26x12 - Monster Truck Heroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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26x12 - Monster Truck Heroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "the amazing

Race" -- six dating couples

Squared off against 10 singles

Who met on the starting line.

Damn, he is not.

For the most extreme blind

Dates ever.


The blind dates felt the


Best day ever.

And the heartache.

We're not a match.

I thought coming here I'd find


It's just hard.

After a season of epic

Highs the --

"The amazing race," baby!

Oh, my god, this is so much

Fun, ahhh!

And crushing blows.

We talked about never giving

Up hope.

Baby, I'm sorry.

What do we do?

Love conquered all.


Long the way, seven teams

Were eliminated.

Olivia and c.j.

Aly and steve.

Matt and ashley.

Unfortunately you have been

Eliminated from the race.

Haley and blair's blind date got

Off toe an awkward start.


That's just mean.

And only got worse.

I told you have to listen to


But as the race went on

They found a way to work


Most of the time.

I'm always right and you

Never listen.

As they captured

Back-to-back victories on their

Way to the final leg.

You're team number one.

Dating couple mike and rochelle

Began with a relationship goal.

I was in this race like a

Fast forward for our


While the race brought

Them closer, it also tested them

Every step of the way.

I can't do it.


And the previous leg

Proved the most challenging yet.


Oh, my god.

But a surprise on the malt

Ensured they would race in the

Final leg.

You still have a chance to win

This race.

Blind date lawyers jelani and

Jenny had success out of the

Gate but soon realized they had

Issues to work out.

Gentlemen lan any, can you --

Jelani, can you just think,

Process this?

But they grew and their

Consistent performance earned

Them a spot in the final date.

Laura and tyler lease blind date

Proved first impressions were

Wrong and quickly grew a bond.

Team socal became a force to be

Reckoned with.

You are team number one.

Muscling their way into the


You are racing in the final leg.

Coming up tonight, the last

Dating couple takes on the three

Blind date couples for a chance

To win $1 million and the "the

Amazing race"!

Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh,

You still have a chance

Win this race.

This is insane.

Thank you so much, phil.

Can you do this, rochelle?


Fly to dallas, texas.

Teams must fly 3,000 miles

North to dallas, texas, the

Final city.

Once they've touched down, they

Must make they way to at&t

Stadium and search for their

Next clue.

Sometime before the next finish

Line, I will be eliminating a


Thanks, phil.

Hey, kids.


Top three.

It's three only?

I don't know.

Have you guys seen jenny and

Jelani all day?

We saw them at the airport.

Are you on the same flight as


Mike and rochelle might still

Be in this too.

Mike and rochelle just got to

The airport.

Hi, guys.

Good to see you guys.

All four teams going to dallas,


Everybody is here still?


It's crazy.

That's the race.

Expect the unexpected.

Off to dallas.

Fighting for a million bucks.

This is the real deal.

I feel we're the team to beat.

We're proud of our performance

So far.

No mistakes.

You're going to listen, right?

Is the beginning of the end.

It's like a clean slate all

Over for this final leg.

I'm so excited to go to


Four teams are now making

Their way to their final

Destination, dallas, texas.


Come on, jelani!

Let's go.

We have to go.


We're off to a good start.

We're headed to at&t stadium.

We're the second team out.

Mike and rochelle are in front

Of us.

If we win this race, it could

Change our lives.

Back in america.

Whoo, I hope dallas is good

To us today.

Beat them there.

This is the stadium.

One second, ok?

Who wants to score?

I guess I will.

That's all.

Thank you.

Entrance a, entrance a, right in

Front of us.

All growing up I played


I was pretty good.

It just says to search the

Exterior of the stadium.

All right, job.

Let's keep our eyes peeled.

I've never been on the need

Of a stadium like this nobody is

Here yet.

It feels amazing.

I think we're first.

Fingers crossed.

Rod block.

Who wants to score?

I'll do it.

You do it.

I will.

Pick up your playbook from

The top of the stadium and use

It to receive your next clue.

This is you, this is you!

Blair, we have to go.

We're the last team here.

We have to go!

Tyler, I like this.

All the teams just came in.

Hopefully whatever this

Roadblock is I can get it done

As quickly as possible.


Hey, phil.

Teams will now take to the

Field and play like a pro, but

First they have to get their

Playbook 300 feet above.

After returning to the turf,

They must catch a touchdown pass

And kick the extra point to

Receive their next clue.

Running into the football

Stadium in first place was aways

-- Amazing.

They really pumped me up.

I feel like I need a harness.

This is amazing.

I feel amazing right now.


Get harnessed up and shot to the

Top of the stadium.

My adrenaline was at an all-time


It was insane.

This is awesome.



After experiencing it, gee,

Like I'll never get to do that


It was awesome.

Running out on the field, it

Was absolutely amazing.

It was like a dream come true.


This is insane.

To get hoisted up all the way to

The top of the stadium was nuts.

I could hardly bereavement got

My playbook.


Come on, blair!

This is awesome.

It's a little bit of a fantasy.

Ran out on the 50 yoorl.

This is ridiculous.

Go to the yellow?

All right.

You got it, babe.

First place.

Come on, babe.




Yes, blair.


Oh, my god.

Yeah, blair!


This is awesome.

Oh, my god, that was incredible.

Here comes jelani.

Come on, jelani.

Go, go, go!



Come on, jelani!


Come on, babe, you got it.

Come on, babe.


Come on.

I played football as a

Freshman in high school.


Caught my first pass in the end

Zone, spiked it.

You got it, tyler.

Second play, kick an extra


Come on, guys.

Come on, blair!

Let's go, blair!

Come on, I -- you got it.

Oh, you got it, babe.

You got it, tyler!

Ô] yeah!


Good job.

You got it.


Nailed my first field goal, we

Were out of there.

Make your way to -- to search

For your next clue.

I don't know where to kick

The ball.

Guys my size usually play


Tackling people, not kicking a


Go, blair, go!




He should get the field goal.

Come on, babe.

I had so much trouble with

The kicking.

I didn't know where to line up,

Kick it at the bottom, in the


His pants are falling down.

Come on, blair, you got this


Come on jelani!

Good job, jelani!

Good job, jelani!

I'm so proud of tyler.

That was awesome.

Come on, blair, let's do


We have to get this, blair!




Come on, jelani.

Make that field goal!


Come on, we got this you

Ready, my man?

We're going some place else.

You know where this is?

You don't know where it is?

We're the second ones to get

Out of here so we have to go.

That was the coolest

Experience of my life.

Do you guys know where this


We're going to follow you.

Here's our car.

Go, go!

We're not taking your cab.

Chill out.

Ok, you'll follow him?

Do you know where this is?


You can tell them to leave.

How shady.

You got it.

Jelani, you can do this!


Kick higher!

Kick higher!

Come on, guys.

Just follow him wherever he


Our cab driver doesn't know

Where the next location is so

We're going to follow blair and

Hayley's taxi.

You have to get rid of them.

They are so sheisty.

We're wasting so much time.

Let's go.

This is so brutal.

Yeah, just follow him

Wherever he goes.

Our cab driver doesn't know

Where the next location is so

We're going to hire blair and

Hayley's taxi.

They are so shysty.

We need to go before mike and

Rochelle get here.


Jelani, come on!

Organization my god, oh, my god.

Oh, man.

Jelani, come on, one more


Come on!

He got the field goal and now

We're off to the ranch.


You can do this, come on!

Yes, whoo!


We need to go before the

Other teams come.

Come on, man.

Here comes another team.

Mike and rochelle.

Oh, my god.

You can't talk to this guy.

Just roll up the window.

Do not follow us.

Ok, let's go.

There he is.


Come on, we need to find a


Hey, can we just drive?

Don't talk to them.

Just start driving and we'll

Figure it out.

I don't think we should

Follow blair and heyly.

No, we shouldn't.

Our cab driver wouldn't stay

Here for us and now we're stuck

Without a ride.

What should we do?

We need to just hope.

There's going to be an


It might be at p.t. Ranch.

We don't know when it's coming.

This sucks this is putting us

Way behind.

What are you doing?

I think there's a taxi.

Taxi, please?

We went from first to last.

Everybody had their cabs waiting

But our cab driver from earlier

Said he couldn't wait for us.

I think we're in first place

Right now and we're feeling

Pretty confident.

Oh, the clue is there.


Join a texas cow drive and

Herd some longhorns to receive

Your next clue.

The longhorn is an iconic

Symbol of texas and has been

Part of cattle drives here since

The civil w*r.

Teams must herd them.

When at least six are in the pen

The cowboy will hand them their

Next clue.

Can we take you?

All right.

There's one thing in my life

I've never done, riled a horse.

Are we ready?

Go, go.

Come on.


I'm just following you, man.

Let's go, let's go!

Stay with me.

All right.


How do I get him to stop.

I hadn't been on a horse in a

Long timeful I had a little

Episode where it got spooked or


Where are you going?


I thought you were fast,


I am fast.

Look out, bro.

Join a texas cattle drive.

And corral some longhorns to

Receive your next clue.

Love me a good cowboy outfit.


We're in texas.

Growing to wrangle me some


We put the address in the

Navigator and we'll be there in

Three minutes.

What's going on?

I don't know.

I need gas now.

We're in a race so -- how

Much gas do you have?

His gaslight's on.

The light's on.


We have to go the opposite

Direction of where we need to go

To get gas.


We're doomed.



Come on.

Come on, get it, get it.

Good job, sunflower, good job!

Come on, hayley.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm ok.

Yeah, hayley.

Whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey.

Get it, hayley.


Get in there, cows.


All right, sunflower, let's


There is so good.

Here we go.

Should we go to the right?

This is really nice.

It brings me back to my

Childhood of riding horses in

Orange county, the true dow

Cowboy way.

So what do you do?

Grab the reins.

Macao girl is pretty hot.

No, I'm really scared.

You're going to be just fine,


Make sure I don't fall off.

I'll make sure of that.

Thanks, my man.

I appreciate it.

I had such a great time.

Make your way to reunion

Tower and search for your next


Let's go.

I feel like I'm falling off.

I'm going to fall off.

Come on, girl.




Hey, hey.

You ok?

Yeah, I'm ok.

You know what, when you fall

Off a horse, what do you do?

You jump right back on.

Let's do it.

You're doing good right



Not too fast.

Not too fast.

There we go.


Yeah, whoo!

All right, let's go back.

I'm sorry you took a little

Spill there.

I hope you're ok.

Good job.

Let's do this.

I'm a cowboy, baby.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Ok, can we slow it down a


Whoa, whoa!


Oh, yeah!

There we go.

Let's go, let's go.

Get in there.

How many we got?

Looks like six.

That a girl!


Yeah, I love you guys, I love




Ok, ok, ok.

Whoa, whoa.



This is like a ferrari.

Make your way to reunion

Tower and search for your next


Let's go.

Let's go.

Thanks, guys.



Mike and rochelle, I'm

Sorry to tell you that all the

Cattle have been rounded up and

Unfortunately you've been

Eliminated from the race.



That sucks.

And you were so close.

I'm super proud.

There's nothing to be ashamed

Of, we did great.

You really did.

And could I ask for a better


This whole teams we've seen

Teams fight and we stayed calm.

Really appreciate what we


And sad as it is to not win the

Million dollars, I'm so happy

That we got to do this.

Pest -- best experience of my

Life and I got to do it with the

Best partner ever.

Last couple standing.

My son, it's going to be

Lucky to know him.

We did it.

Road block.

All right.

Sharp right.

Reunion tower is an

Integral part of the dallas


Rising 500 feet above the city,

The geo deck provides

Spectacular 360-degree views.

This roadblock requires teams to

Go to the top of the tower and

Spot their next clue as they

Rappel down.

Get it, hayley.

Get it, get it.

Good luck.

Oh, my gosh.

We, in true blair and hayley

Fashion started the leg last

Leaving the airport then we

Worked our way to first place.

I'm so excited.

Oh, my gosh, I have to close my

Eyes once I get scared.

You ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.

This is so crazy.

Start pulling that rope.

Start pulling that roam.

Pull, pull, pull.


There you go.

Come on, hayley!



This is awesome!

Let's go!

I'm looking for the clue,


I don't see it.

Near the railroad tracks?

Focus, hayley.

It's near the railroad tracks.

Focus, focus.

Come on, hayley, you're doing


You know where to look, right?

Oh, my god, if he's yelling

At me that I'm not doing this

Right -- near that parking


That's the only thing I can see.

I think it's up there.

Can you see it, hayley?

I think so.

I think it's over on that


I don't see anything anywhere

Else that's obvious.

Reunion tower.

Oh, my god, I'm so excited.

I want to go to the tower.

Somebody is on it.

That's hayley with those pink


Oh, my gosh.

I think I know where we need

To go.

I think.

Did the other teams show up yet?


It's up on that building

Rooftop over there.

I know where we have to go.

Reunion tower.


This is laura and tyler.

Let's go.

I'm pretty confident.

I'm can.

If you're confident.

We're off.

Damn it, they're already


Oh, I do not want them to



This is so frustrating.

As soon as we pulled up to the

Tower, hayley and blair were

Running into their cab.

Crap, man, how can virginia they

Have such a far lead?

Oh, I can't -- this is so


As soon as we pulled up to the

Tower, hayley and blair were

Running into their cab.

How can they have such a far


Is today really going to come

Down to cab rides?

I do not want them to win.

Not this street but the next

Street is a clue box on top of a

Parking deck thing.

Oh, crap.

Turn around.

We need to get back that way.

Direct him, blair.

I don't know where --

We need to go -- blair, help

Me make decisions where.

You have to tell me.

Does this look like the top of

The --

If they're bitching at all

During today --

I guarantee they are.

I heard her earlier say


I don't even know what it was.

Listen to me.

This street right here was not

What I need to be on.

I think it's right up there.

Turn around.

Make sure we get to the right


We have to beat hayley and


Two, one --

I see movement.


This is really cool.

What a view!

You girls got this.

Let's go.


Good job.

Is that it right there?

I don't feel like it's that

Obvious, though.

Or is that it?

You mean on top of the

Parking lot?


I think it's right off that


I think it's right up there.

It looks like a parking


Blair, will you listen?

It's on top of a building.

Theas parking lot on top of a


Here's the tower there.

Did it look more like that?

I think it's right up there.

Jenny, there's yellow flags

Floating in the wind right



Look at my finger.

The trains there.

Just go to the right of the

Train, the flags.


Then there's got to be.

What else is there?

No, that's not it.

Nose are just red and yellow


Oh, my god, oh, no.

Blair, we have to figure

Something out.

Let's go back.

Do I have to do it again?

They're coming down.

Maybe we should watch where

They're going, I don't know.

All right, let's go back


We have to go back to reunion



Nice work.

Ok, we know where it is.

Good job.

There's flags down that way.

Sir, you're going to start

Driving that way.

Go over by the railroad


Do you want me to go back and

Do it again?

I just want to like trace the

Tracks a little bit.

I think we need to turn

Around, blair.

I need to do it again.

Whatever you want.

Blake, help me make a


We're a team.

For god's sakes.

Do you want me to do it again or


Make a left.

Make a left.

Are they behind us?

I don't know.

They were and then they went

Another way.

I wanted to stay by the train

Tracks and I don't even know for

Sure I'm going in the right


Yes, I was right.

Oh, my god, yes.

Keen eyesight.

Pull over.

Oh, my god, look at those

Monster trucks.

Are we about to drive a monster


Please tell me we're about to

Ride a monster truck.

This is badass.

Attempt your -- test your

Memory at the end of the bog


Test your skills behind the

Wheels to get there.

Let's go with this green guy.

That one?


Let's make a right.

I don't even see it.

Can we turn back?

I thought it was behind that

Brick building but I was wrong.

It must have been on the other

Side of it.

About to drive a monster


This is texas, baby!

This is a manly truck.


[Engine revving.

Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh!



Oh, my god.

Laura and tyler will now

Face their final challenge of

The race, a giant selfie memory


They'll starts by unlocking this

Shed, which has the names of

Four locations that encountered

Along the race.

Each location represents a leg


Once they've figured out the leg

Numbers from tom to bolt,

They'll have the combination and

Can open the she would to get

Anywhere selfies.

This is namibia, which was

Number --


Where was that?

Wasn't that the first place

We went?

It was.

That was definitely eight and

That was definitely one.

We were confident of two of the

Four so that was not a lot of


What is that?

Is that germany?

I don't remember that.

I see those flags over from.

Big monster trucks.

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.

That was incredible.

In texas, everything is bigger

And better.

We were like big monster truck


We felt so bad gas -- ass.

Gas it, gas it.

Gas it.

I literally don't see


You have no other leads

Really so we decided to come

Back here and have hayley try it


Oh, my god.

I really thought that was it

Over there!

We had a big jump on the

Other teams.

Now we're just trying to stay in


If we've learned anything on the

Race you're not out of it until

Phil tells you you're out.

Oh, my god, there's a bunch

Of yellow flags waving over


I think that might be it.


That's got to be it.

That's near the railroad tracks.

She either wants to get the

Hell down or she saw what she's

Looking for.

I found it for sure.

Good job.


Let's get rocking and


What was it?

Just a bunch of flags blowing

In the wind.

Ok, we know where we need to


I'm thinking that's germany


It's definitely not france.

Keeping -- keep thinking

Through what they are.

I don't know about this one.

Run to the shed marked with

Your name.

It had to have been thailand.


This is one.



That's leg nine.

Leg one, leg nine.

Leg four.

I'm so sorry.

Forget it.

We lost a million dollars

Because of me.

Stop, stop.

We have no idea.

What a struggle.

Got it.

One at a time.

Got to do one at a time.

Inside toolshed was selfies


We had to take them off the

Sheets and place them on the

World map that basically

Chronicled our zwrourny.

This is flee or four and this

One we're not sure.

This is monaco.

Try 8-3-7-1.

Hurry, hurry, please.

Now try 8-4-7-1.


There's two that we can't

Remember and it's hurting us.

This is going to take us all


So I had 8-3-1 and then I'm

Changing -- I've tried every

Single one of these.

Right here?

Yeah, maybe up higher.

Ok, think.

I'm thinking.

I mean we're definitely behind

Jenny and jelani.

They haven't finished the next


Which one goes next after


This one goes next.

Wait, which one is this one?


Did you just get it.


Nice work.

The selfies must be police

Stationed on the map in

Chronological order from right

To left.

So we're looking --


This is japan.

You look for them while I put

These up.


Where's the next place?

The next place is thailand.

Great selfie, by the way.

Ok, so all these are laid


Now we have to arrange them so

That they actually make sense.

Tyler, this one goes up.

On the plane riled to



You're right.

Come on, tyler!

Can you hold on to these

While I shift the other ones?

Tylerer, what do you need



There's a lot of germany ones in


We need more room.

Next one.

What do we have?

I love that the selfies are

Coming into play right now.

We have a good idea of the

Order but severing not where it

Needs be.

The nice one?



We're trying to move fast.

I want to get back in my monster


I don't know, this is before


I'm making room.

Just hurry.

I'm trying.

He's posting the photos while

I pick them out and put them in


Come on, tyler.

Are you doing this right?

Yes, I'm doing it right.

Now I have to move all these

Over but still touching the


Smack it down.

Smack it down.

Is that correct?


It's not correct.


Take all those off.

They can't go there.


Not enough room.


Maybe we're still in this,

You never know.

They're still over there.

Buckle up, buckle up.

Buckle up, blair!

Buckle up!

Hurry, hurry, we have to go.

That's right, that's right.

Read the clue.

The selfie must be placed on

The map in chronological order

From right to left.

Then the only one we messed

Up was the last one.

That I said to you earlier.

We only screwed up one of

Them, which it was first picture

We took.

It's because I had part it on

The far left and it needed to go

Chronological right to left.

Is this right?

Hurry, please.

I'm trying.

I'm not, not hurrying.



Ok, read the clue.

I think we have to ride the

Monster truck back.

Let's do this.

Go through this right there.

Go, go, go.

Blair and hayley just got


No way.

You're kidding.






All right, blair, come on.

Where's our shed, blair?

Come on.


Oh, my god, thank you.

Thanks, man.

Here we go.

Make your way to continental

Avenue bridge.

Along the way, these eight

Teams were eliminated but the

First team to arrive here will

Win $1 million and "the amazing


Let's go.

Are you kidding, blair and


Yes, let's go!

Continental avenue bridge.

Do you know where that is?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Hop out, hop out.

Let's go, baby.


Go fast.


Where's the continental


Tell us.

He's going to tell you.

It's the new bridge.

The new bridge?


It's fine.

Go, continental avenue


At last, the finish line.

Make your way to continental

Avenue bridge.

Oh, my god, let's go!

We're in first place right


I can't -- I can't even.

You sure you saw blair and



Continental bridge.

Really, really fast.

So much depends on this please

Go as fast as you can.

Continental avenue bridge.

You know where that is?

No, that's the hunt hill


No, we don't want to go over

This bridge, sir.

Sorry, but we can't mess this


There's one team ahead of us.

We have to beat them.

Can you go faster, please?

Zpwrrks please?

Jenny and jelani were still

Putting photos up when we left

But anything is ponl possible.

You can't count this race out

Until you see phil.

Try and make a left.

Make a left.

We're about to win "the

Amazing race."

This is unbelievable.


We got this.




Come on over here, guys.

Come on over here.

Say it to me, phil, say it to


No way.

Five continents, eight

Countries, more than 35,000

Miles, laura and tyler, you have

Won the $1 million and you are

The official winners of "the

Amazing race."


[Cheers snosmed


Oh, my god.

Didn't even know each other and

Rough 12 legs of the race here

You are.

I love you guys.

I love you!


I know you wanted to win

The $1 million but you were also

Looking for love and what kind

Of love did you find?

The love of the world.

We found a lasting friendship

And we're never going to forget


This was so incredible and the

One thing I did want to say is

Laura, she's been awesome.

We balanced each other out well

And we're here because we're a

Team and we made it work.

When we first left l.a. We were

Like who is this person I'm

Going to run with and am I going

To be able to pull this off and

Throughout the race we became

Really good friends and learned

Each other's strengths and

Weaknesses and here we are,

Winners of "the amazing race"

And we couldn't be more excited.

You are the official

Winners of "the amazing race."

Thank you very much, sir.

Great job.

Jelani and jenny, so


Very, very close and I think

We did a great job today, I'm so

Proud of us.

I'm so proud of jelani.

We put all our effort into


I know jenny was k*lling it.

You couldn't ask nor more effort

Or want and desire.

I couldn't ask for a better


I'm so lucky I got paired up

With this wonderful, wonderful

Guy and he's going to make a

Very lucky girl very happy.

Down the road.

I can't believe we raced

Around the world.

We experienced so much together

And that experience is -- cannot

Be taken away from us.


Oh, I feel so disappointed in

Myself but at the same time so


It's such a bittersweet moment.

If I would have just found the

Clue we would have had first.

Absolutely no regrets.

You can't have regrets on a race

Like this too many variables.

I'm sure that will haunt me

The rest of my life.

Hayley and blair, what a


What a day.

And I screwed it all up at the


Will you ever forget that

Touffer over there?

I got to do it twice.

What's quite remarkable is

The fact that none of you knew

Each other and here you are as

The first three teams finishing

"The amazing race."

You call all came looking for $1

Million and you all came looking

For love.

Still looking.

Any regrets for coming on

The race and not finding love?

No regrets at all.

I'm not going to be

Officiating at any wedding I

Guess is what I'm saying.

I think you'll be first

Quartering at our wedding,


Apparently, yeah.

We didn't win "the amazing

Race" but we left with one of

The most incredible experiences

That anybody can ever have.

We lefts the race engaged, which

I couldn't be happier about.

We're one of the luckiest people

In the world.

For sure.

Things couldn't be any better.

Congratulations too all of

You have.

If I had to choose someone to

Do the race with me again, I

Would choose blair.

I would choose hayley if she

Promised not to yell so much.

Then you have to promise --

To listen.

We dropped our rhythm and got

To know each other on a little

Bit deeper level and I think

It's going really well.

Unfortunately we didn't win

But we definitely won each other

And that's the beautiful thing.

The secret to running and

Winning with a complete stranger

Is you have to have an open

Mind, be really patient and be

Willing to take the punches

Which when that I come.

The only thing tyler and I

Could do was to stay positive.

It was a lot of give and take

But we did a really good job at

That and that's why we're here

And that's why we won.
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