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16x05 - He's a Ball of Goo!

Posted: 05/01/24 15:18
by bunniefuu
Jeff: previously on "survivor":

Favorites win reward!

The favorites continued to dominate the game,

Winning their third challenge in a row.

We've got an unbelievable bounty over here.

Reporter: ozzy found the hidden immunity idol on exile island.

I found the idol!

And he replaced it with a fake one as a decoy.

Do your job now, buddy.

At aral, chet's laziness dragged down the train.

I don't feel like chet really wants to carry his weight.

Dude, either elike, pick it up or go home.

Jeff: after another malakal victory in the immunity challenge,

Favorites win the immunity!

Chet was araia's obvious target.

My mind is just spinning,

Just fact that he's still here.

Chet is not in this game right now.

He's a physical and mental liability and he's horrible for morale around here.

Jeff: but in order to save her alliance, tracy challenged joel.

Why you letting him call the sh*ts right now?

Am I legislate him? I don't know.

Yeah, you're following him like a herd of cows down the road.

Jeff: and turned his attention towards mikey b..

Mike is going to take you down.


So is is his next chance.

Jeff: at tribal council jason made a plea to

Keep the tribe strong and get rid of chet.

We have lost four of six challenges.

Take a moment to think about who we keep on the island and who we let go.

Jeff: in the end, mikey b.

Mikey was blindsided, and joel got rid of his biggest r*fle.

Mikey the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

16 Are left.

Who will be vote the out tonight.

Lawyer.good night.

Tonight, walking in to tribal council,

I was hoping that our trib would makelet right decision to vote out chet,

The weakest member of our tribe,

But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

I'm definitely bummed that mikey's gone.

We need a physically strong tribe.

I have a bad feeling that we're just going to keep losing and losing and losing,

And I feel that the tribe I'm in is not the tribe I want to be in.

Another one bites the dust.

And it wasn't us.

Three outcasts prevailing.

Jt for now.

Jason next.

I can't wait to see him go.



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Oh, chuckie.

Oh, charlie.

It'sb that time.

We need to boil a pot of water firet...

Dunk him in,get all the feathers off.

I'm ready for cckie baby.

All right, let's do it.

Everybody is all excited to eat charlie the chicken.

We're ready.

We're hungry.

I am worried more about my fingers getting chopped off.

I'll hold it.

You chop.

I guess ozzy's going to k*ll the ccken.

I work in surgery so it's not a big deal to me,

But I just tonight want to see a dead,

Bloody chicken flapg everywhere.

Just lay him down like this.

Good night, baby.

Good night, budzy.

Good nht.

Sleep good.

Oh, charlie!
I know.


Oh, charlie.

Let's go get some wood to cook him.

We're having chicken tonight.

After the challenge, I went to exile island,

And I found the hidden immunity idol.

It's awesome.

So aft we k*lled the chicken,

I was slick enough that I was able to hide the immunity idol before anyoneould suspect,

And otherwise, a this point, I don't think I'm going to show anyone the idol,

But I totally trust james.

I've got the immunity idol

Don't tell anyone.

And I think I can trust amanda,

And I know I can trust parvati.

Don't tell anyone, but I told james I found the idol.

Did you?

Oh, my god!

Ozzy told me he had the immunity idol,

And he told me, james, and parv.

Did you tell cirie?


Okay, good.

I'm so proud of you...

That's awesome.

So it's in our little four clique.

So we're like the powerhouse right now.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

Favorites getting your first look at the new fan tribe.

Mikey b. Voted out at the last tribal council.

Jeff: figure after 12 days of competing against each other,

It's time you got to know each other.

Drop your buffs.

We are switching tribes.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: there are seven white stones, and one colored stone.

One is purple, one is orange.

For this tribe, if you grab purple, you will be a captain.

Please, don't look.

Fans, one orange stone.

If you grab orange, you're the captain.

Don't look.

All right, everybody put your palms up.

Three, two, one.


Natalie, ozzy.

Two wantaptains.

Take your spot over here.

Ozzy is the captain for the new malakal.

Natalie, the captain for the new airal tribe.

You can choose a man or a woman,

But you must choose somebody from the opposite tribe.

So you are choosing a favorite.


Jeff: james joins natalie, the first choice inhe schoolyard pick.

Say hello to your netribemate.

Hey, baby.

Jeff: ozzy, your choice.

You're choosing a fan.


Jeff: who?

Troy- joel.

Jeff: joel.

Good enough.

Jeff: both big guys are taken first.

Joel joins ozzy on the malakal tribe.

James, it is now your choice.

You are now choosing a fan.


Jeff: alexis joins natalie and james on the airal tribe.

Joel, your choice.

Are you choosing a favorite to join you and ozzy.


Jeff: amanda joins ozzy and joel on the malakal tribe.

Alexis, your choice.


Jeff: alexis chooses jonathan penner.

You sure?

Jeff: amanda?

I'm going to go with erik.

Jeff: erik joins the malakal tribe.


I gotta pick blue, I don't know his name.

Jeff: jason joipz the new airal tribe.

Erik, your choice.

We're going to pick ami.

Jeff: ami joins the malakal tribe.

Jason, your choice.

You're choosing a favorite.

I'm going to take poverty.


Oh, you didn't even know her name!

I'll learn your name.

I'm sorry.

It mook me a while, too, jason.

Jeff: ami, your choice, you're picking a fan.


Jeff: tracy joins the malakal tribe.

Parvati, your choice.

I'm taking kathy.

Sorry, chet.

Jeff: kathy joins the new malakal tribe.

Tracy, you're choosing a favorite.

One of two choices.


Sorry, girl.

That's okay, I'm goods.

Jeff: kathy, it's your choice.

It's been made for you.


Hey, guys.

Jeff: eliza joins the new airal tribe.

Chet graps his stuff and joins the new malakal tribe.

Chetsy is here, chety is here.

Jeff: malakal, here are your buffs.

Airal, here are your buffs.

Put them on.

Suit up.

Oh, yeah!

Jeff: you are no longer tribes of fans versus favorites.

We are now malakal versus airal.

You guys ready to get to your first challenge as new tribes?


Jeff: for today's challenge, both tribes will divide into pairs.

Those pairs will be harnessed together.

Each round, starting at opposite ends of the course,

A pair from one tribe will chase a chase

From the other tribe attempting to grab at a flag off their back.

Each time you get a flag, you score a point for your tribe.

If you don't grab a flag within one minute, the other tribe scores a point.

So it's even chances of scoring for both tribes.

First tribe to score three points wins reward.

Want to know what you're playing for?

Tell me it's food.
What is it?

Jeff: it's a little "get to know you" home barbecue.

Oh, my god!

Jeff:teak, sausage, some veggies, some spices, and wine.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: and because we want you guys to have a little time to

Know each other, no exile island today.

Worth playing for?

Jeff: I'll give you a minute to figure out your pairs.

We'll get started.

All right, malakal won the rock, paper, scissor.

You've decided to be the chass.

In the first round, erik and zy will be chasing after kathy and natalie.

Survivors ready?


Go get him.

Ozzy and erik cutting right through the middle of the course.

Natalie kathy gotta get a move on it.

Ozzy making ground.

Ozzy grabs kathy's flag!

Malakal leads one-zip.


Jeff: now we're going to alternate.

This time airal will be doing the chasing.

Parvati and eliza will be chasing chet and joel.

Survivor ready?


Eliza and parvati, eliza and parvati have them cornered.

Joel and chet escape.

The race is on.

You have one minute to catch him.

Or joel and chet will score for their tribe.

Eliza getting very close.

Dragging parvati behind her.

30 Seconds left.

Eliza grabs the flag from chet.

Parvati and eliza score the first point for airal.

You all right?

I've got a fat lip.

Next round.

It will be ami and amanda chasing james and jason.

Tied 1-1, playing to three.

Survivors ready?


Ami and amanda trying to catch james and jason.

You've got one minute to do.

Ami hopsver, just misses a sh*t at jason.

Hold him up, fwirkz hold him up.

Jeff: ami's hurt, still hanging in there.

Go, go!

Get him!

Jeff: joel is tied up.

Ami has a sh*t at it!

Trying to get it.

Ami has jason's flag!

Malakal leads 2-1.

Here we go, next round.

Jonathan penner and alexis, chasing after cirie and tracy.

Malakal leads 2-1.

If cirie and tracy can avoid being caught,

Malakal wins reward.

Survivors ready?


Penner and alexis out of the gate quickly.

They have one minute to catch tracey and cirie.

Otherwise, malakal wins reward.

Penner dragging alexis.

Cirie and tracy doing a good job.

Staying away.

Cirie dragging tracy.


Jeff: 30 seconds left.

Penner reaches for the flag, can't get it.

Alexis grabs the flag off cirie.

We are tied 2-2.

Our injuryitally so far, penner has a busted up knee,

Parvati has a busted up lip, ami has a tweaked knee.

Next round, airal is putting up.


We're tied 2-2.

We're playing to three.

Chet and joel must catch parvati and eliza to win reward.

Otherwise, airal wins reward.

Here we go.

Survivors ready?

You got'em.

Jf: go!

Parvati and eliza just have to avoid

Joel and chet for 60 seconds and they'll have steaks,

Sausage, wine and fickin'.

Joel and chet has got to catch parvati and eliza in order to win this game.

Joel's got them cornered.

Just mismisses the flag.

Parvati and eliza are alive.

Joel trying to drag chet, takes a hard fall.

Come on, chet!

Jeff: keep moving.

30 Seconds.

Come on!

Jeff: joel getting frustrated.

Parvati and eliza have 15 more seconds to avoid being cght.

Get up!

Jeff: a big barbecue reward.

10, Nine, eight, seven, six,

Five, four, three, two, one.

Joel and chet could not catch parvati and eliza.

Airal wins reward!

I hit my head back there.

I don't care.
I konw.

Jeff: all right.

Airal wins the first challenge as new tribes.

Nice work.

Big reward- steak, veggies, some wine to celebra.


Jeff: malakal,ot nothing for you.

Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

Welcome to your new home.

Very nice.


Back there is a giant cave.

I'll show you guys that.

Oh, cool.


I'm not good about losing.

I know I lost my temper.

I'm still decompressing.

Maybe this is poetic justice in some form

Because I chose to get rid of mikey versus chet.

And now here I end up with chet again on my tribe,

Who's probably the weakest of both the tribes.

Erik are you coming?

There is a little bit of irony in that.

But at the same time, it can be good

To have people around that ultimately will be expendible.

Oh, my god!

When itains, this is the place to be.

Yeah, it's all dry here.


It's ridiculously dry here.

I am so excited to be on this tribe right now.

I like these people on this tribe.

I mean I got to meas ozzy today!

At this point, the game has changed completely.

Now rather than being with the fans, I'm with some of the favorites.

But I'm going to try to not let that cloud my judgment.

They're still people in this game.

We have it as a blachget.???

You have to understand, we've had nothing, so...

You guys are living the high life,man.

Like, you know, really sucks

To lose the challenge today, but it's one meal,

It's one nice meal.

But, you know, we're going to be-

I feel like we have an advantage because we're on the malakal beach,

And we have all of the things you need to be a strong tribe.

Thank god I can hug you now.

It's just a question of are we going to be a strong tribe?

Chet, man, he's like a sack of potatoes.

In the challenge, he freaking gave up, like he just-

He was, like, being dragged.

He wouldn't even stand up.

I just don't see him being a strong competitor at all.

I don't know what's going on with that dude, but he needs to go.

Lift up.

Well,no eggs yet.

I've always liked chickens.

I've raised chickens all my life

So I pretty much know everything about chickens.

They're very peaceful animals, very placid.

But they have their own pecking order- literally,

A pecking order- where the weakest one is

Basically pecked on until they're k*lled,

The same pretty much in this game of "survivor."

The weakest one is pecked on until they're removed from the tribe.

This is where our fire is.

And then we made like-
so this is the shelter?

This was chet, mine, and trals we had to build this.

This slept us three, and those slept seven.

You guys sleep on the beach with these things jumping all over you?

Yeah, it's pretty gross.

The airal camp is pretty much a disaster.

The beach is not as good as our beach.

Kathy, move that up a little because the tide is starting to come up behind you.

Even though winning the food reward o steaks and spis and wine was great,

At malakal, we had everything.

And here, we pretty much have nothing.

It's definitely a downgrade in terms of camp life.

I'm so happy.

It's nice to have things kind of shaken up,

So, it's good to get to know more people.


Not good.

Can it get up that high that it's going to put our fire out?


The water hasn't come into your shelter, has it?

Not yet.

Oh, just to hear that sizzling sound is great!

So good right now!

Oh, my gosh snirks here comes the water.

No, we did not.

No, it did not.

It did?

Or at airal, the setup is terrible.

The water is washing await fire.

I'm amailsed they're still alive poor things.

They should be dead.

I mean,...


No wood?

I got cut really deep.

Yeah, oh, no.

My knee's a little screwy.

I was on the course in the challenge, punctured it somehow,

There was some sharp something, right into my muscle.

A lot of people got fat lips and twisted knees and stuff like that,

And I found a stick and it went straight into my leg.

I'm gimping around like a quasi modo.

It's painfully se.


Surviror medics

It's not too late to suture, right?


It's all right?

And- aarrggtt!

That's're doing very well.nice deep breaths,okay?

In just a minute it'll be numb.

Little one again??

Damn it!

You're doing great.

It hurts!

It's numb now.

Ow, god!

It's crazy!


A wonderful doctor came out to the beach and cleaned my wound and stitched it up,

And they left me with three stitches and a painful leg.

He's gonna live.


Oh, I'm fine.

There could be an infection and it could work down towards the

Joint of my knee, so let's hope it doesn't get worse.

Ozzy is amazing.

The kid can swim like crazy.

He's natural in the water.

That's just- that's just how he was born,

And there's nothing to it, other than that.

I mean, I can't compete with him.

He's amazing.

We are in a really good position over here.

Because I think we have a really strong tribe,

Aside from maybe one person.

You're obviously thinking something.

I'm just thinking chet, and then after that,

Between tracey and cirie, which, I mean, I don't know.

I'll tell you what, if you're willing to get rid of cirie first,

I've got not problem giving up chet,

And then being back to 3-3, calling that fair.

After we were out on the water,

We had a little conversation on the beach between mainly joel and ozzy,

And I kin of listened in, and it was kind of like

Two superpowers kind of discussing terms.

You know, being completely legitimate,

My concern is that there are four from the favorites and four from the fans

And the first one to go down to three is kind of- unless something changes.

If we can trust each other-

Some level of trust somewhere.

I think it is, too of to a degree,

Still fans versus favorites,

But either the favorites have to swing a fan over to their side,

Or the fans have to swing a favorite over to their side.

Somebody's going to have to flip.

So if we build our day camp at the other end of the beach,

We can build a camp for all eight of us to sleep together.

Let's do it!

Wn we woke up this morning,

It was the first priority to find a new location for the new shelter.

Is this too far?

No, I mean, I'd say this is the best place to build something.

Yeah, I think-

To have four new people with so much experience under their belt,

Being able to point at this and say,

"We need to do this, and we need to do this,

And this is how we did this."

It's unbelievable.

We need two posts.

We'll have the front this way.

With our new tribe, this got erected in an hour.

The new members of airal are just on.

It's quick.

They're making it happen, and it's getting done.

It's brilliant.

It's so refreshing to have new people here.

I know all are sad to miss your cave and all,that

But I can't tell you how nice it is for us.

Year, I understand that.

Hey guys,lood what I caught!

Did you get?
Oh, my god!

What is it?

Big shark!




When I went over to the net, iooked down,

And there was this huge white thing.

And I'm like oh, my god.

That's 40 pound.

40 Pound?

Yeah, 35, 40 pound.

It was huge.

What am I going to do.

I live in montana. We don't have sharks in montana.

Oh, my god!

Isn't that freaky?

I mean, damn, amanda, she basically wrestled a four-foot shark by herself.

That's pretty attractive to a guy like me.

This is so juicy.

Oh, my god!

I'll take this over beefsteak any time.

Best eating in over 13 days.

If it makes you guys feel better,

It's the best eating for us, too.

It does make me feel better.

That was an amazing meal.

Now we just want to kick ass.

We just want to start winning.

Oh, my god!

Jeff: guys ready to get to today's challenge?

Jeff: first things first, ami take back immunity.

Once again, immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, four members from each tribe will

Alternate throwing rocks at ceramic tiles.

Each time you break a tile, you release a bundle of wooden puzzle pieces.

Once you've collected all four bundles,

Three tribe members will assemble the puzzle with

The help from a callern toppave tower.

The edges of each puzzle piece must match the color of the piece next to it,

Which means black must line up with black,

Purple with purple, orange with orange.

If it doesn't line up, you don't have it right.

First tribe to solve the puzzle correctly wins immunity,

Losers tribal council, somebody going home.

Give you a minute to strategize.

We'll get started.

Here we go.

For immunity.

Survivors ready?


>>Come on, guys.

Come on, james.

Jeff: throwing rocks to break tiles.

Jeff: ozzy connects and breaking the first tile for malakal.

Come on, tracy!

Come on, tracy, you've got it.

Jeff: tracy breaks a tile for malakal.

Penner baks a tile for airal.

James smashes a tile but not enough.

Oh, that sucks!

Come on!

Jeff: you have to obliterate that tile to get the rope to drop.

Erik breaks a third tile for malakal.

Malakal only has one tile left to break.

Let's pick it up.

Jeff: james breaks another tile, but it doesn't drop.

You have to smash all the way through.

Jason breaks a tile for airal.

Smash though, quickly, quickly.

Jeff: erik drops the fourth tile.


Penner, you have the same tiles, the same rope.

Right there, right there, put that one in there.

I mean, my ass!


Jeff: airal, you need to stop bitching and start towing.

We're just hitting them as hard as we can, jeff.

Jeff: malakal working on their puzzle already.

Like that, like that, like that.

Jeff: airal drops their third tile.

One left.

Jason gets it down!

Airal collecting their puzzle pieces.

Quick, quick, quick!

They're not close. We can get this.

That's not it.

Lease let's look at it.

Jeff: all colors much match up along the frame

And with other pieces of tile.

That piece is wrong right here.

Pink right here, pink right here.

We gotta get the corner pieces.

We need a yellow with an orange on that one.

Jeff: eliza calling the sh*ts for airal.

The white has to touch the white.

Jeff: chet calling the sh*ts for malakal.


I think...

Jeff: airal made up a lot of time.

We are dead even right now.

That piece is wrong.

These black ones go to that corner.

That piece I't't goingg to fit there.

It will.??

Jeff: joel getting very involved in the puzzle.

Eliza, see if you can see the pig picture.

There has to be a bigger pattern to it.

There's a black and white zigzag.


Parv give her the one in your hand.

Put that one there.

Yeah, now you'ring ono to something.


This piece has to come out-

No, that one is right, cirie.

I think we got it.

Oh, my god, we got it we got it

Oh, my god.

Airal wins immunity.

Come back, baby!

Jeff: airal, immunity.

Nobody going home.

Malakal, tribal council tonight.

One of you will be voted out.

You have the afternoon to figure out who it is going to be.

I'll see you at tribal.

Grab your stuff and head back to camp.

We lost the challenge, and for me,

This is what, five, six losses in a row?

I mean, I stopped counting.


At this point, I don't know if it can be a fans versus favorites anymore,

Unless we really want to keep losing.


I could care less about how the numbers dwindle away.

I really could care less as well.

I think chet's our priority.

Just doing the right thing,

And the right thing is to fet rid of the weak.

This game is a game for strong people,

And we need to keep it that way.

I don't think've ever in my life interacted with somebody

That is so just spineless.

Clean your coop out later.

It's almost like he's a wet rag or a ball of goo.

There's absolutely zero honor whatsoever in keeping somebody like that on our team.

I mean, if you went back to medieval times,

I think we'd k*ll him ourselves.

You can only ever play the hand you're dealt, right, ov?


Play to the best of your ability,

And get rid of the cards that aren't working for you

And I think we have a couple of cards that aren't working for us.

What do you think?


And then cirie and then tracy.


That's my thought.

I agree,totally one hundred percent.

I hate losing.

I know.

You want a drink of this?

Yeah, I do.

Do you guys want to get rid of chet?

I think we should make our team the strongest.
I think so, too, I think so.


Erik seems to think that we should get rid of the weaker players in the tribe.

Which woulbe fine with me

Except I'm included in the weaker, uh, tribe members.

We lost that challenge today because of him.

See, I can't see-

I can see it.

And you girls were right.

He could have moved on, but he said like,

"Get it out of there! Get it out of there."

It was his fault today.

So let's take his ass out.

Chet is viewed as one of the weaker players,

But at the same time, joel didn't help his own team win.

And he didn't help us win today.

Good job,oz.

Right now, I have to convince ozzy and amanda

That joel is a bigger thr*at for us than chet is.

If chet goes...

...then we'll still have the mbers.

We'll be able to win reward.

We'll be able to decide who to send to exile island.

Don't you want to win rewards,too?

You think joel is really that great helping us win?

He didn't help us win today.

He didn't hit one tile.big as he is-
that's true.

He should have hit something.

Tracy is, like, this big and has more talent than he it.
I know.

He didn't do nothing but screw us up in the puzzle.

He's still a mover and a shakeer.

Chet's a nothing and a nothing.

But joel is playing the game.

Chet ain't into playing the game like that.

There e so many pluses getting rid of joel.

Chet is just like a pawn.

We can use chet for whatever we need whenever we need.

Joel you can't do that with.

That makes sense.

This is an incredibly important vote tonight.

We are at a crossroads.

We are at a point where we need to decide

How we're going to approach the rest game.

Chet, in challenges, he is a waste of space.

On the other hand, joel wants to win challenges,

But joel wants to win the game really bad,

And joel is dangerous.

It's a hard decision.

Jeff: so let's talk about the switch.

Ozzy, you and natalie were selected as captains.

Natalie had the first choice, immediately took james.

You countered with joel.

Was that to match up size for size?


It just seemed like the logic choice at the time

To try and match james' strength with joel's.

Jeff: on the flip side, chet, you really weren't even picked.

You were left oaf and ended up on this tribe.

Does that work on your psyche at all about where you fit in this game?

Um, you know, I felt like I was in trouble from day one in this game,

But I'm still sitting here.

And, of course, it's not the greatest to be picked last,

But that was the groom of people I wanted to end up with,

Wheer they chose me or whether I went there by default,

So I was very happy with the results, no matter what.

Jeff: tracy, let's talk about the challenge

Where you were dragging each other through the mud.

It was your first time together as a new group.

What do you think?

I think watching joel and chet fthere

Had been a smidgen of communication for the guy

He was dragging around behind him he would have headh it.

If somebody with can't walk or gets their head knocked,

??putting your feet down and act like

A clydesdale is not going to get it done.

Jeff: obviously, joel, she's talking about you,

The way you were dragging chet around like a bundle of bananas.

Yeah.i don't know what you want me say.

There was communication.

If I was going under, I said.under.


Don't shake your head.


If he couldn't hear m because there was mud

In his ears from being dragsed through it,

It's not my fault.

Jeff: chet, what was your experience being the one behind being dragged?

First off, I felt like I was harnessed to a mack truck

And being dragged through the forest.


There wasn't as much communication in the last aspect

Of that challenge for us as there was in the beginning for us.

Jeff: erik, tonight's vote is it about keeping the tribe

Strong or is it four fans, four favorites?


When you bring the two groups together,

There is the initial thought,

The fans versus the favorites,still,

But at this point, I think most of us are

Looking at this that we need to stay strong.

Jeff: populary, it is time to vote.

Erik, you're up.

I'm voting for chet tonight.

We want to stay strong as a tribe, and take it easy.

This is because you called me weak one too many timeses.

Jeff: I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has the hidden immunity idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the decision is final.

The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immedtely.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, joel.


One vote joel, one vote chet.


Two votes chet, one vote joel.


Two vote joel, two votes chet.


That's three votes joel, two votes chet.


That's four votes joel, two votes chet.

Fifth person voted out of fans versus favorites


That's five, that's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Hi big

Joel, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Jeff: well, tonight's vote established

What is important to this tribe, and, clearly,

Physical strength not at the top of the list.

Certainly caught joel by surprise.

Grab your torches, head back to camp.

Good night.