11x02 - Beauty Is Sometimes Skin Deep

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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11x02 - Beauty Is Sometimes Skin Deep

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"the amazing race,

" 11 All-star teams set

Out from miami, florida on a

Race around the world for their

Second chance to win $1 million.



At the miami airport --

Delta,that the fastest.

Coal miner and white, david

And mary targeted
their old rivals,

Beauty queens dustin and kandice.

I flat-out lied to
the beauty queens.



Front runners rob and amber

Created a buzz with
the other teams.


And drew took a painful spill.

In the end, newlyweds rob and

Amber arrive first

And formerly dating
couple john vito

And jill came in last.


Who will be elem nated, next

Phil: this is an active volcano

On the outskits of quito, ecuador.

At the base, mirror door??.

This was the first pit stop in

A race around the world.

I can't get a full deep breath.

Drew retired medical

Attention for symptoms of

Altitude sickness.

During the night I
was vomiting, headache.

I had oxygen administered
four times.

Phil: rob and amber will
depart at 7:20 a.m.

Teams must travel
to santiago, chile.

-Time travel to ??


The largest copper
mining company in the world

??to find their next clue.

The other teams have no idea

What they're in for.

I don't want them to be afraid

Of us, I want them to be

Preoccupied with us.


This isn't even a road.

This could be illegal.


We've proven so far

We're here to compete.

If we can keep that focus,

??we'll be the winners.

Why don't we full put --

Pull over and wait for
the other teams?

-I like them

-But not that much

Fly to ??chile.


In our last race
and in this race,

If we follow our motto of stop,

Look, and listen,

We'll do a lot better.


Don't roll down the hill.

I'll -- I'll come to you.

Let's go.

This is the first time we've

Raced together.


I can see people in a relationship

It's added pressure.

We haven't had any problems.

Hopefully it stays that way.


Ok, here we go.

Who says gay men can't drive?

Good job.


Corporate headquarters.


How cool is that?

All right, where
are re-- we going?

Chile, let's go.


I'm not going to say we were

Thrilled when phil called up.

We're like, ok.

We have to make sure we take

All the right turns.


To the airport.

When we did the first race we

Learned a lot of life
lessons together.

I can't have mrs. Right

Without being mr. Right.

I have to work on myself and

Trust she can carry her weight.

Where do we go to get
out of the country?

To chile.


It might be chilly.


We're going to let
david 1/2 gate.


I went thinking I'm not

Going to like the way they're

Going to play this game.

From the time I've met him,

I've loved him.


Oh, sh**t.

How can we get out
of this ditch?

Oh, we're stuck.


I think she's going to have

To have a push.

Ok, we can tow you out, get.

In here we go, she's coming,

She's coming.

You think that's ok?

You're good.

Thank you, thanks a lot.


Get over there.

Sweet people,
totally down to earth.

Rewith -- we liked
david and mary.

They're definitely the most

Trustworthy of the other teams.

I guess you could call it a

Little bit of an alliance.



Drew is trying his hardest.


That's the shoulder.

I didn't hit you I tapped you.

It gets frustrating for me.

What's my alternative?

Not to do this.

I just got to keep pushing.


Watch where you go!

We're stuck.

Let me get some weight out.

I'm going to to you us out?

Yeah. Here.

Just hook it to whatever you

Can and we'll pull.

??i'm the big black thing right

In the middle.

I got it!

I got it.

That's my boy!

Get out of the way.

Drew, stop!

You're pulling me with you.

Oh, sorry.


Travel agency.

Right, square should have it.

Is that it?

That's the place, dude.

I need two tickets to chile.

Try to get there as
soon as possible.

I have a flight that goes
guayaquil lima. Lima-santiago

-That flight will arrive you at 1:50 am



-The first flight is guayaquil lima

-Then lima to santiago

That arrives at 1:50 am

This is the one we want

-Ok let's do that.

Please don't tell anybody else

About this, ok?

Can I get a flight
through domestic?

Yeah you have to
go through domestic

-Ok, let's go.


Thank you.

There is one to guayaquil

From there, you'll go on lan


We need to purchase two tickets

To chile as fast as possible.

You will be arriving
at 2.30 in the morning

Is there a flight ought
of this airport?


Nothing earlier, that will

Be your first flight for the day?

Take it to chile via lima, per you.


I think the first two teams are

Hanging out somewhere
in the airport.

They meet be doing
further research.

They might get lucky.

I'm happy we came on.

The race is about us,

Not about the other teams.

What time does it arrive?

Do we grab a shower
when we get done?

I hope so, you need one.


Let's go ahead and buy tickets.

Thank you so much.


Oh, yes, thank you.


Let's go.

Right now we're boarding our

First flight and hopefully

Everything will be smooth

Sailing here on to chile.

There's another
team right there.

Do you guys have your ticket?

No, we're trying to get ticket.

We need to to santiago, chile.

You'll get to santiago at 2.30 am


Can I have two tickets?


Same way.

There's mirna and smyrna.

We have one amigo, we want to

Make sure he's on our flight.

His name is rob.


He might have
already left,guys.


We're flying to lima in a

F hours and then we'll

Go to santiago.

We're going to arrive in

Santiago at 10 minutes of 2:00

In the morning.

We'll be probably the first

Team there.

He's on an earlier flight.

If anything, I think they'll

Be a little bit par noiled. ??

Have you seen rob and amber?

Rob and amber.

That's crazy.

Totally gay.

Oh, my god.


The lead we thought we had over

The other teams no longo exists.

We learned so much last time.


This not first class.

I pulled dave and mary's

Backpacks out from first class.

If you're not in first class,

Don't put your belongings in

First class.

Do you see what he done?

He took my bag and mirna's bag

And threw them on the ground.

I'm -- -- I'll remember that too.


Drew is the only
one playing dirty.

He started it so it's on.


If they had been on time we

Would have been here
half an hour before.


It's crucial to make the

Fight -- flight out of lima.


Our flight gets into

Santiago 2:30 a.m.

There's two teams missing,

Osi and danny, amber and rob.

-We don't know where they are.




Please, por favor.

It's impossible

-It's closing time

-You're saying no?

This is not fun.

Within a period of 10

Minutes, you can go from being

First place to last place.

A miserable game, this race.


-They get there 15min ahead

-It's frustrating.

If they had been on time, we

Would have been there half an

Hour before.

Our flight was delayed and

Subsequently we're going to be

The last team to arrive.

Let's go.


Got the first taxi.

We're looking for the

Headquarters of codelco.

Smooth sailing, kid.

This is fast, all right.

Come on, come on!


That's codelco.

That's the front of the

Building right here.

Get over here!


Phil: a roadblock is a task

That only one person
can perform.

That person must go to the

Building's ground floor and

Search the boardroom for

Letters of the alphabet.


The majority of these, when

Unscrambled, will spell out one

Of the 10 destinations

Inscribed on the
plaques in the wall.


They most show their reasons --

Answer to the security clue.

If correct, he'll hand them

Their next clue.

Who has an eye for detail?

Ok, I'll do it.


You can do it.

We went in the boardroom.


I saw letters on ties and other

Things in the room.

There's a c on somebody.

I'm very detailed.

This seemed like it was down my

Ally -- alley.

How difficult could it be?

She says she pays attention

To detail, so here's her shot.

?go for it.

Who has an eye for detail?

I do.

I get into the room and the

First thing I notice is letters.

Hello, I think I ought to put

My initials on my own clothes.

I'll do it.

You'll do it, ok.

All right, this is it.

Come on, baby.

Go around one more time.


Said she's detailed.

I have no fricking idea.

The clue to solve the

Roadblock was somewhere
in the room.

I realized there are pictures

On the wall, pictures all over.

C-h-u -- putting all the

Letters together I was able to

Match the name of a copper

Mine, which was a picture
on the wall.

Thank you so much!

Fly to the town.

]]Phil: teams must fly 230 miles

To the city and make their way

To the world's largest open-pit

Copper mine, where they'll find

Their next clue -- clue.


That was freaking hard.

Air port yes.


I just hope they didn't see

Me looking at the picture.


This is ridiculous.

?por favor.





Man, this is a tough one.

I focused on the letter but I

Need to do something different

Like get a quick scan of pictures.

I went to the only picture that

Had q's in it and then it clicked.

There are letters here
that are extra.

Come on, teri.

You got it?

He got it.

Fly to the town. ??

I don't know what's
going on in there.

Who has an eye for detail?

That's you, love.


He has an eye for detail.

He was a police officer.

He has a much better chance of

Seeing it than I do.

Yes, I'm here, come on.


Do you want to do this or would

You like me to do it?


I can do it.

This is ridiculous.

Do you have any idea?

No, I don't have any idea.

The first thing I did was

Write down all the
names on the wall.

I wrote that on my
first sheet of paper.

Everybody's here.

There comes rob and amber.

Oh, my god, that's crazy.

Right there, right there.

Ozzie and danny.

Everybody's here.

Road block.

I'm going to do it.


Oh my gosh. Look who's here


Look at these things.

This guy has a q.

Which one has a q in it?


Yeah, yeah.


I'm going to try it.

I don't even wannna lokk

Go, go!

It's brutal.

I know,now.

Good job.

Kevin eavesdropped.


She knows it because

I'm not coming in.

Did she get it?

I think she did,

I think she did.

Come on, come on.

Where is the taxi?

Fly to the town.

]]G come on, kevin.

Let's go.

Drew, come on!

I can't imagine this thing

Could be that hard.

I thought it was some kind

Of mountain but I put the

Period in there.

There's an h on his pen

And over here --

There's no h though, right?

We just found an h on a pen.

What about "mine at chuquicamata"

?he's going to t it.

What is it?

What is it?


Those bass towards.

Fly to the town.

You got to be kidding me.

?let's go.

Let's go..

I don't understand what's going on

I have an idea.

Thank you.

Man, this is driving
me freaking nuts.

This is so maddening.

Sand pit, rock pit.

I don't fricking know.


We might never get it.

Thank you.

So happy.


This is it.

Come on, charla.

Ok, come on, guys.

It's something that's

Definitely standing right in

Front of us.

What about -- I'll tell you

How to spell it if I it is.

You got it!

Oh, yes.

How do you spell it?

Fly to the town.

We got to go.

Bye, guys.

Thank you.

Fly to the town of calma.

I'm usually good with details.


If it's details I'm the one

That usually picks it up.

-You did good honey

I didn't do good
at all on that one.

My oaks were not
good enough tonight.

We're going to chile.

We]teed two@tyb tickets.


You're the bag handler.

Very good.

Thank you.

Oh, gosh.

Two tickets.

Thank you.

We need the same, please.

I was so glad when this is done.

Me too.

This way.

Thanks a million.

You're welcome, darling.

God bless you.

Bro we're in line here. Come on

I just went to a new line.

]]?? In comes eric.

Went from the back of the line

To the new counter.

Just get behind me.

I don't have anything

Personal against eric.

Its just trying to stir the pot up.

Don't be upset about it because you
would have done the same thing

I'm not upset.

I'm making it clear that's how

'Re playing.

The only thing I didn't like in

The whole situation was amber

Defending him.

Amber, you don't understand.

Just do it.


It's not that I don't mind

Rob stirring trouble but it was

So co--- wrong.

It made him look silly.

Are you going to let me do that?

I don't think so.

We're a team.

You're supposed to let me do that.

There's a method to the madness.

There always is, baby.

All 10 teams are now flying

To the town in chile.

We need a taxi.


Kevin and drew
were ahead of us.

Faster, faster.

Oh, sh**t.

Kevin and drew.

Are they going
to be the first team?

Go, go, go!

What's going on there.

Go, go!

No, no.

This is a wonderful day.

Taxicab going quite fast.

There they go, rob and amber.

Rob and amber, of course

They can go fast.

Just jump out and go.

Here we development

Let's get dressed.


Go, go.

Don't hold me back.

Mad chaos.

People were just going crazy.

Dude, come on,
people are gaining.

Come on.

Dee tour.

Phil: in this dee tour, teams

Have to -- detour, teams have

To choose between two jobs

Essential to the running of a

Large copper mine.


In by hand, teams must choose

One of these tires and

Appropriately align the bolts

And finish securing
them to the truck.

When they're finished, the

Foreman will give
them their next clue.

In by machine, each team must

Drive one of these huge front

Loaders to transfer gravel.

Once they've done that, the

Foreman will hand
them their next clue.


The nuts, man, it will be faster.

Titlening nuts doesn't

Sount that hard.

Oh, my god, that thing is

Freakin' huge.

We can do this.

I have a lot of experience

Driving backhoes.

I was in construction for like

Amber, you got it baby?


Detour, by hand or by


Front loader.

Let's go.

By hand.


Because I can't drive a

Stick shift.

I don't want to do by hand.

Good, turn around.

Pretty cool to see amber

Behind the wheel.

She did good.

I was proud of her.


What I need you to do is put

This piece first.




Then you tighten it.

That's not right?

No, flat against flat.

You're doing it wrong.

This goes the other way.

Keep doing that, I'm going

To start tightening, ok?

Like that?

Some of these are different.

What does it matter?

If I'm not mistaken, the

Ones like this have got to go

The other way.

Oh, my god, I don't have

Time for a step stool.

Charla, I don't have time

For a step stool, please!


There is no step stool.

This is a step stool!


There's some drama over there.

They do things with
such stress d drama.

It's kind of their style

That I think can be kind of


Charla, I don't know how to

Do this.

Don't mess around with me.

By hand or machine?

Orr bining -- ??

Going to go by hand.

By hand or by machine?

By hand.


You're good.

You want to drive or you

Want me to drive?

We both got to do it.

Read your clue.


Ok we're good!

Ready, drive
yourself to the valley.

Phil: teams must choose one of

These marked vehicles and drive

Called the valley of the moon.

The sharp turns and shifting

Sands retire -- require teams

Drive no more than 40

Kilometers per hour.

Once they exit the valley of

The moon, they can drive 50

Kilometers per hour.


The last team to check in here

May be eliminated.


Right there.

Come on.

One more, now!

That's a good one, right on top

Of the pole.

A couple more right on top of

The pole, we got it.

Be careful.

I don't like that sound.

This one's kind of crooked.

It's torquing weird.

I think these other teams

Are going to win $1 million?

I don't think so.

Let's go.


That one.


Go to the valley of the moon.

Let's go.

Next pit stop,
valley of the moon.

Thank you.

All right, let's go.

Look at these nails.

My man curist would be so angry

With me if she saw what I was

Doing today.

Let's go.

.are we following him?

-Come on.

Are we done?

Team member must use the

Truck to scoop.


It's not done.


We have to do a scoop.

That's what I told you


Do you know how to do it?

I'll try.


I don't know, kev, I'm

Taking my meld.

Come on.

It's supposed to be kind of

Caved in.

Like this?




We really didn't pay close

Attention to the detail.

We have to undoe them all?

Not all.

Yeah, just about all of them.

We're done.


Ok, let's go.

Let's take that green one.


The last team to check in may

Be eliminated.

Last -- it's all right.

We'll be done in a minute.

We should have saved the

Ones close together for last.

I'm going to hang.

Ian, wait.

Over there.

Is that a marked car?


Danm it


-This is big. -

We have to get your -- our clue.

People are leaving.

There's still two teams here

Drew, come on.

These guys are
going to catch up.

We need to go.

Take us to the front gate.

Could it g -- be that way?

No, there's nothing over there.

There's more teams coming.

Is this it?

There's no vehicles here

Oh, sh**t. Gracis.


Thank you

The last to check
in may be eliminated.

They're done. Dave


Come see.

Come on david!

Another ?? Car.

Hurry, the last team to

Check in may be eliminated.

See, david, there they go.

We're not the last team.

Come on.

Kandice, let's go!

I'm here.

There's two teams behind us.

We didn't do a good stop,

Look, and listen today.

We're the last ones,

I don't see anybody else.

You drive intoo the valley of

The moon and you'll find the

Valley of the dead.


We divided and conquer.

That's right.

You fixed up the nuts and I

Tightened them.

I think I was a man in a

Previous life.

We're the last ones.

I don't see anybody else.

You're doing good, david, don't

G.i. Up.

The last team
may be eliminated.

Beauty pageant people are

Following us.

They don't realize one thing.

I'm paying a taxi driver all

The money I have.


If you think you're
going to use me,

I don't think so.

They're stopping
for some reason.

Is he stoppling?

Yeah, they're stopping too.

Why did you stop

Mirna, if he tells you how

To get there, we'll listen and

We'll get there together.

Are you willing to split the

Fee since you're following us?

If he can give us directions.


You gilets either go and

We'll site -- sit here for a

While or you can split the fee

With us.

Split the fee. ?

How much money are we

Talking about?

How much you need?

That's $100.

We can't afford him.

This is a long way.

He's not going to draw a map

For you.

I'm really sorry.

She's out of control.

Free loaders, I'm not

Helping them.

It was kind of scary.

Charla with that big bad voice

Of hers.

Something's going on here.

Oh, my god,
it's mirna and smyrna.

We're definitely
not in last place.

Give him whatever he wants.

Just take all our money!

Here, take all of it.

What do you want from me?

$20, I give you.

I don't eat tomorrow.

Muchos gracias, amigo.

Gold help you.

Come on.

The last team!

It's charia and mirna

We're done.

The girls stopped but they just

Wanted to use us.

I don't like the way they play.

What planet
do you come from?

Beauty is sometimes skin deep.

It's easy to make yourself

Beautiful with plastic surgery

But to have a pure heart and to

Have morals is not
easy to make up.

This is the entrance of the

Vail of the moon.

Valley of the moon.

That's where we're going.

This is beautiful oswald,

Look at this.

I'm dirty, I stink, I'm tired,

But this, this is k*ller.


Goose pimples from held to toe.


Oh, my got.


What have we
cannot -- got here?

Follow this all
the way around.

The entrance is right here.

There's people om coming.

There's two teams ahead of us?

Oh, man, there's
a car behind us.


40 Kilometers?

That's just saying
how fast we go.

This line you have to drive

We're back on 23, babe.

Just keep going, babe.

Everybody has to exit at the

Valley of the moon right there

But now we have to find the

Valley of the dead.

No sign of life.

But it's got to be coming up.

We're going back to calama.


I don't know what's happened.

Take it easy.

Very bumpy.

There's an arrow over there.

Welcome. ?


Thank you.

Rob and amber?


You're team number one.

Phil: as the winners of this

Leg of the race you have each

One an motorcycle and you can

Enjoy that after the race.

All right!

We're doing it!

Oh, boy.

What is this?

I don't know.

We're going to
the valley of death.

We have cars stopped here.

Oh, sh**t, it's another te.

Who's this coming up?


Here comes mirna and smyrna.

What are we waiting for?

]]Phil: you are team number two.

Show him.

This is taking too long.

We'll go around.

[Speaking in spanish]

After you pass this --

Now they're going ahead of us.

That's the beauty queens.

Dude, come on.

Let's go.

Maximum speed is 40 kilometers.

That's what I'm doing.



Teri, here's the map.

How fast are you going?


While driving through the

Valley of the moon, speed limit

Is 40 kilometers per hour.

Follow them.

I'm trying to get
four-wheel drive.

Pass them.


I believe there's two teams

Ahead of us but we don't know

Who they are.

Which way?

I don't know.

Go right.


Are you sure?


Go left.

We're going to go left.

They're turning the other way.


I don't know who that other

Team is but we just passed them.

We should have gone left.

?we're stuck.

Yeah. ]?

Keep going.

Run really fast.

Parking,, parking.

Go, come on!

Go, go.

Let's go!



The girls always get to do it,

Come on.

Phil: joe and bill, you are

Team number three.

Phil: eric and danielle, you

Are team number four.

Uchenna and joyce, come in


You are team number five.


We just left the valley of

The moon.

San pedro, to the right?

We may want to confirm.

Stay right in the middle and

Drive 40 kilometers.

If anybody passes us they have

To go 40 kilometers.

This is the way we have to go

To the end. ]?

We're approaching
the highway.

This is where it's all going to

Kick into a race.

Do not let them pass.

Stay right in the middle and

Drive 40 kilometers.

The gate guard told me there

Was no speed limit anymore but

They're working under the

Premise that it's still 40.

Come on your left.

Who was that?

We're back on the roads.

I don't have to go 40 no more.

I can go 50.

Get behind them.

Pass them.

Oh, --


Let them do what they want.

They're all going well over 40.

I'm not going to go turnover

Here comes charla and mirna.

Let him go.

When I saw what I believed was

My friends trying to pass me,

No, the game was on.

I ain't giving this game to nobody.

?passing is passing.

They're passing us like

Crazy now.

That's mirna and smyrna and



Ok hurry.

Ok they want to pass?

We have to play games like this.

I have to see the signs.

Tell me right or left.

I would think right because

It's got the most words.

Make a right.

I'm following david and mary.

We should have gone left.

That's what I think.

I think you went the wrong way.

What does this say?

Let's make a right.

Everybody else did.

This is a park ranger.

Two kilometers.


Here comes a car.

What are they doing?


What are theyg doing?


If we go the wrong way,

Could be it.

. Let's ask him again.



There's a team in the street

Over here.

It's the beauty queens.

They are asking direction.

It could mean the race for us.

I think you went the wrong way.

Turn around.

Drew and kevin.

I think that was the girls.

Yeah. Now here's more people.

That was ian again.

I think we're fine, dude,

Just keep going.

East entrance, oh, my gosh!

Ready to jump out?

Let's go.

Phil: dustin and kandice, you

Are team number six.

Not bad.

Phil: tevery and ian, you are

Team number seven.

Pretty good.

Maybe it's that first left

When we come in down there.

Go back around, I guess, I

Don't know.

Everybody's lost.

This is going nowhere.

I'm turning around.

If you ask the
taxi he would know.

Can we follow your car?


He said we could follow him.

Give me a bottle of water.

We certainly do have water.


Wait a second!

He just cut us off.

I have the bottle!

What's all that
directly behind us?

Go, go, what's your problem?

You drive like a girl.

Just stay right in the

Middle, you're
driving 40 kilometers.

What in the hell
are they doing?

?the taxi guy left.

At least if you knew when you

Were going you could do your

Little maneuvers.

Make sure no
other cars are coming.


Instead of going
over 40 -- speeding!

I really want to
make it so bad.

This is it.

Valley of the dead. .


I'm begging you
to see through it.

After all this hard work

From both of us I
just want us to make it.

When we seen the beauty

Queens we shouldn't
have turned around.

Don't worry about it, go.

Come on, duty.

Go, go!

Phil: charliea and mirna,

You are team number eight.

I love you.

David and mary,
you're team number nine.



You too.

Phil: mary, are you all right?

No, I'm very disas farred

Phil: about what?

I don't know.

I just am.?

For two races now all I've done

Is help people.

Charla and mirna,
they were my friends.

After when went on today, no.

This is the last time I'm going

To help anybody.

Let's go.

Come on, dude,
we're wasting time.

Phil: welcome.


Phil: kevin and drew, you are

The last team to arrive.

That's all right.

]]Here are you going?

Phil: can you just stay
right here, please?

Come on, be a good sport.

Phil: I'm sorry to tell you you

Have been eliminated om the race.

Oh, that's fine.

Phil: drew?

Let me put my hat on.

Phil: he doesn't
seem that happy.

These were two
excruciating drives.

And he's got on the pressure.

I can't breathe, my back

Hurts, my hurt -- feet hurt

From driving.

My voice is gone.

I didn't quilt.

I tried my hardest.

That's all I can ask.

Kevin stepped up and
held us together.

We came into this as team.

If I remember hurting he'd pick

Up the slack for me.

I look on this as a
great opportunity.


It's bittersweet.


Phil: next week on
"the amazing race"

-- Teri and ian face off

Against charla and mirna.

Do not speak --


You're being rude.

Phil: and danielle
can't get a grip.

Pick it up!


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