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09x18 - Reunion

Posted: 05/02/24 09:01
by bunniefuu
- It's the Top Chef: Texas

- There's nothing overtly sexual
in their intent.


- It all comes out.
- It is hot in Texas.

Has Sarah accepted defeat?

- I think it's really [bleep]

That it's being
brought up now.

- The mean girls
try to save face.

- Sometimes in a restaurant

you go off the handle
a little bit.

- And will Beverly
finally stand up for herself?

- I did feel I wasn't treated
fairly sometimes.

When it's about my work ethic,
that gets personal.

- Do you think that you owe Bev
an apology?

The Top Chef: Texas reunion
starts now.

Hey, everybody,
I'm Andy Cohen,

and welcome
to the Top Chef: Texas reunion.

It's great to see everybody.

Let's say hi
to our judges.

Hi, Gail Simmons.
- Hi, Andy Cohen.

- Tom, how are you?
- Hi, Andy.

All right.
- Hi, Padma.

- Hi, sweetie.
- Emeril.

- Andy, how are you?

- And the Hugh-Nibrow.

How are you?

Hugh Acheson.

Let's say hi
to the fantastic chefs

of Top Chef: Texas.

Hey, everybody.

- Hey.
- Hello.

- Let's congratulate

our newest Top Chef.

[Cheers and applause]

Paul, has it sunk in yet?

- Um, not quite.

- What did it feel like
to win?

- It was just a huge release.

It felt really, really good.

It definitely gives me

a huge sense
of accomplishment.

I'm just a little nervous.

Or a lot nervous.

- Okay, well, let's take a look
at Paul's journey

to Top Chef.

- I'm just super-nervous
right now.

I started cooking

later than most people start--

between the ages
of 15 and 22.

I'd sell weed
for my friends

so I could have
extra money.

And I just woke up
one morning,

my apartment's trashed,

and I decided that I needed

to do something
with my life.

That's when I started
to pursue

a culinary career.

And it's helped shape me

into a stronger person.

- Come and get the jacket.

- Thank you so much.

- You can win this.

I think you will win.

- Every single time
I do a service,

I criticize myself.

The passion
gets the better of me.

- It looks beautiful, Paul.

- Thank you.

I always want to push

to make sure
that I can do better.

'Cause that's the only way
I can evolve.

- Pickles, pepper.
- That's hot.

- A million scoville units?
That's all right.

I'll stay away from that.

Paul is like the king of cool.

He just gets in there,
he's got a quiet confidence.

- Wow.

- Foie gras and bacon,

- I hope he was wearing
a glove

when he put his hand
on the plate.

- But, see, you're scared,
and that's good.

You're worried.

- The person we felt

that just completely hit it
out of the park

was Paul.


- Paul.

- That would be Paul's.

- Paul.

- You can take something
so simple

and make it so revelatory.

That's an amazing,
amazing gift.

- Welcome to Whistler.
Welcome to British Columbia.

- I'm very proud
that I'm here

in the finals.

There has been
a lot of battles fought,

and there's been
a lot of battles won.

But it's about winning
the w*r.

- Paul, you are Top Chef.

[Cheers and applause]

- It seems so surreal.

I'm still trying to find
words to describe

how I feel right now.

I'll take this experience
with me

for the rest of my life,
and it's pretty amazing.

- Amazing.

- Cool.
Thank you.

- Tell me
what it felt like

having your parents there.

- It was huge, 'cause I feel
like I've never made

my mom or my dad proud ever.

[Cheers and applause]

[Indistinct chatter]

Just seeing 'em there
so happy,

it definitely touched
my heart.

- What did they say to you?

- That they were
just really proud of me.

And I guess
I've probably been waiting

to hear them say
those kinds of words

for a very, very long time.

So it felt really good
that I got to do it

on Top Chef.

- What's your grand total
of winnings?

- I think it's $185,000.

- Wow.

- And a trip
to Costa Rica.

And a Prius. Yeah.
- Wow.

Tom, what did it
come down to in the end?

- It was as difficult
a decision as we ever made

because Sarah

went sort of really
outside her comfort zone

and pulled it all off.

But Paul gave us
a near flawless meal.

- Sarah, you seemed
visibly shaken

at the end
when Paul was named Top Chef.

- Really, really great work.
- Exceptional.

- [Sobs]

- What was going
through your head?

- It was just shock,
you know.

You want it so bad.

You know, you put your heart out
into that food.

And I told myself
I wasn't gonna cry.

Sorry, guys.
- Well, it's emotional.

- But this is my life.

So I felt really accomplished,

no matter
what was gonna happen.

- Do you think
you were robbed?

- No.

- Talk to me
about that night.

Because I heard
from someone in production

that you actually told
a judge

in the heat of the moment
to "eff off."

- I don't believe that.

- You don't believe that?
- No.

- I mean, you were--
you were there.

- I did not say that.
- Okay.

All right.

- I was really emotional

and really sad,

but I don't remember
saying that,

and, if I said that,
I didn't mean that at all.

And I think
it's really [bleep]

That it's being
brought up now.

What do you want me to say?

Emeril is, like--

he's the chef
that I grew up

looking up to.

And I felt like
through the whole competition

he was really,
really pushing me.

And I love him.
I mean--

- I love your food.

- Thank you, Emeril.

- Seeing how Sarah, from the
beginning of the competition

to the very end
of the competition,

it was
just a complete evolution.

And at the end,

you were doing stuff
that I was like,

"wow, is this really
gonna work?"

But you pulled it off.

- Thank you.

- Nice to hear
from your culinary idols.

- Absolutely.

- Okay, our first
viewer question comes

from Shannon
in New Orleans,

who says, "Were the chefs mad
when they showed up

"and found out 29 chefs
were starting the season,

and they had to cook their way
into a Top Chef coat?"

- I was a big fan of,
you know, showing up

and seeing everyone.

I've watched the show
in the past

and formed my own opinions

that maybe certain people are on
just for the personality.

So I thought
this actually gave

all of us a chance
to prove to the viewers

that we're on the show
'cause we can cook.

- Bonnie from Chicago,

she says, "I love Bev,

"but is she
emotionally stable?

"She cries so much.

Is it a medical condition?"

Bev, you're a crier.

- I was totally
the crybaby of the season.

That's fine.

I really feel that,
like, the emotions

helped me really put myself
on the plate.

And I don't know
if that's a bad thing, you know.

- Well, Bev isn't the only one

who cried this season.

You chefs could have flooded
the Rio Grande

with the amount of tears
shed in Texas.

- Right here.

- You're not gonna
make me cry.


[Chefs laughing]


It's my dream
to really make it far.

And, um--

- I told myself,
coming into this competition,

I'm not gonna cry.

No matter what happens,

it's not worth crying about.

I feel like such an idiot
right now.

I never cry
in my kitchen.

There's no crying
in fine dining, right?

- Love that quote.

- Sorry. Couldn't finish that.
Thank you.

- Oh!

- I see Sarah
starting to tear up,

then I start to tear up.

- Gonna make me cry.

- It's me.

- Aw!

Why me?
- It's [bleep] intense.

I'm not cut out for it.

And I feel worse
about sending her home.

- Dakota's been crying
almost all evening.

That's ridiculous.

This is the hardest thing
I've ever done.

- Don't be--
don't be upset.

- Damn! Sometimes you cry
after great sex.

This is one of those moments.


- Mary Lou from Lafayette,
Louisiana, said,

"Can you ask Sarah why she cries
after great sex?

I don't get it."

- Yeah, I don't either.


It was, like--
- maybe it's not great.

- There are
some good sex out there

with a little bit
of a teary orgasm, I think.


- A tear-gasm.

Shea from L.A. writes,

"Malibu Chris and Grayson
are so flirty on Twitter.

"Inquiring minds want to know.

Are they an item?"

See, I picked up on this too.

All: Aww.

- No, we're not.

- No.

- No.
We like to play on Twitter.

- We're flirty people, you know?
Just we like to have fun.

- Okay, you're beet red,

and it's not
your Malibu complexion?

- No, it's the tan.
I swear.

- [Laughing]
So am I, I feel like...

- It's hot in here.

- Hot.
- It's freezing over here.


- Well, one thing
we've all learned

about Grayson is
that she doesn't mind

speaking her mind.

Let's take a look
at Grayson in action.

- Earmuffs.
Are we speeding and rolling?

- Yeah.
- Holy [bleep]. Come on, guys.

I feel like I have a [bleep]
in my ass.

The competition has definitely
made me more ballsy,

and I'm a pretty ballsy person
to start with.

I wanted it to look
like a chicken got slaughtered

on the plate,
and the quail egg

symbolizes the baby
that was inside her

when she got slaughtered.

- Wow.

- [Bleep]. Okay.

- Grayson says all the things
that sometimes I'd like to say.

- Why is this
the winning stuff?

- It's gonna be like sex
in the mouth.

- Oh.
- Well--

- yeah, okay.
- Completely inappropriate.

Linds, you jammed out
with your clam out.

- What?

- She makes me uncomfortable

- Jesus Christ!
- Can y'all please cut that?

- Oh, snap.
Just got me wet.


- Grayson always just takes it
a little further.

- Believe it or not,
I was a girl scout.

And I know a lot of songs.

♪ "Ah" went the little
green frog one day ♪

♪ "ah" went
the little green frog ♪

♪ "ah" went the little
green frog one day ♪

♪ but his eyes wouldn't let him
go, "mm-ah-mm-ah-mm-ah-ah ♪

Okay, that's it.


In the kitchen,
there's a lot of profanity.

- Yes, as we've seen
in nine seasons of Top Chef.

- Yeah.
[Tom chuckling]

- All right, we have
a lot more coming up.

We'll be back.

- There's nothing overtly sexual
in their intent.

There's just--

- We are back
with the chefs

and judges
from Top Chef: Texas.

Well, you 16 were
some of the most talented chefs

that have ever been
in this competition.

And you even managed
to create

a new Top Chef spinoff.

Watch this.

- I'm starting
a new show next year.

- Okay.
- It's called Mediocre Chefs.


- So the idea is to win
the competition

by putting out mediocre food.

And we've got a couple episodes
lined up.


- Get ready
for our biggest season ever.

- Ah, Jesus.

- It's all [bleep] overcooked.

- Chefs have come
from around the country

to compete in the
not-so-prestigious competition,

Mediocre Chef.

- It's not about being
a great chef.

It's riding that line
in the middle...

Where it just passes muster.

- They'll be put through

- Mediocre--
that's the only way I know

and feel safe
about my dish.

- It was just an okay dish
done in a mediocre style.

- Oh, my God.
Thank you.

- You want to be
mediocre [bleep] chef,

and I don't like to lose.

I want to make sure
that I make it

to the winners' circle.

I want to win
this competition.

- Tonight's menu
was underwhelming.

- Ah!

- Joining me
at judges' table,

head judge Tom Colicchio...

- I've got to say, in all
the years of doing this,

this has been
one of the finest meals

that I've had the pleasure
of eating.

- I'm really sorry that you got
that from me in any way.

- And Food & Wine magazine's
Gail Simmons.

- Ty gave us this sort
of mountain of mediocre food.

- At stake for the winner,

a feature
in their local newspaper...

- Oh!

- A $125 gift card...

And the title of Mediocre Chef.

- Did you ever think,

"am I gonna win this
with a chicken salad sandwich?"

- I think
it's definitely possible.

- Yeah, exactly.

- Mediocre Chef
is coming soon.

cheers and applause]

- That's so awesome.

- The magic of editing.

- Ed, where did you get
the idea

for Mediocre Chef?

- You know, we've been--
at that time

in the competition,
we were so stressed out.

And it does seem like we were
just putting out

such mediocre food.

So, I was like, we should turn
this into a whole competition.

- Hillary
in New York City said,

"Why were the judges so hard
on the chefs this season?

Were they not up
to the Top Chef standard?"

- I think we were cranky 'cause
it was 115 degrees everywhere.

- That is true, but also I think
it's actually just the opposite.

If anything,

I think
some of the challenges

we gave the chefs
this season were harder

than we've ever given
in the past

because we knew
just how accomplished

and talented they were.

- Well, for the first time,
a secret competition

was happening behind the scenes
where every eliminated chef

was given the opportunity

to cook their way
back into a Top Chef coat.

Take a look
at Last Chance Kitchen.

- "Please grab your knives
and meet me in the kitchen,

"where you'll have
another opportunity

to prove yourself."

- Three, two, one...

[Cheers and applause]

- I'm gonna have to go
with Andrew.

- Thank you, chef.

I thought it was all over,

and now emotions are running
one more time.

- Keith, two for two, man.

- This is redemption for me.

Let's see what's next.

- Nyesha.
- Oh!

- I'm really happy
that Nyesha gets another chance

to go back in
and prove herself,

because she was kind of brought
down by my mistake.

- From the beginning,

Heather talked bad
about a lot of people.

I really want
to shut Heather up.

- Nyesha, it is yours again.

- Congratulations.

- Nyesha.

This is like your kitchen.
- Absolutely.

- This is yours.
- Yes, chef.

- Could have your name
on the door soon.

- Yeah.

This is what courses
through my veins.

This is what makes Nyesha

- Anybody betting
on Beverly here?

- [Laughs]
- No one.

- That's all right.
- They're selling you out here.

- I'm like, "you know what,
guys, I don't care, I got this."

As soon as you lose faith
in yourself,

that's when you're done.
- Beverly...

You're the winner.
- Whoo!


♪ Glory, hallelujah ♪

- The winner
of today's challenge

gets back
into the Top Chef competition.



- The other four
are gonna be

completely mind-[bleep]
over this.

I know I would be.


- Bev, congratulations

on winning Top Chef:
Last Chance Kitchen.

Sarah B. wrote,
"in Last Chance Kitchen,

"Nyesha got screwed

"because Tom had the two chefs
exchange ingredients.

Not fair. I'm actually depressed
about it."

- I did that, right?


It was fair,
you know.

There were a lot of comments
made that, you know,

Nyesha ended up with a bunch
of Asian ingredients

that she wasn't used to using.

But Beverly got a bunch
of ingredients

that she didn't choose.

I mean, do you guys think
it was fair?

- Yeah.

- You can say no.
- No, I mean,

it's a challenge.

I mean, you roll with it,

but it definitely threw me

for a loop for sure.

- Hayley bath
from Chicago said,

"Do the chefs think
it was fair

"that the winner
of Last Chance Kitchen

came back
into the competition?"

- Well, it was awesome
to have

the opportunity
to come back.

As much as we did
a lot of team challenges,

it was very much Top Chef

So it was good.

- Yeah, I always think that,
you know,

everyone should be given
a second chance.

You know, you had a bad day
or something,

and it's like, if you can seize
that opportunity again,

you really show something.

- Being the person
that got eliminated

after Bev came back,

let me officially say
that I do not like

Last Chance Kitchen.

- Well, Last Chance Kitchen
isn't the only thing

burning up the Internet.

There are photos like this one
popping up

all over the place.
Check this out.


- We had to submit those
with my application

for an apartment
in Brooklyn.


- That's funny.
- You know,

those are
just some artistic photos.

There's nothing overtly sexual
in their intent.

- Was that before
or after Top Chef?

- That was way before
Top Chef.

And a little bit
of my coming out process.

And part of just embracing
who I am.

- Well, we got an email

from Tom Colicchio
in New York City,

who wrote,
"is Ty-lor a bear?"

Are you a bear?

- It wasn't--
that wasn't me.

- Are you a bear?
- I don't know.

I guess that would depend

on what your qualification
of bear is.

Am I a furry guy?
Yes, I am.

- Sorry, Tom.

Well, Sue from Green Bay

wants to know if Chris Crary
is in love with himself.

Ty, what do you think?

- What do I think?
- What do you think?


- Aww.

- Um, you know,

he's a confident,
very good-looking man

and a talented chef,

- Oh, thank you.
- Doesn't necessarily mean

that he's in love
with himself.

- Thanks, buddy.

- Well, let's check out
the evolution of Malibu Chris.

- Oh, my.
- Nice.

- Hopefully, I don't get fat
while I'm here.

That's gonna be a problem.

Growing up, I was
the chubby, funny kid.

I was the thick guy.
Oh, my God.

Drinking, you know,
a gallon of beer every night.

Then I'd pass out with half a
burrito stuck in my chest hair.

It was really rough.

So fitness is a big part
of my life.

I lost 70 pounds.

The sky's the limit now.

I mean, look at me.

Oh, yeah,
who's that good-looking guy?

- First we started calling him
handsome Chris...

- I need a mirror.

- Dreamboat Chris...

- Who's ready?

- And then somebody called him

- Malibu, are you wearing
a wife beater?

- I know.
It doesn't match my shoes.

Thanks for pointing it out.

- He's definitely concerned
about his looks.

- That's what you're wearing?

- Yeah.
Why not?

- We're cooking.

Looks good, though.
- Oh, thanks.

Even though I am the
best-looking chef in the world,

I am single and...

So please call
my cell phone number.

It's across the bottom
of the screen right now.


- Ohh.

- That was amazing.
- How embarrassing.

- So, Chris, obvious question--
are you still single?

- I am still single.

- Has being on Top Chef
improved your game?


- Uh, I don't--that's to be
determined, I guess.

- Well, we have a lot more

with the chefs and judges
after this.

What did you
feel like crossed the line?

- When it's a question
about my work ethic,

that gets personal.

- Who said that?

- There probably could have been
more of a--more of an effort.

- We're back with the chefs

and judges
from Top Chef: Texas.

Well, this season,
it seemed like the medic

was the 17th cast member
in Texas.

Take a look.

- First accident.

- I don't need a medic.

I'm totally self-sufficient,
thank you.

- Oh, [bleep].
Oh, [bleep].

- I'm sorry.

- I totally cut myself.

I said I was gonna do it,
and I [bleep] did it.

I'm an idiot.

- Ow.

- Burned my [bleep] hand,

- I seared my palm for fun.

- I just need a band-aid.

- Band-aid, please.
- Band-aid by chance?


- Oh, my God.

- This heat, I mean,
it could break any one of us.

- Don't mess with Texas, right?
It might take you out.


[Siren wails]

- Whoa.
- Wow.

- Whoo!

- Texas got the best
of all of us.

- Jamie said,
"when Sarah overheated

"at the barbecue challenge,
why was Ed such a d*ck?

It wasn't her fault."

- I admit it.
I was a d*ck.

- Guilty as charged.

- You can't--
there's nothing I can say.

I was--
it's very, very intense.

- It's hard, yeah.

- Put anyone in that situation,
I think,

you know,
I overreacted.

- Well, Sam from Eugene, Oregon,
said, "is Chris Jones

as nuts as he comes across
on the show?"

Before we answer that,
take a look at this.

- Yes!

- He was crazy.

- For the rest
of you non-Trekkies,

the Kobayashi Maru
is a challenge

that Starfleet Academy had
to test their captains

in an impossible situation.

- Jonesy. He's probably
one of the weirdest dudes

I've ever met.

He has a pink knife bag.

- It's pink.
- Ponytails in his hair.

Sunglasses on his head,

as well as glasses
on his face.

He's wearing
socks and sandals.

Who is this guy?

- Oh, no.
Oh, no.

- Chris Jones is like the child
that you never really want.

- I'm ready for the quickfire.
- Let's go cook.

- I got my banana.

You guys all happy
where you're at?

Everything's nicey nice
on you guys?

- Chris is talking
to his chicken.

- Wow!

- It's like a nunchuck rib.

It's like, "wa-sa!"

- He is, like,
molecular man.

- I like kind of playing
with people's minds.

[Imitates Yoda]
Use the force.

It's my witch's brew.

Just to put the spell
on you, if you will.

And I'm just gonna carve them
so we can make links out of 'em.

You can pretend
to smoke it if you like.

It's the healthiest cigar
that you'll eat.

- Does he get his ideas by,
like, spinning around

and falling on the floor

and then being like,
"I just got one"?

[Group awws]

- I saw that you made
The New York Times

the other day, though.
Did you see that?

- I did make
The New York Times.

- For your hair.
- For my hair.

It's trending now
in New York City,

which is kind of weird.

They did mention
locks for love.

I'm really hoping that,
if this does get PR,

maybe more people
will do it.

- So, Grayson,
is he nuts?

- Totally. But I love him.
- Thanks.

- Dave from Boise, Idaho,
wants to know,

"What's it like watching
yourself on TV?"

- It's awful for me.

And it's funny, I've never been
much of a drinker,

but Wednesday nights
I've become

quite the social alcoholic,
you know.

And usually, like,
past the quickfire,

it's blurred and that's great,
and I don't remember it.

- I've become antisocial
on Wednesday nights.

I don't answer my phone.

- I usually, like, hide.

- Well,

that came in had to do
with Beverly

and the way she was treated
on Top Chef.

Let's take a look at one

of the most interesting
and controversial chefs

Top Chef has ever seen.

- I do it for my family.

I've got
a son and a husband

that, right now,
I'm supporting.

I'm the one bringing home
the bacon.

- Beverly.
- Whoa.

- Good job.
Bev is a loving person

and an amazing chef.

You ready?
- Almost.

I type myself a note,
"congratulations, Beverly.

You have won
Top Chef season 9."

If I can believe it,
I am gonna achieve it.

That's the beauty of who I am
is I'm quirky, you know?



I am a little nervous.



I'm smelling my underwear.

Oh, yeah,
it's flambeing for sure.

[Smoke alarm beeps]

- I said don't
do the bourbon inside.

- I wear my heart
on my shoulder,

and I'm not gonna be sorry
for that, I'm sorry.

I was just thinking about how
much I wish my husband was here.

- You can't let
your emotions show,

because then they
perceive you as weak.

- How are we gonna
g*ng up on Beverly?

- I feel like people
are talking about me.

- Why are you plating
with a [bleep] plastic spoon?

Use this. Get rid of that.
Get rid of that.

- No, I got to have a dish.

- That's not what I'm saying,

- You do not make decisions
that a chef would make.

Like, yes or no.

- You and I do not meld well
together as a team.

- You kept asking me,
"what do you think?

What do you think?
How can I do that?"

You were [bleep] up my dish.

- You can trust her...
- She doesn't trust herself.

Sometimes you don't have

enough self-confidence
to get the results.

- I'm like, I don't care
what people think of me.

And I'm just gonna be me.

- Emotional to watch that?
- Sort of.

Yeah, I was kind of thinking
about maybe there were times

where I felt like maybe
I could have been heard more.

But when I saw that people
were--had my back

and they were supporting me and
saying great things about me,

it just made me feel
really good.

- Was your family supportive

of your decision
to be a chef?

- Um, I come from pretty
traditional Korean parents.

- Yeah.
- And it comes from a culture

that really celebrates sons.

My dad's gonna k*ll me
for this,

but he's like,
"if you were my son

and you were going to culinary
school, I'd kick your ass."

That's terrible to say.

But I think now,
he's so proud of me.

Like, I'm in the Korean Beacon.
Whoa, I made it.


- Ben from Little Rock,
Arkansas, said,

"why were those women
so awful to Beverly,

in restaurant wars?"

you were on her team.

- I think
that a lot of it comes

from us being awake
for over 40 hours

doing a barbecue challenge,

and then 8 hours later
opening a restaurant, you know.

And sometimes
in a restaurant

you go off the handle
a little bit,

because you don't know
how else

to get people to react.

There is a sense of urgency.

- So has anyone apologized

for anything that they said

during the season?

- Sarah did.
- Yeah, and Beverly and I

both talked too.
- When?

- In Whistler,
I apologized for things

that I said
that hurt her,

'cause I did not want
to hurt anybody.

- I appreciate the apology.
I really do.

Because I did feel I wasn't
treated fairly sometimes.

And I just wanted to clarify
how much I respect

all these chefs, and I respect
all their opinions,

but sometimes when it goes
into the personal,

that's when I feel
like it does hurt.

- What did you
feel like crossed the line?

- When it's a question
about my work ethic,

that gets personal.

As a chef,
that's my image,

and so I know on national TV

this is not what I want
to be portrayed as.

- Who said that?

- Well, it was said,

- we saw Heather
at judges' table,

we were actually surprised.

We've never seen someone

on the same team actually
go after someone like that.

- I think our work ethics
are completely different.

In the last challenge,
you really had shrimp.

That's really what you
focused on for two days.

- Wow,
that just really hits me,

because I have
a really strong work ethic.

- Yeah, that was not
the right thing to do.

My intention was never
to throw Bev under the bus.

That's dumb.

But sometimes I felt
that she didn't trust herself

and that she would ask
all these questions.

We're all executive chefs.

And there probably
could have been

more of a--
more of an effort.

- I don't think
I was slow

in the kitchen.

peel and devein perfectly,

and then butterfly it,

and then I had to go back
and cut it?

I was helping
other people too.

- Do you think that you
owe Bev an apology

for the work ethic comment?

- Beverly, what did you
feel like crossed the line?

- When it's a question
about my work ethic,

that gets personal.

- Well, Heather,
do you think

that you owe Bev
an apology

for the work ethic comment?

- I do not think
I owe Bev an apology

for the work comment,
because at that time,

that's really how I felt.

Everything that I've ever said
is very truthful.

- I personally feel
like she crossed a line

when she said something
about work ethic.

- But that's not crossing
the line if that's my opinion.

I mean--
- I don't think Heather

purposely said those things
to make her feel bad.

- That night, I do feel
like she bullied her.

I think that.

- And it seemed like you were
the one

who was kind of standing up

for her the most.

- I mean, if it was anybody

and I thought somebody

was doing
something [bleep] up,

I'm gonna say it.

It just happened to be Bev
that night.

- You know, I mean,
I just want to be honest

and say that

that was hurtful,
but I'm at peace

with whatever happened,

because I think
they respect me.

I think I've earned
the respect.

- I will say, Bev,

I don't think
many people would handle

what you were put through
and those emotions

with as much grace
as you did.

- Thank you so much.

That means a lot to me.

- Well, Bev wasn't the only chef
to take heat this season.

There was plenty of mean
to go around.

Check it out.
- Here we go.

- Are you guys scared?

- Scared of the girlies.
- Scared of the girls?

- Jesus Christ,
don't [bleep] do that.

- I'm so sorry.

- I need help
with the carving station.

- Yes, I understand that.
I got it.

- I got you.
- 10-4.

- The ladies are very tough.

They're a force
to be reckoned with.

- Guys, the judges
are [bleep] pissed

that it's taking
this [bleep] long.

- Lindsay, I'll go out there
and face them if you need me to.

I'm working as fast as--

- need the rest
of the [bleep] food.

I just want
to get the food out

so I can move
the [bleep] table.

- Lindsay's completely
out of control.

- Keith, why did we buy
cooked shrimp?

- No one described
what you were doing.

- Are these the same?

They're just loose?

- All those are the same shrimp.
- Oh, God.

I don't feel good about this.

- Lindsay,

she over there
talking [bleep].

- It's like sabotage.

- If you don't speak up

and people start throwing

[bleep] Around,
it's gonna be a problem.

- There's just something
about Sarah that rubs me

the wrong way.

- Okay,
I'm just putting it here.

All right?

- I'm already starting to see

the bitchy side of her.

- Onions, a nice char,
but not, like, burnt.

- Okay.
[bleep] tell me how to cook.


- Grayson, why are you cutting

I really think we got
to get set up.

- I am setting up.

I'm doing my dishes.

- I don't need you
to get mad.

I'm just asking--
- maybe if you'd ask

in a different [bleep] way.

- I am not here

to tell them
your dish sucks,

your dish is great.

- If she had an opinion

about something,
then say that.

You love driving the bus,

hitting people.

- No, no, no, stop, stop.
- You guys don't speak up.

No, you stop it.

You guys don't speak up.

I'm always bossy pants,

but I don't think
it's obnoxious.

- Heather is the most loudest,
obnoxious person

I've ever met.
- You're not my sous chef.

I don't need you
to come to me

and ask me
a thousand questions.

- We need to bang out
these shrimp.

- Are they already precooked?

- There's a couple of girls
that, if they went home,

I wouldn't be heartbroken.

- Ed!
- I'm just saying.

- Don't worry, I'm gonna try
and trip him tomorrow,

and maybe
he'll twist his ankle.

- I understand
what you're saying to me.

- Don't lie to me, bitch.

- I'm just saying,
it's gonna come down to it.

It's all gonna come out.

- Wow.
- Whoo!

- It all comes out.

- It is hot in Texas.


- Heather, Sarah, and Lindsay
have taken heat online

for their attitude,
which some people consider

to be ruthless.

Is this just you
in the kitchen?

I mean, are the people
you work with,

are they, like,
"okay, yeah"?

- I want to say

that mentoring
is such a big deal to me,

and, my team, I have
hardly any turnover.

- What was your reaction

to yourself on the show?

- It's tough.

I don't want my family
to see that.

I don't want my little cousins
that look up to me

to think
that I'm a mean person.

And I regret
that maybe people see me

as a bully.
That's not me.

But in the kitchen you have
to do things to get it done.

- Heather?

- You can speak to Ty-lor.

- Heather was my chef

for three years,

and her direct
and very hands-on nature

molded me to be the chef
that I am today

and taught me a level
of professionalism

that I never had
before I met Heather.

- Tell the truth. She bullied
you into doing that picture.

- Yep.
I did.

- And that was probably
the hazing process.

- I did. I made him
become a chef too.


- Heather, do you think

you came off
like a bully?

- This is my personality.

Whether it was edited or not,
I stand behind--

I said every--
all of those things,

so it's not
like people put words

in my mouth.
I said everything there.

- I know things got pretty bad
for you

on the blogs
and Facebook.

What happened?
- People sent letters

and phone calls
to the restaurant.

- They actually sent
death threats.

- A death threat.
- Wow.

- You know, it got pretty bad.
- That's crazy.

- It was pretty tough
for me to take,

because when somebody says
so many

negative things about you...

- Lindsay,
you went after Keith

about the frozen shrimp.

In hindsight,

was that the right way

to handle the situation?

- We had never even

said more than hello
to each other.

And then all of a sudden

we were in a group
with eight people.

We had no idea what the hell
we were getting ourselves into.

- Keith, do you feel
like you took the fall

for something
that was a team thing?

- I don't think I took the fall
for the shrimp.

I took the fall
for the dish that I created

that I was eliminated for.

I think that the shrimp
was just that fart in the air.


I kept trying to move

around that.

I kept trying
to move around it,

but somehow it just kept
funking up the thing.

- That's a good way
to put that.

- Well, believe it or not,
at times,

our chefs were able
to put the tension aside

and have a little fun.

Take a look.

- Oh.
- Uh-oh.

- Let's go to Dallas.

- I'm stoked.
I love road trips.

- This truck
is a [bleep] d*ck.

- Oh, is he giving him
the finger?

[Car horn blares]

- I swear to God, Chuy,
I'm gonna punch you

in the face
if you don't drive better.

I don't want to be stuck
in the car with Chuy

and all of his stories.

I don't know if I could do

a six-hour car ride
with that.

- The big surprise stop

is actually we're gonna meet

Chuy's dad,
and Chuy's dad is gonna show us

how he won all previous
eight seasons of Top Chef.

I mean, I don't know
if you know that, but...

- If this were not a cooking
show, but a dating show...

- Uh-oh.
- If you put your profile

into a computer and I put
my profile in the computer,

do you think your computer
would match us up?

- I do not know much about you,
to tell you the truth.

- Okay, so maybe when we
get back, we'll try that.


One night with John Besh

or you win $5,000 and immunity
in the next round?

- Dear lord baby Jesus,

please forgive me
for cheating on my fiance

with John Besh.

My secret lover
John Besh.

Jesus Christ.

- It was fun to road trip
around Texas.

To be able to travel
from city to city

made us stronger.

[Cheers and applause]
- Cute.

- Nicole wants to know,
"Do the chefs feel

"that the girls had an advantage
in restaurant wars

"because they could see
everything the boys did

the night before
and correct their faults?"

- We didn't have any time

outside of what you saw
in the show

to do anything more.

- I mean,
once you buy ingredients,

you buy ingredients.

They cooked first,

so they were possibly
more tired.

- I mean,
we were running on empty.

And we still,
still came through

and did the best
that we possibly could.

- Great job.
- Did a great job, I thought.

- Paul, you and Grayson

recently got to cook
for the First Lady.

Tell us about that.
- Yeah, it was pretty cool.

It was for
the First Lady's initiative

to fight obesity.

- So one of the things
we've been doing

is doing a lot
of great work in schools,

and we've made
some real improvements

to make sure we got
great nutrition standards

for your school lunch program,

And we're working with
great chefs like these

to come in and make it fun
and exciting.

Please welcome
the First Lady

of the United States,
Mrs. Michelle Obama.

[Cheers and applause]

- How are you?
- Good.

- So we have come
a very long way

in our first two years
of Let's Move,

and the truth is
is that your brain works better

on good food.

And we need you guys to be
at your very best,

because you're gonna be the ones
that are gonna be

the next leaders
for our country, right?

- We have six chefs
that we've brought in.

They're going to put

the First Lady's
healthy eating plan

right on the plate.

- This is going
to be an exciting competition.

Your time starts now.

- It was, you know,
a blast to do,

and this is a reality show,

it's a lot of fun,
we have a great time doing it,

but it's also great
that we can get across

this very important message
of childhood obesity, so...

- Excellent.

Brooke from Chicago says,
"I love Emeril on the show.

"Can you ask him what his
favorite and least favorite part

of judging is?"

- The least favorite part

of being the judge
is when you got

to send someone home.

That's difficult.

The exciting part

is seeing how much passion

is on the plate
and being able to eat that.

It's been a delicious season.

- And, Hugh,
what was it like for you?

You went from competing

on Top Chef Masters to...

- Yeah, Masters
is easier, though.

It's a lot harder
than I thought it would be.

But what you guys went through
was grueling.

So, you know, people ask me

all the time, "Is it as
stressful as it looks on TV?"

I'm like, "times that by ten.

And you would buckle
in the first day."


- Courtney from Chapel Hill
wants to know,

"Tom, Gail seems so nice.

"Does she ever blow her lid
or lose her cool

on or off camera?"

- I've never seen it,

and she's the sweetest person
in the world.

- Never, never.
I am perfect.


- Well,
there's one organization

that disagrees with you.

In fact,
they're even out to smear

Gail's good name.

- Bastards.

- People love Gail Simmons.

She is professional,

she is sensitive,

she is a culinary expert,


Does the public know

the real Gail Simmons?

- Professional?
Question mark?

- Chuy, please pack
your knives and go.

- [Laughs]

Get the [bleep] out of here.


- Sensitive?
Question mark?

- I'm really grateful

for this opportunity.

It really shows
a lot of who I am

and my persistence.


- Culinary expert?

Question mark?

- I got to say, it was
just a very nice bowl of soup.

- Gail?
- Poop. Poop!

- When you rearrange
the letters in her name,

it spells,
"I hate puppies."

Paid for by the disgruntled
eliminated chefs association.


- So that's the real Gail.

- It is.
You found out.

I've been trying to suppress
the real me

for so many years,

and it actually feels
really great

to have the world know
the truth.

- In all seriousness,
you have been working

on a project
that's really special to you.

Tell me about it.
- Actually just recently

my first book came out.

- Yay.
- Thank you.

I'm really excited about it.

It's called
Talking with My Mouth Full,

and it was just a story
I really wanted to tell

about judging food,
about the science of food,

about how I came to learn
how to cook

and love food, and I hope
you guys all enjoy it.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you very much.

- That's great.
Bev, you went home

in Whistler after three
of the most extreme challenges

that we've seen
on Top Chef.

- Oh.

- I'm a little scared
of heights,

and I get a little bit
of motion sickness.

- Oh!
[Grunts] Oh!

- Oh, watch out,
watch out.

Oh, [bleep].

- [Shrieks]

- I can't believe you gave
the finalists g*ns.

- I know.
- Ha!

- And an ice pick.
- Yeah, and an ice pick.

- What got into you
with the ice pick?

- It was much harder
than I thought it was gonna be.

I've never really ice-picked

so I was just thinking,
pure, brute strength.

- We all joked that
if Paul would have won

in the gondola,
and it would have been Lindsay

and Bev and I--
- there would have been no food.


- We'll be back with more
from the chefs

after this.

My favorite part
of any Top Chef reunion...

- Welcome back
to the Top Chef: Texas reunion.

Let's take a look
at my favorite part

of any Top Chef reunion,

judges' outtakes.

Check it out.

- Open the container
very carefully like this.





- Ooh, blooper reel.

- Is it me,
or does the lamb heart

look like labia?

- Oh, man.

Oh, boy.
Oh, boy.

- Paul's kale.
- Quail.

- Quail.


- Congratulations.

- What's happening to us?

- Ty, the rub.
It was nice.


- Wait.
My boob's coming out.

I always had a weakness
for blondes.

- I'm not really a blonde.

- You are where it counts.

- It's lonely
doing pickups by yourself.

- We're gonna put you
in three groups.

In ea--

- I love that acid in it,

but I like acid.

- We used to call her
the acid queen

back in the day.

- Some actors have
their eight-balls and hookers.

I would just like
a bowl of stew.

- To hell with those eight-balls
and hookers.

Stay back, Jack.

- Did you touch your penis

- I did.

- Oh, God.
Oh, stop touching your penis.

The hell?

You know what,
that's it.

I'm out of here.

- This is your "Jump the Shark"
episode, right?

All: Ohh!
- And scene.

[Cheers and applause]

- Pee-Wee's very self-aware.

- Linda in Pleasant Hill,
California, says,

"Hugh is so sexy,

"but please tell him
to tweeze.

Is he ever gonna k*ll
the Hugh-Nibrow?"

- Not now.

I'm kind of known for it.

Why would I want to get rid
of a calling card?

- Chefs, did you notice
the Hugh-Nibrow

while you were--Grayson,
what did you think about it?

- Grayson did.

- No, I mean,
I just noticed.

But aren't you doing something
with charity or something now?

- If you raise $100,000

for your charity...
- For Wholesome Wave.

- You're gonna come
on Watch What Happens Live

and get rid of it.
- That's right. Yep.

Somebody will thread it.
- What is it?

$1 for each hair
between your eyebrows?

- Yes, there's

- Okay,
before we wrap things up,

I want to know
who you guys think

the fans are gonna vote

as their favorite?

All: Malibu.

- Malibu's been campaigning,

- He's k*lling us.

- Yes.
- k*lling it.

- All right, well,
tune in later tonight

to Watch What Happens Live

to find out who will win
fan favorite

and $10,000.

Thanks for a great season.

Chefs, you were amazing.

Congratulations to you,

And thank you, judges.

Thanks, everybody.
Good night.