29x12 - We're Going to Victory Lane

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x12 - We're Going to Victory Lane

Post by bunniefuu »

Previous lip on "the
amazing race" -- 22 total

Strangers met at the starting

Red monday.

And papered up to become

In panama they quickly got to
know each other.

By brazil, their true colors
came out.

You did great lake -- break

The g*ng kicked into
interior in -- gear in tanzania.

And in norway, some reached
their limit.

You know everything I don't.
When you act like a jackass.

Italy's beauty set the
stage for strategy.

Definitely rubbed people the
wrong way.

Brutal but that's how the game

Our third u-turn in greece
and two exhausting legs in


Oh, floyd.
I've never seen anyone in

This state before and it's
definitely scary.

Led to one final fight in

I will bin be win.
- Long the way, eight teams

Were eliminated.

Liz and michael, becka and

Matt and redmond.
Up eliminated from the race.

And after 11 legs, three teams

Brooke and scott seemed like a
perfect match.

She's frecking amazing.

But the money moon denied

I needed you to grabbing the

- Throughout the race, scott

Overcame his deathly fear of

I did it.

I did it.
- While brookeover came --

I can't do it.

I can't breement.

I'm dying.

Fema eventually this unlikely
dueo learned to work together.

We actually had a good race

And stormed their way into
the final fleach.

Army officer tara took a

Chance at the starting line and
a gamble picking boston come

Joey paid off.

While the pair had some bumps
along the way.

I have no idea where the
doors are.

Flair incredible feel work
and shared common goal.

I'm pushing hard not only for
my family but for his two.

Both pulled into the first
time lee.

Logan and london didn't always
succeed --

We need to switch.
Damn it.

This is kind of embarrassing.
We can't find a stupid key.

They never let it get to

And anywhere november attitudes

London, you are doing
phenomenon knoll.

Got them auto -- all the
way to the final flee.

Coming up next, one of these
three teams will win $1 million

And the "the amazing race."

I have one more thing to

Tell you guys.

You're going to be flying more
than ,000 miles to the windy

City, chill, illinois.

You will all be pampered
in premium class and you're

Going to need the rest because
this last leg is brutal and

There will be only one winning


We're about to board or final

Going back to the united states.

Final leg of the race.

Final three, we're feeling

Prestige class.

The first thing I said to him
when we were complete strangers

Is I'm here for -- for nothing
else but to win.

And it looks like we have a
pretty good chaps at this point.

Pretty cool.
We've not won a leg win.

This is our leg to win.
The only will be we're here

Is to get first on the last leg.

That is all that matters.
We're in the final three.

I don't think anybody would
have thought twhreemed make it

To the final three and I think
we have a fighting chance of

Taking this whole thing home.

Final three, baby.
Final three.

Once they land in chicago,
teams will start this final leg

With a pit stop known as the

Here at chicagoland speed waive.

-- Speedway.

Taxi, this way.

Taxis are right here.

Ok, we're going to chicagoland
speed way?

Can we go to chicagoland

We don't need that.

Oh, we checked our backs.

-- Bags.
Scott and I decide told bag

Check our backpacks.

We were just carrying little
backs today.

We know that it's coming for
the last team to check their

Bags to the final destination
and theo four people didn't

Figure it out.

I want you to drive liar
mario and rhetta.

Drive the hair off my head.
And we're off.

This is cool.


Joinen the official -- an
official racing team.

This is chicagoland
speedway, a 1.5-mime nascar race

Traffic -- track where the best
drivers cover almost the length

Of a football field every

It's time for times to really
get their adrenaline pumping as

They start the engines of these
high-powered professional staunt

Stocks carnings.

While one drives, the other will
get their hands dirty in the


Changing one of those tires in
under 40 second when they're

Ready, teams will attempt to
clock a lap under 48 second.

If they move fast enough,
they'll get the checkered flag

And anywhere next clue.
These are so cool.

These cars are you asome.

Got it.

You're going to pull this
tire off.

Pull it out.

Pick it up then grab your five
new lug nuts --

And that's it?
Oh, my god, totally.

Love it!
Oh, my gosh this is serious.

Let's go.

I got to drive, joey.

All right.
Drive for $1 million, scott.

You got a team right on your

-- Tail.

This is on reverse.



Just pull it straight out.
It's stuck, scott.

It's not coming out, scott.
It's --

Good job, brooke.

Go, go, go.
Keep going, you got it.

You got it.
Damn it!

Oh, jeelings.

Start over.

Damn it!
Though, is so cool.

Let's do this!

Damn it!

Brooke, you're ok.
Just take a second.

I know, it's not staying in


I think in guy is going to be

I'm excited.

I always wanted to go fast.

I can't -- come on!

Scott, I can't do it.
Yes, you can.

It's stuck.

All right, I'm calling quits on
this one.

I can't get it off the car.
Are you jealous, joey?

Extremely, but I know you're
going to do awesome.

How's that feel?
Nice and snug.

You've got this ok?

Straight off the call.
Grab your nuts, grab your

Go fast, go fast.

Yeah, joey!


Go, go, go!



You got it.

Go fast.

I just changed a tire in 37
seconds, the tire is ready to

Bell sounds]

Good job.

We're good to go, scott.
Let's go all out, man.

Here we go.
Nice and smooth.

Nice and smooth here.
Drop the g*n, drop the g*n.

I'm good.


I'll do it again.
Go, go, go, go.

The driving, you had to be
totally comfortable with the

Speed of the car.
Because you're not used to 150,

Looking for your next set of


Looking good.
A little bit more to the right.

Turn that wheel down to the

Scott, you about 5 seconds,

We're 10 seconds over.

Did we get it?

Oh, wow, I have to knock off

Yeah, we have to get it down
to 48.

Oh, my god, she's so lucky.

To be behind the wheel of a
race car felt overwhelming at


There were all kinds of rules.

Be in fourth agree, -- geeks,
put the pedal to the metal on

The straightaways and take off
on the turn.

Push it, push it.

Tara looked slow but she was

That's what's important.


Just calm down.
You got this.

Damn it.

I got this don't worry.

You're good.
You got it.

Come on, scott.

You're doing good, baby!

Here we go.

Nice and smooth, man.
Nice and smooth here.

Come on, scott.

Go, go, go.

Fast as you can, scott.
Let's do this.

Go, go, go!

That was one second over.

That was one damn second over.

We're one second away.
If you hear a lot of engine

Right here, there it is.

That's what we need.

That's what we need.

Come on, tara.

Come on, tara.

More, more.
Come on, london.

Don't -- don't give up.

There it is.

There it is, baby.

Come on.
Come on, t!

You better get hit the time.

All right, scott, we are
ready to roll out, man.

Little more aggressive in

Little more aggressive in

Let's do this.
Look to the left.

There you go.
Come on, scott.

Come on, scott.

Nice and smooth.
Looking good.




So scott just got it.

Hopefully logan can get it first

We got it, we got it?

Where do we go in there?

We're going to victory lane.
Oh, my god, that is so


Victory rein -- lane.

Come on, scott.

All right.



Teams must make they way
to downtown chicago and find the

Monroe street station, one of
the few lowe-ground stops on the

City's famous ell train.

There they must find in worker
to receive anywhere next clue.

Let's go!


All right.

Come on, tara.

Keep it going.
Right down to the line.

Come on, come on, get some.

Look at her go.
We need to go to monroe

C.t.a. Station.
We just have to get to the next

Thing first and keep doing what
we're doing.

Pull the flag out.
Pull the flag out.

[Bell dinging.

Yes, yes!

He got it?


All right!
I want to do it again.

That was a good lap right


Ok, as fast as possible.
Not bad for the only girl out


You know, you kicked ass.

Root for the underdogs.

Even though we're in third
place right now.

This is where we sneak up and
bite everyone in the ass.

Oh, good job.

Good job.
Yes it is.

Let's do this -- go this way.

I need a clue bob, anybody.

It might not be a clue box.

Search the platform.
This is the right stop,


Yes, this is right.

Damn, we almost --
just calm down, please.

This is it.

Come on.

What are we miss something

Oh, scott!
He has our clue.

Thank you.

Teams must solve three
riddles to eiffel these iconic

City land marks.

Collecting post cards containing
letters as they go.

Once they unscramble the letters
they'll discover their next


Can we figure it out before
we jump on the train?

We don't know where we're going.

Look no higher.


Come here.
There it is.

Excuse me.

Do you have a clue for us?

Do you live in chicago?

Do you know famous land marks?

Here are the riddles.

I have a gothic spire and I'm
impervious to fire.

I'm 154 feet tall, look no

I don't know.

So google that.

Chicago water tower.
Oh, my god, that's where they

Went season nine.

I'm tiered like a wedding

To me, a drink you should not

Look no further than the lake.

The famous fountain?
That's it.

Are you sure?

You want to ask somebody just to

Are you from chicago?

Can you help us?

How about this one.

I stand in the twine corn cobs'

Climb the stems and you'll be
good to go.

Is it a draw bridge?
I don't know.

It's calmed the wabash avenue
bridge over the chicago river.

Let's do it.

Looking on the man.

Let's get out of here.

Thank you so much, guys.

Monroe, rand dosm, wabash,

Stop yelling at me.

When -- which direction do we

The one we were on.

In one right here.


We need our clue.
Oh, good eye.

Good eye.
Thank you, thank you!

Oh, my god.

Ok, go.

Right over there.

Oh, thank you.
And then tubs wabash avenue

Bridge is down that treat?

How far?

Maybe six block.
Oh, I see the water tower.

Get a post card is.

This it?

This is not it.
This is the water tower right

I don't know.

I don't see a postcard, stott.


Who's got the damn post card?

He's red and yellow.
Right here.

Right here.
No way.

Do you have a post card?
Thank you so much, thank you.

So now we have to go to the
wabash avenue bridge?

He said six blocks this way.
Oh, my god, I'm dying.

Can you help us?
We're in a race for $1 million.

Thank you so much.

We're running around this
town like crazy people.

Come on.
Today is $1 million.

This is the bridge so let's look
at it.

Right here, brooke.
Go inside.

This is it.



Do you have a post card for

Thank you so much.

Thank you, sir.

One more, to the founlt in.
I might not be able to make

Do you want a million dollars

Are not?

I want a million fricking
dollars, let's go.

In is the buckle happen --
buckingham founlten and we're

Looking for a post card to prove
heeveb -- we've been here.

Maybe the balloon guy?

No, the guy on the bike.
That's him.

Do you have clue for us?


Thank you so very much.
Now we need to figure out for

That's the bridge.

That's probably it.

We're two blocks away.

Give me a high-five.
Need some positive reinforcement

We're doing great.

Excuse me, sir.

Do you have any post cards?
Thank you.

My man.

Ok, we know where to go.
Let's keep going, baby.

Where is it?
Where the hell is it?

I don't see anything.
That's it, right there.

Go through here.

Oh, god, stop!
That doesn't motivate you?

Push through all that pain.

Push through all that pain.
Do you have a post card for


How are you today?

I'll just take it.

Thank you so much.

To the rooftop.
On we go.

Teams must make they way
to chicago's historic city hamm

And then find this secret garden
on the rooftop where michael,

The city beekeeper, when hand
them their next clue.

What's going on?
What's happening?

I'm going to --
you're not letting me down.

I'm just motivating to you run
as fast as you can.

I'm trying.

I know you are.

Going to the wabash avenue

Climb up to one of the fourth on
the drawbridge.

On the left.
On the left.

Thank you.
It's one of them.

Do you want to check that one

Climb the steps to my operator.
Thanks, brother, have a good


Chicago water works.
That looks like a gothic

Let's check.

Hey, do you have postcard for

Thank you.

We have all three post cards.
Oh, cool.

City hall rooftop.
A million dollars for this


A million dollars.

I'm trying.

Oh, my god, scott, I need a

Do you want to jump on my


Can you please get on my back
for in one leg, please?

You're not going to go that's
we are me on your back.

Please, up with block.
Scott, I don't want to be an

Inhave lid.
Let's go.

We're going next to the
chicago temple.


Is that 154 feet?
Didn't say how tall it is.

Oh, this is only 14 feet.

It's in here.

We're just not finding it.

I don't think this is the
place, joey.

I think that's it.
Oh, this is only 148 feet.

I don't think this is the place,

Are there any other buildings in
the city that look like this

With the gothic spire on it

On michigan avenue.

West side of the street.

Let's go there.

Just go down to michigan.

Hang a left and go straight

You're wonderful.

Oh, my god.

Come on, brooke.

This is it.
This is it.

City hall.

Come on, brooke.

I'm right here.


I have three post cards for you.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Have a good day.

Thank you.
Travel by taxi to wrigley


Once there, search for your next

Taxi, yes!
Go, go, go.

We made a colossal mistake
going to the other gothic tower.

That's mom and dad.

Does that mean we're ahead of

Yes, that means we're ahead
of them.

Don't yell at me.

I'm not quelling yes at you.
That's definitely gothic.

Actually, this might be it.

Do you have clue for us?
Thank you so much.


Find city hall.

Here it comes.
I'm ready.

We'll work together, get it

I'm excited.

I'm doing everything I can, I

I don't want to let you down.
You're not letting me down.

I don't want to let me down

Oh, I see it.

Red and yellow.

Oh, my god.

Teams need to deliver 10
world famous chicago-style hot

Dogs to this rooftop overlooking
wrigley field.

Once there, they must happened
them out to these hungry cub

Fans and then "amazing race"
winners ernie and cindy, who

Happen to be for chicago, will
swap their franks -- franks for

Tickets to wrigley field.
The z goes in the front.

Oh, I look good in this I'll
just rewrap this guy.

I don't dwelt to eat a dog

We'll be back.


The beekeeper.
How cool is that?

Hi, sir, how are you?

Do you have a clue for us?


Thank you, sir.

Let's get out of here.

All right, let's run.

No, that's it.
City hall.

Thank you so much.


Hot dog eating contest.

Sheffield, sheffield.

There it is.

Right there.

I see it.

I see it.

Right here, marked entrance.

We made you all some hot



Who's hungry?

You hungry?
One for you.

Here you go.



Do you have extra tickets?

Do you have extra tickets?

Make your way to the marquee

At the entrance of wrigley field
located at the corner of clark

And addison.

Let's go.

Hurry up, we're going to wrigley
isville dogs.

Be super quick.
We don't know the address.

Look it up on the cell phone.
You get my backpack and I'm

Going to go up there.
That's ridiculous.

There it is.
Deliver 10 chicago dogs to

Receive your next clue.
Thanks, brother.

Good luck to you.

Got 10 dogs in my hot box.
Headed to north sheffield to

Deliver to our rooftop party.
Come --

Come on, let's keep this up,
you're doing yeah.


I'm doing everything I can.

Get excited, you're in the

Wrigley field is more than

Chicago's beloved baseball team,
the fwict world series champion

Here in the friendly confines,

Teams will take on their final
challenge of the race.

They will use this iconic
hand-operated scoreboard

Displaying 11 destinations they
visited during the remains

Working from opposite sides of
the stadium, teams need to

Figure out what place they
finished in each location and

Commune chailt that through a
one-way radio.

They must haul these giant-sized
numbers up the steam stairs and

Place them in the correct

Anymore reveal a three-digit
number representing an aisle in

The -- aisle in the ballpark
will teams will find their final

Clue on race race.

Let's win in -- "the amazing

Let's win this thing.

This is so exciting.
I've always wanted to come to

Wrigley field.

How far is the press box?

In the middle?

I see scott.

Climbing into the scoreboard.

That's the coolest thing ever.



We're going to wrigleysville

We're in a big hurry.
We're in a race for a lot of


Thank you.
Ok, let's home she doesn't

Get frustrated because I can't
talk back to her.

So we shall see.

Scottie, can you hear me?

Scott, the first number is four.

She isn't looking at the
scoreboard to know that they're

In alphabetical order.

Scott, ignore what I just

They're in alphabetical order.

The first one is six.
Is the first number, six.

And is correct.
Ok -- ok.

In leg eight we came in third
and athens.

That's correct.
The second number is three.

Ok, three.
God, I hope I'm right.

Is it this one?

Is it this one?
Say something.

That's incorrect, scott.
You placed it one spot too low.

Go one level higher.

That's correct.

Dar es salaan.

Panama, brazil.
Forgot that.

There it is, wrigleysville
dogs on the right.

How are you?
How are you?

There might be nine when we
get one because I ate one.

We know we're not in the
front of the pack.

We want to make up as much time
as we can.

We're off to find some fans.

There we finished in seventh

Ok, seven.

The next number is seven.

The next one is hanoi.

Give me a second.
Hanoi we were fourth.


We finished in fourth in hanoi.

Next number is four.
That is correct.


We finished in fifth place in
milan so the next one is five.


So put up the five.

That's correct.
That's five.

No, no, it's not six, it's a
five, scott.

Milan we finished in fifth.

After milan is anymore bin and
we -- ninh binh and we finished

In second.

Yeah, we did.

Things are starting to come

Oh, man this is awesome.


Hold on.

Mom and dad are on the other
side and they're going to be

Coming over.

Oh, my god.


Who's who's got 60's?

Thank you.
Go, red sox!


The next one you want is seoul,
cree cree -- seoul, korea, and

We finished in one.
I can't hear you.

Say it again.
I don't know what you're

Saying to me.
We're number one in that spot.

We're number one.

Then the next someone venice

And we finished fourth so you
want a four.

Say it louder, broorks come

That's addison.

Almost there.

Venn nice is four, that's
right -- sen nice is four, and

Then zanzibar is the last one.

That's all of them.
The last one is six.

And I think that's it.

Let me do a quick once over.

Please check my work?
Please, please, please.

Tell me something good.

Because this is right.

That all looks right.


Scott, we got it.

Get your fanny down to home



I get to go onto wrigley

You do.

That's so cool.

We're headed to get our next
clue from the umpire.

How are you?
Thank you so much.

Use the following leg are to
determine the aisle number of

The seats to find your next

Ninh binh, second.

Venice we came in fourth.
That's zero and athens we came

In third plus seoul, we came in

So that's four.
Vote aisle number 504.

Oh, my gosh, it's probably way
up the there.

Awesome, look at this.
Work request your partner to

Recall the leg you finished on
-- place you finished on each

Leg of the race.

You think it might be here?

You take this one, I'll get
this one.

Joey, you hear me?

You're going to put a number
six next to panama city.

We got this.
Come on.

Come on.

What are we doing wrong?
I'm putting that correspond

To our placements on the mat.
Up one.

Un-- up one.

Can you count?
Can you move a little faster?

Can you shut --

Oh, I see it

It's right there.

Grab it.
Gets over here.

Hold this please be it.
Please be it.

Oh, my god!

Along the way, these eight
teams were eliminated and now

The final three are racing here
to the finish line with a chance

To win $1 million and "the
amazing race."

Oh, my god, let's go.

Focus, focus.

Oh, my god.

Focus, focus.

I'm focused, buddy.

I see it.

Rooftop, obviously.

Who wants a wiener?

Hot dogs.

Host hot dogs.

We need tickets.
Who's got extra tickets?

Thank you, guys.

After that, we went to -- by
way of milano.

So you're going to come four
down from that top block.

You're going to put a three.

Fenway is so much easier than

This it's all on the ground

Hurry up.

I don't know why she thinks
this is the easiest thing in the

World to do.

Yeah, perfect.

Thank you.

We're in a race and you can
help us win.

We're in first place, sir.

We speaking deserve this.

We went to seoul, south

Come up from the white block on
the bottom, the fourth square

And you're going to put a three.

Put a three right there.


Ok, joey, meet me at home

Nice job.
Supposed to meet tara at home


There's an umpire over there.
Maybe we'll get a clue or


Thank you so much.

What's the seat number?

It's going to be up.

Up the stairs?
Whoa, logan.


There's tara and joey right

"The amazing race"!

This is so cool, though.

Right there.
Let's do it.

Does it give you a row number
or anything?

No, let's start from the top.

Got it.


Logan, can you hear me?


I don't know you can hear me.
Testing, one, two, three.

Are we just supposed to like
assume the order?

Is there a button I push?

The finish line.
The park.

Logan, place number two on --


Number two on sovel.

Where -- seoul.

Where is that?

Up or down.
Oh, my god, we're going to


We're going to win.
You said we would never win.

Oh, my god.

Laugh thereafter I'm eating
those words right now.

Yes, you are.

Come on, come on.
Where are they?

Hold my hand, we're going to
do this together.

I see it.

Oh, my god, we're going to win.
We did it.

First place, baby.



You got to be kidding.

You started this race as
strangers and now, after nine

Countries, 17 cities, and more
than 36,000 miles racing around

The world together, I am pleased
to tell you that you have won $1

Million and you are the official
winners of race race!

Yes josme

We won!


I can't believe it.
I feel great.

I picked the right partner.
Oh, thank you.

I got picked by the right one at
the end of the day.

How has your first
impression changed now from

Having run this race?
It was wrong.

No, I'm kidding.

Brooke and I are very different
people but we both were

Extremely passionate to be stand
knock red carpet today so

Whatever it took to be here is
what we were going to do.

We used her skills and my skills
and we came out only top.

There are so many more people
they in my opinion had more in

Common with will you I wunltse
have been successful with.

As much as he bickered and got
frustrated with each other.

We shared something together
that most people never get to


Congratulations, you guys
did an awesome job.


It's mom and dad.


Tara, and joey, you guys
had an incredible race.

Some great moments.
I am very pleased to tell you

That you are team number two.
After traveling more than 36,000

Miles around the world.
We're elated.

What more could we ask for?
We ran a very good race and I'm

Very proud of what we
accomplished as team.

I couldn't have asked for a
bemplets partner.

He was strong when I was weak
and kept telling me be positive,

Be positive.

I couldn't have been lucker.
Seems to me picked me.

It -- I was left in the wind.
It's month an epic riled, which

Has been awesome.
- Congratulations, how about

A round of sflaws


London and logan,

Impleased -- pleased to tell
that you after traveling more

Than 36,000 miles --
are we done yet?

You're done.

The race is over for you but
you're team number three.

You should be very, very proud.
London, sit hard to believe that

You didn't even know each other
a few weeks ago and now you're

Standing at the finish line with
someone you'd never met before?

Not bad for our first time.

It was so lucky that we got
paired up.

We got further than I ever couch

We're definitely leaving as the
opposite of strangers.

I feel like I know logan in a
totally different way.

We have a special rhythm they
know will continue on into the

Every leg it was more and

More surprises.
Just more and more impressed by

Her and it was an honor to race
with her.

She's -- I mean, she's like
family at this point.

I'm so happy we got to finish

Especially with an awesome


"The amazing race" was epic.
That's the best way to describe

I also would say that it's

Probably one of my proudest
accomplishments, aside from

Having served in the army for 20
years and being a mom.

"The amazing race" ranks right
up there for me.

I have open myself up to new
experiences and pushed myers to

New lifts and I have fulfilled
the dream of a lifetime.

The race made by a -- me a
better and stronger person.

The money is just gravy.

The experience is priceless.
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