11x04 - No Babies on the Race!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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11x04 - No Babies on the Race!

Post by bunniefuu »

Nine teams set out and raced to
chile's lake district.

At the airport, there was a clash.

You're being rude.

Phil: some racers had trouble
with a slippery situation.

Pick it up!

Phil: charla and mirna helped
joe and bill.

You didn't get the rest of the clue.

You're lucky you're with us.

Good thing we saw them when we did.

Phil: and were left in their dust.

I can't believe they just took off.

Phil: then the took took on a wild river.

I'm scared!

Oh, my god.

I don't want to die.

Phil: in the end, rob and amber
were the first for the third
time in a row.


And david and mary came in last.

You have been eliminated from the race.

It's ok.

It was awesome.

Phil: now eight teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Phil: this southern chile,

A desolate landscape broken by
lakes and fjords.

This beach, made of black
volcanic sand,

Was the third pit
stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of
the last leg for a mandatory rest period.

Will rob and amber's three-leg
winning streak continue?


Rob and amber, who was the first
to arrive at 6:11 p.m.,

Will depart at 6:11 a.m.

Fly to the city.

Phil: teams must travel over 800
miles to the city of punta arenas.

???they'll travel to a shipwreck
and find their next clue.

Let's rock.

I'm not trying to be arrogant or cocky.

I'm just saying I know I believe in us.

I believe we're the strongest team here.

I think that rob and I have
great communication skills.

I almost feel we're peaking.

I'm not peaking.

I'm not even close to my prime.


Fly to punta arenas.

Let's go.

Rob and amber beat us a lot

But they didn't beat us when it count.

That hurt, I'm sure.

I believe somewhat of a
rivalry was built us from us
beating them.


We welcome the rematch.

It's healthy competition.

We're about 12 minutes behind
rob and amber.


It's hard having a girlfriend
on the race.

We have to spralt the rhythm
from everything that's happening around us.

Some people go nuts and they go,

You know each other a lot?

I treat her pretty much like a
guy except she has nicer boobs.

Airport, here we come.



We need a flight.

What is the quickest way to get there?


I need two tickets.

I just wonder how many seats were left.


Hopefully the flight fills up.

Have a great trip.



If I had to guess what the
reason is for our inconsistency

It would be the fact that we do
overthink a little bit.

When we got on the five there
was an exit to the airport.

If there's a solution it
would be doing our proirpgs --

Preparation beforehand,

Trusting ourselves and then letting go.

It would be great if we could
get on the first flight.

We haven't even seen rob and amber.


They're the team to belt.


When we type in the shipwreck

And try to search it,

We get a bunch of paintings about it.

We believe it's a painting and

Not a shipwrecked somewhere.


???????people have the misconception
that danny and I are not very competitive.

I think it's excite -- quite the opposite.


We can do it in the spirit of fun.

And a sense of style.

Some people say that I snore

And I don't always,

Just when I drink excessively.

You know who's a big snorer?

She snores up a storm.

Attention man, kandice is a big snorer.

Fly to the city of punta
arena, chill ave.

Do you know where this is?


Our physical abilities are
maybe not as good as the younger teams.

Where are we off to?

To the airport.

Being at the bottom and back
of the pack is a real hum g experience.

It makes us more competitive.

Oh, we're off again, isn't this fun?


We need to go to --

Punta arenas as fast as we can.


That's bueno.

It's currently :10.


How many seats are left?

Not many?

This is a full flight?

Thank you very much.



You have $302 for this leg of the race.

We need to go to the hotel

And see if we can call a travel agent.

I work very hard physically,

Mentally, to do well.

I do all the navigating, all the airline booking.

You didn't bring your purse?


Charla obviously wants to contribute

But I do more than any one single person

Has ever had to do on the race to compensate
for any shortcomings we have.

You need to hold on to this.



This is the quickest.

This one leaves at 9:40.




You just said don't let these
blondes on the plane, didn't you?

Oh, yeah.

The airport.

If there's availability on the
plane we'll get on.

Thank you very much for everything.


I need to get on this first flight.


No way I can get on it?

No, it's full.

They were only 15 minutes ahead of us.

Maybe they're just having breakfast.





It might be a painting.

It is a shipwreck.

I'll pay whatever it costs.



They're seeing if they can
possibly get us on this flight.

It would be a lifesaver.

Otherwise we can't go until 11:15,

Which means all the other
ones will catch up with us.


We won't be able to drive there in time.


I think we should just keep going.

Should we go to the gate?


Can we seat more?

Go ahead.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

You saved us.

We're so lucky.

We're going to make the :40 flight.

It puts us at such a bigger advantage.

Thank you.

Thank you, let's go.

Let's go.

We're going to punta arenas
the fastest way possible.

But that flight is already closed.

No, we'll go right now.

Please, we're ready.

Can we get on it still?


It's closed?

There's nobody to call?

It says in port.




They're not going to let us on.

Come on, charla.

There they are.

Charla and mirna just arrived.

I.b.m. And I constantly get nervous

When we're going to fall to last place

And you don't want to be way
back behind everybody else.

We want to see if we can find somebody --

M.b. Who knows the shipwreck before they get here.

We need the first flight today.






The same?


Thank you, you were a great help.

Ee-- we appreciate it.


Charla and mirna are really
good about talking to other people.


We can't look like we know too much.

We're not going to make it easy.


The guidos.



You guys didn't make it?
I'm surprised.

The flight was totally full.


So the

I don't want to be around them the entire way.

On the last leg they ditched us.

You can't trust them.

We are boarding in about five minutes.

You never know, we might be able to catch up.

Good morning.

Good morning.


Do you know of a ship?


Rapido, rapido.



They have no idea where they're going.



I doubt it.

Get the taxi here.



This is a little note that
the spuredess gave me when I
came out of the bathroom.

Apparently charla was trying to
get information on where the boat was.

She handed the information right over to me.


The stewardess was writing
down this information for me

And rob comes in and steals it.

There's your ship.

Please wait for us here, ok?

Over here, baby.

I'm not wearing the right shoes for this.

Is this it?

-- ???????


Phil: teams have to choose
between two activities

Tied to one of punta arenas' most famous visitors,

Ferdinand miguelen.

In navigate, teams muls use this
map to get to the town plaza,

When the sailor will give them a comp pus.


Then they must find ?????

A deep sea salvage company?????

Inside, teams must choose a pole

And a set of building supplies

And bring them upstairs.

Using this ma'am from magellan's
vujacic as a reference,


They have to build a traditional sign
post listing in order the 14 points of
call from his journeys around the world.


The cities must be spelled correct little.

When they have completed thetask,

Teams will receive their next clue.

I kind of think I'm better at building stuff.



We'll sign it.

All right, let's go!

Up the map?

I do now.


Make your way to the center.

Navigate it.

Sign it.

We have to get the supplies.

Let's go get it, ok?

We got it.

I got it, I got it.


I guess we'll have art class today.

It has to be down there, danny.

Town plaza.

Let's go!

Let's go.

Ok, supplies.

Start here.


It started in spain.

He left spain and went around the world that way.

Nobody else knows that.

So the first one is seville.

Use the first and last arrow.

This is his first city, guam.

Here's the plaza.

Find the sailor.

Come pus says south.

Let's go.

We're on this street.

We're walking that way.


Using the comp us -- compass head south.



Start at the top with guam.

Let me check the compass again.

Now the needle is pointing south.

That's north.

I've got it turned the wrong way.

Now it's pointing south.

I think it's this way.

It's right there.

Take a charter plane.

Phil: teams must now make their
way to the international airport

And sign up for charter planes
that leave three hours apart.

Teams will then fly 165 miles to the city of ushia

And make their way to the beach,

Where they'll find their next clue.

Let's go.

This is it.

Take the charter plane.

We have to go fast.

There's a taxi.

We're going to get a charter
plane to go to australia --

I mean argentina.

A charter to australia?

Have to stop and gas ,000 times.

The judge?



Are you sure?

Better not be a spelling thing.


There's the nautilus building right there!

Take a charter plane.

There's a taxi right there.

Get in, come on.

You want to point it to the east?

It doesn't matter.

Look, it does matter.

Yeah, you're right.
Thank you.

I think we got it this time.

Help me lift it up, baby.

They don't have it.


Honey, I think we did this wrong.

Here we are.

He got us to the airport fast.

Oh, my god, we found it.

We're first?

We're the first ones.

Let's dance.


Hello, guys.



Where the hell are rob and amber?

Hopefully they're really lost.


There's still two other teams
that haven't shown up.


I want to keep doing this.

This is stupid.

We're wasting so much time.

How's that?


Honey, we've got to know when to quilt.

We've put in so much time but
I think we're like one away.

This one's going to go like this.

I think we're confused.

Right there.

Where are we?


Yes, we made it.


All right!

Hey, guys, do we have a full
day layover over here?


We're going partying.

We need to catch up to the pack.

Look who just got here, mirna
and charla, and guidos.

Hopefully we'll catch up.

We got in the cab and we're on our way.


1:25, It just lant -- landed.

Where is -- the hell is
magella flrvings from?

It doesn't matter, you?

It does.


Joyce figured it out.


Take the plane --

I don't get it.

My baby figured it out!

Go job.

Mirna and charla right behind us.

Here's the guidos.

If you can pass, pass.

Faster, faster!

They're passing us.

Oh, sh**t.

You're doing a good job.

Go to the counter before
anybody else shows up.

Uchenna and joyce just arrived.

We're on the second flight.


Everybody that did navigator is here.


Rob and amber, do you guys
want to switch together or work
on this together?

The other plane landed.

I don't know what to do with this.

We've tried everything.

Let me try this last one.

If it isn't, we'll switch with you.


Grab a map.

Come on, the other teams are
going to be coming soon.

Detour, navigate it or sign it.

Where is the signs?

Nobody's doing it.



We have to find the provided map.

We have to get the supplies.

Let's go.

Keep your eyes peeled for a sailor.

Here he is.


You guys want to do this
together or what?

Lepts go -- do it.

We have to go south.

Let's see what street we're on.

Mirna, you can put your
bucket in this and make it one trip!

Charla, come here for a second.


Charla, concentrate for a second.

Ok, charma, get the other stuff.

I don't understand what's wrong
with you, charma.

You're wasting a lot of time.

The last plane's caught up.

This is north so that is south.

I can't believe it.

What the heck are they doing here?

I don't think I need this box.

We need the box.


Put the things in the box,
the arrows.

We're going south.

We passed rob and amber.

We're going the other way.

I know.

Guys, I think it says naval museum.

I have the address.

I have no idea where they're going.

Charma, I already have a buct!

I'm not getting a bucket,

Thank you very much.

Charma, leave half of it.

Just run, carry a couple and
I'll get the rest for you.

Charla, just leave it!

Quickly take the stuff and go!

Just put it on my shoulders.

Come on, I'll come back for the rest.


Charla, you're wasting a lot of time.

I can't do -- go any faster, please!

Charla, can you put that down?

It's not making sense, honey,
I'm trying to help you.

What do you want me to do?

Come on, charla.

This weighs approximately 70 pounds.

Take a charter plane to the city.

Let's go.

The airport.

Thank god in heaven we got a break.

Due -- do you have a clue?

He doesn't know what we're talking about.




This is ridiculous.

What a day.



Shall we go to the other?

I don't know this answer and you
don't seem to know either.

We should just go to the other.


I want a second plane.


Ok, onward.

The center plaza is here.


Head south --

Here it is.

It's over there, over there.


We need a taxi.

Take a charter plane -- to the city.



I don't think teaming up with
rob and amber was necessarily help.

For one of the first times in
the race amber and I aren't at the head of the pack.

It's frustrating.

We were just here.

We're heading south.

We're looking for the naught laws building.

That's tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.

Whatever, we'll kick butt against them.

International airport.

Let's go.

Get the whistle out.

There are the girls now.

There it is.

Three hours are a long time.

It's ok.

I know it's ok.

I trying to say something to comfort you.

I don't need to be comforted.

He's full of crap.

He wants to finish first, I know
he disease -- does.

It makes me mad, because he lies.

Admit that you want to be in first.

I want to be in first.

11:00 A.m.

So we have to wait till tomorrow.

We're on the first charter plane.

Let's race!


We're going to playa larga.


Por favor.

Right now we're the second
cab out of the airport.

Playa larga.

You wait here.

We're looking for the clue box.

I hope we didn't miss it.

You got to hurry now.

Teri, it's got to be this way.

This is it.


Teri, would you please come with me?

Please come with me!

There's the flag right there.

Let's go this way first.

It's right here.

It could be anywhere along this
whole area here.

There it is!

Make your way to the --

Phil: teams must travel by taxi
to this bank,

Then they will take a boat which
departs every 20 minutes

And can carry two teams at most
to a place known as the end of the world,

The southernmost tip of south america.

There they'll find in post
office, where they'll get their next clue.


Take a bolt to the end of the world.



We went too far.

Let's go.


We'll head back.

Here we are with rob and amber,
stinking it up in the back of the pack.

This sucks.

Take a boat.

Come on.

Stop it.

There are two boats.

We're at the end of the world.

Ok we have to rent a boat.

Go to the right.

Here's the boats.

Every 20 minutes.

Move it!

Come on, sweetheart.

Teri, right there.


I see it.

We missed it.

It's every 20 minutes.

I think it just left.

This is it.

This clue's at the end of the world.

Come here, darling.

Let's read together the roadblock.

Phil: a rod block -- is a task
only one person can perform.


They must choose one of these
mail bags then sort through 1,600 envelopes

To find one of two letters addressed to their team.


The letter was written by a team
from they're first season on the "amazing race."

Once they find the letter,

The mselves read it aallowed to
their teammate to find the next clue.



All right, let's go.

We can get first place right now.

It's getting kind of high.

It's going to tip over.

The other teams have just about landed.


Right here.

Go, honey, let's get a cab.



I think we're the first one out.

Calm down.

Feels good.


Playa larga.

There's no taxis left.

The other teams took up all
the available taxis.

Let's start walking this way.

I'm pretty sure there is the --

This is the only way into the airport.

This bites.

If a taxi comes, he'll get it first.

Ok then walk with me so we
can get the taxi.

Let's go.

There's the taxi.


I called for a taxi.

You're crazy.

Amber, get in.


I called for a taxi.

You're crazy, we called too.


They're out of their minds if
they thought I was letting them in.

Here's another one.

I can't believe rob and amber
took our taxi and left.

I don't have any patience for this stuff.

Found it, yes!

I have to read this.

They wrote us a letters.

You're on the brink of elimination.

Getting a letter from them
was very sweet.

Very nice.



Thank you.

Thank you.

Search for the island for the
next pit stop.

Phil: teams must follow this
path around the island and find this place.

This is situated near the
southernmost tip of south
america at the end of the continent.

It's the pit stop for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

Come on.

Eric and danielle.

Dude, down this way.

Eric and danielle, it's
teammates you left behind.

Our old teammates from the old race.

We're a lot cooler than you two.

Love -- no babies on the race.

Search the island on foot for
the next pit stop.

Come on, sweet heart, you can
do this, this is easy.

It's a needle in a haystack, remember?

Playa larga.

Let's go.

Where's the clue?

Keep quiet.

Make your way to the end of the world.

Got it.

At the end of the world.

We should be in last or
second to last.

We don't have to come in
first every time.

We still might be able to.

I want to pass them.

We need to win.

There's no other teams here

Yet so we're going to be sweet.


Just take your time and concentrate.focus.

I need to run just a little bit.

There's a time to take it slow
and there's a time to run.

Is that phil over there?

Come on.




We made it to the end of the
world for you.

At least say something nice.

Phil: you are team number --


Guys, there's some good news.

This leg of the race

You have won a trip for two from
travelocity to the royal beach.



You'll have a chance to observe sea turtles

And dolphins and marine life during a submarine tour.

Will you come with us?

Phil: that's a whole different realty show.

You're doing good.

Just keep looking.

Eric and danielle, you are team number two.

Thank you, phil.

Playa larga?

One moment.


I have a feeling we follow the path.

Here come charla and mirna.

Let's go, hurry.

Rob and amber.

Let's follow them.


It doesn't say follow the
path to the clue or anything.

Let's go.

Here they come.

Did they find it?

Got it.

Over there?

Let's go.

It helped that I had the old
clue in my hand to throw them off.

They actually believed me
telling them that the clue was down there.

That's dumb.

It's not here, let's go.

She's lying.

I knew she was very phony and
liing to me.

As an attorney I can tell
when somebody's lying.

This is not playa largo.

I knew i.

Make your way to the post
office at the end of the world.

Let's go.

We got our work cut out for us.

Don't count us ow.

I see it.

This is the last one.

If she got it, where was it?

Who does she think she's dealing with here.

Real genius.

Teri and ian!

It's from flo and zach.

Winners of "the amazing race"3

Nice couple.

Good luck.

Search the island on foot.

Let's go this way.

This is the end of the world.

This is certainly the end of the world.

Can I open the trunk?

Honey, they ran.

Go, go, go.

Coming on the right.

Let's go.



Pull a number.

Pulled number six.

Phil: teri and ian?


Phil: you're team number three.

Thank you, phil.

Phil: you should hug each other for that one.

Grassas -- gracias.

Charla and mirna might be a little while.

They followed us and went down.

We were like, we got it, we got it.


So they got on, they were looking around.

You guys are all ahead of us.

I -- our bota has arrived.

There's charla and mirna.


We're going to be taking the
ferry out with rob and amber, old friends.

Friends is being used loosely.

It's just us.


We're last then.

Amber what happened there?

Why did you lie?

Why did I lie to who?

Why did you lie when you got
under the park, we got it.

I didn't talk to you guys, I
was talking to him.

I said I got it, I figured it
out, the next one.

You guys thought we had the
clue right then and there?

I wasn't even talking to you,
I was talking to him!

Meanwhile I totally said I
got it when I ran by just to
make them think I had the clue.

See, I'm rubbing off on her.

It didn't make sense,

You were -- she was take -- talking
to her husband scha -- that she
received the clue?

It was another lie.

We're the last team on the last
bolt all lean.

We're done.

We are at a big disadvantage
compared to the other teams.

Now we have to wait another 15
minutes for our ferry,

Trying to stay warm and
positive as much as we can.

Charla and mirna are going to
have a hard time.



Who's good at sorting things out?

You want me to?

Yes, that's yours.

Oh, my gosh!

Don't cry.

I wish I had a man cure.

Later on I'll let you use my
nail buffer, kandice.

Thank you, darling, I would love that.

I felt the tension of competition.

After charla and mirna lee --
lie, I felt a desire to beat rob and amber.

We are looking for a letter
at the end of the earth.

You got it?


You feel the friction in my diction.

Hipty hop.

I hope reading this has nowed
you -- anoud -- I nowed you as
michigan as you annoyed me.


It didn't annoy us at all.

Go kandice.

We're going to get a letter here pretty soon.

It might be from bama.

Let's go, let's go.

Up, over.

Jogging, crazy, running.

Keep them coming.

The letter was signed by lyn.

Only one of the two from the
bama team signed the letter.

Karlyn was definitely the less
warm of the two.

I'm being pushy?

How am I being pushy?

I can't say we had a lifelong
friendship but we will have

Lifelong memories that will win.

Thanks, lyn.

I'm so excited we got a
letter from them.

Hurry up, hurry up.

Come on, amber.

Get over here!

It's still a wales.

Don't let them fall off the table.

There you go.

I've done the first two
roadblocks and I think rob was
itching to do one.

Phil: joe and bill, you're team
number four.

Could you guys be any more in love?

There you go.

Make sure you look at each
letter carefully, babe.

Phil: dustin and kandice, you
are team number five.

This can't be them all right
-- already.


That is them.

They're coming?


Oh, boy.

Good job. We beat them too it.



This is k*lling me.

Gough -- you got it.



Uchenna and joyce -- oh,

Susan and patrick.

They were great friends of ours.

Don't trust you know who.

Love you.

Let's go.

Next pit stop.

This way.

Look at those two white ones in front.

I know, I know.



You know what, shut the hell up, you know?

You lie all the time.

I said pray to our deceased
grandmother to help us.

You wouldn't have a clue what that means.

Phil: uchenna and joyce, you're
team number six.

You got it, baby.

You got to be kidding me.

It's from lance and marshall.

I hate her so much.

Look at this.bitch!

It turns out you are barely
speak english.

Oh, really?

This sucks.

The last team to check in may
be eliminated.

I'm sorry, amber.

That's ok, baby, it's not
your fault.

We could definitely beat charma
and mirna in a footrace any day.

Lying bitch!


They're just mad at us
because we lied to them.

Got it.

Dear rob and amber, it's your
favorite racers ever, susan and patrick.

Hopefully this will find you
hungry, in last place.

The last one to check in may be
elame -- eliminated.

Let's go.



This sucks.

Come on!

Charma, please.dig.

Charma, level five!

Level five on the treadmill, you
can do it.

I'm trying.

Let's do it together.

Let's beat the liars.

Here it is.

Come on, girl, come on.

Let's do this.

Phil: charla and mirna, you are
team number seven and you are
still in "the amazing race."

It was a hard day, each time
coming in last.

I said when is it going to change?

When are we going to get over last?

Finally when it really counted we did.

High fives to both of you.

Way to keep it up.

Rob and amber quilt.

That's the key to this game
because you don't know what will happen.

Phil: rob and amber, you're the
last team to arrive.

I'm sorry to tell you you have
been eliminated from the race.

Yeah. At least we had a good
run if -- in the beginning.

Yeah, we started off strong.

Just had bad luck today.

Really bad luck.

And what a better place to end
the race than the end of the world.

This isn't the end.

The fact we got to come back and
do it a second time

With you -- was spectacular.

Just to spend this time with
each other means the world to me.

I think the thing that I miss
the most is not being able to compete,

Knowing that there's a
game going on and I'm not in the game.

But at the end of it all I still
have an amazing life,

A great wife, a great family.

I'm a lucky guy.

I'm already a winner.

Phil: next week on "the amazing race,"

Tensions spark between
eric and danielle and joe and bill.

You need to watch the jokes, guy.

Who's yelling?

Peace, peace, peace.

Freaks, freaks, freaks.

Phil: and teams get up close and
personal with a rat.

That's a huge damn rat.

Oh, gross!

That's cute.

You dirty rat.
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