24x07 - The Gladiators Are Here!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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24x07 - The Gladiators Are Here!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"The Amazing Race AllStars"...

seven teams continued
racing through Sri Lanka.

Dave played traffic cop
at the Road Block...

We're in here. Move, move, move!

While Rachel got stuck in a jam.

Green, you have to be here.

You push in here!

At the Detour, the
Afghanimals battled the Cowboys.

We gotta beat Leo and Jamal.

We gotta beat the Cowboys.

And the Country
Singers battled bubbles.

- Bubbles.
- This is impossible.

A wild ride to the Pit
Stop... Oh, he's trying to pass you!

Eat my dust, Cowboys!

Holy cow.

Set up a footrace
for first place...

- We gotta move.
- Let's go, Leo! Whoo!

And a win for Leo and Jamal.

You are team number one.

Caroline and Jennifer
came in last...

And I'm sorry to tell you that
you are the last team to arrive.

But sang a happy tune.

This is a non-elimination leg.

Seven teams remain.

Who will be eliminated next?

We're cooking
right now, baby! Whoo!

Sri Lanka is
an island nation

off the southeastern
coast of India.

Formerly part of
the British Empire,

it is home to spectacular
colonial buildings like this.

Once the home
to British governors,

Mount Lavinia Hotel is now
the start of the seventh leg

in a race around the world.

Leo and Jamal won
the last leg of the race...

and will depart first
at 2:41 p.m.

Thank you, thank you.

"Fly to the Eternal City

and search Hadrian's Bridge
for your next clue."

Teams must figure out that
the Eternal City is Rome, Italy.

Once there,
they must make their way

to Hadrian's Bridge where
they'll find their next clue.

- Let's go.
- Eternal City?

We need to know where
the Eternal City is.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

- Where we going?
- I don't know.

"Fly to the Eternal City
and search Hadrian's Bridge."

- Sweet. Do you know where the Eternal City is?
- It's gotta be Rome.

Hadrian was one of
the emperors of Rome.

Taxi. I'm excited.

"Fly to the Eternal City and search
Hadrian's Bridge." - Okay, let's go.

It's so fun to, like, wake up and
just like eat, sleep, live the race.

- Do you know where that is?
- Yeah, I know.

Jess and I are the only team
in "Amazing Race" history

to get eliminated
holding our Express Pass.

That was devastating,

but this race has given us
an opportunity

to redeem ourselves and
strengthened us as a couple.

There you go. Thank you.

Can I use your computer?
Thank you so much, sir.

I think it's Rome, right?
Has to be Rome.

'Cause that's where history
first started and stuff.

The gladiators and stuff.

We need to find
the quickest way...

Yeah, to Rome, Italy.


- Direct flight?
- Yes.

What time does it get there?

This is pretty good.
I mean, this is direct flight.

We need two tickets
to Rome, please.

Yes, on Sri Lankan Airlines.

That's the earliest flight.

- Book that flight, please.
- Sure.

- "Fly to the Eternal City."
- Okay, let's go. Taxi!

We need to go to
this travel agency.

- You know?
- Okay, yes.

All right, let's go
to the Eternal City. Whoo!

It's the first time Rachel and I

have not left in last
or second to last.

In like three legs.

So now I think we're really
ready to turn it up a notch.

It's like the stock market,
and our stock is going up.

Where the heck is
the Eternal City?

- The Eternal City.
- Oh, Ethiopia, Africa. Whoo!

- How do you know that's where Eternal City is?
- I don't.

Here we go. "Fly to the
Eternal City." - Here we go.

We are about to start
our 30th leg

of "The Amazing Race" and we're
pretty excited about it.

- Taxi!
- We're halfway through the race.

And through the first half, we've
been kinda toward the back.

But the last couple days,
we really feel like we've ran,

you know, great legs.

We're confident
in the way we're racing.

And like we always say,
we just have to beat one team.

The Eternal City is Rome.

We are looking right now
for another travel agency.

Air tickets, right there?

Pull over, pull over, pull over.
Pull over.


- Babe...
- What?

Calm down.

- Very sneaky.
- Hey, long time no see.

We're going to
the same place as them.

We want the same tickets
as they have.

We don't normally do this,
but USC and UCLA

might just be building a bridge.

- We're like Hadrian's Bridge.
- We'll break on Hadrian's Bridge.

"Fly to the Eternal City."

Okay, Eternal City.
What is that?

Thank you.

We got on the earliest flight
we could.

And I think all the teams are
gonna be on it, so... With us.

We'll see what happens.

- How's it going, fellas?
- Hey, hey, hey, what's going on?

We're at the airport now
picking up our tickets

and everyone's on our flight
it seems like.

It's always better to be
with everybody on the flight.

So we're all with the pack,
we have a Speed Bump coming up.

At least we are on
equal playing ground.

It will be fun for everybody.

All teams are now making
their way to Rome, Italy.

- Come on.
- Brr.

- Whoo! We love Italy!
- Rome.

Run, John. We were all
on the same flight,

but we were sitting near the
front with the Country Singers

and Bren and Rachel
and Leo and Jamal.

The Globetrotters,
Dave and Connor, and the Cowboys

were all stuck
in the back of the plane.

- Go, go, please, sir.
- We're racing, we're racing!

Go, go, go, go, go!

It's good to make up time
when you can in the airport

because every second counts.

Yeah, can you take us?
We're in a race,

so you need to go
as fast as you can.

Ponte Sant'Angelo Bridge.
Come on, Brendon.

- Ponte Sant'Angelo.
- Okay, let's go.

- We're the third team to leave.
- Third team to leave.

John and Jessica's ahead of us.

And so is Bren and Rachel.

We are leaving
the airport fourth.

The 10 minute lead
could be our Speed Bump,

so that's really great for us.

First bus has already left.
Dang it.

We're gonna lose a lot of time.

Nothing we can do.

Is this Hadrian's... is this...

That's the bridge?
Okay, okay, we're gonna get out.

Ponte Sant'Angelo.

"Detour: 'Gladiator'
or 'Charioteer.'"

Built more than 2,000 years ago,

the Colosseum still stands

as an iconic symbol of
Ancient Rome.

And in the shadow of this city's
most popular tourist attraction,

teams will now
get a chance to compete

in two of the most popular
spectator sports

during Roman times.

Gladiators once fought
to keep the gods happy.

Now teams must learn
the sword skills needed

to fight a seasoned gladiator

and keep the crowds happy.

Once they have mastered
a series of maneuvers,

they'll be rewarded
with their next clue.

Chariot racing was a highlight
of Roman sporting events.

Charioteer requires teams
to race by remote control,

with one team member
controlling the turns

and the other controlling
the speed.

Charging around this course,

they must complete five laps

before the flame goes out
to receive their next clue.

My inclination is "Gladiator."

I think we can do that.
Okay, let's do that.

Let's go back to our cab, then.

- There's a clue box.
- Okay.

- Ponte Sant'Angelo.
- Okay.

- I say we do horse and chariot.
- Yes, horse and chariot!

- "Charioteer." Let's go.
- Okay.

"'Gladiator' or 'Charioteer.'"

Let's just do the "Charioteer."

- Oh, my Roman dreams are coming true.
- Let's go.

- There's the clue box.
- Caroline, hold on.

- Speed Bump.
- Oh, here it is.

"Make your way to the Pantheon."

After arriving last
in the previous leg,

Caroline and Jennifer
must now complete

an extra task
called a Speed Bump.

This Speed Bump requires them

to make their way
to the Pantheon,

pick up an Olivetti
from this antique dealer,

and then find the building
it resembles,

the Altare della Patria,

known in Rome as the typewriter.

Once they've properly
placed it on this pedestal,

they can continue racing

and try and catch up
with the other teams.

Okay, "Make your way
to the Pantheon."

Look straight ahead.

It's fun seeing Rome
early in the morning.

It's beautiful.
Our last race in Italy,

I kinda freaked out on Brendon.

"Amazing Race" is
supposed to be fun and good.

It was our worst leg ever.
We almost got eliminated.

So now we put that behind us,
we're moving on.

I think it's right there.
That must be it, right?

The gladiators, yeah.

- Go, go, go.
- Hi.

We wanna be gladiators.

Look, there it is.
Marked entrance.

- Okay. Okay.
- I see it. Thank you.

Brendon and I both had to dress
in Ancient Roman costumes.

Which is super cool 'cause
we absolutely love dressing up.

Oh, definitely
like giant diapers.

That's probably not right.

Why do they help
Rachel get dressed

but they don't help the guys?

Somebody gonna help me?

Okay, ready? John, you ready?

- Yeah.
- Oh, wow. Looking hot.

- Am I good?
- Whoo! Let's go.

- Okay, are you ready to fight?
- Okay.

- Yes.
- Good.

The first step was
we had to meet with somebody

so they could train us on how to
defend ourselves against a gladiator.

Head is this.

They went through
a sequence basically.

And so, first they're
coming down your head,

then they go for your neck,
then they go for your legs.


There were a lot of steps to it,

but I personally had done
that sort of thing before.

I've done martial arts,
you know, growing up,

and took a Tae Kwon Do class
in college,

so it came pretty naturally.

Boom, boom, boom.

- Let's do chariot.
- Gonna do chariot.

Let's do "Charioteer."

- We're driving horse.
- We gotta drive the horses.

Let's go. "Charioteer."

- Okay, let's go.
- Come on, Rach.

Little chariots.

These horses
are like mini horses.

They're like this big.
It's a remote control.

It's like toy car racing almost.

Not what we were expecting.

Choose a chariot
and put on line.

Pick a chariot.

Is that the Colosseum?

We have one in Los Angeles
where USC Trojans play.

Let's go, Leo.


All right, babe, come on.

Go, go, go.
You need to speed up, babe.

- Slow and steady, babe.
- I know, babe, but if you go

too slow, we might not make it
before the fire.

You have to race your chariot
around the track five times

before the fire goes out.

And as we're racing
around the track,

one of us gets to control
the speed of the car

and one of us gets to
control the turning.

You gotta slow on the turns, Rach.
I'm slowing on the curves.

Not too slow.

So it was actually
really beneficial

that Brendon and I were
there by ourselves

so we could kind of
work out all the kinks.

'Cause you kinda need practice,
like, when you need to go fast

and when you need to go slow
and when you need to steer

around the rocks.

- Fire's out.
- Oh, my God.

We were about one lap short, which
means we need to go faster.

- Ahh!
- The gladiators are here!

This isn't real horses.

- Hello.
- Hello, Princess.

Is this the Pantheon up here?

- That's probably him parked outside.
- Okay, thank you.

Hi. We need an Olivetti.

This? Okay.


Okay, so we just need to
pick up-- is it heavy?

- Yeah, it's heavy.
- I can hold it.

- Okay.
- We just gotta figure out where to take it.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you.

Do you know of a museum
that looks like an Olivetti?

We had to take it to a building
that looked like a typewriter.

Well, of course, we don't know
anything around here.

It was heavy.

I mean, my g*ns
are like burning up now.

Where is that?

- Can we walk down to it?
- Yeah.

No, Jess,
you don't use the shield.

He said--

Okay, okay, okay.

Yeah! Are we ready now?
Can we try against him?

- Whoo!
- All right, we're good. Let's do it.

We gotta remember the sequence.

In the first sequence,
always use your sword.

The second sequence,
use your shield.

Look who we have to fight.

We have to fight that guy?

I can't watch.

I'm so scared.
Is he gonna really hurt us?

Yeah. Yeah!

Only knife.

Come on.
Only the sword the first time.

I was shocked and intimidated

by the brute force
of the gladiator

and I folded under pressure
and used my shield

rather than my sword.

When that happened,
it was game over.

He didn't do
the right movements,

you have to start over.

Okay. Yup, yup.

- Okay?
- Okay.

Slow down, Rach.

Rach, you gotta slow me down.

- Leo, don't go full throttle.
- Poor guy.


- Uh-oh. Brandon, don't run into--
- Oh, God.

- Penalty!
- Romans down, Roman down.

We're stuck. Try not to
knock into each other.

There goes Dave and Connor.

We have to get this done before
this other team gets in here.

With three, it's gonna be like frickin'
crazy. I know, it's gonna be chaos.

- Exactly.
- Especially when there's more teams there,

you're gonna keep crashing.
Start again.

We should have done
the other one.

Okay. Ready?

I wanna go first.
Okay, you can do it.

Let's go, Jess!

You had to be really theatrical

'cause it was kind of
a performance as well.

So, like, you had to
really be aggressive.

And that's kind of funny
'cause I feel like I'm like

the least intimidating
person out there.

You can do it!

So it was kind of cool to be
like the angry gladiator.

You just feel like a badass.

Yeah, before you got m*rder*d
by the gladiator.

Yeah, you have to die.
That is kind of funny.




- I used my shield.
- John!

- Is there enough time for five laps?
- Leo.

- Rachel, turn--
- Ah!

- All right, Dad, ready?
- You gotta slow on the turns, Rach.

Oh, there's another two coming.

Dude, we're not gonna finish
if all these people are here.

- You wanna switch?
- What are we gonna do?

- You wanna just go?
- Look what we got here.

Let's go, man.

- What do you say?
- Let's go.

We're gonna go do the gladiator.

All right, guys, have fun.

Trying to get five perfect
laps was almost impossible.

And by this time,
other teams are arriving.

We see Dave and Connor
and now the Globetrotters.

We had to make an executive
decision right on the spot.

And we're like, dude, we have
to change. We have to leave.

Sorry, no speak English.

That's Italian.

Oh, my gosh.

Go, Flight.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Keep 'em going, keep 'em going.

That's okay.
Full throttle ahead.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


You don't have the most control
over those chariots.

So the more teams
that came to the Detour,

the harder it got.

- How many are we at?
- I think that was four.

One more.

It was hard enough
to navigate around the rocks.

So once everybody
started showing up,

it became more difficult because now I had
to navigate around all the other teams.

- Keep it going, keep it going.
- Rach.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Oh, come on!

That was an accident.


- It's a race, guys.
- Jeez.

We were just about
to finish our fifth lap

and Brendon and Rachel
slammed right into us.

- It's over.
- Got a little wild out there.

Yeah, we were there.

Cowboys are here.

They're going to
sabotage each other.

Should we just switch Detours?

No need to stress.
Just work together.

Brendon and I were actually
really getting fed up

because we had been there
for so long.

We were the first team there.

- Go.
- Throttle.

And then Dave and Connor
got there

and then the Globetrotters got there
and then the Cowboys got there.

And it was just complete chaos.

- Oh, dude.
- Come on, babe.

Sweetie, I love you.
There's no way.

Do you wanna just switch?
Are you serious?

- Brendon, what are we gonna do?
- Brake it.

What the hell? It's impossible.

This is so frustrating.

Rach, what do you want to do?

We need to decide.
We don't have a lot of time.

We have to work together
on this and we have to get this.

- Rach, let's just switch.
- Brendon, let's just focus.

- Let's just do this.
- Okay.

- Start again.
- We got it, Dad.

- Slow and steady.
- Ready... go.

Go, go, go.

Keep her going, keep her going.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Flight, Flight.

Back it up, back it up.
Cord, back it up.

- Yeah.
- You gotta slow down, dude.

- What a ride, what a ride!
- Now go.

Go, we're getting straightaway.

Well, it has to be
that big thing.

That's looks like
the typewriter.

- The white thing.
- Okay.

You're probably gonna have to
hold this for a little bit.

- Yeah.
- You got it?

Is that a column?

Let's try this.

- This is it.
- Okay, good work.

Hi. Okay, Olivetti.

Thank you.

Do you wanna do chariot?
Yeah, chariot.

- We're gonna do chariot.
- Okay, let's get a taxi. Taxi!

We're in a big rush.

Come on, John!

That Detour, you know,
made you kinda imagine yourself

back in that time period.

And if you actually
were a gladiator

fighting in front of thousands
of people to the death, wow,

that would have been intense.

Let's go, Jess!

That's gotta be good.

- Yeah!
- We did it!

- Holy cow!
- Yeah, we did it!

Thank you.

"Make your way to the piazza di
John Keats' unhappy Roman Holiday."

Teams must figure out that
they'll need to make their way

to the Piazza Di Spagna,

the location of English poet
John Keats' former home,

where they'll find
their next clue.

- Okay, let's go get dressed.
- All right, let's go.


We're going--
We don't know where it is.

"Make your way to the piazza di
John Keats' unhappy Roman Holiday."

Plaza, yes, I know,
but we need the piazza.


- John Keats.
- No.

No piazza?

Are you sure, Sandro? Okay.

We trust you.
We gotta get first place.

- Easy, Cord.
- Keep going, keep going.

The chariot race is crazy.

There was like rocks and
you really had to watch out

for all the other racers that were
driving around like Sri Lankans.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Back it up, back it up.

Our charioteer,
he had a terrible day.

I mean, he was a real person,
um, he'd definitely would have

been on his way
to the emergency room.

And he probably would've died,
to be honest with you.

We just can't drive. It's hard.

You got to the point
where you were just crashing

into each other's chariots
and they were just imploding.

Horses were flying everywhere.

Slow down, slow down,
slow down, slow down.

Flight, Flight, Flight,
Flight, what you doing?

Slow down, Rach. Rach.

- That was four. Keep going.
- You are out of control with this thing.

Babe, it's Ancient Rome, they fall
off their chariots all the time.

- Careful on these turns.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, Connor.

Whoa, whoa. sh**t.

Back up, back up, back up.
I can't back up.

- Dang it.
- Go, go, go. Speed, speed, speed, speed.

Come on, speed! Speed!

That was five! Whoo!

"Make your way to
the piazza of John Keats'

unhappy Roman Holiday
and search for your next clue."

All right, let's go.
Come on, Brendon.

- Right here, Leo.
- Oh, yeah.


Ooh, look at the girls.

I'm doing it
for Marcus Aurelius.

Piazza of John Keats.

Thank you.

- The Country girls. sh**t.
- Hey, let's roll.

- Watch that rock.
- Ooh.

- That was a big rock.
- We're good, we're good,
we're good, we're good.

This is four,
one more and we're done.

Not much.

Straighten 'er out.

straighten 'er out.

- Near home.
- The home stretch.

Go on, go on, go on,
go on, go on, go on!

- The both finished.
- Thank you so much.

- "Search for your next clue."
- Let's roll.

Head. Neck.

Legs. Other side.

- Stomach.
- Ahh!

Okay, let's go.
We're ready. Vamanos.

- Let's go.
- I do this for you.

I like her.

- Oh, we get real swords.
- We're gonna fight this guy?

This guy is huge.

I don't want to die.
I'm too young.

Run, Jamal, run!

I am ready.

Ow! My knee!

Come on, go back, go back.

Back to school?

This guy was like from that era.

He's flexing his chest,
he spitting.

He's kicking us in the ass
like we didn't know anything.

Are we gonna go again?

Come on. We got this.

Go, go.

Hit it, hit it.

Once the Cowboys
and Dave and Connor left,

that gave us a little more room
and not run into so many people.

That's it. That's it.
That's five.

You know, we hit it
right then and there.

"Search for your next clue."
Let's go, baby.

Oh, wait, wait!
These shoes hurt.

We did one lap around
with the Globetrotters

and they got it
and they were out.

So we were by ourselves.

Oh, God.


- John Keats' piazza?
- Yeah.

I don't think he's going
the right direction.

Piazza, John Keats.


Hey, if we go out this leg,
I had a great time with you.

I've had a great time with you.

Our state of mind was,
we're eliminated.

Like, there's no way.

So we thought, you know what,
let's just have fun with it.

We're in Rome. We're doing
some crazy car racing.

We're just gonna
kind of embrace it.

Might as well have
a good time, you know?

No need to get stressed here.

- Whoa!
- Ahh! Reverse, reverse.

Oh, Hercules, man.

We were taking forever
with that challenge,

but we didn't feel bad
for our warrior guy at all.

We knew he could handle it.

The horses were fine,
that's all we cared about.

- Yeah.
- Who cares about the man?

Okay, come on, babies.

Let's go!

Go, go, go.

We did it!

Oh, God! Thank God! Oh, my gosh.

- Thank you!
- Holy cow!

- Thank you!
- Okay.

"Search for your next clue."

- Okay. See ya.
- Okay. Bye.

You think it's up here, Sandro?

Piazza of John Keats.

So our taxi driver
drives us instead of to

"piazza John Keats,"
it says "via John Keats."

So it's John Keats Road.

It's definitely not
the right place.

It's like this
apartment complex.

- We say piazza.
- It doesn't look right.

It's an apartment building.

Rome only street. No piazza.

Is this the piazza-- - Yeah,
stop right here. Stop, stop, stop.

Thank you.

"Road Block."

"Who can sum up
the Spanish Steps?"

These are the Spanish Steps,

the widest steps in Europe.

They were made famous by
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn

in the movie "Roman Holiday."

This Road Block requires teams
to count these marble steps,

making sure not to mistake
the sidewalk for the first step

and add that number
to the Roman numerals,

on the Obelisco Sallustiano,

indicating the year
it was erected.

Using a postcard from
the chestnut vendor,

they'll then need to write
total in Roman numerals.

Once they've made
their calculation,

they must show it to the couple,
and if they're happy,

they'll receive their next clue.

Okay, I'm gonna do this.

You can do it, Boo!

You can do this, babe,
I believe in you!

You're amazing!

Let's start with the obelisk.

So in this task, you had
to find the obelisk

on the the top of
the Spanish steps

and find out what year
it was erected.

While you had to take that and
figure out what number that was

in an alpha-numeric value,

and then you had to count up
the number of Spanish Steps

in the actual, full staircase,
and add that to the number.

And when you got that number
in alpha-numeric values,

you had to convert it
back into Roman numerals.

It sounds confusing
because it was.

"Obelisk Sallustiano."

Which year was the obelisk
put up here, erected?

I don't know.
You don't know? Okay. Grazie.

Brendon's a math guy.
He could totally do accounting.

He's like a physicist.
He's a genius.

Brendon and I need to switch
it up from the back up the pack

to the front of the pack.

Yah! Yah!

Yah! Damn it!

Every time we fell,
we had to go back,

but it was fun--
we were having a blast.

Like, we completely forgot
we were in a race

and we lost track of time.

I love this.

I felt like a kid.

You watch all these movies
and everything,

and you're growing up
wishing, like,

"If I was like Russell Crowe
in 'Gladiator',"

or, "If I was like
Brad Pitt in 'Troy'."

We really played the part.

We were like, "This is Rome!"

This is the gladiators!

Hyah! Aaagh!



Don't do it!

I will k*ll you.

I shall take the arena
and avenge my friend's death!

I watched all four seasons
of "Spartacus."

- Hyuh!
- Yah!


Come on, Roman!

Yeah! Yeah!

We got it! Yeah!

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

Thank you, Your Highness.

Long live Rome.

Let's go.
Yeah, it says John Keats.

Thank you, King!

So I ran up the stairs

and the first thing I did was
look for the obelisk.

I was more concerned about
finding out the correct date

that the obelisk
was actually erected.

Do you know what year
this obelisk was erected here?

It's written there.

What-- what year is that?

- 1789.
- '89.

"M" is 1,000.

Oh, that's an "M"? Oh, okay.

An "M."
Don't you see there's an "M"?

- Oh, in the middle?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- 50 plus 30.

That's 80. Plus 5 is 85.

- Plus 4, 89.
- Thanks.

I appreciate it.
Grazie, signore.

Total number of steps.


"A set of steps in Rome, Italy."

That's where we need to go, Dad.

It's the Spanish Steps, we hope.

- Find it.
- You did?!

- Spanish Steps...
- Ohh!

The clue is sending us
to the Spanish Steps.

So that's where we're headed.

Okay, what are you
looking for, Sandro?

What are you doing?

We just need to get to a hotel
and do our own research,

or we're done for.

We were like, "Let's just
get out of this taxi."

It's hurting us
more than helping us."

Okay, so now we've got to find
a hotel as quickly as possible.

- Um...
- Is there a hotel nearby?

- Hotel?
- Hotel?

What's the best way
to find a hotel?

I don't know.
If we can't find Internet,

we can't find anything, so...

I feel like I'm having
an Unhappy Roman Holiday.

I see a hotel.

Excuse us, we have an emergency.

Can we use
your computer, please?


This is pretty sad that we
haven't figured this one out.

You think it's taking
other people his long?

I don't know, it doesn't
matter-- let's just get there.

- This is the Piazza?
- Piazza.

I see it, I see
it, I see it, I see it.

Where's the clue box?

I don't know. It's a roadblock.

Yeah, but where's the clue box?

The clue box is over there.

There's no clue box.
There is a clue box.

She's just not telling us.
Yeah, there has to be.

It's a roadblock.
She's screwing with us.

I didn't tell 'em where it was

and I didn't tell 'em
where it wasn't.

But I pointed them
in the right direction,

so, technically,
they should be thanking me.

Is this it?

- Oh, here it is, here it is.
- Yeah.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

- Road Block.
- Okay.

- I'll do it.
- Do we take one of these?

I don't know why
you wouldn't tell us.

I did, I pointed
exactly where it was.

- Ah, I'm starting over.
- Do you want me to tell you--

hold your hand? Come on.

So I go to the
bottom of the steps,

and there's one step
at the very bottom

that kind of looks like
part of a sewer.

This does not count, no?
That's a sewer.

So I'm thinking
it's not a real step,

and so I climb all the way
up the steps and I get 135.

- You wanna write this?
- Yeah.

- In-- in Roman numerals?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And hopefully that's correct.

- X...
- X...

- That's 1924, correct?
- Exactly.

Thank you very much.
And here is my happy couple...

on the scooter.

Hello, happy couple.

I, uh, hopefully have
the correct date.

There are an awful lot of steps.

- Si.
- Yes!


Rach, let's go!

Whoo, let's go!

"Make your way on foot to where
the leg of the race ends,

and the Via "Flaminco" begins.

Teams must figure out

that they're looking for
Piazza del Popolo,

known as "The People's Square."

This enormous plaza,

surrounded by impressive
Roman architecture,

is the pit stop
for this leg of the race.

The last team
to check in here...

may be eliminated.

Via "Flaminca"? Okay, thank you.

Thank you! Rach, we're good.

- Okay.
- We got a lead.

Piazza John Keats.

No mai piazza.
Via John Keats.


Is this a Piazza in Rome?

Yes, is Piazza di Spagna.

- Piazza di Spagna?
- It's the center Rome.

Son of a... we're
a long frickin' ways

from where we need to be.

Excuse me.

Do you know, uh, John Keats'

Unhappy Roman Holiday?

Do you know?

This good? All right, let's go!

We took us the wrong way.

John Keats's
Unhappy Roman Holiday.

That's where he died.
Let's just go there.

- Spanish Steps?
- Spanish Steps? Okay.

Let's do it.

We're heading
to the Spanish Steps.

Piazza de Spagna.

That's, uh,
where John Keats died,

so we think
that would probably be

a pretty unhappy Roman Holiday.

- Yeah, right here, right here!
- Let's go!

Thank you! Grazie, grazie!

- Brendon and Rachel...
- Yeah?

You are team number one!

Yes, yes, yes!

As the winners
of this leg of the race...

- Yes, yes.
- You have won a trip for two

from Travelocity,

and you are going to Australia's
Great Barrier Reef!

Oh, wow! I can't believe it!

You're gonna indulge in
five nights in a Lagoon Room

at the One and Only Hayman,

relax with an ocean massage,

and take an Air Whitsundays
panorama tour

to enjoy the Heart Reef
and Whitehaven Island

by air and sea.

We've been struggling
every single leg

to stay in the race,
so this is huge for us.

We were kind of on like
a sinusoidal wave pattern,

where we go up in the beginning
and then we went down horribly.

And now we're just starting
to make our way up again.

- Sinusoidal.
- And we're gonna finish

on the top with $1 million. Yes.

Come on, Dad!

Yeah, who knows what I'm doing?

I don't know Roman numerals.

I did my best to figure out what
the Roman numeral would be.

I haven't looked at Roman
numerals since I was probably

in the tenth grade.

And that's like

He hasn't seen a Roman numeral
for a long time.

Gonna give it my best shot.

- No? Correct.
- Go back.

It was wrong, so I headed
back down the steps

to get another postcard.

- These are the steps? Okay.
- Okay.

- Oh, can we take this?
- Si.

- Okay.
- Road Block.

Okay. Oh, my gosh,
there's another team here.

We're still in it.

Maybe you and Dave
can work together.

I chose to do the Road Block

'cause it seemed like
it was mathematical.

And I'm really good
with that kind of stuff.

Me and math, you know...

we're not best friends.

You got it, Dad.
Come on, nail it.

Don't pull that Achilles
going up those stairs!

Oh, my gosh.

- Piazza...
- Piazza...

Via John Keats.

John Keats,
Unhappy Roman Holiday.

Piazza di, uh, Spagna?

Piazza di Spagna.

- Piazza Spagna, okay.
- Center.

Uh, center Rome. Grazie.

I knew we came too far.

I counted 135 steps,
and then I was running back down

asking anyone for help.

One, two...

And a "V" as in "Victor."
That's five.

- Oh, X-X-I-V.
- That's it!

"Hand it to the happy holiday
couple on the scooter."

Come on, Dave
and Jen, work together.

- Dave! Did you get it?
- Hey! Did you find anything?

Yeah, I need to try it.

Where's the happy holiday couple
on the scooter?

Caroline and Jen are great.

We've worked with them
for a few legs now.

They're smart girls.
That's what I've got.

We love Dave and
Connor more than anything.

- We love them.
- The bond will never break.

Hi! How are you?

Oh, thank you so much!

Thank you!

Okay... route info.

"Make your way on foot

to where this leg
of the race ends."

- Okay, here we go!
- You guys wanna roll?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Let's go!

Hey! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Ah, perfect. I missed the grip.

Road Block. You got that?
It's me. Yeah.

Do you know where
Via Flaminia is?

This street? Thank you.

We got pretty lost.
Um, now we're pretty far away.

So all we can do is hope

that we find other people
at the Road Block.

Wow, get on there!
Get on there!

Ah, very nice.

Caroline and Jennifer,
you are team number two.

- Oh, my gosh! Ohh!
- I can't believe it!

From last to second.

Way to go!

Dave and Connor, that'd
make you team number three.

And I love the way... Yay, Dave!

You let them take second place.

That was very nice of you.
You know what?

They have been such gems
to work with.

We love these girls.

You have to be
over the moon right now

considering you were
in last place.

We can't believe it!

It's near?

Yes, on the left.

- Where the clue box?
- Right here, right here.

Look at that. Here we go.

You got it.

I'm good with "X," "V," and "I,"

but the rest of 'em,
I'm not sure about.

Find somebody that knows
something about Roman numerals.

Do you know what number this is?
Do you know what year this--

- "M," this would be 1,000...
- Yeah?

- I-V. I-V.


- Yeah.
- Sweet, thank you so much.

You're welcome.

- Si.
- Ha! Yes!

That is frickin' awesome.

Hey, hey! That's my runner!

- Ready to get out of here?
- Yeah. Take these here.

I really don't have a great
idea what's going on right now.

This could get interesting.

I have no idea about
Roman numerals.

That was something I--
may have slipped past me

in school, but...
once I got to the top,

I just started asking.

Anybody know how many total
number of Spanish Steps?

- You sure?
- Si.

All right, 135.


I have no idea.

- Jet and Cord...
- Yes, sir?

You're team number four,
you're still in the race.

- Yes!
- Thank you, sir.

- That's not bad, right?
- No.

Holding on
to the Express Pass this long

I think has been huge for us.

From the very next leg, we
have to play the Express Pass,

but then, on the other hand,
I think that we've got

the bull's-eye on us.

So we're gonna
have to beat everybody

the next leg of the race.

That way, we don't get
U-turned at all.

- Number four, we did.
- Yeah.

Right now, we're en route
to the Spanish Steps.

And we've got our fingers

We got kind of like pushed
all over town at this point.

I mean, we drove all over,
ran all over,

so we're hoping
other teams did, too.

We feel like we're in last.

It's not a good feeling
when you don't see anybody else.

But Caroline and Jen still
have their Speed Bump, so...

hopefully the Road Block
is really, really hard.

How many steps? 136.

All right, I'll it again.


Do you know how many steps
this up here?

- 138.
- 138.

I'm just gonna go and try.
You sure that's it?

- Yeah.
- Pretty sure?

I don't know anything
about Roman numerals.

I'm back!

This is crazy.

You got it, Flight?

I'll try it one more time. Damn.

Hopefully there are
more teams behind us, but...

you never know at this point.

You only can hope for the best.

People are telling me...

how many steps there are,
but nobody really knows.

I don't think I can
figure it out.

Hopefully, it'll be right.

Otherwise, I'll
keep going up and down.

- Right here, Leo.
- Go, go, go, go.

Thank you, thank you.

I'm gonna do it! Comin'!

How many steps?

I have no idea
what place we're in.

All I see is Flight Time
and Big Easy.

I'm really nervous right now,
'cause, you know,

we went from first
probably to worst again.

I'm really nervous--
I haven't felt like this

all this race yet.

How many steps y'all got?

Well, it's based off
what this date is...

right here. She says the MA-X.

- It's based off the date?
- Yeah.

Oh, there's another team.

John and Jessica
just got here, Jamal!

Oh, my God. Thank God.


- Here it is.
- Okay.

- I think you should do it.
- You want me to do it?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Okay.

Count the Spanish Steps.
Here I go.

Come on, Jamal!

I counted the
steps, and I counted 136,

and I wrote that down.

What is the year on it?

We need the year on it.
The year right there?

- That's 1789.
- Yeah, 1789.

- "M-C-M-X-X-V."
- Yeah.

Okay, I'm gonna try this.

- No.
- No?


- That would be 1924.
- Okay...

- Try this one.
- Okay.

This-- some local
said it's common knowledge.

- 135.

Hopefully, this is it, sir.

I love you so much!

Thank you so much. Thank you.

Thank you guys so much.
Good luck!

Look, look, look!

- You go it?
- Hell, yes!

- Yes!
- Yeah! I'm outta here!

You can help John if you want.

Yeah, let's help them, dude.

"Make your way on foot where
this leg of the race ends

and the Via Flaminia begins."

Okay, we'll help you guys

as long as you guys
don't beat us!

And you guys--
And don't Uturn us.

- We will not U-turn you.
- Is there anyone behind you?

I-- probably, right?

- I don't know.
- I hope.

- Flight Time!
- I'm comin'!

- You got it?
- No.

Give it to him.
Just give it to him.

What is it?

- You guys don't U-turn us?
- You guys don't beat us.

You guys aren't gonna U-turn us?

- No, no, no.
- The girls aren't even here.

- Take it.
- Good luck, guys!

That's when we heard

that maybe the Country Singers

hadn't gotten to
the Spanish Steps yet.

They're not gonna U-turn us.

And it's gonna go
a long way, man.

- It's probably right there.
- Go in, go in!

Let's go, let's go!
Hurry, Flight!

I gotta get another postcard.

I got the answer, I wrote
it down on the piece of paper

that I had, but I had
to run down the steps first

to get an empty postcard.

Okay, someone's behind you.

I'll say it
if you make me say it.

Thank you.

- That's it, John.
- All right.

Ha ha!

Jamal, you da man!

"Warning: Last team
may be eliminated."

Let's go. Let's get this lead
on them. Come on!

They behind us!
They right behind us!

We got it! Let's go.

John, run!

Where are they going?
They're there.

We can catch up
to the Globetrotters.

Let's keep a jog! I know you
tired with all that stuff!

John, John, John! Let's stay
positive, we got this.

They got it! Hurry, man, go!

It's right there,
Jess, straight ahead!

Good job, eh?


Turn around and get
these guys running-- foot race.

Yeah, let's do it!

Yeah! Come on, John.

Faster! Come on, Johnny!
Come on, John!

- Let's go, let's go!
- John, hurry, hurry!

Flight Time, Flight Time!

- John, come on! John!
- Jess!


She almost got us!

Came out of nowhere, didn't she?

She came out of nowhere!

Yeah, she caught us!

Leo and Jamal,
you're team number five.

Flight Time and Big Easy,
you're team number six.

Jessica and John,
I am sorry to tell you

that you are the last team
to arrive...

and you have been
eliminated from the race.

This race has been
so super competitive.

I don't know if
we've ever had a season

where teams are this close
running into the mat.

John, you gotta feel
some comfort in knowing

that you guys really came out
and ran against

some really strong teams.

I think for, you know,
both Jess and I,

it really was an incredible
experience for both of us.

And I couldn't be
more proud of Jess.

She's really pulled that team
a long ways through this,

and she's
an incredible woman, and...

somebody that I'm very lucky

to spend
the rest of my life with.

I want an invitation
to that wedding.

- Okay.
- I'll DJ.


Jessica and John,

thanks very much
for coming on the race.

- Thanks, Phil.
- Sorry to see you go.

Okay, let's go.

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