29x04 - Another One Bites the Dust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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29x04 - Another One Bites the Dust

Post by bunniefuu »

Today was a good day for a
weak team, as red calls us.

Hi, guys.
Hey, we were just talking

About you.

Chilling over here.

Teams that come in second and

We were coming in here to
actually be nice.

You guys u-turned us.

Honestly the true reasonable
we did is because you were the

Only people that did anything
directly to us.

So it's personal.

Sort of.
I know they're going to

U-turn us if they can.

Hopefully this personal thing
is over.

It is.
Make you're way to the home

Of parker and stonetown or
another one bites the dust.

It was the center of the
spice trailed in the 19th

Century and today is a, nesco
world her taj site.

It's most famous son is the lead
singer of mercury, he lived here

As a kid.
I didn't think back to back

We'd come first place.

We're weak with getting to
place to place but when it comes

To the roadblocks and doe tours,
we smash them.

-- Them.

We're looking for the home of

Does not have a home.

He does not have a home?
No, bulsara has been

Demolished many years ago.

Where was it demolished?

Thank you very much.
Basara house.

This guy doesn't know where
we're going.

Let's get out.

Is this is -- the way to


Is back the other way the way
to stone town?


Taruk house is right here.
Come here.

This is all dust here.

These are not the right colors.
There's no clues in here.

Look in the tops of just a few
of these bags.

I feel like it would be a little
more obvious than this.

Bites the dust.


This is it?


Mercury, freddy mercury.
Here it is.

Let's go.
Got it?


Lock or knock.

The houses of stonetown
are connected with a confusing

Teams will have to navigate to
complete either sideof the

Zanzibar is known for their
intricate craver ever carving

And bras or men station.

What makes them unique is they
all have a secret apartment.

If they can find it, they can
get their next clue.

Zanzibar's pieces of
architecture are the more than

Were designed to represent a

Family social standard and there
are only three royal doors in

They're distinguished by this

Carving of a lion, er is penalty
and falcon.

Features will have to go door to
door, retrieve three wood carve,

And then bring them to this shop
to receive their next clue.

I didn't think through what
the word "royal" improved.

We were knocking on every single

Every door.

Look at this door.

Do you have a clue?

Joey, I got one.

Thank you.

Knock on every freaking fancy
door there is.


-- Knock.

Make your way to the home of
farokh -- let's go.

We can go this way.
We need a taxi.

Go, we don't, we're in

We're in stonetown?

Oh, my gosh, yes.

We're in stonetown.

Let's ask them.
Is that a famous armist?

Freddy mercury?

No way, how cool is that?
I didn't know he was from here.

Fredie mercury.

Another one bites the dust.

Maybe it's underneath the rocks?

Oh, no, did I just see the
right colors?

Dang it.
This is brutal.

We're looking for the home of

That was his name.
Where's fredie mercury's home?

Down the street --

Can you take us to the home
of farokh?

Guys, let's do it.
Did you get the answer?

Can we follow you?

They can follow, let's see if

They can keep up.
I think we should walk.

I think so too.

We're wasting time going
around in circles.

We probably should have done
the key one.

This is hard.

Did we come down this one is

No clue.
Oh, god.

This is crazy.

Here's a race stripe.
There's the key thing.

Do you want to trade?
Yeah, let's switch.

Come on.

Who's here?

A whole bunch of boxes.

Oh, gold.

We know they're here, though,
you know what I mean?

Could be anywhere in this
freaking room.

Find three royals doors
we have a map.

Let's do that.

I think we're going to do

To the left.
Are there royal doors?

This way?

Dead ends?

Thank you.
Oh, gold, did I look in here?

I forget where I was.
We should have stuck with the

Other one.

You and I can run all day.

We could be in here all day.

This is the street?

Yeah, right here.


Nice, liz.

Good eye.
Hey, guys.


Let's go in another room 6.

Let's go meticulously in
hormedful -- order.

Start at the top?

On this stack.

Detour already.


All right.

I think we try the lock.

What cow think?
Let's try the lock.

Marked door.
Someone else is coming.

This meticulous, liz, tarke
our time.

Oh, secret quarter.
I figured out real quick that

That bolt drawer had a jet

There's another one behind

Now pull that middle piece.
I like to take stuff apart

And put it together.

I'm like the box is this deep.

And this is this deep.

Does this drawer in the middle

Sure does.

I have a hard time understanding
why people wouldn't find that.

Oh, this looks right!

This looks right!
They'll give us for sure

Let's go to reception here.

Three royal doors.
And they said it was near

Baramudo street.

Where is that?

Let's go there.
Please double check.


It will take three seconds.

Can we google it real quick,
three royal doors?

Please come on.

If we come in not first, this is

It wasn't clear exactly where
the doors were.

I think we should just look it

Jrgets vanck and I rarely agree

Vanck and I rarely agree on

We have to go.

I just don't know what I'm
looking for.

If I'm wrong, I will gladly
admit that I'm wrong.

Ok, let's go.

There's shamir and sara.
Do you think this could be

They're asking.

Named farukh.

The home of farakh basara.
We have to go.

We have to beat these other

We're in a race.
We have to get that there quick.

We've put so much pressure on
ourselves to be number one, we

Kind of get all worked up and
tensions are flying.

With -- if we took a deep
bretcht and stopped yelling at

Each other, I think we'd do a
lot better.

If it's not in this room,
they're going to get to it first

In the other room.

This one is done.

Dead -- did you check the

Yes, I've checked it all,

Found it, found it, found it.
Found it?

This is a fish on it.

Let's open a chest with a fish
on it.

Here's a fish, liz.

It won't go.
There's got to be more in

This room.

There's got to be.

What do we do, start off?

Right here.

Oh, my.

They're still here.
We caught imup.

Not working, mike.
Move on to the next won.

Hollywood on, it does work.

Good lord.
Holy moly.

There were hundreds of

Oh, my god, hundreds.
I don't have the strength to

Lift this.

It's a 100-pound tchest.

We have to get through these.

Teams are leaving the
island of zanzibar and heading

Back to the mainland of tanzania
to the city where they'll need

To find a mental shop.

Look at all these people.

They're going to get the key
before we do.

I think we're wasting our time.
Let's go run.

We're going to knock again.

This is such a mistake.

I can run faster than throw

Boxing around all damn day.
Tara, we have no idea where

The doors are.

So we run 6.
These do not look like royal


No,, they will don't.
This looks like a shopping

Just keep walking, please.

Have you been wrong yet?

We're looking for the royal
doors in stonetown.

Do you know where those are?

No, see?

Royal doors.
Royal doors.

No, we're not changing.

We're changing.

We can't find anything.
We are knot switching.

We are not.

Everyone else knew what we
were talking about.

No one knew.
We have no idea what is going

You told me you're gladly admit

If you're wrong.

We're looking for three royal

The house of --
the house of what?

The house of wonders.

Right here.
The second one you'll find at

Soko muhogo street.
The third one groul find close

To the arab house.

Thank you --
thank you, thank you, thank


If I had listened to you, we
would have switched and that

Would have been stupid.
I'm so psyched up.

Let's go walk.
Let's do knock.

Royal doors.
Let's go to soko first.

We can find the others easy.

Man this is frustrating.
This is a lot more tiring

Than I thought it would be.
Oh, my god.


Ok, we're looking for a
marked door.

Right here.

Right here.
Good job.

Hi, welcome to hell.
Let's do go in this room,


Hell, my god.

All right, this is fun.

I want to ask how to find the
francie doors.

No one is going to do.
This is so stupid.

Do you speak english?

We're looking for the most
beautiful door in the city.

Where is it?

The house of wonders.

We got one.

Sheer luck.
So they have gold on the


This might be it?

Yes, this one.

Thank you.

It was right.
We're going to do it!

We're good, we're good.

This isn't it.
This is definitely a royal

Ah this is so exciting.

Hi, thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh.

This is insane.
There's not any keys

They've looked through -- we've

Looked through every single one.

I know.

These are beautiful.
How has it not been checked?

How is it possible to check
every chest in this room.

We've safely looked at over

Where do you look when you've
already looked every yes

I'm going to climb in here
and cry.

Gold, this is frustrating
I feel like we've

Looked in everything.
We have.

We've looked in everything.
No quee keys anywhere.


Oh, my god.
There's got to be something

In here, scott.
I noticed that two of the

Drawers were shorter than the
third and it dawned on me there

Was no reason unless you were
hiding something.


Oh, my god.

Brooke whispered something to
scott so we must be missing


Ok, I don't think the bigger
ones do it.

Yes, they due.

Oh, my god, brooke.

I found it.
I found.

-- It.

Oh, my god, oh, my god.
I'm shaking.

You do it.

Oh, my god.
Found it.

Oh, wait, scorpion.

Let's go find a scorpion.
Over here.

Got one, got one.

It's the fish.

Good job.

Good job.

It's ok.

They already got theirs.
Who, the boys?

Brooke, I say we look for a
different scorpion.

This one is not moving at all.

Here's another scorpion.

I don't understand why the key
doesn't work.

I don't either 6.

We're just going to look for
another key?

Don't worry.
This was our moment to get


Travel by ferry back to --
this is the ferry.

Right here.

Where do we buy tickets?
That's it right there.

Once you're done, stop at 348
gozinga street.

House of wommeders.

Oh, right here.

This has to be it.

Thank you!
One more to go.

We're looking for a door like
a royal door.

Go there, then turn --

Oh, my god, we've been
running around like crazy

We've gotten here by sheer

Just shut it.

What's awesome about her, she
can take that.

Get a new partner, man.

I don't want a new partner, I
want up.

Because I was in the army,
I'm definitely not intimidated.

She tells me to shut up and
listen to me.

It doesn't get any more royal
than this

Thank you so much, kind sir.
Oh, my gosh.

I feel like we're wasting our
time at this point.

-- I really don't want to
switch, though.

Let's go to the other room.

Give me one second.

A scorpion.

Two scorpion keys now.
We're hoping one of these will

Got it, I got it, brooke!

Thank god.
Can we get that other key?

You got it?

Oh, my god, you actually got it.

Did you give them the key?

I gave one to another team.

You did not.
It doesn't work on any of

Not all of them work, it

Sounds like.

Is that true?

What am I supposed to say
when she's staring at me?

You can say.
No I'm not mad.

It's all right.
You can say.

this key has got to work.

Off ah!
It worked, it worked.

Joo good


We you've brooke and scott
big time.

My gosh, dude.
I just want to go home because

We can't find a stupid keep.


This is not the way --
we're looking for a big door.

We have to go five minutes
away ba that've -- that way.

I just want to make sure
we're in the right direction.

From the beginning weeks we
were going to do all the

Communication and it wasn't

It was very frustrating.

This is the main street we're
supposed to be on.

Are you listening to me
I'm listening -- I'm not

Going to ignore him, thank you.
From the beginning of the day

I decided that I was going to
lead and take control because of

Can you at least just go up?

I'm taking a break right now.


Come on.
They said this way and right.

We didn't go that way.

I'm down for whatever you

I'll go in a million more



Oh, thank you.

Let's go to the pery.

Thank you.
We're going to see when the

Next ferry is.

Hopefully it's soon.

Ferry terminal.

Over there.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.
Hey, where can we check in

For tickets?

Oh, there's -- I see them.

You're welcome.

Thank you.
Guys, just remember if I'm

From trouble or he's in trouble
later --

We owe you big time.
We really do.

Nice to have people owe you a

It's the next one.
That's nice.

Thank you so much.

Oh, my gosh.
Back at the house of wonders.

It's not away they, sara.
Let's go back to -- street.

How are we going to find


You go that way, you make a

You lead.

We haven't ben inside to the

Do you know where harunsi
street is?

Make a right?
Make a turn.

That's the street she's not
listening to me, that's fine.

We'll keep running in circles.

I guess we'll get it eventually.

I'm just concerned that we're in
last place.


I don't even know where to look

Anymore in this room?
I don't either.

I feel so defeated.

Damn it.

Do you know what a royal door

Go this way.

Turn left.

The blessing was, when we
came down the stairs, there was

A female right next to that
swrans and she knew where every

One of those doors was.
Thank you.

Where's lolo?

Who else are we miss something
seriously, if one pair

Doesn't get on this bolt, it
would really take the pressure

Off all of us.


Hey, what about this?

Thank you.

Thank you.
That was easy.


Ha ha.

Oh, my gosh.
This blows.

I feel like we're going in

No kidding.

Ah, I see it.

This is a royal door.

Thank you so much.
Thank you.

One more.

Do you know three royal doors?

Thank you.
This is crazy.

Thank you.

Hopefully we'll be able to
catch up to the other teams.

This is horrible.

Do you want to give that puzzle
a try?

No, we have one more, heck

We've had one more for an
hour and a half.

We're not giving up jex yet.
We're going to try the palace.

We'll stop there and go

Straight to the other detour.
Man, that boat is cool.

Back to the mainland.

We're missing sara and

Did the lolo's get here?
I don't know.

Sara and shaheer, they're not

Do you know where three royal
doors are?

We have finished this one.
Somebody has to know.

With -- if we ask enough people.

We've asked like 30 people.

We're probably dead last right

We're way behind everyone and
this is horrible.

We're going to knock.

Hopefully we're going to see all
the other teams --

There they are.

Logan, get your butt up here!

You gave us a hack, man.
And then there was one team


If they miss the boat, I'm

The boat hasn't left yet,

Let's not count or chickens,
our eggs.

We've been over stonetown
several times and asked over 30

What do you want to do?

Let's go to the over detour.
Do you know where -- street?

Oh, man, they might not make

Yep, yep, yep.

Where's sara and shamir?
Not here.

Oh, my gosh, they're not


We're moving.

Oh, yeah, still on the island
of zanzibar is shamir and sara,

Which is awesome.
They're screwed right now.

We're sorry shamir and sara.

I'm just looking for the
three royal doors.

Not anymore royal doors.
What the?

We knocked on the door

Are you sure?

Yes, that's where where he
saw this gentleman standing


Two hours ago.

We're spending eight more hours

While other the other teams are

Come on.

We've knocked on this one,

We've knocked on every door.

Can we go this way?

Any one of these chests.

We're so close.

Can we at least try this one?

We've been going around for

Let's at least try this one.

What the hell?

It's annoys -- annoying.

I've been following you all damn
day in a goose chance asking

Hubs of people for nothing.
Can we at least spend 10


Oh, my gosh this is the worst
decision that we can make.

This going to drive me crazy.
Excuse me.

Coming through.
This way.

Let's go.

See a taxi?


There a race, come on.
We're in a race.

What about this guy, hello?

I'm asking him a question.
I don't see a --

Go into the office at the
industries cooperative society.

You know?
How much is it going to be?

Five minutes.

Is this it?

Guys, go here.


Go to the office.
Right here.

The office?

In here.
Come on, guys.

Does that mean come in?

Hi, how are you?

Thank you very much.

These skilled craftsman

Can turn aluminum sheets like
this into just about anything,

Including these popular ladle

Working in this ear-splitting
courtroom reactive workshop,

Teams must cut, punch, and pound
metal into this useful cooking


When their work meets the
standards of secretary muhammad,

He'll seven up the next clue.
I can do it.

You want to do it?

Go for I would.

Vanck basically told me I was
not going to do the roadblock.

So he's going to do it.
Let's hope he's faster on this

One than the last one.


Yeah, ok.
It seemed almost like a

Little flea market of skills.
You had a work working section.

An ironworking section.
You look artistic.

I want you to do it.

I'll do it.

Manufacturerer a laidle?

Oh, my god, I don't think I'm
going to have the strength for

Ok, three-inch diameter.


Ok, now we cut?
I should have my own tools

Because this is touch.

No the sharpest things in the

They were so dull that the metal
was bending.

It's like trying to cut with
two screws.

Oh, my gosh, why isn't that
cut something why is this

Difficult here?
I'm doing great.

I'm having great day today.
When I woke up today I thought I

Really home we make a ladle.

That's what I said.
Feeling good.

I've never done anything like
there before, it's awesome.

I like creating yes I -- with
mill hands.

Food, music.

In the states with etake it
for granted, we have the

Pneumatic hammers.

When you have these tools and
make it look like that guy did,

That's insane.

The talent there is amazing.

I can't do it.
These don't cut anything.

I'm not going to be able to do

Now, we're just taking all
the burrs occupant of it, trying

To shape it up nice so it looks
like that.

You have to do a little bit at a
time so it starts taking its


Whoo, hot.

I've never worked with metal
before so this is all new to me.

But kind of fun.

Why is my indentation not
work something the holes aren't

Going through for some reason.

I'm feeling ok.
I don't work with tools often so

This is definitely something

I'm a little nervous.

I wish I would have done this
one like I wanted to.

Why is this giving me so much

There's no way I'm going to
be able to do this.

The problem is I'm not strong
huff enough for many this and my

Jackass partner nominated me to
do it.

I would imagine brooke is
having a tough time.

It definitely takes a lot of
rich strength, power strength.

I don't know why this isn't

Oh, come on!

It's so bad, it's funny.

I can't do it.

We're last.

Dead last.
We haven't seen a team in

Like over two hours.

I'm twausted.

I feel like it's somewhere in
plain sight.

You know.

Are you serious?
That is ridiculous.

All of them much that.
Oh, man, so they're probably

In that.

We have a little bit of hope

I'm starting to feel a lot per

Got it.

Got it?


Fish, fish.

Fish, fish.

Good job.
Hit on this side.

Hit it like this.
I see what we're doing.

I feel like mine looks a lot
worse than his but hopefully

We're going to get a passing

It's so hard.

I can't cut this.


I need you to come here for a
second, please.

I'm going to need you that I can
do it.

This takes so much more muscle
than I have.

You need to be positive.
The only way we're going to stay

In the race is if you do this,

I knee -- knew you should
have done it.

She can do it.
I just don't think I can.

Use the relationships.
Look at that.

I like this challenge.

This is fun.

Is there some sort of secret
to this?

I can't even help the circle.
Let me help you cut the

I decide told help them out

Because she and scott had really
helped us by giving us that key.

Oh, gosh.

Not really easy work.

I'm just putting in the ladle

I have to drive this through

One rivet in.
Is it working for you?

Yeah, it's just tough.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Good, we're no longer in

Back we go.

Real excited, hopefully we can
catch some of these other teams.

Oh, this looks good.
Thank you.

Thank you.
Show it to the shop foreman.

The edges are too large.

Can I fix this one?


I can fix it?

All right, we got this.

So that's so loud.
I must be deaf after this.



We're on it, man.

Let me go find the foreman
right now.

I'm so skewed -- screwed.

Are you having trouble?

I can't even get through this

If you don't have the
strength, put the holes at the

Very end.
I told her to calm down.

I hefrled she doesn't like to
be told to calm down.

That's why I kept saying it.
Calm down?


She needs to learn that
people are saying it for a

Shop foreman?

Sharp edges on it.
We don't want a serrated edge.

It's definitely getting rounder.

She's freaking out right now
and I'm talking to her and

Trying to calm her down.

I'm so tired.


The holes are not good so the
edges are too large.

So I can just fix it?


Ooh, ooh.

Yeah, whoo!

Thank you.
It was actually really, really

Good job, joey.

Look amount that.

Thank you so much.

Make your way to the next pit

Cokea beach, and now the
pit stop of this leg of the

The last team to check in here

At the mat may be eliminated.
Jcoco beach?

Nice job.


I made a ladle and it works.
We're going.


The handle is giving me a
little bit of trouble but I

Think I'm on it.

Oh, yeah.
Looks close.

I think the concept is better
so hopefully we can get pretty

Close to being done here.

I don't complain.

I just do what I'm told.

One good thing about being in
the military, you learn to say

Sure, yes, sir.
I'll do that again.

Because if you complain it's
just going to get worse.

I can't do it!
If I needed to have a ladle for

Dinner, my family would starve.
On the ferry.

Anything can happen.
You should never give up.

That's like the golden rule on
"amazing race."

I'm certainly not giving up yet.

Yeah, coco beach.

Hey, phil.

You look sharp.

Welcome to tanzania.
Thank you.

Thank you so much.

It's so beautiful.

It seems like an ideal
location to be telling you that

You are team number one!

And as winners of this leg of
the race, you have won $5,000


I got my fun meter, becca.

It's nice and high right now.

Way to go, mike.

You made me dinner.

Thank you, my friend.

Hey, I'm just coming in
sending you good vibes.

I can't do this.
You can do this.

I'm not physically strong

Watch, you don't have to
swing it hard.

I'm letting the weight of the
metal do the work.

Thank you.
I owe you.

No u-turns.

You got it.

Done deal.

Yeah, logan, good job.

Oh, that looks good, that
looks good.

Here we go again.

Come on, buddy.


Yeah, boiled.

He's saying it works.

Showing how good it is.

I'm going to take this out
and have them tell me no.

Oh, gold, this is the worst
thing I've ever done.

We're going to have to take a

It looks like a 1-year-old made

It doesn't matter if they're
laughing at you.

You're doing great deal.

The holes are not good and
also, it's too sharp.

Good job, brooke.

You're doing great.
Who's the foreman?

Fingers cross is.

Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, and it works.
I see.

That's pretty cool.
Let's go.

Let's go.
Right here, right here.

Can you pull over right up

So we're looking for phil.

Yeah, right here.

Yeah, boiled, finish strong.

-- Yeah, buddy, finish


Hey, guys.
How you doing?

Good-smelling hug.
Yeah, really good.

There it is.

We live another day.

We don't think we'll see

Anybody --
I will poop myself.

That is strange.

Strange to be that excited.

Should I try?
Oh, dear got please, jesus, help

Me get this.

This is it.

This is it.
Thank you.

Please by goo, please be good.

Please let it be good.
I have no strength left.

Please be good.

You're doing great
I shouldn't have done this.

You're doing great.

I'm so sorry.

I'm trying so hard.
Know you are.

Thank you.

I told you could do it.

Come here, come here.
Watch her work.


There it is.
There he is.


Hi, phil.

Tough day.

A little bit, yeah.

Is there a team that's
more different than the two of


You really are like complete

That's nothing we can do at
this point.

We have to run this together.
I'm stuck with him.

It is what it is.
You got this, that meter.

It's been a long time.

Right now we're mentally

I just really hope that he
doesn't cut himself.



Come on.

Come on.

All right, all right.
Gets on the mat.

Team number seven.

I am so grape to the other

Teams because without them I
just wouldn't have finished.

I'm really grateful and I home
they all know it.

Not good at building things.
Just stay focused.

I know you're not going to give

Today has been too long.
I'm really hoping this is a


We'll see.

I'll get it eventually.
Hi, phil.


It's a tough day.
Yeah, pretty tired.

Yeah, it's been a long

Very long day.
- That mere and sara, I'm

Very sorry to tell you that all
the other teams have checked

Into the ma.

I'm very sorry to tell you will
that you've been eliminate from

The race.
I'm proud of her.

I'm proud of the race re-- we
ran but I'm ready ready --

Really sad because I pictured
myself winning the whole thing.

Even though it wasn't a match
made in heaven.

I haven't forgotten all the
incredible experiences that we

Did have.
Tusk just been amazing.

Stay tuned for scenes from
our next episode.

On the next episode of
"the amazing race" --

Go, matt!

Look at that speed.
- Norway has liz and michael

Going the wrong way.

Do you have any idea how a
compass works?

- And team fun going one way
- - straight down.

Oh, my gosh!
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