15x04 - I'm Like Ricky Bobby

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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15x04 - I'm Like Ricky Bobby

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing race".

Never out of it, right?

That's right.

Friends zev and justin hit
their stride in phenom phen, cambodia

Give it up!

By befriending a taxi driver.

Thierry, you're the
smartest man in cambodia.

Until zev collapsed at the

I have no energy.

Allowing sam and dan to surge ahead.

Make your way to the next pit stop.

- Taxi?
- Wat phnom?

Here we go.

But it was zev and justin
who finished first.

You are team number one.

However, they were hit with
devastating news.

We realized my passport was missing.

Unless you find those
documents, you'll be out of the race.

- Knocking them out of first.
- Unbelievable.

- Did you hand it to me or--?
- I have no idea.

I don't think it was supposed
to happen this way.

No, definitely wasn't.

And eventually out of the

I'm sorry to tell you you've both
been eliminated from the race.

I feel like I may have let
him down a little bit.

No. No let downs.

Just happened.

Eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

This is phenom phen, the capital
and cultural center of cambodia,

A city renowned for its
historical institutions

And premier universities,

And high above the city, wat phnom.

The fourth pit stop in a race world.

Sam and dan will depart
first at 12:25 p.m.

Route info.

Fly to persian gulf and find
the world's tallest building.

Teams must now figure out that the
world's tallest building is the burj dubai,

A colossal structure
still understruction

That is nearly twice the
high of empire state building.

Once teams figure out that they'll
be traveling 3,300 miles

To the city of dubai
on the persian gulf,

They'll have to make
their way to this fountain

Then they'll sign up
for one of two groups

That will ride the elevator to
the 124th floor of the burj dubai

Where they next clue awaits.

The world’s tallest building.

Dude, this is crazy!

Taxi, taxi!

Zev and justin were eliminated

Because they didn't check-in
with their travel documents.

Now, we're leaving in
first so we wanna use

This head start to
actually finish first.

Hopefully, that moment
will be carried over.

Where is the persian gulf?

I'm no sure, sir.


Fly to the persian gulf.

- Taxi!
- Taxi!

- Let's find internet cafe.
- Internet cafe.

We think we are one
of the strongest teams

Because of what we've been through.

I'm from new orleans
I've been through the hurricane.

We're going to do it tough.
We're going to do it hard.

We have 160 bucks for this
leg of the race. Come on.


- We're in a race. Very fast.
- Very, very fast.

To the airport.

We're all in this racing together .

And, you know, when it comes down to it.

It's a big game of karma.

We're just trying to be nice to
everybody and help people out.

That's in dubai.

- The world's tallest building?
- Yes.

- Does dubai have the world's tallest building?
- Yes!


I think it's in dubai.

Yeah, I think it's dubai too.

- They search for my flight right now.
- All right, all right.

They got one leaving at 3:30
today, connecting in bangkok.

Book that one.

I got 24 hours in advance.

So, we might as well
just go to the airport.

Yeah. Damn!

We're racing.

Find the world's tallest building?

Playing follow the leader is not
how we planned on running the race.

We're smarter than that.

I don't know where the world's
tallest building is, do you?

I have no idea.

We're learning every leg.

And hopefully, we can forge
the head without the others.

Fly to the persian gulf.

- Let's go.
- Ok. Let's go.


We're happy that we're still in the race

But we're never content with
anything better than the top.

- Very fast. Let's go.
- Fast as you can. Thank you.

We have that
front-runner-type mentality

And we want to be ahead
and when we have the chance

We're going to take
every opportunity to.

Thank you.

Over here, over here!

We need to book tickets
to the persian gulf.

Oh, I never heard of this before.

Wait, dan.

The persian gulf is like a big area.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.



The persian gulf isn't even a

We have to go to dubai.

- Is that where it is?
- Yes.

Fly to the persian gulf.

Let's go.

Lance and I -- the bond that
we have is strong, we love each other.

Nothing could tear us apart.

You know a internet cafe?

Is there a close one?

And we have a lot of
non-refundable deposits

On the wedding at this point so
I'm not going to lose it on that.

So we're going through with it.

Find the world's tallest building.

Holy schnikes.

Mika's scared to death of
heights. I love heights.

Heights, not so much at all.

You need to change that
tune of yours this morning.

You need to quit telling me what to do.

Fly to the persian gulf and find
the world's tallest building.

Never in a million years we
just imagine, like, here you go,

Merry christmas early for you.

You get to stay in the race
because someone else screwed it up.

It's unfortunate what happened to zev
and justin but the rules are the rules.

We're appreciative for the lucky chances
and we think we can be contenders.

What's the stat us?

We have to get to dubai.

She's looking at what the airlines.


It's dubai.

Ok. Let's just get these tickets bought.


This isn't helping.

I know, honey but you got to understand

The reason they're disappearing
is because they're getting booked.

- We've got to book a flight.
- They're not getting booked.

- It's this computer.
- It's not computer, it's the site.

I'm telling you. I know
about how to book a flight.

There's the globetrotters.

Come on! Hurry up!

Let's go.

Hey, you guys, they have the
bangkok flight.

Same tickets as the people before us?

Ok. Thank you.

Can't believe we're all on the
same flight out of here again.

We couldn't book
anything over the internet

So we're going to head to the airport.

If we don't get on a flight then it was
very costly so we'll see what happens.

Let's go.

We need to get to dubai.

We have flight through bangkok.

Will we be able to make that connection?


We're on a flight to bangkok.

I expect to see everyone
up on this flight.

All teams are now flying via bangkok
to the city of dubai on the persian gulf.


- Come on.
- Let's go.


Yeah, we're in a race.

Right now we're in first.

Over here.
Over here.

It's warm here.

Isn't there a fountain?
That's where we need to go.

Very fast, please. We're in a race.

It's hot.

It is hot and humid.

It's an interesting
looking city, for sure.

Fast, fast!

Look at that.
Look at just the concrete.

I don't think there's a
recession going on here.

I see it, I see it. I see it.

- Right there. Right there.
- Okay. Okay.

Can we get out? We're going to get out.

Let's do it.

Good call on seeing this, sweetie.

Second team, not bad.

- Fountain, fountain.
- You can't go that way.

What are you doing, dude?

Dang it!

This is good. Thank you.

Write our names down.

You know where the water fountain is?

Water fountain?

- That's where we need to go.
- Water fountain. Water?

- Can you tell him?
- Water?

sh**ting up. Where is that at?

Is it the fountain you are asking?

- Yes.
- Water fountain?

- Yes. The big one.
- That is near address hotel.

We just went to the damn address hotel.

The guy's an idiot.

Is this it?

Ok, let's go.

There it is.

We got the last ticket for shuttle one.

Gosh, we just got held up.

We're number five.


Just where we thought we would be.

- See it?
- Yes.

We are the last team to arrive.

We don't know what's ahead

So whether or not 15 minutes is going
to make or break, you never know.

This is crazy and yeah, it's
been a long day.

Just going to look up.

Hope a plane doesn't
nick me in the head.

It is a pretty massive

This morning we were
with the pork girls,

The brothers and team
malibu, ken and barbie.

And we all went to the world's
tallest building together.

- I'm nervous.
- I'm sweating.

Holy crap.

We are currently standing at the base of

The world's tallest
building construction site.

It is just immense.

It's all right.

It's ok.

I'm not a fan of heights at all.

I was getting sick to my

I didn't know what was going to happen.

Mika was freaking out.

She was crying because she thought

There was a possibility
we might have to jump off.

Mika is a little
scared and rightfully so

But we're going to do
this thing together.

We trudge up to the 124th
floor of the burj dubai,

Like the world's tallest building.

Oh, my god, babe.

We are high.

All we could see was clouds.

We were above some clouds
and they were clouds around.

It was wild.

Route info.

Route info.

Teams must now make they
way to this parking structure,

Find these marked cars
and drive themselves

Into the scorching dubai
desert conservation reserve

Where they'll ride four by four
vehicles to their next clue.

What's this?

Fast forward.

This is the only fast
forward in the entire race.

The first team that completes it can skip
all tasks and go directly to the pit stop.

To complete this fast forward
teams must find the dubai autodrome,

The only racetrack of its
type in the persian gulf.

Then, driving in an
f3 open-wheel racecar

And accelerating up
to speeds of 100 mph,

One team member must complete a lap

In 45 seconds or less to
receive their next clue.

I want to do it so bad.

I want to go for it.

Let's go back down.

If we do see other teams,

Let's act like it was
the scariest thing ever.

Come on, guys!

That was crazy.

Don't listen to that.

This is the parking garage.

- It's open.
- It's open.

Right here.
Let's go.

I say we go for the fast

Cheyne and meghan decided the
fast forward.

Cheyne and meghan went
for the fast forward.

We knew if two teams went to the
fast forward it would be a huge risk.

- Let's see where this racecar is.
- You do.

- Route info.
- Fast forward.

The other teams are so far ahead
of us I don't think we should.

There's no chance.
We're in the second group.

To get up to the top, all you have to do is
walk on to the balcony and grab a clue.

- I'm so happy right now.
- Piece of cake.

This is the happiest
I've felt in forever.

To know that nobody has
to jump off the building.

- It's up here.
- You sure?

- P2?
- Parking level two?

- This way?
- This way. This way.

It's all right. Good pace,
baby. I won't k*ll you.

Everybody went the other way.

I think we got it!

Let's be safe and get there.

You're going south right now.

I'm about ready to wet

I can see the world's tallest
building out the sun roof.

I can.

Maybe here.

Are you sure?

No, I'm not.

This is p2, right?

This is p2 too. They all say p2.

We should've just ran
with the other teams.

I don't see any marked cars.

Please god. Where is it?

Oh, man.

Which way?

It's going to be up a level, sweetie.

Should have just ran
with the other teams.

I'm going to keep an eye
on the globetrotters behind me

And see if they make any turns.

Fligh time, you're pretty
good with directions.

I trust his judgment.
I think we're going to be ok.

Right here. Right.

They're going to the right.

They're going right.
We're going left.

The trotters are going right
and we're going left.

I don't know if we're
going the right way.

Honey, this way.
Come on.

The trunk. The trunk.

Do you know how to get to the
dubai desert conservation reserve?

- No, don't, don't.
- No?

Good. Gone.

Ok, you drive. I'm not
going to ask anybody.

- I'm just saying--
- you figure it out.

Race and drive center to the left.

I found it.

Are you ready?

Look at the race cars.

Let's get it done.

Ok, I'm ready to race.

It's really easy for me to jump
into any unexpected situation

And I'm comfortable that I can
handle any scenario.

I can't help it be nervous

And it's scary and dangerous too.

Her, on the other hand,
she hates not having control

Over the situation or knowing
what's going to happen.

So we handle it extremely opposite.

Never thought I'd be doing this.

We're in the desert.

This is so cool.

We're with maria and tiffany
and brian and ericka right now.

Lots of sand in dubai.

Aside from the heat this is an
amazing place.

- Looks like something here.
- I see the marker.

Dubai desert conservation reserve.

Is there a clue box?

We have to take one of
the four by four shuttles.

Four by four shuttles.

We just grab one?

All right. Let's get in.

Fast as you can go.

Very fast, we're in a race.

- This is awesome.
- Yes.

This dude is going.

It's actually really cool to
see this in person.

- It's so amazing.
- This ride is so fun.


Let me ask these people.

There'll be signs for e-67.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

God, I hope they're right.

I feel like we're in
last place but who knows?

You never know.

Some other team maybe having, you know,

The same kind of troubles
that we're having.

Oh, boy.

This exit?

- This exit?
- No.

No, straight!

I said no three times.

So we're not supposed to be
on this exit?


Wow, that was the craziest
riled I've ever been on.

Ok, stop here.

Thank you very much. We're go. Stop!

Let's go, babe. Go.
Let's do it.

It's like running on the beach.

Get it, baby, get it.

Come on, baby.


Who thinks they can beat the
desert heat?

In this roadblock teams will have to
literally drink in the landscape.

One person will choose a
traditional bag and search the desert

For water that's been stored
in urns and buried in the sand.

However, not all the urns contain water.

What they've found enough
water to fill their bag

They must give it to this bedouin

And his thirsty camels to
receive their next clue.

- Let me do it.
- I'll do it.

- I'll do it.
- Are you sure?

Yeah. I'll do it.

Good luck, baby.

We definitely didn't
want me to do it because

I would have been crying and
frantic probably because --

She melts.

Chocolate melts in the sun.

You guys know where water is?

You don't know?

Water urns?
Water urns?

Ok, he's swatting,
digging, finding --

I think they're camel


I can't explain how difficult it is

When you're there in
the middle of a huge,

Huge desert to even know
what direction to go.

If they're complete burried
we'll never find him.

He's going too far.

He's going to fricking egypt.

We have to find these before

The other teams comes or
it's going to be no point.

Let's see what you can do, baby.
Let's see what you got.

This is what it's about.

Baby, like a roller coaster.



Let's go over here.

It was so hot out there and I
was so thirsty.

It was like an ocean of sand.

This is definitely the
right one to sit out on.

There it is, there it is.

There's some on the hills!

Did you find it?

Oh, she found it.
She found an urn.

Are you kidding me?

There's no water.

This may be a mirage.

Please have water.

There's no water.

There's no water.

There's no water.
This doesn't make sense.

You guys, there's one more.

sh**t! sh**t! sh**t!

Let's go.

- Roadblock.
- I'm doing it.

- I got it.
- Are you read to do it?

- I'm ready.
- Let's go, big easy!

I got you, boy.

This is it.

We struck gold here.

I'm sure most of the teams
got out of the city fine.

I'm going to go 44 east.

Use your judgment.

My judgment sucks.

Have fun, cheyne.

You have to beat 45 seconds.

Come on, cheyne!

I have no control and it's
hard just watching everything.

He's going to do all right.

I just want to get this done.


I am the man!

He did it.

I like to drive fast.

I'm like ricky bobby. I was excited.

Thank you so much.
That was great.

Fast forward.

Having won the fast forward
meghan and cheyne may now skip all tasks

And take a ride in this maserati directly
to the pit stop, the amphitheater

At the souk madnet jimirah.

Part of the reason we want to be on
"the amazing race" is for me to learn

That I'm going to be put in situations
that I'm not going to be prepared for.

- Was it fun for you to watch?
- It was scary.

But it was fun. I
know you're having fun.

I need to be able to handle this.

I'm definitely looking forward
to having that happen.

And losing control.


You're so excited and right
now we're in a maserati

- Making our way to the pit stop.
- Let's go, are we ready?

No other team saw this yet.

I'm going to keep my back to them.

Come on, big easy!


Straight behind me.

Is there water?

Yeah, straight behind me.

I feel like if you treat others
like you want to be treated

If you help them they're going
to help you down the road.

You never know what the future
holds in this race.

Thank you.

I'll read it, baby.

Route info.

Teams must now make their way back into
the city and find this place, ski dubai,

A huge indoor ski resort covering an
area of more than four football fields.

It's here that they'll
find their next clue.

You are amazing.

Oh, my god.

I've never been so hot in my life.

Come on, come on, guys.

There it is, there it is.

Oh, she found it.

Let's get down over here.

Freaking kidding me.

May ladle is all -- up.

You can use mine.

Because we've kind of been
working with sam and dan

I just said, hey, let me fill mine up and
then I'll use my ladle to fill yours up.

Let me held this one.

I think it's pretty clear that
we're in alliance with them.

There's one.

Drive yourselves back to
town and find ski dubai.

I'll be a son of a bitch.

You are awesome!

God, you did great.

These guys are just leaving.
We caught up with the first group.

- All right.
- Open it.

- Find ski dubai.
- Let's go.

Do it for the hood.

Do it for the hood.

I know he can do it.

He walked through hurricane
katrina, he can take this.

Go. Go. All right. Ski dubai.

I don't know if this is the right
way to the conservation reserve.

I think I see another team
coming back this way.

Oh, really?

They could be going the wrong
way or they could be done.

- Should I pull over and wait for them?
- Yeah, do it.

Canaan and mika.

Let me help. Let me help.

Don't spend too much time but
go ahead and tell them.

Back that way.

Five miles on your right.

Thank you.


I'm nice but I'm not dumb.

This game is all about karma.

You know, if you scratch somebody's
back they're going to scratch you back.

He is way, way nicer than I am.

I think there's a great expectation

With miss america to be
this particular type of girl.

I can pull the claws out if I need to.

It's less stressfull right now.

We did a couple of big bend
moves but we're on our way now.

Maybe we'll hit some fortunate
luck and something good will happen.

- Where's ours?
- We're two.

I think it this silver.

- Do you want you to drive?
- I'll do it.

Fast, fast.

Go, go.

There's the girls.
Hey, look, there's the girls.

The car is blocking them.

- Wait, what happened?
- Damn it!

I tried to reverse and
that car was like behind me.

Oh, god. That girl
just ran over something.

Shut the heck up.

I tried to reverse but--

The radiator is broken.

They just punctured their radiator.

That car was behind us.

We went to leave and
then this would stick here

Which gave the tummy of our car a
little tickle and now it's bleeding.

That's an awesome way of looking at it.

Got the clue. Got the clue.

Oh, this is crazy.

Do you guys want to go?

If you didn't have your ladle,
I'd still be out there for an hour.

That's true.

We're waiting to make sure they're ok

And once they get a car I
think we going to hit up.

If a car is deemed inoperable
a replacement car will be provided.

Being from new orleans, I
used to run from water.

Now I'm out here looking for it.

Take your time but be fast!

- Ski dubai.
- We're ok.

Good job.

Who thinks they can beat the
desert heat?

I can.

I can do it.

We want to make sure you guys
get a car.

It's up to you to make
sure we'll get a car.

And we will get a car.

Here it is, here it is.

I'm never going for it again.

Leave it up to the girls to
wreck the car.

It's ok.

I have an excuse, because I'm an
asian female driver.

Is this the same way we were before?

Just keep following the signs.

- I understand, honey.
- I don't know

Because I don't know the roads.

I'd love to be able to tell you.

See those signs to the left?

Ok, you want to keep going that way.

- I got to drive a race car.
- In dubai.

That's unreal.

Bye, maserati.

Whoo, meghan, wait up, girl.

Welcome to dubai.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Meghan and cheyne, you are
officially team number one.

Congratulations, guys, and I
have some good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of the race,

You have won a trip for two
to jamaica from travelocity.

You'll spend five nights
in a plunge pool room

At breezes runaway bay
all inclusive resort.

Unwind with sodding massages,
a river tubing adventure

And canopy tour of the
jamaican rain forest.

You must feel good about what
you've achieved at this point.

Yeah, I'm proud of myself, I'm really
proud of cheyne, especially after today.

I'm just really proud of him.

I see the flag.

We have to park our
car in the marked area.

Go, baby. Go.

Everybody else gone?

I don't know.

- Teams you don't know.
- Yeah.

Oh, this is hard to run in.


I'm doing it.

They're empty.

Oh, my dear god.

Please, god, help me find one.

Keep your eye open.

We just missed the

Dang it!

Here's where we're going, ski dubai.

We have to get on this road.

We're on it.

You see that big tall scructure?

That has to be the ski.

Oh, yeah, that's the indook ski.

Ski dubai. Big center.

Good job.


- Oh, this feels good.
- Oh, yeah.

- Doesn't it?
- Yeah.


Sheltered from the scorching
sun in dubai's endless summer,

Teams will discover
an unusual phenomenon.

A desert snowstorm.

Here they'll have to decide which
frozen folly they would like to take on.

Build a snowman

Or find a snowman.

In build a snowman,
teams must carry snow

From the frigid winter conditions
indoors to the blistering heat outdoors.

Here they must build
a traditional snowman.

If they can finish before the
heat turns their icy statue

Into melted slush,
they'll receive their next clue.

In find a snowman, teams take a
chair lift to the top of the mountain

And sled back down
to this mounds of snow

Then, they must search through
the mounds for a tiny snowman

When they find it they'll give it to this
polar bear to receive their next clue.

I say finding one would be easier.

Can you believe it?

We're in the middle of
a desert on a ski slope.

No quit.

The dubai heat was very hellish.

You're in desert. It's 120 degrees.

It sucks any water out of your system.

Here it is.

Thank god.

No, that's dry.

Breathe. Breathe.

Find ski dubai.

We got to ride those down?

Oh, yeah!

This is nothing.

I snowboard in my boxers every

Ready, buddy?

We cannot use the sled.

Find a snowman.

You know what a die
buy snowman looks like?

I have no idea.

I hope it's not white.

- I think this is it, babe.
- Yeah, this is it.

I think they're teams behinds us.

Let's go. Let's go.

Brian and ericka. They just got here.

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Hey, what's up?

Oh, my gosh. It's like
a winter wonderland.

- See that the ski to right, big easy?
- Where?


Build a snowman or find a snowman.

Dig through the snow and find the snowman.

I think that's a really good idea.

Let's sled. Let's dig.

All you have to do is look.
Let's try to sled first.

- It's freezing.
- Tiffany and maria are here.

Sam and dan, brian and ericka.

- They're all here?
- Yep.

And there are all coming up to this one.

Just find the stupid snowman.

Damn it!

It's bone dry, empty.

A lot of thirsty teams out there.

I'm trying, keri. I'm trying.

I got a shot glass worth.

That should be worth something.

I'll do the amazing race,
yeah, yeah. No problem.

Isn't it funny that you can
drive 120-mile-an-hour here

And it feels like you're going like 60?

It's 120 kilometers an hour.

So it is only 60.

Oh, I thought we were driving fast.

- We're still in better shape than--
- lance and keri.

Gotta be.

Come on, baby.

That's your penalty for being
the last one to show up here.

I ran as fast as I could.

I don't want to disappoint keri
because I kind of screwed it up for us.

Definitely not a quitter.

Good job, babe.

Don't quit, baby, don't quilt.

Have a spoon, have a ladle.

Have a nice life.

- Got to find ski dubai.
- Piece of cake.

I'd go another lap but we have
to go to the next clue.

That's awesome.

Now let's go find the snowman!

One extreme to another.

Come on, babe.

My butt's cold.

She's not a snow bunny.

I'm coming!

You can do it.

You can do it.


My nose is running.

Build a snowman or find a snowman.

We're going to find it.
We're going to find it.

It's cold.

Let's all work together.

Push it down and we'll bring it.

All the way down.

This is crazy.

Are you freaking kidding me?

The coldest thing I've ever done.

My ankles are frozen.

Gosh, so much for our lead.

We didn't come here to lose.

We came here to win the whole damn
thing and I'm kicking myself right now.

I don't want to be out of this race.

It's too soon.

- Use your man hands.
- Yeah.

I wonder how small it is.

No idea.

Wait, baby. Wait, wait.

- I got one one.
- Yes!

Come on, baby.

How big is it?

Tiny, tiny.

Ericka, come on babe.

Where are we going now?

To the polar bear.

Hello, mr. Polar bear.

My next clue, please?

Where did she find that?

Let's be quick.

Oh, my god. Please
tell me to go to the pit stop.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Teams must now drive themselves
through the city to souk madnet jimirah.

With its old arabian style
it is a stark contrast

To the surroundings buildings in
this modern and ever-growing city

And it's a pit stop to this leg
of the race.

The last team to check-in here

May be eliminated.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Come on, baby.
We have to get to this pit stop.

- This point towards dubai.
- Okay.

So, I mean, if you put
a ski in front of it.

- Ok.
- Yeah. Yeah.

- You sure, sweetie.
- I don't know. I don't know.

This is east.

What do you want to do, baby?

Go, I guess. I don't know.

Let's go!

Oh, boys. They're here.

We're not giving up, guys,
come on.

- Here we come.
- Here we come, baby.

- Here we come, baby.
- Here we come.

Let's go!

- You want to go?
- I think we build.

- I think they're going to snowman.
- Looks like it.

We're building, boys.

Keep going, man.

Let's get it.

How do you feeling?

You want to go build?

All right, let's go build.

Let's go build a snowman.

We can do build.

No, dan, we're not quitting on this.

This says 66 east.

I thought we were going west?

No, we weren't.

Honey, I don't know.

- I know, honey.
- Just tell me what I know.

I know, baby.

I'm just saying I think
you made a mistake.

Oh, no, I thought it
was the same way back

Because we came east so I figured
we had to go west to get back.

We're not going west.

Yeah, turn around then.

It's all right.

We got to turn around.

Sam, we can do it or not?

- Seriously.
- We're not going to give up.

If they get it -- we're not
going to be the last ones here.

That team is going to be
done with building already.

Start packing the base.


So we find out you're
building the snowman.

- Outside.
- In the heat.

In 100 degree heat.

At least it's warm out there.
The snow'll pack nicely.

This is much better.
We can at least stay warm.

Ok, we got to get over.

Get over, get over. Get over, get over.

I am, cannan.

Put on your brakes and get over.

Canaan, stop yelling at me.

I'm sorry.

I'm not stupid.

I didn't say you were.

So now we're going the right
way, I think.

Every one of our decisions
cost us like half an hour.

They're just poor,
bad, awful, despicable.

We're directly challenged.

I just said that. We're
directly challenged.


- Brian and ericka.
- Yes?

You're team number two.

When it comes to karma, brian is always

Going to go out of
his way to help people.

He's very loyal and dedicated and kind.

Those are all the reasons why I
decided to married him.

Sam, let's go.

Everybody's gone.

Let's go build, man.

Let's go.

My honest thought was if
we ditch this and go down

And start building the globetrotters
are not going to find one.

- Look, here we go. Got it.
- Yeah!

That's what I'm talking about.

That's how you be a man, baby.

Can't read it here 'cause
my hands are too cold.

Come on.

More snow.

No snow in new orleans.

Hey, how are you doing in the snow?

Working hard, baby.

The globetrotters found one.

You've got to be kidding me.

Just stop and do this.

Just be quiet.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

From the desert to the snow.


- Thank y'all so much.
- There are the globetrotters.

I'm going to tell they get jackets.
We might want to get them.

Get your coats!

- Really?
- I'm telling you.

It's freezing in there.

That was really kind of them.

We turned around, ran to the
car and got our gear cold on.

Those globetrotters, they helped us out.

Should we put the stuff on
and see if we can jung it?

There's going to be a conehead.

It's melting as fast as we
put it up here.

- Keep packing.
- Just put it on there.

Snowman is hard.

Tiffany, this is not
round on the bottom.

I know, we can round
it at the end, sweetie.

Making a snowman is hard.

We come from montana, it's cold.

I knew we would be
able to build a snowman.

He was a pile of snow.
We can make a snowman.

That's a good-looking

Ok, guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Let's see what we got.

Sled to the avalanche chalet
lay and search the snow piles

- For a ski dubai snowman.
- I can't sled. I've never done it.

So let's build one.

Let's go.

I don't know where we
set it off in dubai.

I know we passed the l-mole.

We're probably about 10 minutes
from where we need to be.

Good job.

Oh, man.

Flight time and big easy

You are team number three.


This looks pretty good.

Just start putting the stuff on.

This is not looking right.

Make this our top tier right here.

This is a crazy feeling.

Being in the snow but it's 120
degrees out.

How's our snowman looking now?

Can we have checked our snowman?

He's really -- he ate a lot

During the winter.

Ok, guys, well done.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

They got it.

Good luck, guys.

They can build a snowman in
virginia and kentucky.

There ain't no way I'm losing
this race because of a snowman.

Just put it in!

One carrot nose, one hat,
one scarf, three buttons.

One pipe, branches for arms.


Thank you.

Warning: the last team to
check-in maybe eliminated.

Oh, sam and dan just left.
They finished their snowman.

Let's do this.

How's it going?

Gary and matt?

You're team number four.

All right.

In the middle.

Stay on this one because that street
takes us to where we need to go.

West? But it says west.

Didn't you say we need to go east?

I don't even understand what
you're saying.

Go talk to him. Go talk to him.

We need to go to the amphitheater

- At souk madnet jimirah.
- Ok.

- Ski dubai.
- Right.

We'll be the last ones.

Let's see what we got.

Very good.

Thank you so much.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Let's go.

We're screwed if lance and keri
did the other one.

You pick.

Let's just build a snowman.

Sam and dan

You're team number five.

Thank you!

There's a sign now.

- Madnet.
- Madnet jimirah.


Lock the car.

Let's go.

Don't fall.

Maria and tiffany?

Pick a number.

- Six.
- Five.

- I say six.
- Five.

You guys are good with

You are team number six.


You help me build now.

Let's make it thick and then
we'll cut our lines.

Ok, hun.

If you lead us I'll follow
you to the amphitheater

- At souk madnet jimirah.
- Ok.

Thank you so much. Follow me.

It's 120 degrees out

And I'm building a snowman.

I hope we're not last.

Me too.

You know lance.
I don't see him giving up.

Hang this in there, baby, we can do it.

Good, here's the underground parking.

- We have to move.
- Yes, we do.

Mika and canaan.

You're team number seven.

Where's his carrot?

I don't know.

Shape in the middle, baby.

His carrot is broken.

- Good?
- Yeah.

Can I kick him?

You want your clue or not?

Can I kick him first?

Please, just get the clue.

Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

We come back again one day

Just to build the snowman.

Maybe we won't get an
non-elimination. We get lucky.

It's amazing how bad we did today.

I don't think in the history of all
the races anybody's ever done this bad.

Come on, baby.

Welcome to dubai.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

We've seen a lot of it.

Lance and keri,

Unfortunately you are
the last team to arrive

And I really really sorry to tell you

That you have been
eliminated from the race.

- That's ok.
- That's ok.

We had a great time.

It was a dream to come here.

Me and keri have different personalities
but we have a good relationship.

We're different people but I don't
think I would want to marry myself.

I think it would suck.

Two of you would be too much.

Yeah, I don't think I can't handle that.

We have so many things to look
forward to that --

We'll never forget it.

We were hoping to do more of it.

It's just a great thing
to have in your life.
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