27x09 - It's Always the Quiet Ones

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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27x09 - It's Always the Quiet Ones

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- six teams raced to

Krakow, poland.

Team texas got off to a slow


Are we the last ones here?

What is this, man?

Like sh**t!

It's so frustrating.

At the detour, justin and

Diana worked.

Now I know what they mean

When they say back breaking


While denise and james

Earl begged.

The paparazzi can't see eye to


It's going o be a task I

Can't do.

And I can do this.

You can't do this.

Yes, I can.

But the green team were in

Perfect sink sink.

You are team number one. The

Roadblock pitted friend against


But after a photo finish --

S the a happy ending for both


This is a nonelimination leg.

Six teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

Why am I always pushing

Why am I always pushing


Tells us that there's a,

Turn coming up.

The main thing is we have to

Figure out what justin and diana

Are thinking because there's a

U-turn and at this point we

Probably have a speed bump.

I'm just so mad.

We're supposed to be there.

Because we've been like so


I know.

I know.


You're crying and laughing.

Because the game can be so

You know, dirty.

I think we're due for some

Amazing karma tomorrow.

Something's going to happen



Fly to new dely, -- new

Delhi, india.

After touching down they

Must take a train and catch a

The taj mahal.

They'll make their way to the

Yamana river where they'll find

Their next clue.

Caution u-turn.

We've won how many legs?

We've won five legs.


I think we're definitely the

Biggest target and if we don't

Get there first, we would expect

To see our names on the board

For sure.

Fly to new delhi, india.

Caution u-turn ahead.

That's going to be a u-turn

And for me that makes me really


But it also gives us an

Opportunity to stop justin and


If we want to u-turn we have to

Be in first place.

To get one that would be


Any leg with a u-turn is a

Crucial one because you want to

Make sure you try to play it

Smart, try not to see your name

Up there and with a

Nonelimination leg, swup's home

Is going home.

Just don't want us to be us.

That u-turn is going to


The friendship es probably don't

Mean as much as $1le million and

I know we definitely want to

Take advantage of a u-turn.

Can want u-turn anyone

Because we already used up a


Do we u-turn the green team?

Hopefully they'll treat

Krista and me well.

It was a little rough.

We see the elusive green


They exist.

They do exist it's not just

A myth that you hear about.

Justin and diana are always

Out in front.

It's good to talk to some of

The teams.

In india.

You know what I can't wait to

See is the dallas boys both

Sharing a teta.

I can't wait to see the

Dallas boys go home.

They almost went home the

Last leg.

They were last.

So any u-turn means going


They get both.



Bermuda first and then india.

We're looking forward to

We're looking forward to
going to india.

Going to india.

All teams are now making

Their way to new delhi, india.

Wow, look at all the people


It's crazy.

It's a completely different

Place than rio and paris.

I guess over here.

This is a different culture

Here, isn't i?

I've never seen anything like

This before in my life.

I mean there's a ton of people

Sleeping here.

New experience, huh?

It's a little culture shock.

Culture shock for sure.

So we're in agreement.

You guys are definitely

U-turning, right?

Definitely u-turning?

Why wouldn't you?

I don't see many people

U-turning the boys because

They're already at the back.

Why not make sure?

They're less likely to

Complete it with the speed bump.

I would lean towards you

U-turning the boys.

I think you should give

People who would try to get rid

Of you guys.

I don't know why somebody

Would u-turn us. We're not that

Big o a risk.

Being a friend is not a

Reason to u-turn.

Does this mean the girls can

Want be u-turned?

You know they put your face


Don't tell them we told you


Get your tickets?


We'll walk you out. There's

No reason to stay here.

It's a cuchure shock.

Logan, you might have messed

Up there.

Kris have been talking about

The u-turn.

Threw you urn the bus saying

That you guys put our names on

The u-turn on the board?

Did you?

We don't want them knowing

That we u-turned them.

S the the wrong time, the wrong

Place. Don't start trouble.

Here we go.

Now, it's really on.

Why are you saying that you

U-turned them?


We said that we thought there

Was a u-turn used.

I wasn't saying anything like


It was not said like that.

I think that everybody's

Getting a little out o control

With this and it's really

Bothering me now.

And it's going to put a target

On someone and it might be for

You doing that.

I think you guys kind of

Stirred it there a little bit.

You guys were making some -- we

Were trying to do something

Sneaky there.

Instead o going back and

Forth I said did you guys

U-turned anybody?

So the u-turn border is for


We're going to be the one who

Is get u-turned.

Is get u-turned.
Boy, that was really stupid.

Boy, that was really stupid.

We are on a train in india

Right now getting ready to head

Towards the taj mahal.

It's a scorcher out there.

We have krista with the


Krista, how's it looking out


Well, joey, it's steaming up

Into in india.

We walked into a lot of o u-turn


It made us a little hot and

Bothered but I think it's going

To be a great day.

Kelsey, on to you.

Kelsey, on to you.
They're in trouble.

They're in trouble.

Cop on.


Let's go, kris.

After traveling almost

Will face some sensory overload

With a u-turn ahead.

Chop, chop.

Hurry, we've got to beat



Get in.

Thank you.

Really quick, sir.

We're in a race.

What the el?

Come on, hurry up.

Come on.

Come on.

Happening on.

It's going to be a bumpy ride in


We're talking to the tats the




Don't let them pass us.

Go fast.

Go fast.


This is crazy.

Oh, my god.

I don't want to die today.

Oh, buddy.

Oh, buddy.

It's crazy.

Oh, my god!

We're on the wrong side of

The road.

The cow.


Thank you.

Wait for us.

There it is.


Who's ready for laundry day.

India has the largest

Outdoors laundries in the world.

This one on the banks of the

Yamuna river is about the size

Of six football fields.

Team must choose a bicycle

Loaded with diry landry and

Wheel it here where they will

Show them the process of washing

Laundry indian style.

Once they let their sasaris out

To dry they'll receive their

Next clue.

I'll do it.

Who's ready for laundry?

Oh, my gosh.

I don't know if I should get on

It because it might roll down.

Already I'll just get on it.

Ooh, ooh.

O, with, ow, -- ow, ow, ow.

You got this

Lord have mercy.

This is unbelievable.

I'm going to have to push it.

Who' ready for laundry day?

Joey sment

Tanner appear josh will both

Have to do this roadblock.

I was reading and I saw you

And josh were punished for the

Speed bump.

We've got to fight and can't

Stop, can't get complacent.

I'm do it.

Ô] all right.


You can do it.

You've got it, joey.

Oh, my god.

This is so heavy.

Come on.

The boys are not going to beat

Us on this one.



How's it going, man?

Can you help me?

The roadblock was we had to

Wash quite a large amount of

Clothing and the way they tie it

And fold it there's a certain

Way and they're very particular

About it.

Like this?


When it comes to doing the

Laundry here in india, they fole

It through times, knot it, put

It like in a boiling pot.

I tend to do the laundry so I

Knew it would be time consuming.

Like this knot?

You have to show me again.

Like this?

Man, you guys are tough.

One, I drop.

I do good?

Right there?


Got the hang of it now.

I got the sp now down just

Doing it.


I wsh I knew more about

What's going on. I didn't get to

Read the clue atle awe.

Once tanner is done doing the


He comes back and you have to do

The same exact thing but that's

Your speed bump.

Are you kidding me?

I just don't know houpping

It's going to take.

Looks like a ton of laundry.

Oh, my gosh.

-- I just don't know how long

It's going to take.

Looks like a ton of laundry.

Oh, my gosh.

It's going to be a while.

It's hot.

It's hard to breathe.

Oh, man.

This is making me nervous.

This one takes a good while.

This is going to put us way


This is a lot of laundry.

This is a lot of laundry.
Come op, tanner.

Come op, tanner.

How long, tanner?

It's a tough speed butch.

Definitely feel the pressure.

Hopefully can wrap this up.

But it's a scary time.

I'm just panicking that josh has

To do this and it's a long speed


My arms are a lot shorter.

So I'm trying to make hit the

Way to make it even.


I'm just going to start doing

That from now on.

My friends at home always

Make fun of me.

My mother enjoys doing my


I'm not going to tell her no if

She wants to do it.

But I can do my own laundry if I

Need to.

If you happy and you know it

Clap your hand, whoo!

Try to distragget us.

If you're not going to u-turn

Us let me snow, anybody?

Not one person speaks up.

I genuinely think we're not.

All right. Anybody else?

I don't plan on it.

Unless you know something I


Come on, krista.

Oh, my god.

I have so many left which is


Ok, sir.

I spin it?

Got to stir it up?

I'm done.

I'm done.


Oh, lord.

You had to stir the pot and

Wash your clothes and spread

Them all out.

It's my turn to carry the weight

A little bit.

This is so heavy.

Come on, denise.

You got this.

It's so hard.

We're doing laundry.



Where do I go?

These are heavy, wet.

God, I'm not going to make it.

I never dreamed it would be this


I want to sit down and cry.

How much more laundry have I got

To do.

Come on, mom.

Oh, god.

I feel bad for her sometimes

On these physical ones.

She tries to keep up.

She moves for her age.

I feel like I'm going to


Great job, mom!


Untie them?

Oh, my god.

We're drying them on sapped

Right now.

I don't know how this is

Clean though, but.

The fabrics are busme




I tried.

Do we just keep going like


Drop this ear?


Thank you.

Hopefully I could catch up now.



This one's really pretty.

I'm going to die of


This is the hardest thing

I've ever had to document

What a work out.

Oh, my god.

Like this?

Lord, have mercy.

Nobody's left yet.

I know tanner's pretty close

But josh has to do this whole

Thing again.

If we can get in front of

Them that u-turn is wide open.

He was asking if anybody would

And I kind of said no but I'm ok

With using it.

I could see the end.


Thank you very much, sir.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Thank you, sir.

Thank you so much.

Come on, christy!

Make your way to hanuman

Temple in the jori bizarre and

Receive a blessing to receive

Your next clue.

There you go, yes!

k*lling my back.

Receive a blessing -- yeah,

Come on.

Oh, my god, I'm tired.

Are you're the first one out,

Very first.

We're going to hold the lead


Good job, baby.


Good job.

Haul ass.

How far ahead is kris.

Not far ahead.

Tanner was one of the first

One there is and we beat them.

They both have to do it.

That's going a -- to be a

Long one.

Let's go, baby.

Who are the news anchors

Going for?

The green team?

I think everybody has to go

With this green team.

I think kris got pissed at


Why not get the green team


And there's a chance everybody

Can have.


I'm going to go as fast as I


Hanuman temple?



Hello, sir.


I'm christian and joey's


I've never had a blessing like


But when you get to exerps a

Different culture it's special.

And I was honored to be a part

Of it.

Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Let's do it.


Cans or candy?

When it comes to repsych

Kling almost nothing goes to

Waste in india.

Teams must load a cargo bike

With 120 oil cans.

Then deliver them through the

Chaotic streets through the new

Taj oil company.

If they can manage this awkward

Cargo, they'll receive their

Next clue.

Teams will now find out how

Locals turn white much kins like

This until into a favorite agra

Sauce candy.

Once they've cut and washed one

Mana of pumpkin which is

Approximately 90 pounds and then

Deliver two batches to this

Candy store, they'll earn their

Next clue.

I think we do that.

Very, very fast.

Thank you.

Want to do candy?

Yes, let's do candy.


Kris and logan are going to

Beat us now.

Thank you very much.

Deliver stats of cooking oil


All right.


I'm not going to lose hope.

It's just tedious.

It took tanner so long.

This is time consuming.

Oh, one more.

Come on.

$1Lele many.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

I love you.

Thank you.

Way to go, mom!

Seems like to pile is endless

Right now.

You'll catch up.

We have a long day.

Great job, mom.

Don't give up hope, y'all.

We're not going to give up.

It is what it is but we'll push

As hard as we can.

You did it.

I'm proud of you.

I'm so tired.

I know you are.

Hey, at least we beat the


This is a very time consuming

And it's something we don't


Do you know where this store


You are at a wrong place.

Can you tell him where to go.

He took us to the wrong place

Ms so we're nowhere near the


-- Bazaar.

-- Bazaar.

This is it.

All right.

Let's do it.

You try.

We have to definitely get a

Better case than this.

Make another up.

Six by four.

And 120.

Five hi?

Holy cow.

This is going to be crazy to

Travel through the streets like


Thank you.



Watch what they're doing.


I'm here.

What to you want me to do?

You're going to do the


No, I saw.

We have to produce one man of


Are you going to cut your hand


I hope not.

Did you already cut yourself?



Oh, wop.

-- Wow.

Thank you!

We're going to do candy.

Thank you.


Want to do candy?


We're doing candy.

Give him time to catch up.

But hopefully we'll be all



Come on.

Got it.

Let's go.

I don't know how we're going

To get five high.

They're jamming.

Getting down bollywood style.

This is nuts.

This is going to be nuts, babe.

How are we supposed to do


There, kells.

See justin and diana.

When joey and I saw justin

And diana when we got there.

We could already tell they had a

Good lead on us.

It's frustrating that the

Race we've been doing is getting

Us in second place and not in


Six times four is 24.

Too many.

Four times five is 20.

That's 120.


I'll just tie.

Don't put them in the dirt.

I think he starts in the middle,


You're concentrating on what

I'm doing.

Oh, my god.

Cut and wash the pumpkin.

How many?

A man, m-a-n.

Honey, come on.

Do you want me to cut?


No, we're going to get tired.

You're getting too picky.

I'm telling you --


I'll quit.

I'll quit.

I'm sweating like a beast

Right now.

It's a lot of work to make

Some candy so hopefully it's

Really delicious.

Logan, quick.

Keep my name out of your

Keep my name out of your


Almost there.

He's finishing up.

He's laying everything down.

We're going to fight as hard as

We can.

In one can't get past the

Detour, that's my shot.

Come on, guys.

Last one.

Come on.

Sympathy clap. I appreciate


Think he's done.

Appreciate you.

I think you visit, man.

Let's push it.

Let's see if I can remember

How to do a bow line.

My scout master would be proud

If I do it well.

What do you think?

Better do it right the first


You could make it tighter.

We're catching them, babe.

We're catching them.

What is one man?

How are you doing over there,


We're trying.

I don't know how much we're

Supposed to do.

One man?

I have no idea what a man ssm

Go over there and see that

Scale to see if it's


Logan, let's bring our thing?

Hold on a minute.

We'll see if there's is

Enough. Tiff k go look at there


Wash it.

Wash it.

Wash it, kris.


What do we do now?

Logan, get the other side.

Not enough.

Move it!

Come on.

We go back.

Do you guys need more?


We need a lot more.

This is not my idea of making





That's good.

That's good.

Just go slow.






You got to go out more.


Stay away from the books.

I worked in a christmas tree


One christmas.

It's exactly like putting a

Christmas tree on a truck.


Honk, honk!

Beep, beep!


Beep, beep!

Beep, beep!

I've got horns, yeah!


You guys?

Unload there.


Good job, baby.

I think we're good ride.

So let's baket out.

Beep, beep, beep!

Beep, beep!

Try to balance as much as you



All right.

Here we go!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!



We're going to go right now.


They got it.

Thank you.

Panch petha store.

Ok, get your watermelons and

It's hard.

I'll slice.

You dice.

As thick as you can cut them.

Any of the thin wins take longer

For nothing.

-- Any of the thin ones take

Longer for nothing.



, Thank you!



Make your way to the roundabout.

Can one of the other teams

Get here before justin and diana

Can slow them down with a

U-turn, forcing them to perform

Both sides to detour?

Huge bump, huge!

It's right across from the

Gas station.

Right across from the gas



Watch out.

Roundabout, yes?

Very important we get there




Did they know?

They know better than we do.


Thank you, thank you!

Thank you!

All right.

Let's do it.

Ah, thank you.

Go to the right nowabout to

Search for your next clue.

Are we going to u-turn


I think we're in first place.

They don't know where they're

Going so this is scary.

We have to be the first ones

To u-turn.

Do you know?

He's asking someone.


We are so screwed.

We have to u-turn them.

I know.

What do we do?

I think I watch to u-turn the

Green team.

It's very important.

We need to hurry.

We're lost.

Oh, my goodness.

Oh, my goodness.
Oh, god.

Oh, god.

So we have to rely on them to

Find them.

There's no googlele -- google


I think this guy's got the


You got it?


Thank you!

You know how to get there?

God, I pray we're not

U-turned. I can't handle the

Other thing.

I'm just exhausted.

Here's the circle.

We're looking for the red and

Yesterday low clue box.

Honey, up --

You want to just get out and

Run around?

We choose not to u-turn


Search the grounds on the

Moop light garden in agra.

The taj pa ma hall was

Made with white marble and took

$1 Billion.

And just across the yamuna river

On moonlight garden.

The last team to find me here

May be eliminated.


I think we did the right think.

We just chose not to do it

And let the other teams fight it


If you want to u-turn do it.

We are going to u-turn josh

And tanner.

Sorry, guys.

You sure?


Moonlight garden.

I know.

Unfortunately, we want to

Stick around.

We're not u-turned.

Get out and get the clue.

The last team may be


Moonlight garden in agra.

Means we're still stuck with

The green team.

I don't care.

Please, please, please,



Thank you.

Thank you.

Things are looking a little


Why is it looking up?

Because we're still here?

I don't know how it's looking

That fast.

It's called the g*n show.


Can I please trade partners


Taj mahal.

It's called the moonlight



Thank you.

Is this the moonlight garden?

We're coming.

We're coming, phil!

Oh, wow.


Oh, my god, it's beautiful.

That is beautiful.

You're hiding, phil.

You're thide hyding in the


Phil, can I get this thumb to

Work today.

Can I get number six today?

Welcome to agra, india.

You see him doing a little


Shave my head.

No problem.

We can get that done.

Justin and diana you are team

Number one.

And I have great news for you as

The winners of this leg of the

Race you have won a trip for two

From travelocity and you are

Going to honolulu, hawaii.


You're going to spend five night

As the iconic the royal hawaiian

Hotel where you're going to be

Treated to a royal dinner at

Azor restaurant.

Lomi massage.

And a surf lesson and a

Helicopter tour over oahu.

We are so lucky.

You completely dominated.

We work well together.

When it comes time to put the

Work together, we come together.

And we have six wins.

Getting the record for most

Wins is cool.

But we need to win the final.

Phil is like congratulations.

Phil is like congratulations.
That's what it's all about.

That's what it's all about.

Doing all right?


Kelsey and joe, you are

Team number two.

The only way we can beat them

Is to run a perfect leg and we

Want that first.


Good run, guys.

Logan and kris you are

Team number three.



You didn't look very happy


Justin and diana they just

Rubbed me wrong and I was

Literally going up to the matt

Thinking I was going to u-turn


The problem is they're always

In front of us.

If we ever had an opportunity we

Would take it.

We don't want to hand them the

$1 Million.

They're not winning the


There's two.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

They get it?

Listen to me.

Oh, my god, you guys are going

To be done in two seconds.

We have to deliver it.

They did it so fast.

They're going to be right behind


I know.


Thank you.

The boys.

Search the moonlight garden

And the last team to check in

May be eliminated at the lat pit


Oh, my god, it's a u turn.

Oh, my god, no they did not.

Moonlight garden in agra.

Moonlight garden.

I'm shocked.

I'm shocked.

I don't trust them for


I'm so mad right now.

It's always the quiet ones

You have to watch out for.

Are you kidding me?

You punk!

I'm not surprised.

Oh, well, guys.


Worst leg ever.

Moonlight garden.

This is it?


This is the moonlight garden,


You're sure this is moonlight


You don't have to wait for


Which way?

Straight up the middle.

We're going to the pit stop,


We need 120 cans.

Stay positive, I guess.

We're in india.

Anything crazy can happy.

Tiffany and krista I'm

Pleased to tell you that you are

Team number four.


He said 100% this is

Moonlight garden.

He said.

I hope we're going to right

Way, babe.

Phil's good at hide and seek.

All right.

Just give them to me.

I'm going to string them.

Are we in the right place?

This saws shajahan garden.

Moonlight garden.

People like us are down here?

Thank you.

This is heartbreaking.

Do people ever hong right


I haven't heard any.

Moonlight garden?

Thank you.

Come on, phil.

Let's just hope the boys


Oh, god.

If the boys beat us, that's sad.

I'm going to try to hold them

So you can put them against


It's like a big old game of


Do you see them?

I don't.

It's all pretty secure.

One of the top ones -- you

Know someone could have got


Crazier things could happen.

Oh, james earl, we've got to

Get there.

We're almost to the pit stop,


Do you see it?


We have to be close.

Vow down, speeder. We're

Almost there.

Beep, beep, beep!

-- Slow down, speeder.

We're almost there.

Beep, beep, beep.

Right in there, tanner.


We're back in there, baby.

I don't think we're in the

Right stop.

Baby, I don't know what to


I guess we need to get a


They don't know.

Son o a bitch.

Oh, lord.

This is worse than terrible.

It is finished.

Thank you.

We're going back to the


I think we're in first.

Let's go.

Do you know where the

Moonlight garden is?

Behind the taj.

How far?

From here around five, six


We have been in the wrong

Place the whole darn time.

Do you know where?



Did you see the boys did that

Other detour?

I don't know.

But they're strong.

Check in for your next pit


A miracle.

What if someone else is

Really lost.

It's going to be a miracle if

We beat people.

We k*lled ourselves.

We're headed to see phil a

The pit stop.

We could have won.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

We just can't be last.

We don't want to go home.

We've had so much fun.

We want to go, go, go.

Guys, you've looked


You make me so nervous.

I'm pleased to tell you

You are team number five.

Team five.

We made it.

I love you.

I love you too.

She did great.

I know she's twice the age of

Everybody but we're still


How many see how many miles

We ran today.

What does your fitbit say?

Your heart rate is 132 and

She's ran 11 miles.

That is crazy.

The good news is you get to run

Another leg of the race.

I'm ready for it!


Oh, wow.

Wow, look at that.

Welcome to agra, india.

Thank you

Tanner and josh, not your


I'm sorry to tell you that you

Are the last team to arrive.

And you have been eliminated

From the race.

That double roadblock just

k*lled us.

Your only chance was that

Somebody was going u-turn justin

And diana instead of yourselves

But it didn't happen.

They're just too good as much

As we don't want to admit it,

They were stronger than us as a


We never ever thought we would

Be here.

We started out so fast appear

On top and we kind of felt like

We had it in the bag.

I think we kind of let our

Guard down and here we are.

Two boys from texas couldn't

Get it done.

We're sorry, texas.

Stay tuned from scenes

Stay tuned from scenes
from our next episode.

From our next episode.

Next week on "the amazing

Race" -- it's india round two.

Here we go.


All right!

Logan and kris crash a


No, you park it and then ride


Yop what you're doing.

I want to park it right here!

Just park it!

And tiffany has a blowout!

And tiffany has a blowout!
Oh, my god!
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