11x06 - We're Going to Trade You for Food Now

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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11x06 - We're Going to Trade You for Food Now

Post by bunniefuu »

phil: previously-
"the amazing race."

teams traveled from
muputo, argentina.


a ?

? jokes guy

phil: at the road block,

teams got chummy with a rat.

that's a huge rat.


phil: while charla and mirna

fell to last place.

everybody left.

we have been in worse
situations before.

phil: several teams
got lost and

enjoyed a messy detour choice.

this is disgusting.

phil: but charla and mirna

surged back ahead.

hollywood nails,

beautiful like hollywood.

thank you.

phil: and arrived first
at the pit stop.

you are team number one.

uchenna and joyce got lost in

the streets of maputo.

i don't see the numbers.


we have no idea
which way to go.

phil: and arrived last

but were spared elimination.

you need to arrive at the next

pit sp first.

you are not first you will

incur a 30-minute penalty.

now, seven teams remain.

who will be eliminated next?

phil: this is maputo,

mozambique, resting on the

southeastern coast of africa,

it's the country's center of

government and

and in the heart
of this

influential port city,
fort aleza.

this 225-year-old fort built to

defend the city from foreign

invaders was the fifth pit stop

in a race around the world.

will uchenna and
joyce who are

marked for elimination be able

to come in first and avoid the

charla and mirna
who were the

first to arrive at 9:07 a.m.

will depart at 9:07 p.m.

"fly to the city of dar es

salaam, tanzania."

phil: teams must travel nearly

the largest city in the african

nation of tanzania.

when they left

teams will ?

they will travel to this ferry

terminal and pull
a number for

one of these four traditional

sailing craft called dows

and go to zanzibar
where they will

receive their next clue.

? we contained ?

chirlly and i will leaving ?

it's nervewracking because

we've never been in first place.

you should take ?

we have to direct you.

please exit.

go to the left.

we want to prove
it wasn't just a quirk.

to do that we
have to take risks.

if you don't take risks,

how are you going to win?

can you move a little faster?

be careful of the people, and

don't hit the people, mr.

"fly to the city of dar es

salaam, tanzania."

we have $124 for this leg of

the race."

we haven't been first
yet on this race


so we're hoping this
might be the leg for that.

we have to compete with

"too hot to handle."

it's hard to compete with

"too hot to handle."

can you go faster

we'll have $124 for this leg

of the race.

hi, mr. paul.

we're going to go
to the airport.

let's go.

if i'm gruff, i'm gruff and i

make no apologies for that.

right turn here, mr. paul.

i believe in character
and honor.

i try to do the right thing at

every turn and if i don't get it

done i redouble my effort.

what is this one we're on?


that's good.

go straight.

you're such a hand model.


"fly to the city of dar es

salaam, tanzania."

the stress of the race is

getting to people.

when people get
caught up in the

competitive of it, i think you

lose part of yourself
as a person.

we have the same ?

i think it's important to go

back to what keeps
you grounded

in order to run the race a

little better and really have

fun with it.

andre if where is andre?


very good.

thank you.

there was a major mood shift

as the race field gets smaller.

in a field of very, very

competitive racers.

this is a big street here.

straight ahead.

we know now that we
cannot trust anyone.

"you have $124 for
this leg of the race."


move it.


eric and i are both forming

opinions about each other.

eric is very stubborn but i

don't lay back and
let him take charge.

go to the left.

hopefully, we get to a good

flight to tanzania.

where the
tanzanian devil lives.

it's tasmania devil

it's the tasmannian devil.

i was just kidding.

dar es salaam.



the last leg uchenna

and i came in last.

when you come in last on a

nonelimination, you're marked

for elimination
which means you

must come in first in the next

leg or suffer
the consequences,

a 30-minute penalty.

no one will lose any sleep

if we're gone.

all right.

let's find the
international section.

wait here.

because we're not sure yet.

we'll probably come back.

i don't think anyone's around.

this is the only office open.

we need to go to tanzania,

dar es salaam.

tomorrow we
have a departure

to dar es salaam,
half past 8:00 a.m.

which airline?


when open?


tomorrow, 5:00 a.m.

you call for
south africa airlines?


right now?


it's not possible.

what number
do you have to dial out?


just try, please.

i'm asking.

why not possible?

you just dial.

hit, hit.

charla, we have to go.

we're wasting time here.

we had a really good lead

but it's gone now.

should we go back
to our hotel

that we have a room at?

sounds good.

see what the deal is here.

we're flying to tanzania.

is there a place we can buy

tickets here?

only tomorrow.

we have a good seven hours.

it's probably worth
for us to go back.

turn right into
the airport,please.

let's go see what's happening.

we have a departure
to dar essalaam.

what airline?

l.a.m., open 5:00 a.m.

where is the l.a.m. counter?

is that it?


i think we might want to stay

here all night.


where do we go to have to

fight traffic to get back?


traffic will be horrendous

in the morning.

are you guys going
to spend the night?

yeah, i think so.

i think we're going
to camp with you.


i know it's an inconvenience.

but it's only 11:00.

ok, teri, i'm sorry.

that's six hours
we have to wait.

do you want
to be in the back of

the line again or
do you want to

be inconvenienced?

i don't know.

do you want to stay in the car?

i want to be in line.

we can't do that at 2:00 a.m.?

teri, no.

i want to stay here.


i cannot believe that we're

going to stay here.

i'm frustrated.

ian is a strong personality.

he's opinionated.

he's black and white,
and there

really isn't very
much in between.

what i'm trying to explain to

you, and i'll try it one more

time, i don't want to be in line

want -- i don't want to be

seventh in line
to get these tickets.

let's try to start racing smart.

stop, look and listen.

but do we have
to stop in an airport?

i'm not staying
here another day.

maybe they have
a flight to miami.

every time we see teri, she

says, "i want to go to miami.

i want to go back
to my hometown."

i'm just about to tell her,
"go back.

what are you waiting for?"

i need two tickets on that

direct to dar es salaam,

that flight is full.

can i get on stand-by?

all the teams are getting on

stand-by for the 8:30 flight.

from maputo to dar es salaam.

it's very urgent.

i need to go to dar es salaam.

what else do you have?

there is a 7:00 a.m. flight

to johannesburg
that connects

to dar es salaam.

but the connecting
flight is full.

you can try to get on stand-by

when you land in johannesburg.

it's a big risk.

it's a bigger airport
than this one.

it's a big risk.


can you please do that?

once we get to johannesburg,

we'll figure out a
way to get to

dar es salaam.

here is the boarding passes.

come on.

mirna and charla
got on to johannesburg.


it's a flight that goes from

to dar es salaam is

a risky flight because it's

completely sold out, so unless

charla and mirna can't get

wait-listed on
that flight there

is no way for sure knowing

they'll get on a flight that

will beat us.

if we go to johannesburg we

might not get there.


the 8:30 flight to dar es

salaam is full.

none of you will get on.

i suggest you try
south african airlines.

it opens at 9:45 a.m.

so now we've got to go to

johannesburg whether
we like it or not.

we stayed for nothing.


stand in line, south africa,

let's get in there.

now mirna and smirna look

like geniuses.

we need to

to dar es salaam.

maybe a miracle will happen.

can you help us?

can you please get
us on that airline?

i found a friend
in johannesburg.

his name was cristo.

please let this work.

what should we do now?

actually, we wait.

because the flight almost closes

let's just, like, hold hands

one moment and
think about this.

can you please let
us get on this flight?

our friend, cristo,

is working overtime for us.

oh, my gosh.

are you praying too?

please pray.

we're religious people, but

that was a little
awkward, you

know, holding hands and --
all this.

you enjoyed it.

thank you, cristo.

oh, my goodness.

this is a make-or-
break moment.

just don't hit your head-

on that thing.


you are boarding at gate 25.

thank you.

thank you so much.

thank you.

we appreciate all your help.


what time do they open?

the doors opened upstairs,

south african.

what's popping?

let's go.

we're going to go upstairs.

let's go.

i say wait here.

they're just doing something to

be doing something.

we need to stay here.

open it.

i was hoping
you could help us.

we're trying to
get tickets on a

flight to johannesburg

then go to dar es salaam.

if my ticket office is not

open, i will try to do your

booking, ok?

thank you.

stand in line is
the thing to do.


i have space available.

i can sell ?

thank you.

there is a flight that's air

tanzania leaving from

johannesburg at 13:15.


and it's arriving at dar es

salaam at 18:30.

unfortunately, it says that

there is no more space.

can you put us
on a waiting list?


all of you now are on the standby list

johannesburg to dar es salaam.

thank you.

thank you for your help.

i can book you to

johannesburg, but the dar es

salaam flight is full to dar es

salaam, i must put
you on stand-by.

we'll take stand-by.

it's my understanding that

dar es salaam is full.

we're on wait-listing for the

same flight to johannesburg.

this flight leaves
in 30 minutes.

cutting it close.


air tanzania.

we are here and we
are ready to go.

let him talk, let him talk.

i have a list of eight of you

on stand-by who
will be checked

in immediately.

he has a list.

those with tickets are

oswald and danny.

we're holding tickets.


uchenna and joyce.

we're here.

we're here.

dustin and kandice.

and eric and danielle.

so who is left?



sorry, guys, i wish i could

accommodate everybody.

what can you do for us now?

no seats on the plane.

can't believe that it

actually happened.

i'm still waiting for somebody

to run after us
and tell us to stop.

eric and danielle,

where are they?

they're gone.

they left.

they went to the gate.

issued them tickets.

eric and danielle.

there has been a mistake.

you were accidentally given

somebody else's seats.

sorry, i must ask you to leave

the plane right now.

you've got to be kidding me.

but we're sitting on the plane.

come on, already.

does anybody
want to get off

the plane for, like, 50 bucks

cash right now?

oh, my god.

are you kidding me?

we were sitting
on the plane already.

this is ridiculous.

announcer: our first myth--

so what can we do now?

they may have a flight tonight

but let's see

danni, he's going
to come talk to us.

no i'm not gonna calm down

this is ridiculous.

-i don't wanna do this anymore

there are still two other

teams we have to go against.

let him see what he
can do for us first.

-just relax.

? come over here

we have a flight
with s.a.a. tomorrow.


this is a nightmare.

the flight leaves at 9:55

tomorrow morning
arriving in dar

es salaam 12:55 p.m.

i have already put
your names on

priority stand-by.

that's fine.

so we're on stand-by for it.

s when your flight?

can you help us?

are you just
going to abandon

us here now?

what can you do for us?

we have a flight with s.a.a.

that is leaving 9:55 tomorrow.

is there seat
availability on it?

i can book you on
tomorrow's flight, stand-by.

thank you very much

i'm going to spend another

night in an airport?

come on.

weeed a taxi.

for the ferry terminal.

we need to find the dhows.

i think we need to find the other people.

we have to know
that they're still here.

dani and eric?

bill saw us and
ran excitedly.

they're here?

they didn't get on?

we just went
from top four to

bottom three.

it's frigging psycho.

now is a three-
way tie for last.

what do you want now?

go over here, see what's

happening in this book store.

hey, guys.

there is three of us here.

i'm, like, in shock.

south african.

our best action.

since we're all in the same

sinking boat.

this is the terminal.

start running,
charla start running.

hi, how are you?

ticket number one.

what time is number one living?

due to the weather between

here and the island, the dhow

will be leaving
tomorrow morning at 5:30.

that's a long, long time.

the weather.

a storm coming?

there is a storm coming.

we have to wait for the first

boat to depart.

we will be on the boat
as team number one.

where the heck is
everybody else?




they're right behind us.

this is cool.

this is the ferry area here.

the ferry area.

is this the ferry here?

this is the ferry.

do you see?

are we here?

it's right here.

this one?


kandice, let's go.

we got the last number one.

dang it.

dhow number one at 8:30 a.m.

what time does this one leave?

second dhow will leave at

it's a little frustrating to

stop, because we're
all ready to

race and keep going.

knowing that the 30-minute

penalty is looming
over our heads.

good morning, sir.

how are you?

good morning to you.

what are you doing in this

lonely dock at this
late of night?

are you looking
for some company?

waiting for a boat.

i come cheap.

that's mirna and charla.


this is our corner.

this is our corner.

we work this bench.

all right.

we're kidding.

we'll sleep on this bench.

there is no sleeping.

you didn't get the joke.

this is going to be fun.

oh, wow.

look how pretty it is.

it's like the ancient time.

we're going to
trade you for food now.


can i have some of the food?

we're just making sure that

the line is going on so that we

can honor the line.

you guys aren't going to

honor the line?

i don't think there is a line.

these ropes are for lines.

let's not fight over stand-by.

let's not fight
over it, exactly.

we got here first.

that's cool, though.

no worries.

the let's get in
line behind them.

and we're off.

all right.

on our way to zanzibar.

think about it this way.

for a lot of people, the last

time they saw home
was on this ride.

when the sl*ve trade was at its

peak, zanzibar was one of the

gateways to europe.

slaves, this very path, ladies.

now it's your turn.

we're probably not going to

get on this early
flight because

we have no luck at all.

stand by, try and get on the

there's room for only two on


eric and danielle, i can

check you in.

thank you, sir.

i can't believe that this is

happening again.

is that a definite no more seats?

just get me out of here.

maybe you could just wave a

magic wand and get
us on this flight.

we're going to be stuck here

for god knows how long.

is there any other airline

that flies to dar
es salaam today?

air malawi has a flight.

it's air malawi.

let's beat feet
for air malawi.

charla, are you ok?

no, i'm not.


they're like doctors.

it cools her off.

is it better?

yeah, much better.

you guys know a
lot of beauty tips.

they're not beauty tips.

this is kind of like first aid.

thank you.


charla and i are
together all

day every day,
so it was kind of

nice to have other
companions with us.



i've never been so happy to

leave a country in my life.

we're out of here.

praise the lord.

we arrived.

we know that
there are teams behind us.

but you always have to keep

on-going and think
you are last

so you work harder.

marked kiofks we
have to look for.

straight ahead.

there you go.

how are you?

thank you.

"solve it or schlep it."

phil: in this detour, teams have

to choose between
a skill that

could tax their
mind and a skill

that could tax their muscles.

the choice, solve it or schlep it.

in solve it teams makes their

way 1/3 of a mile to a hotel,


put together a 62-piece puzzle

that recreates an
image from a

style of local art
work known as tenga-tenga.

once they have completed the

puzzle they will receive
their next clue.

in schlep it they
make their way

to the lumberyard,

once there ?

and load two50-pound
logs into their cart.

these logs are highly sought

after for the construction of

the native ship the dhow.

once ?

they will deliver the logs to

this shipyard where they will

receive their next clue.


can you come with us?


cutake us there?

come on.



are you kidding me?

charla and mirna
are here already.

we get to pick a puzzle?

we're going to beat them.

this is going to be tough.


all the fish face this way.

see, you've got to get the

gills going in the
right direction.

there you go.

man, i'm good.

yeah, you are.

i'm good.

found another one.

this is a lot harder
than it looks.


don't talk too much, and work.

i got one.


my great grandfather
was a pirate.

where did you get him?

i don't know.

where did you find him?

zanzibar, you're
going home, buddy.

we're halfway.

what's that?

that's a little weird.

charla and i are both very

competitive, driven people.

we're trying to
make first place again.

charla, pick up the pace.

we're almost done.

ok, ok.

come on, charla.

don't stop.

that doesn't make -- yes,

charla, that's the only one.

we're finished.

we're finished.

thank you very much.

thank you.

"make your way to kikongwi.

phil: teams must travel 15 miles

to the tiny village of kikungwi,

homes of the masai
drive on zanzibar.

it's here where they will find

their next clue.

we have to go
now to kikungwi.

we have to take a taxi.

you have air-conditioner here?

air conditioning.

i'm racing,
but i don't want to melt.


how do you do.


thank you.

"make your way to kikongwi."

i'm exhausted.

do you want to eat anything?

let's do it.

we've got to buy some fruit.

we wanted to
get some type of

energy, because after being on

the water for so long, and in

the sun, we were
dehydrated and

we stopped and got some fruit.

grab some corn.

can you go a little bit fast?

we're not here
for a leisurely stroll.


this is way better
than potato chips.

we're trying to make first

place again and
we're feeling positive.

we're number one.

"who's on target?"

phil: a road block is a task

that only one team
member may perform.

in this road block that person

must learn to hunt with a

traditional w*apon used by

members of the masai tribe.


the team member
chosen to hunt

must throw the
deadly rungu 65

feet and destroy one of these

clay targets in
order to receive

their next clue hidden inside.

want me to do it?


danny and oswald
should have been here.

they're jumping so high as if

they have bouncing balls.

do the throwing.

oh, that was neat.

give me one.

i'll try.

come on, mirna.

you can do this, girl.

oh, my gosh.

this is a lot harder
than it looks.

do you want to watch
the demo again?

keep doing it.

throw me the water bottle.

good throw.

maybe you should have done it.

there is the flag right there.

wait for us.

"road block."



i'll do it.

you will do it?


charla and mirna
are here already.

they probably
didn't stop to get fruit.

where have you guys been?

we bought some fruit.


up, up.

mirna, up in the sky.

up in the sky.


you have to have
a limp wrist.


yes, yes.

"make your way to the next

pit stop old fort."

phil: teams must now travel 15

miles through zanzibar's lush

landscape into stone town and

find this place.

old fort.

this aenth century fortresses

built by a -- this 18th century

fortresses built
by a tradesman

is the last leg.

the last team to check in here

may be eliminated.

do you know ?


they could finish
at any moment.

she must have
been praying to

her mother, her
grandmother and

her eternal lineage.



next to old fort.

we're going to the old fort.

mirna and charla, they're

really formidable contenders.

they can beat the
be-jesus out of us.

we won't stop for fruit.

we're looking for philly --

mr. phil to you.

make sure this is the fort.

i don't see it.

is this the old fort?

the next building?

charla, come on.

give me your backpack.

if we're team number two to

arrive, i think that's going to

be the case unless
divine intervention.

no, this is not right.

where is the entrance
to the old fort?

that's the old fort.

this is the bathroom.

get out of here.

charla, we have to
go the other way.

is this the old fort?

let's go to the
other entrance.

come on.

it's the other side.


this way, danny.


here we are.

welcome to zanzibar.

thank you.

phil: charla and mirna, you're

team number one.

two ones in a row.


phil: you are too hot to handle.

too hot to handle.

phil: i have some
good news for you.

as the winners of this leg of

the race, you have each won a

what is that?

phil: it's a dual-
hulled sailing boat.

oswald and danny,
you are team number two.

finally on land.

i see it.

there it is.

thank you.

let's read it.

"solve it or schlep it."

it's only two logs.

do you know how to get here?

the lumberyard?

let's do it.

do you know where that is?

we're going to puzzle it.

come on, come on, let's go.

taxi, taxi.

we have to go to
the 490 ferry terminal.

i'm so glad we're away from the

guidos and teri and ian.

at least we have

flipped both ways too.

this is going to be easy.

i'm glad we're not doing

physical stuff right now.

this is definitely
a lumberyard.

this is the kijangwi.

this one is heavy.

girl, i have been
doing my push-ups.

do you know how
to get to the palace ruins?

can you get us there?


ferry terminal.

it's in there.


this is dhow number three.


we'll be leaving soon.

i feel like a bobsled
team or something.

i think this is a good choice.

i do too.

we have to leave
right this second.

otherwise, we might see the

guidos and teri and ian.

and it would just ruin this

whole, enjoyable trip we're

about to have.

we have to run
our own race

and have to stay positive,

do the best we can now.

we're not out until phil says

we're out.

we're not going
to quit racing.

we're going to race
until the bitter end.

we're not going to
throw in the towel.

you've got to beat us.

go, go, go.


are they making fun of me?

down to the last one.

this one right here.

we're done.


thank you.

mike your way to kikung

we got through
the puzzle very fast.

that was really good.

just throw it on top.

can you hold it on top?

because i'm pressing it down.

this is the shipyard.


it's amazing.

how cute.


one, two, three.

this one's heavy.

got it?


there he is.

do we get a clue?

thank you.

"make your way to kikungwi.

we'll take a taxi.

i still think it
was a good choice.

i do too.

this is sweet.

we're fighting
from the bottom

to try to get to the top.

there are so many
what ifs in this race.

somebody thinks
they're out of

it and don't get
too comfortable

because somebody is
sneaking up on you.


the ferry terminal.

from here, not far away.

thank you.

the guidos are just
ahead of us by seconds.

just a flat-out race
between us two.

the loser takes all -- winner

takes all, loser guess home.

we don't want to be

eliminated in this
leg of the race.

this is theent for one of us.

this is the ferry terminal.

follow that cab.

they're here too?

down there.

let's go.

where is the dhow?

joe, over here.


when does it leave?

it leave around 8:00.

damn it, damn it.

"who's on target?"


right here.

come on, chen.


that could take some time.

how much farther
do you think?

getting close.

i wonder where
uchenna and joyce are.

i don't know.

honey, use a lot
of energy, ok?

"make your way to the next

pit stop, old fort."


jumping with the masai, ok,

this is a dream come true.

it was so cool.

i think i should do it.

this is so cool.

it's going to be
a little tough.


thank you.


do the puzzle.

stop start the clock.

phil: uchenna and joyce.

you're the third
team to arrive.

you have been marked for

elimination from the last leg.

you need to wait 30 minutes

before i can check you in.

just wait over there.

you did it.

i thought it was going
to take forever.

we're done, i think.

thank you.

"make your way to kikungwi

and search the village
for your next clue.

phil: ok, guys, i can
check you in now.

uchenna and joyce,
you are team number three.


we're ready to go?


set sail, mon kapitan.

phil: dustin and kandice,

you're team number four.

that's good.

who is on target?

that's me.

that was horrible.

i almost hit it.

come on.


you almost got it.

go get it.

"make your way to the next

pit stop, old fort."

it's going to be
outside this marked --

we're neck and neck.

somebody is going
to go home in a while.

team guidos are
great people

but we don't want to be


better anybody else.

phil: eric and danielle,

you are team number five.

thank god.

the marked kiofk.

there it is.

it's right in front of you.

do you have the clue in

thank you very much.


do you have the clue?

thank you very much.

thank you.

we're going to solve it.

we don't want to schlep it.

teri and ian were
choosing the zzle.

want to do the puzzle?

we'll both do puzzle.

i thought it best
to stay neck and neck.

there is no chance
of them getting away.

let's do this one.

there are some pieces.

little piece.


separate the colors.

it will make it a lot easier as

we go along.

try this one.




upside down too.




try this one over here.

flip it over.


keep going around
with this yellow one.


flip it.

they're painted on both sides.

you realize that, don't you?

no wonder we can't do it.

there you go.

we've got it now.

almost done.


they're done.

you guys are good.

thank god.

"make your way to kikungwi

and search the village
for your next clue."

we're in trouble.

we finished our
puzzle before teri and ian.

we feel like we're doing well

but we don't know
what we're doing next.

it's still relative.

you can win it or
lose it on a dime.

keep going.

i need more.

there is one left.


thank you very much.

"make your way
to kikungwi."

catch-up time.

there is the clue box.

"who's on target?


stay focused.

you're holding
onto it too long, i think.

let it go earlier.

damn it.

maybe somebody
will get stuck

at the road block
and it won't be us.

somebody can
only be the guidos.

come on, let's go.

let's go.


there is always a chance.

please go fast.

how much further
do we have to go?

not far.

all right.

come on.

good man.

"make your way
to the next pit stop.

old fort."

teri and i-- teri and
ian didn't show up?


thank god.

we're not going to throw in

the towel on this.

there is the box.

"who's on target?"

i guess that's me.

go, go, go.


you know ian's going to do it.

, you can do this.
you can do this.

the last team to

check in may be eliminated."

old fort.

as quick as you can.

must be an accident
or something.

it's taking too long.

we're not throwing
in the towel.

until phil says
we're eliminated.

i don't think we came in

on this road.

i don't know if he knows

where he's going, joe.

go as fast as you can, sir.

leave this here.

come on.

hurry, hurry.

this has got to be it.

right here.


i think we've got to go

through that gate.


came through
the wrong door?


it's not open?

go around.

is there another entrance?

another entrance
to the fort?



see if this is it.


how are we?

phil: joe and bill,

you're team number six.

and you are still in the race.

phil, we're coming.

we're coming, phil.

hi, phil.

sorry to get you up so early.

phil: teri and ian, you are the

last team to arrive.

i'm sorry to tell you, you have

been eliminated from the race.

we figured as much.

we had fun.

we're sorry to be eliminated.

we're going home.

we're going home to our

families,or our children and

continue a great life.

teri is the love of my life.

she's always been there for me.

ian loves me like
no one else can.

i wouldn't want
to be in life without her.

phil: stay tuned
for scenes from

our next episode.

phil: on the next special

two-hour "amazing race"

loses patience with eric.

stop being stubborn.

it's annoying.


grow up, please.

do something besides bitch.

phil: charla suits up to take on

a formidable foe.

oh, my god.

please don't k*ll me.

straight line.

don't let him go.
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