11x07 - If I Were in Town, I'd Ask for Your Number: Part One

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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11x07 - If I Were in Town, I'd Ask for Your Number: Part One

Post by bunniefuu »

Phil: previously on raserase,

Teams set out from mozambique

To the san sa bar.??



Charla and mirna took a well-calculated risk.

Please do that.

Come on.

And surged ahead of everyone else.

Phil: I must ask you to leave

The plane right now.

You've got to be kidding me.

Phil: eric and danielle got

Pulled off the plane when they

Overbooked their flight.


This is ridiculous.

I don't want to do this anymore.

Phil: they were left behind

With their archrivals, guidos

And teri and ian.

We're going to spend another

Night in the airport.

Phil: oswald offered comfort

When he and danny caught up

With charla and mirna.




But charla and mirna broke away

At the roadblock and came in

First thr the second time in a row.

Team number one.

Nearly 16 hours later, guidos

Fished their way out of a

Puzzling detour just ahead of

Teri andeian


Who were the last to arrive.

You have been eliminated from the race.

We had fun.

Phil: now six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: this is san sa bar, --

Zanzibar, known as spice

Iisland, it's off the eastern

Coast of tanzania in the indian ocean.

It was once a center of major

Trade and along its coast, this fort.


This was the sixth pit stop in

A race around the world.

Teams arived here at the end of

The last leg for a mandatory rest period.

The six teams waiting have no

Idea what's in store for them.

After falling more than half a

Day behind the leaders, can joe

And bill climb from the bottom

Of the pack and even the

Playing field?

Charla and mirna, the first to

Arrive at 4:20 p.m. Will depart

At 4:20 a.m.

Make your way to warsaw.

Phil: teams must now travel

More than 5,000 miles to

Warsaw, poiland.

When they land they make their

Way to czapski palace,

Frederick chopin's childhood home and find this spot where a

Man dressed as the musician will be playing the peenpeen.



Since flights to warsaw are limited, they've been provided

With tickets on a flight scheduled
to arrive the next day at 11:25 a.m.

However, they're under no
obligation to use these tickets.

We're going to poland.

We love the feeling of coming in first.

It's almost better to be going

Under the radar than to have

All these people see you as a threat.


I think we might be able to

Find a better flight than this, charla.

Do you want to wait for danny

And oswald and share a taxi?

We're going to poland.

Good-bye, zanzibar.

Danny and I are having fun

And enjoying ourselves while

Being competitive.


We're not stupid.

We're competing.

We're going to help people to a degree.

We've said, there are no alliances,
there are joint ventures.

]]- Hey, guys.

Dupe to share a taxi?

Yes, shower.

Let's go to the hotel.

???]]Off $121 for this leg of the race.


Our spirit has been lifted

By making it through being

Marked for elimination.


Having the special times

Together helps you to grow

Together as a couple.

That is the essence of why

We're here.

It is the excitement thatic

Our relationship needs.

I saw a south african airways

Up the way.

We're going to try to go there

And see if they have any

Flights out of here.


We're going to get to see

Chopin playing peenpeen.

For real?

He's dead.


Everyone knows how to work

Every angle at every situation.

All the trick wes felt we had,

They have to.

We're going to poland?

I love it.

There's been times in this

Race where we said, let's just

Hang on, stay in the middle.

This is the point of the race.

We have to step it up a notch,

Or we're going to be out.

Let's go to a travel agency

And see if we can beat it.

We're trying to get to poland.

South african airways doesn't

Open until 8:30.

We've got a few minutes before

The agents get here.

I just hope they show up on time.

They will, huh?

Here it is, guys.

They should be opening soon.

Let's just wait.

Thank you.

Hey, guys.


I think we should call the

Travel agency while we're waiting.

We may be able to work

Something over the phone with

The travel agent.

Is this the travel agent?


Hello, how are you this morning.

I'm looking to travel to

Warsaw, poland.

What is the writing?

These she's probably got ewe

Che in a and joyce on the fine.


That's them.

My gosh.

They called wright right as she


Let me give you the rest of

The information.


We came to the office first.

People are telling them to

Hang the phone up.


What does the person look

Like that's telling you, is

There a small person with them?

This is a competition, person

Telling you not to take the

Information is competing with me.

Please, you can call later.


Thank you.


Are you the supervisor?

You can help us, right?

We're trying to go to


We've got to find better than 11:25.

I don't want you to share.


The reason why danny and I

Were able to work with charla

And mirna is we took a step

Back and said, ???two of us like

To speak a lot.

So the way we manage that

Situation was by saying, let's

Channel all of the

Communication through mirna.

What else do you have to warsaw?

We're flying to warsaw,


Do you prefer which airline?


We'll fly any airline.

We'll give you commission.

Charla and mirna are leaning

Across the desk and getting in their face.

I've seen ticket agents become

Frazzled working with them.




We're going to try to do it

Here instead of fighting with the crowd.

We need to get to poland

Before 11:25.

The goal is toe find flights

That will get you to your goal

Earlier than the tickets provided.

Because we hope that somebody

Will have to take that flight.

Which airline do you want?

We want to see which airlines get there first.

Arrive 12:00.

Too late, earlier.

This is like a spy game.

This is the time right here.

We're trying to beat.

I'll try to check the flight ???

From addis abecause ba.

And then from there to

Frankfurt and then to warsaw.

Tomorrow night at 10:00.

How is she booked?

I'll check.

We're both going to the same place.

All full.


Thank you.

Let's do it.


We have nothing right now.



We're going to the airport.

You know?

We got our tickets.


We're going to get into warsaw

At 9:10 a.m.

We're screwed.

I'm having a heart attack right now.

I need emergency help.

Thank you.

Check in for this flight.

We're on the plane.


Feels so good.

And we're by ourselves.

It's wonderful.

I'm so happy.

Phil: dustin and kandice are

Traveling to warsaw via addis
ababa and frankfurt.

We've been here forever.


It's going to take so long at this rate.

We can't go to the airport

And buy tickets.

We might as well just sit and

Look for better flights.

We've been here four hours.

Departure from johannesburg

Arrive in frankfurt and

Departure in frankfurt, arrival

In warsaw at 9:10678

That's earlier.

Take the whole thing.

You have reservations, you

Need to pick up your tickets in the frankfurt.

Let's do standby.

We can't do on stand by?

Not possible.

Make your way to warsaw.

This race is testing our relationship.

We never wur put in such

Extreme situations before.

Now we kind of argue a little bit.

As a teammate, I think I should

Be able to ask a question or

Put my opinion in there.


So warsaw's not here.

No what saw is in poland, knucklehead.


I look like a little polish girl.

You don't.

Polish girls are blond.

You don't know.

You didn't know where warsaw was.

It arrives tomorrow at 17:106789

That won't do.

She's so slow.

Shs an intense moment right now.


I want to get out of here.

I don't see anybody.

Phil: uchenna and joyce are

Traveling to warsaw via johan

Best nurg and frankfurt.

Here on the left.

Hi, everybody.

I suggest you sit down.

It's going to be a long time

Before you get to sit down and

Talk to them.

We've been here seven hours.

Seven hours?

Are you kidding me?

Is there better flights?

The truth is we found the

Best flight and we decided not

To go because we wan to hang

Out with you.

I have a headache.

You want to try another travel agency?

They've been here seven hours.

Seven long hours.

Let's go.

I don't understand why we're leaving for.

There's no other airlines.

There's no other travel agencies in this place?

I doubt it.

Fine we'll stay here.

I don't care.

It's like talking to a 5-year-old.

Come on, baby, let's go.

We'll stay here.

Come on, baby.

Make up your mind.

I said let's go somewhere.

And you're like no, you don't want to go.

Everything I say to you has to be an argument.

Grow up.

I wish you could do

Something besides --


Your attitude is irritating.

You never raced with me.


I'm surprised jeremy didn't k*ll you.

What else do you have.



I think I found something.

Another flight opened up.

Arrivaling to amsterdam and

Then arriving warsaw at 9:45 a.m.

That's perfect.


Thank you.

Let's just get to the airport.


Here's the travel agent.

We're trying to get to warsaw,

Poland before 11:25 a.m.

Is there anything earlier than that?



Thank you very much.



We're going to use the provided flight.

Some of the people will be on

Better flights than us.

What an adventure.

Bye, zanzibar.

Phil: charla and mirna and

Oswald and danny are tr

Traveling to warsaw via nairobi

And amsterdam.

We're not getting along at all.


She's a little touchy, I guess.

I'm not touchy.

There's no way to handle

Danielle's funk when she's in one.

She yells at me.

She has to just calm herself

Down and get herself out of

That and then she'll be fine.

You're not enjoyable to hang out with anymore.

You're not.

Air tanzania departing at 7:55 p.m.

I think we need to go.

We're racing with the best

Field in the history of "amazing race" and we're trying

To do the best we can.

Let's go to zanzibar.

We've only got 15 minutes to get there.

We have six and this used to

Be the middle of the pack, it's

Now the bottom of the pack.

We're going to go and get on

This flight as quickly as possible.

I assume if the guidos are

Not here now, they're freaking out.

Air tanzania.right there.

Thank you.

Right here.

We want to get on the flight.

Guy does.

They got their tickets,

They're coming through.

Let's hide over here.


We're a lot happier to see

You than you are to see us.

The guidos get under my skin

And annoy me.


I hope they get eliminated.

We're feeling tied for fifth

Place right now.

We definitely want to

Improve our bogs, we want to move up.

???we don't like being where we are.

A ticket from there to

Amsterdam and then connection time is --

An hour.

That's fast.

Phil: eric and danielle and joe

And bill are traveling to

Warsaw via kilimanjaro and amsterdam.

This way?


You're supposed to have

Tickets waiting for us,

Amsterdam to poland.

Too late.

They don't wanna let us on this flight.


There's nothing we can do.


We have tickets for it.

It's not our fault we just got in

Radio the pilot tell him

We're all hear raidy to walk

On, we're wasting time.

The door is still open.

Tell him.

We have to be on this airplane.

You cannot let this airplane leave without us.


Are you kidding me?

Come on already.

Our flight before this one was
a little late, now they're

Telling us we can't get on the

Plane that's right in front of us.

What's wrong with these people.

I will run to the stairs.

I will push the stairs myself.

Here's a guy with a tie

Coming back.

It's impossible.

Why is it not possible?

All we have to do is get on.


It's a very important flight.

Come on, you've got to be kidding me.

Let us on the plane.

Joe, it's gone.

The door's closed.

We're stuck here for god knows how long.

Joe, get back inside here.



I think he's lost it.



We're wasting time.

We have to get on the plane.

Bring the stairs back.





I guess that didn't work.

There she goes.

We need to be about three days

Behind the other teams now.

I'm telling you right now,


Got it.

I'm not proud of that.


I'm glad you're not proud of it.

Let's go get another flight.

I want to go home.

I want to go on a flight to home.

It's hard to stay optimistic

Because every time we start

Another leg, we're miserable again.

We know we'll be hours if

Not days behind the other teams,
it'll be us and the guidos.





I feel like I'm walking to a

Funeral or something.

All right.

Do you guys just want to

Agree to meet in the morning.

That's what we want to do.

You ran off one other time,

There's another mistrust on our part.


They're nervous n

Thinking something bad is going to happen.

If I shake your hand and say

I'll do something, I'll do it.

It was nice at least for him

To offer to say, let's make a

Deal and we're both going to

Move forward, once we hit the

Ground, we're on our own again.

Let's meet like at 4:30.


All right.

Sweet, see you guys in the morning.00:24:06.0:morning.

???lufthansa to warsaw.

Upstairs thrrks a luff than sa transfer desk.


There's uchenna and joyce.

If we could have aisle

Seats, that'd be great.


I suggest you go to the gate

Directly, do it at the gate.

Good morning.

Thank you.

Uchenna and joyce are not on the plane.


Tickets for a flight leaving in 15 minutes.

Let me see what's happening.

You will not make it.

We have to make it.

It's already too late.

Please let us get on.


Everything was going

Perfectly, and then boom.

We get yanked off the flight.

We want to buy tickets now.

We leave at 6:30 a.m. To frankfurt.

They're getting us on a 6:30

Flight to ma'am ba is a is a

That goes to frankfurt.

It's us and the guido, it'll

Be every man for ourselves.

We're on our pay way.

Feels nice to be getting on

An airplane finally.


Do you know this palace?


As fast as you can.

I'm on it.


Thank you.

We have to make our way to

The tsychpki palace and find

Show pin playing pee yao noah.

-- Piano???.


We're in warsaw, traveling

With the chacha boy well, don't

Know what other teams came

Before, but we might run into them.

The palace.

This one?

Will you wait?

Hear it?

That's so cool.

Hurry up.





Perfect angle, perfect pitch.

Phil: in this detour they have

To choose between tasks related

To two of the most famous

People, frederick chopin or

Marie cue re.






In perfect pitch they choose

One of these grand pianos and

Use the provided tools to tune

One key of the key board.

Once the concert pianist plays

A piece of chopin's music and

Determined that it's correct,

He'll hand them the next clue.

In perfect angle they must get

A mannequin from here and carry

To the panoramic laboratory and


Must use the x-ray machine to

Locate a clue which must be

Positioned at a specific image

For it to capture the name of

The next police station they





We need to go here.

We're first.

I started playing piano when

I was 6 years old, I think I

Can hear which key it is and

Hopefully we can figure out how

To tweak it just right.

Let's go.


You like polish hot dogs.

You like polish sausage.


He doesn't like us too much.

No, I don't think so.

I have to go to the palace.

Do you speak english?

I assumed you spoke english.

You know?

We trust you.

We have no choice but to trust.

]]?? Here?

Can you wait for us?

Thank you.

Here it is.

Here's the demonstration.

Three strings for each key.

He's seeing which of the wires

It is.



Thank you.


That's it.

This is going to be fun.

I have my wedge.

You play the key for me.

This is the one we want to twist.

I don't know which way to turn this, though.

Where se the palace?

Must be this.

That's a church.

He must have just brought us to the wrong place.

Do you know where this palace is?

He looks like he doesn't

Want to look at us.

Look for the type of person

That might be friendly enough to talk to us.

That's it.

The far outside.

For each key you push, there's

Three strings so is it the

Right one the left one or the

Middle and which way, based on

That do you turn the tool.

I don't want to make it too

Tight and break the string.

Sounds let better right.

Let's have him test it.

Yes, it sounds good.

Sounds good.

Sounds really good.

That's beautiful.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Fape thomes must now figure out

The name on their clue is this

Monument, commemorating a

Former king, to find their next clue.

That must be the place.

Good job.

You too

Now we're going.

Let's go.

Excuse me.

I need to find this palace.

They're all running away.

I don't know what the problem is.

Before we could even get a

Couple of words out, they would

Juths run away from us.

Do you know how to speak?

Can you talk.

It was frustrating to not

Understand why they they

Wouldn't reach out to two young

Girls asking for help.

It's not like something we're

Used to in america.

They don't want to tell us.

Maybe they've never seen a

Little person.

Nobody wants to talk to us.

It's like we're the plague or something.

That was danny and oswald.

Let's go, they'll probably

Take them to the palace.

That's mirna and charla.


Over there can you wait?

There he.

Is perfect angle or perfect



You don't want to do the mannequin?

It sounds easy.

He's a lifesaver.

What's your name.


Danny and oswald.

How do you say three musketeers.


We could have gone to the hotel.

People have to speak english there.

Have you heard of this palace.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

There is it is.

The red building.

Look at this on the left.

Stop, stop, stop.

Clue box.

There it is, right here.

You're on foot to the next pit stop.


Search the grounds of the palace.

Do you want to leave our packs

Forer now?

Maybe we should.

Much better.

Let's look over here.

See it?

I think so.

Welcome to poland.

Thank you.

Phil: dustin and kandice

You are team number one.

I have some good news for you.

As winners of this leg of the

Race, you've won a trip for two

From trolveosity, you're going

To puerto rico, you're going to

Have an ocean front room,

You'll have free unlimited

Access to the fwol of and he spa.


Phil: you're also going to have

A special tour of the rain

Forest and you'll get to

Experience the biolume

Necessarient bay, there's only
two in the caribbean, whole

Ocean lights up.

That's awesome.

You can golf, I'll take the spa.

Phil: you kept saying to me,

We'll be the first all-female

Team to be the "amazing race."

]]Y think it's possible.??

It's just that constant focus

We have to have through the

Entire thing to stay at the top.


I think the blondies are back

On the board.

Excuse me.


Thank you.

I have no idea what that is.

We're here?


Let's go in there.

Follow me.

Look at you.

We have been friends for 13

Years and now I find out that

He can play the piano.

He was hiding one of his little

Talents, weren't you.

Sit that one?

I think it's this one.


Still not working.

Maybe that's the wrong key we're doing.

Perfect angel or perfect pitch.


To transport a mannequin

Might be a listening way.

We're going to try toe piano task.


I wish I knew stuff about a piano.

Find the string.

We're going to break this piano.


So sorry.

That's terrible.

He needs to change it.

We should have carried a mannequin.

We really need to catch up

With the leaders and if

Possible pass a couple of them.

Thank you. ??


I hear piano.

I hear another piano.

Is that chopin.

You'll find him playing the piano.

It'll somebody dressed like it.



Is the school of music.

I don't think this is the place.

We passed up one floor.

Let's go to the second floor.


???we have to find the piano.

Debit let me touch that thing again.

I get carried away.

I know.

The technicians have to put in

A new string and fix it.

Hi, girls.

Watch the demonstration.

So we found it.

Then what do we do, clean it off a little.

Rub it a little.

He tunes --

Tightens it.

Ok. ???


You have to put that black thing on it.

What is it, dirty?

One of these is probably loose.

Why don't we just turn them all.

Do you want to ask these guys?

We're looking for.

This we're here and it's here.


Thank you.

Holy smokes.

We finally found someone who

Could tell us what this place is.

We've just got to hope we can

Make up some time.

That's good.


Can we have you try.

Sounds good to me.

Pretty good.

That noise was pretty.

It's not right.

We'll keep trying.

There it is, right there.


We got to find the guy

Playing the piano.

He's playing the piano right here.

Holy smokes.

Detour, perfect angel or perfect pitch.

I don't know how to tune a piano.

Let's go tune a piano.

We don't know where the other teams are, we haven't seen

Anyone for close to 24 hours.

Tighten or loosen?

I would say tighten.

Keep keep tightening.

That's it.

That's crazy.

Proy they broke a string.

The guy has to fix the string.

Should we go or stay.

It's hard, I can't get it.

I can't get it either.

Do you want to go to another challenge?

To lose the race for

Something like this would be ridiculous.

This is a hard one.

We're going to be here forever.

We've been doing this for an hour.

I'm getting frustrated at this point.


Should we go or should we stay.

Eventually we have to get it.

Sounds like an ambulance is coming.

Too much vibration.

What do you recommend?

I have no idea.

All right.

Let's go then.


That's the way it's supposed to sound.

You're getting close.

Oh my god.

A little more.

I like the way that sounds.

Try it, please.


We did it!

We love you.

I were in town, I would ask for your number.

This is our clue.

This is the clue?

Good job, guys.

Stick to it, man.

Andy, we missed you.

What is that, do you know where that is?

He's like, ok.

It was very difficult for us to get it.

But we chose to stick to it and

The piano player wasn't bad to look at.

Yeah, he was eye candy.

The pianist got tired from us

Do you want to leave and

Carry a mannequin.


It was ok in the beginning

We played with it too much.


We need to go to escada boutique.

We wasted so much time.

We know all the other teams

Will be catching up to us.

Keep an eyeball feel peeled.

Right here.


This one.

I used to play the piano,

But I do -- I don't know how to play it anymore.

I do know where middle c is, I

Was able to find it.

Tighten it.

We're going to do the mannequin.

Not looking forward to doing

This task because our encounter

With people on the street

Hasn't been the best.

Here it is.

Ok, go.


We're here to get a mannequin.

We're going to take this

Mannequin, transport it to the

Panoramic laboratory.

Wonder why it's it's all men.

They don't have any women mannequins?

Where are we going to go.


We have to ask.

Can you help me find panoramic?


Does anybody speak english.

It's like talking to a wall.

I don't know how to find this place.

This is so stupid.

Leave this on the street.


I don't want to be around

Any of these people and I don't

Want to be here.

I don't know what else to do.


Over there ok.

This is good.

Search for the area for the pit stop.

There's the mat.

We're here!

Hi, phil.

Phil: oswald and danny.

Yes, sir.

Phil: you're team number two.


Does anyone speak english?

I speak.

Do you know where the

Panoramic laboratory is.


Can you come with us.

Yes, I can.

We'll follow you.

Thank you so much.

Let me readjust.

This put it on my back.

He has a broken leg.

That's ok, he'll get fixed

At the hospital.

I'll hold the hand.

I got it.


It was right behind the escada shop.

Straight ahead.




We have to do x-rays, is that good for you.

Charla get out of the room.


You're hiding the x-ray image.

You're supposed to cover his private part.

Take the x-ray, please.

That's it.

Did we fix it?

I must play.




So we get the clue.

Let's try to find it.

He knows.

One thing we did fast today.

All right.

Razor and scissors and some tweezers.

Ok we have to write

Something down.

Beauty parlor.

]]S the answer?


We take one more x-ray.

Something about the angle has to be right.

Maybe we should do him sideways.

This is going to take all day.

This is it?


There's the clue.

Search the area for the next pit stop.


There's phil.

Phil: uchenna and joyce.


Phil: you're team number three.

For real?

Phil: for real.

Uchenna and I communicate

Really well when we have the

Same demon goal.

I know I rely on him far lot, I

Don't know what I'd do if he

Wasn't there.

It says something.




] This is our clue.

All right.

] We have to go

I feel like we're in last place.

Can't imagine anyone having a

Worse dan than we have had here.

] Right now, we got off the

Flight we're in frankfurt,

Ermany, we're still not in warsaw.

Ight now, we're trying to play catchup again.

] Other teams could be anywhere.

We have no idea if they had any

Kind of problems like we had

Problems, but dear god, we had

Our share of problems.

Search the area on foot for

The next pit stop.

There's phil.

Hil: charla and mirna.

Ou're team number four.

] Are you kidding, phil?

Hil: I wouldn't kid with you.

You're still in the race.

That's great.

We just got into warsaw,


We were supposed to get here

This morning, so we're 12 hours

Behind schedule now.

We have been traveling 30 hours solid.

We're under the g*n to catch up.

We're starting the next leg.

Phil: with teams spread so far

Apart, dustin and kandice are

Beginning the eighth leg of the

Race while two teams have yet

To finish the previous leg.

Travel to the concentration

Camp auschwitz-birkenbau.

Fape teams must now traful to

The infamous concentration camp


Where millions of jews were

k*lled in the n*zi genocide.

They must locate this monument

To the polish underground and

Claim tickets for one of two

Charter buses, then travel over

Countryside to auschwitz.

Oh, my gosh.

We're going to auschwitz.

It's going to be sad.


This one.

We want to go --


Thank you.

Let's go.

Up here.


We're in a hurry.

Follow that other cab.

Charter buses leave from the monument.

It doesn't leave until 1:00 p.m.

Let's go var fast.


The competition has been

Very difficult and working hard to get ahead.

Guidos right in front of us.

I don't know what's going to happen.

We're in a race.


We always run it as if we're

Going to be eliminated.

We want to make sure we're

Doing everything correct.

We need to hurry.

We caught a red light.

We're neck and neck with eric and danielle.

Let's go fast.

We want to get ahead of them.

We'll have to duke it out

Go, go, go.

We're neck and neck with eric and danielle.

This cab's going, let's go,


Go, go, go.

Are they behind us?

Yeah, they're behind us.

Is this it?

Let's just stop here.

They're right behind us.

It's there.

Joe, come on, back there.

Come on, got to beat the old ladies.

Perfect angle or perfect pitch.

I say mannequin.

Too bad I didn't play piano.

I think it might be easier to do the piano.

Let's do that.

The escada boutique.

Let's go.

All right.

We're on our way to the

Second detour a piano one.

Hopefully soon we'll know

Where escada is.

We'll be right back.


We have to find the key

That's out of tune.

How do I know if it's out of tune.

That one sounds bad.

Probably right around there now.

Right there.

There's mannequins right here.

Pick the hunkiest one.

I can carry him, just direct me

Out the door.

We want to go to this place.

Is it this way.

100 Meters.

Down this way.

That one.

I don't know if I'm doing it right.

Sounds better.

-- Sunday bet her

It's still bad.

Panoramic laboratory.

Here it is here.

Right here first.

It could be anywhere from head to toe.

Try his head.

He's got pecs kind of like yours now.

Try again.

Something sounds off.


Put it on the win doe.

There's nothing written there.

Could bit getting worse?

Yeah, getting worse.

This is his chest.

Scissors in there.

None of this is making sense.

Travel to the concentration

Camp auschwitz-birkenau.

I imagine going to a place

Like this will be incredibly difficult.

It's going to be a very

Emotional day just to be around

All that injustice and prejudice.

What time do we sfleeve

1:00 P.m.

One more time.

Broke one.



The string.

It did?

How did you break the string?

I was tightening it.

I think we need to put him

Up like this, maybe.

We've got to lose these

Things to make him the angle, right.

Do you want to just go now.

What do you want to do?


If we don't get in it a

Couple of minutes, we have to

Go the guidos are probably




Are we done?

Let's do it again.

This is the one.

Don't go crazy.

We're just hoping it's

Easier this time.

Battery springs, ribs,

Dentist, oral surgeon, here's

Some of the things we have.


I don't know what it is, joe.


Thank you, sir.

Oh, my god.

Whatever that means.

You know this?

We need to go there.

Hopefully the guidos took

Longer so hopefully we're ahead of them.

Thank you.


] Yes.

All right.

You recognize that?

He knows where it is.

I never did see eric and

Danny, maybe they did the other thing.

They had to have.

Just us the guidos, I don't like losing.

Whatever this is we don't know.

We don't know any of this.

We're just going to push forward.

Where are we?is this it.

Go fast, go fast.

Is this it?

Search the grounds for the next pit stop.

Hurry up.

Hi, phil.

What's up.

Phil: eric and danielle,

You're team number five.

Thank god.

Thank god.

Phil: you haven't lost

Confidence, have you?

We don't feel that horrible

About our performance.

We know we can win this if

We're in with everybody else,

But it's a matter of being with everybody else.

But we're out to do it.

Is that it?

Let me look.

That way, where is it?

I don't know.

We're so far behind.

Concentration camp



We're going to auschwitz where

The jewish people were taken

From their homes, it's a very poignant --

Last one.

Warning the last team to check

In may be eliminated.

I think maybe it's other here.

We had a good time.

We did our best.


Welcome to warsaw, poland.

Thank you very much.

Phil: joe and bill,

You're the last team to arrive.

I'm pleased to tell you,

However, this is a

Nonelimination leg.

Oh, phil, thank you.

Do you really want to thank me.

I want to kiss you.

Phil: why don't you kiss him instead.

I don't believe it.

Phil: that's the good news.

The bad news --

Phil: there is bad news.

This means you're marked for

Elimination in the next leg of the race.

You need to arrive at the pit

Stop first, or you incur a

Ultimately could be eliminated.

You are at the back of the pack

Right now, now you need to work pretty hard.

We're marked for

Elimination, we're in an

Extraordinary situation where

Tensions are high, trying to

Figure out how to do this,

Thousand climb up.

You can't make up 10, 12, 14

Hours very easily.

And you can only do so much

With the hand that you're dealt.

"Amazing race" one, we were 19

Hours behind everybody else.

It's hard trying to think you

Could actually win it.

Phil: we continue in a moment.

Travel to the concentration

Camp at auschwitz-birkenau.

There are two charter buses

With two departure times, first

Come, first serve.

T's going to be an emotional tame.


We found tickets to quarter bus one.


Charter bus.

The first bus is gone.

We're in bus two.

We're on the last bus.

It leaves at 5:00 p.m.

Leaving with the second charter

Bus, which puts us tied for last place.


Hopefully we'll catch up with everybody soon.

We're headed back to catch

The charter bus to go to auschwitz camp.

I know it's going to be really,

Affect us to see what's gone on there.

All the bus express.

I've got the tickets.

We have a four-hour lead on

The other bus.

All right, let's go.

Danielle is not as focused

On the race as she could be.

She's not used to the stress.

The last race with her and dani

, They just screwed around.


Charter bus two we leave at 5:00 p.m.


We're not spending any more money.

I don't treat her like a

Girlfriend in this case, I

Treat her like a partner.

I have to feel guilty about

Getting a cup of coffee.


She's never been this far in

The race, $2 makes a difference.

If we're down $2, I'll beg for $2 on the street.


Shut up.

Just be quiet.

I would if I wasn't just being ignored.


It's getting to a point where I

Have to keep arguing over

Stupid little things it's going to hurt us.

You make the situation more

Miserable than it has to be.

You make it so unenjoyable

You're going to mope about a cup of coffee.

Just shut up.



I have shut up.

I don't talk to you with edon't talk.

Won't last much longer.

You have $233 for this leg of the race.

Joe and I have to come in

First because we're marked for

Elimination, or we have a 30minute penalty.

That's eric and dani.

Wed love to eliminate our

Nearest competition, which

Seems to be eric and danny.

Once at the monument find

The ticket dispenser.

There's maybe not the

Knowledge, the brain power that needs to be there.

We shouldn't try to to a foot

Race, we should try to beat them in brainpower.

Do you know where this ticket dispenser is?

It's got to be someplace close.

Oh, god.

Do you know where a ticket dispenser is?

It should be right here.

Sorry, I don't know.

Was there something up here?

Here it is.

We walked by it three times.


I suppose this is the bus.

We're number one.

On the second bus.

This is so much fun.


Hello, girls.

Haven't seen you in days.

Yeah, long time no see.

We're heading to auschwitz

And it'll be very upsetting to

Hear about these things and see

Them, but we all have to face it.

If we can't face it, we can't

Learn from our past.

This is eare.

-- Eerie.

You want to go that way?

Over there, guys.

This is it.

Grab one.

Oh, man.

During the reign of adolf

Hitler, over one million people

Were exterminated at auschwitz.

More than that at any other concentration camp.

It remains standing as a

Tribute to the people who

Perished within its walls.

Proceed to the railroad tracks and light it.

Just being there on those

Tracks, your imagination just

Rolls, you can see the trains

Coming in and stopping and

People being unloaded like

Cattle as they're pulled from each other.

That's the last time a lot of them saw each other.

What came to mind was all

The books that never got

Were never tried, all the

Relationships that never got to grow.

Generations were m*rder*d.

It's a good thing that they

Have not destroyed or taken down auschwitz.

You can't forget that.

God forbid it should ever

Happen again.

There's taxis over here.

Thank you.

Moments like this, makes you

Think ability things that are

Far more important.

Yeah, respect of humankind.

It was incredibly emotional.

I grew up in a communist

Country where we were

Completely deprived of any

Freedom, kind of remind you of

Where I could have ended up

Living for the rest of my life

And it makes me very grateful

To be living in a place where I

Don't have to worry about

Expressing who I am as a person.

It's just sad.

It's all right.

Phil: teams must now travel by

Taxi more than 40 miles to

Krakow and find this building,

The jewel juszslowacki theater.


Right here?


Wait here.

Let's get in there.

It said search the area.

Sit here?

He's asking someone.

We have to go quickly.

I don't think he knows.

Do you want to switch?

Let's get out.

It's called directing your luck.

That was a bad situation.

Good thing we're not vying for last.

There it is.


Phil: this is an intersection,

Where each team must join

Forces with another team then

Perform tasks and make all

Decisions together until further notice.

We're working together.

Fast forward, do you want to do it?

Phil: in this fast forward, the

Newly joined teams make their

Way a quarter mile to market

Square where they'll climb both of these towers.

The fireguard tower of st.

Mary's church and the town hall tower.

As they climb they must count

The stairs and calculate the
number of steps in both towers.

Once they have this number,

They must present it to the guard.

If they've calculated the

Correct answer, guard will hand

Them the fast forward award.

Let's go.

The girls are going to have

To wait for one of those other

Teams to arrive that is --

That sucks.

They have to wait for the

Next team to get here.

That's it.

It's here.


I don't see the other teams here.

Right up there.

Oh, my gosh an intersection.

Oh, no!


That's not good for us.

This totally stinks.

Now we're in the back group

Because we have to wait for them.

We've reached an

Intersection, you choose one

Other team to partner up and work with.

This totally stinks.

Now we're in the back group

Because we have to wait for them.

We're choosing to go for the

Fast forward and working with

Joyce and uchenna.

We have to go to two towers and

We have to count the steps for

Each tower and then add them up.

Right here.

You wait?


The two towers you must

Climb are fire forward tower of

St. Mary's church and town hall towers.

Those guys have to wait for hours.

Why rush it.

I can't imagine they'll be

Here for another few hours.

Do you know how stoked those

Two teams are.

That's a tower.

I'm glad we got to do this with you guys.

This is cool.

There's the flag.

Let's go.

11, 12.

Count to yourself, please.

This is kind of a theme for us.

Being the third team to show up

For an intersection and having to wait.

But this is going to be a longer wait.

This is a long wait.

When I got to the landing I hit 111.

Did you get 111.

So we're going to say 111.

Now off to st. Mary's.

This has raised the spirits

A little bit, our car was silent.




We did experience something

Together that you just can't replace.

Let's see if we can get into the church.

It says entrance.

This is it.

Look at those stairs.

Let's see how far up we have to go.

Do you think they took the fast forward?

I'm surer they did.

It's just adding numbers.


Once we reached the top of

St. Mary's church, we had to

Add the total number of steps.

We all arrived at the same

Number at the town hall tower, 111 steps.

At the second tower, we had different numbers.

I felt confident in my number.

You and i, 348.

And the only number that was

Exactly my number was ozzy.


All right!


Drive yourselves to the next pit stop.

Phil: having won the fast

Forward, uchenna and joyce and

Oswald and danny may skip all

Tasks and go collectly to

Pieskowa castle, the pit stop for this leg.

???behind st. Mary's church.

Let's get in.


I follow you and they follow me.



We're ready to go.

Over one million people were exterminated at auschwitz.

Observe a moment of silence

Before getting your next clue.

Oh, my gosh.

Both joe and I had seen

Images in photographs and

Movies, but there's nothing

That can describe the silence

And the emotion, raw,

Gut-wremblinging emotion that

You feel when you step out into that area.

I felt the weight of all those souls.

It's just unthinkable what

Those people had to go through.

To go to auschwitz puts

Things in perspective.

All those dumb fights we have

The bickering things that turn

Into nonsense, it's stuff that

Doesn't even matter.

I can't imagine what people

Must have experienced in this

Horrible place.

Our own an sess tray ray,

Armenians went through a genocide, four million

Armenians were massacred.


Our great grandfather's whole

Family was k*lled.

It's so personal to us.

There's taxis right here.

Krakow, please go

Terrible tragedy.

It's kind of overwhelming
when you think about how many

People, they had no control
over what was going to happen to them.

Makes you grateful for what you have.

What really affected me is

That joe and I were born in a

Time where we can be ourselves.

But there were people like joe

And I that weren't allowed to

Express themselves as we are now.


It's unbelievable how one

Man can treat another man --

Just horrible ways.

It's unbelievable that people

Could turn their head and allow
that to happen.

I can't keep my mind off the

Concentration camp.

Still has me kind of freaked.

Man has been cruel to each other for forever.

One of these days we're going to get it.

Hopefully we get it before we

Destroy each other.

It's definitely going to happen one day.

The roads are so dark.

It's so foggy you can't even

See where you're going.

It's getting really foggy.

I know.

I'm not sure who I

Us and who is ahead of us.

The guidos are marked for

Elimination, we have to make

Sure they don't beat us by half an hour.

We're going to do our best

And see how we do.

This is it.

Park the cars here and go on foot.

It's over here, guys.


Oh my goodness!


Welcome to krakow, powland.

Thank you.

Phil: oswald and danny, uchenna

And joyce, you are team number one.

Guys, I have one prize to give away.

I'll leave it up to you as to

Who is going to get it.

We'll give it up to them.

I've got tom good news for you.

As the winners of this leg of

The race, you have won a trip

For two to the exclusive jade

Mountain report on the island of st. Lucia.

Your lavish room has a private

Infinity edge pool overlooking

The sea and the famous mountains.

You'll ex-peern a day of sport

Fishing and a sun seth sail around the coast.


We won't be giving away $1 million, though.


I can't believe this

Happened to us.

We had hours to think about

What team we would want the

Most to work with.

I think the guidos are number

One, danielle eric are number two.

Charla and mirna are number three.


Let's go fast.

My heart is pounding so bad right now.

He's going as fast as he can.

This looks like a taxi.

If it is, get ready.


Dang it.

We don't want them.

Do we see somebody else?

Come on, guys, where are you?

I mean we could just say,

Hey, over here, and get this

Show on the road.

Let's do it.

Charla, mirna, it's an


Do you want to work together?


Phil: in this detour, they have

To choose between two iconic polish foods.

The choice, eat it up, or roll it out.

In eat it up, the newly joined

Teams make their way 1 1/2

Miles to this old market.

Once here, each team member

Must use traditional members to

Make one three-inch link of

Polish kielbasa sausage.

After finishing, they are

Served eight feet of kielbasa.

Once they've eaten two --

They've each peten two feet of

Sausage they get their next clue.

In roll it out they make their

Way to the old jewish quarter

And find this bakery.

Once here they use traditional

Methods to roll out 20 bagels.

When fibbished they make their

Way on foot here with a

Delivery of fresh bagels for

The head waiter.


We think sausage can be good

If you can eat it.


What do you want want to do.


We think the sausage, if you can do it.


Big hurry.

Good, good.

Follow them.

Is this the theater?


Wait for us.



Warning, you are intersected.

Do you want to partner up?

We're both here.

Detour, eat it up or roll it up.

I say eat the kielbasa.


How big is that?

It's two feet.

It's a sausage that long.

If she can't do that, it's
going to hurt us.


I think it hurt us.

Let's go bay dells.

Do you know the old jewish quarter?

We're intersected with the

Guidos, they're the only other team there.


For the case we're in now, it's not bad.


We are in a time crunch.

It's right here.

This one.

Here it is.

They're getting out.

Let's get out.

We can do this at least I'm hungry.

I don't even like saw san.

You and me both.


That must be the demo.

This is a real fun task.

After the naked mannequin and

Now the sausage.

Got to make one three-inch one each.

Three inches, that's not much.

We are now in the old jewish quarter.


And we're now looking for

This bakery.

Let's look around.

Did they say where it is?

He's asking the driver.

The drivers weren't from

Krakow, they were apparently

From the auschwitz area and

Didn't know the area very well.

This sucks.

All right.

Let me load this in.

Here we go.

Crank it up.

Female bonding over sausages.

Let's go inside and see
where we are.


I think we have to do one more.

Hopefully we can hang onto

The lead and put the sausage away.

] Push, push.

] He's coming out.

] Did you find it?



] Why does nobody know?

] Where is this police?

Where the hell is this place?

Maybe we'll switch, we can

Do the other detour.

If she think she is can eat it, we'll do it.



We're looking for a sausage

Making factly.

Somewhere there.

Can you take us there?


Who wants to come with us.



Let's wash our hands guys and

We're eating.

Do you mind if we say a quick prayer.

Lord help us to get this

Sausage down and hope it tastes great.


] It's so much bigger than I

Ever thought.

] It's really good.

This building.

] Thank you.

Why does mine look so much

Thicker than everyone else's.

Why does it look like the

More you eat


Count your bless the teams aren't here.

That would be pressure.

Right here.

Oh, god help me.

Hey, guys.

How is the sausage?

Tastes like poop.

Can you eat that?

That's a lot.

Let's do it.

Pressure's on, guys.

Got to start eating.

Put it on an just get really

Long and keep going.

I feel kind of nervous.

It's a big, huge sausage.

Go down, go down.

Oh, my god, you're eating so fast.

Why are you eating so slow?

I don't know, maybe

Something's wrong with me.

We chose the wrong task.


That's the first one.

Here's our amazing sausage.

Here we come.


Good, all right.

Start eating.

We have to destroy this.

It tastes good.

It's better than my mother's.

Don't start with me right now.

I'm eating and I'm enjoying it.


Almost there.

Whether mine isn't shrinking.

Shar in a, pick up the pace.

I'm trying.


I am.

I think they're funny the

Way they interact, way that

They kind of bark at each other.

What are you doing?


Just eat it.

It's not that easy.

So much damn food.

Doing good.

Doing real good.

Yours hasn't even gone down yet.

I've eat an lot of it too.

We've geric.

We came here worried about

Danny, I'm worried about eric.

We have the 30-minute penalty.




You're awesome.


Very good, thank you.

You win the award.

One of the guidos is done.

Charla, charla, focus.

Don't want to be eliminated after we do this.

I'm trying my best.

All right, so I'm done.


Get this thing out of my face.

Thank you.

I wish I could say the same.

Take it away.

Good job.

Ladies and gentlemen, ms. California.

Thank you.

We're almost done, guys.

Deep it going, girls.

Good, good.

Is she all finished?

Good job, mirna.

Let's get the hell out of here.

Charla put your head back

And swallow it straight down.

I'm just going to throw up.

I'm going to put the knife like this.


I can't even listen to that.

I don't know how people do this.

Oh, my god.

You're almost done.

My god.

You're awesome.


Bill finished.

Come on, we have a lot of

Other stuff to do.

Come on.

I want to be him right now.


I don't know what the hell to do.

Just two more pieces.

Come on, take the next bite.


She's almost done.

Push it down a little at a time.

She's got a lot to swallow.

You're going to beat her.

You've got it now.

You've got it now.

A little at a time.

She took some out of her mouth.

Keep eating.

Get it in your mouth.

Very good, danny, use some water.

Please god, take it down.

Good, good.


He's done.

Zust swallow.


Drive yourselves to the town of skala.

Phil: the newly separated teams

Must make their way to this

Nearby parking lot and drive

Themselves to the town of skala

And find the castle where

They'll receive their next clue.

We have a 30-minute time penalty.


You know skala?

Is she done?

Thank you.

Good job, you guys.

Teams are no longer joined.

Come on.

We have to go to the parking lot right now.

We have to -- do we drive ourselvess?

We have to drive ourselves.

Let's go around the corner
and we'll run and find it.


Come on, charla.

Drive yourselves.

There's cars here.

Maybe over here.

I feel sick.

This must be it right here.

Parking with a p.

We need to go to skala.

We could follow a taxi.

We will dreeve and follow you.


As quickly as possible.

I think we are the first team out.

Everybody is walking real slow

To their cars.

I know.

I'm going to vomit and I'm

Supposed to drive a car.

Come on, charla, we don't have all night.

I don't feel good at all.

Over here I think.

That must be mirna trying to start a car.

There's a brake on.

This is the brake.

Can you push it down.

Push it down where?

I like this one.

Cars over here.

Let's go.


Wait, wait.

Get in wait.

We're ahead of dani and eric.

Where did that go, out this way?

I don't know what you have

To press, but that's the brake.

I can't do it.

Mr. Taxi, come, come.

Which one is the brake.


There, he put it down.



Slowly don't tell me how to drive anymore!

I'm sick of it

What a day.what a day.

I'm glad we're following someone.

Me too.

We need to find a gas

Station or something.

Buy a map.

This is, I don't know that

There's anything up here.

Go, go.

What are they waiting for?

They don't know where to go.


I'll follow.

Only one taxi.

Why is he coming?

I don't know what the --

We're probably in last position as usual.

We left first, we're doing it,

We're getting through.

Today has not been an easy one.


Do you have polish road map.

Excuse me, skala?

I don't know.

I don't know why they just stopped on us.

They don't know whare doing.

I need one tax', please, I'm in a hurry.

We don't have time to play games here.


Thank you very much, I appreciate it.

Now we know we're not lost.

We'll follow you.

Thank you.

Please, let me take the one

Who knows, please.

100 --

I don't have $100.

You can take me?

This is absolutely essential

That we get here more than 30

Minutes before the other teams.

The one thing that we know is

Mirna can't drive worth a damn.

Ok, we don't have $100 to

Give anybody.

Do you think I'm mad of money?

I'm a young girl.


Young I'm a millionaire.



Have a little bit of

Sympathy as a human being.

We are here at 2:00 in the

Morning, you can show me, my friend.

Just show me, please, my

Friend, I'm begging you.

We are here at 2:00 in the morning.

You can show me, my friend.

I'm crying and he's laughing.

Ok, $40.


Ok let's go.

God help me get out of this country.

There's a sign.

This is right.

Keep your eyes peeled.

Here comes the town.

That's good.

We're about halfway.

We have a 30-minute penalty.

If it boils down to a car race,

I think we can do as well as

Anybody, better than most.

We have a good chance.

We're usually pretty good with

A map and navigating.

You've got to be kidding me.

Does he not want to take you there.


Thank you.

Not one sign, one human

Being, it would be a miracle if

He knows where he's going.

Car stopped.

Skala, give me the clue.

I'm doing everything.

Can you at least hold on to the clue.


We need shortcut way.

What are you doing in the back seat?

You're not looking at the map,

You're not holding the clue.

What are you doing sharlarks

What are you doing?

I'm doing nothing.

Am I supposed to do everything?


You're just supposed to yell at me.

Am I supposed to drive, do

All the load brocks --

You're right, you're doing everything.

Just hold the clue and

Please don't lose the clue.


I'm begging of you.

Can you yell a little more on me?

Is it not enough?

There was a sign that said

Pikska skal this way.


There it is.

We're here.

Now we have to search the

Castle grounds for our next clue.

So we're entering it, right?


If we leave skala, we'll

Know we're missing it.

Here's a red ar owe.

Thank you.

There's the clue box.


All right.

Who wants to be a knight in

Shining armor.

Phil: a roadblock is a task

Only one american may perform.

In this load rode block, that

Person will experience

Firsthand what it felt like to

Be a medieval knight.

In this roadblock, they must

Don a full suit of authentic

Medieval armor and lead a horse

Laugh a mile through the forest

To these castle gates.

Once at the castle, they delive

The horse to a stable boy,

Enter the courtyard and

Searcher in pit stop.

The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.

I'll do it.

You want to do it?


This is cool.

Let's go quickly, quickly.

I thought my heels at home were pointy.

We're leaving skala.

And it said in the town of skala.

Stop before we go too far.

Make a u turn here.

None of those signs said it back there.

I don't know.

Oh my, god, where is he going?

I don't know with what the hell road he's taking.

I hope this is a shortcut.


We just missed it, that's all.

Right there.

Skala to the right it looks like.

It's heavy.

Good job.

This looks like the castle.

All right.

There are people here already.

Do you hear a car?

I keep hearing phantom cars.

Do you want me to do it or not.


We might lose today.

Do you want me to do this.

No I have to get on the horse.

I feel like I'm in a tin bucket.

Lead a horse through the
forest to the castle gates.


Could we put more heavy stuff on me?

How am I going to hold the horse's thing.

You're doing a great job.

The horse is going to be a

Little scared, but it's ok.


This is a nightmare.

Oh my god.

The horse is going to go faster than me.

How do you stop the horse.

The horse could trample over me.

I think we got a castle coming up.

I think this is dani and

Eric in front of us.

Up there.

A castle on the hill.

Dustin, you're doing perfect.

Your armor is heavy?

Yeah, hart to held my arm up.

Just walk a straight line.

Just walk don't be scared.

If you go in circles, the horse

Will go in circles.

This is taking so long.

You do it.

Knight in shining armor, that's you.

Last team may be eliminated.

Other teams just came.

We're finished.

Just walk straight,

Straight, that's not a straight line.

Charla and mirna are here.

Charla is wearing suit of armor.

She looks like a dressed up rat.

Why does it keep going in circles.

Because you need to guide it.

It doesn't know what to do.

It's confused.


Come on, buddy.

Give it to the stable boy, he

The pit stop is here.

Phil: dustin and kandice, you

Are team number three.

Good job.

It's good.

Come on, please.

Charla come on, please, please

Do it.

Charla the guidos are coming.

Talk to him like guido.

Come, on, pull him.

You need to 1/2 depate this horse, please.

Come on horsey.

Do you want the other teams

To pass us while we stand here?

Good boy.

Go in front of it.

You have to pull it like if

It's a degree. Please don't k*ll me.

Please let's just get to the gate.

Come on. Charla.

Straight line, straight line.

This armor hurts.


Zust stay there.

Things are hard in life sometimes.

Please don't k*ll me horse.

Charla, please.

Enter the gate, give the

Horse to the stable boy.



Please keep walking, push

Him, you're in control.

Push it.

We don't have time for it to eat dinner.

There's the castle.

Horsey, horsey.

I have sausage.

Oh god help us.

Come on.

He's pushing me off the damn street.

Right here, charla.

Right here.

The guy's here.

I can't do this anymore, mirna.

This might be the stable boy

On the right hand side.

Is this the guy?


Phil: charla and mirna.


Phil: you're team number four.

Way to go.

Good job.

Phil: joe and bill, you're the

Fifth team to arrive.

However, you've been marked for

Elimination and you need to

Wait out 30 minutes before I

Can check you in.


Doesn't sound good.


Thank you.

We did our best.

Phil: eric and danielle, you

Are team number five.

Ok, good.

Phil: I'm going to get joe and

Bill to come in here.

Joe and bill, unfortunately,

You have been marked for

Elimination and all the other

Teams have checked in.

I'm very sorry to tell you, you

Have been eliminated from the race.

In our time, I can't think

Of a time when we've had more fun together.

It's been great.

I'm cry, but it's happy.

It's the best times we've had together.

I think we can walk away

With our heads held high and be

Proud of ourselves and proud of

What we accomplished and achieved here.

It has been a wonderful,

Life-altering experience once again.

You find the one person

That's your true soul mate that

You know you're destined to be with.

I've had a knight in shining

Armor for 20 years now.

Life is supposed to be enjoyed.

Jour supposed to -- you're

Supposed to surround yourself with love and happiness.

I've done that.


Phil: next week on "amazing race."

Charla and mirna infireuate

Eric and danielle.

You going to let us use one

Of the computers?


We just got on here, so

We're going to look for a minute.

I don't know why people don't like us.

Because you're rude.

Phil: and even oswald and danny

Hit their boiling point.

Oswald, you can't piss

Somebody off like that --

I'm not pissing anybody off.

I don't want to do it.

I listen to you every single time.

You're being stubborn now.
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