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28x08 - I Have a Wedgie and a Half

Posted: 04/30/24 20:58
by bunniefuu
PHIL KEOGHAN: Previously
The Amazing Race,

five teams continued racing
through Corsica, France.

Lulu and Lala got off
to a queasy start.

I do not like


And then the cheese had maggots?



At the detour,

two teams were stuck...


Let's walk away, come on, go.

We suck.

...while Ryan and Dusty
were sunk.

[both straining]

Penn sewed up the Roadblock...

Okay? Yes!

...on the way
to a second win in a row.

Kim and Penn,
you are team number one.



a footrace to the mat...

Come on, Nat, you got this.

- You're team number four.
- BOTH: Yes.

...ended in smiles
for everyone.

The good news is,
this is a non-elimination leg.

- [cheering]
- Trying to rack my brain

as to whether,
in Amazing Race history,

one team has been given
so many chances.

We are a cat with nine lives.

All teams are now leaving
the French island of Corsica

and will be heading east

across Italy to Greece,

the southernmost country
in Europe.

After touching down
in Thessaloníki,

teams will stagger-start
from Peraia Beach

in one of these self-drive cars.

Kim and Penn
and Raquel and Cayla

will be the first to depart.

"Welcome to Greece.

Drive yourself to
the Konstantinos Olive Grove..."

"In the countryside,
near the village of Nea Gonia."

BOTH: "Search among the
olive trees for your next clue."

Let's go, come on.

Girls are fast.

KIM: I think we've done
well, but I don't want to think

about the wins at this point

that's a lot of pressure,
and at the end of the day,

- you just want to see the next day.
- PENN: Yeah.

That's what our goal is today.

- Stick shift?
- Yeah.


- Whoo, baby, stick.
- You got it.

You got this.

I mean, I'm really proud of us.

I think we're doing
really well as a team.

We want to win a leg so bad.

RAQUEL: To prove it to ourselves
that we can do it, to prove it

to ourselves that we're just
as good as all the other teams.

- Look at me, look at me go.
- Okay, so, okay...

I'm driving stick!

- Well, maybe today's our day.
- Yeah, I hope so.

[engine straining]


- I'm on a hill.
- Hey, you're fine.

- You're fine.
- [engine straining]


[engine sputters]

- Good job, beautiful.
- [whoops]

♪ ♪

All righty.

Go time, baby, where we heading?

"Konstantinos Olive Grove
in the courtside,

near the village of Nea Gonia."

We're driving, baby,
we're driving.

So, we find ourselves
on a beautiful beach

in Greece this lovely morning.

{an3}I mean, we were hoping last leg
to get into the first group.

Um, we didn't, but I think

that Greece is going
to provide an opportunity

for us to move and shake.

This gonna be good.

- We're cruising there together, right?
- Yeah.

DUSTY: And so we just need to
take advantage of our skill sets.


- We are in group two.
- We are... two.

LULU: I feel like it's gonna be like
a goofy, adventurous type of day.

- Hopefully you stay like that and you don't snap at me.
- Hopefully.

This leg of the race,
we're gonna be patient,

slow and steady,
and we're gonna have fun.


- PENN: This?
- KIM: Yeah.

- PENN: Left?
- KIM: Yeah.

Yeah, they got a little
race flag, that's it.


All right, guys, this is pretty.

We're looking for a clue.

We're looking for red and yellow
in the middle of an olive grove

with no real specifics.

Do we need to go through the...?

Right there, I got it.


Yep, got a clue.

It's a little high up there.

Route Info.

"Drive to Marianna's
in Nea Gonia

to find your next cl-clue."
We're on our way to Nea Gonia.

- Let's go, come on.
- Let's go.

Let's go back
to where they just were.

- Were there multiple?
- Well, no, I think...

- Here-Here's another one.
- Okay.

- Cayla, right here.
- You got it?

- Yep, found it.
- Okay, perfect.

Can you get up there?

- Oh...
- Wing me, throw me.

Here, here,
put me on your shoulders,

put me on your shoulders.

I don't think I'm strong...

- You can't.
- Stop, you know you're...

Here, get on me, then.

Get on me, though,
I'm dead serious.

You cannot squat me.

I don't feel safe.
Oh, my God, hold on.

Oh, my God.

- You got it?
- You're a... animal.

- Got it?
- Yeah, I hit your head.

- Oh, sorry.
- Oh, no.

How did you do that?

Okay, let's go,
come on, come on, come on.

"Search among the olive trees

for your next clue."

We are leaving
in the last place today.

We are 30 minutes
behind the first team.

NATALIA: We made up time
before and stayed in the race,

so we're just gonna stay

Today, it looks like,
might be some self-driving,

which is not
our greatest strength.

[engine starts, grinds]

There's five teams left,
and we're so close,

it's just within arm's reach.

Again, we can't make
any mistakes today.

ARUN: I haven't used
manual transmission since

last time I was on the race.

We really had
a disastrous night.

That's how we got eliminated.

Let's split this up.

No, let's stay together.

If you find it, you yell,
we'll yell, right?

Yeah, okay, deal.

We'll find it, guys.

"Once you're there,

among the olive trees."

Maybe it's on the...

I got one.

- DUSTY: You got it?
- LULU: Yeah.

- RYAN: What'd it look like?
- LULU: It's on the tree.

Look... just look for a ladder.

- DUSTY: There's one.
- RYAN: Yeah, good job, girls.


Ryan, jump up there,
dude, I can't jump.


- RYAN: Good job.
- Let's go.

- It says parking here.
- KIM: Yeah.

Oh, Marianna's.

It says Marianna's right here.

Oh, guys, over here.


"Who likes to wrap?"

My wife loves to wrap.

- I'll do it.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- I believe in you.

Looking out
across Marianna's vineyard,

you could assume
that this is wine country.

However, Marianna's vines
are grown for their leaves.

Wrapping food in grape leaves
is believed to date back

to Alexander the Great,
and today

they are an essential ingredient
in Greek cuisine,

offering a myriad
of nutritional goodness.

{an7}To wrap up this Roadblock, teams
need to use a mixture of rice,

vegetables, spices, and grape
leaves to prepare 60 dolmades.

When Marianna approves,
she'll hand over a clue.

I'm so glad I'm not doing this.

Oh, it smells so good up here.



You got this, babe.

So, you had to wrap dolmades.

You had to take the leaf

and just a small amount
of this rice mixture

and then wrap it a certain way
and then

align it on the tray.

Okay, 60,

and this will be
the plated example.

Okay, I think we go for it.

I'm so excited.

My best friend is Greek,

and she makes these for me
when I visit her.

I've never joined her
in making them,

and now I'm regretting that.

Oh, my God, I love eating these.

They're one of my favorites.

The closest thing I've done
to this is swaddling a baby.

Babe, I'm just down here
loving you.

Thank you, Penn.

That was Raquel.

I'm loving you, too.

- I love you, Kim.
- KIM: Love you, too, babe.

[Cayla laughs]

NATALIA: "Search among
the olive trees for..."

Olive trees is this way,

This way.

- We can look at both.
- [groans]


Just be systematic, okay?


Oh, wow.


Here, here.

Here, go up the ladder.

- Correct?
- NATALIA: All right.

Right there.

There's a car, there's our cars.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

In here, park in here.

Clue box is over here.

"Who likes to wrap?"

Who's wrapping? Dusty.

All right, I'll wrap.

Hey, friend.

Ooh, food, yay.

I know.

When I opened the Roadblock,

I had a pretty good figure

it was gonna be rolling dolmas,

I believe,
is what they're called.

I've rolled a lot of burritos.

It's just a...
It's just a leaf burrito,

so we're gonna give it hell.

When I was watching the example,
it was very important

that you had to put
the veins up,

so when you rolled the product,
you had a good-looking product.

Yeah, 'cause
I'm a big proponent of:

you eat with your eyes first.

I've never rolled anything
like this before.

Honestly, the technique
is to just be patient.

We're not that far behind.

This is where my Colorado
extracurricular activities

are gonna come into play.

After this next one,
I'm gonna stop and count.

So, I got through
about half of them,

and I was like, "Let me peek
at the demonstration

one more time,"
and that's when I walked over

and I looked
at the finished product

and I noticed that the veins of
the leaves were on the inside,

and about half of them
I had wrapped...

- Ooh, on the outside.
- ...on the outside.

So I took all those off

and started over.

I wasn't paying attention

to which way
the veins were going.

We see all the other teams
are here,

so we have time to catch up.

- Roadblock.
- Mm.

"Who likes to wrap?"
You. It's food.

- I'll do it.
- Okay, you're gonna do it.

I am in the restaurant business.

I'm used to wrapping sandwiches.

I've done this several times,

so this would be something
I would be able

to do faster than Natalia.

Hello, hello.

I'm trying to see which side
of the leaf she is putting

and things like that.

Okay. Thank you.

- I want to eat them.
- [laughs]

- They're so good.
- Is this 60?



It's a lot I have to redo.

I thought
I was doing such a great job.

I was so surprised when
I went up to have it checked

that she took half of mine off

the plate.

Something's not right.

They're beautiful. They're
beautiful, aren't they?

No. Okay.

- Oh. Okay. I need to... I need to arrange them.
- Yeah.

KIM: I've discovered that I
had them presented wrong.

I did not have them

in the three rows of 20.
I kind of had 'em

in my own special way,

and Marianna does not like that.

Miss Marianna's a little picky.

Okay. Ma'am?

They're good?

Good enough. Good...
I'll take good enough.

- This for you.
- Thank you.

Good job, guys.
She's super picky.

Oh, good job.

"Drive to the beach in Heraklea

and search
for Mamo's Kantina Stand."

This is souvlaki,

which is perhaps the most famous
fast food here in Greece,

dating back
more than 4,000 years.

Teams need
to pick one up at Mamo's,

but first they have to spell it

and then look out for a clue

that's hidden
inside the wrapper.

I hope it's ouzo.

Check, please.
I'm feeling good about 'em.

I'm gonna be putting
some Greek food

on my bed and breakfast menu
after she approves these.

I got 60 on.
They look beautiful.

I'm ready to munch one
when she says I'm good.



Yeah, baby! Moving time.
Let's get it.

for all the Greek gods above

that looked down
on their child Greek boy here,

I was able to get it done,
and I was ecstatic.

Half of Greece knew
I was ecstatic

when I finished this Roadblock.

Two claps and a Ric Flair!

That was a lot, though.
See, now I'm gonna come back

- to my Zen where I was this morning.
- Yeah, that was a lot.

That was a lot.


He's so quiet.

Dusty and Ryan just left,

so this is taking me
a little longer than it should.

When I looked over at

Raquel rolling her leaves, um,
she had her stems facing down,

so when she rolled them,
they were up.

You have to pull it towards you

and then fold the ends in
and roll it.

Not same. Okay.

I'm so sorry, Cay.
I keep doing it.

I don't know
what I'm not doing right.

- CAYLA: You're fine.
- I have to redo a bunch more.

- CAYLA: What's that?
- I have to redo a bunch more.

It's okay. Proud of you, Raquel.

You got it. You're fine.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven.

All right, here goes nothing.

Okay. It's okay.

- Good job. Yeah.
- Yes!

Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

Thank you. Yeah, Lulu!

Lulu and Lala just left.

Come on, Lan. Let's go,
let's go, let's go, Lan.

- NATALIA: You got this, Dad!
- Stay focused.

Do it for Mom, Dad!

Mom. I am doing it for myself.

Okay, you do it for yourself.

He's like,
"I'm doing it for myself."

Yes! Yes!

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Good luck.

I'm obviously doing not great
on this challenge.

- You got the keys, correct?
- Yup, I got the keys.

I think something about, like,

the leaves,
the way the leaves need to be.

So I'm just gonna do the exact
technique that she did.

ARUN: We arrived
at the fifth position,

and we are leaving
in fourth position.

We have made up a lot of time,

so that's just really...

I feel good about that.

It really is very confusing

as to what exactly
she's looking for.

Doesn't make any sense to me,
to be honest.

I'm doing the best I can,

and I'm trying not
to get frustrated.

How many do I have?

One, two, three, four, five.

I've realized my mistake.
The stems I had on the outside.

And now I'm making sure that
the stems are in the inside.

- Good job.
- Thank you.

I think my biggest fear

on this race is losing
because I did something wrong.

And if I just took a step back
and focus on the details,

it can be the difference

of coming in first
or coming in last.

I messed up.
I didn't focus on the details,

and it was a huge
learning lesson today.

- Oh, my God. I am so sorry.
- Don't be.

We're going to the beach.

PENN: This is not giving
me great directions, okay?

KIM: I know, honey. I'm
telling you everything I know.

Okay. I'm gonna let Jesus take
the wheel, and Jesus is Kim.

Oh, here we go. Let's park...

- PENN: At the Kantina.
- Yeah, let's park just up here.

- PENN: Where is it?
- Yeah, anywhere.


Are you Dimitra?

I would love for you
to tell us what to order.

The dish of the day is
the souvlaki,

- but first you must spell it.
- KIM: Souvlaki.

- Yes.
- Yay. All right.

- DIMITRA: Pork or chicken?
- Pork, please.

"You have to eat the entire item

you ordered before
leaving the stand." Done.

I'm gonna eat that.

Thank you.

All right,
I'm gonna go big bite.

Mmm. So good.

PENN: This is what it
looks like eating in our family

when you have kids that
are gonna take all your food.

I know.

Do you have a clue?

No clue.

- Did we screw that up?
- Mm-hmm.

Think I got to swallow it.

- No.
- No clue.

LULU: What does that
thing say over there?

It's in Greek, Lulu.

Do you think anyone passed us?

I don't know. I'm not thinking
right now about any of 'em.

"Make a left onto the paved
road at the stop sign."

Was there a stop sign
back there?


Oh, did we eat the clue?


St. George Church in Heraklea.

- Okay, it's this. Got it.
- You got us.


PENN [New York accent]:

I think we're sitting in second.

Penn and Kim left before us,

so we just need to try to just
stay where we're at, stay put.

RYAN: There's
"Meemo's Kantina Stands."

How about that?

What should we have today?

The dish of the day today
is the souvlaki.

- Souvlaki.
- But first you must spell it.

I know how to spell this,
dude... souvlaki.

Is it...


- What's the most traditional?
- Pork.

- Pork. Let's do pork.
- RYAN: Pork it is. Let's do

traditional, buddy.
Oh, it smells so good.

- Oh. Mmm.
- Delicious?

Joey Chestnut,
eat your heart out, buddy.

- That it?
- DUSTY: A clue, please.

No clue?
Dude, what are we missing?


"St. George Church."


We're good.
All right, let's go.

How about that spelling, baby?

Is that a church?

- KIM: It's a church.
- It looks churchy.

So, there's probably

- a clue box up here.
- Should we just ask this guy?

No, no, honey, right here.

Yeah, right there.


Another Roadblock.

"Who wants to be iconic?"

For more than a thousand years,

Christendom existed
under one body.

There were no denominations.

But after a divide in beliefs,

the church split into
different factions, including

the Greek Orthodox Church.

These iconic saints
are an integral part

of the lessons taught here
during services,

something teams will experience
during this Roadblock.

They'll need to listen carefully
to this priest

because there's going to be
a quiz at the end of his sermon.

If they can identify five saints
in the correct order,

the vendor will hand them
their next clue.

So, let's go. Let's do it.


Today I would like to tell you

about some
of our most revered saints.

The first one,
St. Nicholas of Myra.

Legend has it that Nicholas
heard of a devout man in town

who was unable to pay for
his three daughters' dowries.

Nicholas threw a bag of
gold coins through his window.

It's this habit of secret
gift-giving by St. Nicholas

that inspired
the character Santa Claus.

Thank you.

Here is the second one.

A Roman by birth,
Anastasia lived her life

during Emperor Diocletian's
persecutions of Christians.

PENN: I want to say something
about ADHD 'cause I've got it.

It has two sides to it.

She was put to death
on the recognized

birthday of Jesus,
December 25th.

One side is, you space out,

you leave your keys
in the refrigerator,

you leave your stuff
all over the place,

you drive your family crazy.

St. Irene was actually
named Penelope at birth.

However, was renamed Irene,
which comes from

the Greek word for "peace."

But there's another side
that no one knows about.

It's like the superpower side.

St. Christopher decided
he should serve Christ

by helping pilgrims
cross a treacherous river.

There's this hyperfocus that
you can get, not for too long,

but for a little,
where you can lock in

on something that
you're really interested in,

and you can really absorb a lot.

Christopher is considered
the patron saint of travelers.

These are beautiful.

This is longer than I thought
it was gonna be.

He's been there a minute.

St. George appeared at a town

that was sacrificing
its children

to appease the dragon.

George... slew the dragon.

There's a lot of these.

He really is bizarrely patient.

St. Mercurius
joined the Roman army,

serving under the
pagan Emperor Decius.

Can you go back?
Or you just go...

you just go forward, right?

Don't talk to the priest.

- Sorry.
- The next one.

"Mama's" Kantina Stand.

- Mama's Kantina Stand.
- Mama's Kantina Stand.

- We have to ask, Lala.
- Okay, then ask, Lulu.

We're looking
for Mama's Kantina Stand

or Dimitra.

This is a park.

- It's not in a park.
- Maybe it is in a park.

- Huh?
- Maybe it could be around here.

Mamo's Kantina Stand?

The kantina is three,
four kilometers.

- That way? Okay.
- Go this way.

- Okay, thank you.
- Okay, thank you.

CAYLA: So, I think it's this
right here, right here,

right here, right here,
right here, right here.

Okay. "Drive to the Heraklea
and search

for Mamo's Kantina Stand."
That's the kantina right here.

"Once there, ask Dimitra
to recommend her specialty."

We'll have to keep going back

to the road
that we originally were on.

Maybe we should have just
stopped and asked.

- Hi. - Hello. Hi.
- Hi.

What should we order?

The dish of the day
is the souvlaki,

- but first you must spell it.
- CAYLA: Okay.

Hold on. hold on.
Let me write it down.

- Yes, good.
- Oh, my God! What? - Yes!

CAYLA: We're assuming everyone's
already gotten here, spelled it,

- and ate their... Holy...
- Wow.

That's a lot.


- This is yum.
- Mm-hmm.

You look so hot right now.

You've never looked hotter,

Okay. We did it.

Show it to her.

She-She's gonna make us eat
the thing on the ground?

- No.
- No.

NATALIA: Oh, wow.
Raquel and Cayla are here.

RAQUEL: Well, there's-there's
Natalia. We're not in last place.

Hey, girls.

- Hello.
- Hi.

Can we get something to eat?

The dish of the day
is the souvlaki,

but first you must spell it.


Is this where
we're gonna have to go?

I don't know.

Is that the clue?


No. Try again.

Can we ask people?

- We can ask people, right?
- Yeah.

- All right, do you want to just leave and try and go here?
- RAQUEL: Yeah.

Can I ask your help?
This way, St. George Church?

- [person speaks indistinctly]
- Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

PRIEST: David decided that,
to avoid earthly temptation,

he would live
in the almond tree.

After three years,
an angel of the Lord

came to him and said he could
now return to the outside world.

Now with a beard
and hair down to his waist.

Thank you.

Dad's a pastor, but I don't
remember a lot of this stuff.

I recognize some of it,

and not all of this
was in the Bible.


Kalós írthate. Welcome.

- PENN: Hello.
- Ready for the quiz?

- PENN: I think so.
- Put the answers from left to right.

- PENN: Okay.
- Which saint

was put to death
on Christmas Day, December 25th?

He read for a minute and a half

on each person
with all these little facts,

and he was only asking
about one fact.

But, uh, luckily I was making a
personal Cliff Note in my head.

And when you're really focused,
you can do that.

I think it was her.

You can say Anastasia...

Christmas, because
she got put to death then.

Which saint's name

is derived
from the Greek word for "peace"?

PENN: Which was, like, the second
thing said about St. Irene.

VENDOR: Which is the
patron saint of travelers?

It's the tall guy.

St. Christopher,
traveled across the river.

Patron saint of travel.

Like, I-I sort of laid out
these bread crumbs in my head

to try to get back to when
the question was being asked.

Which saint lived in
an almond tree for three years?

It was the last one
with the big beard.

This guy's got a beard.
They all got beards.

[grunts] It's a bigger beard.
I'm gonna go bigger beard.

VENDOR: Which saint served
under the Emperor Decius?

Decius was the second one.

So that's the one with
the circle around his thing.

I think it's this one.

I'm not sure.

That's your answers?

Well, hang on.
Are these options down here?


So, you put St. Anastasia,

St. Irene,

St. Christopher,

St. David of Thessaloníki,

and St. Mercurius.


Yes! Come on!

We got to be quiet. Sorry.



- Well done.
- Thank you.

Appreciate it.

I'm so proud of you.

I got, like, a last-second,

- Mwah.
- Mwah.

- I'm so proud of you. That seemed so hard. Okay.
- Okay.

- Yeah, that's gonna trip some people up.
- "Route Info.

Drive to your next Pit Stop."
- Let's go.

This is the Aegean Sea...

Home to more than 1,400 islands
between Turkey and Greece.

With stunning
coastlines like this.

Teams must find me
here at Nea Kallikrateia...

a small fishing port that
looks towards Mount Olympus.

The last team
to check in here...

...may be eliminated.

- Let's go, baby.
- I'm so proud of you.

That wasn't super easy.

NATALIA: Excuse me,
uh, do you know "schulaki"?

- ARUN: How do you spell "soulaki"?
- NATALIA: The food.

- Souvlaki?
- ARUN: To eat.

- NATALIA: To eat.
- ARUN: Eat. - English?


Thank you.

- Okay, souvlaki. Okay.
- Okay.

We're near, then.

Calm and steady.

We could be last,
we could be first.

- This isn't a beach.
- We're on the beach.

LALA: No, this is the
Pit Stop. We missed it.

We missed it.
We missed it. We got to go back.

- What did you miss?
- The Mamo's.

KEOGHAN: Well, you know
where the Pit Stop is now.

- LULU: Let's go.
- LALA: Nice seeing you.

I'll see you, like, in five.

We found the Pit Stop.

I told you it was the Pit Stop,

Don't get mad at me.

We just need to get to the
damn shack and eat food...

Which probably will come handy
since we're hungry.

All right.

Let's not panic, okay?

Told you.

You weren't listening to me.

I did listen,
and I didn't see it.

Did you hear that
loud and clear?

DUSTY: St. George Church.
That's got to be it, right?

- RYAN: Yeah.
- There's a clue box right there, bud.

Let's go.

Oh, no.

This will be interesting.

- Oh, God. You got to be kidding, bro.
- God, another Roadblock.

- RYAN: All right.
- You got it, dude. You got it.

This is right up your alley.
You're a history nut.

This is you, dude.
I'm-a go shut the car down.



Today, I would like to tell you

about some of
our most revered saints.

The first one,
St. Nicholas of Myra.

Ryan is a genius.
He's a history nut.

I feel super good about this.

Uh, the food one was for me,
the brain one's for Ryan.

Uh, the dude had ten years
to work on his mind.

Uh, and I know
he's gonna crush this.

PRIEST: Anastasia
was given an ultimatum...

renounce your faith
or be tortured to death.

Everyone seems to think
we're just these meatheads,

but you're gonna see some
intellect come out of this guy.

PRIEST: St. Irene was actually
named Penelope at birth.

It's the right guy
doing the job. I'm super pumped.

Uh, we're gonna get out,
get in and get out of here.

The next one would be
St. John the Theologian.

St. John is a central figure
in the Church.

RYAN: In my head, reading
the clue for this Roadblock,

I'm seeing the number five...

Five different saints.

PRIEST: John helped prepare
the Last Supper,

sitting next to Jesus.

When I get to five,
I think I'm done.

I'm like, "Good.
I'm gonna go do this."

You got it, dude.
You got it.

Kalós írthate.

Howdy. Hey.

- VENDOR: Are you ready to take the quiz?
- Yes, sir.

So, which saint was put to death
on Christmas Day, December 25th?

Uh... [chuckles]

Some of the stories
didn't make sense

when I started getting
the questions, and I'm like,

"What the heck
are you talking about, man?

I didn't hear this.
I didn't hear that."

Which saint's name is derived

from the Greek word for "peace"?

So I tried to BS
my way through it.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

No clue what I'm doing.

All right.
That's what I'm doing.

- Is that it?
- Yes, that's it.

I'm sorry, that is incorrect.

- You have to go back and take the lecture again.
- Okay.

We're back.

- BOTH: Thank you.
- DIMITRA: Correct.

Thank you so much. Okay.

It's really good.

Okay. We get a clue?


I'm so confused.

Born in the tenth century

to a wealthy family,

Nicholas served as a bishop
in the town of Myra.

Here. I thought I saw
the church. Let me go left here.

- CAYLA: Okay. Oh.
- RAQUEL: Here it is. Is this it?

Here's a clue box.

Hell yeah. Hell yes.


Ooh. Oh, we have another team
showing up. Interesting.

Is it just right here?

Sympathetic to their dire
situation, Nicholas... welcome...

under the cover of the night,
went to the man's house

and threw a bag of gold coins
through his window.

It's this habit of secret
gift-giving by St. Nicholas

that inspired the character
we know today as...

You've guessed
it... Santa Claus.

Santa Claus.

The next one would be
St. Anastasia.

CAYLA: I was remembering
the information

by finding connections

to what makes me remember
this saint.

According to legend,

St. Christopher is considered
the patron saint of travelers.

My friend Chris...

He wrote a book on vagabonding,
of traveling.

So I was, like, coming up
with all these little sayings

to remember what saint was what.

St. John is credited
with writing the Book of John

and four other books
of the New Testament.

RYAN: They get to five.
I'm like, "All right.

I'm gonna go try it again."

- PRIEST: The next one.
- CAYLA: The next one?

Why are you in such a hurry?

- What?
- CAYLA: He said, "The next one."

Is that five?

The next one is St. George.

RYAN: So I come back,
and the guy's like,

"Yeah. You need
to listen to all of 'em.

There's ten."

St. George was a soldier
in the Roman army

under Emperor Diocletian.


stood there and listened
to all of 'em. It helps

a little bit
when you actually hear

what you're supposed
to be doing.

It's, uh, very frustrating.

George slew the dragon.

NATALIA: "The team and
you must eat the entire item

you ordered
before leaving the stand."


- Nat, where's the paper?
- What paper?

The... She wrapped the paper.

Oh, I just threw it out.

[Arun grunts]

Oh, wow. Okay.

- "St. George Church."
- Okay.

Okay. St. George Church.

So we need to find directions
to St. George Church.

Here we are.

All we have to do
is keep going straight.

That's all.

- Keep going straight there?
- Lala, look. Look.

- She's right here.
- Oh.

See her? Right here. Stop.

Dimitra, can you recommend us
the specials?

The dish of the day
is the souvlaki,

but first you must spell it.

- Say it again.
- Souvlaki.

Souv... like...



Are there clues anywhere?

- Welcome to Thessaloníki.
- Thank you. - Thank you so much.

- It's so beautiful here.
- Kim and Penn,

I am pleased to tell you
that you are team number one.


And I have some great news
for you.

As the winners of this leg
of the race, you have won

- $7,500 each.
- Whoa!

- What?!
- That's awesome! Thank you so much.

You guys are racking
in the trips, you're racking

- in the money.
- Oh, my gosh. - I mean...

We just won our third leg
in a row.

That is stunning.

I'm shocked.
Like, money? Huge fan.

Um, but making it to the finals?

I would trade it all in.

Do you know how
to spell "souvlaki"?

Can you look...
look it up on the phone?


Thank you so much.



All right.

Thank you.

Might as well.

I've never had a souvlaki,

and it's actually really good.

I've never had onion in my life.


Are you almost done? Yeah?


Do we just leave?

We're missing something.
We ate it.

- What are we missing here?
- I don't understand.

PRIEST: Irene suffered gravely
for her faith,

earning the name
Irene the Great Martyr.

DUSTY: Someone just
showed up over there.

[Raquel sputters]

Oh, boy.

Roadblock. It's okay. It's me.

- You got this, Nat.
- Okay.

- This is your, uh, wheelhouse.
- Can you hold this?

Her ability to heal
these poisoned prisoners

earned the name Anastasia,
the Deliverer from Potions.

[exaggerated sigh]


- To hell.
- How many times have you heard this?


PRIEST: The next one would
be St. Christopher.

"You must eat the entire item

before leaving the stand."

- We spelled...
- Yes... you spelled.

- And then we ate it.
- Yes.

At the stand.

- You're at the stand. Okay.
- Okay, it's a clue?

No clue?

Oh, my God. I feel so dumb.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- What's the special?
- The dish of the day is the souvlaki.

- Okay, souvlaki.
- But first you must spell it.

Okay. S-O-U-V-L-

- A-K-I.
- Okay.

- Make it little.
- Make it little, please.

Here we go.
Second time's the charm.

Let me... let me eat most of it.


Calm down.

LULU: Eating something
that you know you don't like

- is hard.
- Is hard.

Here. Take a small bite.

LULU: I'm gagging, I
threw up in my mouth,

swallowed that.

Came out through my nose,

sniffed it back up.
It was so bad.

Let it out. Go. Let it out.

Let it out.


Is there anything else?

Is there anything else?

Do you have a clue?


- What...?
- [sniffles] What are we missing?

St. John is often shown

carrying his own head.

Good luck, Cayla.


- Back again.
- Which saint was put to death

on Christmas Day, December 25th?

Being locked up, it was...
it was very tough.

I had to gain control and start

working on myself,
both mentally and physically,

and that's the only way
that I could find

to survive that environment.

But at least

the more mental side of it
is paying off

in-in the, uh, challenges.

- And we're good?
- This is it. I think so, yeah.

St. Anastasia,
St. Irene, St. Christopher,

St. David from Thessaloníki,
St. Mercurius.

- That is correct.
- Yes.

Thank you, sir. I appreciate
you. Thank you for your time.

- Ooh.
- DUSTY: You good, buddy?

- Ooh.
- You good, Ryan?

Let's go!

VENDOR: Which saint served
in the Roman army

under the Emperor Decius?

So we've got.

St. Anastasia, St. Irene,

St. Christopher,
St. David, St. Mercurius.

- Correct.
- Yeah! [laughs]

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Oh, my God!

Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. [giggles]

"Eat the entire item you ordered
before leaving."

Maybe it's in the clue.

St. George Church.
This is it. Let's go.

They made me sick for nothing?

[bell dings]

Which saint served

in the Roman army
under the Emperor Decius?

Okay, I'm just gonna go
with this.

Let's check it out.

[buzzer sounds]

- Incorrect.
- Okay.

- VENDOR: The lecture waits for you.
- NATALIA: Okay.

Can you help us point
the direction to this?

- The directions?
- Yeah.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. He said "Yeah."

- Here. Show him.
- Thank you, sir.

CAYLA: This is an
Amazing Race
roller coaster.

We started in second,
then we were in first.

Then we were back to second,
then we actually left that last.

- The ocean's right here.
- Nea Kallikrateia...

- [speaks indistinctly] - Okay.
- Okay. Okay.

- Perfect. Thank you, sir.
- Perfect. Thank you, sir.

Do I just take this road
all the way down, you think?

I think so, and then I think

we're eventually
gonna take a right

'cause it's a fishing port.

We can only go right, so...
He did say

that the last turn
would be a right,

so I think we got it, dude.

[both sigh]


Welcome to Thessaloníki.

- Thank you. - Thank you.
- Raquel and Cayla,

I am pleased to tell you
that you are team number two.

[whoops] Yeah! [laughs]

We've been in last today.

We've been in first,
we've been all over the board.

And to just end up
where we started,

you know, is a testament
to how strong we are,

and we're still in this running.

We're crushing it.

- RYAN: Oh, look who we found.
- KEOGHAN: Excellent.

- Yeah?
- Ryan and Dusty, I am pleased to tell you

that you are team number three.

You will be racing in the next
leg of the race, the ninth leg.

Which saint lived

in an almond tree
for three years?

Which saint served in the Roman
army under the Emperor Decius?

Let's check it out.

St. Anastasia,
St. Irene, St. Christopher,

St. David of Thessaloníki,
and St. Mercurius.

- Correct.
- Thank you so much.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Yes, yes, yes! Good job!

LALA: We're looking
for St. George Church.

- Is this it? This looks like a church.
- LULU: Yeah.

There's the clue box.
Let me get off and get it.


That's me.

The first one...
St. Nicholas of Myra.

St. Nicholas of Myra.

Michael's name,
which comes from the Hebrew

for "Who is like God?"

David decided he would live
in the almond tree.

"I am Christ, your king."

Anastasia was put to death
on the recognized

birthday of Jesus,
December 25th.


Did we pass it, you think?

Nat, I don't know.

I think it was back there.

- Where?
- Over there.

- Where, Nat?
- Oh, just turn around, turn around.

We don't have time
to lose right now.

David relented and returned
to the outside world.

- I'm gonna give it a sh*t.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- I'll be here.

- Okay.
- You got this, Lulu.

Don't panic, okay?
Don't-don't act like me.

I hated school, so

I'm not liking
this whole test thing.

NATALIA: We just want
to make sure we're headed

towards the fishing port.

Now we just want to,
you know, focus on, make sure

we're going the right way,
'cause, uh,

navigation isn't
our strong point.

ARUN: Should we just stop
here and ask the gentleman?

Okay, yeah.

- VENDOR: Is that it?
- Yes.

- So, we have St. Anastasia, St. Irene.
- Mm-hmm.

- St. Christopher.
- Right.

St. David from Thessaloníki,

- and St. Mercurius.
- Yes.


You have beautiful eyes.

- Thank you.
- You have gorgeous eyes. Lala?

- You got it, girl.
- Is there still people?

There's nobody else has come?

Uh, no, not that I have seen.

Hi. Um, Nea Kallikrateia?

- Kallikrateia? There.
- Yeah.

- You turn right.
- ARUN: Yeah.

- Uh, and do what?
- And, uh, go to the...

- Yeah, just go on this road.
- NATALIA: Okay.

We've been to the Pit Stop
already, so we know how

- to get there.
- Well, we have an idea of how to get there.

It ain't over
till the fat lady sings.

Welcome to Thessaloníki, guys.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Arun and Natalia...

- you are team number four.
- [screams] - Yes! Yes!

- Yes!
- You are still in the race.

- You are not eliminated.
- NATALIA: What? - Yes!

Fourth place!

How many more lives
do you have left?

We're just, like,

so excited.
It's, like, within arm's reach.

Now it's like,
"Okay, we're moving forward."

It's a great feeling.

Welcome again, girls.

- BOTH: Thank you.
- The pink ladies.

- Yes.
- Thank you. Yes.

- Lulu and Lala?
- Yes?

you are the last team to arrive.

Oh, man.

And you have been eliminated
from the race.

Well, it was a nice run.

I'm so happy, so happy
that I'm able to say...

We were on The Amazing Race!

After going through a pandemic,
after everything, thank you.

Well, no.
Thanks to you for coming back.

I mean, it's hard to come back
and then be eliminated.

I can see that your mascara
has dripped down to here.

I have raccoon eyes.

- They're tears of...?
- No. Tears of...

Tears of everything. [laughs]

I'm just appreciative
that I got to go to countries

that I'd never think I'd visit.

We got to do a lot of things
with my best friend over here,

partner in crime.

Thinking back on the tough year

and everything we did here,
I can't...

I can't say anything
but thank you.

Thank you for the experience.

I underestimated myself a lot.

We do that a lot,
and so, to know that I did climb

the mountain of Santis,
and she bungee jumped,

and I ate cheese with maggots

and had "saku-kinicki"
or whatever it's called.

To know that we were able
to get to the eighth leg.

It's not so bad.

- Yeah, we're-we're not that bad.
- Wow.

Are you gonna jump in the water?

Yeah, I still will
if I... yeah, if I can.

You guys want to end with a...?

With a splash!

- Ready? One, two, three.
- One, two, three.

Amazing Race!

Well, that's the most dramatic
exit we've had in a while.

KEOGHAN: Next time
The Amazing Race...

It could be anybody's race.

With only four remaining...


Holy moly, how did we find this?

- Where are you going?
- We can't be fighting right now.

This is an actual task.
This is not a nightmare?

Turning over

every stone.

Teams leave no stone unturned.

[Dusty groans]