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27x11 - It's Not Easy Being Green

Posted: 04/30/24 20:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- five teams continued

Racing in agora, india.

Bring the fun, baby.

At the roadblock, tiffany


Oh, my gosh!

Why did do you that?

An unprecedented third

U-turn finally had the green

Team making their move.

We're going to u-turn chris

And logan.

We knew that was going to


Justin and diana

Celebrated their fifth

Consecutive win.

Meanwhile, the paparazzi fought

And struggled through their



But edged out denise and

James easterly to stay in the


Unfortunately you have been

Eliminated from the race.

Coming up tonight, four teams

Compete for a spot in the final


Who will make it in?

We need to get out.

Are we overthinking this?

And who will be


Bet on green.

If we did not like the green

Team before, we really, really

Don't like the green team now.

We're still here.

Their plan didn't work.

We're still here.

What's up, guys?

It's a lot of fun.

I always said make sure they

Go home.

We never particularly got

Along with them to begin with.

So yeah, no love lost.

Whatever, they're in last.

Have fun.

Have fun staying at my back.

We're ready to go and we want

To take down the green team.

All right.

Where are we off to?

Hong kong!

Justin and diana will be

The first team to leave the con

Jestd streets of agra for the

City of hong kong, which boasts

The most skyscrapers in the


When they arrive they'll ride in

One of the elite peninsula hotel

Green rolls-royces to their next


Going to your first place

Never gets boring.

How many do we have?

We have seven legs and

Winning this leg means we tie

The record for most wins on "the

Amazing race."

All these wins don't mean

Anything if we don't win the

Final three.

It's our destiny to set this

Record and our destiny to win.

Hong kong.


The final three right around

The corner and we're going to

Get a first place.

It's going to happen.

Justin and diana are definitely

Diana in this "the amazing race"

And for us to b*at them it's

Going to feel good.

We have four second places in

A row.

Tired of loses -- losing.

Time to get a win.

We b*at out kelsey and joey

And chris and logan.

Go fast, fast, fast.

It's just getting past the

Green team.

It's not easy b*ating green.

All teams are now

Traveling on the same flight

From new delhi, india, to hong


We're looking for a

Rolls-royce phantom and a


Rolls-royces, the green cars?

Transport, in here.

Is this right?


Good job, guys, let's go.

Get a car before they come.


Will you take us for a ride?

All right.

We're in a rolls-royce right

Now, riding in style and

Currently we're in first place.


Oh, baby.

From tuk-tuk to rolls-royce.

Big difference.

Where we running, to love?

There's nothing over there.

Are we overthinking this?

Chris and logan are still

Lost too.

They're always lost.

Boy, we're stupid.

Come on.

There are two left.

I see it.

I think I see it, logan.

Are we the last ones?

We're last?

Chris, stop with that!

Beautiful mountains

Surrounding this area.

You definitely feel like

Tyrannosaurus rex could be

Living in one of these


The rolls-royce definitely

Ends a nice change on things.

We're going to the peninsula

Hotel so I assume there's a clue


There it is.

You ready?

This is it.

Exom on.

We're ahead for once.

Detorrey -- detour.

If you're looking for a

Suit in a hurry then sam's your


You can have one made to fit in

Less than 24 hours.

Sam is world famous and has made

Suits for u.s. Presidents and

British royalty.

Teams must now make their way to

This workshop and cut out six

Pieces of fabric for a suit


A taylor will ensure their cuts

Are made too mumplet they must

Then deliver a finished suit to

Sam's where sam's son will

Exchange it for their next clue.

There are an estimated 6.8

Billion cell phones in use

Around the world and this

Crowded market in hong kong is

Arguably the best place on a

Planet to get a deal on a used


Teams must search through

Hundreds of them to find one

That works.

When they do, they'll call this

Number for the location of their

Next clue.

We're going to do sam's.

There's chris and tiffany.

I think we do tailor.

I think sam's.


It's going to be an exciting


This is when we buckle down and

We do what we do best.

Tailor or cell owns?

I would say cell phones.

All right, cell phones.


Hopefully we're not that far


Which one would you not want to

-- Most want to do?

I would probably want to do

The tailor thing?

Let's do it.

Thank you.

Sam's tailor.

Right here.


How are you?

Good, how are you?

Welcome to sam's tailor.

Thank you.

Here's a ticket.

Choose one, then go to my

Workshop and make something

Great and bring it back to me.

We're going to try.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Sam's right there.


That's a beautiful suit.

All right.

You guys are going to make

Something amazing.

All right.

Thank you.

Sam's work shop right here.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my god.

It's so hot.

We're used to making costumes

And used to measurements and

Cutting and fabric.

Immediately we were like oh, my

God, we were so confident going


We had to look at the pieces,

Figure out what's what

See 35 on the top?

It's this way.

Oh, it's hot in here.

Oh, god.

I know I can do this.

Oh, good.

I'm confused with these


This is obviously the back of

The coat.

We have to make a blazer.

Let's put the pieces together

So we can assemble the jackets.

They were putting things the

Mannequin and we you didn't need

To use the mannequin at all.

I think they were trying to

Measure out things.

We just had to trace it and then

Start cutting.

This is just so overwhelming.

Oh, my god.

This is crazy.


Here's the street.

Oh, my god.

Try this one first.

Cell phone, cell phone.

See if it works?


Oh, my god.


That's pretty much a needle

In a haystack.


How do we check?

Have to turn it on, probably.

Oh, god.

This could be a while.

Stop, tiffany.

This is not right.

You don't sew a blazer.

We have to read the clue.

We thought we actually had to

Sew a blazer.

She was making a blazer.

I'm like this is not right.

We don't have to do this.

Are you sure about that?


This is it.

This is it, ok.

Listen to me.

Find the workstation with fabric

Matching your sample.


These are industrial sized


That's a bad cut.

Are you sure you don't want to


Let me show you something.

First of all, this is doubled so

I don't think that's right.

We need a single.


Don't say no.

Honey, do you see this?

This is the same exact thing.

It's the same peels.

Just folded the fabric and

Started outlining the pattern

Because the other teams are

Cutting them separate so the

Patterns weren't going to match

When you put them together.

Why would we do it twice?

For precision, accuracy.

It would be more precise.

You cannot cut through two

Pieces of fabric like that.

That cell phone might have

Been faster if we found it right

Away but we don't know how many

Phones there are.

I'm just justin and dannya

Have already checked in.

We're looking for a phone

That we can turn on and has a

Number stored that we can call

And get our next clue.

It's pretty scary being alone

But we're used to it.

Hopefully we get lucky.

Sounds promising.



We may have just got lucky.

Kom twa telephone limited.

Twa, lin street?

Oh, that's really good.

Now we just have to get a


You know where this is?

All right, baby, let's do there.

Looks good 6.

All right, sir, check it out.

Want to get out here on the

First attempt.


Wrong side.

Not ok?


We needed to pay close

Attention to what was the inside

And outside of the suit.

When we cut them, the

Patterns ended up being the same

Way so it was upside down.

The pattern was.


We could have been a little bit


We cut out all six individual

Pieces when all you had to do

Was leave the fabric folded over

On itself and lay three of them

And it would have matched I much

-- Up.

Damn, double it.

That's what I said before.

I told you that.

You argue with me and I know


Don't get all flustered now.

Look how you're acting.

We need a new piece.

Excuse me?

We have to redo two sides of

The jacket.

Let's not go slow.

Thank god krista folded the

Fabric so the patterns matched.


It's good.

We did it?

Don't let anyone know.

Which way do we go?

This way.

It's on the side that way.

We don't know where justin


We nailed that cell phone


We're trying to find telephone


I'm 100% sure that we finished

Our detour faster than the other

Teams because there's no way

They could have finished faster.

Just keep running.

I told I doubled them up.

They weren't doing that.

You guys made it --

You -- you guys get your

Next clue.

Teams will now take the

Hong kong island ferry to the

City of macau and make their way

To the house of dancing water

And search for yago to receive

Their next clue.

Make your way to the house of

Dancing waters!

Tiffany, this is going to be


We have this

Doubled this that's what I

Said before.


We probably doubled the

Length of time it took to do the


Ready for you.

Hopefully they're gone.

Thank you, sir, thank you.

All right 6.

They got it.

We're in trouble.

We're in big trouble.

All right, thank you, thank



We messed up.


How far?

Time for here.

That's a long taxi.

If that's wrong, we're done.

What are we supposed to do,


I have no idea.

We're helpless.

We're at the whim of a cab

Driver who can't speak english.

You guys made it back.

You did well.

Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

It's a little upsetting that

We made a mistake because we

Know to b*at justin and diana we

Can't make those mistakes.

We haven't seen justin and

Diana there.

Maybe they went to the cell

Phone or that could be lost and

That would be great.

Could have done this right a

Long time ago.

It's a million dollars and

You just won't shut up.

Please, please.




Oh, my god, thank you, sir,

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You act like this is


This street?

How far, sir?

We're not going to a hotel.

He's taking us to a hotel.

Where's this?

We want to go here?

Don't get mad at me.

He doesn't know where he's


We drove to a hotel, we got to

The hotel and those people

Actually found the right place

And the right place happened to

Be about a block and a half, two

Blocks from where we originally

Started the task.

That's where we were literally.

Welcome back.

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Come on, honey.

We have to get a turbo jet ferry

Terminal on hong kong island.

We don't know where justin

And diana are.

I don't know yet.

I don't know.

We spent probably a good

Half-hour doing nothing.

Speak english?


Anyone english?

You're being a little --

He doesn't understand me so

Let me brood.

Just because he doesn't

Understand you doesn't mean that

You can be ruled.

Be something productive.

What you're doing is not being


The same way you're acting is

Not being productive.

If you're acting like a maniac.

I'm just trying to put you in


Stop with that.

You're being rude to me.

No, I'm not.

Help the situation.

You're not helping, you're


No I'm not.

No, let's just say no.

That's the name of the street

Right there that we just left.

Kwelin street?

That's where we are, literally.

Right down that street.

Here it is.

Oh, my god.


We have a phone for you.

This is actually ridiculous.

It was literally walking

Distance from where we were.

We were right there.

We wasted 40 minutes for


Travel by taxi, great, to the

Turbo jet ferry terminal hong

Kong island and take the ferry

To macau.

Great, another taxi.

We're looking for the turbo jet

Ferry terminal?

I think it's not close to


There are twofery terminals.

One is on the hong kong side.

So we want the one on the

Hong kong side?

I'm drawing you the hong kong

Side, which is closer to here.

Are you sure that's right?

We may have just found an


The ferry jet turbo island on

Hong kong island.

We only have two ferries to

Hong kong.

I have to go to the ferry jet

On hong kong island.

We have to go to that.

Go, go, go.

Take the turbo jet to macau.

We are with kelsey and joey

And logan and chris.

We haven't seen justin and


Are they not here?

I don't see them.

This could be the thing that

Makes or breaks them.

If they go, that would be


They're probably already


Yeah, they probably are

Already on the malt.

No, I really don't think so

You want to go to macau?



Me meer -- premiere only.


It says to buy premiere class

But we can't.

Was there one before this?

Is this is first one?

First one all day?

Hard to believe.

I can't see how we're not in

Last place right now.

Like a v.i.p. Room.

Where we could hold our board

Meetings on why we should not be


You never know in this race.

Come on, come on, logan.

Wow, it's hot.

Over here, this way.


Thank you, sir.

Come on.


We have to go fast, ok?

Come on, houstonny.

We're in a cab headed to the

City of dreams and we have a

Good cab driver who's going to

Get us there figure.

Thank you very much.

Going to the house of dancing


We just need to get to that

Final three.

Just need a chance.

There's no sign of justin and


Typical, they're usually so far

Ahead of everybody.

City of dreams?

City of dreams, house of

Dancing water.

We could b*at them.

This is it.

I see them.


Thank you.

Who wants to rise to the


This is the largest water

Show in the world, an

Extravaganza that's been seen by

More than 3.2 million people.

Teams will now join the show by

Performing a daring 30-foot jump

Into the water, then they must

Find a golden fish below the

Surface and swim to the

Fisherman's raft to get their

Next clue.

If the music ends before they

Get to the raft, they must wait

For the next performance to

Perform the challenge again.

Who wants to rise to the


You got this kelsey.

Who wants to rise to the



I can watch the show.

Are you fine?

I'm not scared at all.

I just want to get it done.

I just hope there's more to it

Than finding a fish so other

People have trouble.

Oh, wow.

Oh, my lord.

Oh, man, this is cool.

It's been a long time since

I've had somebody do my makeup

For me.

As a newscaster we always do our

Own makeup.

Kind of a treat.

Any chance to relax, not hear

Chris yelling at me.

I think we all have a common

Goal today.

Time for us to win a vacation

And some money.

Getting justin and diana out

Of here.

We have to find our way back,

Hopefully get to the roadblock

There's one team there.

A lot of casinos here.

If I was a betting man, bet on


Belt on green.

Oh, my god!

We have two minutes till show


This might be by favorite

Thing yet.


Come with me.


Oh, wait, what's going on?

Something is happening.

Oh, there's someone in the


Is that kelsey?

Looks like her.

And that's krista.

Is that lowing season oh, it


Wow, yeah!

Didn't even recognize them.

We're going to get our money's

Worth of entertainment here, I


Yeah, this is pretty cool.




This is awesome.

This is insane.




Oh, my god!


Look at those outfits.


That's crazy.

It's a mast of a ship.

Whoa, mama.


Wow, this is awesome.

This is so cool.



Oh, this is awesome.



Oh, my god, oh, my god.


Where sit?

It could be a while.

I think they have to go down and

Get something.

There are a lot of bubbles

And commotion.

Get it, girl.

All right this is it right


Right there.

Oh, gosh.

Two of them.

As far as we can go pretty much.

Boogie, let's go.

I can't run that fast,


Well, push it.


Oh, ok, just skip alone.

Yeah, justin, because that's

What I'm doing.

Shut up.

Logan, come on.

Logan's got it!







I can't see anything.

You did it, kel, come on.

Did she get it?


Yeah, she got it.

Come on, krista.


Did she get it?

She didn't get it.

Krista right now is the only one

That's left.

She can't find the goldfish that

She's looking for.


I can't find it.

The music shut off.

I have to do it again.

The show is completed.

The show is completed.

I can't see anything.

I got it, I got it.

She got it.

I think she has to wait for the

Next show.

That is a long show.

Dia -- diego?

All right.

We're last, it's not funny.

Make your way to --

Macau was originally a

One-square-mile island.

It is now an 11-square mile

Peninsula and one of its manmade

Marvels is nam van lake, home to

Macau's famous dragon bolt race.

This is the pit stop of this leg

Of the race.

The last team to check in here

At the malt will be eliminated.

How was it, lowing season

Find out.


Let's go.

Krista and -- chris and logan

Just left.

And diana and them just got


What happened to krista?

She didn't get it.

She has to go again.

It takes like 20 minutes to set

It up.

It's a fear thing.

If it's under water I can hold

My breath for like two minutes.

Here we go.

All right, diana.

I got it.

Please, please, please.

Looks like she didn't make it

So, man, we're screwed.


We're going to need to wait

Here for about 20 minutes.

Oh, my god.

That's the race right there.


You got this, you got it.

Come on, krista!

This has been rough for both

Of us today.

It's rough.

We've come this far.

One step away from possibly


We can't go home.

I'd give up all the wins just

For this one.

Just to finish third in this one

I'd give up all the wins.

You've got this.

Where is it?

Come on, krista!

It would be devastating to go

All the way around and to go

Home now.

You got this!

I hope she gets it.

She didn't get it.

Come on.

Looks like she's having a

Hard time.

It's impossible to see it.

I can't see anything.

She didn't find it.

So diana has a chance and --

That's all we can ask for.

The show is completed.

The show is completed.

We have a sh*t.

Honey, when we see phil, I

Want you to drop your backpack

And run.

Aus do.

These guys could be right on

Our tails.

To get second place five

Times in a row, we want to be in

The final more than anything but

That first place, we've really

Wanted it.

Krista, she's such a

Perfectionist so I know it's

Eating her inside.

Very nervous.

Very emotional.

When diana gets nervous, she

Panics and when she panics, she

Can't breathe.

She has panic att*cks.

So if she has a panic att*ck in

The water, it's going to

Phrasele her.

So a lot of things bubbling


Can't come this far and go home.

I'll never be able to get over


You can do this, baby.

I believe in you.

Oh, my god.

She won't even look at me.


Come on, baby.

Mind over matter.

I have to jump from here?


You got this baby.



Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Come on, baby.



No hesitation, that's my


You got this.

All right, she's in the


Now we need to find a goldfish.

Come on.

Oh, she can't get to the bottom.

She's going to have the same

Problem krista had.

You got this

I can't see anything.

You got it.

Go, baby go,.

You don't need the wall.

We're in trouble.

Go, baby, go!

Oh, my god, dannya.

Stop staying at the wall.


Come on.

Come on, diana.


So proud of you, baby!

Where is it?

Oh, man.

Did she get it?

Don't worry about it.

Shake it off.

Don't give up, krista.

Oh, you encourage me now,

After you're leaving.

Those bubbles, it's like

Impossible to see.

It's all white.

Three teams have passed her

And I know it's getting to her.

Going to see phil.

We won't be finishing first but

Hopefully we won't be finishing

Last either.

Cross street over here.

Turn around.

Sir, we just need to get out.

Come on, kels season e.

In is ours, we're winning.

It's close.

I think it's over there.

Come on, kelse.

Come on, quick.


There's logan.


Come on, baby.

All right, come on.

Whoo, yeah.

Welcome to macau.

Thank you.

Logan and chris, are you

Team number one!

And you will be one of the teams

That will be racing to the

Finish line for $1 million and

As the winners of this leg of

The race I have great news.

You have won a trip for two from

Travel city and you are going to


You're going to stay six nights

At the marriott and while there

You'll visit the sacred valley

To have incas and enjoy a spa

Treatment and gourmet dinner.


We never expected to be a

Team winning seven, eight legs.

We thought we'd have a sh*t at

The million dollars.

What could we ask for is to

Go for the final leg?


The ecollusive first-place


However, you are one of the

Teams who will racing to the

Finish line for $1 million.

We're happy to see it wasn't

Justin and diana going in it

Will be interesting to see who

The last team is?

Who would you like to see?

If justin and diana get

Knocked out, none of us are

Going to cry about it.

I'm so proud of you.

I thought you'd give me a big

Hug and a kiss and all the rest

Of the day will be behind us.

I'm sorry.

Sorry to take my frustrations

Out on you.

I can't do this anymore.

Krista, do this -- listen to


I can't.

Listen to me.

I don't know what I'm doing


It's the fourth time.

It is ok, just think about

Just getting it done.

Don't give up.

Just breathe, you've got this

Look at how far we've come.

You can't give up now.

I have to jump off again, for

A fourth time.

Come on, krista!

You got this.

You got it.

Remember, just focus.

I can't see anything.

Think about your family right


Come on, krista.

Did she get it?

Where is it?

I don't know what I'm doing


I can't do that jump again.

It hurts.

I can't do it again.

I don't know why she can't

Get the goldfish.

I can't do this anymore.

It's just hard to see her


I'm done.

Krista was there like the

Last time searching that whole

Area right where you got it.

It's not down deep.

Sit hard to see?

Yes, because of the bubbles.

Got to get to phil.

Got to get to phil.

I can't take this anymore.

I just like gave it to them.

Look, you can't fail at

Anything you do because that's

Not you and that's why I always

Look up to you because you're

Always the one that's always


I ruined it.

No, you didn't.

All you kept saying to me when I

Was struggling to catch up to

You is do this for your family.

Do this for your family and

That's all you have to do.

And I know you, you can push

Yourself to the limit.

You can do this, I know that.

I don't think the other teams

Are going to be happy to see us.

Looks like we got -- ah!

The green team.

Not them.


I'm so proud of you, baby,

You fricking nailed it.

I was crying, I thought we

Were going home.

Yeah, I was crying too.

Justin and diana, you're

The third team to arrive.

However, you were instructed to

Take the hong kong ferry to


You took a different ferry, a

Kowloon ferry and for that

You've incurred a 30-minute


And you've incurred an

Additional 25-minute penalty.

A total penalty of 55 minutes

And I'll need to you wait that

Penalty out before I can check

You in.

We are so screwed.

Didn't see that coming,

Did you?

They're done.

Oh, my god.

The longest 55 minutes of our


I just hate it for everything

That we fought so hard for to

Get to this point.

Go home before we go home.

Krista and tiffany need to be

Working their butts off right


Hopefully they're not giving up

Because they can get here.

If they ever had a chance to

Be in the final three, this is


It's just you and me, that's

All that matters.

I think the talk calmed her down

Where she can now refocus.

She seems a lot happier now and

Not upset.

I think this one should be a

Good one.

You got this.

Go, krista!

She has to fail two more


So we have to count on her

Failing five times in order for

Us to stay in this game.

You got this.

Come on, krista.

Did she find it?




She did not give up and she kept

Going and kept pushing so I'm


Good job!

It was like I waited my whole

Life for this and to get this

Far and possibly get eliminated


Good job.

You never know.

It ain't over till it's over and

It ain't over.

Krista has to fail twice then

There's like a 10-minute taxi


Go, go.

All right there, almost there.

Go, go, go!

This is like the worst thing

That could happen.

You did a great job.

You gave us a chance.

We still have a chance.

Where with -- are we going?


No, this is not a pier.

We have to get out of here.


Maybe the cab will go in

Circles, get stuck in traffic.

I can't believe he dropped us

Off here.

There are no taxis anywhere.

I have no idea where to go.


Now we're in a new cab and it

Seems like he knows where he's


We lost a lot of time before.

Now we're just hoping and

Praying that it's delayed,


The last thing you want to

See is tiffany and krista

Running to the pier.

Let's go.

Run, run, run.

Where is it?

Where is it?

Holy crap.


Nothing we can do now.

Just sit and wait.

Justin and diana, come to

The back.


Justin and diana, I am

Pleased to tell you that you are

Team number three.

You are one of the teams who

Will be racing to the finish

Line for $1 impact.

I can't believe it.

Tiffany and krista, justin

And diana had a penalty that

They were waiting out and we

Were counting down the minutes

But that time just expired and

They were able to b*at you to

The mat.

I'm very sorry to tell you that

You've been eliminated from the


You were so close.

It's ok.

It's ok.

People here said straight out we

Thought you were going home on

The first leg so to be standing

Here I think we proved a lot of

People wrong and nothing stopped


I'm just so proud of us.

Two females who b*at out men,

Track stars.

We didn't make it to the

Final three but we were darn

Close and if we inspired one

Person, that's all that matters

So -- you can always marry rich.

I think the best confidence

Booster we can have is winning

This league -- leg today.

We just b*at the green team.

We fight but we seem to get

It done.

We just don't give up.

Our second places are done.

We've gotten them so many times,

We know how second feels.

Second sucks.

We know we can b*at these teams.

Joey and kelsey have always

Been our biggest competition but


They've always been five

Minutes behind us.

They're an expl*si*n waiting

To happen.

When the pressure is on is

When they crumbling.

We're pretty confident that

We'll be leaving with a million


Justin and diana, you have

Won season 27, I can't wait to

Hear it.

Oh, and then that will be eight.

Stay tuned for scenes from

Our next episode.

Next week on the season

Finale of "the amazing race," it

All comes down to this


It doesn't matter about it


One team --

Almost there.

That is our cab!

Will win it all.

And down the stretch they


Favre five continents, 10

Countries, more than 34,000


Damn, we should have kept our
