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04x01 - And It Cannot Be Changed

Posted: 01/07/15 06:53
by bunniefuu
Woman: Previously on Switched at Birth:

Are you okay?

This is your fault.

I thought about Angelo's insurance settlement.

Maybe we could use some of it to help get Melody's new program off the ground.

What's wrong?

I did some coke.

That stuff is addictive!

I'm fine.

You are not the only one going through stuff!

If you're really pissed at your ma, and you need her to know, then you gotta show her.

Sometimes you gotta show.

This is Detective Mark.

Is something wrong?

She's here to arrest you.

I'm gonna take the plea deal.

You have a record. You'll go to prison.

It is only three months.

You will go to Gallaudet, and then med school.

Convicted felons don't go to med school.

A couple weeks ago...

I vandalized the construction site.

She was there to stop me.

It was my first offense, and whatever happens will be better than what she would...

You'll go, and I will come as soon as I can.

Because I didn't want to be talked out of it.

Emmett, I knew if I didn't go through with it, I was gonna regret it every single day, knowing that I could've done something, but I didn't.

This is Daphne we're talking about. Her dad died.

She had a lot more than I did to work through with Angelo.

Look, it is a few months in L.A. without me, and this way, she doesn't have to go to prison, and she gets to be a doctor.

I saved my sister's life, and I feel lucky.

I feel great.

It's all gonna work out.

I promise.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Wait a sec, wait a sec. So she took the blame for you?

She pretended that she was the one...

How did she even think of that? That is brilliant!

Brilliant? It's insane! And illegal.

John: Wait a second. Let me think this through. Hold on.

Where is she now? Not still at the police station?

No, she made a statement and they let her go.

She's free until her court date. Right now she's at Emmett's.

No, no! We can't tell anyone about this! Okay?

All right. Only Emmett. But that's it, okay?

This cannot get out. Does everyone understand this?

We need to undo this.

We need to go back there and tell them it's a lie!

John: Kathryn, we can't do that.

If we go back there, both girls get in trouble.

Damn it!

Regina: She's here.

Why didn't you talk to us before you did anything?

Everything happened so fast.

Bay said it and the detective was staring at us...



Baby, what did you do?

Honey, that was an incredibly brave thing to do.

Potentially really stupid, but incredibly brave.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know if I should let you do this or if I should stop you.

Guys, it's done.

I'm okay. Daphne's gonna be okay. We're good now.

We're fine.

Woman: Bay Madeline Kennish, you are under house arrest.

This monitor will not come off until your sentence is completed.

You will bathe with it. You will eat with it. You will sleep with it.

You have a curfew of seven PM. That doesn't mean 7:02.

That doesn't mean seven o'clock and 23 seconds.

It means seven PM.

If you enter your house after your curfew, the bracelet will beep and alert me that you are late.

You will receive an a*t*matic call that you must answer within three minutes.

How's it going?

These need to be put in the mail today if they' gonna be there by the time we arrive.

I know.

I can't believe the next time I'll be back here will be Christmas.

We have been preparing for this your whole life.

You've had the Gallaudet poster on your wall since you were nine.



I'm sorry. It's the stupid thing.

And the light is orange. It needs to be recharged.

Like, now. Ugh.

I just don't want them to call and then for my parents to find out that something else is going on up here besides movie watching.

We still have four days until you leave.

Well, I can be very convincing.

I was! It worked!

In 87 days. The minute that this bad boy is off and I am done with my community service, I am on a plane to you.

Ah! First day on the chain g*ng?

Ha. Finally. The wheels of justice move slowly, but they have arrived.

You know, I'm actually weirdly excited.

Get it started, get it over with.

Hey. Good morning.

Hi. Wow.

It's fusilli with spicy sausage and cherry tomatoes and homemade linzer cookies.

But if you prefer gingersnaps, I baked those, too.

Wow. That is the single most gourmet lunch to ever going be consumed underneath a freeway overpass.

(Laughs) Do we need to get going?

Uh... oh, yes. We do. Ha!

Bye, guys.

All: Bye!

Have fun at community service.

Regina, you want an espresso, or... ?

No, thanks. I'm actually here to give my notice.

Wait. You're moving out?

The arrangement was that Daphne and I would move in so we could all get to know each other.

And the girls are gonna be out of the house soon.

That arrangement has come to its natural end.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

No, you don't have to go.

I appreciate that, but it's time.

I'm gonna start looking this month, and when Bay leaves for L.A., I'll leave, too.

Bay: Thanks for the ride.

Hey, so if you need anything while you're out here, just call me.

Like a hat, sunscreen, or a drink...

Daphne, just stop.

It's really not a big deal. I...

I appreciate everything that you have done to thank me.

But what I really want is for things to just go back to normal between us.

I'm not gonna just sit back and live my life while you... but that is exactly what I want you to do.

Look. I did what I did for the whole family.

Angelo died.

And that was enough awfulness for one year.

We didn't need you being emotionally terrorized in lady jail, too.

So go pack.

Go be a college student.

Be a great doctor.

And that is the best way to repay me.


(Indistinct chatter)


Congratulations. (Laughs)

This is amazing.

I think Angelo would be happy.

Hey, Regina. I'm sorry to interrupt Melody, some parents want to meet you.


Go, go. Go. (Laughs)

(Laughs, sighs)

Hey. What's up? How's it going?


Oh, no. I'm just here for the free sandwiches.

Well, and to support my girl.

All right. See you later.

Hey, so, um, what's up?

I feel like I haven't seen you all summer.

Well, yeah, I mean, you know, most nights my gigs, they don't get over until 3:00.


And I've just been hanging out with Lily.

Yeah. I know. I...

I guess I just feel like you've been avoiding me.

So, uh, when do you leave, uh, for D.C.?


Soon you're gonna be at parties, dancing on tables.

You're acting like I'm some wet T-shirt girl.

I'm going for pre-med classes.

Yeah, while she's here cleaning up your mess.

(Sighs) It was her idea.

Yeah, and you let her go through with it.

I was going to prison!

I never would have been able to be a doctor.

Yeah, I heard that, I know.

Toby, it's community service, probation and that stupid anklet thing.

And then she's done.

It's a huge sacrifice, I know, but she saved my life.

What if she would have gotten some hard-ass judge who wanted to teach her a lesson?

She could've gotten a lot worse!

But she didn't. And it wasn't likely.

She took a huge chance for you.

I know, and I am so grateful.

Then I don't get how you can just go off and leave her here, even for a second.

I think about everything that you did and I don't... I don't get it.

You destroyed a tractor with a crowbar, with some dude who arranged for a brick to be thrown at your mom's head?

I don't get that.

Me either.

I'm still trying to figure it out.

Well, good luck with that.

Good luck trying to figure it all out.

I'll see you at Christmas.


What's up?

This sucks.

Try it hung over in a hailstorm.


And don't get on these guys' bad side.

Breathe wrong and they'll write you up.

Good to know. Thanks.


Oh, me?

Oh, God, no. (Laughs)

I mean, like, that's the most selfish thing that you can ever do.

Get into a car drunk?

You're here for a DUI, aren't you?

It was like two beers, but because I'm under 21, they ding you.

And they slapped on a disorderly conduct charge, resisting arrest.


I got a couple days in jail and a fine of a thousand bucks, which I didn't have, so I had to do this instead.

You were in jail?

Yeah, wasn't that bad.

Except I had to give my kid to my aunt.

She's kind of pissy about watching him.

You have a kid?

Yeah. Fifteen months. Just started walking.


Uh, so are you... married?

To that guy? Hell, no.

I got somebody now, though.

Robbie. Tall guy, goatee.

Bay: Oh, he's cute.

We met here. Romantic, right?


Good news is he likes my kid.

That is good.

We're gonna move in together in a couple months.

What about you? What are you in for?

Uh... first degree felony, uh, property damage and tampering.

I trashed this construction site with a buddy of mine. It was stupid.

Bet it was hella fun, though.


Why'd you do it?

I was... wasted. You know.

You're lying.


Yeah, you are. I grew up around a bunch of liars.

If I have one talent in the world, it's knowing when someone is lying.

And you are a liar.

Look, I just can't get into it here.

Then that's what you should have said.

It's complicated.

Don't care.

Lily: I want to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the first class of the Midwest Institute for the Deaf at UMKC!


Lily: I know a lot of you had other options, bigger programs with longer track records.

But we hope to offer you something different.

A family feel.

The first year of college is amazing.

It's exciting to be independent and away from home.

But it can be scary, and it's easy to feel alone.

But I want you to know that you are not alone. I am here.

Lily is here.

The people on the left and right of you right now are your new family.

Whatever we go through this year, and I can guarantee we will go through a lot, we are in this together.

It's like one impulsive decision after another with you two.

I don't understand what happened. And did you tell Gallaudet?

I told them that I got another offer.

And I already spoke to Melody.

She said that she has space in her program and she's excited that I'm staying.

Did you tell Regina?

She said that as long as I'm in college somewhere, she's fine with it.

We had a plan, okay? The plan was you go to Gallaudet and you take pre-med classes.

I can do that here, too.

Core classes in the deaf program and one or two pre-med classes at the regular school.

Bay is gonna be gone in a couple of months.

You understand that, right?

I'm doing it to be around for her, but also for me.

You guys, I lost my mind last year.

I look back at the things that I did, and I don't even know who that was.

I'm not ready to be thousands of miles away from home right now.

I should've said that weeks ago, but...

I was just afraid of letting you guys down.

♪ I've been working on the railroad ♪
♪ all the live-long day ♪
♪ I've been working on the railroad... ♪

Hey! Are you, uh, on the...

Office of corrections community work crew?

Yeah, I am.

Do you know a guy named Robbie?

I'm not sure.

Six-two, curly hair, goatee?

Yes. I know who you're talking about.

Uh, I think he's over there, somewhere.

He's my brother. He ran off this morning.

Guy drives me nuts. Worst roommate ever.

But I saw he left his lunch on the counter this morning.

I got siblings. Sometimes you don't want to help, and then you think about it, and you've got to.

Exactly. Is there somewhere I can leave this for him?

Like a central, I don't know...

Uh, not really.

I really gotta go. Uh...


Uh... you know what?

Why don't I just give it to him? What's your name?

Marci. Thank you. Or he should thank you.

Tell him he owes me!

Will do.

Excuse me. Hi.

Uh, your sister, Marci, she dropped off your lunch.

No kidding. This is really nice of her.

Hm. Look at that. Chips, too.

Yep. Barbecue. (Laughs)

This is very cool of you. What's your name?


I'm Robbie, and I appreciate this.

We're all in this together, right?

What was that?

Uh, I was just delivering his lunch.

Didn't I make it clear that I'm with him?

Look, I have a boyfriend. A serious boyfriend.

I'm not interested...

Just stay away from him.

Is that so hard to understand? Stay away.

Got it.


(Laughs) Shut up.

(Upbeat pop music plays)

♪ Life is the moments filled with love ♪
♪ watching the sunset can't get enough ♪
♪ oh, dive in, dear ♪
♪ the water's so clear ♪
♪ life is a cool drink and another laugh ♪
♪ living it up then bringing it back down ♪
♪ come dance with me ♪
♪ the night will set us free ♪
♪ now I wanna move ♪
♪ now I feel so alive ♪
♪ can't get much better... ♪

You re-did it.

(Laughs) Losers.

Catfishing made it on?


You're making it really hard to let you go.



Uh, I need to sign up for core classes for the deaf program.

What deaf program?

The new...


Do we have a deaf program?

Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

Okay, someone's coming down. Just step aside and wait.

Actually, I need to sign up for a class in the other part of the school as well.

Chem 1 with Professor Marillo?


How do you know that?

Because it fills up every year weeks before classes even start.

Those pre-med students are on it.


Daphne: Professor Marillo?


Hi. I'm Daphne Vasquez, freshman.

And I heard that your chemistry 1 class was filled, and I was hoping to persuade you to let me in.

Well, you know, with the first hundred, I get absolutely no say.

But with add-ons, I get to decide if you're worth the extra trouble.

I think I am, ma'am.

So... tell me something about yourself.

Well, I'm Puerto Rican. And I grew up in East River...

Puerto Rican and red-headed?

That's not even the most interesting thing about me.

I had a red-haired Chinese student once.

Do you know what the odds of that are?

I'd imagine pretty small.

Maybe one in 100,000 people. It requires a genetic mutation.

Never seen it before or since.

The reason I have red hair is completely different.


Do you know what the gene that causes red hair is called?

I do.

The melanocortin 1 receptor, or MCR1.

Also considered a mutation.

That's right.

There are studies saying that redheads are more sensitive to thermal pain, but...

Less sensitive to electrical pain.

Okay, so you either just got very lucky with that question, or you know a whole lot about pain management.

Well, if you grew up the only redhead in your entire family, with everyone commenting on it constantly, you'd learn everything you could about it, too.

You're hard of hearing?

Fully deaf. But I read lips really well.

Give me that form.

Thank you so much, Professor.

Now, I assume you have an interpreter.

Yeah, there are lots of interpreters available to us.

I just have to check their schedules.

No, no, no.

You're going to need someone who is fluent in the basic concepts and the vocabulary of chemistry.

Professor, the Venn diagram of people who are fluent in American Sign Language and know chemistry and are available at the exact time that we have lecture has got to be minute.

This is not discouragement.

This is a reality check. We go 90 miles an hour.

Now, get someone who knows what the hell they're talking about or you will drown.

Someone fluent in ASL and chemistry, before Monday.

I met a red-haired Chinese girl once.

Just because it's rare doesn't mean it's impossible.

23 minutes.

Ugh! Okay, I have to get home!

I'm gonna have to call somebody to pick me up.

Okay, you keep saying that, and it keeps making that awful noise and I really have to go!

Well, try harder, please!


(Engine starts)


John: What? Where were you?

We were calling!

Did they call?

Yes. You have to see your probation officer tomorrow.

Damn it!

What happened?

When does that thing shut off?

It's supposed to as soon as I get into the house!

It's like they're trying to torment me!

Don't do that!

You're not supposed to mess with it!

First Emmett's motorcycle wouldn't start.

And then there was construction on Anson.

So we went a little bit faster.

You were speeding?

On a motorcycle?

He was doing it to get me home on time!

I don't care! You're not allowed to ride on that bike if he's speeding!

Well, he got a ticket, so that should make you happy.

For $200!

Is that thing gonna turn off or not?



(Stops beeping)


I just want to take it off for five minutes. Just five minutes.


Hi, hi.

Uh, I'm Iris. Iris. My name sign is...

I've had glasses since I was four. Worst eyes on the planet.

(Laughs) Daphne. Hi.

I'm her mom, Regina.

Um, I'm her other mom, Kathryn.

Hi. John Kennish. Nice to meet you.

You're all hearing.

Yep. Only deafie in the family.

Well, I'm hearing, too. I'm in the interpreter program.

Oh, cool.

I'm so sorry, I didn't think I was getting a roommate, so I sort of spread out. Let me clean up.

Are your parents here, Iris?

God, I wish.

They're back home... Alaska.

So, Iris, what are you doing all the way here?

My cousin goes here.

He's the one that told me about the deaf program.

Oh, is he deaf?

No. But his parents are.

Well, it's a great school.

My cousin had a really hard time last year.

I mean, he kind of had, like, a mini nervous breakdown, so my parents were slightly freaked out about me coming here.

But that's probably 'cause he was pre-med.

I mean, the pre-med program here is legendary for messing with your head.

Daphne's pre-med.

Oh, God!

I'm sure you'll do great.

He's really intense. He's too intense for his own good.

I... I wouldn't worry about it.

Honey, you're gonna do fine.


And then his motorcycle wouldn't start, which has literally never happened before.

And then he got pulled over, and he got a ticket, and I tried explaining to the cop that I have a curfew, but that didn't go over so well.

What are you talking about?

I'm... (Laughs)

I'm talking about why I was late last night.

You think you were called in to see me because you were late?

Why was I called in to see you?

Did you hand a turkey sandwich and a bag of chips to someone on your work crew yesterday?

A guy named Robert P. Nicholson?


Were you aware that Mr. Nicholson is an inmate in the Kansas state prison?


He does his work detail during the day and serves his time at night.

There are four offenders on the work crew who are serving prison sentences concurrently with their work hours.

Didn't you notice the sheriff?

I guess I noticed him...

What do you think he was doing there?

I have no idea. How am I supposed to know that there's...

There's criminals there...

And I suppose you're telling me that you didn't know that the turkey sandwich that you so stupidly handed over to an inmate had a bag of heroin stuffed inside it?

Oh, my God.

Congratulations, Ms. Kennish.

You just became an accessory to a felony drug deal.

I am so pleased to know that my daughter is working next to hardened criminals and no one thought to tell us.

My probation officer said that she could've thrown my case back to court, rescinded my probation and then tossed me in prison.


But she did me a favor and just gave me a hundred more days on probation.

Thank God it wasn't any more house arrest. I'm just grateful for that.

But if you're on probation...

Yeah. There goes my L.A. plan.

You'll just join Emmett a hundred days later.

Which I can't wait to tell him.

But this is absurd.

They can't actually believe that you were part of a drug ring.

Why wouldn't they believe that?

I pled guilty to felony property damage with a crowbar.

To her, I'm just a criminal.

There's my cousin! Josh!

I told you I'm not going to that freshman party with you.

I'm a sophomore now.

Find someone else to babysit you.

Josh, this is my roommate, Daphne.


Daphne has a favor she needs to ask you.

Hey. So I have a proposition for you.

How would you like to make a whole lot of money this semester?

I just signed up for Professor Marillo's chem 1 class.


Because I'm pre-med.

But why do you want to be a doctor?

Do you even know the satisfaction level of doctors today?

It's like 5%.

That can't be right.

Where did you get that number?

They are prisoners of the insurance companies, malpractice lawsuits, and let's not even get started on the pharmaceutical companies.

Things have changed, yes...

And the people in pre-med?

They're self-absorbed, grade-grubbing freaks.

Josh, just listen to her.

Daphne: Here's the deal.

I need an interpreter for her class.

And Iris mentioned that you had taken the class and you...

You want me to be an interpreter for Marillo?

I would literally rather be dissected alive than set foot in that class again.

Josh, come on.

I spent every waking moment my freshman year studying for that woman.

On the bus, on the john, at my cousin's wedding.

I'm sure it's a tough class.

I never put that book down.


I'm not asking you to retake the class, just interpret.

Not just anyone can be an interpreter.

You have to be certified, which I am not.

But there's no one else, so...

And furthermore, interpreters go to lectures, labs, study groups, and I hate that lady.

So, no. Negative.

Not happening.

Hey. I found this listing and it's not too far away.

And there's a washer- dryer, and a community pool.

Great, thanks.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Just...

I can't believe both the girls are gonna be out of the house soon.


What happened with Wes?

Oh, he invited me to move to Hawaii with him.

Start a big project.

And you said no?

I came home and found out what Bay did for Daphne.

It didn't really feel like it was the best time to jet off to Maui.

"Bye! You guys got this covered, right?

I'm gonna go float around the islands being Mrs. Wes Gable."

Maybe I should've said yes.

I don't know anymore.

Is the offer still open?

That ship has sailed.

Every decision I have made this past year, going into business with Wes, agreeing to work with Chip Coto, giving Daphne space after Angelo died...

They were all really bad decisions.

That is not fair.


Just feel like I can't trust myself anymore.

Like I've lost my compass.

We started this arrangement because of the switch.

But we have moved way beyond that now.

You're family.

Please stay.


So you, me, John, the three of us live here, and we grow old together?


At least for a little while.

Until you find your compass.


Josh! Wait!

What did I tell you? Not interested.

I know, but...

Just find someone else.

No, that's the thing. There is no one else.

Well, I guess that sucks for you then, doesn't it.

Just stop. Give me one minute. One?

I made a huge mistake last year.

Actually, I made a lot of mistakes, and it hurt the people that I really care about.

I'm trying my best to make it up to them.

And right now the only way to do that is to make sure that the sacrifice these people made for me counts.

And that's by taking chem 1?


Josh, you have ears that work and a brain that understands thermodynamics.

You have hands that can form bizarre words at an incredible speed.

I can't believe there's even one of you in existence.

Please help me.

Plus, don't you want more deaf doctors in the world so people like your parents have physicians they can go to who speak their language?

You're really pullin' on all the heartstrings, aren't you?

And it pays well.


Really, you will?


Oh! You are awesome, Josh Padden!

You are awesome!

I'll see you bright and early on Monday morning!

We will text constantly.

It's the right decision. I know it.

You should go.

You're gonna miss your plane.

♪ Don't wanna do something ♪

- ♪ I can't take back ♪


♪ don't wanna leave without seeing you ♪
♪ I can't bear to look in your eyes ♪
♪ all I see is the road ♪
♪ that I didn't choose ♪
♪ in another lifetime ♪
♪ in some forgotten dream ♪
♪ in another lifetime ♪
♪ maybe it was meant to be ♪
♪ in another lifetime... ♪


Did Emmett just leave?

I heard what happened. Do you want to talk about it?


I'm so sorry this turned into such a mess.


That's why I'm not going to Gallaudet.

I know that you didn't ask me to, it's just the right thing to do. To stay.

You don't get a medal for not going.

I know that.

I just wanted to be around for you, for whatever you need.

Well, I need you to not be here right now.


I need you to leave my room.


No. Seriously.

♪ In another lifetime ♪
♪ in some forgotten dream ♪
♪ in another lifetime ♪
♪ maybe it was meant to be ♪
♪ in another lifetime ♪
♪ in another lifetime ♪


One third of you, will fail.

We don't need to stop, I just need a moment to catch up!

Your job is to interpret what I can't hear.

Not to speak for me.

I had to beg him to go to L.A. without me.

I had to make him believe that it is not a big deal we are so far away from each other.