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07x06 - Green Light

Posted: 01/07/15 23:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Mentalist"...

Yeah, Lena's on a short list for a position in the Commerce Department in D.C., so we're celebrating.

It's not a done deal yet. I have to be confirmed, and that could take months.

What can you tell me about Rio Bravo station?

I don't think I want to go to D.C.


Because you're going to be asked questions, and if any of those questions involve Rio Bravo, then you need to be able to say that you don't know anything about it.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Man: Hi, folks. Welcome to Alamo Brewhouse.

Christine will show you to your table.

Hey, guys. Come on and join us.

We have a great Chilean sea bass today for you guys.

Sit you right over here.

[ Tires screech ]

D.E.A.! Search warrant!

Come on, let me see some hands!

Put your hands on the table!

D.E.A.! Policía! Policía!

Down on the ground now!

Head down on the ground now!

Hands behind your head!


What's going on?

We have a warrant to search these premises for illegal narcotics.

Narcot-- This is a restaurant.

Sir, read the warrant. Let me do my job, okay?

Let's go talk in my office.

Oh, you want to go to your office? Let's talk.

Yeah, let's do that. Let's start there.

[ Dog sniffing, growling softly ]

What do you got, Orosco?

Yeah, we searched the office, dining room, freezer.

K9 went through everything. We got nothing.

Okay, search again.


Korbell: Don't walk away. I'm talking to you.

Mr. Korbell, we are going to finish our search.

This is harassment!

The more you interfere, the longer it's gonna take.

Who's going to clean this place up? Huh?

I'm talking to you, bitch! Hey!

[ Both panting ]


Don't talk to my agent that way. Hmm?

Okay, easy.

Peterson: Gonzalez.

Pack up and get out of here.

I'm watching you, pal.

Little dog, put your hands on me?

[ Metal detector beeps ]

Excuse me. I'm looking for Bill Peterson.

There he is right there.

Peterson: [ Chuckling ] Hey!


[ Both chuckle ]

Dennis. You look good.

Ah. You lost weight.

Oh, yeah, a little bit. Thanks.

How's Lena?

Oh. She's in D.C.

Big things doing.


Oh, yeah.

Oh, good for her.

So, Dennis Abbott is handling the After Action report on my team's failed raid on Alamo Brewhouse.

Yeah, well, D.C. asked.

You know, they want someone outside of D.E.A.

Look, I don't want this to be awkward.


Because when you worked for me, you were barely shaving?

[ Chuckles ] Yeah. Something like that.

[ Chuckles ] It's been a long time since Rio Bravo station.

You've come up in the world.

Still, we did some good work.

Yes, we did.

So, look, I am going to need to talk to your people and take a look at the files.

Have at it.

Alamo Brewhouse was just bad luck.

And you didn't find any dr*gs?

Different day, we would have.

I want to start with the agent who led the raid, Gonzalez.

I understand that the restaurant owner filed a complaint against him.

[ Sighs ] Gonzo got a little overheated, you know.

He's on administrative leave.

I'll, uh, I'll get you his home address.

Um, Dennis, I'm gonna want to take a look at that report of yours before it goes in.

Well, you know, that's not how we do things, Bill.

A lot of people in this agency got their gunsights set for ol' Bill Peterson.

I need to know if you're handing 'em any b*ll*ts.

Well, I'm sorry. My hands are tied.

When I was your boss at Rio Bravo, I had your back.

You're telling me you don't have mine now?

Is that how you want to play this?

Come on.

I'm just looking for a little professional courtesy.

I'll see what I can do, Bill.

All right. [ Laughs ]


Lena: I don't understand why you have to write the damn report.

Oh, it's nothing.

I'll write it, D.C. will ignore it, and we'll get on with our lives.

How are you, baby?


I just had lunch with a senator.

I'm meeting with the chair of the energy and commerce committee in an hour.

It's exciting.

Oh. I wish I were there.

I'll call you tonight, okay?

I love you.

I love you, too.

[ Click ]

[ Spanish TV chatter ]


Agent Gonzalez, are you in here?

[ TV chatter continues ]

Abbott said it was the death of a D.E.A. agent.

By the way, keep tomorrow night open.

Why would it be closed?

Your birthday.

Oh, that. Yes.

I already told everybody at work -- no songs, no cake, no gifts.

Good. Thank you.

Except me.

Oh, you have a gift for me?

It's a surprise.

A surprise?

That's right.

You think you can keep a secret from me for that long?

I don't think I can. I know I can.

I admire your confidence.

♪ The Mentalist 7x06 ♪
Green Light
Original Air Date on January 7, 2015

So, Vega, I've got tickets to that blues festival, and I was wondering...

Not "Vega." Michelle.

Michelle, I've got tickets, and I was --



You okay?


So, um, Michelle -- Abbott wants us. Caught a case.

O-okay. Great. Yeah, I'll be right there.


Good morning, everyone.

This is Bill Peterson, San Antonio D.E.A.

Our victim's name is Darrell Gonzalez.

He's been with the D.E.A. for seven years.

Served in Afghanistan before that.

I want you all to know how much I appreciate your help.

We're gonna get the pigs who did this.

We understand how hard it is to lose somebody.

We will extend every courtesy to you.

Every courtesy?

That's the Sosa cartel tag.

Looks like they're trying to send a message.

Gonzo had just led a raid on a restaurant that was distributing Sosa narcotics.

And it was owned by this man.

Steven Korbell.

How does a restaurant owner become a drug dealer?

He used to manage a hotel in Mexico City that was owned by the Sosas.

That's when he began working with them.

In the raid that Gonzalez led, they didn't find anything.

Why would Korbell order a hit after an unsuccessful raid?

I mean, it just calls more attention to him.


The animal that escapes a snare doesn't necessarily go after the poacher.

Okay, everyone, we can ask these questions in San Antonio.

So, saddle up.

What does this guy Peterson have on you?

Why do you ask?

Because you're acting like he has something on you.

He doesn't.


Patrick: Gonzalez's desk?

Yeah, we were neighbors.

Man, he used to listen to the worst music.

Smooth jazz.

Let's see.

Alamo Brewhouse file.

Yeah. That's thorough.

Yeah, he didn't talk computers.

He kept a hard copy on everything -- financial records, witness interviews, surveillance photos.

Mm. My kind of people. You mind if I take a look?

Dig in.

Thank you.

How long had Agent Gonzalez been investigating the Alamo Brewhouse?


Gonzo was relentless.

He slept here on the couch half the week.

Agent Bordick, you were the analyst working with him?

What are you implying?

I'm implying you were the analyst working with him.

We had this one right.

That restaurant was a front, and we must've just missed the supply re-up.

Vega: This wasn't your first time coming up empty.

Your team's had other misses.

How long have the two of you been out of the Academy?

An hour? Whoa.

Easy, Jeff.

Vega: It's okay, Agent Orosco.

We'd be happy to send you our CVs if you like.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

[ Speaking Spanish ]

Did you have any contact with Gonzalez in the days following the raid, a-after he was on leave?

No. No, but that wasn't unusual.

Do you know what he was doing?

Knowing Gonzo, he was probably obsessing over why that raid went south.

Excuse me. That's the front of the restaurant, right?

Yeah. Those are the surveillance photos.

Taken over a few days?

No, we staked it out for a few weeks.


You know where the owner of the restaurant is?

He's here.

He's talking to Cho and one of the D.E.A. agents.

What's he doing?

Mr. Korbell is a community pillar.

He sponsors chili cook-offs and youth baseball teams.

He's not a k*ller.

He's got a hell of a P.R. Department, I'll give him that.

Where were you yesterday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.?

In Dallas. I had business.

Produce evidence of a crime, gentlemen.

So far you've done a bang-up job of the opposite.

Hi. Patrick Jane. FBI.

What the hell is this?

Hey, Cho.

Hi, Jane.



Very important question.

What time does your restaurant open?


So you'll be opening in a little under an hour.

If I'm not wasting my time here, yeah.

Uh, these two are free to go.

Hey! Have a lovely afternoon.

Thanks for your time.

You can't do this, man.

Yes, he can. You can go.


What the hell is this, man?

Easy, tiger.

FBI is sending a team in to raid that restaurant this afternoon.

If we find dr*gs, we want to make sure Korbell's there.

Why didn't anybody tell us?

What did I just do?


You're never gonna believe what this guy just told me.

Care to tell me why we're here?

Of course.

In three minutes.

How do you know Peterson?

I worked for him.

A long time ago.

You must've been very green.

Oh, you have no idea.

Agent Peterson.

Were your ears burning?

Dennis. What's up?

You're raiding Alamo Brewhouse?

No. This one here told my people you're sending in a strike team.

I did. Sorry.

That was a lie.


A fib. An untruth.

I made it up.

Have a seat. I'll explain.

Do either of you notice the difference from this photo to this photo?

Where's Waldo?

There's a light bulb on the sign that's off in one photo and on in the other.

So they had a broken light bulb.

But then it's on again here...

And off...

And on.

It's a signal.

When the light is on, they're selling dr*gs.

When it's off, they're not.

This photo was taken the day of your raid.

You notice how the light is off?

And that's why you guys didn't find anything.

They weren't selling.

But why that day, huh?

Was it just bad luck?

Here we are.

12:00 on the dot.

The green light is on today.

I turned it on.

But what do you think Korbell is gonna do when he thinks another raid is coming?

Et voilà.

Wait a minute.

How could Korbell know that?

He has an inside source.

Someone from D.E.A.

And if I figured it out, Gonzalez did.

That's what got him k*lled.

What are you saying?

That someone on your team is a k*ller.

So, we're looking for a cop that k*lled a cop.

Gonzalez must have figured out there was a mole.

The mole k*lled him before he could go public.

Whoever it is, he's been at it a while.

There have been a half a dozen busted raids in the past two years.

Peterson's explained them all away -- bad Intel, tactical mistakes.

In hindsight, it had to have been an inside man.

So for now we don't rule out anyone.

It could be any one of Peterson's agents.

That's 30 suspects.

31. You forgot Peterson.

Bill Peterson doesn't have much of a bedside manner, but he's not a traitor.

I thought we couldn't rule anyone out.

Patrick: Abbott's right.

Peterson's not a suspect.

Good. So, we'll, uh, just dig down into his team.

Personal reviews, bank records.

Anything that points to a motive.

Ego, revenge.

What? You disagree?

Well, they're all poorly paid government employees.

You're not gonna have to dig too deep to find motive.

You have a better idea?


But first, I need someone to run an errand for me.

Back at the D.E.A., what were you and Orosco saying to each other?

Oh, he was apologizing for his partner being a jerk.

I said it was fine.

¿No hablas español?

Uh, me hablo at a ninth-grade level.

[ Chuckles ]

I can say "grandmother" and "hall pass."

Do you speak any other languages?

I'm fluent in pig Latin.

[ Chuckles ] I'm not really sure that counts.

Listen, I wanted --

Vega, I need you to do something.

But first, a question.

Uh, we sh**t new pictures for the I.D. badges every year.

Does every federal agency do that?

I think so.


I need you to go back to San Antonio.

I need you to get all photo I.D.s for Peterson's D.E.A. team for the past three years.

We just got back from San Antonio.

I know.

No rest for the weary crimefighter.

See you when I get back.


[ Phone rings ]


Peterson: Dennis.

I'm in Austin.

Like to talk, if you got a minute.

Sure. Come by the office.

Actually, I'd prefer talking outside your office.

Mind meeting me at Graham Plaza?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Evening, Bill.

Uh, you want a drink?

Club soda. Thanks.

Another one.

A hell of a thing to know that one of your people betrayed you.

k*lled a colleague. A friend.

Yeah, it's hard, I know.

You didn't tell your team anything?


They think it's an investigation of a cartel m*rder.

Well, my people are the best, Bill.

We'll get this guy.

I'm sure you will.

When you do, I need to share the collar.

What do you mean?

I want credit for the arrest.

We'll come up with something I did -- something vital to the investigation, you know.

So you want me to lie for you.

I told you, I have enemies.

They find out one of my people was working for the cartel, they'll take me to town unless I do something.

I need to be part of the solution.

You have been asleep at the wheel.

One of your people has been in bed with the Sosas for two years, and you didn't see it.

Now you want me to cover your ass?

We should be having a discussion about your resignation.

We've all done things we're not proud of, Dennis -- things we'd like kept quiet.

So you're gonna hang Rio Bravo over my head unless I play along.

I wish it was just you.

Lena's confirmation is coming up in a couple of weeks, right?

Rio Bravo could be a real problem there, too.

I need this, Dennis.

Keep me posted.

You ready to get out of here?

Uh, I think I'm gonna stick around.

Any guesses about your present? Or have you given up?

Does it weigh more or less than 3 1/2 pounds?

Why 3 1/2 pounds?

Because. Less. Is it made of Kryptonite?


Is it something that I would wear on a cold winter's day?


That is my guess.

Promise me you will not open it till tomorrow night.

You are so bluffing. Aren't you?

See you later.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

I'm guessing by your look that you just talked to Peterson.

I'm listening.

I worked for him about ten years ago when he was running a task force on the border.

Rio Bravo station.

We were working with the Mexican police, trying to do something about the cartels.

Tough work.

It was w*r.

The Zeta cartel would send their men out dressed like soldiers.

They would wait for a bus to come through, stop it, force all the passengers off, and sh**t them.

All of them.

Just so they didn't work for another cartel.

There were bodies everywhere.

Men, women, children...

Scattered all over the road like trash.

Yeah, it's -- it's no picture that anyone should have in their head.

One day I was sitting on a Zeta safe house -- just watching who came and went.

Gathering Intel.

And I saw this...

Zeta commander walk out.

Dressed in a military uniform.

And I knew what he was going to do.

I couldn't call the local police because they were terrified of the Zetas.

I couldn't arrest him.

So I sat there, thinking -- I don't know -- maybe three seconds.

I got out of my car, I walked across the street, and I shot him.


You did the right thing.

I don't know.

But no buses were stopped that night.

And the next day I quit the Rio Bravo station.

Did Peterson know what you had done?

He guessed.

The death of a commander hit the news.

Tons of speculation on who k*lled him.

And...Peterson knew where I was when it happened.

Mm. And now he's threatening you to do what he says.

Peterson can end my career.

I can go to prison.

But it's not just about me.

Any mention of this could end things for Lena before it even starts.

Well, you can't let him do it.

I appreciate the thought.

How do we stop him?

I'm not sure.


But when I know, I'll tell you the answer.

Hey, can you help me with something?


Abbott asked me to look into Korbell's records, see how he's communicating with his contact on Peterson's team.

I've looked at Korbell's phone, e-mails, texts.

Nothing jumps out.

They're too smart to use something that easy to get into.

They must have been making contact somehow.

Check his day-to-day.

What was Korbell looking at on the web?

Based on the sites he visits, he's a Houston fan.

He buys a lot of protein powder.

He's into Persian longhairs.

The cats?


No way.


He spends a lot of time on a Persian longhair website.

I've read his file.

There is no way Korbell is into cats.

He's too macho, too desperate for approval.

Must have been going there for something.

Maybe they're communicating through the message boards.

Nobody would look there first.

I'll check it out.

I got the I.D. pictures. Thank you.

The past three years for each person on Peterson's team.

30 in total. Most recent pictures on top.

You're a marvel, Vega. Well done.

What are you looking at?

Their eyes.

Windows to the soul.

You can't be serious.

Good call, Vega.

Really, what are you looking at?

Well, I don't want to ruin the surprise, but since you're interested, there may be something you can help me with.

Requires some bravado, which should be right up your alley.

Help you with what?

A little something to catch a k*ller.

You want me to help you with a trick.

Well, if that's what you want to call it.


Speak your mind, soldier.

It's just --

I very much appreciate being a part of this team, sir.

You get results.

I respect that. Thank you. But?

The things you ask people to do -- it's... [ Sighs ]

It's not what I thought working for the FBI would be like.

At all.


And, uh, more importantly, you wonder if your father would approve.


He was strict.

37 years in the military makes you a stickler for the rules.

I'm sure he was.

And a good father.

And you're proof of that.

But I can't tell you what your father would approve of.

That's for you to decide.


Yes, Vega?

What do you want me to do?

Well, when I'm finished here, I'll tell you.


[ Door opens ]

Thank you.

[ Door closes ]

[ Phone rings ]


Dennis, any progress?


Don't make me chase you down.

What's going on?

We're gathering information.

Let me know as soon as you got something.

Don't hold out on me.

That will not go well.

Making progress?

Yes, actually.

Wylie: Got something.

Korbell was trading messages with his contact on Peterson's team through a cat blog.

What was in the messages?

Coded language about D.E.A. investigations.

The first letter of each word spells the message.

So, for instance...

"Reactive allergies in de-clawed animals?

Try 4 preventative measures."

That spells "Raid at 4pm."

It's actually pretty cool. [ Chuckles ]

Do we know who Korbell was dealing with?


Whoever it is has covered his tracks with proxy servers and VPNs.

Whatever they are.

But here's something interesting.

As of yesterday, he suddenly stopped posting.

There are no new messages.

He's getting ready to run.

Maybe he's just laying low.

Well, a poker player that stops betting isn't laying low.

He's cashing in.

Well, if he's about to rabbit, then we better move quickly.

It's perfect. Call San Antonio.

Tell them there's been a breakthrough in the case.

Have them gather up these ten agents, and I'll go talk to them in two hours.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Cho: Everybody's here.

You needn't worry.

I-I'm not worried.


Vega, you're on.

Just stay relaxed. You'll be just fine.

Thank you, sir.

[ Sighs ]

Let's go.

Agent Peterson.

You're one of Abbott's people, right?

I'll be down to whatever he's doing in a minute.

[ Clears throat ] Actually, sir...

You're under arrest.

I'm what?

Thank you for coming.

Could you all take a seat up front here, please?

Thank you.

I know you're wondering why you're here.

The answer to that is simple -- one of you k*lled Darrell Gonzalez.

[ Agents murmur ]

And I'm gonna tell you who in about five minutes.

Agents Cho and Lisbon will come through the aisles.

We're asking you to give up your g*ns.

You got to be kidding me.

We'll return the weapons when this is over.

If you're innocent, there's no problem.

If there's a k*ller in the room, we don't want to risk a g*n fight.

We don't want anyone to get hurt.

I'm afraid I have to insist.

One of you is working with the Sosa cartel and betrayed your team.

If you're not interested in knowing who that person is, by all means, keep your g*ns.

[ g*ns thudding lightly ]

Thank you.

Question -- have any of you recently inherited some money from a deceased parent or grandparent?

I'm not talking about a little bit.

A pile, enough to make a difference.

Raise your hands, please.

Don't be shy.

I'm very sorry for your losses.

Uh, none of you k*lled Darrell Gonzalez.

You can move to the back of the room, please.

Thank you.

What does an inheritance have to do with who k*lled Gonzalez?

That is a good question.

But I am the one asking those right now.

Now, is there anyone here in a relationship with someone from the beauty field?

Man: Yeah.

My husband runs a couple of styling salons.

How long have you been together?

A year.

Congratulations. I'm very happy for you.

Um, you didn't k*ll Darrell Gonzalez.

Would you move to the back of the room, please?

Anyone here get divorced in the past three years?

Yes, law enforcement -- tough on the home life.

On the plus side, you didn't k*ll Gonzalez.

Back you go, please.

[ Sighing ] Oh. Wow.

You think one of us are in bed with the Sosas?

That's crazy.

Really. Why would we do that?

Money, I assume.

But I-I don't care about the motive.

I'm interested in what happened after one of you became a traitor.

I looked at your I.D. pictures for the last few years.

All ten of you have improved your appearance, most noticeably by sprucing up your hair.

Some of you because you inherited money, others because you're back in the dating scene.

Are you seriously saying that one of us is the k*ller because we got a better haircut?

A k*ller, no. A traitor, yes.

Whoever sold out to the Sosas made bank and got a big ego boost.

When you have a good secret, it makes you feel important.

If you're so sure, which one of us is it?

Well, that's the question, isn't it?


Just a minute, Vega.

I found the k*ller.

It's Bill Peterson.

[ Grunts ]

You're seriously doing this.

I was certain it was gonna be one of the other three agents.

Are we sure about this?

Wylie found a link through the cat blog to an offshore account in Belize.

It was hidden under aliases and shells, but he traced it back to Peterson.

3.2 million bucks.

You're accusing me -- get your people in line!

Take him out of here.


You think I'm gonna forget about this, huh?

Is that what you think?!

You have evidence against Agent Peterson?

You can pick up your firearms on the way out.

We're done here.



You look like you're in a hurry.

What's the rush?

Nothing. I mean [Chuckling] none.

You got a go-bag in your trunk, don't you?

What are you talking about?

You k*lled Darrell Gonzalez.

Where are you headed?

The Gulf?


Why would I be going to the Gulf?

You k*lled Darrell Gonzalez.

So you thought you were gonna get away?

Excuse me?

When we arrested Peterson, you thought you had time to escape.

But I know what you did.


You k*lled Darrell Gonzalez.

No. Peterson did.

You guys said so. You arrested him.

It was you.

I'm not letting you alone until I prove it.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I am going to tail you every day until you're in cuffs.

I don't care how long it takes.

I am gonna put you behind bars.

[ Cellphone rings ]


[ Man speaking indistinctly ]

[ Cellphone buzzes ]

This is Abbott.

[ Man speaking indistinctly ]


[ Man speaking indistinctly ]

[ Click, g*nsh*t ]


[ Both grunting ]

We found your go-bag.

Yeah, quite the trip you were planning.

Fake passport, Croatian kunas.

Hey, Lisbon, does Croatia have an extradition treaty with the U.S.?

I don't believe they do.

We also found the tracking program you installed on Gonzalez's computer.

He'd suspected a mole.

It was only a matter of time before he latched on to you.

So, why did you start working for the Sosas?

Why betray your team?

My team?

I've been at D.E.A. for six years.

You know how many times my "team" has passed me over for promotions?

So you wanted to show them how smart you are?

No, wait a minute. He couldn't be that smart.

I mean, we caught you.

Took you years.

That whole time, I was tipping off dealers, ruining busts, stashing payoffs.

I was the most powerful guy in that building.

Nobody knew.

So who's the smart one?

Let's get this smart man a nice jail cell.

[ Door opens ]

Dennis: We found enough evidence in Orosco's apartment to arrest Korbell and several of his employees.

Korbell's going to flip against the Sosa cartel.

Feels like a win, all in all.

You humiliated me in front of my people!

You perp-walked me through my own office!

We had to make Orosco feel like he had a chance to get away.

You were the misdirection.

It's not the best part, but you played it adequately.

You were supposed to tell me what you were doing.

We couldn't do that. You would have blown the shot.

I mean, obviously.

Look, I'm sorry, Bill. Really, I am.

I was supposed to get the credit!

We had a deal!

There was no deal, Bill.

Just a crazy idea you had in your head.

You're done, Abbott.

It's over for you and your wife.

I'm gonna see to that.

Okay. I've been patient. I've been polite.

Not anymore.

Take it back.


Take back your little threat and apologize to my friend here.


This display, this tantrum -- it isn't about anger, is it? It's about fear.

Fear? Of what?

That we weren't too far off about you keeping a stash of dirty money, and that with enough time, we will find it.

[ Sighs ]

Give my best to Lena.

Are you sure about this?


We have him right where we want him.

No, I heard you were awesome down there.


Oh, because I felt like I was going to throw up the whole time.

Lisbon said you nailed arresting Peterson.

Like a pro.

Well, it was actually fun.

I didn't think it would be, but, uh, it was.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Oh, God.



It's Bordick, from San Antonio D.E.A.

He's...asking me out.


Fortunately, I can honestly tell him I have no interest.

I am so not into that right now.

I just want to focus on work.


Know what I mean?

Yeah. Totally.

Me too.

Um, I am taking these files down to admin.

But will you be here later?

Almost certainly.

See you.

[ Insects chirping ]

The lights are a nice touch.


Happy Birthday.

Thank you.

Make a wish.

And here is your gift.

[ Laughs ] Open it.

[ Sighs ]


The one and only. From the CBI.

You kept the pieces.


Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?

It's perfect.

I'm speechless.

It's [Sighs]

You really didn't know what it was?

Yeah, you can see for yourself.

You really didn't know?

I'm genuinely surprised. This is...

[ Sighs ]

This is such a beautiful gift.

Thank you so much.

I'm amazed.


Are you sure you're not just pretending you didn't know what it was to make me feel better?

Because you don't have to make me feel better.

No, come on, please.

Lisbon, just take the compliment.




[ Glasses clink ]

[ Smooches ]

Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.