's not right.

- Don't get frustrated.
- I can't do this one.

Don't get frustrated.

Don't tell me not to get frustrated.

- I don't understand this one.
- Relax.

Meghan got really flustered.

That's just how she is.
She really is meticulous

and wants everything
to be right and perfect.

Let's keep going. Come on.

- I'm looking.
- Ok.

- Let's go.
- All right.

Oh, god. Help us.

- Come on, come on. Come on.
- Help us.

Golden deepu?

Here it is. I see it.

I don't know a whole lot about
gold, but I do like to wear it.

- How are you?
- Hello.

Math time.

So an ounce of gold is $934.

So we need 500,000.

This is going to be some tricky math.

Very nice. Thank you.

Good job, Big Easy!

Do it for the hood.

For the hood, baby!

For the hood, baby!

Do it for the suburbs, Dan!

Pull up your underwear.

Forget them. For the hood, remember.

Look at me carrying my
briefcase like I'm going to work.

The globetrotters are here.

It might be physical.
You're faster.

Looks like it.

You could do this.

Love you.

Eight. Seven. Seven two.

I can't see the last
number on the watch.

Eight seven two.

I was thinking the
small hand on the eight.

The next hand is on the seven.

And the third number should be the date.

I know eight seven for sure.

Ok. Go down the list.

Good job, buddy.

Abra station. Let's go.

Start over from scratch.

Make sure they line up good.

Ah, man.

Like we said we wanted to finish early and
have the globetrotters eliminated, so --

I went everything, Flight.

Keep trying.

Don't get frustrated.

Come on, Tiffany, you're doing great!

Every time I accomplish something
that all the other guys did

it's definitely very, very rewarding.

So whoo ooh on my rowing skills.

I have a gift for you.


Yeah. This is fine.

There it is. There it is. Go.

Oh, boy.

We stay here long enough
Lance and Keri might show up.

- You better do this. It's water.
- Ok.

I'm pretty scared of water.

Come on, I can do this.

Come on, Canaan!

Go Tiffany! Come on!

Get in there. Get in that brief case.

There you go, baby.

There you go. Be nice to her,
maybe she'll open up for you.

That's it, Tiffany!

Thank you very much. Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

You sure it's 87?

Yeah, the right hand was on eight,
the other hand was on the seven.

All right, you just keep
trying that last number.

Think about it.

- You could do this.
- 8:35.

All right. Try it again.

You're good. Just keep going.


She got it.

Oh, my god. I can't believe the
globetrotters are still there.

Big Easy could not get it open.

Don't give up.

I'm not giving up.
I never give up.

A tiny one.

Keep going, Cheyne. We've
got to pick up speed.

The tiny one has one of this guys.

There's so much sweat
in my eyes I can't see.

This goes in this five times.

It would be 1,000.

That's not right. It's not 1,000.

- It's an estimate.
- You're overcalculating.

Why is it changing?

It should not be
changing by the minute.

Damn, we need a calculator.

My american education's dumbed me down

to use a calculator for everything.

Maybe not what you're thinking.

I think maybe he's
not counting the hands

exactly the way it's supposed to be.

Just take your time and think about it.

Does the muslim clock work different?

Dang, he got it.

Let's go.

Come on, man.

There you go. You can do it.
Talk yourself through it.

Good job up there by the way.

Get in there.
Get in that briefcase.

Make her come open for you.

The globetrotters left
like third this morning.

We left last.

And we just passed them.

To see the globetrotters
struggle, it was kind of nice.

We get them out of the race

that just makes us so much easier
for us to move on to the top.

Come on, baby, you can do it.

Snap that thing open.

It's tore up.

Come on, baby, you could do it.

It's tore up.

Start from scratch.

Look at the watch
again, just start over.

It was frustrating. But I stayed calm.

Cause I was thinking
what would Flight do.

Flight would stick with it
and figure something out.

You can do it, baby.

It's the time.

Let's get it, then.

Don't worry about it.
Let's go.

We can go catch it.

It was my fault.
I should have got that.

Man, I've k*lled us.

Talking about for the hood. The hood.

The hood's mad at me now.

The hood's saying what
the hell are you doing.

Read the watch.
Read the watch, dummy.

What kind of tweezers are on that?
It's like this.

Yeah, it's like that.
No dangling or anything.

There's extra ones. Like
little pieces if we need them.

We're almost done.

- I know.
- Ok.

I should not be this hard.

You had to figure out the proper formula
to figure out what $500,000 would weigh

to the exact ounce.

I say we go put together those
hookahs. This is gonna be crazy.

- I don't think so. Let's just--
- Ok.

You're really smart
at this kind of stuff.

This one's good.

Let's just ask if that's right.

Is that right?

Oh, my god.

Are you kidding?

Let's put them in
groups of what they are.

And look at them all together.

I am much better at spending
money than counting and keeping it.

So I kind of let him.

He's best at that.

I'm sure glad I married up.

Wait, wait.

- That's good.
- Ok.

Come on. Please. Please. Please.


I don't know how much
longer you want to do this.


- Let's do the hooka one.
- Okay.

We're pretty good at
building and assembling.

I know what the hooka is.

It's the big glass thing with the pipes

that you smoke out them.
You put the tobacco right on top.

We used to call it something else.

This is not the right one.

It needs to be the big dangly one.

This one?

Yeah, switch.

Is that right?


It's freaking close enough.

- Let's look at the--
- I can't. This is like--

Settle down.

This is good.

I know. Settle down.

- Should I try to figure out one more time?
- Try to figure out one more time.

Yeah. Okay.

This guy's got a heart of gold.

Too bad he doesn't know how to count it.

Wait, wait. That's good.

Last try.

Please be right.

Sorry, guys.

Let's go.

- Okay.
- This is dumb.

We need to go build a hooka.

This is ridiculous.

Maybe this is missing?

I don't know.

Let me see.

Little washer underneath.

Spice souk? This way?

- Yes.
- Spice souk?

Come on, baby. Faster.

Yes, there's a washer
underneath the gold plate.

We have to use these.

- There's no other--
- Underneath the plate.


Listen to me.

Well, if you would show me.

We have the gold washers under there.

Now put in the things.
Put in the things.

Quickly put it in. Put that tube in.


Yeah, baby.

- Let's go.
- Good job.

Oh, awesome.

That was ridiculous.

Make your way to Aquaventure.

Teams must now make their way to
the Atlantis, the Palm Dubai resourt

and search the Aquaventure water
park for the leap of faith.

After taking the six story plunge at a
nearly 90 degree angle through a shark t*nk

teams will find their next clue
at the bottom of the slide.

Oh, my god!

Quickly, baby. Come on.

That was so stressful.

This has got to be it.

This is it. Yeah.

Hey, you want me to
start setting up one?


This does not come with
an instruction manual

which would be really
helpful right about now.

Sam, over here.

Oh, yes. Good job.

Let's do gold.

Deepu jewelers.

It's hot.

Give me another base for this, babe.

Ow, that's hot.

- Be careful.
- It is hot.

I'm sorry I didn't do this one first.

This is much quicker.

Let's go. Right there.


- Gold or glass.
- Gold.

All right. Let's go.

We know how to handle money.

Maybe this will be a big detour for us.

We have two of these cords left.

This one needs one.

And this one needs one.

I don't think the colors matter.

- Ok. That's it.
- Ok.

Damn, why didn't we do this first?

Hold on. He's checking. He's checking.


Come on.

I can't imagine what it is.

It's got to be something so minuscule.

It's very frustrating.

I see it, right there.

Pick that up.

Pick it up.

Gold or glass.

- Do you know the currency exchange?
- No, I don't. So hookas.

- Let's do hookas.
- Ok.

Spice souk.

- Like this?
- I guess.

- Try it.
- That's not the way those are.

- The small ones are all like this.
- Just try it. Try it.

Try anything, please.

We've got to go.

Everybody's on our heels.

Is that it?

There's a bunch of hookas there.

Let's go over here.

Trying not to be defeated here.

We can't figure out how to do this.

And it's like we had them all
assembled and looks properly done.

This smells familiar.

Should we take them
home for the horses?

Deepu jewellers?

- Hello.
- Hello.

We've never seen
that much gold.

Oh, my god. That's awesome.

You're all right. You're
all right. All right.

Those things are heavy.

That gold is 941.25.

What does that mean?

Get the calculator.

Before we left for the
trip we went to Wal-Mart

and we're like oh a calculator for $2.

Yeah. Let's throw it in there.

- It changed.
- It changed.


- It's by ounce, Sam.
- I know.

I just don't understand
their exchange rate.

This is it, sweetie.

It's in here?

Should we try this amount?

- How much is that?
- That's way too much.

This is so hard.

We don't know what to do.

- Here it is.
- Great.

- Hi, boys.
- Hi.

You can use the other room.

We can use the other room?

Ok. We need to figure
out how many ounces.

So the number that it says
is the number in dollars.

We need to borrow their calculator.

Can we borrow your
calculator for one minute?

If you guys get it you have to tell us.

- We will. Of course.
- We need your calculator.

Please, thank you.

Divide $500,000 by 928.5.

Thank god that Sam and
Dan had a calculator.

Because it seemed pretty easy
that you would just, you know

maybe divide the 500,000 by
that number on the tv

but it was changing every minute or so.

Start loading the thing
when I tell you how many.

What number did y'all get?

- 538--
- Hang on. Hang on. Hang on.

The little ones. This one. This one.

Got to hurry before it changes.

- 538--
- Wait. It's good.

Oh, it just changed.


It just changed. The number
just changed up there.

There's the clue right there.

Let's do glass.

Let's go catch somebody.

Somebody's going to be
working on the hookas.

- Grab the silver plates, dad.
- Crate?

Here, Mika.

Damn it.

All right. We've got other people here.
We've got to get this thing done.

- Are the tops on right?
- Yes.

You can do this.

You can build.

I've already got this down.

I really think that other teams look at
us as the zebras and they're the lions.

But I grew up with four older brothers

and to lose, oh, I just hate it.

It makes sense
when you figured it out.

Yell it out.

- 534.9
- 534.9

Give me two. Give me another.

Hang on. This one.

Ring it.

- Congratulations. It's right.
- It's right. It's right.

- Correct.
- Let's go.

- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.

The alliance with Maria and
Tiffany really helped us out today.

Aquaventure at Atlantis, the Palm.

Take a leap of faith
to receive your next clue.

Take a leap of faith
to receive your next clue.

That's kind of scary.

Is this it?

Oh, here it is.

Might be that slide.

Just the words "leap of
faith" are a little bit scary.

We don't love heights.

We're afraid of them. Come on.

What are we doing?

We're going down here.

Oh, that's a big slide.

It's just straight down.

When you are going gown cross
your legs. Hold your arms.

Ready, baby?

Go, Cheyne!

Those are big sharks. Those
are fake sharks or real sharks?

Real sharks.

The only thing that did scare me was
when you're looking down you see sharks

but it was good just not think
about it and just do it.

There's sharks in there.

Oh, my god.

Route info.

Teams must now search the
expansive grounds of this resort

for dolphin bay beach.

This is the pit stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team to check
in here may be eliminated.

Good job.

That was scary.

Let's go.

- Ok. Come on.
- Let's go. Let's go.

Welcome to Palm Jumeirah.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Meghan and Cheyne

you are team number one!

Stop. Stop.

Ok, ok. What did we win?

As the winners of this leg of the race

you have each won a
personal water craft.

Oh, my god, no way!

Oh, my god!

We're so thrill to be on the
race and just having so much fun.

This is the best experience
of our life, hands down.

Every step of the way, it's
getting better and better.

This is most frustrating thing ever.

Dear heavenly father.

I just want to cry.

This is like insane.

Which one are you doing
next? The wrong ones?

Spice souk.

Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.

Make sure all the nails are hanging off.

I can't imagine that
that matters that much.

No, I'm just saying.

There's people here.

- Let's get it.
- Let's go baby.

We see some people.

- The globetrotters just got here.
- I know.

Ah, hell.

It's on now!

Catching up!

Let's go, Herb.

Judge? Judge?

- Damn it.
- There's something missing.

- I know babe, I just don't know.
- There's something missing.

I don't know what to do.

I have no idea.

I have no idea.

Oh, dear god.

It's crazy.

Something that we're
not paying attention to.

There's something that. I don't know.

I don't have a clue.

Come here. Let's walk through here.

All the fancy bases have fancy middles.

The fancy middles have gold tops.


We're missing our tongs.

Ah, the proverbial
needle in the hay stack.

Do you want to try to do the gold?

Everybody looks stuck.

We gotta do mathematics
and all that kind of stuff.

Come on, Matt.

I'm sorry, dad, but
I'm about to pass out.

- Sit down.
- All right.

Sit down.

- I've got to sit down.
- Okay.

I've never sweated
like this in my life.

I'm feeling hot. Feeling tired.

Little shaky.

The heat just twirls your world.

You don't know what's up or
what's down or what's going on.

I wish I were naked right now.

Hey, babe. I got it! I got!

The striped bases
need a striped hose.

Is that simple?

If this is it, I'm
going to feel like an idiot.

My man.



Thank you so much.

Take a leap of faith to
receive your next clue.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Good job, baby.

Man, I think we should go weight though.

We're going to catch up.

Let's go then.

Ericka and Brian were two hours ahead
of us so I figured if it took them

two hours to do that we should
probably go weigh some gold.

We're going to switch.

The trotters are gone?

Yeah, they went to do the other task.

- You go?
- Yeah.

Ok. Let's go.

This way? Come on.

Oh, my gosh!

Good job, baby.

Good job. Get over here.

Search for the next pit stop.

Let's go.

Oh, my god there
are sharks down there.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Warning, the last team to
check-in may be eliminated.

Maria and Tiffany

you are team number two!

And look who's coming behind you.

The boys.

You guys are looking like
"baywatch" coming down.

Good job, guys.

Sam and Dan

you are team number three.


Sam and Dan definitely had
a "baywatch" moment today.

They were looking cute in their
little matching red shorts.

They were looking
fine out on that beach.

- We've got to have 500,000.
- Yeah.

Add it out first to get downs.

I figured out everybody is going like

look at these dummies. They
couldn't tell time on the clock.

We're going to go weigh
$500,000 worth of gold.

So I went in there.
Can you use a calculator?

He was like, sure. There you go.

If I don't find it this
pass, I'm going to be upset.

We're cruising, babe, we're cruising.

Yeah, you're doing great. We're
going to get this for sure.

Found one.

I don't know where it came from
because I didn't see that last time.

Is thas right?


Thank you.

Leap of faith.

I hope it's huge.

The problem is
I'm scared of heights.

She's scared of water.

Leap of faith right here.

A little higher
than a thought.

You go first.

I want you to go first.

If I went first, I don't
know if she was a whimp.

- I'm only doing this for you.
- You can do it.

I hate heights. You hate water.

Let's do it.

Do it, babe.

She had a blast, trust me.

Oh, god!

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

That was actually kind of fun.

That was not fun.

Search for your next pit stop.

Last team to check-in may be eliminated.

Come on. Come on.

Oh, my god lord.

Hurry. Hurry.

Brian and Ericka,
you are team number four.

- Good.
- All right.

We're still in it.

- Where we at? $418.000?
- Yeah. 418.

Ask more. Little more. Little more.
Hurry up before it changes.

It went up. Dang.


There. There. There.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Take a leap of faith to
receive your next clue.

All right. Let's go. Let's get a taxi.

It's going to be like some crazy
ride or something, isn't it?

You jump off something.

Mika is a little scared of water.

You're gonna be fine. All right?

Mika is a little scared.

It's all right.

I'm not a fan of heights.

I just feel like puking.

After you, my son.

All right.

The water felt so good
after coming out of that heat.

It was welcomed, that's for sure.

It doesn't get any better.

- Gary and Matt,
- Yes?

you are team number five.

It will work. It will work.

Still in the race.

Grab your floaties.

You've been wanting to wear those
things too. You have to do it.

You can let us out here. This is good.

Mika, we've got this.
Come on, sweatie.

- It this the a leap of faith?
- Yeah. Right there.

Ok. Let's go up.

Hold my hand.

Stop it. Hold my hand.

- Don't tell me what to do.
- Stop it.

This is not really bad.

- Get up there.
- Don't.


We're not losing this
race because of this.

You're going down the slide. Let's go.

I can't do it, Canaan.
I don't want to do it.

I don't care.

- I don't want to do it.
- Hold my hand.

I'm not going up! Hold on. Hold on

Canaan, I don't care.

I'm scared to death.

I think this could be it for us.

Still in it, baby.

You want a kiss?

Come on, man.

They thinks us old dumb athletes
can't do mathematics but we got it.

Very fast.

We probably have to
jump into some water.

It's water. It's a slide.

Stand in the water!

This is my worst nightmare.

Get a grid. Come on.

$1 million to go down the slide.


$1 million. Let me walk
you to the slide, ok?


Take a breath. You're
freaking yourself out.

Sit down. Start by sitting down.

Can we calm down?
Can we calm down, please?

Start by sitting down.

Start by sitting down.

Start by sitting down, Mika.



- Start by sitting down.
- Help me! Help me!

- Start by sitting down.
- You can't make me!

You're going to make us lose the race.

You're going to make us lose the race
if you don't go down the water slide.

Please, sit down.

Sit down. Scream if you
have to. Just sit down.

That's all you to do
is sit down, sweetie.

Please sit down.

Yes, you can, Mika.

- Look. Watch.
- I hate this.

I'm going to sit by you.

- Sit down.
- No!

- Do not force me you.
- I'm not forcing you.

Why do people want
to do this stupid stuff?

It's stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid.

- Thank you.
- I can't do this.

I'm begging you.

You are breaking my heart.

You will regret it not doing this.

The teams that were in front of us

they're probably praying and
wishing that we come in last.

Dear god, please hear me.

That a girl.

Close your eyes and let go.

We need to get there fast, my man.

We're going to walk them down.

I can't do this.

Put your hand like this.

- Don't get close to me.
- Ok.

Mika, trust me.

- I don't trust you.
- Mika, stop it.

Both hands.

Close your eyes.

- No!
- Mika, stop.

Please get up.

Just do it.

I hate my life right now.

Thank you.

Is it over there?

Come on.

Arrow. Right there.

- I can't do it.
- Yes, you can.

- I can't do it!
- Yes, you can.



Don't waste time asking
why. Just go down the slide.

Leap of faith.

Come on, Big Easy.

- Where is it?
- This way.

It's probably out there.

This is ridiculous.

Canaan, why do you hate me?

Because you're being a complete
moron. It's a water slide.

This way, leap of faith.

I have fear.

You have two minutes.

Your life is going to
change in two minutes.

Basically only one
team can go at a time.

As soon as that team comes up on you.

You have two minutes
starting from that point

to actually make
yourself do the challenge.

And if you don't, you have to get up
and let the team behind you go first.

You can do this.

You can do this.

I promise you, you will be so proud
of yourself, it's going to be worth it.

Don't do it.

Don't listen to him.

Don't do it. I wouldn't do it.

It's high. It's a long way up here.

Guys, that's not cool.

- If you're scared, don't do it, Mika
- You can do it.

- You can do it.
- Don't hurt yourself, baby.

If you're scared, c'mon back and
we can walk back down with you.

Shut up, man.

If you go down the slide,
those guys are going to lose.

- Don't do it, Mika.
- You should be too.

They're saying you can't
do this. I know you can.

Times up. Step aside.

Step aside.

Go ahead.

I thought you were decent, Big Easy.
You're a piece of crap, man.

I didn't like seeing her cry.

But it's a race.

We're here for the race.

- I'm going down first.
- Canaan--

Come on, they're coming.

Let's go, come on!

C'mon, Mika.

I wish I was in Nashville

doing anything but this.

She's saying she can't do it.

And I know she can.

But with fear,
you psyche yourself out.

He's going to hate me.

I just don't want to do it.
He's going to hate me.

Flight Time and Big Easy

you are team number six and
you are still in this race.

That's what I'm talking about.

This is one of the most
dramatic finishes we've ever had.

We're ready for anything. That's
what we say. Whatever we have to do

to stay in the race as long as we
can, that's what we're willing to do.

This was last second shot.

Mika threw us the alley-oop, she was
running point and we slam dunked it.

Welcome to Palm Jumeirah.

Thank you.

Mika and Canaan

you are the last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you, you have
been eliminated from the race.

Mika, how are you feeling?

I feel like I let
Canaan down and myself.

I don't hold it against Mika.

That could have been me up there,
i could be the one just crippled by fear.

There's freedom in forgiveness
and there's freedom in understanding

that people aren't perfect
and neither are you.
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