11x12 - Oh My God, the Teletubbies Go to w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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11x12 - Oh My God, the Teletubbies Go to w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "the amazing race."

teams rom hong kong to macao, china

oswald and danny learned a lesson in karma.

we have big smackers to use on danielle and eric.

it's a done deal.

ofys are pieces

don't realize sometimes it you. ires on

at the noodle detour,

some teams struggled.

i had ???

to cut it thick.

eric and danielle made up for lost time.

thank you.


eric and danielle just finished the detour

and we're still here.


danny got lost.

told me you know exactly
where we were going.

hell n't know where you were going.

dustin and kandice were to first arrive.

you're team number one.

and oswald and anny were last.


marked for elimination.

you need to arrive at the
maximum pit stop first

incur a 30-minute penalty.

elimination. d

teams ne of these four
will be eliminated tonight?

this is the city of macao.

nearly 500 years,

this side of on the a river
has been way station

trade between china and japan,

and on the neighboring island,



overlooking theao was 11th stop
in a race around the world.

can oswald danny overcome their ???

make ute penalty to into the final three?

and furious having been yielded.

yielded again?

you -- s are pieces of

eric and danielle knock them
out of the race?

ustin and kandice, who were the first
to arrive at 2:15 p.m.

ill depart at 2:15 a.m.

island of he guam.

teams must now travel

more 7,500 miles to the island guam
in the pacific.

when they land they'll have to
drive themselves nine

miles to andersen air force base

where,??? e to military security,

they'll have one hoose of eskorts litary

to drive this air traffic control tower.

they must then climb top

he get their next clue.

fly to guam.

we have to catch that turbojet to
hong kong city.

are pumped for this
leg, because we realize this is

do-or-die for us.

you win or ?home.

we've gone home before and??? we like,

it. idn't like

when does the next boat leave?

two tickets,please.

make the 3:00.

i don't think anybody else is
to e to be make this one.

fly to the guam.

we need to go to the ferry terminal.

we need to hurry up.

at first, i was a little
hesitant on coming back

to the race because...

it is challenging on my ???

having the best ???

"the amazing race"

compete against

is even more scary.

you have to be tough.

there is no other
way of playing the game.

to erry hong kong.

two tickets.

we're coming, we're coming.

ok, thank you.

let's go.

boat's about to leave.

to hong kong?

they made it.

lines are very long.

we're not going to make it.

time t is the next one?

"fly to guam."

we've got to hurry up.

i am hurrying.

it's everything for danielle i.

it's been a long road, and we
all ughome this crap to lose.

for the 4:00,please.

let's go.


hey, guys.



to thethink they airport to
research some flights?

i don't know.

i mean charla said they don't
internet. o use the

they don't?
no, i didn't say that.

i said them 't seen
using the internet.



and a big hurry.

they're probably about halfway ???now.

s hope is that there
is a we et desk open

can get first dibs on the
good flights.




of to the island guam."

that's cool.

danny and i are marked
for elimination.

asically, we need to be the first

pit to arrive to the stop or

we have a half-hour penalty.

we know that karma was it a
particular bitch on the last leg

of the race and we got slapped ???it, for

however we asked forgiveness to the universe

hope that things will go our way.

we're going back to the ferry.




??? go to the airport.

do you have cell phones?

call airport.


how you say airport?



have to the to do accent.

makes all the difference in the world.

???eliminated.be suck.

we've got our tickets.

we managed to 6:00he
to. ferry hong kong.

there are no signs for the other teams.

that assuming they're already
running around like

chickens without a head at the
hong kong airport.

here's the airport.

???much. k you very ,all right.

it looks like stuff is open.


to the island of guam.

want the first available flight.

is theh earliest flight from
ngves this hong kong to guam?

cathay pacific?

cathay pacific?y reserve us tickets?

us to pacific.

there is a

flight departs 9:00 ast in the morning

and arrive guam this

evening 9:50.

go ahead and book that.

a hopefully we'll get???

because as we know our worst
luck comes with flights.

there are three teams going

that's it.

one team is done.

the fun begins.

we have confirmed seats all the way
to guam on the 9:45 tonight.

good job.

???come on, charla.

excuse me.

go to guam as quickly as possible.

five past 9:00 in the at mve at 9:50.

you look very buff today,

eric,in your white shirt.

you can see through it?

the n we do

same thing,please.

the beauty of being first.

we do all the work and they go,

"we'll have had." they


i got it.

airport. oing to the


it looks like dustin and
kandice and eric and danielle

will be on the same flight,

and if danny nd oswald make it i
?beso they will on the flight.


are you boarding yet?

trying to get fairly guam.

to cathay pacific leaves at 9:05.

minutes. in five

hurry. er

we've got to run.

i've never run so fast in my life.


gotopefully, they lost and gotries
cancelled for today.

can you help us check availability?

booking to ed in guam, please.

then kong-tokyo,guam,

arrival time 9:50.

are we going to make that flight?

i don't know.

this flight, we can't make it.

flights we ext can.


leaving at 10:15,

it makes same connection from tokyo to guam.

t get in 10:50.

you only make 45 minutes to
connection in tokyo.

hopefully, we'll have time
for the connection.

let's do that.

thank you. get we there, we get ready ass. ul

hopefully, we can catch up.

all teams are now making their
way to guam via tokyo,japan.

let's go.

our ve to boarding passes.

thank you very much.

have o check in and get seats.

guys seen danny and oswald?

haven't seen them at all.

danny and oswald

for a t here while.

thank you.

connecting flights.

we want to go to the right.

to the right it is.

how are you?


you need to hurry.

he plane is boarding now.

god.here we go again.

i wonder where danny and os are.

hurry up.



it's always the last gate.

isthe flight going to close
in the next five minutes.

make we don't this flight

we'll be dead, dead, dead, dead.

i wonder and os anny are.

oh, my god.

is, there it is.

my, gosh.

thank you.

it, man.

that's awesome.

oh, look.

we caught up.


ran, but we made it.

we just hate danny and oswald.

say ve nothing to danny nd oswald.

s far as we're concerned,

the sooner they're gone the better.

we're not sure whether we landed
in japan or alaska,

we use breeze.he cold freezing cold.

but we don't care.

ok, let's go.

me. use cars have flags.

we're the first ones.

come on. beat the beauty queens.


we're right behind.

there it is.


go to the visitors' center.

it's closed.everything is closed.

military escort assemble here 7:00.

we have to wait until tomorrow morning.

the 're here other teams,

thing lly done today and get danny and

oswald eliminated. we're andvous scared.

have a t to half-hour cushion.

it's 7:00.

hello. it. tch you're coming with us.

ok, come on.



ourat's name?

kyle.let's win today,kyle.

please drive well.

what's your name?

frederick.nice to meet you.

we're going to the tower.

is it inspiring to work here?

yes, it is.

that's pretty cool.

i all right,feel like
we're in boot camp now.

hurry up.they're
going to beat us.

good job,frederick.

you just stay right here.

we'll be right back.

we'll be back.

look for the clue box.

here it is, right here.

this in haver, teams to choose
between two routine activities

associated with
the u.s. air force.

choice,care package,or engine care.

in care package, teams make
their way to this warehouse

to part in an air force
humanitarian relief effort.

theseust choose one packing stations

and fill a box with 500 pounds of essential

supplies for locals on neighboring islands.

reached r 500 pounds,

teams will board a massive c-17

cargo plane

for a opportunity etime to
experience an official air

drop air training exercise.

when they land,

the load master next
and them their clue.

the task requires relatively
little physical activity,

but the training exercise takes

roughly 30 minutes to complete.

engine care,

teams must scour lean

b-52 bomber.

they have to choose an engine
pod with its sail and wing flap

wash it clean.

once the senior air force
is tenance officer satisfied

with their job,

he will hand their next clue.

it might take a while
to go in a plane.

we're going to wash it.

this is so beautiful.


clean it.

that. n't know about are big
i'm telling you.

i just got dizzy.

follow the marked
path to the detours.

marked is the path?

sign up there.

on. y, come

or caree care package?

is. gine it charla,
it's right here.

package. the care wow.

i know. we decided to
do the humanitarian detour,

because i like to help people
that are in need.

up, urry charla.

i'm coming.

come on.

this way, charla.come on, honey.


ook at that.

let's take it.

all right.that's awesome.

andersene to air force base.

make sure you wear all
your protective equipment.

we hat are washing?

engine pod

and then to be going washing this flap.

charla, can you run?

please, charla, it's for a million dollars.

package. the care

we have to put the stuff in the box.

go, go, go.

in with some
degree of love, ok?

don't just throw it like it's garbage.

eric and danielle and
the londes are here.

i think this is harder than
the boxes, but we're here.

oh, my gosh.

heavy-duty huh? ning,
hard to eal get in there.

this is like a big pot.

this isn't easy.

get all the marks
off the chrome.

yes, sir.

oh, gosh.

charla, please hurry.

books. tics books
very important.

they really you out in life.

it's not easy.

you got to keep pushing.

et everything clean.

i'm not meant to be air force.

horrible in it.

offing stuff is easily.

right here. go. ere you

i know you're going to yell at me.

see, right beside the big streak?

this streak.
over a little bit. up.

didn't mean to wet you.

that's enough.

now we weigh it.

put it down.

how much do we weigh?

yes, yes.

up. wrap it

tep up, dan.

i know you're tired.

spot missed a right underneath there.

picky. icky,

we've got to go real fast.

i'm trying to do my best.

humanitarian effort, here we come.

let's go.

follow me.

you're glad we
join the air force.

doing good,kandice.

my sore arms are getting a little tired.

are you done?


don't underneath.

there. derneath

this is so hard.

there is no turning ack,man.

dude,i'm not turning back.

do this got , you've to
scrub that real hard.

this is the 've thing
ever done in my life.

feel like "top g*n."

getting just that plane was an amazing feeling.

it was gigantic and we
looked little nts.


o, let's go.

motion sickness bags.

clear for takeoff.

rinse.over im for inspection, please.

oh, my god.

up. ot to hurry

what do you think, sir?

up top, right underneath that.

it's rusty.

you've got to keep doing.

there is no charming the sergeant.

the sergeant was all about business.

we weren't getting
anywhere with smile.

we had to scrub.

we're have to eat off this wing.

it ow does look?

dirty.why don't you

scrub and i'll

and it will come off faster.

that looks good, see?

hard right there.

i think we're done.

where are we at,sir?

spot. spot, this are you kidding me?

prepare passengers or the nosedive.

when we reach altitude,
we're going to take

a steep nosedive
and you will experience zero-g.

got my barf bag.

commenting dive in three,

two, one.

ahat was blast.

i was, like, flying.

we are over the drop zone.

it's like a spaceship.

oh, look out there.

commence and drop in three,

two, one.

drop exercise complete.

returning to base.

come let's make it fast.


want to get another check?

what do you think, sir?

looks good.

there you are.

thank you,sir.

he's tough.

yourself to the u.s.
naval base in guam."

teams must drive themselves 21
miles to the u.s.naval base,

guam, where a naval escort
will drive their next clue.


glad that's done.

good work, good work.

the blondes just finished.

hustle up, dan.

first e the out of there.

good. my god.

come on, baby, we can do this.

i think you've got it.

ok.about it, sir?

oh,my god.

go, go, go.

everything looks good, guys.

thank you so much.

"drive yourselves to the u.s.

val base,guam."

we're kind of in a rush.

it is only thing about
we're in a race,

if we could, like,
kind of do it fast.

there you go,guys, you are done.

literally and figuratively.

teach our ave you
maid how to clean.

i don't know what to tell her.

"drive yourself to the u.s.naval base."

baby. ,a ave whole new respect for
anyone who does this.

that bus will take you to your car.


get the clue.

thank you.

thank you.

ready get
right out and drive.

it's great to meet you.

danielle and eric
wright behind us.

thank you very much.

all right. off we go.

good luck to you.

thank you for everything.

to meet an honor you.

u.s. naval base.

thank you very much.


the ll teams leave already?

yeah, they did.

charla.we fall into fourth.

worried because this is
the final elimination before the

to the ree, race end.

we don't want to finish today.

c you are?


verybody's finished the tasks already.

up ching lot to do.

i don't see any other teams.

me neither.


we have to play catch-up.

look on the map.

see where it s?

leg e

you get nervous and you don't
want to mess up.

are you sure?

yes.i hope so.

got 've to stay on route one.

i think that's his is,oswald.


we have o go to the u.s. naval base.

to think we've still
got going that way.

think it'st that way?

like the ook right place.

looking for the u.s.base.

f,s a matter like,life-and-death.

you're going to see it on
ok?ft-hand side,

thank you very much.

i'll follow ok.

we are already behind all the
other teams.

we want to come in first place.

hard and you get something your
way, you want

to be rewarded.

right here?


the office on the left.

there they are.

you drive for us?

love this.

she's cute.

look at your nails

we might be going into battle today.

all right.

it is a roadblock.

is ready to search far

wide?"you are.

aroadblock is a task that
one person may perform.

in this roadblock, that person

part in a naval search
d rescue training exercise.

using a handheld

through navigate


jungle and locate of four
search and rescue training officers.

the officer will then program additional information

into their g.p.s. unit, providing a clearing.

once here, the team member

request er to

extraction, set off a smoke

grenade signalling their exact

wait on and picked

up and returned to
their teammate

where they will receive their next clue.

you can do it, girl.


you look great.

ok.i love you too.

wish me luck.

got you.

still looking good.

visitors' center.

you f guys?

how are you guys doing today?

crazy. sir. ,


we're a little bit lost.

we're trying to find the u.s. naval base.

all the way. oad please?

there, you drive us please?

yes.let's go.

use had to the g.p.s.
to avigate my way to find pilot

jungle lost out in the guam.

all right.wait a second.

let me see.thelowed -step, i arrow

and it me where go.

ff course.

it says go this way.

like you're searching
for your easter basket.

here we go.

getting closer.

there is kandice.

you're the first ones here?


ready is search far wide?

you. come on,dan.

all right.thank you.

this is so much more for me
than it is for her.

doing the roadblock because i've
already done my roadblocks.

she doesn't know how to read it.

this lady ahead of us
is like an angel sent to us.

right now, we're being led by taxi.

hopefully, we're going in
the right direction.

is this danny?

this must be them.

mirna and charla.

what is it they're doing?

i can't believe
danny and os are here yet.

i think it. l do

are you sure?

yes. i guess i want to
save the last one for you.


follow instructions.

d be with you.

use the g.p.s.
toy lls you which go.

any hould not press buttons.

do you understand that?

hot,n this beaming sun, easy.
t that you tough ve a job.

wonder there's all these military-navy discounts.

you guys do too much good stuff.

it says, "arriving at pilot."

come here, pilot.

to here save you.

i where am

going right now?

toi don't know what do.


i don't understand this thing.

eally close.11.

here he is.

hey, i'm here to save you.

all right?

good, you've got your water there.

these are the coordinates for
ur next destination.

thank you.

let's get us out of here.

what do you say?

naval station.

i'm starting to feel better.

headed ause we're in the right direction.

i missed something.

"arriving at ..pilot."

pilot like right here.

he? e is

i have no idea what
i'm doing right now.

i have no idea.

that was on the purple thing before.

off the purple thing.

a'am, you're not allowed
to touch the buttons.


i got to get to
the anding zone.

it's in s this direction.

here we go.

looks like danielle.

oh, my god.

a spiderweb.

spiders all over me.

i hope she knows how
to use system.

is it showing that?

it's going that way.

is. e he

woods. i am such an idiot.
here. d get

thank you.

told,you not to touch the screen.

me. d help

i would be dead i was in the now.

they deadd have found

and come and take my body.

in o we go there?

it. et's do

are you our representative?

i am.i'm oswald.to meet you.

we're in a competition.
a little cuckoo.

is. ere

see you guys.

may i request a helicopter.

what you need to do is coordinate radio.

rider, t this is d.l.,

the landing zone for pickup.

roger d.l.,departing
for extraction point.

there is that helicopter landing.

my are going to be
so jealous of me.


pop the smoke.

ok,set to hoist, guys.

bringing them in.

this is so cool.

hope that's danielle.

it? ho is

can you see?

who is it?

how was it?

so cool.

you it. loved

"drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

fort soledad."

drive eams theselves 11 miles down cot

island'sough this egetation to place,

fort soledad.

this 19th cenry fortification
spanish protect

galleons from pirates is
the pit op of this race.

the last team to check in here

will be eliminated.

fort soledad.

let's do it.


good job,girl.

fort soledad.

we should map.
on the yeah, we should.

i? where am

idon't know where am.

i'm such an idiot.

ma'am, just follow your g.p.s.

knew how i would
follow it, i would.

i'm dying.

there is eric and danielle
and charla and mirna.

thank god.

well if probably
they're still here doing this,

u know.

go, go.

"who's ready to search far and wide?"

that would be you.

follow me.

hurry, hurry.

right if i'm reading this
right, i'm about 2:22 away

from where i should be.

want to top doing this now.

haven't seen our partners
yet at this point.

i don't understand.

me,c's going to k*ll

i'm so last.

i only have 41 seconds to
my destination.

i'm going somewhere in
the right direction.

can i show you this?

youd am,not to touch the all.

what's taking taking them so long?

they're taking hours.

such did a good job.

it was really fun.

loved the military stuff.

it. it pumps me feel dakes me

so patriotic and proud
to be an american.

know, to seel, you it.

fort soledad.



first car here.

let's do it.

fort come to soledad,guam.

you. ank

dustin and kandice,
you're team number one.

it's so good.

awesome. awesome,


three teamsof the who willbe racing to
the finish line

for $1 million.

waiting e been to hear that.

chance to ou have the become the
first all-female team to win

"the amazing race,"
and the wo 1 million.

but i have some more
good news you guys.

as of the of this leg
race you have each

won an all-terrain vehicle.


yes. serious.

do you have any idea how many have? ou

we love our toys.

oh, my god.

i'm doing.

difficult for me?

i'm totally getting off the course.

i should be around here somewhere.

tont to the final three.

no idea

where the is.

this could be the ofngest
day my life.

this is a disaster.

it has to be right around here.

going is to k*ll me.

we're not going to be in
the top three because of me.

i don't know what i'm doing.


found the pilot, but where is the zone? ng

i'm so last.

i'm trying to get to pilot three.

t says zero, off course.

you're kidding me.

go through this grass.

something bite 't me.

should be around here somewhere.

i don't know what to do.

it's ok to travel this ay,right?

not a land mine or something.

pilot ng at three."

officer? you

yes, i am.

thank god you are.

ok.so i'm going to the landings.

no poison e is ivy here.

i think keep hitting the side

buttons and that throws you off.

that's why i was so confused for a while.

hello.pass just you,
like, a thousand times?

you were right here all the time?

it's good camouflage.

here you are.

i guess this is it.

you're here.k*ll me now,please.

night rider, night rider, i'm at

the landing pickup. r

roger, danielle, this is night rider.


affirmative, we have smoke.

on deck.they're coming up.

ok.bringing them in.

are, these grasses tall.

let's hope we go this way.

likes dy to cut the g here.

ah.are you all right,ma'am?

yeah, i'm fine.

i'm going around and that's it.

that's awesome.

whoan you it is?

who is it?

good job, dan.

want to know, you want to know.

thank you.

"dri yourselves nexthe
pit stop, fort soledad."yea.

why is it pointing that way?

this way, i think.

ok. let me see something.

i'm going in the right direction.

ok.here we go.

i know where to go.

a feeling this could
be my destination.


here we are.

there you go.

come get me.

night rider, night rider.

this is charla.i am
in the landing zone.

they're behind me?


i got smoke.

oh, my god.

the teletubies go to w*r.

i am at the landing zone for pickup.

stand by.

chopper number one, extraction

alpha.chopper number two,
extraction point date


in don't know who this chopper,
but i know who i hope is in it.

"drive yourselves to the next stop.

fort soledad."

now we just have to make
it this fort.

i'm so proud of you.

it's good to see that helicopter.

and coming out.

i have been rescued.thank you.

"warning,the last team to
arrive may be eliminated."

oswald and danny.

team 're the last to arrive.

lastu're the team to arrive.

phil, no, i want to say. santo.


???have to go back.

it's very confusing.

it?where is

we need we're e sure on
the right road.

fort soledad.

make a left.

keep going straight.

go faster.

i'm going the speed limit.

home. e got to be going

we're not going home.

going re north.

we have to go south. turn around.


keep going straight.

you're fine.

it?ere the hell is

up here somewhere.

got a littlel ways to go.

that be it?

we shall see.

eric and are lle,
you team number two.

thank god.

congratulations, guys.

final three teams racing
to the line for $1

the on, eric, for
you second time.

for you, danielle time. t

first time and further than
beforeve ever been in the race.

u've got to be proud of her.

really at out strong
teams in this race.

she's been awesome.

she's doing a good job despite

the do, she's awesome.

i'm real her. d of

way. 're going the right i

there would be some signs.

it?what is

the bridge.

we're fine.

i hope we didn't pass it.

should i turn around?

and a irna, you are
team number three.


you are one of the final three teams

for the $1 million.

ok, ok.


how are you?

soledad to fort in guam.

thank you.

here. o be and: oswald danny.

yes, phil.

you are the last team to arrive.

yes. am :

and sorry to tell you
that you have both been

eliminated from the race.

you. ank

i'm sorry to hear it.

it was a really wonderful experience.


it's good.

you know who is
left in the race?

i'll tell you who
we want to win.

we would love for and
la mirna to win.absolutely.

because i sincerely feel that

those ladies are a class act.

guys, do you have any

regrets about anything that
happened on the race?

no darling.

we ran the race the way we

there will be many chapters
written about oswald and danny

"the amazing race" happens
to be a paragraph.

now you have two.

we did it twice.

let's give chapters.


to be able to go through this

leads me e it twice to
believe that i will have

oswald always. fe he will be
pushing the wheelchair as

i'm going into the home.

that i'm rsing home

going to open up.

and heefully, by then

that heeak will everyerrupting

me i me say something.

uh-huh.that's all.

going to win.

it's on.

wine better this time,

because we didn't come
here for nothing.

we have been ready for this race. tire

manyve been down so times,

any nk that if team
us. rves to win it's

we want to the first

win this girl team to race.

wake up and smell the coffee.

watch out.

what we're about to do.

i just want to win.

i don't want to be second place.


we are beat.

eam to we'll knock
crowns off their head.


you thought this was crazy

before, you haven't
seen anything yet.

stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.


dustin and kandice's lationship capsizes.

it isn't true.

it's over.

the teams three swim.



and run to the finish line.

charla,to have run.

they're going to catch us.

find out who will win the million.
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