33x04 - Stairway to Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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33x04 - Stairway to Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Amazing Race,

ten teams raced
through Glasgow, Scotland.

Akbar and Sheri stalled out.

Oh, my God. This right here
is like my worst ... nightmare.

Kim and Penn sang and danced...

where's your troosers?

...all the way to the top.

You are team number one.


Meanwhile, Arun and Natalia
made costly mistakes...

If we get eliminated
after helping them,

then, like,
we'll really regret this.

I think I failed that.

...that ended their race.

You are the last team to arrive,

and you have been eliminated
from the race.

This is the best experience
any father could have hoped for.

In an unprecedented first...

The world is dealing
with the coronavirus.

...the race shut down.

In order to keep you safe,

the best choice is
to suspend the race.

After 19 months
and with a safe plan in place,

teams will restart
the race in Switzerland.



All right!

Looking good.
Looking good!

Welcome back to
The Amazing Race.

Uh, before we were interrupted,

the world was waiting for you,
and I am pleased to tell you

that the world is waiting
for you once again.

This has been
a 19month pit stop

since the last
time we were together,

and here we are in Switzerland,

the most neutral country
in the world.

Seems like the perfect place
to restart The Amazing Race.

That is why we are here.

Now, you will notice
that there are some teams

missing in the lineup.

Not everybody had the ability
to come back

and race
for that $1 million prize, so...

...we have a few familiar faces
taking their place.



Michael and Moe,
Arun and Natalia,

feel good to be back?

Yes, sir. Yeah.

Now, we've invited two

of our eliminated teams
to come back into the race.

For the rest of you,
how do you feel about this?

Welcome back,
Oh, thank you, guys.

Good seeing you guys.
Thank you.

Thank you, guys.
Thank you.

Because they came back,
we can finish this race.

Exactly. Now, what's been
happening with you guys

since the last time I saw you?

Things for me haven't changed
a whole lot.

You know,
I'm used to being locked down.

I just transitioned
straight back

into prison life.


The fact that you even have
a sense of humor about it...

Ah, it was life, right?
It was life.
That's why I love him.

Natalia got married,

So, your husband was okay
with you coming away?

Like, he's excited.
He's cheering.

As flight attendants,
we both lost our job

for a year, and so it forced us
to have to find other work.

It's nice to be back
in our element

and finally be traveling again.

And we're ready
to get back in the race.

We have been broadcasting
our show from our basement.

It was pretty hard on us because

we, too, were going
through our own stuff.

Our grandmother
passed away through COVID.

Do we pick up our bags and...?

Bye, Mima. Te quiero.

Te quiero, Mima.Mwah.

We weren't there
when she passed away,

so I have
to just thank the nurses

that held her hand
when she passed away

we weren't there for her.

So our grandmother said

before leaving, um, "When
you start something in life,

you finish it."
And so that's why

we came back
to The Amazing Race.

Race in honor
of your grandmother?

I think that's a nice segue
to say, let's go

really enjoy this race.


It is still our number one
priority to keep you guys safe,

so there will be a few
adjustments that take place.

For instance, when we move
from one country to another,

you will be flying on charters.

You'll be avoiding
public transportation,

so you'll be doing
a lot more selfdriving.

When I say go, you need
to find the Museumstrasse.

There you will see three buses.

First come, first serve.

Is everybody ready
to restart this race?

All right,
Switzerland is waiting for you.

Good luck. Travel safe.


It's down a hill, I know that.
You're going that way?


Stay with the pack.
Let's go this way.

Hold on. What you looking for?

You got to use those
police navigation skills.

Says "Museum."

Natalia, are you okay?

Oh. Oh, that's it.

Thank you.
Go, go, go. Keep going.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Come on, quick. Come on,
come on. Come on, Moe.

Right here.

Oh, yeah.


Here we go, Ryan.

"Make your way to Schwagalp.

"Then take a cable car

to the top of the Santis
to find your next clue."

We're going up to the mountains!

We're starting.

We're all going up.

Ryan and I actually have trained
with some altitude training.

He came and visited me
at my new place in Colorado,

and we hiked a 13,000foot peak.

With COVID19,
there has been ample time

over the last year and a half.

We just knew to polish
where we felt like we were weak,

maybe the first three legs.

Like, we need to become
a jackofalltrades.

This time around, you're gonna
see something spectacular.

The mountain boys, baby.
The mountain boys.

I live at sea level.

Let's hope there's a dance
challenge at the top.

And not a big run.

It feels so good to be back.

Our motivation the first time
was to make our kids proud.

This time around,

we're running this race

to show them
that we finish what we start.

We're a very tightknit family.

Like, we loved

quarantining with them.

I really already miss them,

but if we didn't go,

they'd be pissed at us.

Isn't this ironic
we're together?

This is our second chance.

We know we're better
than what we showed,

so, I mean,
that's what this is all about.

It's about redemption.

We were eliminated in the first
leg of the race, unfortunately.

We went home and just said,
if we ever get

another opportunity, that'd be
a huge blessing for us.

And for us to be here with
another chance !sis a miracle.

We will not be that first team.
Not be that first team.

We absolutely won't be

the first team to get
eliminated in this leg.

Wow! We are so pumped
and excited to be back!

This is the first time
in race history, you know,

that an eliminated team gets

to continue racing
in the same race.

Come on, Nat.
Show some excitement.

Neither one of us
areare good with heights.

Yeah, I hate heights.
But, uh,

this has definitely got
some, uh,

jumping off something
written all over it.

If we skydive,

you got it.
I'm sure I do.

It's been a year and a half

since our last leg.

There's definitely things
I need to change.

I'm a hard critic. I'm a coach,
so I try to motivate her,

but I have to be more patient.

It's just trying to reinvigorate
whatever that oomph

that she had when she was
a Division One athlete.

And sometimes it all was
my yelling, so I'll be better.

Two other cars.
Two other buses.

Right behind us.

This is so beautiful.

Look at these views
and look at this town.

Yeah, I thought
Colorado was pretty.

This is insane.

There it is.
Let's turn and burn.

Get going, get going.

Let's go right here, right here.

Mike, Mike.


We're all together,
one big happy family.

Here we go.


Wow. This is crazy.

You can feel
the air thinning now.

Next level, baby.

There's people walking
down this thing.

Look at the people
walking down the hill.

You see 'em?
They look like ants.

This ain't Buffalo.
Oh, my God.

Oh, my goodness.

Trying not to notice the views.

I am very afraid of heights,
so this is really stressful.

Oh, my goodness.
Are you okay?

Deep breath.

He's letting us in.

Oh. Clue box! Clue box!

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan!

Roadblock, Ryan.

"Who wants to take in the view?"

There are not many places in
the world that you can do this.

Stand in one spot
and see six countries

Austria, Liechtenstein,

Italy, France, Germany

and Switzerland.

But there's more to this place

than spectacular
panoramic views.

This Roadblock
requires teams to get high

Navigating a via ferrata,

they must pick up a clue
here on this ridge.

I'm taking in the view, baby.
Ryan will take in the view.

I'll do it.

Heights. You.

Ah, me.

You. Okay.
Me. Okay.

I got it.

You want to? All right.
All right. Don't matter.

I guess it's me.

You sure?

Ryan, brother, k*ll it.
I love you, dude.

All right.

I was all for letting him do
this thing, but it seems like

Akbar is too big for this one,

so I just took the lead,

and I said that I would do it.

But I'm definitely terrified.

Okay, let's go.
Do it.

All right.

Let's go.

You got this, babe.
Let's go, let's go.

Come on, Ryan.
Come on, Moe.

Come on, Lulu!
You got it, Sheri!

Keep it up, Moe.

You got it, Raquel!

Now putting in the rope.

The challenge was
to just clip into a rope

on the...
on the ledge of the mountain.

I mean, in some places,
you have, like, a foot,

it seemed like. I mean, it
was... it was pretty far down.

And you had to switch every
I don't know like, 50 feet.

I mean to me, I love being
on the mountain.

We've done this a lot,

so I was just,
like, clip in and run.

Look how beautiful this is.

Oh, this is so much fun.
I got this down.

I feel very comfortable
and confident.

Ooh, look at that!
Yeah, it's pretty.

Go, Penn!

Man, I don't like heights.
I'll tell you that.

But I'm doing all right,
not looking down.

Oh, my God.

Lord, please be with me.
Really scary.

I'm feeling bad.

I should have went.

Can't keep making
these rookie mistakes.

I'm keeping my eyes on the
ground in front of me because

I don't want
to have a panic attack,

which I think I will
if I look down, so...

Oh, now this is legit.

Going up.

Yeah, I could actually feel
my grandmother's presence here.

It's very peaceful.

She'sshe's here with us.

Oh. Oh.


Oh, it's getting steep.


Small steps.

How do I go? Yeah?

Oh, man.

Come on, baby.

What really is, uh,
carrying Ryan right now

is the calves that the man has.

They look like a couple
of bowling balls

stuffed in onion sacks.

He was built for this.




Let's go back up.


I was neck and neck with Ryan.

She's right there, second one.

She was a beast.

And your ass looked nice,
too, by the way.
Did it?

I could see it
from all the way up there.

I was so proud of her.

Lulu just got the clue.

Here you can take over
if you want.
Let's go.

When we went down
the side of the mountain,

I just did not want
to trip on the rocks.

But, man, Penn was behind me,
and he just crushed it.

I thought

there's a way out.

I didn't know
we had to come back.

I guess I didn't...
You're on The Amazing Race.


You got to the end of it,
and it was this stunning,

beautiful view of six countries.

That is the kind of place where,
like, II could probably

have sat and stared at
for two hours.

But II did not.

Let's go.

I realized that maybe
I could pass some people,

so I passed Arun, and I passed
Lulu pretty quickly,

and then I was gone.

It looks like
Penn may have had

the opportunity
to pass some people.

So hot.

It's go time.

I'm a sure thing.

Being at the back

of thethe pack right now

it's not a... not a good place,
man. Not a good place.

I definitely should've went.

Stay with it. Hey.

Slow and steady.
You got this.

I'm stuck on something.

Sheri the look on her face
made me think

that she was...
she was scared

and sheshe felt...
I think she felt like

she was letting somebody down,
and so, I was like,

"I wonder
if she's gonna even make it back

up the top of the mountain."

Sheri, take your time.


I'm so proud of you.
Thank you.

You're doing so awesome.

Put it on your hand.
All right.

Come on, Ryan,
wherever you're at. Get up here!


Oh, my gosh.

All right, just pass.

Sheri, you can do it.
Thank you.

You're doing a good job.

I'm feeling bad.

The tie that we had
with everyone is gone...

Come on, Lulu!
Come on, Ryan!

The altitude was really tough,

and I was terrified.

It was

a plethora of things
that was coming into play.

Oh, my goodness.

Help me open this thing.
Can't get it open.

All right, let's go, buddy.

Good ..., baby.
Little sweaty.

All right, here we go.
Route Info.
Oh, what we got?

"Drive yourselves
to Gasthaus Sonne in the town

of Urnasch
to find your next clue."

Let's go.
Go time. Let's go, baby.

You got your ticket?
I got my ticket.

Ten minutes?
Damn. Just missed the lift,

literally, by minutes.
Man, we...

Missing the tram by seconds
is gutwrenching.

We would've had it completely.
Now there's gonna be

at least two or three teams
behind us.

Ooh! I'm sweating like a pig.

Oh, my God. You're so hot.

Do you have a clue?


"Gasthaus Sonne

in the town of Urnasch
to find your next clue."

Oh, Dusty's still waiting.

You got it, Sheri.

Come on. You know we ain't used
to this type of stuff inside.

Survive, survive.

Open the clue.

We're off. You good?

Let's open it already. Okay.
Open it.

I'm proud of you.

All right, let's go.

Well done.

You got it?

You ready
to drive up with that?


My guy.

Come on. Good job.
Good job, bro. Good job.

We got to drive.
All right. Come on.

We might... we might...
we might be able

to catch that chair.
I know. Come on.

I know
I'm in last place right now.

Gonna have to try and make
up some time, some type of way.

The door is opening,
I think, guys.

Go ahead. After you.

Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, bro.

We got everybody here except
for Sheri and Akbar.

Here we go.

Here we are.

Thank you.

It didn't feel good to see
that I was halfway through,

and we were dead last.

When the clouds started
rolling in, I was scared that

the rocks were going
to get more slippery,

and I was like, "Oh, I'm not
going to be able to finish."

There we go.

It's hard, it's going...
It's rough.

It's a whiteout.

I can't see Sheri now.
She's dead last.

That's it.
That's gonna be on me.

It was rough getting down.
Now I have to get back.

Oh, my God. Listen, man.
The whole race right here, man.

Whole race.

Sheri, we got to pick it up!

I'm just trying to make it back.

Got to make it work.

We go to our right.

To the right!
Let's go. Right here, Ryan.

Oh, nice.

It's this way?

You're in the lead
right now. Good job, bro.

We went from sixth place to now,

we're literally
in the lead right now.

Our first time actually
getting to have this feeling.

It's foggy as hell.

So we I think
we're in second place right now.

And we got some people
catching up with us.

I can't believe
this is not stick.

I really wanted to showcase my
hardearned stick shift skills,

like a badass that I am.

Are we in the town
of Urnasch now?
I think so.

Go get it, Mike. Just go get it.

Grab the... grab the clclue.

"Detour: Punch It or Toss It."

These traditional handmade Swiss
belts were originally crafted

to represent wealth and status
in the farming community.

Each belt tells
a different story,

and supposedly,
the more ornaments on your belt,

the wealthier you were.

Using these specialized
hand tools,

teams must tell a story
by attaching ornaments

in the correct order.

When the master belt maker

says that they've got
their story straight,

he'll hand them a clue.

Switzerland is famous
for lots of things.

Spectacular mountains
like these,

Swiss chocolate, of course,

and also the sport
of Fahnenschwingen.

Competitors toss their flags
in a series

of highlychoreographed

Teams need to learn a short
sequence of tosses and twirls.

Once each team member is able
to properly perform the routine,

they'll receive their next clue.

We are doing Punch It.

All right, here we go.

I like Toss It.
Toss It.

We're gonna Toss It.

Okay, go straight, go straight.
We're good.

Yeah. Okay.
Okay, got it. Thank you.


Toss It?
Toss It?

Toss It.
All right, Toss It.

Let's hurry up and follow 'em.

Toss It. Toss It.
We're gonna Toss It.

We're gonna do Toss It.

We're gonna do Toss It.
Toss It.

We'll do Punch It.

Is that what we're looking for?

Is this it? No?

I don't know, bro.
We gonna turn around.

Oh, we're gonna still
catch up, bro.

Something's not right, bro.

You guys passed it?

No, we're back
where we started, bro.

It's this way?

No, dude, don't wait for them.
Go, dude. I think we passed it.


Oh, that was Mike and Moe.

On leg three, we helped
other teams, and they beat us,

and we ended up
getting eliminated,

so this time
we're focusing on our own race.

I don't know where we going.

Hopefully, Sheri and them !sis
kind of still behind, though.

I know.

II should have chose this one.

We're gonna have to have
a flawless race after this,

so we can catch up, man.

And let's get there
and keep fighting.

I made it.

When I finished the Roadblock,

I just couldn't believe
that I did it.

I faced that fear.

That was a really good feeling.

It was amazing.

That was really, really tough.

Right there,
right there, right there.

Oh, parking.

Lock it, Ryan. All right,
you ready? Come on, brother.

Let's go.
Right through here.

Right through here.
This ought to be interesting.


Oh, boy.
Oh, it's not basketball.

I've always wanted
to be a flag girl.

Now, is one of 'em heavier?
Hang on, hang on, let go.

Demonstration. Left hand.

I think I should stand
behind him.

That is smart.

Circle head.

Circle around, bow.

Oh, boy.
Leg up.

Oh, circle under the leg.

Circle down.

He's flipping his wrist.

And he's... Okay,
he's holding at very end.

Yup. I'm not gonna do
that part yet.

I don't get it.

We're gonna get better.
Circle your head.


I think we're both
pretty good visual learners,

when it comes to choreography.

She's phenomenal at it.

Then fakey back.
Around the back.

My lats don't do that.
I don't know how anybody...

Between the legs like that?

I'm like,
"I should have stretched

a little more this morning."

My legs don't work that way.

Yup, it's gonna be
a good one here.

Where's the next one?

Come on.

Whoop. Say hello.

This might be the flag one.
I saw Raquel run by.

Maybe there's
another flag station.

Oh, that's possible.

"Choose a station
with two flags." Okay, okay.

Let's watch him do it. One.


Oh, my gosh. Oh.

You see the parking?
It says to park here.

Right here. Parking.

Just let us get
to this spot, please.

Come on, dude.
We're good. We're good.

That's Natalia
and them right there.

Go, go, go!

Come on, Moe.

Yeah, yeah.

Okay, let's watch
the demonstration.

So we have to make a story
out of these ornaments

and put 'em on the belt
in the right order.

He's showing us the process,
but our story is different.

Okay, Moe, Moe, Moe,
look, look, look.

I see how he's putting 'em in.
Come here, bro.

Okay, let's do a story first.

A papa cow has realized
his baby calf is missing

on a very cloudy day,

and now the whole farm
has started to search.

And then the farmer and his dog
search behind the barn.

And then the mama cow
saved the day,

finding him
playing with the goat.

And then the family is reunited
as the sun shines bright.

All right, let's just
try this order and see.

So, are we starting
from this end?

No, we gonna start from...

yeah, the holes' end.

Down here?
Yeah. We don't know

in what order we're supposed
to be reading. Like, is this the

beginning of the story, or is
that the beginning of the story?

So we chose one way
as the beginning of the story.

We got to see how it...
how it plays out.

Yup, good job.

This isn't as hard as it looks.

Let's just take it piece
by piece, okay?
Okay, all right, okay.

Okay... I don't think
I can do this.

Oh, my God.

That challenge I thought

it was gonna be
a little bit more sporty.

I should have known
that it was gonna be

more like choreography.

I am not coordinated.

This is my nightmare.

Girls, we all got this?

Kind of.
Around the back,

and then you step. Don't let
the flag touch the ground.

Up with his fingers,
up and down.

For us, this season,
it's like girl power.

We're all about, like,

you know, an allgirl team
winning. You know,

if it can't be us, I would love
for it to be Lulu and Lala.

All right, so, start
to lift over the head.

Now fakey.

Oh, he's going fast.

You turn it once,

and then you let it...

You turn it this way
and then roll it on your arm.

I don't know.

It's tough
when you got to learn

multiple steps

of something
you've never done before.

With the pressure cooker on you
ofThe Amazing Race.

With Penn and Kim
over there doing it.
Yeah. Yeah.

You know
they're better probably.

Dude, what was the other one?

You want to switch?

So right now we're thinking
we should switch.

Should we make the move?
Is this the right choice?

That's the thing about
The Amazing Race

is, one wrong choice
can gut you.

This is terrible.

What have we done here?

You want to switch?

Thing is, with the race,
you don't know what you got.

And then if you switch, I mean,

it could just as easily be
more difficult

or take just as long,
so, I mean,

you got to roll
with what you got.

Let's give it one more try.

Yeah, we can do this, dude.

We can do this.

Then you're gonna
fake down.

Fakey. Under your leg.


That was better.

That was better.
I think I got it.


My arms are k*lling me.
All right.

You can call it out.

Step a little ahead of me.

Go down here, under the leg.

Up here.

Go over round the top
of the head.

You catch it on the elbow.

And then you go over, around,

toss it, catch it,
underhanded, and go like this.

that wasn't correct.

I stepped on my flag.

Once we saw Penn and Kim
miss it the first time,

I was like,
"There's blood in the water."

Man, if we could pull this off
and get 'em, I mean,

that would be incredible.

It's never over
till the fat lady sings

or Phil says it's over, so

we're gonna keep going
until we get there.

Do we have the story right?
Yeah, we do.

So they did it the exact
opposite of us, so we'll see.

We'll see what happens.

We have two pieces left,

but hopefully
it's the right way.

Kind of stressful
'cause we don't know

whether we're doing it
exactly right.

Come on!

We can't be
at the back of the pack.

We got to speed it up, we got
to get to the front of the pack.

Over the head.


Turn it, toss.

All right, we're ready.

Judge. Circle.


Going really too slow.
Yep, really slow.

Turn it.

Right, now out now.

Around your back.

Stir the soup.
Stir it.

Over the head.
Go around your head.



Well done.


My boy, baby.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.

Good luck, guys.
All right, see you.

Oh, boy!

"Drive to Marktgasse
in the town of Altstatten

to find Phil on the mat
at your next Pit Stop."

This is the small market town
of Altstatten.

Located on the foothills of
Switzerland's eastern mountains,

this pictureperfect destination
is the Pit Stop

for this leg of the race.

The last team to check in here
may be eliminated.

We're good.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

Here we go.
Let's try it again.

Over the head.
Then fakey down.

And over.

Up leg.

What just happened?
I just... I just kicked it.

Now, let's start...
Honey, II really

screwed this up,
and my arms are shaking.

Want to put it down

and take a second?
I just need a...

Yeah, it's all right.
It's my left arm.

I mean, it's this

long lever, right, and you do it
for so many times.

And finally, I realized, my arm
is shaking, and I can't lift it.


You're fine.


I had a moment of panic
that I was gonna cost us

this whole thing,

but I knew that if we win,

the money would pay
for our kids' college education.

It would be lifechanging,
so I just had to do it.

Here we go.

Left. Fakey.

Down. Lift your leg up.

Pick it up. Good.

All right, we're gonna stir,
we're gonna go over our head.

You're doing awesome.
We're gonna catch at our elbow.

Up. Throw it up.
Catch it underhanded like this.

Okay, great job.

: Come on!

Thank you.

"Drive to Marktgasse

in the town of Altstatten."

Let's go. Come on. Let's go!

There it is. There it is.

There's the clue box.

We're gonna do Toss It.

Come on.

All right, found one more hole.

Yeah, it goes
to the bottom, yeah.

Like that?

How they looking over there?

This is our final piece.

Let's try one time to do...
Can we try?


Yes! Yes!
Yes. Oh, my God.

Good job.
Good job, guys.

"Drive to Marktgasse
in the town of Altstatten."

You don't have
to make the twirl difficult.

Focus on the flag
not getting twisted,

'cause when we twist the flag,

then you get all messed up.

It doesn't matter
what place we come in.

It just matters
that we get there, okay?


She was getting frustrated,
and it was hard.

I mean, it's definitely harder
than it looks.

But I'm a very spiritual person,
and over COVID,

just finding myself

and grounding myself
has been really important.

Like, focus on your race,
and just do your absolute best.

She has me meditating
with her every morning.


Over the leg, twirl.

And then over.

Over the head.

Move it.
And then throw it up.

Throw it up. There.

Good job.

Thank you. Thank you.
You're welcome.

Let's go, baby.

What team is that?

There they are.

Hey, good luck.

Take your time,
pay attention to them.

Thank you.

When I saw the other team,

it gave me like a second wind.
Like, "Okay, so

maybe we're notout
of this thing."

All right.


Okay, let's do that again.

Right now we are headed
to Altstatten,

uh, to meet Phil on the mat.

So we start with needing
to get to Altstatten.

We ain't getting
eliminated today, baby.


We got it, brother.

Now what?

Appenzell to the right.

To the right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, that's right.

Pull into this thing
right here on the left.

You're gonna
park right here?
Yeah, pull in there.

All right, we're getting close.

Right there.


All right.
Let's work it, baby.

We're gonna cook it.

We're gonna show 'em
what this is about.


We may be on the wrong side
of it.

Oh, I've never wanted
to see someone so bad.


Welcome in Altstatten
on Switzerland.

Thank you. Pleasure to be here.
Thank you, brother.

Ryan and Dusty,
I'm pleased to tell you

you're team number one.


And I do have some great news
for you.

As the winners
of this leg of the race,

you have won $2,500 each

which you can enjoy
after the race.

This is extra extraordinarily
amazing because

of the 19 months
that we've all, the whole world,

has been locked down.
It's history making.

To get a first place
after 19 months

of waiting and waiting
and waiting,

I feel ecstatic.
We're not coming here to lose.

I like taking souls, baby.

There they are.
Oh, hey.

Good to see you guys.
Long time no see.

I am pleased to tell you
that you're team number two.


Tell me we're going
the right way, Moe.

Yeah, it's hard to tell.
Hopefully this is the way.

You know what I'm saying?
Like, they're doing

the opposite,
but if you're going...

He's starting everything
this way,

so I would start the story
that way and end it here.


All right.

Here we go.

If their check is right,

it's gonna be kind of
discouraging 'cause we just...

See, I don't... I don't even
want to put this piece on.

Yes! Good job.

Oh, Mike! Mike!

Thank you so much.
Thank you. Thank you.

"Make your way
to the next Pit Stop."

Okay, let's go. Okay.

It's done! It's done!
It's done! It's done!

Good job.


Thank you. Thank you.

The order is wrong.

Definitely feeling bad
right now.

Trying to stay positive, but

we're in the same position that
we were when we first started.

About to lose.

Go, definitely run.

Wow. We have a footrace.

Oh, oh, okay.

Wow. That was a run.

All that energy, like,
flying here. I mean...

We're all about us girls
getting to final three.

Yeah, why is that?
It's been a while

since there's been
an allfemale team that won.

Men tend to be a little cocky,
you know? So we just want

to put them in their place.
You want to take them down?

Anybody in particular

who's cocky that we need
to just, like...?

I don't know.
Who's the twomale team

that's always first
and second?

Rhymes with "Rusty."

This feels wrong, doesn't it?

We didn't miss any roads
there, correct?

This is when you start
to secondguess your directions.

It's gettinggetting smaller,
getting a lot narrower.

We are lost.
Are you freaking kidding me?

Stop letting it hit the ground.

I don't know when
it's hitting the ground, Ak.

That's when
it's hitting the ground.

Well, I'm trying
to get it underneath.

Get it underneath your leg.

Just go
underneath your leg, please.

Shut up.
I thought you said
you wasn't gonna

say "shut up" no more.
Well, you deserve to shut up.

We gonna try, judge.


Around the back.

Spin it around.
Spin it around your head.

Here we go.

Great job.


Let's go.
Thank you.

Oh, my God.
Thank you. Thank you.

We're last.
We're probably last.

Our order is wrong?
Right. You definitely
went backwards.

We're hoping it's right.

We definitely did it
completely different from, uh,

how we've been doing it.
We'll see.

All right. Thank you, man. I
appreciate you. Thank you, sir.

Our clue, dude. Our clue.

All right, we're gone.
Oh, my Lord.

We're going to Altstatten.

You want to ask him?
Want to ask him?

Excuse me. Can we ask
for your help, please?

You return to the village
where you came from.

Thank you so much.
Thank you guys.
Good luck.

I'm hoping
she got some good directions.

We might be a little bit lost.

What is this up here?

Can you help me out
with directions?

Okay. Keep going?


So we should have gone
the other way

when we were
at the challenge.

We really have lost
a lot of time.

It looks like
we're back to square one.

Sheri said we found the place,
so we about to find out.

I'm not feeling good at all.

Oh, man.

Ugh. Akbar and Sheri,

I mean...
I know.

Came back on the race.

High expectations,
and then there was a Roadblock.

And so...
Yeah, it was really hard.

Yeah? To come back
and the first team eliminated,

it's always very difficult, and

it's gonna be really hard
for the team that arrives last.

Let's go, Phil.

Let's go, baby.
'Cause you guys are not last.

You are team number five.

Let's go, Phil.
You are still in the race.

Oh, let's go.

So we're driving
from Urnasch to Altstatten.

We might have to go
in this bakery, dude, and ask.


I'm looking for Marktgasse.


Thank you. Thank you.

Maybe this is what
she was talking about

when she said "forest."
We're doing good.

This is exactly what she said.

I hope this Pit Stop is not...

we're going the right way.

Please allow us not to be last.

Hold on. That might be it.
That is it.

That is it?

I see civilization to the right.

After this, we're gonna go
to the right.

There, mat.


Arun and Natalia,
you are team number six.

Yeah! Yes!

You can keep on racing.
We know

the misery now
of being eliminated,

and that was fueling us.

Like, it's not a good feeling.

Oh, boy.


Michael and Moe,

you got a chance
to come back in.

you are the last team to arrive.

You have been eliminated
from the race.

We were excited
to just come back. We had

a different game plan,
but unfortunately

we kind of just,
like a deer in the headlights.

It's okay, though.

We got a chance to do something
that most people dream about.

Two times.
Yeah, no doubt.

You know,
this is my brother forever.

No matter what we go through.

We've been throughthrough
all different types of things,

especially in our line of work,

being police officers.

At the end of the day,

we got beautiful families,
a beautiful city

that supports us,
and we're gonna go back home

andand keep rocking.
We had a blast.

Yeah, it was a blast.
You know, we really
had a blast.

No regrets.
Thank you, Amazing Race.

This meant the world
to the singing cops.

I actually feel better
about this loss

than the last one.
It don't sting
as hard as the first one.

Next time onThe Amazing Race,

Ryan and Dusty make the climb.

Oh, my God.

The Stairway to Heaven.

I'm cramping real bad here.

And Sheri takes the plunge.

Oh, my goodness,
I can't even look.

Crazy scary.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
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